#and no being a Lady is a social position not a measure of how traditionally feminine one is...shocking I know
fromtheseventhhell · 11 months
This is truly my favorite genre of Arya hate cause it's really a bottom-of-the-barrel, last-ditch effort to discredit her. It just reeks of desperation. They have absolutely nothing to justify Arya not becoming a leader, aside from the fact that they personally don't want her to be one, so they have to rely on misinterpreting the story. "She's unaware of her place in society" and "she rejects society's rules" are such hilarious ways to describe Arya treating lower-class people with respect and kindness. Of course, if you tell it accurately then it's actually a reason why she would make an excellent ruler. But no, Arya is obviously going to renounce her name, family, and status cause she can't care about the smallfolk while being highborn 😔
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ourmrsreynolds · 4 years
ok i saw the greta gerwig movie and she really Did That huh. she really made amylaurie work, which is about the last thing i wanted or expected but honesty compels me to give her props for pulling it off.
i was wrong to worry about florence pugh’s casting, she KILLED it as amy--i found her 10x as compelling as i ever found book!amy, but at the expense, i think, of vast swathes of book!amy’s character? the way amy cuts off laurie’s abortive first proposal with “i’ve spent my whole life coming second to jo” is (1) ok she ain’t wrong jo is a bona fide supernova but (2) it reorients the frame of the whole story around amy being the outsider, amy feeling inadequate and not measuring up, which is ...not what little women is about. little women is the story of how jo march reconciles her sharp tongue, restless spirit, and keen desire for independence with existing as a proper lady in a feminine sphere where she’s not allowed to be any of these things. amy has many trials but she is not divided in the same way between self-actualization and social acceptance; amy is not being suffocated by gender roles; so to frame amy and jo’s not-fitting-in experiences as roughly equivalent is to me a suspect decision. i suppose that’s why they call it an adaptation. in that vein i found this professor bhaer much more bearable than book!bhaer because his selling point is he actually takes jo’s writing seriously?? whereas book!bhaer preached at her to eschew commercial considerations for moral ones and i was like fuck that
consider everything that was cut from this movie in order to retcon amy’s “i have been in love with you half my life.” because i’m shipper trash i made a list of all the shippiest jo/laurie moments in the first half of the book and i think greta gerwig kept maybe one of them?? (it was an amy-related one) meanwhile you have the addition of scenes like amy caterwauling outside the laurences’ window after the lime incident. i don’t mean that gerwig’s interpretation of amy isn’t compelling, i already said it was, give her the best supporting oscar already, i’m just saying there’s no support for this take in the text because amy doesn’t think about laurie that much (and he thinks about her even less). not until Paris does this change. whereas jo and laurie are thick as thieves, consistently acting as each other’s hype man, even when jo’s on the verge of accepting bhaer the narrator notes she’s “forgetting to compare him to Teddy, as she usually did strange men, to their great detriment.” To their great detriment: teddy is the yardstick by which she measures all men and finds them wanting.
traditionally people argue amy/laurie makes sense because they have the most to learn from each other, and the counterargument is “bruh they have zero chemistry.” greta gerwig has put the latter objection to bed, but she had to do a lot of violence to the text to get there. i mean, where is the scene (in book 2, by which time alcott had already made up her mind to sink our ship) when Laurie “absently wound Jo’s apron tassel around his finger” and Jo’s all, “i thought you hated to be tied to a woman’s apron-string” and Laurie responds, “Ah, that depends on who wears the apron!” ...kills me every time
there is one argument against jo/laurie that i will accept, and that is this: there is no reconciling jo’s free spirit with the amount of self-effacement that marriage entails. for a woman in jo’s position marriage is tantamount to an abdication of the self--she can see firsthand that meg, for instance, has no ambitions outside the domestic sphere--and marrying laurie would upset the balance of power between them in a way that remaining “one of the lads” would not. recall what Marmee says about the prospects of a stormy jo/laurie marriage: “I fear you would both rebel if you were mated for life. You are too much alike, and too fond of freedom .... to get on happily together, in a relation which needs infinite patience and forbearance.” Anybody want to guess whose freedom is going to be severely curtailed by their role as a married person? Whose infinite patience will be most often called upon? Short of abolishing patriarchy or coming back blind and disabled like Mr. Rochester (that’s how he got Jane Eyre to marry him), there’s no way for Laurie to meet Jo on equal footing. which is the real reason she turns him down. i think we all know that given half a chance he woulda wheedled her into falling in love with him, but resisting Laurie’s overtures is Jo’s (and Alcott’s) only way of resisting The Patriarchy, and i cannot blame her for seizing it even as it breaks my heart.
