#and therefore do not understand why the lyrics of the ballad of zagreus in that game are so fucking goddamn funny
sapphire-weapon · 9 months
i've barely had time to check tumblr bc intro week at uni is keeping me busy asf but i opened the app now and THE HAIR COLOUR DISCOURSE IS STILL ONGOING??? how the hell do people think that light brown is blond. firstly most of this fandom has no media literacy and now they're nearly colourblind as well? pick a struggle omg also why would they want leon to be a blond man, let's all have some taste here
the part of me that has grandparents who fled the Holocaust gets very very uncomfortable about the insistence that Leon has to be/must be blonde against all logic, rationale, and visual evidence
and I know that that's not fair and I know that that's probably not what anyone means by it and I know that the likelier explanation is that these people are probably blonde themselves and just want their favorite character to share that trait with them
but that's where my brain goes
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