#and she refused to replace it and blamed me for destroying it intentionally instead
dustofthedailylife · 5 months
Atp, my favorite pastime activity is slapping rude customer supports some paragraphs in the face and reciting the legal norms when they're refusing to do what I legally have the right to get from them.
Because you're wrong bish and I know you are. Now do your thing - no matter how often you tell me you cannot do this - I know for a fact you have to do it. Don't mess with me.
Kind regards, your local law student (soon to be diploma lawyer) who takes no shit from you <3
They're usually really quiet really fast and do what I ask, as soon as I come around the corner with reciting laws *evil cackle* Studying law is absolute hell but the gratification you get from stuff like this makes it somewhat worthwhile.
9 notes · View notes
chickensarentcheap · 3 years
Never Gonna Be Alone- Chapter 19
Title: Control
Warnings: profanity
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud, @tragiclyhip, @miss-smutty, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @alievans007​
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“What the fuck is she doing here?”
They converse in harsh whispers as they seek refuge in the pantry. Using the excuse of wanting to prepare food and drink for their unwanted and unwelcome guests and then leaving them in the living room. They’ve been bickering back and forth for half an hour; arguing about the Sarge’s appreciation and approval of chosen furniture and decor and Michelle’s distaste of the ‘mix mash’ of colours and themes on the Christmas tree. Her voice is enough to drive Tyler over the edge. The way it picks up in both pitch and volume when she’s vehemently defending even the most pointless or ridiculous of things, the Midwestern twang that becomes stronger and more noticeable the more annoyed she becomes, the constant tinge of self righteousness and condescension. She’s the classic narcissistic; infamous for her staggering gift of gaslighting and her ability to make herself seem like the victim despite being the quintessential bully and walking definition of ‘mommy dearest’. Through the five years they’d spent in Colorado, he’d tried his best to ‘mend fences’; extending the olive branch a handful of times in hopes of helping to both repair the relationship between mother and daughter, and create a bond between Michelle and her grandchildren.
They HAD reached a somewhat peaceful agreement; she’d attempt to tone down her hatred towards him and at least try and treat her daughter like a fully functioning adult instead of a hopeless, hapless child. But it had lasted all of three weeks; his involvement with Michael McMann and the subsequent threats against his family only caused the woman’s spite and hatred for him to grow. After that, she’d vowed to never forgive him for putting her daughter and grandkids in danger, and double downed on her belief that he ‘stole’ Esme away and somehow bullied and intimidated her into not only marrying him and giving him children, but returning to Australia. She refused to accept any responsibility for either her daughter’s struggles with mental illness or her horrible self esteem, and placed the blame solely on Esme’s shoulders; calling her weak and pathetic and insisting that she had married a horrifically abusive man and was simply too scared to leave him. He WAS a mercenary after all; he brutalized and killed people for a living. He was an alcoholic and drug addict; his brain unstable and volatile. His involvement in the job immediately made him a threat; he was strong and big and capable of tremendous and painful bloodshed. What would stop him from inflicting damage -or even death- on her?
“How the hell would I know? I’m just as shocked as you are. Not to mention totally embarrassed. My mother and step father know what we were up to; before you answered the door. I didn’t have any pants on! Just your shirt! They heard me talking about how you destroyed my underwear! Not to mention you’re not wearing a shirt and your back and ribs are clawed to shit and you’ve got the whole ‘just got fucked’ messy hair going on. Do you know humiliating this is?”
“I’m pretty sure they know we have sex. We have seven kids. I don’t think they’re going to be surprised that we fuck. For fun. Not just for procreating.”
“It’s one thing for them to know we have it, but it’s another thing for them to know we JUST had it. How the hell am I supposed to keep a straight face around them? When they know I just got done getting railed?”
“Imagine if they knew you got railed TWICE. And besides, us fucking? Them knowing it? That’s the least of our problems. Your mother...who I fucking hate more than I have ever hated anyone OTHER than my old man...just showed up on our goddamn doorstep. And she’s planning on staying.”
“Well, Sarge did say they’re staying at a hotel.”
Tyler’s eyes narrow. “That’s not what I fucking meant and you know it. But you know what? They’re damn lucky they DID get one. Because there was no way in hell I’d let them stay here. I’d pay for the hotel myself. What the hell, Esme? Why are they here? Did you know they were going to do this?”
“I never would have invited them here. And even if they HAD mentioned they were coming, I would have told you. I don’t want them here anymore than you do. I’m not the one blame for this.”
“I told you to call her back. Or text her. When it became clear that she wasn’t satisfied with your ‘thank you’ email and started messaging you and calling you, THAT was your chance. You should have got some fucking balls about you and talked to her. Did I not tell you? To get in contact with her? To avoid her escalating? Did I NOT say that?”
“You did,” she admits. “You DID say that. And I should have listened to you. I WAS going to call her.”
“After Christmas. When we got home. You should have done it days ago; when she started calling at all hours of the goddamn day. Did you really think she’d stop? That she WOULDN’T escalate? You know her. You know how fucked up she is. What did you think was going to happen when you kept avoiding her?”
