#and they arent in contact w one another bc of it and she feels bad about it so sad </3
pcktknife · 2 years
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splat idol made w the idea of there only being one of instead of standard 2+
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holycalf · 3 years
i started watching sku bc of your blog (and i really enjoy it!) but i dont get why you seem to like shiori but not ruka....i mean it seems like his intentions were a lot better than hers ever were tbfh am i missing something? not saying he went about things GREAT but....at least he actually seemed to care. shiori was just a bitch for the sake of being a bitch it seemed like...
hi! im glad ure enjoying it! it can definitely be a lot at times, and i think the first 12 eps can rub ppl the wrong way so props to u for getting thru those (even tho i liked em :) ) this is gonna be long so if u feel like reading an essay feel free to read under the cut
um.. i dont really know where to begin tbh? i mean you cant really talk about any of these characters without talking abt the other two so.... this is gonna be long.
so lets take shiori, who has a very classic case of internalized homophobia. which is confirmed by ikuhahras outtake on ep. 17 which states the following
 “I finally realized the truth. To think that she loved me back! What a miracle! But...‘The loser in love is the one who lets their heart be ruled by it.’Everyone's adopted a provocative attitude toward someone of the opposite sex that they like at least once or twice, to get that person to notice them. So it's okay if I do that.This love will crumble if we touch. But when people don't touch, the love eventually dies away .That's why I decided to keep your love prisoner. To make sure that you love me forever. That game will make our love ‘eternal.’ I'm sure of it.We were ‘lovers lost from the beginning.”
so shioris in love with juri. im not sure if thats something u caught onto or not but its definitely the quintessence of her character, and needs to be considered when we consider her against ruka- since its a shared affection. also, i just like shiori, i dont necessarily think shes GOOD i just enjoy watching her and she feels very raw. shiori has a crippling inferiority complex, you can even tell through off handed conversations with her friends in hallways she exaggerates her stories to be more liked. juri is someone who has things come easy to her, and doesnt even really seem to care or notice. in the shows canon shes: liked by the student body, liked by teachers, admired by men (and girls too), academically inclined, good at bowling, captain of fencing club (and likely the most talented duelist- since shes the only one utena never properly beats) and a MODEL?????????? and shiori, at least in her own eyes, is painfully mundane. growing up next to someone who seems to have everything go in their favor, all of the while youre harboring having feelings for them (and jealous that youre among SO many suitors) is so frustrating! especially when you dont believe to have any at all. the elevator sequence when she discovers juris locket is a bit of a power trip for shiori, and also just a sort of confusion. shioris “why do you look at me like that?!” when she considers juri mid breakdown is a clear reflection of her own confusion, she may as well be saying “how could you possibly love me?”...but that was the black rose arc which all got undone anyways- so by the time we see shiori ruka arc she doesnt even know juris got the hots for her. when she first sees ruka, shes staring at juri first and only zeroes in on ruka once she hears people talking abt him. she takes ruka the same way she did that boy in middle school because he seems to be something coveted by the girls around her, its a very closeted gay girl move to decide to go for a boy just because other girls are into him... and it definitely helps that hes in such close contact w juri...he could easily be the one stored in that locket of hers, so why not take him? 
so then we have ruka, who the entire time we watch him is smug, condescending, and genuinely one of the most unpleasant characters on the show. by the end we learn hes in love with juri, so maybe this persona was embellished to push her towards revolution to “free her from shiori” or whatever but.... sorry i dont care LOL! the way he treated shiori ALONE was enough for me to dislike him, there was NO need to tear apart and embarrass the girl like that. he took clear advantage of her crush on juri. his locker is seen right next to juris, and shiori is pressed up against one of the two lockers, but we arent shown which,  “after all, that wasnt my sword,”....he knows shiori has been going to juris locker (and potentially polishing her sword but who knows. all we know is that she goes to juris locker.) and it is later revealed hes extra certain of her feelings because upon publically dumping her (another dick move) we hear her kinda stutter “I love you more than.... I love you more than anyone else” shes clearly beating around a bush because theyre in public, hes pinpointed she and juri are both into eachother, and instead of being a normal ass guy about it and just SETTING THEM UP and telling them to work their stuff out he chooses to, “out of love”  assault juri, emotionally manipulates the girl juri is in love with,  then inadvertantly cause juris locket to break which upsets her so deeply she forfeits her duel with utena. and upon that locket breaking he has the AUDACITY to think hes somehow freed her from something... when the girl is breaking down crying in the rain (the first and only time we ever see juri cry...even if its implied she does it in the shower that one time lol).......then just???dies??? like all he does in his time on the show is cause problems and die, all because he couldnt get over his feelings for a lesbian.... it just feels SO gross to me that he hides his assault and general abuse (can we talk abt how he likely took shioris virginity, JUST to break her down???) behind some icky hero complex
PLUS we see shiori at the end of that episode realize shes in that locket while juri is dueling, and we see her run up to juri at the end of the ep and it doesnt look malicious, it feels very...resolutiony? esp when you put it next to the miki/kozue closing scene of their car arc duel, which is explicitly bad terms, this feels more hopefully....suggesting some part of shiori has at least changed. ruka never got that luxury, he completely exploited two girls in order to add dramatic flare to his last few days and felt valid in doing so..... shiori never seemed to think her actions were JUSTIFIED.....which is sort of the point of the black rose arc where shiori is arguably at her worst........... the very ugliest part of ppl are brought out in those elevator sessions so thats what we see of shiori? 
