aws-certification · 4 years
Tech and Cloud News Round-up: October 2020
Welcome to our tech and cloud news round-up for the month of October. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in Tech, Cloud and, IT in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Updates
Tech and Cloud News
Useful Cloud Resources
  AWS Cloud Updates
  Archive and Replay Events with Amazon EventBridge
Amazon Event Bridge now has the power to archive and replay events. Users can create an encrypted archive of events and filter them using the same pattern matching syntax used by EventBridge rules. Users can then replay any of these stored events.
Events signal that “something has happened” or describe something related to a user’s activities. Event-driven architectures use these events to share information between different applications.
AWS Adds New Region
AWS is increasing its presence in Europe with the announcement of a new cloud computing region. The new region will serve Switzerland and is expected to go live in the second half of 2022. This new Swiss region expands the company’s large footprint in Europe, which already contains 6 AWS Regions.
  New Security Features Added to Amazon S3
The Amazon simple Storage Service, known as S3, has been updated with 3 new security features. The new features will help users do a better job of controlling and securing their data. They are: Object Ownership, Bucket Owner Conditions and Access Points.
Object Ownership ensures that newly created objects in an S3 bucket share the same owner as the bucket. Bucket Owner Conditions confirm the ownership of a bucket when you create a new object or perform other operations in S3. Finally, Access Points allow users to access S3’s Copy API.
  AWS Lambda Now Accessible Through AWS PrivateLink
As of last month, AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink. This gives users the ability to create, manage, and invoke Lambda functions securely from inside a virtual private cloud (VPC) or an on-premises data centre. PrivateLink then routes the call through this private network, eliminating the need for Internet access.
Tech and Cloud News
Bespoke Training Celebrates 7 Years
As of October this year, Bespoke Training has been operating for 7 years. To celebrate this milestone Bespoke Training CEO, Trent Rosenthal, looked back on our time providing world class cloud training.
Read Trent’s Letter.
Tablet Market Experiences COVID Boom
During the third quarter of this year the tablet market saw an increase of 24.9%. The pandemic is believed to be largely responsible for this boost in sales.
Apple was the top vendor, shipping 13.9 million units and recording year-on-year growth of 17.4%, with its best showing in the education sector.
ASIC Spins up Protected AWS Data Lake
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has launched a PROTECTED-level certified data lake in AWS. It’s the first data lake in Australia to achieve the PROTECTED security classification.
The data lake was built by Sydney-based cloud service provider Cloudten. Cloudten worked with ASIC to design and deploy the solution on the agency’s protected-level AWS environment.
Zoom Offers Data Encryption for Users
Video conferencing platform Zoom has kicked off end-to-end encryption for its mobile and desktop apps. Zoom announced end-to-end encryption would be immediately available for users on Windows, macOS, and Android.
Zoom creates individual encryption keys that are used to encrypt voice and video calls between conference participants. The keys are stored on a user’s devices and are not shared with Zoom servers.
Useful Tech and Cloud Resources
Accelerate your Adoption of Cloud with Comprehensive Training
Moving to the cloud is about more than just technology. Organisations need employees with a deep technical understanding. This is why cloud training is so critical.
Businesses shifting workloads to cloud can leverage cloud training to accelerate adoption, overcome concerns, and extend the benefits of cloud.
Find out how in our Epic Post, How Cloud Training Accelerates Cloud Adoption.
  10 Reasons to Learn AWS
There’s plenty of reasons to learn the AWS Cloud. The most important is to be able to take full advantage of the incredible opportunities cloud presents. After all, it’s people who innovate, not technology.
The 10 Reasons to Learn the AWS Cloud ebook goes into detail of how cloud training does this.
Download the ebook.
The post Tech and Cloud News Round-up: October 2020 appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/2UcHMha
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aws-certification · 4 years
Bespoke Training’s 7th Anniversary: A Message from our CEO
As of October this year, Bespoke Training has been operating for 7 years. To celebrate this milestone Bespoke Training CEO, Trent Rosenthal, looks back on 7 years of providing world class cloud training.
7 years.
It’s incredible to think Bespoke has been around that long.
I find myself reflecting on the fact that 60% of businesses fail in the first 3 years. Out of the businesses that make it past this threshold, only 55% survive more than 5 years.
Knowing this makes me even prouder that Bespoke is still around today. At this point I think it’s safe to say we’re not going anywhere. However, there’s still so much left to do.
I want to express how incredibly grateful I am to everyone who has supported us over the last 7 years. You’ve helped turn me running some qwikLAB education sessions at AWS events into a thriving business that’s enabled tens of thousands of students across APAC.
  Firstly, to my current and former employees:
Each of you cares so deeply about this company. It shows everyday in what you do.
You’re a team of talented, dedicated individuals and it’s truly humbling to be surrounded by people who are as invested in Bespoke as I am.
Over the years we’ve had to adapt and grow rapidly in order to keep pace with AWS. We haven’t always got it perfect, but we have always got it done.
  The Bespoke team celebrates Melbourne Cup day
  To our customers:
Not only do you see the value in training, you see the value in training with us. Thank you.
During our time training we’ve had over 27,500 enrolments. We are so honoured to have you be part of that.
  Finally, to our friends and colleagues at AWS:
Our partnership with you is the cornerstone of our business. From day one you’ve supported us, challenged us and trusted us with the huge task of enabling existing and potential new customers with cloud skills.
It’s been a true delight working with you all.
  The big dog at Bespoke meets the big dogs of AWS: Jeff Barr and Werner Vogels
  I remember when I first got involved with AWS…
…It was 2013 and AWS was starting to get traction in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. AWS was this new, game changing technology and it was thrilling to get in on the ground floor.
In May of 2013, Bespoke Training debuted at the first ever AWS Sydney Summit.
At the time AWS Sydney Summit was a small event, bringing in roughly 800 people at the Hilton Hotel. It was a far cry from the 18,500+ people who attended last year. Oh what we would do right now to be back at the International Convention Centre in Sydney and in front of the AWS community!
For the duration of the 2013 AWS Summit Bespoke ran qwikLABS workshops. Every hour 50 eager students would come through and get hands on experience with AWS.
These workshops were insanely popular and it wasn’t long before we had people lining up through the venue’s corridors. Armed with food trays from the catering station I was serving nibbles to our students as they patiently waited. The line was so large that it played havoc with security and the venue manager!
All up, we managed to get over 400 people trained during the course of the event.
Then we did it all again in Singapore.
Following the “AWS’ Think Big’ mantra, we had 100 workstations… as we say, build it and they will come!
We enabled over 1000 labs in 8 hours.
  The Bespoke Singapore team at Public Sector Summit.
  Shortly after the AWS Summits we began offering instructor-led courses for AWS, becoming their Certified Training Partner of choice in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.
Much like the first ever Sydney Summit, the selection of AWS training courses was much smaller back then: just 4 instructor-led course courses. Now there’s over 20.
This rapid growth has defined both us and AWS. Much like our customers, we have had to adapt and learn new skills.
Early on, AWS recognised that regardless of how powerful their technology is, the driving force will always be people. Organisations and individuals will innovate with the technology as long as they understand their role in this new digital age. Enabling skills will equip their customers with the capabilities to drive innovation.
This has only become more true as AWS evolves, becoming simultaneously more powerful and more complex.