“Not this!” She wildly gestures with both arms in the direction of the living room. “I didn’t know she’d just show up! There’s no way I could have known that. She always has a big thing at Christmas. It’s her chance to look perfect and come across as the most amazing mother and hostess ever. I didn’t think she’d ever give up the opportunity to do THAT. And why are you mad at me? This isn’t my fault!”
“You know what? It is. Because I told you to call her. So she’d stop her shit and leave us alone. And now look! She’s sitting in our fucking living room. On Christmas Eve. And how the hell did she even know our address? How did she know where we live? You can’t look it up on the internet; I made sure of that. So some asshole wanting a piece of me wouldn’t come after my family.”
“I don’t know how she found out. Someone must have given it to her.”
“Who would know? Riley? Riley would tell her to go fuck herself.”
“Maybe Riley told her dad and he let it slip somehow. I don’t know, Tyler. I don’t know HOW she found out. And yeah, maybe I should have grown a set and talked to her. My bad. But you being pissed at me is NOT helping. We need to be in this together. Not fighting and tearing each other apart.”
“I’m about five minutes away from totally losing my shit. You know what the last two days have been like. How I’ve been struggling. And now she’s here? If she ever wanted to give me a psychotic break, this would be her perfect chance. Just watch the son in law completely snap; prove to everyone just how big of a fuck up he really is.”
“You are NOT a fuck up. You never have been! And I know you’re struggling. I’m the one going through it WITH you. Do you think I wanted this? Do you think I want her here? That is the last thing I want! But she IS here. And there’s nothing we can do about it other than suck it up and get through this together! And you snapping on me is NOT helping! I’m not the enemy, Tyler!”
“I never said you were. I’m just saying that…”
His words trail off as his attempts at damage control are ignored. Her petite frame intentionally bumping into him as she steps away; frowning when he tries to grab hold of her wrist and she aggressively yanks her hand away. He chooses 'peace keeping' in favour of escalation; giving them both of a chance to cool down. And he leans against the back of the pantry door, arms crossed over his chest as he watches her furtive search for something to feed their surprise visitors. The shelves are packed; extremely well stocked and organized. And while they bear a wide assortment of goods, she hastily rummages through things as if there’s nothing suitable; tears welling in her eyes and her entire body tense and her hands shaking. And suddenly he no longer sees a grown woman in front of him; the love of his life, his spouse, the mother of his children. She’s been replaced by a desperate and broken little girl so hell bent on trying to impress her mother; driving herself to the brink of panic and anxiety trying to prove herself worthy to a woman that would rather she’d never been born. And it’s far more painful than any of his own issues; an ache that claws at his heart and forms a deep, empty pit in his stomach.
“I’m sorry." Stepping behind her, he lays his hands on her shoulders and presses a kiss to the back of her head. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I KNOW you’re not the enemy. And I sure as hell don’t ever want you to feel like I see you that way.”
“I know you’re going through a hard time and I know her being here is going to put you even more on edge. But I also know what will happen if we even attempt to kick them out.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t kick them out. It’s not like I’d say ‘get the fuck out and never come back’. I’d be a little more...tactful.”
“You think THIS is her escalating? Do you know what will happen if we even try to explain our way through things? Why it’s not a good time for her to be here? Do you really want to get into that with her? Considering all the things she’s already said about you? How she feels about you?”
“I don’t give a fuck what she says about me. Or how she feels about me. I don’t…”
“But I do!” She slams a jar down with even force to shake the other items on the metal shelf. Both her body and her voice tremble, and her chin and her lower lip quiver as she tries to hold back a threatening flood of tears. “I care what she says about you! I’ve always cared! Because it hurts! You’re my husband and the father of my children and you deserve so much better than that. And it fucking hurts when she says that shit about you!”
“Alright...easy now." Running his palms along her upper arms, he leans down to press a kiss to her temple; lips against the side of her head as both forearms come to rest along her collarbone. “Just breathe, Esme..." he draws her against him, squeezing as tight as her little body will allow. “...it’s okay…”
“I care what she says because I love you. Because I know what kind of man you are. Because I know what kind of heart you have and how much you love me and our kids. Because you’ve almost died for me. TWICE. Because she doesn’t know you like I do and she won't even give you a chance. And THAT hurts. To hear those kinds of things about the person you love more than you love yourself. Who SAVED you.”
“I never saved…”
“You did!” she interjects. “You saved me in every way a person can be saved. And you’ve been willing to die for me. Right from the start. And all she can do is hate you and talk shit about you and you have no idea what it does to me. What it does to my heart.”
“I’m sorry…” his lips brush her cheek, then settle against her ear. “...I never thought of it that way. I never thought about it hurting you like that.”
“I hate that she won’t even give you a chance. I hate that she looks at you like you’re some kind of horrible, evil person. That she treats our kids like garbage. I don’t care what she says about me. Or how she treats me. But when she does that to you? Or our kids? That shit kills me inside.”
“You’ve got to let it just roll off you, Me. Stop letting her have this power over you. Stop giving her that kind of control. It’s what she wants. It’s probably why she’s here. See how far she can push you. Try to break you. And I know you usually tell me not to react and keep the peace, but I don’t think I can. I won’t let her disrespect you. I don’t let ANYONE do that. So I can’t promise you that I won’t snap on her. I wish I could, but I can’t.”