sorry for the essay!! but i hope this helps and make sense :-) feel free to ask any more questions u have abt the show, and i hope u continue enjoying it! im assuming ure still watching it, i dont know how far u are but if u JUST finished 29 then that means ure getting to some of my fave episodes! (33,37,39 :) ) 
tl,dr: shiori never assaulted anyone
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nyndelion · 4 years
hmmm... mob psycho 100, serirei and shou! you don’t have to do all of them ofc
im doing all of them bc i love them ah
001 | Mob Psycho 100
Favorite character: this is so difficult, dont make me choose.... anyway, top three: Shigeo, Teru and Reigen
Least Favorite character: any adult character that feels like its ok to brutally attack teenagers??????? i dont think thats ok even if they are espers.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): serirei, terumob, ritshou
Character I find most attractive: hhh serizawa and reigen bc im gay :-)
Character I would marry: well ok first of all i dont wanna marry irl but.... serizawa
Character I would be best friends with: almost all of them!! i think i would vibe with Tome, i’d think of myself as her big sibling she could look up regarding lgbt stuff (along with reigen i guess)
a random thought: i was just talking w my partner about how mp100 changed our way to watch anime and i told them i probably wont bother to watch any other anime if it isnt as good
An unpopular opinion: mmh.... idk.... i think Matsuo should have been more explored as a character
My Canon OTP: is Serizawa canon enough? (this show doesnt have any relationships shown except for shigeo and ritsu’s parents now that i think about it)
My Non-canon OTP: this is tricky, how can you prove any of my otps arent canon?...
Most Badass Character: Clearly Shigeo has the biggest most raw powers, but he’s most badass in his character development i think, in the way he sees the world, how he as a main character manages to skip all the “i’m a misunderstood and lonely person bc of my powers” and realize he is the person he is bc he has people around that loves and cherishes him as he is, and that way he feels compelled to be good and kind and the best version of himself.... Epic. Also Reigen is badass bc as ridiculous a character he is, with dubious morals and a lying habit, he is a good person overall and also would die for his loved ones. And idk how he can get away with everything tbh, my mind explodes anytime he twists words and ends up winning arguments, like sir... thats a mad skill right there
Most Epic Villain: Shigeo’s hidden emotions could count as a villain? idk
Pairing I am not a fan of: anything creepy and Bad .... you know the ones.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): idk really, i cant think of anyone. But i remember i was thinking how there arent a lot of female characters, even if the ones it has are super amazing and good... i would like if there were more, and also more explicit nonbinary characters as well... and explicit trans and gnc ones if we are here already...
Favourite Friendship: the entire Body Improvement Club! they all are precious and good pals.
Character I most identify with: Shigeo and Serizawa
Character I wish I could be: sometimes I wish i was as eloquent as Reigen, but then i remember separation arc and its like... no sir. I guess I’d like to be Serizawa to have a job i am good at where the people there know my struggles and are committed to support me through it
002 | Serirei
When I started shipping them: like a month and a half ago? I thought they were cute together a lot of time ago, but it was when i started hardly hyperfixating on mp100 when i was like *eyes emoji* over serirei. Watching the OVA and then reading the manga and all the theories supporting the thesis that its a slow burn coworkers to friends to lovers made me go ♥♥♥♥♥♥
My thoughts: they are dumbasses in LOVE
What makes me happy about them: their interactions overall are priceless, they balance each other a lot and give each other a sense of purpose and stability. Also, i project a little on serizawa and reigen is... y’know.... a flamboyant kind of dude.... which is my type, so.....
