#and only unlocked it again for puzzle 002 when it became relevant
lutiaslayton · 8 months
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Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Disclaimer: This is a fan-translation for the Japan-exclusive novellisation of the movie Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. The original novel was written by Aya Matsui under the supervision of Akihiro Hino, and belongs to Level-5.
This translation only aims to be a pleasant read for non-Japanese fans, nothing more: I made a few deliberate changes while translating in order to get the writing style closer to what is usually found in English fanfictions, as the Japanese storytelling can sometimes be different than what we are used to.
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* Puzzle n°001
“Let’s get going. Puzzle n°001: ladies and gentlemen, please take a good look around you, and assemble under the oldest thing you can find.”
The man’s voice had just told us the first puzzle.
“Now, do note that there is a time limit.”
Spotlights were switched on and a long, narrow box-like object was raised up. A music box.
The paper containing the score, rolled around a cylinder, slowly unwrapped and ended up swallowed into a slit. Soon, the machine began to play a tune.
“You have until the music ends… so there is no time to lose.”
The audience had been stunned by the unexpected turn of events; but everyone soon rushed out of the hall. Their one and only goal was simple: to find this ‘oldest thing.’
We could not afford to stay idle. I stood up in a hurry.
“Professor, let’s go find it!”
The professor replied with a calm nod, and slowly walked towards the door.
“I’m coming too,” Janice said as she rushed to catch up with us.
I glanced… sideways at her. Even in normal clothes, without her costume as the Queen of Ambrosia, she was still a very beautiful person. And even though she was now back to being Janice Quatlane… Her lively sparkling eyes and the impression of dignified strength that she radiated had remained exactly the same.
I wanted to protect her. But I was a child, wanting to protect a famous adult opera singer… if anyone could hear this, they would surely laugh at me.
Still, I was very serious. I couldn’t let Janice suffer the same fate as those who had disappeared under the floor earlier. And the only way to do that was to keep winning this game.
I was going to become a gentleman too. It was only natural to help a lady in need.
I decided to focus my thoughts on the puzzle. The Crown Petone was decorated here and there with fossils, rough crystals, and antiques, all looking very old. We had to find the oldest item out of all of these… My eyes would scurry here and there, all around, but I only felt like our limited time was being wasted.
Janice looked very worried. I had to do something… The sound of the music box playing made me feel even more impatient.
“Professor, there are way too many things on board that could be the right answer! Which one could be the oldest?”
The professor did not respond. I stopped asking.
I had soon learned that when he was silent and had this kind of expression on his face, it meant that his mind was moving at full speed. I did not want to disturb his thoughts by talking about unnecessary things.
Suddenly, he looked up with a start. He must have solved it!
“It’s alright, Luke. Now, let’s hurry back to the theatre.”
And there it was. I was glad I hadn’t bothered him.
When we returned back to our starting point, I noticed that quite a few other people were already here.
Suddenly, the professor said:
“The clue was in the puzzle itself.”
I quickly pulled out my notebook, reading again the mysterious man’s exact words. I had written them down as soon as he had announced the puzzle.
“Try to remember,” the professor continued. “The host said ‘take a look around,’ but at no point did he say ‘look on this ship’…”
I ran my eyes hastily over my notes.
“He certainly didn’t use the words ‘on board.’”
“This is because the ‘oldest thing’ we are supposed to find is not on this ship.”
Janice asked with a surprised look on her face:
“But if it’s not on the ship, then where is it?”
“The oldest thing we are supposed to look for…”
The professor suddenly looked up. Janice and I did the same. Above us was a clear, starry sky.
“…are the stars that have existed for tens of thousands of years,” he soon concluded.
The oldest things were the stars! This was not an answer I had considered. But now that I had heard it, it sounded obvious. All the fossils and other objects that had been placed all over the Crown Petone were simply decoys meant to mislead us.
“You did it again, Professor!”
As I just finished saying this, the music box fell into silence.
“Your time is up. The oldest things were the stars in the sky that still shine in the night to this day… Congratulations to all that stand in this hall. You have earned the right to try your hand at the next puzzle.”
Many contestants around us breathed a sigh of relief. But at that moment, dozens of screams reached my ears from outside.
I was reminded of all the people who had disappeared when the floor collapsed earlier.
If we could not solve the puzzle, then we had to offer our life… This was a terrifying game of life and death. Once again, fear was palpable.
“Let us now move on to Puzzle n°002. Ladies and gentlemen, please gather this time around the place ‘from which you can see the largest crown.’”
The man’s voice sounded to me like a death sentence…
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