She closes her eyes as she leans her head back against his chest; tips of her fingertips repeatedly gliding along his forearms. “I’m at the point where I honestly wish you would. I mean, maybe not go BATSHIT on her. I don’t want her calling the cops or child protective services. But I would seriously enjoy you going off on her within reason.”
“Baby, I will protect you from anyone or anything. I will stand up for you no matter what. You want me to flip my shit on her? I’ll do it. Want me to toss her ass out into the street? I’ll do that too. Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it. And I AM sorry,” he presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth, followed by her cheek and then her temple. “I didn’t mean to snap on you. That wasn’t fair. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m an asshole.”
“You can be,” she admits, and he loosens his hold on her when she turns around to face him. Hands falling to her hips and then sliding around to the small of her back, fingers laced together. “But it’s rare. That you’re like that with me. And I know you’re on edge. I know you’re going through some real bullshit. And believe me, I would give anything to take that away. To make everything better for you.”
“I know you would,” he presses his lips to her forehead. “And I’m serious; I’d do anything to protect you. Against anyone or anything.”
“I know. I’ve always known you would. Right from day one. Even then you were pretty intense. When it came to the whole watching over me thing.”
“Well technically it WAS my job.”
“You were getting some good benefits on that job.”
“They were pretty damn stellar, I gotta admit. Who needs dental or prescriptions covered? I’ll take the five days of hot sex.”
“You were very well compensated for your hard work. Actually, I think you were pretty spoiled. I think you STILL are.”
“I am not going to deny that.”
“I’m sorry too. I SHOULD have got a hold of her. I shouldn’t have waited. This is just a huge mess. But I honestly didn’t think she’d do something like this. I know she’s crazy, but THIS crazy? What are we going to do? We have our things that we do. With the kids. We have our own traditions for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We can’t just forget about it all. It’s what they’re used to. It makes them happy. And to be honest? It makes ME happy.”
“And we’ll keep everything the same. I’m letting her fuck things up. For the kids or you. We’ll just go on with it. Do what we’re used to. If she doesn’t like it, fuck her.”
“You just know the kids aren’t going to be happy. The boys and Millie are old enough to remember how awful she was to them. Millie still talks about the time grandma said she was a mistake because mommy and daddy weren’t married when she was made. And Tanner? Tanner had nightmares for three years about you going to hell because you got me pregnant out of wedlock.”
“Well in all honesty, I was probably already going there because of other things.”
She stares up at him pointedly.
“I’m kidding. That was a joke. Not a very well timed one, but…”
“And what if she gets on Nugget about being antisocial? About needing sensory breaks? About needing his safe place and his safe person? I can guarantee she doesn’t give a shit about Autism and won’t bother learning about it. I bet she’s even in denial about. That she’ll say something like ‘there’s nothing wrong with him other than your parenting.’.”
“She says something like that? I WILL toss her ass out onto the street. Literally. Talk shit about my kid AND my wife? That’s not happening in my house.”
“Then we have Declan. A bull in a china shop. You know she’ll get on his ass about being too loud and too hyper and too active.”
“He’s a kid. He’s eight. And he’s got red hair. Of course he’s wild.”
“What about Brooklyn? She looks cute, but she is all daddy and she’s a savage. She will pick up on my mother’s bad vibes and she’ll open her mouth and all hell will break loose.”
“Babe…” he unlocks his fingers and moves his hands to her hips; squeezing tightly and softly massaging. “...you are working yourself up even more and that’s the last thing either of us need right now. Take a breath. It’s going to be okay.”
“And then there’s Takota. Who is crazy shy and super sensitive and I already know he’ll hate her.”
“He’s in good company then. We ALL hate her.”
“You get her and all seven of them together? It’s a recipe for disaster. Especially the Tanner thing. Because TJ will go the fuck off if she even steps out of line with Tanner.”
“So what do you want me to do? Sneak the kids out of the house and replace them with imposters? Get the real ones back once your mom leaves?”
She sighs in exasperation. “You are NOT helping.”
“I think you need to calm down and just let shit take its course. Whatever happens, happens. We can’t predict what’s going to go down and stop it before it does. And you know what else we can’t do? Stay in here for the rest of the day. We went to look for food to make. We’ve been in here for half an hour. She probably thinks we’re in here having sex.”
“We SHOULD have sex. Really piss her off.”
“While I’d normally be right into it, I don’t think even I can get it up under these kinds of conditions. Your mother is kind of a mood killer. Remember how we barely had sex when we lived at her place? And then totally made up for it when we moved into the farmhouse?”
“I always thought you were saying no for other reasons. You always told me you were worried about ‘hurting the baby’.”
“You actually believed that?”
“You were very convincing. I thought maybe you were just super paranoid that something would happen to Millie. And that you suddenly got over it. You should have just told me.”
“The whole ‘honey, your mother’s voice makes me impotent’ wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have. So while I love you and I’d love to be able to bang the shit out of you right now and have you making the kinds of noises I know you’re capable of, it’s not going to happen. We need to get our shit together and deal with this.”
“You know what I was thinking? Never mind getting the kids out of the house. WE can sneak out.”