What makes me sad about them: the angst when thinking reigen could doubt his feelings or actions around serizawa, worrying over he isnt manipulating him into thinking he is in love, and serizawa thinking he isnt enough for reigen bc he is too nervous about not having enough relationship experience.....
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when they picture them realizing they have feelings for each other bc they are jealous thinking they could be dating other ppl. I am polyamorous so i Do Not vibe with this trope At All
Things I look for in fanfic: pining... longing.... yearning.... then kiss... fluff.... thats enough to make me cry tbh
My wishlist: (idk what this is about so im skipping hh)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: idk??? there arent many other characters they have that many chemistry...
My happily ever after for them: they start a thematic restaurant together! bc reigen loves cooking and with their success in Spirits & Such he decides to become a chef and Serizawa works with him, while also attending people’s troubles with spirits. They keep their contact with Shigeo and the rest of the kids and go on trips with them often. They see them grow up and become good people that go after their dreams, and are there for them if they have any trouble or are going though a rough patch.
003 | Shou
How I feel about this character: I feel like i have to protect him, but i guess he wouldnt accept it xd it makes me sad he has such an awful dad, and that it will probably lead to suffering to him as he grows up, bc that kind of abuse can really fuck you up, specially when you have to act like an adult to your parents at such a young age
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: ritsu! they just click together, and i love how their relationship is depicted as super funny by other people. They are best friends first and over all, but also are in love.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Its more of a headcanon but with Serizawa! I think he would get protective of Shou and try to check up on him from time to time, but Shou would do the same for him bc he is worried at how his dad treated him and the thing he said the last time they saw him. But actually they are projecting their own need to be protected on the other, so it ends up being kinda messy, but then they become friends and are able to laugh and do other stuff that doesnt include talking about Shou’s dad and Claw
My unpopular opinion about this character: i refer to him as redhead goku instead of jonny test xd
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that his feelings about his dad were explored more deeply, and also the thing i said before about Serizawa, i think that would have been spot on and could be a character development thing for both
Favorite friendship for this character: Ritsu!
My crossover ship: .... sasuke?
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transrightsjimin · 5 years
went out for dinner w my parents and it was surprisingly fun! they treated me bc i graduated andv moved out. they also gave me a powerbank, a rly heavy one w 0 information on what the capacity means or what devices u can plug it into but it works for my phone and i think its very sturdy so im happy! i have another powerbank (plus some fragile, broken ones from work) but this one looks like it can charge many more times so it can be nice for travelling. the food at the vegetarian restaurant was also delicious. i think they had only 2 or 3 main courses but all the mediterranean mezze my mom nd i had was delicious like i liked almost everything in it and we talked abt my moving out and work and Pride and commercialism and abt cops and some more politics and they clearly disagree on several things w me but they didnt start any discussions so it was fairly comfortable to talk. man ive felt so alienated lately bc i have just been working on school school school and then nothing nothing nothing and then work work work nd just NO irl social contact w friends (who are either busy, tired, or not interested) that it felt so strange to talk for hours w ppl and w ppl who arent my therapist, my autism supervisors, colleagues or my friend / housemate. i mean theyre still my parents so its still not like seeing good friends but i see them so few it made me a bit sad before. my moms chronic intestine illness is still acting up so fucking bad like there should be a certain thing in her (sorry tmi) feces that is at highest 120-150 for ppl w her illness but the level for her is TWELVE HUNDRED and it made her nd i so concerned and i hope she gets it checked bc like she said, she might have something else on top of her illness which she doesnt know abt. im just so worried for her and i wish i could help but i cant. she has so many illnesses and physical pains and disabilities nd takes so much medication that it's just incredible she's still alive w her condition and the worst thing is that i worry the most abt how ME and MY DAD will be mentally when she's gone (or when my dad dies from a third TIA for that matter) and i also worry abt me or my brother getting her illness, which runs in both sides of the family and just knowing theres a big chance ill get this illness that keeps me tied to the toilet and humiliated and in the worst pains and unable to work nd thus live on a shitty amount of welfare makes me so scared. anyway i made this a sad post but seeing my parents again rly was nice. its nice to think again abt conversations nd for once i dont feel like oh i shouldve said this or that bc we talked long enough to have multiple opportunities to say smth. maybe i was also rly glad to have social interaction bc my friend is on vacation. i hope ill do okah for the rest of the week w so much work and only one day where i meet my autism person.
