#and not preach about thoschei
best-enemies · 3 years
Sweet Blooded and I’m Stranded 
Autor: countessrivers
Rating: Explicit (always read the warnings first)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Simm!Master
Chapters: 1/1
Yesterday (wow, it was yesterday??) I posted here that I was reading a really, really good Tensimm fanfic and was, and I quote, “crying for 10mins straight from how good it is”. It was like, way past 2am so I didn’t comment any further because I was too sleepy. I got a few messages (well, a lot for a small blog lol) asking me to drop the link, but now I feel like I should properly talk about it. So don’t worry fellow Tensimm enthusiasts, I got you:
That night I was mindlessly scrolling through my many, many tabs of unread fanfiction and my emergency must-never-close-tabs (usually my main fandoms and OTPs) and I found this one. It’s pretty recent, and I was surprised I hadn’t read it.
Look, I’ve always had this crush on Simm!Master and for me he’s always had great looks. But his TDF beard is... hot hot. But let’s ignore that for a sec. I’d wanted to see TDF!Simm meeting the Tenth Doctor again for so long and I’m glad the author found a way to bring them together, even if the Master would have to erase the Doctor’s memory of this encounter for obvious reasons. Timelines and shit.
This story is so... it’s too hard to put feelings into words. But reading about the Doctor through the Master’s eyes is always an experience. He’s so in love with the Doctor you can see the way he describes every detail about his features and reactions and, the feeling I get from this fic and many others - at least the way fans write the Master - is that the Master has this adoration for the Doctor. That feeling that has been there since they were young, a love that grew into hatred and then mixed into something else much more complex, and the only way you could describe it is the only definition the Master has for the Doctor: there’s no one else in the universe like you. No Time Lords, no humans, no daleks or whatever species you can name, none of them can equal me, other than you.
Of course, the Master doesn’t say these things in the fic, it’s just an interpretation of mine.
In fact, one of my favorite moments of the fic was: “ He’s missed the touch, the feel of his own kind. Of this one in particular.”
Man, editing this post is so painful because it’s all too obvious and I’m saying nothing new about them, but let’s say I’m highlighting things I love about these fuckers.
Usually I wouldn’t get to the porn part because I don’t feel like it’s necessary. But for me, the stories where they do it but with feelings are the best because there’s just so much history, and yearning, and feelings between them, and sometimes the moments where they just make love, not letting any sorrow come between them, just enjoying the few moments of peace they have can be so intense even with all their simplicity. 
I’m not sure if this encounter of theirs is this sweet because the Master will have to erase the Doctor’s memory and can’t rub it on his face later, but I love how he allowed himself to feel, to admit his feelings to himself even if he didn’t voice them outloud. Even if we, the audience, know about his feelings, having him admit it always causes an impact. A good one.
It had been a while since a fanfic made me cry, and I feel so silly but I need to hand it to countessrivers’ writing. It’s simple, straightfoward and passionate just in the right way - things that make a story really good for me.
If someone scrolls by this post and read a few sentences here and there they’ll probably think I’m talking about an epic 130 chapter slow burn with loads of angst and stuff. Nah, I’m talking about a fanfic so beautiful it doesn’t need any of that shit (however good 130 chapter slow burns are, hehe): just the Doctor and the Master meeting again, baring their feelings for each other through touch, speaking volumes and at the same time not saying anything. Definitively one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read and will re-read many times.
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thoschei-rights · 4 years
A collection of Who fic ideas I cant be motivated to write
some of these are really shit half-ideas and some are just so bad, im sorry but i need someone to write these bc i suck at writing- ilysm
1. So Clara can’t get back to Trap Street because Gallifrey is gone and I doubt its coming back this time, because they don’t deserve it- but imagine if Clara unknowingly arrived on Gallifrey, saw the destruction and then saw a small gaggle of humans making their way towards the broken citadel and she’s like oya oya I smell a conspiracy- and thus we get Clara there, and are you telling me when she finds out the truth, she isn’t going to smack The Master round the face because he’s the only Time Lord left in the Universe and she needs to get her anger out at them somehow- idk where it goes from here but I think about Thirteen and Clara a lot.
2. The Master is that child on the cliff with the Timeless Child, I’ve seen this idea around and I love it but I have no idea how I’d really write it, I just love the idea and want more people to write this thanks??
3. Angsty plot but imagine if Yaz, Graham and the other two humans got into the Cybersuits and couldn’t get back out? Like the suit took them? Thought oh hey new flesh yum good stuff?? And woops Graham you doylum you accidentally converted the four of yall into Cybermen while thinking yall clever. 
4. Someone needs to write Thirteen finding out where she’s from though, and hopefully she finds out her original race aren’t all assholes and she has somewhere she actually belongs. Make it Madagascar 2 style like at first she feels like the odd one out, doesn’t fit in, does something wrong and feels outcasted, scared to be alone again but bOOM she isn’’t and someone is there for her, heck even give her parents or smth, i just want her to belong, to have a family she knows wont leave her after only a few years like all the companions do, someone of her own species who dont age in the blink of an eye like humans- :’) am i trying to redeem myself for all the torture i put thirteen through
5. The prison is Stormcage and River hears about the fact they have a new maximum security prisoner and they are really rare bc sure the universe has lots of psychos but only the worst of the worst land themselves in the block the doctor is in and she’s like hmm I wonder- and boom prison break happens as soon as River finds out who it is and whats just happened to her :’)
6. Dhawan!Master barely escaping Gallifrey with The Doctor, the two forces to escape in the same Tardis since its the only one in range, but he’s been hit ever so slightly by the death particle, enough that his body is forced to regenerate and he becomes Missy and Thirteen is just on shock because OH it all makes sense now- Missy didn’t revert to her old ways, she’d not BEEN Missy yet, and finally there’s some hope in the Dark for Thirteen. Also Thrissy because I’m gay for Thrissy.
7. That 12.9 ending scene but instead of just standing in shock and fear and anger, the Doctor paces over to the smug bitch who just yeeted out of that boundary, slaps him across the face and then snogs the fuck outta him. Thoschei rights. Preach. 
8. When The Doctor blows the Matrix, her wiped memories start coming back to her and while in prison she has to experience some of these returning terrors alone, with no comfort. Lots of angst. Make it really dark and sad. Make me sob my heart out. 
9. The Matrix takes more energy from Thirteen than she thought and when yanking from Yaz’s hold to go blow up the Master and the Cybermasters, she collapses from exhaustion and is unconscious while Yaz takes her place and sacrifices herself. When Thirteen wakes, its too late and she has to live in a Universe with no Yaz, just even more shit for her to try and process, its all too much. 
10. Somehow rumour of the true creation of the time lords gets out among the stars, it suddenly becomes common knowledge, “did you hear about the doctor?” “the time lords experimented on her, as a child, stole her dna for themselves” and “they wiped her memories, forced her to revert to a child” and maybe even “i heard they trapped her in a confession dial for 4.5 billion years-” “wha- 4.5 BILLION years?” and suddenly everyone knows the time lords dirty secret but they also know the fragments of the doctors past, and eventually these rumours reach people who know her well, her friends whom are still among the stars, Bill, Clara and Me, Jack, River, hell anyone you wanted, and these companions are like shit we need to find the doctor?? maybe some of them break her outta prison or?? maybe some stumble upon her after shes reunited with the fam and the fam end up finding out too, after thirteen tries not to let them know too much?? idk?? this one is very ambiguous on details so go with it as you want
11. any form of feral baby thirteen. just anything where she snaps at any point will make me happy. just give me. give. me.
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