“And leave the kids with your mother? I know I hate her, but I love my kids and I would not do that to them. Now…” placing his hands on her cheeks, he gently turns his face up towards him. . “...we need to get out there before she comes and breaks the door down. You gonna be alright?”
“I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”
“I got you, Me. I always do. We’ll get through this like we do with everything else,” he presses a kiss to her brow, then to her lips. “Together.”
They make awkward small talk; brief snippets of conversation in between sips coffee and tea and nibbles of the assortment of finger foods Esme had prepared and laid out on the coffee table. There’s a lot that SHOULD be said; grievances waiting to be aired, hurt feelings dying to be brought to the surface, demands for both forgiveness and apology. But for the time being it’s nothing more than comments on the weather; the differences between the dry Colorado chill and the dampness that plagues the Eastern Seaboard. Five years have passed and no attempts have been made to heal both old and fresh wounds; Esme’s mother either in denial of her shortcomings and her responsibility in pushing her daughter out of her life, or simply refusing to accept blame or apologize for all the damage she’d caused over the years. For the most part she stays silent. Leaving it up to her husband to ask about the kids and life in Australia while she ignores the conversation entirely; spending her time glancing around at their belongings with a look of pure disdain. He even sees the way her entire body stiffens whenever he so as much shows Esme even the slightest bit of attention or affection; eyes narrowing and lips tightly pursing together if he gives her a reassuring smile or wraps an arm around her shoulders or presses a kiss to the side of her head. He knows the mother in law can’t stand it; any form of physical interaction between them or the way they’re so in tune with each other’s body language and facial expressions. Able to easily and effortlessly read each other’s awkwardness or nervousness and then doing their best to provide comfort and support.
He’s been hated since the very beginning. Viewed as the enemy who’d ‘stolen’ Esme from her family and somehow convinced her to give up her old life in favour of a new one with him; keeping her trapped by repeatedly getting her pregnant and intimidating and terrorizing her into staying with him. And while they HAVE had their issues and stumbling blocks, he’s never been THAT bad; refusing to follow in his father’s legacy as a domestic abuser and all around asshole. Even at his worst he’s always adored her; respecting her as the love of his life and the mother of his children. Any logical and rational parent would want that for their kid; someone who worships them and busts their ass to provide for them, who has proven time and time again that they’d willingly sacrifice their own life for theirs. But it’s never been enough. All the good going ignored yet all the bad being thrown in his face and used against him. And while he’s the first to admit he’s not perfect, he also knows that he’s not the monster even his own brain often makes him out to be.
“Do you still do what you do?” The mother in law addresses him, refusing to make even the smallest amount of eye contact.
“Not as much anymore. Now I have employees I send to kill people.”
Beside him, Esme clears her throat noisily and then reaches for a mug of tea that sits on edge of the coffee table. She’s been on edge since the moment she’d finally sat down beside him; nervously bouncing her leg up and down or swinging it from side, or chewing on her bottom lip or thumbnail. He’s done his best to step up and be her rock; tucking her into his side or taking her hand or running a palm over her hair. Little things that let her know that she’s safe. That he’s more than ready, willing, and able to protect her. And it gives him something else to concentrate on other than his own issues; caring for her forcing the dark and dire thoughts plaguing his brain to take a back seat.
Michelle tucks her chin into her chest and stares at him pointedly. “YOU have employees?”
“I own my own business,” he says, then wraps an arm around Esme’s shoulders and gives her arm a squeeze. “WE own our own business. We have for almost six years now.”
“A mercenary business?”
He nods. “A successful one too. Very successful, actually.”
“Tyler’s good at what he does,” Esme says, as she lays a hand on his knee and lightly squeezes; the smile she gives him one of love and pride. “VERY good at what he does. He already had quite the reputation before starting his own company. Now that he has? He’s extremely well known and extremely well respected and sought after. His guys are the best of the best. Second to no one. You won’t find people like that anywhere else.”
Her mother stares at her; a mixture of disbelief and disgust. “And you’re perfectly fine with that? Him having THAT kind of business? Making money by killing people? Or having others do it for him?”
“There’s more to it than that, Michelle,” he husband grumbles. “Way more to it.”
“That’s not all it entails,” Esme informs her. “It’s not just about killing. It’s about helping people. It’s about protecting them and defending them. It’s about doing what’s right. Just because you don’t understand it…”
“You’re right. I don’t. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand it now and I didn’t understand it twelve and a half years ago when you willingly ran off with a man that kills people for a living. That has so much blood and God knows what else on his hands.”
“That’s not all he did, mom. He didn’t just kill people. He’s saved a lot more than he’s hurt, believe me. But you can’t seem to grasp that because you’re too busy hating him for stupid reasons. I didn’t care that he was a mercenary. I was just as much as involved as he was. So stop making him out to be some kind of monster because you have some bullshit vendetta against him. Stop…”
“Let’s just try and calm down, okay?” Tyler suggests, his hand on the top of her arm as he pulls her into him; lips pressing against her temple, then her ear. “Just breathe, babe. No need to get worked up.”
“It’s typical of her, isn’t it,” Michelle snorts. “She’s always been over dramatic. Always blowing things way out proportion. How you’ve managed to put up with her for this long, I’ll never know. I’ll give you credit for THAT; being strong enough to hang in there. Mark sure wasn’t.”