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modernlcve · 5 years
little info dump of lizzie’s la muses
ADELAIDE LINDHOLM  :   they still need a last name but . whatever. i was gonna make her like really boring n a lil mean but. i changed me mind. she’s still uninterested in fame but im pulling her out of management she did it for like 3 years and then realized it brought her nothing but stress and pain so she quit and is doing temp work for the time being she’s trying to figure some stuff of her own out but deflects it onto still trying to boss around her siblings all the time. this sounded more interesting in my head. know it all, bossy, putting on a front of being in control of her miserable life
plots for her include  :  former clients she completely abandoned when she snapped, im working on more but sometimes... being a big sister is a full time job am i right girls
ALISON COLLINS  :  a woman at a crossroads . wants to follow her big artistic ambition of [redacted] but it just hasnt worked out for her yet so she’s teaching elementary art classes at a Hippie School to pay the bills til something comes her way , but its hard to be the edgy artist type when u got the school breathing down ur back and checking 2 make sure ur on the straight and narrow.
plots for her include  :  another big sister im ltrying to think of plots for but . sometimes things arent easy you know. she could have art circle friends who make fun of her for Selling Out and making pipe cleaner crafts for a living now
BRUNO VARGAS  :   i’m copy pasting the fc meme. he bought a “capitalism is unsustainable” sticker off of amazon. prime example of that “little confused but he’s got the spirit” meme. he threw himself into the social activism scene after he dropped out of college and ran away to the city to really make something of himself. he really wants to do good things for good reasons his heart is in the right place he’s just a dumbass. grew up in a traditional catholic military family but hasn’t had contact w them for a minute. lives in the fold because he thinks its cool 2 force people 2 hang out with him. works for an indie underground news publication.
plots for him include  :  yeah  maybe i am still stuck on the boyfriend/girlfriend plot. im not married to it being bf n gf if it just works 2 be 2 gfs or 2 bfs anyways. plot would be that one partner bruno has had longer and has openly been with for a minute now. second partner would be more recent and bc of that less of the whole official We’re Together :) kind of thing. both partners would know he’s seeing other people, but he hasnt gone out of his way to specifically out either of them, p2 just knows about p1 bc they were openly w bruno whereas they arent yet. if that makes literally any sense
COLE EDWARDS  :  bit of a weirdo. she does something behind the scenes i was thinking like set design because thats something that weirdly really interests me. anyways shes a doormat but in a different way than molly could be read that way she really just likes to be involved in things and help people. ~quirky~ but one day , she will snap. u can tell when u see her at craft night and she gets so much hot glue on her hand but doesnt even react. its like she cant feel it... feel better cole...
plots for her   :  cole could work for laguna beach or as the mystery novak stepsib im not married to her being on the show or not yet. i figured she could be fun there because she would be a light addition to all these Reality Tv Bastards u know. her bg and plots will fit whichever subplot i use her for so . tba
HOLLIS MESSINA   :   kill him NOW .   hollis is a bad man. not to godmod michele but in my head their parents are also like weird arsty types not necessarily famous but always very into the arts all thru their childhood. they grew up eating a lot of kale and maybe thats why hollis is the way he is. he’s vapid and very insecure because he wants so bad to be cool and funny and talented and suffers from major impostor syndrome which contributes to his online shopping addiction. take a nap hollis...
plots for him  :  we know im always looking for a plot where my musician writes a song about how crusty their ex is and their ex doesn’t appreciate it, or in general just maybe someone who got past the Phony Fakeass Cool Hollis act but then he decided to be very mean to them because soemtimes it hurts to let people in
JAMES ZAMORA   :  instagram model and youtuber. new media thot. she makes beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and travel related content. her entire brand is being A Sexy Little Trollop for people to envy. came from humble beginnings believe it or not, but she will never tell anyone that. as far as they need to be concerned shes been toddling around in heels since day one. lives in the fold because it makes for quirky content but once a month she threatens to get the hell out of here.. no one knows why she stays..
plots for her  :  frankly between the Novak Boyz and the mean girl squad im happy w her plots for now but shes always around to *cheryl blossom voice* create a little chaos if needed...