if you’re wondering why she went on to marry dr. bhaer after turning down laurie, this article floats the incendiary thesis that she doesn’t?? that strong-willed and defiant Jo was metaphorically murdered and replaced by selfless Beth; that the surface-level courtship/marriage narrative of little women conceals a much more macabre horror story. basically, writing (jo’s primary form of self-assertion) seems to be fundamentally incompatible with a woman’s “proper” role, so alcott up and killed her heroine instead of acceding to the demands of 19th century femininity. this is ... not an invalid take.
i’m glad i watched the movie. greta gerwig is clearly mad talented and i enjoyed it for what it was, even if What It Was = Not For Me. there were moments when i coulda sworn Saorise Ronan was Winona Ryder, focusing on Meg & John’s post-married life instead of their courtship was the right call, and timothée chalomet’s laurie is the fuckboi to end all fuckbois. good job all around
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diceboxstore · 3 years
Here be Dragons - Board Games - Dicebox
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Ten years have passed since we first heard the gravel-toned voice of fantasy film favourite Sean Bean uttering the immortal phrase ‘winter is coming’. While Lord Eddard Stark might have lasted about as long as a packet of chocolate biscuits in the Dice Box office, the impact that HBO series Game of Thrones had on popular culture is still as strong today as a decade ago.
So, in this triumphant return to our games and culture blog, we bend the knee and offer up a salute to the legacy of Westeros and the incredible way in which the adaption of George RR Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ reignited the flames of fantasy.
‘When You Play the Game of Thrones, You Win or You Die.’
Regardless of whether you loved or hated the way the show ended, GOT provided some of the most memorable, most intense, and most hotly debated topics in popular culture of the last decade. The success of the show directly contributed to an enormous resurgence in sales of fantasy classics. It also prompted increases in network budgets for serialized fantasy shows, paving the way for new television adaptations of works by authors like Neil Gaiman and Andrzej Sapkowski.
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Possibly the most impressive thing about Game of Thrones was how it bridged the gap between traditional fantasy fans and newcomers to the genre. While swords, sorcery, and dragons had always been staples of the genre, very few shows before it have culminated in bringing together such a widely spread army of fans, both inside and outside the fantasy community.
For many, Thrones was a gateway show. In a sense, it made fantasy mainstream and provided those who had previously thought of the genre in terms of Tolkienesque tones with something accessible.
Seeing bars and sports centers offering screenings to audiences of hundreds, all gathered to see the final undoing of the Night King made the ‘Long Night’ episode akin to the Super Bowl of fantasy.
What Do We Say to The God of Death?
Ensemble casts in fantasy are nothing new. Take Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. That had a cast longer than Arya’s list after the Red Wedding. The difference between GOT and other works of similar style was that, of course, in this show, the good guys didn’t all live to see the end.
All bets were off and nobody was safe. In the words of Ramsay Bolton – if you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention. So we did pay attention.
And we were rewarded with characters like Syrio Forel, whose line ‘What do we say to the God of Death?’ has been uttered a million times despite his character only having just over six minutes of screen time in a show running for eight years.
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Characterization played a massive part in the popularity of the series. It gave us characters we loved, characters we hated, and characters that prompted us to ask do I really like this person? Is it OK to root for them?
Take Kings layer Jaime Lannister, for example. Despite an incestuous relationship with his sister, his attempted murder of a small child, the actual murder of his cousin, and other heinous crimes, Jaime performed some of the most heroic acts in the show. For example, the saving of Brienne of Tarth from a bear pit, abandoning his position to ride north to fight at Winterfell, not to mention him saving an entire city of people from being burnt to death by Wildfire.
It could be argued that Jaime Lannister was just as much or as little a hero as Jon Snow, the more traditionally styled good guy who, in many ways, was responsible for just as many deaths. Even if his failings were less calculated and more, well, miscalculations.
You see, like many great shows, the success of Game of Thrones lies not just in its popularity but in its ability to be surprising, divisive, and shocking in equal measure. It doesn’t matter whether your opinion of it was good, bad, or you weren’t quite sure either way. The important thing is that almost everybody had an opinion on it.
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The show may be over, but the impact still carries. Rumours of a follow-up series have permeated popular culture since before the last episode ended, and with it looking more likely than ever that we will see some sort of prequel in the next year or two, now is a great time to head back to Westeros for another watch. As always, here at Dicebox, we like to intersperse our box set binging with some suitably thematic board games.
If you are tempted to turn your hand to a Thrones-inspired game night, we have compiled a list of some of our favourite games for you below, plus our take on which GOT characters might like them.
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‘Best Game for Those Who Covet the Iron Throne.’
Game of Thrones Oathbreaker ($51.00) is a social deduction game, where the lords and ladies of the houses of Westeros plot, scheme and conspire against the King or Queen. Card-based, Oathbreaker is ideal for people who like their games centred on deception and revelation. Designed for larger groups, making it a good choice for big parties or game events, Oathbreaker is one for GOT super fans.