“Don’t,” Esme warns. “Don’t you dare bring him up. Don’t you come into my house and sit here across from my husband and bring that piece of shit up.”
“He was a good man, Esme. You just couldn’t see that. You were too busy finding faults. It’s what you do. You get bored of people easily. Which is why it's extra shocking that you’ve made it this far. Twelve and a half years, seven children. Normally you would have pushed him away by now. I don’t understand the appeal, but you seem to. I guess whatever works for you…”
“You know what, it DOES work. WE work. And I know you hate that. I know you hate that I’m happy. That I got away. That I found someone that loves me. Someone that won’t let you control me and manipulate me and abuse me. That’s what it is, isn’t it. That’s why you don’t like Tyler. He doesn’t let you get away with your shit.”
Laying a hand on the side of her head, Tyler draws her even tighter into him, lips against her hair as he speaks. “I think you need to calm down, Me. Just try and relax, okay?”
“You really ARE brainwashed,” Michelle says. “You will defend him no matter what he does. No matter how much he drinks or how many pills he pops or how many times he puts you and those children on the back burner. You will always defend him.”
“I will. And you know why? Because he’s a good man, mom. He’s a good man and he’s a great husband and he’s an even better father. Only you don’t see that side of him. You’ve never been able to. You REFUSE to see it. You refuse to see how much he loves me and his kids. How he’d do anything to protect us. How he’s so willing to lay down his life for mine. You don’t see any of that. Because you don’t want to.”
“Why don’t you get some air?” Tyler suggests. “You’re getting a little worked up, babe. Just go and take a few minutes and…”
“I WILL defend him,” Esme continues. “I will ALWAYS defend him. I will defend him until my last breath. And you know why? Because he would do the same for me. He HAS done the same for me. No questions asked. So don’t you care come into my house and disrespect my husband like this. I spent years letting you walk all over me. And I refuse to let you try that shit now.”
Wrapping his fingers around her upper arm, Tyler gets to his feet; pushing into the soft flesh as a silent request for her to follow. “We’re going to go and step outside for a bit. Neither of us do very well when people just show up on the doorstep. And she’s a little on edge; Christmas always stresses her out.”
“It’s not Christmas,” his wife argues. “It’s her! It’s always her! And she just keeps pushing me and pushing me…”
His hand moves to the back of her neck, effectively steering her towards the front hallway. “Let’s go and get some air. You’ll feel better if you do.”
“Only thing that’s going to make me feel better is that bitch out of my house,” Esme mutters, as she shoves her feet into her beloved -and hated, by him and the kids- Crocs as he opens the front door and gently pushes her outside. Smirking when he hears The Sarge laying into the mother in law; accusing her of being insensitive and intentionally ‘stirring the pot’ and to stop acting like the victim when she’s the one that’s ‘doling out the bullshit’.
Stepping out onto the porch, he allows the door to shut behind him, then lays his hands on his wife’s shoulders. “You need to calm down.”
“I can’t do this.” She shivers in the cold; arms folded across her body and her hands aggressively rubbing her biceps. “I thought I could. I thought I could keep my shit together; get through the next couple of days. I can’t even last two hours! Here I was worried that you’d be the one to lose it! Yet I’m ready to throw her out the front window!”
“I need you to take a breath and calm down. Don’t let her do this. This is what she wants. She wants to get under your skin and she wants to ruin things for you. Don’t give her that satisfaction, Me. You just give her power when you do that.”
“I can’t help it. She just gets under my skin and she keeps digging away and digging away. Until I can’t take it anymore. And she knows exactly what buttons to push! She knows the more she shit talks you, the angrier and more defensive I get. She knows that’s my weakness. In the same way that shitty people know yours is me and the kids. It’s why she does it; to see me squirm and get worked up and eventually snap.”
“Which is why you need to settle the fuck down.” He runs his palms along her arms, vigorously rubbing against the chilled skin. “Don’t let her do this. Don’t let her screw things up for you. For US. That's what she wants. She spent five years trying to tear us apart. She tried ruining what we had every chance she got when we were in Colorado. And if you let her get under your skin like that? You let her do that? You give her all the power. That’s what she wants. That control. Don’t fucking let her win.”
“I can’t stand when she talks about you like that. I know you have thick skin. I know you can take it. You don’t let it bother you. But think about what it feels like when someone talks shit about me. Or disrespects me. Think about how that makes YOU feel.”
“I hate it. It hurts. Makes me want to hurt them right back. Physically, usually.”
“You know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out of your chest and stomped on. Well that’s what it's like for me, too. When she starts in on you. It hurts. Because I know who you are and I know much you love me and our kids and the lengths you’ll go to take care of us. To protect us. I’ve seen you on death’s door. TWICE. Because of me. Because you’ve always been so willing to sacrifice yourself for me. So when she starts on her bullshit…”
“She’s never going to see me the way you do. Hell, I don’t even see myself the way you do. But she’s another story altogether. You KNOW what she’s like. You know the hate she has for me and why she has it. So why do you let it bother you THAT bad? Just let it go in one ear and out the other, Me. Take it from the source.”
