#and of course Giullian
chalamet-chalamet · 24 days
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New/old of Timmy from a few weeks ago dining at Tatiana by Kwame Onwuachi (an Afro Caribbean-inspired restaurant in NYC). He’s also pictured with Giullian Gioiello and composer Nicholas Britell.
Thanks to IG: tchalametsheart for the find. Original IG credit to siria.alvarez
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silvyysthings · 8 months
This might sound backwards but I hope the SAG-AFTRA strike goes on for at least 70 days. Hear me out. A movie about a chocolatier debuts 63 days from the day I’m typing this. That would guarantee not seeing a reality star pictured with or nearby Timothée on the red carpet or on talk shows or SNL. That movie will do well enough on its own as a family-oriented film released during the holidays and there likely are other non-SAG-AFTRA actors who can do promotion outside the U.S.
Here’s a great thread with the latest straight from SAG-AFTRA:
Do I wish this would be resolved sooner? Of course, as long as the union had their demands met! Also, people crying why we haven’t seen many big names on the picket line (such as Timothee) was because strikers wanted the focus initially on the large number of actors most affected by AMPTP demands including some you wouldn’t think (e.g. Timothée’s friend Giullian, Michelle Hurd, the Breaking Bad guy whose name escapes me, Kristen Johnston). If the likes of Meryl Streep, etc. were out from the beginning it pulls the focus away from the “everyperson” walking picket lines. The public will relate to the struggles of non-A Listers if the A-Listers are rarely seen in the beginning thus helping SAG-AFTRA gain sympathy from the public. That said, looks like they want to start involving the larger names more.
This is your cue, Timothée!
Thank you for the infos anon 😘
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whatitis-inside · 10 months
Even Tim's idol Leo DiCaprio did the bare minimum by posting on IG that he supports his guild striking and he wins 10 times more money that Tim does. Seeing how Pauline is spreading Giullian's reels talking about the strike yet Timothee cannot be bothered to even like them when he likes all KarJenner content feels so wrong. And you are now considered in the fandom a Timmy hater if you decide to rightfully call out his attitude in these historical times for the industry. He of course can hang out with other A lister and play sports and have private "friendly" dinners with them while also supporting the strikes and putting his mouth where he speaks and debunk the image of "A lister hypocrite" he's so fond of since April.
Societal collapse guy was right, it is in the air and he knew it bc he's contributing to it. I fear when the 7th of August comes and we see him working on ACU as if nothing was happening.
Does he really like all Kylie posts/stuff? Coz I'm not following both of them on socials so idk really.
As for Tim-hater - I would say as everything in this life this is also more complex as you wish it to see. If you only complain and hate all the stuff he does, then why you are surprised fandom folks think you are a hater? Because imo we all should find balance, so not glorify and love all stuff he does, but also not simply hate everything. Yeah, you can criticize, but if that's all you do at some point you should ask yourself if it's really worth it? If you even like him still? Coz it's fine to not and move on onto the better things. It's very simple to get invested into the hate and become a real anti.
All the recent stuff he does is really not for me - the pap walks, the oh-s0-casual basketball with Sandler etc. He appears like a product to sell stuff (either a movie or stuff for rich people like cartier or lv) and there's nothing to balance it out. There's no charm. Frankly, I think he needs to be really careful rn. First, we got Brain saying he doesn't do auditions, Tim himself doesn't do anything than promote his projects and his ig is just that, lacking stuff ppl could connect with. Now, it's about strike, and all he does is going for pap walks while his friends and fellow actors fight for better life. Not only he will not be liked for his stance but his projects will be pushed back as well so ... that's a thin ice he is walking on. I wish him the best, but as much as I'm aware you can be as open as he was in the beginning of his career, shielding himself like so and appearing only as Timothee Chalamet the actor everywhere won't win him points at all.
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 3 years
The loons always want to have their cake and eat it too. Ashton has long been considered public enemy number one (kinda like Giullian) for the hotel hijinks and staying friends with Liz, but suddenly he’s their new Charmie bff for posting about Timmy hosting SNL and responding to a creepy af Charmie post (with “haha”). But of course this also goes against the theory that everything has to be done in hiding, lmao. They really should make up their minds on the narrative.
Looks like trolling runs in the Ramsey family. But lbr, Ashton is trying to build a “brand” with that hot mess out there in 29 Palms. He’s just recently got an agent? LOL So chasing Tim’s clout is probably good for business. If the loonies are gonna pin all their hopes and dreams (and do a 360° everytime someone seems to hint at Charmie) just shows how clearly they don’t believe their own story. It’s hilarious to watch.