The character most likely to play this game? Petyr Baelish, of course. After all, chaos is a ladder.
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‘Best Game for People Who Live Beyond The Wall.’
You’ll be relieved to hear that you don’t need to defeat the white walkers to play The Coldest Night ’ ($34.00). This cooperative strategy game depends on players keeping the fires burning long enough to survive a winter night harsh enough to make anyone shiver. A great team game with a short playing time makes it a good choice for between episodes. Played by between one and four people, it’s also a good option for smaller groups. The character most likely to play this game? Snow storm veteran, Tormund Giantsbane.
Best Game for Anyone Who Wishes They Had their Own Sword.’
As far as epic fantasy board games go, we really can’t recommend Sword & Sorcery: Immortal Souls ($127.00) highly enough. This beautifully presented cooperative game pits players against an ancient evil and tasks them with achieving legendary status through battle. Customizable characters, highly visual game pieces, and several tactical playing options make an experience well worth the slightly higher price tag. Sword & Sorcery is an investment in your gaming repertoire that can be played time and again.
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The character most likely to play this game? We can’t envision anyone playing this game better than the mother of dragons herself, Daenerys Targaryen.
‘Best Game for People Who Drink and Know Things.’
A good choice for parties, ‘Loaded Questions Party’ ($24.00) challenges players to guess which of the group gave what answers to questions and to come up with their own creative responses to the many preset and hilarious questions the game provides. A firm favourite at any of the Dice Box office gatherings, this is a great one to bring out after a few introductory drinks to break the ice and will help get your game night off to a memorable start.
The character most likely to play this game? Tyrion Lannister, naturally. He drinks and he knows things.
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However you theme your sessions or parties, here at Dice Box, we’re glad to be back in the blogging saddle once again (dragon saddle, naturally). We’ll be posting regularly with the best recommendations and discussions about board games, pop culture, and any other fun stuff we can think of.
Don’t forget to keep checking back for more blog updates, take a look at the new products on our website, and send us your updates on what you’ve been playing recently via our social media.
Until next time – happy gaming.
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news-ase · 4 years
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racingtoaredlight · 7 years
Opening Bell: February 3, 2017
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Senate Democrats have borrowed from Senate Republicans’ playbook and started to boycott the final committee votes of some cabinet officials. While this tactic has only delayed committee votes by about one business day, it shows the extent to which Senate Democrats intend to return the favor to Senate Republicans who promised to do everything to block appointments and legislation submitted or favored by the Obama administration over the previous eight years. Though some observers have called this intransigence the rise of the “Tea Party of the Left,” I think it too early to call it anything other than a reaction to the manner in which Donald Trump has governed to this point. That said, the only cabinet nominee in danger of not being approved, Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos, seems liked to slide past the Senate with the help of Vice President Mike Pence.
Meanwhile Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose wife Elaine Chao was confirmed this week as Secretary of Transportation, penned an op-ed in the Washington Post decrying initial Democratic opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch is almost certainly to be confirmed, though certainly not without a contentious Judiciary Committee hearing. 
Amidst the reports on the closeness of Treasury-nominee Steven Mnuchin and his failure to disclose approximately $100 million in assets prior to his confirmation hearing, something which I mentioned in this space last week, Mnuchin’s position that funding for the IRS must be increased has been lost. The Brookings Institution analyzes, with excellent data, how Mnuchin’s proposal would benefit both the IRS itself and the federal government as a whole.
 The CEO of ride-sharing app Uber has quit the economic advisory council to which he was named by President Trump. His resignation is apparently due to the negative public reaction to his connection the Trump administration’s executive order on administration which was issued last week.
Kyle Kondik of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics has an early analysis on those congressional districts whose vote shifted measurably to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and those Democrats which sit in districts which suddenly seem less friendly to their constituents. This is a fascinating analysis and provides an excellent first step towards the 2018 midterm elections. Midterm elections have traditionally gone against the party in the White House.
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump was a vociferous supporter of Israel and of Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank. This position stood in stark contrast to that of the Obama administration, which sought to restrain Israeli expansionism as a first step to returning to comprehensive peace talks, a policy which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was openly contemptuous of. This week, in a surprise, the Trump White House said that the expansion of Israeli settlements—construction of 2,500 new homes was recently announced by the government—was not helpful in getting parties to return to the peace table.
During the daily White House press briefing yesterday, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn made an appearance and declared that a recent Iranian test of a cruise missile was unacceptable and that therefore Iran was “on notice.” What this constitutes exactly is unclear as cruise missile tests were not covered in the Iran nuclear agreement with the United States and several European nations. Newly sworn in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will likely be forced to address this in a more formal manner in the near future.