“I’m not like you, Tyler. I can’t just turn my feelings off like that. I’ve never been able to.”
“I don’t turn my feelings off. If I could, do you really think I would have busted my ass twelve and half years to get you out of Dhaka? If I was able to turn them off, I would have left you and Ovi behind and I would have saved myself. And I sure as hell wouldn’t have gone through what I did FIVE years ago. I don’t turn my feelings off and you know that. I take it from the source, babe. And her? She’s not worth my time. I don’t give a fuck what she says about me. She’s doing it to be petty. She wants power. She wants control. I won’t give it to her. And you shouldn’t either.”
“I don’t think I can do this. Just let her walk all over me. Say shit about my husband. About my kids! I can’t just sit back and listen to that shit. I just can’t.”
“So stay your distance from her. As much as you can. Avoid being alone with her. Try not to get cornered into that kind of conversation with her. I will have your back no matter what. You know that. Tell me you know that.”
“I do. I DO know that. In the same way I have YOURS.”
“I don’t need you to defend me. Or protect me. Not against her. I've gone up against bigger and better and I’ve lived to tell about it. But fuck with family? Disrespect my wife? That’s not going to happen. And you need to trust me to be the one to handle things IF they get out of control. Can you do that? Trust me?”
“I always trust you. I always HAVE. With my life. With our kids’ lives.”
“It’s going to be alright.” He rubs his hands against her upper arms, then tucks her hair behind her ears and cradles her face in his palms. “I need to get your shit together, okay? I need you. To be my wingman. Or woman. I can NOT deal with your mother and eight kids all my own. There is no way I can survive that. So you think it can keep it together? For my sake?”
A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. “I think so.”
“Because those kids are going to be home soon and your mom being here is going to throw them off and who knows what kind of shit show is going to go down. Don’t bail on me, Esme. I need you. In more ways than one. In EVERY way, actually.”
“Finally admitting it, huh?” She chides. “Only took you twelve and a half years.”
“I know you’re going to try and argue with me, but I need you a lot more than you need me.”
“I don’t think…”
“Nope." He pecks her lips to silence her. "Not gonna listen. Not even going to give you the chance to finish that sentence. Because you know I’m right. You always talk about how brave and strong I am? Me, you’re the bravest and strongest person I know. That I’ve EVER known. The things I’ve seen you go through? Willingly? The things I've seen you deal with in the past twelve and a half years? The things you've done? Especially for me? There is no one on this earth that’s stronger than you, believe me. And you have no idea how much I really do love you. How much I actually do worship you and respect you."
“It’s only Christmas Eve and you’re already going to make me cry. Don’t you usually hold off until Christmas Day? When you do something so incredibly sweet and romantic and amazing?”
“I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve,” he grins, then tangles his fingers in her hair and gently tugs her head back; lips softly pressing against his forehead. “Just stick with me, kiddo. You’ll be alright.”
“I remember you saying those exact words to me. At Gaspar’s house. In the guest room. After we…”
“It wasn’t RIGHT after. And I was being an asshole. Because you made fun of me because you said I had gray hair in my beard.”
“I didn’t make fun of you. I said it was sexy. That it would look distinguished if the whole thing went gray.”
“Old. You said I’d look old.”
“Well I MEANT distinguished.”
“Sure you did.”
“And look, twelve and a half years later, and you still have the same amount of gray in your beard. A little more in your hair, mind you.”
“All those gray hairs? They all have your name on them.”
“You can complain all you want. You can bitch and moan that I’m stubborn and I’m difficult and that I’m a huge pain in your ass. But you’d miss me if I was gone.”
He hates the feeling of dread that creeps in at those last three words; so simple and said in a light and playful way, but sending a chill that seems to borrow through his bones and travel right to his very soul. It’s his worst nightmare; facing a future without her and struggling to stay on the straight and narrow for the benefit of his kids. His old vices would return with a vengeance; the booze and the pain meds and suicidal tendencies. And then he’d lose any and all remaining links to her; his children torn from him because his demons and weaknesses would somehow overpower his love for them. But he manages a smile for her sake; never wanting her to realize just how much losing her WOULD actually destroy him.
“I don’t even like thinking about that.” His hands slip from her hair; sliding down her spine and resting at the small of her back . “Never mind talking about it.”
The smile broadens, and she perches her on tiptoes in order to wrap her arms around his neck. “I knew it,” she says, eyes sparkling playfully up as her body leans into his. “I AM your favourite. You do love me, Tyler Rake.”
“I do,” he confirms, and he lightly slaps his palms against the cheeks of her ass; lightly squeezing before drawing her into him and pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. “And you have no idea how much.”
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angstmatsuscenarios · 5 years
Suuji had a very tense verbal argument, and after that, they both avoided each other as much as possible, and only talked to each other if it was to start another fight
I strayed just slightly from the original prompt because I was having a hard time writing Suuji fighting and making it feel right, but I hope you like this! It’s based a lot on the “Punishment” skit from s2.
Realistically, Ichimatsu knew it wasn’t his fault--he could only afford so much cat food each week, and the more cats showed up the less food they each had to eat. Still it had been steady for awhile, the same six cats appearing in the alley every day he went to feed them. He’d become attached to each one of them, seeing them almost as his own even though he couldn’t officially keep them as pets. 