Last I checked, there were 175 AWS products. To try and use them without the proper training would be to stumble in the dark. Our courses illuminate AWS’ technologies, turning them into powerful solutions.
It’s for this reason that I am still so passionate about offering in-depth, instructor-led training for AWS and its associated technologies. I love enabling people to reach their true potential. It’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. Bespoke is the vehicle through which I do it. Everyday I get to transform ordinary people into cloud superheroes.
  The Bespoke Training team at the AWS Summit, Sydney, 2019
  Now, I need to address the elephant in the room…
…to say this year posed some ‘unique challenges’ would be an understatement.
Overnight we all became trapped at home, unable to travel interstate or even into the office. As a business that exclusively provided in-person training the pandemic could have been a death sentence. Fortunately, challenge also leads to innovation.
And so, we evolved.
I am beyond proud of how my team pivoted to turn our in-person classes into a training solution that can be accessed from anywhere.
Within 48 hours we converted our courses into Virtual Instructor Led Training (vILT). This ensured our customer’s safety while also making sure they received their mission-critical cloud training.
  The Bespoke team celebrate Christmas, 2019
  Looking toward 2021, I’m excited for the new opportunities it presents now the world is shifting into economic recovery from covid. Although I have no doubt there will be challenges and uncertainty, I know me and my team can handle it.
Something that isn’t uncertain is that the number of training courses we offer will continue to grow with the AWS platform. Not only that, we want to equip IT professionals with the tools to make the most of all the opportunities this exciting technology presents. So, watch this space!
Much like our partner Amazon, everyday is ‘Day One’ here at Bespoke. I’m continually looking to move forward and challenge how we do things.
Sure, sometimes I get ahead of myself and I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes, but this is how we learn.
This is how we grow.
This is how we better serve our customers.
Thanks for being part of our story over the last 7 years. Here’s to many more!
– Trent Rosenthal
The post Bespoke Training’s 7th Anniversary: A Message from our CEO appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/3nPSMi4
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS Cloud News Round-up: September 2020
Welcome to our  Cloud Computing news round-up for the month of September. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud  Updates
Cloud and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Updates
Protect Personal Information with Amazon Comprehend
A new update to Amazon Comprehend uses machine learning to detect and mask Personally Identifiable Information. This includes social security numbers, credit card numbers, and email addresses.
Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text. It provides pre-trained models for recognising key phrases, sentiments, or other common elements in a document. You can also create custom models with Amazon Comprehend to recognise specific insights.
AWS Perspective Now Available
As of this month, AWS Perspective is now available. AWS Perspective helps users build detailed architecture diagrams of workloads. These diagrams are created from live data and can be customised or shared.
AWS Perspective keeps an inventory of AWS resources from your imported accounts and AWS Regions. It then determines relationships between discovered resources and presents them through a web application.
AWS Glue Studio Now Available
AWS Glue Studio is a simple visual interface to compose jobs that move and transform data. This new tool makes it easy for developers to author, run, and monitor AWS Glue jobs.
Without writing code, users of all experience levels can take advantage of big data processing on AWS Glue’s serverless platform. Users can also monitor global execution and resource usage through the AWS Glue Studio job monitoring dashboard.
AWS Cloud and IT News
Gartner Names AWS as Cloud Leader for 10th Consecutive Year
AWS has been named as a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services. AWS also placed highest in Ability to Execute and furthest in Completeness of Vision. This is the 10th year AWS has taken the top spot. This year Gartner has expanded the scope of their magic quadrant to include additional Platform as a Service capabilities. Gartner also extended coverage for areas such as Managed Database Services, Serverless Computing, and Developer Tools.
Microsoft Launches Azure Orbital
Microsoft has launched Azure Orbital, a cloud-based satellite data processing platform. This launches as a direct competitor to AWS’s Ground Station offering.
Like AWS Ground Station, Azure Orbital makes it possible for satellite operators to control their spacecraft via the cloud, or integrate satellite data with cloud-based storage and processing.
Companies Receive Investments from Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund
Amazon has announced the first 5 companies selected to receive investments from its Climate Pledge Fund. The companies are CarbonCure Technologies, Pachama, Redwood Materials, Rivian and Turntide Technologies.
  The Climate Pledge Fund is a $2 billion program that supports innovations that assist Amazon reduce its carbon emissions. The investment amounts range from hundreds of thousands in seed and early-stage investments, to multi-million dollar investments.
Useful Cloud Resources
  Case Study: AWS Keeps Aged Care Services Running During COVID
Aged care provider Juniper has used AWS to roll out remote work and learning solutions during Covid. Juniper uses Amazon Chime to facilitate communication between its communities, Amazon Connect for distributing recorded information, and Amazon WorkSpaces to enable employees to work from home.
Best Practices for Security in the AWS Cloud
Cloud changes the way organisations need to approach security. Although AWS is responsible for security of their cloud and infrastructure, it’s up to organisations to ensure security in the cloud.
AWS helps organisations build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications. Read our Introduction to AWS Security blog to get started with AWS Security best practices.
Unlock the Power of AWS With AWS Discovery Days
Our AWS Discover Days are free events designed to introduce AWS Cloud computing concepts and foundational infrastructure services. These events are perfect for customers who have recently signed up with AWS, or for those who want to grasp the basics of the AWS Cloud platform.
Here’s what you will learn:
Define the cloud and how it works
Explain the benefits of the AWS Cloud
Gain a deeper understanding of AWS core services
Describe security services within the AWS Cloud
Identify AWS management services and their uses
We are running AWS Discovery sessions from now until the end of November.
Claim Your Seat
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from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/3ja8Ngh
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS Cloud Computing News Round-up: August 2020
Welcome to our  Cloud Computing news round-up for the month of August. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud  Updates
Cloud and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Computing Updates
Simple Notification Service Now Supports Messages up to 2 GB!
This month Amazon launched an Extended Client library for Java for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). This means users can now deliver messages with pay loads as large as 2GB. Prior to the update, SNS message payloads could only be as large as 256KB.
Using the Extended Client Library, users can store larger message payloads in an S3 bucket. This shared library can be used on its own by other Java-based protocol endpoints, such as Lambda, HTTP and HTTPS.
Amazon CloudWatch Logs Features Now Available for Visual Studio Code
CloudWatch Logs now have integration in the AWS Toolkit for VS Code. This gives developers working in VS Code the power to interact with CloudWatch log groups. After filtering the log streams for a selected log group, they can view the most recent 10,000 lines of log data.
The AWS Toolkit for VS Code is an open-source plugin. It empowers developers to leverage the integrated development environment for the creation, debugging and deployment of applications on AWS.
Pause and Resume Workloads with Amazon EC2 Hibernation
Amazon EC2 now gives users the ability to hibernate EBS-backed Amazon EC2 M5a and R5a instances. This means you can easily pause your workloads and resume them from the saved state later.
Hibernation saves effort in setting up the applications from scratch. It also saves time by reducing the bootstrapping time taken by applications, and saves cost by pausing the EC2 instances when not required.
Amazon Braket Now Generally Available
Amazon’s quantum computing service, Amazon Braket, is now generally available. Braket is a fully managed service that lets users experiment with computers from quantum hardware providers. This allows organisations to build in-house quantum computing experience, preparing them for the future.