MOLLY SEKULIC   :   for the first week he lived at the fold noah thought she was a ghost :0  jadede film school student who thought she would get to do real documentary work at a place like b*zzfeed news but got put on projects shes not as passionate about 2 put it kindly. constantly planning her escape from the fold and worth it and all of that but 2 depressed to actually put any of it into play so she just sticks around and hopes one day she’s tapped for something with Substance
plots for her  :  she just doesnt get out much. shes got her Horrible sons (alec and [redacted]) and the girlies she hangs out with at the fold so shes not a completely friendless loser. with muses also working in film i think it could be fun to have a plot where they went to school together/worked on a project earlyo n together but now shes doing this and is embarrassed to talk to them abt it not that its even that real of a plot..
NOAH FITZGERALD  :  i wrote an intro for him in fold and im just gonna link it here. tldr hes very shy,, be gentle,, he wants to be liked and validated which is a common theme for me becuase yeah maybe in my core i dont believe anyone pursuing art does it for any reason but validation i sure know i do 
plots for him  :   he’s got a little going on but other fun stuff could be musicians he jams with that could catch onto his and bradys Scam, maybe some other dorks to commiserate with ive obvisosuly not got as many ideas as i let on huh,
WYATT SONG   :   gay writer bitch. came from money so he’s just casually pursuing writing full time minus the time he spends on the show (bit less than everyone else just because watching him sit in his home office and do nothing for hours just isnt interesting) but i kinda like the idea of him being a Villain within the show like idk what dynamics we were wanting to set up but i feel ike since he’s more reclusive than the others and when he is around hes Annoying he could be someone the show kinda frames as Not Likable which mostly doesnt bother him but . stings a little
plots   :  someone whos really nice 2 him off cam but plays to that villain thing on cam, which could work for a few muses on different levels like a friend whos just flighty to someone he’s ~ secretly dating ~ bc it would mess up the current plot of the show if they were fucking just yet
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nieloxychen · 5 years
time to ramble abt a weird and super real feeling dream i had that ill now try to make a story and multiple ocs out of
important: takes part across several worlds with one single connecting character. most of the ocs exist in the last, most recent world (that main oc tries his fucking best to stay in bc its actually not a complete dumpster fire)
main oc is tito (he/him, they/them, it/its on occasion)
world 0 - 
doesnt remember much
his origin
died in a car(?) crash somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
world 1 -
 wakes up semi corporeal somewhere in a desert next to a broken down rv
something bad (not defined yet) happened and a young woman is hiding in the rv from the sth bad that happened
shes looking fr her sister
tito cant help but help her out and they look for her together since 2 is better than 1
she has been looknig for help for a while
no one has been willing to since she thinks her sister is in the middle of the bad thing
(also the big city. lots of gross stuff everywhere, lots of ppl trying to murder)
no one wants to go there
they go together and nearly die a lot
both get infected w a strange illness
shes geting better, hes slowly dying
they find the sister (why she was there idk yet) and tito basicly sacrifices themself so the sisters can escape the bad thing
badly wounded he crawls away into an alley and breaks down next to some trash cans
(just remembered that somewhere in this world there was like a hill made of grey bodies all weaved together and like tunnels in there and the arms were moving and shit what)
colour here were mostly grey and brown
world 2 -
wakes up in an alley next to some trash
hears music, its a festival!! 
he goes to check it out, its a sports thing w like speed and stuff! 
seems like a nice place right? wrong. 
that sport is forced, loser gets sacrificed to big weird monster thing
 kind of a hunger games situation happens, he offers himself up so a parent isnt seperated from a child (just cant not help, its a bad decision and they get that but they just *clenches fist* hero comlpex a bit)
obviously looses, he doesnt fucking know the sport, what did he expect? 
BUT the infection from world 1 did sth to him? (superpowers kinda, has no clue what anything is or does) 
hes still affected by it somehow and is able to escape the ppl leading him to the monster thing to eat
finds out they picked a rando instead and feels bad
tries to save the rando
figures out monster thing is basicly a big fungus that uses ppl to carry spores 
-> the infection he carries infects a spore carries and they die immediatly
quick plan: infect fungus w a disease it is completly unkonw to
doesnt work, spore carriers actually are connected to fungus, its building anti-bodies
he dies in the sewers trying to escape the ppl feeding the fungus.
world 3 - 
wakes up in the sewers
THERS WERE-PPL!! dont change into any specific animal, but tend to have a favourite
theyre kinda nice, help them out, give them food 
they accidentally get infected through shenanigans (it was very non-specific in the dream yo)
tries to figure out both infection based power systems here, quicker to get the were-thing since ppl aroung them actually know what that is. everything else is just weird to everyone
also - possibility of first infection evolving through each world change? didnt notice powers in world 1, only some in world 2, more here?