One cat in particular, a ginger-colored kitty he’d named Momo, seemed especially attached to him as well. She always curled up close to him when he sat with the cats, sometimes crawling right onto his lap for a quick nap and purring contently as he stroked her fur. She was gentle and sweet, not a bit skittish as the other cats sometimes were, and whenever he prepared to leave she would follow after him and butt her head against his leg for more attention. It made him happy, though his heart also ached knowing she couldn’t come home with him.
And then one day, out of the blue...she was gone. Only five cats lingered in the alley that day, waiting for their meal. At first Ichimatsu thought she was just hiding, even though she never usually did, and told himself not to panic even though an anxious feeling clenched at his heart. But as he fed the cats and played with them, she never showed up. By the time he was prepared to leave, she still hadn’t appeared, and Ichimatsu suspected with a sinking sensation in his stomach that he’d probably never see her again.
He wasn’t stupid. This had happened with other cats before, and he knew what it meant. Something might have happened to her--in the best-case scenario, someone could have brought her home and adopted her. Worst case...something bad happened to her that he wished not to contemplate.    
Whatever. No matter what happened, it was unlikely he’d ever see her again. And the thought made his chest ache and his heart feel hollow.
Ichimatsu dwelled on it the rest of the day. He was quiet, not talking to his brothers unless spoken to first, and even then he was curt. They were used to this sort of behavior and didn’t question it...all except for Jyushimatsu, who was far more attuned to his immediate older brother’s feelings than anyone else—sometimes even Ichimatsu himself.
Jyushimatsu waited until everyone had gone off to do their own thing before approaching Ichimatsu, who sat huddled in a corner of the living room, curled up in a ball.
“What’s wrong, Ichimatsu-niisan?” Jyushimatsu asked, in a gentler voice than he usually used.
At first Ichimatsu hasn’t wanted to talk about it, but Jyushimatsu could be persistent...and, well, maybe he’d feel better if he spoke up. He inhaled and then exhaled slowly before speaking.
“I’m being punished.”
“Eh?” Jyushimatsu tipped his head to the side, regarding Ichimatsu with confusion.
“Today was a good day. Mom got us treats from the store, I found an extra hundred yen in my wallet I didn’t realize I had...which means something bad had to happen to balance out the good.”
“...ah.” Jyushimatsu nodded slightly, though his expression had clouded over some. “What was it?”
“....Momo is gone.” Ichimatsu had told Jyushimatsu all about the cat before. “She never showed up for her food today. Whenever a cat disappears, they never show up again.”
“I see.” Jyushimatsu pressed his hand to his mouth thoughtfully. “But how is it a punishment…?”
“Because I’ll never see her again.” Ichimatsu frowned. “Isn’t it obvious? Something terrible could’ve happened to her. Maybe she was stolen, maybe she got sick and didn’t make it. Who knows? I never will.”
“But maybe it’s a good thing—maybe it means a good loving family found her and took her home,” Jyushimatsu suggested, ever the optimistic one.
“But unless I know for sure, I can only assume the worst.” Ichimatsu sighed heavily. “I just don’t know why I’m being punished this way, with something happening to Momo...it’s not fair to her if she suffered too...why couldn’t fate make me suffer a different way, like stubbing my toe or getting caught in the rain?”
Jyushimatsu didn’t say anything for a long moment. When he spoke at last, in a gentle tone, it wasn’t what Ichimatsu expected to hear.
“Ichimatsu-niisan...don’t take this the wrong way, but...maybe your punishment theory is kind of ridiculous?”
Ichimatsu snapped his head up, straightening his spine from its slumped position. “Excuse me?”
“You’re always saying you get punished for good things happening, because of the whole balance of the universe...but isn’t it possible these things can just happen, with no reason?”
Ichimatsu scowled at that. “What do you mean? You know it’s true. Nothing in my life ever goes well without something bad happening to put me back in my place. That’s how the whole shitty universe works. It’s balance.”
“I just don’t think the universe is out to get you, like you keep insisting.” Jyushimatsu sounded a little less patient this time, after hearing Ichimatsu’s snappy tone. “Why can’t you accept bad things happen and there’s nothing that can be done about it but deal with it?”
Ichimatsu clenched his hands into fists. “Because unlike you, I can’t see the world as all sunshine and rainbows—bad stuff does happen, and it sucks, and it ruins the good things. Because it’s supposed to.”
“It doesn’t have to be that way! And it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for me!” Jyushimatsu exclaimed, jumping to his feet and glaring down at Ichimatsu. His smile had quickly been replaced by a frown. “But it’s nicer trying to be happy than be a doll of darkness and think everything is out to destroy my day!”
Ichimatsu balked at that—Jyushimatsu had never called him that before, even when the others had. He squinted angrily at Jyushimatsu, suddenly seething, though the rage was mingled with just a little hurt.
“I had a bad day, Jyushimatsu—I don’t need to deal with this shit if you aren’t going to try and help me.”
“I did try, but you didn’t listen!”
“No, you didn't listen!”