AWS Cloud Computing and IT News
Biotechnology Firm Moderna Using AWS to Test Covid Cure
Moderna has selected AWS as its preferred cloud provider. The Biotechnology company is currently developing one of the most advanced coronavirus vaccines.
Using AWS-powered infrastructure, Moderna has been able to deliver the first clinical batch of its vaccine candidate to the National Institutes of Health for a Phase 1 trial. Moderna is using Amazon Redshift to aggregate results, using insights to refine design and production cycles.
Amazon Teaming up with Toyota Build Cloud-Based Data Services
AWS will help Toyota to build a platform to manage and monetise data gathered from their global vehicle fleet.The deal is an expansion of AWS’ existing collaboration with Toyota, and marks Amazon’s expanding foray into the transportation business.
AWS has previously partnered with automotive suppliers such as Aptiv, Panasonic Corp and Nvidia Corp.
  Amazon to Build Wind Farm to Power Data Centres in Ireland
Amazon is set to double its renewable energy capability in Ireland with a new wind farm project. The 115-megawatt wind farm will support AWS data centres in Ireland. It is set to begin operations in 2022, with up to 27 turbines on the site.
The corporate power-purchase agreements will add 229MW of renewable energy to the Irish grid each year. This is the equivalent of powering 185,000 homes and will cut carbon emissions by 366,000 tonnes each year.
Useful Cloud Resources
Get Started with the AWS Well Architected Framework
The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides architects with the blueprint to build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure.This framework provides a consistent approach to evaluate architectures, and implement designs that scale over time.
To get started, we recommend reading the ‘AWS Well-Architeced Framework’ Whitepaper. This whitepaper provides guidance to help customers apply best practices in the design, delivery, and maintenance of AWS environments.
Get the Whitepaper
Unlock the Power of AWS With AWS Discovery Days
Our AWS Discover Days are free events designed to introduce AWS Cloud computing concepts and foundational infrastructure services. These events are perfect for customers who have recently signed up with AWS, or for those who want to grasp the basics of the AWS Cloud platform.
Here’s what you will learn:
Define the cloud and how it works
Explain the benefits of the AWS Cloud
Gain a deeper understanding of AWS core services
Describe security services within the AWS Cloud
Identify AWS management services and their uses
We are running AWS Discovery sessions from now until December.
Claim Your Seat
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from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/3lQ6Ya6
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS Cloud Computing News Round-up: July 2020
Welcome to our AWS Cloud Computing news round-up for the month of July. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Platform Updates
AWS Cloud Platform and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Computing Updates
Amazon Fraud Detector Now Available
After being available in preview mode since December last year, Amazon Fraud Detector is now generally Available. Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that identifies online payment fraud and other fraudulent activities. The service uses organisational data, machine learning and Amazon’s fraud detection expertise to identify potential fraudulent activity. This enables organisations to catch more fraud, faster. This technology is highly accessible. You can create a fraud detection model with just a few clicks and no prior ML experience is required.
Amazon GuardDuty Expanded to Include S3
GuardDuty threat detection coverage has been expanded beyond workloads and AWS accounts to also include data stored in S3. It can now continuously monitor and profile S3 data access events and S3 configurations to detect suspicious activities.
These activities include requests coming from an unusual geo-location, disabling of preventative controls such as S3 block public access, or API call patterns consistent with an attempt to discover misconfigured bucket permissions.
GuardDuty uses a combination of anomaly detection, machine learning, and continuously updated threat intelligence to detect potentially malicious behaviour.
Amazon Translate Now Supporting Office Documents
Earlier this year, Amazon Translate introduced batch translation for plain text and HTML documents. Since then, the service has been expanded to include Office document types such as docx, .xlsx and .pptx.
Amazon Translate makes it easy for AWS customers to quickly and accurately translate text in 55 different languages and variants. This eliminates the need for multiple translation programs.
Amazon Interactive Video Service: Add Live Video to Apps and Websites
Amazon Interactive Video Service is the easy way to add live video directly into your own apps and websites. This includes integrating interactive, low latency and live video into an application. The service enables you to create a channel using either the Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) Console or the API. You can then use any standard streaming software to stream video to this channel.
Amazon Interactive Video services does everything required to make the live video available to any viewer around the world.
AWS Cloud Computing and IT News
New AWS Builder’s Program Announced
This month AWS announced the new AWS Community Builders Program. The program offers technical resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to AWS enthusiasts and emerging thought leaders. It was created with individuals passionate about sharing knowledge, and connecting with the technical community, in mind.
Members of the program receive:
Access to AWS product teams as well as information about new services and features
Mentorship from AWS subject matter experts
AWS Promotional Credits and other resources to support content creation and community-based work
The application process is open to AWS builders worldwide. The program seeks applicants from all regions, demographics, and underrepresented communities.
Applications for the AWS Builder’s program are open now.
AWS Exceeds $10bn in Revenue
AWS recorded $10.8bn in revenues for Q220, an increase of just under 29% from this time last year and a rise of 5.8% from the previous quarter. Total revenues for Amazon and Alphabet were at $88.9bn and $38.3bn respectively, marking a small yearly dip.
The results show a continued solid performance for the cloud provider. However, AWS’ dip in growth echoes that of Microsoft, with Azure growth slipping from 59% to 47% earlier this month.
ACSC Releases Guidance Around Cloud Technologies
The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has released new guidance to help agencies assess the risk posed by cloud services. This follows government organisations moving from a centrally-controlled security model to one of self-assessment.
These new guidelines provide the framework for agencies to check the suitability of cloud service providers and their services. The guidelines were developed by the ACSC in consultation with government agencies and a cross-section of industry experts.
Useful Cloud Resources
Fastrack your Career with Cloud Training and Certification
Globally, there’s a huge difference between current levels of cloud integration and people with the skills to use it. According to research carried out by Global Knowledge, 70% of IT decision makers report that their teams have a skills gap. This skills gap is costing them precious time and money.
This is why training and certification is so critical. It empowers individuals with the skills required to close this gap.
The How Cloud Training and Certification Can Lift your Career eBook is your map to AWS training and certification.
  Download the guide
Unlock the Power of AWS With AWS Discovery Days
Our AWS Discover Day is a free event designed to introduce AWS Cloud computing concepts and foundational infrastructure services. This event is perfect for customers who have recently signed up with AWS, or for those who want to grasp the basics of the AWS Cloud platform.
Here’s what you will learn:
Define the cloud and how it works
Explain the benefits of the AWS Cloud
Gain a deeper understanding of AWS core services
Describe security services within the AWS Cloud
Identify AWS management services and their uses
Claim your seat
The post AWS Cloud Computing News Round-up: July 2020 appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/39Wejiz
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS Cloud Platform News Round-up: June 2020
Welcome to our AWS Cloud Platform news round-up for the month of June. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Platform Updates
AWS Cloud Platform and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Platform Updates
Amazon Honeycode: Build Web & Mobile Apps Without Code
Amazon Honeycode is now in beta. This new, fully-managed service gives users the power to build powerful mobile and web applications without writing any code. Instead, it uses the familiar spreadsheet model.
Amazon Honeycode includes templates for common applications that you and other members of your team can use right away. If you’re familiar with spreadsheets and formulas everything you know about sheets, tables, values, and formulas will still apply.
AWS Enhances AppSync Service
As of this month, AWS has launched enhancements to their AppSync service. The updates help optimise access to engaging applications that require real-time updates. These include gaming leaderboards, social media apps, live streaming, interactive chat rooms and IoT dashboards.
AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL to simplify application development. It does this by letting applications securely access, manipulate, and receive real-time updates from multiple data sources like databases and APIs.
Amazon EKS Now Supporting EC2 inf1 Instances
AWS customers can now use Amazon EC2 Inf1 instances on the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. Combining the two delivers faster predictions in higher volumes and at lower costs.
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) has quickly become a leading choice for machine learning workloads. It combines the developer agility and the scalability of Kubernetes, with the wide selection of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance types available on AWS.
AWS Cloud Platform and IT News
Australia’s Investment in Cloud Exceeds $1 Billion
The cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market in Australia is predicted to hit $1 Billion this year. A new study from analyst firm Telsyte revealed this is due to the dominance of global public cloud giants.
These include AWS, Azure, IBM, Google, Oracle and Alibaba Cloud, with AWS and Azure well out in front.
Australian organisations spent $907 million on IaaS in 2019, with the total market will exceed $1 billion in 2020; a year-on-year increase of 23 percent. This is off the back of a ‘mini-boom’ driven by COVID-19 investment.
Origin Energy Shifts to AWS
Origin Energy is in the process of shifting its customer management environment to the AWS Cloud. The Australian energy giant revealed last month that it’s 60 percent through a project to transition most of its systems to public cloud. Origin expects to complete this transition by the end of 2022.
In a video published by AWS, Origin revealed it’s re-homing part of its SAP environment to run on AWS. As a result, they have experienced significant operating cost reductions and batch processing improvements.
Useful Cloud Resources
The Ultimate Guide to Training and Certification
Globally, there’s a huge difference between current levels of cloud integration and people with the skills to use it. According to research carried out by Global Knowledge, 70% IT decision makers report that their teams have a skills gap.
AWS Training and Certification is the key to closing this gap, by building capability, credibility and effectiveness with AWS Cloud.
Our Ultimate Guide to AWS Training and Certification has been developed based on the search queries that are made every month about AWS training and certification. It is literally your frequently asked questions answered!
Architecting on AWS- Accelerator
Learn the foundations of architecting and gain a deeper technical knowledge of the AWS Cloud with the Architecting on AWS – Accelerator course.
This 5 day intensive course dives deeper into the pillars of the AWS Well Architected Framework, teaching students how to design cloud architectures. You’ll start small, working to large-scale enterprise level designs.
To celebrate the launch of this exciting new course we are offering a discount of $425 off RRP for all our subscribers.
Register online and apply Discount code: BTSACCELERATOR07 and save!
The post AWS Cloud Platform News Round-up: June 2020 appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/2VM7D0A
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aws-certification · 4 years
Learn the AWS Platform and Future Proof your Career
Learn the AWS Platform to stay in demand and safeguard your career.
Globally, there’s a huge difference between current levels of cloud integration and people with the skills to use it. According to research carried out by Global Knowledge, 70% IT decision makers report that their teams have a skills gap. This skills gap is costing them precious time and money.
This is why training and certification is so critical. It empowers individuals with the skills required to close this gap.
In this blog we’ll answer common questions about learning the AWS Cloud. We will also run you through how to get started with training and certification.
Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
How Long Does it Take to Learn the AWS Platform?
Which AWS Certification is in Demand?
How Much Does it Cost to Learn the AWS Platform?
Learn the AWS Platform: Everything you Need to Know
How Long Does it Take to Learn the AWS Platform?
It’s the question everyone wants to know the answer to: how long does it take to build your AWS skills?
Unfortunately there’s no one-size-fits-all answer since everyone’s learning path will be different. It is based on individual circumstances and your level of exposure to the AWS Platform.
For example, it could take anywhere from 6-18 months to achieve an Associate-level Certification.
It takes an additional 12-24 months to achieve a Professional-level or Speciality Certification.
Training for IT Professionals
For IT professionals with minimal exposure to AWS, start with AWS Technical Essentials. This course runs for 1 day and is a great starting point if you haven’t used AWS in production for at least 6 months.
Already have experience on AWS Cloud?
You can dive straight into a role based course. This is your first step on the path to certification.
We offer role based learning courses for Architects, Developers and Systems Operations.
Training for Non-Technical Staff
New to learning the AWS Platform? We recommend AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials. This 1 day course validates your overall understanding of the AWS Cloud. It has been designed with business decision makers and IT team leaders in mind.
Which AWS Certification is in Demand?
AWS has the largest enterprise base meaning there’s high demand for AWS certified IT professionals. According to Business Insider a certificate in AWS Cloud technology can boost your salary by as much as 26%.
Let’s take a look at the AWS Certifications that are most sought after by employers.
Enterprise IT Architect
Cloud technology is constantly evolving, causing projects to become increasingly demanding and involved. A 2017 Harvey Nash and KPMG Leadership survey that found 61% of CIO’s agreed technology projects are more complex today than they were five years ago.
Because of this, organisations have reported significant demand for Enterprise IT Architects and senior solutions architects. They desperately need staff who can deliver digital strategies that link business objectives and processes with IT strategy.
DevOps Engineer
Devops Engineers are a hot commodity right now, particularly those with advanced certifications or hands-on cloud experience.
DevOps is critical to cloud development projects, determining an organisation’s ability to deliver new products and features. Organisations need engineers who have mastered working with sophisticated containerised workloads and they’re willing to pay for their expertise.
Cloud Security Engineer
For organisations shifting workloads to the cloud, security is a top priority. While cloud infrastructure service providers maintain security of their cloud, it’s the responsibility of customers to secure their data in the cloud. Organisations need Cloud Security Engineers who have a deep understanding of potential vulnerabilities in virtual machines and container deployment systems.
How Much Does it Cost to Learn the AWS Platform?
There’s a large range of training out there for AWS Cloud. Whether you’re interested in learning the basics or preparing for a certification exam, you’ll find training options available at a variety of price points.
Hands-on Experience
This training happens on teams where you gain the practical knowledge you need to work in real cloud environments. Roughly 3-6 months of hands-on experience will give you a good baseline of AWS skills.
Cost: n/a
AWS Digital Training
With a little time and initiative you can learn the AWS Platform through online training. A word of warning though: self paced eLearning courses might be easier on the wallet, but they have limitations. These types of courses lack access to experts and context specific to your business environment.
Cost: Free
Instructor Led Classroom Training
Instructor led classroom training provides you dedicated time to focus on learning whilst having access to a qualified AWS trainer. Students can ask questions directly and the skills taught will be contextualised to a working environment.
Research has shown that this kind of training delivers the best learning outcomes. For IT professionals looking to advance their career, we strongly recommend this kind of training.
Cost: $850 +GST (1 day) or $2,550 +GST (3 days) depending on which course you select
Self-Guided study
Independent learning allows you to fill gaps in your knowledge and learn new topics at your own pace. There’s a wide range of different resources such as blog posts, guides, webinars, whitepapers, use cases and peer resources available.
Cost: Free
Learn the AWS Platform: Everything You Need to Know
Still have questions about learning the AWS platform? Download our Ultimate Guide to AWS Training and Certification.
This guide has been developed based on the search queries that are made every month about AWS training and certification. It is literally your frequently asked questions answered!