BUT also very little time to try and figure shit out till now
very chill for a while, hopes they can settle down and maybe not die maybe
SURPRISE children are getting kidnapped!!
by who?? to where? why??? no fucking clue!!
so tito goes to help bc thats just what theydo by now fuck
gets captured, basicly forced to do what kidnappers want w threat of children getting killed (im just gonna say they were able to do them damage for a while before the kidnappers figured out who he is/ a weakness. there was no reason anywhere)
they find a hole in the command chain, go out in a blaze of glory, all the kidnappers are gone (as far as they know)
theyre also very dead and bleed out in the middle of a field
world 4 - 
flying vampires, flesh-goo ppl (idk, the pic i remember was a lady changing into a black-greyish flesh-goo to climb up 90° walls in a seond), theres slenderman maybe????? all kinda sorta want to kill tito for the reason of...
well there has to be a reason he keeps waking up in different worlds right?
but hes not super good at thinking and they dont stop to explain it so??
arent just trying to kill him though, theres also some old man theyre going after
helps the old man, is the grandchild (adopted) of some immortal lady
she is very thankful and gives him the gift of 3 very specific magic powers of his choosing (theyre like marbles and he has to pick 3)
1. Open any door anywhere (doesnt need to be connected) and just wish to go to a place (the more specific the better)
2. Change anything he wants to into a small marble though sheer will power. has to concentrate to keep the shape
3. basicly featherfall but more controlled. actually, more like steven universe floating powers
by now the first infection is basicly a magic system of its own but its all very instinct based. poor tito has no fucning clue
the colour here were very bright, lots of flowers and sunshine and stuff
and just a fucking slenderman flying behing dream-me, blasting through houses and trees and shit?
dies after being chased by flying slender-vampire and goo lady (wasnt fighting back bc they were proctecting sth? idk what though) in like an abandoned farmhouse
world 5 -
wakes up in farmhouse, theres a person!
ocs here we go
person is helke. shes nice but kind of scary sometimes. its mostly a joke for her though
she helps him get used to the world
his powers are by now vry fucking op. but there are SO many powers here too and she fills him in
silver minds: can sense things like weapons if theyre being carried w the intent to harm them or someone they want to look out for. can redirect them against their users, or just stop them alltogether. somewhat staticy voice when stressed, very cold to the touch. born this way
schalks: completly immune to mind intrusion based powers. somewhat of a pack mentality. cannot be located if they dont want to be, very selective in what contact they want. group together for social contact, and also: need contact to eachother bc they need to share excess energy between eachother or they kinda implode. infection based, 2 schalks can have schalk bbys but not often
werewolves: ya only wolves. helke is one! grow up in packs, but adults tend to seperate from larger packs to form their own. can change whenever, super strong always, also fast when changed. just really like raw meat yk? born this way, packs can be made up from basicly anything
more im gonna add, but these i remember. not including the names
basicly helke wants to start a pack and invites him to stay since she doesnt like being alone and wants to help, and ofc he wants to help her
they meet another young werewolf (i think. big fighty and a beard. might be sth else at some point) and he joins them. this is nikola
they meet a young girl, whos a silver mind and kinda running away from home bc bad home life. her names rita.
they invite her to join the pack, which she does and pack rules are kinda big so after proving themselves as reasonably good guardians for her shes officially adopted
she runs into a lonely (very lonely, kinda dying) schalk who lost contact to their group and the pack help them find their group.
their name is an
the group becomes kinda part of the pack, but the rest of the schalk group isnt a fan of big groups of ppl, so the 4 schalks and the 4-pack live in different locations
now /someone/ notices tito like how goop-slener-vamp did in world 4 and tries to capture tito (who was hanging out w rita while that happened.