Before either of them realized what was happening, they were screaming at each other, spouting off accusations—Ichimatsu blaming Jyushimatsu for not being sensitive enough, and Jyushimatsu arguing that Ichimatsu was too pessimistic for anyone’s good. It was hard to focus on who was saying what and why after awhile, their heated voices overlapping each other’s and becoming louder until Osomatsu and Karamatsu finally showed up to check in and intervene.
The older brothers tried to ask what was going on, but Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu couldn’t explain without starting to yell at each other again, prompting Osomatsu and Karamatsu to split them up and each try to calm them down. Somehow Osomatsu managed to get Ichimatsu to breathe normally and stop feeling like he was going to boil over with his anger...but just barely. 
Inside, Ichimatsu was a shaky, confused mess. He and Jyushimatsu hadn’t had a fight like this in ages, since they were kids. And although part of him wanted to try patching things up right away, just to get rid of this weird feeling pressing down on his chest, another part of him still fumed. Jyushimatsu had said some terrible things too, things that were unwarranted when all Ichimatsu needed was some comfort. And Ichimatsu refused to be the first to apologize.
Jyushimatsu hated arguing just as much as he did. Surely, he’d be back any second to make amends.
But he wasn’t. Instead the two brothers didn’t see each other again until dinnertime, and they wouldn’t look in each other’s directions or speak to each other once during the meal. At bedtime they didn’t say goodnight to each other, and for once were glad they slept on opposite ends of the futon. 
 The other brothers noticed the rift between them, how cold they acted around each other, and it was unsettling to them. No one knew how to fix it, and figured they’d work it out on their own, they way they always had with their fights.
But it was hard for everyone to see the two brothers, the closest friends ever, not speaking to each other.
Days wore on. Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu continued to avoid each other, and act distant when they were in the same room together, barely acknowledging each other’s existence. The other brothers became more concerned, and tried to get them to speak, but neither would budge.
Ichimatsu didn’t know why it had to be so hard, or why he didn’t want to talk to Jyushimatsu first. It wasn’t that he liked being in the middle of a fight with him—he hated it, it made him feel sick inside. But he still wanted Jyushimatsu to approach him first.
At least, he thought he did. Truth be told, after having some time to cool down, Ichimatsu realized he had said some nasty things too. And he had to admit he didn’t think Jyushimatsu would ever intentionally hurt his feelings either. Still...he didn’t know how to talk to Jyushimatsu now, what to say to make things better. So he didn’t, even though it felt awful.
One afternoon Ichimatsu sat on the back porch, thinking, trying to come up with a way to fix everything. He was so lost in thought he didn’t notice anyone joining him.
Ichimatsu jumped at the sound of Jyushimatsu’s voice. “Jyushi, I—“ he began, still not sure what he was saying, but when he turned around to face his brother he stopped short and could only gaze in astonishment at him.
Jyushimatsu stood there, cradling a cat in his arms—a familiar ginger-colored cat. Momo.
“Look who I found in the park,” Jyushimatsu said quietly, with a little smile. “She was following me home. I think maybe she thought I was you.”
“M-Momo….!” Ichimatsu stood up quickly, and Jyushimatsu carefully transferred the cat from his arms to his brother’s. Ichimatsu cradled her close, gently stroking her fur, and she purred and nuzzled herself against his neck. “I thought you were gone…”
“She must’ve got a little lost,” Jyushimatsu said. “But look, she came back to you! She didn’t want to stay away…” His voice trailed off, and became softer as he added, “And uh...neither do I.”
Ichimatsu peered up at his brother, momentarily distracted from the excitement of his cat returning. “I guess we should talk.”
“Ichimatsu-niisan...I’m sorry I said what I did, about your punishment theory being stupid...I could’ve been a lot nicer about it. I just didn’t want to see you beat yourself up and think you don’t deserve to have good things happen to you without bad things happening too. Life can be happy sometimes, if you let it be.”
“I know...I guess that’s just hard for me to believe.” Ichimatsu glanced down at Momo, then back up at Jyushimatsu. “I’m sorry, too. I never should’ve said you didn’t understand because you’re happy all the time...I know you’re not, it’s just easier for you to see the bright side, which is a good thing.”
Jyushimatsu peered at Ichimatsu hopefully. “Does that mean everything’s okay again?”
“Yeah...I mean, if you’ll forgive me.” Ichimatsu gave him the smallest smile, which Jyushimatsu returned wholeheartedly. 
Momo purred loudly then, as if to chime in and say she was happy with this turn of events too. Jyushimatsu reached out and gently petted her head.
“You know...you say there’s a balance in the universe, that there has to be bad stuff to balance out the good stuff. That you have to be punished if too many good things happen at once,” Jyushimatsu noted suddenly. “But maybe...maybe the opposite is true, too. Bad things can be rewarded with good things. Momo disappeared, and we had a fight...but now, she’s back, and we made up.” He beamed at Ichimatsu. “That’s balance too, isn’t it?”
Ichimatsu considered this--maybe Jyushimatsu had a point. It was so easy to constantly focus on the bad, rather than the reverse of that. But it made sense, didn’t it…? After all, here they were, all together and getting along again. Ichimatsu couldn’t have asked for anything better than that. 
“I think you’re right, Jyushimatsu.”
Maybe the universe wasn’t always so cruel, after all.
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