  Claim your copy of the Ultimate Guide to AWS Training and Certification
  We are also running a webinar, Train to Succeed on AWS Cloud. This is designed to help demystify AWS training and certification. It’s the perfect starting point for those looking to learn the AWS Platform.
During the webinar you will have access to an AWS Training expert who can answer any questions you might have.
  Sign up for our Train to Succeed on AWS Cloud webinar
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS News Round-up: May 2020
Welcome to our AWS news round-up for the month of May. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Updates
Cloud and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Updates
AWS Amplify Libraries Come to Mobile
AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services for building secure and scalable applications. These tools are now available for IOS and Android, empowering mobile developers to easily build secure and scalable cloud-powered applications.
AWS Amplify consists of three key components:
An open source set of libraries and UI components
A command line interactive toolchain
The AWS Amplify Console
    Enhanced Amazon Macie Now Available
A new, improved version of Amazon Macie is now available. Amazon Macie is a fully managed service that uses machine learning to automatically identify and classify data.
This updated version of the service features a simplified pricing plan. Customers are now charged based on the number of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets that are evaluated, and the amount of data processed for sensitive data discovery jobs.
This new pricing structure is expected to reduce Amazon Macie prices for customers by as much as 80%.
  Amazon Kendra Now Generally Available
Amazon Kendra is a powerful tool that enables organisations to index structured and unstructured data with just a few clicks. After being made available as a preview late last year, Amazon Kendra is now generally available.
Kendra search can be quickly deployed to any application through the code samples available in the AWS console. This enables customers to get up and running in minutes with Kendra’s  state of the art semantic search.
  Cloud and IT News
Deloitte Training 4,000 Staff on AWS
Deloitte has teamed up with Amazon Web Services to set up the Deloitte Cloud Guild. This cloud training initiative aims to upskill roughly 4,000 of Deloitte’s Australian staff.
Training will occur through a variety of activities including hackathons, immersion days and self-paced learning modules.
This ambitious training program is one of the largest AWS Skills Guild initiatives to date.
  AWS Marketplace Allows SaaS Contract Upgrades and Renewals
AWS have announced new upgrades to its marketplace to make it even easier for customers to renew their software-as-a-service contracts.
These upgrades allow Marketplace sellers to create an upgrade or renewal offer for SaaS Contract and consumption pricing private offers. Sellers can use a self-service functionality to create upgrade or renewal offers at any time during a buyer’s active agreement.
According to AWS, these changes allow customers to “keep up with their changing business needs” and accommodate expanding workloads.
  AWS Reduces the Price of EC2 Services
Thanks to engineering investments and increasing scale, AWS is now able to offer a price reduction on EC2 instances. Customers who use Standard Reserved Instances or EC2 Instance Saving Plans can expect savings of between 1% to 13%.
These price changes are already in effect. So, anyone buying new RIs or a new EC2 Instance Saving Plan can take advantage of these new, lower prices.
  Useful Cloud Resources
Advance your Career with AWS Cloud Skills
We are in the middle of a cloud skills shortage with cloud skills and experience in short supply. By investing in AWS training and certification you can position yourself as part of the solution and reap the rewards that come with it.
The How Cloud Training and Certification Can Lift your Career eBook explores how AWS skills lead to career advancement. The guide outlines the types of training available and includes practical tips to get your manager excited about training.
Download your copy of the How Cloud Training and Certification Can Lift your Career eBook.
  New Role Based Learning Paths for Media Services
AWS has launched three new role based learning paths for AWS Media Services. Each learning path represents a recommended progression of courses curated for Business Decision Makers, Media Operators, and Media Engineers.
With the addition of these new roles, Media Services now offers over 30 courses.
Find out more about AWS Media Services learning paths.
  AWS Summit Breakout Sessions Now Available on Demand
Missed a breakout session from AWS Summit Online Australia/New Zealand?
Well good news, AWS has made the 40+ breakout sessions available to view on demand.
You’ll discover how cloud technology can help your business to lower costs, improve efficiency, and innovate at scale. All sessions are delivered by AWS subject matter experts and customers who have successfully built solutions on AWS.
Access AWS Summit Online on demand.
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aws-certification · 4 years
AWS Cloud News Round-up: April 2020
Welcome to our monthly AWS Cloud news round-up, looking back at April. Every month we’ll cover the biggest stories in AWS Cloud, IT, and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Updates
Cloud and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Updates
New AWS Service: Amazon AppFlow
AWS has launched Amazon AppFlow. This new service seamlessly passes data from one SaaS application (Software as a Service) to another.
Currently, developers spend large amounts of time writing custom integrations to pass data between SaaS applications and AWS services. These Integrations are expensive and often take months to complete.
Amazon AppFlow replaces these integrations, freeing up your development team to work on other critical projects.
AWS DeepComposer Now Generally Available
AWS DeepComposer is now available to all AWS customers. It has also been expanded with the addition of new features.
DeepComposer is powered by Generative Adversarial Networks (aka GANs). This is a neural network architecture built specifically to generate new samples from an existing data set. With DeepComposer, you can train and optimize GAN models to create original music.
The service was launched at AWS re:Invent 2019 and is a creative way to get started with deep learning.
AWS Announces Torchserve
PyTorch is one of the most popular open source libraries for deep learning. With TorchServe, PyTorch users can move their models to production quicker, without having to write custom code.
In addition, Torchserve provides a low latency prediction API and implements default handlers for common applications. The program is a collaboration between AWS and Facebook. It is available as part of the PyTorch open source project.
  Cloud and IT News
Jeff Bezos’ Letter to Shareholders
Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, has addressed Amazon shareholders in a detailed letter. As well as outlining Amazon’s performance and trajectory during the current COVID-19 crises, the letter looks to the future. In particular, the role AWS is playing in helping to address climate change:
“Along with our use of renewable energy, these factors enable AWS to do the same tasks as traditional data centers with an 88% lower carbon footprint. And don’t think we’re not going to get those last 12 points—we’ll make AWS 100% carbon free through more investments in renewable energy projects” – Jeff Bezos
You can read the full letter to Amazon shareholders here.
AWS Announces More Support for Certification Candidates
With testing centres temporarily closed, AWS is offering additional support for students looking to update or obtain their AWS Certification. These measures include:
AWS Certification extensions
Certification voucher extensions
The provision of online proctoring so students can take exams remotely
Removal of exam cancellation fees
Learn more about how AWS is helping students obtain and retain certification.
AWS Marketplace Available for Vendors in Australia and New Zealand
AWS has opened up its marketplace to Australian and New Zealand independent software vendors. This gives these vendors access to a market of 260,000 users around the globe.
This local launch is the first time that independent software vendors in Australia and New Zealand have had access to the AWS Marketplace and AWS Data Exchange.
The move enables AWS to better support Australian and New Zealand sellers that don’t have overseas entities. Additionally, it expands the numbers of sellers AWS Marketplace can support and opens up a broader range of services for Marketplace customers.
Useful Cloud Resources
Increase your Return on Investment in Cloud
Cloud ROI is about more than just getting value for money on your cloud spend. Cloud is becoming the new normal. Consequently, it’s critical organisations accelerate their adoption to remain competitive in their markets.
Read our article to discover how you can increase your organisation’s ROI on cloud.
Learn the Essentials to Security in the AWS Cloud
Just as cloud changes the way organisations run workloads, it also changes how they need to approach security. This also impacts how they think about AWS Security Training.