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mysteryofcharmie · 4 years
hi agata ❤️ can you please explain who is Will and what happened between him, Timmy, Armie and E to the new Charmies please?
Hey, anon. Will is one of Timmy's best friend. I don't know what happened between him and Hammers, but at some point of summer 2018 (at least, I noticed it at that time) he unfollowed them, first Armie and then Elizabeth that I remember. Of course, if you unfollow someone there is a reason, no? Maybe he didn't like them, maybe he thought that with the end of the promo he didn't need to follow them anymore. Whatever it is, I still don't understand what changed now. Why he woke up one day and decided to follow Armie again (not Elizabeth though) and to start liking his posts like before. I don't expect them to be in contact, especially because if they weren't friends before, why they should now? And if Armie is out of Timmy's life, an old co-star he never sees, why Will, Giullian, Ashton, Tyler, aunt Lizbeth and others shows the contrary? And if it so, if they are friends and there is nothing more, why can't they act like normal old friends do? Why Armie can't even like one single Timmy's post in a year, as if they are almost enemies, but then they see each other in secret? Who does that? What kind of old co-stars, that never sees each other, don't say anything about their reunions? A lot of questions for you, nonny. Sorry, you are new, probably I'm terrorising you hahah. Be safe! xx
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statisticalwonder · 6 years
4! Maybe Timmy is rehearsing lines on the phone and reader overhears the conversation thinking it’s about them and gets upset.
“She’s my best friend, I love her as a friend, but I don’t love her like that anymore, does that make sense?” Long pause. Timmy was pacing, on the phone with Giullian, his best friend. The door was almost closed, but you could hear how upset and conflicted he sounded. They kept talking, but you couldn’t bear to hear anymore. It was extremely obvious that Timmy was going to break up with you. You walked to the corner of your bedroom opposite the wall and next to the bed, and sat down slowly, tears streaming out of your eyes so fast you couldn’t stop them.“Yeah, when do you think I should tell her?” Long pause. “Ok, sounds good. I’ll do that, thanks man...yeah I’ll keep you updated.” You knew Timmy was about to walk in apologetically and tell you he wanted to break up, that he liked it better when you were friends. Instead of coming in to your shared bedroom right away, he stayed in the study, muttered to himself, and paced around the room nervously. You could picture him wringing his hands and rubbing them through his dark curls like he does when he’s nervous or scared. At one point you thought you heard muffled sobs, his hand covering his face because even when he’s alone he doesn’t want to seem weak, he must know this would hit you hard.Your bedroom door opened, and he walked in somberly, cheeks still stained with tears, but a smile on his face. He saw you in the corner, still crying your eyes out with your head in your hands he looked confused and his smile quickly left his face. “Y/n, sweetie, what’s wrong? What happened to make you cry this much? What can I do?” Your knees were up against your chest and you put your head down into them so he wouldn’t see you cry since he obviously didn’t love you.“Darling, you’ve got to talk to me,” he tenderly lifted your chin from your knees and looked into your eyes still coursing down your face. “How can I help if I don’t even know what’s going on?” He picked you up by the armpits and gently lifted you onto the bed so you had to look at him. “I can’t let you do this. Please don’t do this, please!” You had to stop in between each word to take a deep breath, but still ended up collapsing into sobs on your pillow. He looked so confused and sad because he honestly had no idea what you were talking about, and he couldn’t stand to see you upset. He slid his hand under your shirt onto your back and rubbed circles in it because he knew that always calmed you down. His warm, soft hands were comforting, but you were confused about why he was consoling you when he was about to break up with you, but then again your friends would hug you even though you had no romantic relationship with them, and that’s what he wants.“Timothée, you’re just making this so much fucking harder,” you cried, making sure not to fall into him and cry into his chest like you usually did, but this time reverting back to your pillow. “Y/n, I’m really confused. I have no idea what you’re talking about, what am I doing?”“I can sleep on the couch tonight, tomorrow I can move in with friends,” you said, regaining a little composure, even though your face was red and blotchy and your eyes were sore from all the crying. “What?” His voice broke and you could tell he was starting to figure out what was going on. “Why would on earth would you do that? Usually when you’re sad you like to cuddle and be the little spoon and I hold you, what’s different this time?” “Stop leading me on, Timothée, I know you don’t love me anymore. It’s your decision. I’ve accepted it. Just tell me what I did, please.” This was possibly the hardest thing to say to someone ever. You had to tell him you were okay with his decision even though you really weren’t. “Oh no, darling, I was just practicing my lines with Giullian. I never want to break up with you, ever. Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I never want to put you through something like that.” He picked you up from your fetal position around the pillow and held you in his lap, slowly rocking back and forth as you kept crying, but this time out of relief. You should have just realized he was rehearsing. You wrapped your arms around his waist and lay with your head in his lap while he sat and stroked your hair and held your hands. You cried so much because you really thought you were going to lose him forever. Eventually he shifted both of you so you were under the covers, but still holding each other, keeping each other warm. You fell asleep that way: limbs tangled together, cheeks soiled with dried teardrops, chests moving up and down in unison, hearts beating together, hands gripping each others’ as if they never wanted to let go.