thank fuck for marble magic, so rita is safe, tito can flee to the schalks (take us somewhere safe)
an turns tito into a schalk, so he wont be found anymore so now he has to kind of move between the 2 camps a lot
on their way to and fro they meet another kid called jacko (also running away, wont say why). is taken into the pack after more safety precautions
hes just a lil human, no magic nothing 
thats the story ig
tito - (he/they/it), roughly 25 (time is weird) not good at thinking, wants to be nice, wants to help, very op, kinda whimsical, very sweet person. DOES NOT WANT TO DIE AGAIN it sucks just want to be happy and make others happ, protective big sibling, everyone is their baby sib
helke - (she/her), 27 wants to help and have a big family/pack, big jokester, tries to be scary, only strangers will believe that, great at handywork and making every sort of meat food. also hunting. lumberjack vibe, chills w nikola, sports w tito, gmaes w kids
nikola - (he/him), 24 chill weed vibe. big fan of cleaning, lock your door if you dont want him to do your laundry. big into birdwatching. somehow in a pack w very intense or op folk which he finds a bit intimidating. doesnt realise hes also big intimidating. has gotten into 3 fights in his life but they were SCARY af, safe zone for tito, fun zone w tito
rita - (she/her), 15 good girl, can be kinda scary, very competetive, VERY COMPETATIVE, will draw hearts on your cast and help you and stuff, after having broken your arm, close w helke and tito
jacko - (he/him), 11 good boy, v shy, v opinionated. would have a blog if older. tried to make one but fled after 1 bad interaction. had to talk abt that a lot to understand it. arts n crafts boy, also climbing, looks up to nikola a lot
an - (they/them), 26 very quiet, thinks theyre right p much always, wants the best for everyone, but not super great at respecting ppls wishes. needs sense knocked into them every now and then. tries very hard. fails. plyam w leena and karim, not good w nikola
leena (she/them), 25, big into animals, big into food, big into random interest of the week. looses interest quickly though
karim (he/him), 26, big art, the one braincell between all the schalks (including tito bc omg BOY), draws creepy things on trees to fuck w ppl, prankster fuck
essek (he/they) 24, fashion and food, loudest of the schalks, goes into the city to get neccessities and general stuff, kinda crushing on tito, sib of karim
in general, the pack is very close. even an and nikola, but theyre kinda cold since an turned tito (tito is ok w it, nikola is big mad an didnt give tito an option, big fight 3, very fucking scary). but they do love eachother a lot, what ive noted were just the stand outs.
same w the schalks, theyre very close but i havent had any of these long enough to get a super good feel on the relationships between eeryone
but i love them already
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tenseiga · 7 years
whole bunch of sesshiro headcanons
 @dheerse​‘s beautiful oc whom i love
1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
i wanna say sessh gets into trouble more than hiro but he can also get himself out of trouble. hiro just kinda shakes his head
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
it’s hiro. absolutely
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
hiro’s really easygoing and likes most music. maybe sessh is more picky when it comes to what he likes but like. hes fine with it, he wont tell hiro to turn it off. (unless it’s musical showtunes and hiro is singing along)
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love
they dont do that. hiro is maybe more outwardly affectionate but they,.. dont do this.. it seems extra
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
do demons get gay married? i feel like marriage isnt a thing sessh cares about
6. What was their wedding like
a small, quiet ceremony. rin is absolutely exstatic, films the whole thing if it’s a modern au. she makes sure there’s flowers everywhere.
7. Is their friends/family supportive
yes. well. sessh’s mom is an asshole and thinks sessh deserves better than one of her guards, but sessh never talks to his mom anyway so it’s fine? all of sessh and hiro’s friends love and support them; if they didn’t they would just cut them out of their lives
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
hmmmmm this one is hard. when hiro’s having a hard time he likes physical contact. he likes sessh to be Close to him. when sess is having a bad time he isnt as touchy, he likes reassurance that hiro is There and wiling to listen to whatever he has to say, even if he’s not likely to say anything. he also likes if hiro fills the silence with talking. he doesnt really care when hiro’s talking about, he just likes listening. it keeps his mind off of things that bother him.
9. Which one dissociates
both lmao
10. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
i mean both but hiro catching sessh looking at him is very Amusing for me to think abt. sessh is zoning out and staring at a butt and hiro turns n laffs a bit then keeps indulgng sessh.
11. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
the forest. alternatively, in a modern au they share a sunny basement flat with a dog and rin
12. What do their dates look like
adorable,, cute, the best, a dinner date in a weird german restaurant where there’s fake trees in the room. they’re usually very casual and the first couple of times they go out together it’s hard to tell if it was a date or just a very intense Hang Out
13. How does each act when getting drunk
hiro’s an affectionate cuddly drunk. sessh kind of sits there? he’s having a fun time he’s just Quiet. i mean he’s always quiet but u know. if he’s really feeling comfortable then he lets loose but he’s never like. wild. he wouldnt dance on tables or sing karaoke or anything. that’s more of a hiro thing to do
14. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give kiss them
this is,, adorable. sesshoumaru
15. Have they saved each other's lives before
oh probably. i mean if not in the Physical saving from Danger sense then at least like. being there emotionally for the other has made them both Better Off because of it. also if it’s the canon verse then they’re Always getting into trouble and have probably had to fight things n shit so. yeah
16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
hiro loves astronomy and babbles on about stars. sessh loves it
17. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
if sessh feels like he Absolutely Needs to, but wont go out of his way to do it
18. Does one of them kinkshame the other
not really? they’re on the same page w kinks and arent into anything too weird
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
i mean sessh gets a lil dysphoric sometimes. hiro is good though he either distracts sessh or tells him he wont look this way forever. sessh appreciates.
20. Say they were cuddling on the bed while listening to record player playing the background. Which song is playing?
god i dont know......  i dont have a good taste in music dont trust me. something easy to listen to, and it’s really quiet. nothing pop. maybe an orchestral piece from a soundtrack?
21. What is their song? Like the song that gives them overwhelming feelings?
uhhhhh. see the above
22. What song do they listen to while going on a joyride
probably something out of the shrek soundrack
23. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
relaxing mostly? but i dont really see them as having a car for the most part
24. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon
a different part of the forest. maybe the beach. their daughter loves the beach and sessh really likes listening to the waves. good times 
25. Do people ever get annoyed of their pda
what pda
26. Would they live in the city or the country
in the modern au? city. in canon verse there are no cities
27. Which ones the red which ones the blue
neither. sessh is off-white and hiro is kinda dark green
28. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
hiro’s got the good ol’ bpd (gotta project somehow.. lmao) n sessh is depressed. idk if autism counts as mental illness? i dont think so? but w/ever thats here now too. it’s hard for me to describe how they help but they do
29. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
sesshoumaru. neck
30. Do they dance together
i wanna say yes but only when theyre V Drunk and hiro does not dance well
31. Do they sing together
nope, sessh will let hiro embarrass himself, but he’ll play no part in it
32. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
sesshoumaru cannot cook
34. Are they a reckless couple or safe
not sure what this means but they use seatbelts??
35. What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
uhhh hiro likes orgasm denial, sessh likes teasing him.
36. What would their valentines gifts be to each other
they dont really do valentines day but sometimes sessh would surprise hiro or vice versa with a nice dinner out
37. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up?
not really, if they do they’re very Little fights that only last like ten minutes. they barely even need to make up bc it was such a little disagreement.
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse
yes. both. both is good
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)
sometimes they gotta fuck outside against some trees. their first time starts as uhh the most gentle thing that’s ever existed, but then sessh gets impatient and things get Rougher and hiro was Not Expecting that & he’s pleasantly surprised. they have a Lot of diffrent kinds of sex? it’s not fair to say they’d only fuck in one particular way
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
drunk hiro would fight to defend sessh’s honour. sober sessh would want to stab someone if they insulted hiro. sessh can brush off insults but hiro sometimes takes things personally and they stick with him for a while & bring him down so sessh doesnt want that to happen
41. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again
idk brokeback mountain?
42. How would one react if the other was to die
why would u do this to me, just asking. hiro would start crying and Wouldnt stop. like ever. and im copy & pasting my response from the sessnara ask   sesshoumaru would freeze and go very quiet. he would be panicking but he would also be mourning already. like. steeling himself for what is to come. doesnt talk to anyone for days and barely sleeps
43. Who dies first
hi uhh. why would u make me think of this. hiro
44. Do they want kids
they’ve already got a daughter and a kind of son? is kohaku their son? we dont know
45. How would they spend their last moments together
..im assuming this is like. a “they’re about to die” context. they dont need to say anyhting, they understand each other. they’re holding hands or hugging but not kissing. hiro needs to be able to see sessh’s face and he needs to know sessh knows how much he loves him. sessh is trying to memorize everything about hiro so that when he’s reincarnated/in the afterlife he’ll be able to find hiro again
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