But how can you ensure your team has the skills to keep your data and workloads secure?
What sort of training is available?
And, when it comes to security, what is your team’s responsibility and what responsibility belongs to AWS?
Watch our video on AWS Security.
Read our guide to AWS Security.
AWS Summit Online
Tune in to AWS Summit Online on Wednesday, May 13. You’ll discover how cloud technology can help your business to lower costs, improve efficiency, and innovate at scale.
This virtual event is designed to educate you about the skills needed to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications. Sessions are delivered by AWS subject matter experts and customers who have successfully built solutions on AWS.
Register for AWS Summit online (ANZ) here
Register for AWS Summit online (Singapore) here.
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aws-certification · 4 years
Introduction to AWS Security
It’s critical that anyone involved with AWS Cloud understands AWS Security best practice. See, just as cloud changes the way organisations run workloads, it also changes how they need to approach security. This also impacts how they approach AWS Security Training.
Werner Vogels, AWS CTO, put it best when he spoke about AWS Security at re:Invent in 2017:
“Security is everyone’s job now, not just the security team’s. With continuous integration and continuous deployment, all developers have to be security engineers … we move too fast for there to be time for reviews by the security team beforehand.”
But how can you ensure your team has the skills to keep your data and workloads secure?
What sort of training is available?
And, when it comes to security, what is your team’s responsibility and what responsibility belongs to AWS?
Read on to discover the answers to these questions and get a primer on all things security.
Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
How AWS Secures your Data
AWS and Government Data
AWS Security Features
The AWS Shared Responsibility Model
AWS Security Training
Non-technical Roles and Training
Case Study: IAG’s Cloud Academy
AWS Security Essentials Training
Security Engineering on AWS Training
How AWS Secures your Data
AWS is designed to help organisations build secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications. World-class security experts monitor AWS security infrastructure as well as build and maintain a broad selection of security services.
Here’s some of the other ways AWS keeps your workloads, applications and data safe:
Data protection: AWS  uses encryption, key management and threat detection services to protect your data
Identity and access management: Identity services allow you to manage access to your organisation’s workloads and customer-facing applications
Infrastructure protection: AWS protects web applications by filtering traffic based on rules that you create
Threat detection and continuous monitoring: AWS continuously monitors network activity and account behavior within your cloud environment
Compliance and data privacy: AWS gives you a comprehensive view of your compliance status. Automated compliance checks continuously monitor your cloud environment.=
AWS and Government Data
The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has awarded PROTECTED certification to 64 AWS Cloud services.
PROTECTED is the highest data security certification available in Australia for cloud service providers. AWS offers the most PROTECTED services of any public cloud service provider.
  AWS Security Features
Now it’s time to explore the specific security features available to AWS Cloud users.
Security that Scales
As an AWS Cloud user you have control over where your data is stored and who can access it.
AWS utilises fine-grain identity and access controls combined with continuous monitoring to provide you with real-time security information. This ensures that the right resources have the right access at all times.
AWS Partners and Solutions Network
AWS has a network of carefully selected security consulting partners. These providers can assist you with deep expertise on every stage of cloud adoption. From initial migration through to ongoing day to day management.
Automation of Security Services
Automating security tasks reduces the risk of human configuration error. This prevents mistakes and gives your security team more time to focus on other critical work.
AWS has a wide range of deeply integrated solutions that can be combined to automate tasks. This makes it easier for your security team to work closely with your development and operations teams. This leads to faster, and more secure creations and deployment of code.
Security and Compliance Controls
To aid organisation’s compliance efforts, AWS regularly achieves third-party validation for thousands of global compliance requirements. This includes requirements for industries like finance, retail, healthcare and government.
AWS Security Support
AWS also offers a range of security support services, these include:
Real-time insight through Trusted Advisor
Proactive Support and advocacy with a Technical Account Manager (TAM)
Strategic advice for in-depth AWS security solutions
Detect and respond to security issues with the Security Operations Playbook
Comprehensive vulnerability reporting and the ability for users to submit vulnerabilities
  The AWS Shared Responsibility Model
When moving data and workloads into the AWS Cloud it’s critical organisations understand their security responsibilities. AWS is responsible for keeping their infrastructure secure. However, organisations and individuals also need to do their part to keep their data safe. The best way to understand these different responsibilities is through the AWS Shared Responsibility model. As the name suggests, security and compliance is a split responsibility between AWS and the customer.
AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs all of the services offered in the AWS Cloud. This infrastructure is composed of the hardware, software, networking, and facilities that run AWS Cloud services. This differentiation of responsibility is commonly referred to as security “of” the cloud versus security “in” the cloud.
A customer’s security responsibilities will vary depending on the services they use and how these integrate into their environment. Organisations need to be mindful of, and understand, the AWS services they use.
For example, Amazon EC2 is categorised as Infrastructure as a Service. This means it requires customers to perform all of the necessary security configuration and management tasks.
The aim of the AWS Shared Responsibility model is to increase the overall security level of the AWS Cloud. By educating customers on how they can manage and maintain strong operational protections, both AWS and their users can feel better protected.
  AWS Security Training
Ensuring security in the cloud takes in-depth knowledge and understanding of IT, AWS Cloud and security concepts. This is why training is so critical.
Roles that benefit from cloud training include:
Security Engineers
Security Architects
Security Analysts
Security Auditors
Non-Technical Roles and Training
Security in the AWS cloud is not just the responsibility of your security and technical teams. It is the responsibility of every employee who interacts with the cloud. Widespread security training across teams, departments and roles is key.
Here are just some of the non-technical roles that benefit from AWS Security Training:
Legal and Compliance roles
Risk Management roles
IT business-level professionals
Below is a case study from insurance provider IAG. This case study explores how the insurer used widespread security training to ensure security in their cloud environment. This also assisted to speed up migration of regulated workloads.
Case Study: IAG’s Cloud Academy
The more IAG migrated to the cloud, the more it was clear that having “people in the middle” translating between stakeholder groups was slowing IAG’s shift to cloud. To combat this the IAG Cloud Academy was set up.
The purpose of the IAG Cloud academy is to train everyone in the organisation in cloud. This happens through classroom training, immersion days and lunch and learns. To date, IAG has put hundreds of staff through this program.
Conversations around topics that involve multiple departments, such as security and compliance, used to take months. Thanks to the IAG Cloud Academy they only take days, or in some cases, just a few hours.
The IAG Cloud Academy has also sped up the migration of regulated workloads by as much as four times.
AWS Security Essentials Training
For non-technical staff who need to understand security in the cloud, AWS Security Essentials training is a great starting point.
This course teaches students fundamental security concepts. These include AWS access control, data encryption methods, and how network access to your AWS infrastructure can be secured.
Find out more about AWS Security Essentials and download the Course Overview.
Security Engineering on AWS Training
For technical staff that require a deeper understanding of cloud security, Security Engineering on AWS is a great fit. Security Engineering on AWS is the only 3-day course dedicated solely to security in the AWS Cloud.
Students learn how to efficiently use security services and will get practice using tools for automation and continuous monitoring.
Find out more about Security Engineering on AWS and download the Course Overview.
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aws-certification · 4 years
3 Ways to Increase your Cloud ROI
Cloud ROI is about more than just getting value for money on your cloud spend.
Cloud is becoming the new normal. Consequently, it’s critical organisations accelerate their adoption to remain competitive in their markets.