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docrotten · 3 years
I am your host Doc Rotten and this is the GRUESOME GUIDE to Horror Movies for February 2021. Back with me again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net. Joining me tonight is Podcasting Rock Star & International Cosplay Queen, Vanessa Thompson.
A NIGHTMARE WAKES - 02/04/2021
Synopsis: A gothic period piece inspired by the torrid love affair of Mary and Percy Shelley and the creation of her famous novel, Frankenstein. As she creates her masterpiece, she gives birth to a monster. Director: Nora Unkel Writer: Nora Unkel Cast: Alix Wilton and Giullian Gioiello
THE RECKONING - 02/05/2021
Synopsis: After losing her husband during the Great Plague, Grace Haverstock (Charlotte Kirk) is unjustly accused of being a witch and placed in the custody of England’s most ruthless witch-hunter, Judge Moorcroft (Sean Pertwee). Forced to endure physical and emotional torture while steadfastly maintaining her innocence, Grace must face her own inner demons as the Devil himself starts to work his way into her mind. Director: Neil Marshall Writer: Neil Marshall, Charlotte Kirk, and Edward Evers-Swindell Cast: Charlotte Kirk, Joe Anderson, Steven Waddington, and Sean Pertwee
SATOR - 02/09/2021
Synopsis: Secluded in a desolate forest home to little more than the decaying remnants of the past, a broken family is further torn apart by a mysterious death. Adam, guided by a pervasive sense of dread, hunts for answers only to learn that they are not alone; an insidious presence by the name of Sator has been observing his family, subtly influencing all of them for years in an attempt to claim them. Director: Jordan Graham Writer: Jordan Graham Cast: Michael Daniel, Rachel Johnson, Aurora Lowe
SACRIFICE - 02/09/2021
Synopsis: After his mother’s death, Isaac and his pregnant wife return to his birthplace on a remote Norwegian island to claim an unexpected inheritance. During their visit, the couple discovers dark secrets from Isaac’s past. Their pleasant trip quickly turns into a nightmare when Isaac and his wife encounter a sinister cult that worships a sea-dwelling deity. Director: Andy Collier, Toor Mian Writer: Andy Collier Cast: Barbara Crampton, Sophie Stevens, Ludovic Hughes
Synopsis: When his car breaks down, a quiet loner (Nic Cage) agrees to clean an abandoned family fun center in exchange for repairs. He soon finds himself waging war against possessed animatronic mascots while trapped inside Willy's Wonderland. Director: Kevin Lewis Writer: G.O. Parsons Cast: Nicolas Cage, Emily Tosta, Beth Grant
FEAR OF RAIN - 02/12/2021
Synopsis: A girl living with schizophrenia struggles with terrifying hallucinations as she begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. The only person who believes her is Caleb -a boy she isn't even sure exists. Director: Castille Landon Writer: Castille Landon Cast: Katherine Heigl, Madison Iseman, Harry Connick Jr., & Israel Broussard
Synopsis: High schooler Yuri finds herself atop a skyscraper in a strange world, where she must survive against masked assailants bent on killing their prey. Director: Masahiro Takata for Zero-G Writer: Touko Machida (7SEEDS) will be overseeing the series scripts Cast: Haruka Shiraishi as Yuri Honjo, Shiki Aoki as Mayuko Nise, Akira Sekine as Kuon Shinzaki, Junya Enoki as Rika Honjo, and Yuichiro Umehara as Sniper Mask
THE VIGIL - 02/26/2021
Synopsis: Steeped in ancient Jewish lore and demonology, THE VIGIL is a supernatural horror film set over the course of a single evening in Brooklyn’s Hasidic Borough Park neighborhood. Low on funds and having recently left his insular religious community, Yakov reluctantly accepts an offer from his former rabbi and confidante to take on the responsibility of an overnight “shomer,” fulfilling the Jewish practice of watching over the body of a deceased community member. Shortly after arriving at the recently departed’s dilapidated house to sit the vigil, Yakov begins to realize that something is very, very wrong. Director: Keith Thomas Writer: Keith Thomas Cast: Dave Davis, Menashe Lustig, Malky Goldman
Check out this episode!