Here’s three tips to help you maximise your cloud ROI.
Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
Build a Culture of Collaboration
Train Everyone Who Interacts with Cloud
Work with Experienced Cloud Partners
  1. Building a Culture of Collaboration Increases your Return on Investment in Cloud
Shifting to the cloud impacts your entire business. Therefore cooperation and collaboration are key. You need everyone in your organisation working together toward a cloud centric future.
This will occur in two key ways.
Firstly, you need to make sure there is a common understanding of the cloud throughout your organisation. This is achieved through cloud training and a comprehensive training strategy.
But, more on that a little later.
Secondly, you need to create a formal culture of collaboration between your IT team and your operations team. This structure is known as DevOps.
In short, DevOps builds unity between teams that used to function separately. So, it’s one of the best ways to ensure you meet your cloud ROI targets
In addition, DevOps breaks the barrier between development and operations, blending the two.
Benefits of this way of working include:
Increased trust
Faster software releases
Ability to solve critical issues quickly
Capacity to better manage unplanned work
To make it in the world of DevOps you need a new set of working processes and working culture. So  it’s critical to establish a Centre of Cloud Excellence early in your Cloud-First transformation. This will define, communicate and oversee a culture of DevOps working in your organisation
In conclusion you can learn about establishing a Centre of Cloud Excellence here.
  2. Training Everyone who Interacts with Cloud Accelerates Cloud ROI
Organisations who invest in comprehensive training are 3.8x more likely to meet their cloud ROI requirements*.
Comprehensive training includes cloud fundamentals training for a wide range of stakeholders. Similarly, it also involves deep cloud training for key technical teams.
For example, here are some other benefits of a comprehensively trained team*:
Simpler IT infrastructure: They are 2.2x more likely to agree that cloud can simplify and standardise IT infrastructure and applications
New capabilities, faster: They are 2.5x more likely to agree that cloud accelerates the addition of new technical and business capabilities
Improved use of resources: They are 4x more likely to agree that cloud improves the use of IT resources
Improved ability to scale: They are 3.7x more likely to understand how to successfully increase and decrease capacity on demand
Quicker to innovate: They are 2.7x more likely to realise cloud jump-starts innovation
Improved global reach: They are 5.3x more likely to agree that cloud improves global reach of products and services, better serving clients
Overcome concerns: 4.4x more likely to overcome operational/performance concerns
Most importantly, it doesn’t matter who your cloud provider is. Investing in comprehensive training  always gives your organisation a competitive edge.
Find out more about comprehensive cloud training for business here.
*Source: IDC white paper, Train to Accelerate your Cloud Strategy
3. Working with Experienced Cloud Partners Increases Cloud ROI
Life in a Cloud-First world is one of continuous development, testing and integration. Consequently, to hit your cloud ROI targets your technical staff need new skills. Skills to operate in this new, fast-paced environment.
Your cloud infrastructure or platform provider can guide you through this process.
Learn everything you can from your external partners, aiming to become self-sufficient once the initial transition period is over. Likewise, have your team work alongside them. This way they can fully absorb their skills and knowledge.
In addition, during this process is when you want to think about engaging a training partner.
A training partner provides structured training programs to solidify your team’s practical skills. For example, they can also assist your team earn certifications to validate their cloud skills.
If your cloud platform is AWS, we can work with you to create a cloud training plan. This will ensure your organisation hits its cloud ROI targets.
Here are some other benefits a cloud training plan brings:
Align training to organisational objectives
Minimise disruption to your organisation
Help forecast your organisation’s training spend
You can find out more about our cloud training plans for business here.
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aws-certification · 4 years
Cloud News Round-up: March 2020
Welcome to our monthly Cloud and IT News round-up. Every month we’ll take a look at some of the biggest stories in IT, updates to AWS Cloud and cloud computing in general.
Below is a list of all the topics we will cover in this blog post. Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
AWS Cloud Updates
Cloud and IT News
Useful Cloud Resources
AWS Cloud Updates
AWS Amplify Console Now Accessible Through the AWS Amplify Command Line Interface
AWS Amplify Command Line Interface now offers hosting options for the AWS Amplify Console. This is in addition to hosting options for Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront. It is a framework for building modern applications, enabling users to easily add services like authentication or storage.
The AWS Amplify Console supports hosting the front-end and back-end assets for single page app frameworks. It also supports static site generators.
In addition, the console allows you to leverage features like continuous deployment, instant cache invalidation, custom redirects, and simple configuration of custom domains.
Amazon ElastiCache Global Datastore Now Available for Redis
Amazon ElasiCache Global Datastore is now available for Redis. This service allows users to replicate a cluster in one region to clusters in up to two other regions.
In-memory data stores are widely used for application scalability. Systems like Redis help decouple databases and back-ends from incoming traffic. For instance, this sheds most of the traffic that would have otherwise reached them. This reduces application latency for users.
Host your Container Storage with AWS Bottlerocket
AWS Bottlerocket, a new Linux-based open source operating system, launched earlier this month. Bottlerocket has been designed and optimised specifically for use as a container host.
Instead of a package update system, Bottlerocket uses a simple, image-based model. This allows for a rapid and complete rollback if necessary, removing opportunities for conflicts and breakage. In addition, it makes it easier for users to apply other fleet-wide updates.
Materialise your Amazon Redshift Views to Speed Up Query Execution
AWS has introduced materialised views for Amazon Redshift. That is to say, users can now use materialised views to speed up the query execution time.
Moreover, this kind of view is useful for queries that are predictable and repeated. Instead of performing resource-intensive queries on large tables, applications can query the pre-computed data stored in the materialised view.
  Cloud and IT News
Bespoke Training Shifts to Live Virtual Instructor Led Training
All of our AWS courses are now delivered through Live Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training (VILT). This shift is in response to the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation which has meant in-person classes are no longer an option.
The content in our VILT course is exactly the same as our classroom courses. The only difference is that it is delivered digitally.
Watch our video on What is Live Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training.
Read our Guide to Live Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training.
AWS Launches $20 million Initiative to Help Fight COVID-19
Last Friday AWS announced that it has set aside $20 million US to help accelerate research and development of diagnostic solutions for COVID-19. AWS hopes to focus resources specifically on their customers that are working on point-of-care diagnostics, or testing with same-day results.
The initiative is open to AWS customers that are accredited research institutions or private entities. Currently the program includes 35 global research institutions, startups and businesses.
Useful Cloud Resources
Accelerate your Adoption of Cloud with Comprehensive Training
Moving to the cloud is about more than just technology. Organisations need employees with a deep technical understanding. This is why cloud training is so critical. Businesses shifting workloads to cloud can leverage cloud training to accelerate adoption, overcome concerns, and extend the benefits of cloud.
Find out how in our epic post: How Cloud Training Accelerates Cloud Adoption.
AWS Launches New Training and Certification Focused Blog
AWS has launched a new blog to share updates and insights about all things AWS Training and Certification. It’s a great place to stay up to date with what the AWS team is building and what’s new in AWS Cloud training.
Read the AWS Training and Certification Blog.
Train your Entire Organisation for Cloud Success
Want to exceed your cloud ROI goals? Or to jump-start cloud-based innovation? A cloud training strategy will bring your organisation these benefits, and more!
Join our FREE webinar, More Than IT: Train Your Entire Organisation for Cloud Success, and learn:
How to use training to build a common understanding of cloud in your organisation
How to assess the training needs of your technical, and non-technical staff
How to determine the most effective type of training for the different roles in your organisation
The webinar will run on: Wednesday, 8th April, 2020 2:30pm – 3:30pm AEDT
Register for More Than IT: Train Your Entire Organisation for Cloud Success.
  Want the latest in AWS Cloud, cloud computing and IT news delivered straight to your inbox each month? Enter your email in the footer below to sign up for the Bespoke Training newsletter.
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aws-certification · 4 years
The Benefits of Live Virtual Training (Part 3/3)
There are countless benefits of Live Virtual Training (VILT).
According to research carried out by Global Knowledge, comprehensively trained organisations are 80% more likely to meet their cloud ROI objectives.
For individuals, equipping yourself with technical cloud skills and experience makes you more valuable to your organisation.
For organisations, employees with cloud skills bring a wide range of advantages. These include:
The ability to troubleshoot technical problems without outside help
Contributing to an organisation’s credibility when it comes to proficiency with cloud applications
Eliminating the additional time and money required to hire new staff with cloud skills
Reducing the impact of downtime
Watch our video below to discover more benefits of  VILT:
  Discover More of the Benefits of Live Virtual Training
Want to learn more about VILT? Check out our Guide to Live Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training.
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aws-certification · 4 years
Live Virtual Training: Delivery (Part 2/3)
As you might already know, all of our AWS Cloud courses have shifted to a Live Virtual Training delivery method (VILT).
This is because, due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), in-person courses are currently not an option.
The content in our Live Virtual course is exactly the same as our instructor led classroom cloud training. The only difference is that it is delivered digitally.
It is delivered through the following modalities:
Instructor led: An AWS Certified Instructor will teach you the content live
Live demos: Live introductions to relevant AWS products and services
Hands-on labs: This is your chance to get hands-on experience with AWS products under the guidance of an AWS Certified Instructor
Watch the video below to find out more about how our VILT courses are delivered:
Discover the Benefits of Live Virtual Training Delivery
Watch the next video in our series: The advantages of Cloud Training
Read our guide to Live Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training.
The post Live Virtual Training: Delivery (Part 2/3) appeared first on Bespoke Training.
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aws-certification · 4 years
What is Live Virtual Cloud Training?
All of our AWS courses are now delivered through Live Virtual Cloud Training (VILT).
This shift is in response to the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation which has meant in-person classes are no longer an option.
The content in our VILT course is exactly the same as our classroom courses. The only difference is that it is delivered digitally.
Just like our previous in person training, VILT:
Contains the same content and course structure
Follows the AWS Authorised Curriculum
Is led by the same AWS-Authorised Instructors
Delivered live with the ability to ask questions
Watch the video below to find out more about VILT.
  Learn More about Live Virtual Cloud Training
Watch the next  video in our series: How VILT is Delivered.
Read our guide to Virtual Live Instructor Led Cloud Training.
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aws-certification · 4 years
Train From Anywhere with Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training
Virtual instructor led cloud training is the perfect solution when cloud skills are important to an organisation.
Over the last few weeks we have seen a large shift in people working remotely in light of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Meanwhile, governments are increasing restrictions on travel and social gatherings to help contain the virus.
As a result, traditional in-person classroom training currently isn’t an option.
However, this doesn’t change the fact that cloud training is still mission critical to many organisations. They are dependent on individuals with cloud skills to manage day to day tasks and continue digital transformation.
This is where virtual instructor led cloud training comes in.
Virtual instructor led cloud training is a convenient and effective way to equip yourself with the skills to succeed in the cloud. Plus, you can do it all from anywhere with a reliable internet connection.
Below we explore this type of training and how it differs from other digital training offerings.
Click on any of these links and you’ll be taken to the corresponding section:
An Introduction to Digital Training
Why Choose Instructor Led Virtual Cloud Training?
The Advantages of Cloud Training for Individuals
The Advantages of Cloud Training for Organisations
Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training and Learning Outcomes
An Introduction to Digital Training
The big advantage of digital training is that it can be accessed from anywhere. All that’s required is a laptop and an internet connection.
In addition, for individuals interested in learning cloud skills there’s a wide range of digital cloud training available. Resources like guides, white papers, reports and online training modules are all widely accessible. Many of them for free.
However, free digital resources have limitations. They lack access to experts and lack context specific to your organisational environment,  limiting your ability to develop practical cloud skills.
This is why virtual instructor led cloud training is so important.
  Why Choose Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training?
When we use the term virtual instructor led cloud training we are referring to a specific type of digital training. In this kind of training students are led by a live instructor. As well as group discussions there are also hands on activities, labs and workbooks.
To put it simply, the content is exactly the same as our instructor led classroom cloud training but it’s delivered digitally.
Students ask questions directly and  skills are contextualised to a working environment. Research has shown  this kind of training delivers the best learning outcomes.
The Advantages of Cloud Training for Individuals
For individuals, equipping yourself with technical cloud skills and experience makes you more valuable to your organisation. Cloud skills are in high demand and companies are prepared to pay top dollar for them.
Find out more about the advantages of cloud training for individuals.
The Advantages of Cloud Training for Organisations
For organisations, employees with cloud skills bring a wide range of advantages. These include:
The ability to troubleshoot technical problems without outside help
Contributing to an organisation’s credibility when it comes to proficiency with Cloud Applications
Reducing the impact of downtime
Increasing the reliability and efficiency of your cloud
Improving the implementation of new technology
Decreasing the time to install and configure solutions
Providing long-term savings
Elevating levels of service and support to customers and IT end users
Gaining an edge over less-trained organisations
Learn more about the advantages of cloud training for organisations.
Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training and Learning Outcomes
All of our cloud training courses have a list of learning outcomes. These outline the skills a student will gain by attending the course.
Furthermore, all AWS Cloud training is built around structured learning paths that lead to certification.
You can view our AWS Learning paths here. 
The post Train From Anywhere with Virtual Instructor Led Cloud Training appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/2UjBFHK
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aws-certification · 4 years
COVID-19 Update Bespoke Training 16th March 2020
Following is a quick update on Bespoke Training’s schedule in light of the rapidly changing circumstances related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
We are aware that some organisations are starting to implement remote working for their staff, as well as restricting external meetings. At the same time, AWS Cloud training remains critical to the organisation’s digital transformation needs, as well as individual’s skills enablement.
The health and well-being of our employees, customers, and partners is our utmost priority. Therefore we are moving all of our classes to Virtual Instructor Led (VILT) format effective immediately.
Our Account Management and Operations teams are in the process of contacting all students enrolled for existing classroom training, to provide them additional details regarding the change.
Importantly the content for our virtual classes is exactly the same as our in-person offering just delivered through Bespoke Training’s virtual platform.
Summary of our COVID-19 update:
All Bespoke Training AWS Cloud training will be delivered via our Virtual Instructor Led format effective Monday 16th March 2020
The course content remains exactly the same
Any students enrolled in existing classes will be contacted individually and provided with additional details
We will provide further updates once we have finalised our virtual schedule for the next few months
  Please feel free to contact your Account Manager if you have any concerns or queries.
The post COVID-19 Update Bespoke Training 16th March 2020 appeared first on Bespoke Training.
from Bespoke Training https://ift.tt/33na6l2
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