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 4 years
It makes me laugh how they keep saying 'of course Giullian is involved'. How is he involved again? He doesn't follow Yasmin, hasn't been spending time with them that we know of. Because he's been seen with Timmy in the same week as he was seen with Yasmin, that means he's involved? How dare he spend time with his longtime friend. He should clearly shun him until he's done with her. Not to be stereotypical, but bring on Dune and Wes Anderson and Bob Dylan and more adult male fans honestly.
Involved how is the question? What is he doing to involve himself in anything. Stg, Charmies need a mental health eval.
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mysteryofcharmie · 4 years
We can’t know if him and A are distance. He still seems very close with Tyler and was spending time with him until last week. Also going to a protest together doesn’t mean you’re besties, but him and T have known each other for a long time and the dude looks like him so I can see it. But of course we can’t know for sure. Anyway I thought it was positive for Charmie lol but okay
I was just expressing a doubt, not saying it can't be him. I didn't notice him on Timmy's story and now that I look better, it really seems like him. Don't know about Charmie, but it's positive in itself because it means Timmy is still close to Armie's inner circle. And if he is — that's a thought for antis — why shouldn't he with Armie himself? It's like the same things with likes. Months ago, all Armie's friends were constantly liking and commenting on Timmy's posts. Even calling him brother. Giullian said his two world were colliding. Ashton liked and followed Giullian just few months ago. It seems a little bit too much for two people that — according to antis — can't stand each other or aren't in contact anymore.
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mysteryofcharmie · 4 years
Lmao if was taken at Giullians place, probably by Giullian. Of course desperate peeps will try take it as something, but it's just a cool jacket. Let the girl go
I thought the girl was Timothée, it took me a minute to understand it wasn't. Ha! Anyway, yes, let it go would be the smartest move, but they aren't known for this.
Thousands of clues for Charmie? It doesn't mean anything. One pic taken in a friend apartment with a jacket he wore one time for doing pap pictures with Lily Rose? He's regretting having broke up with her (lmao, as if they ever being together for real). Wow. Congrats. This level had not yet been reached.
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mysteryofcharmie · 4 years
oh so it is possible for timmy to wish someone a Happy Birthday publicly? ha
1. Whether or not you believe in the possibility that Armie and Timmy have a relationship that goes beyond friendship is not of my interest, but it is absolutely out of the logic to think that they are not even friends and even wanting to think that they are not as close as before, Timmy wishes happy birthday to many of his colleagues, with whom he has no real if not professional relationship. So why not Armie? They are old co-stars, right? Does he hate him this much he can't even wish him happy birthday or answer to a comment where he tagged him? C'mon guys.
2. If we were to follow your logic and consider his friends only those for whom he expresses a public affection, he is not close to his sister (he did not wish her happy birthday publicly!), his mother, Giullian, Will, and of course, neither to his fiancée. Are you sure you wanna walk this road?
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mysteryofcharmie · 4 years
I think some of his friends were there too. There’s a lot more people at that table. Also, he wasn’t in the Bahamas lol
Of course he wasn't. I had my inbox full of questions about that picture, but I didn't want to create drama by posting them. Giullian went to Bahamas just once, like Timmy did, so if they were there, and not somewhere else, obviously the picture was from last year birthday. Oh look how happy we was to be there. Anyway, if they had this dinner in NYC, maybe there were his other friends with them. Whoever there was in that table, he was relaxed and loved.
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mysteryofcharmie · 5 years
We're not sure he's in the Bahamas.Frank posted a story of a tropical place and that doesn't look like Bahama weather and considering the horror the island just went through.Joey posted a pic of painted nails and the floor of somewhere that can be literally anywhere,the Lilothees just made themselves see what they wanted to see.Nspiro posted a story of a guy with an orange backpack and everyone in the comments are recognizing him and saying it's N himself,he's tanned and slimmer so there's that
Of course that was Nick Spiro. They don't even recognize their baby.
Anyway, I think he will be there soon, there is no need for Nick to be there if not for keeping company to Timmy. He is one of his very best friend, unlike Frank who appears only for these things. Probably Nick is the Giullian of the situation this time.
Have fun, Tim. 👋😜
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