More details have emerged from the U.S. special forces raid in Yemen, the first of the Trump administration, which resulted in the death of one special forces operator. While criticism has been railed against the Trump administration for perhaps acting too hastily, some reports indicate that the Navy SEALS who carried out the mission came into contact with Al-Qaeda fighters who used civilian women and children as human shields. While in office President Obama relied heavily upon raids and missions by special forces detachments to take care of emerging threats or targets of opportunity. It will be interesting to see to what degree President Trump uses the same commandos.
Recently, Kurdish resistance fighters in Syria began showcasing new armored vehicles allegedly received from the United States. The shipment was, apparently, one of the last acts of the Obama administration, but it also creates a question of the type of support which the Trump administration can be expected to provide. Recall that Turkey, a key U.S. ally in the region, regards the main Kurdish political organization in the region, the PKK, as a terrorist organization, responsible for bombings throughout the nation.
Yesterday, the Treasury Department announced an adjustment to a sanction against the Russian state security agency FSB—the successor the KGB in the post-Cold War period—which made a technical change to a sanction which the Obama administration had enacted in December. The original sanction prevented any U.S. business from doing business with the FSB. The adjustment now allows technology licenses to be purchased by the FSB from American companies so long as the transaction does not exceed $5,000 per calendar year. Many viewed this as an initial step to lifting other sanctions against Russia which the Obama administration implemented, but Foreign Policy explains why everyone is viewing this small change incorrectly.
This week, the USS Antietam, a guided missile cruiser based in Japan, grounded in Tokyo Bay. 1,100 gallons of fuel were leaked, which the Navy has already promised to cleanup. The cruiser is headed to dry-dock for what will likely become extensive repairs.
Austin, Texas is the capital of the Lone Star State and also one of its most liberal cities. During the deportation of the Barack Obama’s first administration, Austin became a magnet for undocumented immigrants; a sanctuary city. Now it is being targeted both by the federal government but also by Texas Governor Greg Abbott who this week withheld a $1.5 million grant to Travis County, in which Austin is located, which was unrelated to immigration policy. Austin, which has a Democratic mayor and a Sheriff who was elected with 60% of the vote in November, is shaping up to be the first battleground with the Trump administration over the viability of sanctuary cities.
Last week, or perhaps it was the week before—with the whirlwind of activity in Trump’s first two weeks in office, keeping track of time has become difficult—I linked to a story about President Donald Trump floating the creation of a vaccine safety commission which would be headed by vaccine-skeptic Robert Kennedy, Jr. Though no movement on the creation of such a commission has occurred in the interim, the Washington Post notes the enormous amount of public support for vaccination programs.
Stuart Rothenberg on Donald Trump's first two weeks in office. Rothenberg examines the actions by Trump as compared to his actions during the campaign, with the result that there is not much dissimilarity between the two. The question then, Rothenberg explicates, is whether Trump’s actions will have unintended consequences which many of his followers do not like and did not anticipate.
Unbeknownst to many Americans, the First Lady of the United States, i.e. FLOTUS, hires her own staff as a means to pursue her own policy objectives. The First Lady’s office is located in the East Wing of the White House—as opposed to the West Wing where the Oval Office and most of the president’s senior advisors sit—and typically focuses on relatively non-partisan issues which are meant to better certain parts of the American public. Though First Lady Melania Trump has returned to New York City, she continues to follow the pattern set out by previous First Ladies by filling out her own personal staff, which includes an Obama administration appointee as social secretary.
Five juveniles who were arrested for defacing a historic black school in Virginia with racist propaganda have been given an unusual sentence by the district judge. Three of the juveniles were themselves minorities and spray-painted “Brown Power” to go along with the “White Power” graffiti of their co-assailants. The judge presiding over the case, upon the prosecution’s recommendation, ordered that the assailants read a list of books by Jewish, Afghan, and black authors and that reports of each book be prepared. The judge further ordered that the juveniles prepare a research paper on the subject of hate speech and that they each visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. If the juveniles fulfill all of these requirements, then the case against them will be dismissed and their records expunged.
The woman at the center of the incident which lead to the detention and lynching of Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955, has apparently recanted the story which lead to Till’s brutal death. Till who was 14 years old at the time, was assaulted and ultimately hanged by a group of white men after he allegedly made an advance on a white woman in public. Till’s mother insisted on an open casket funeral so that his mutilated corpse would be seen by the nation. His death, along with those of the choir girls at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, a subject I’ve written about here before, is considered one of the catalysts of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
Welcome to the weekend.
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interkomitet · 5 years
Plenary meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum
Vladimir Putin attended the plenary meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum.
Invitations to the forum have been sent to foreign heads of state and government, the heads of major Russian and foreign companies, as well as leading politicians and experts.
The theme of the forum is The Far East – Development Horizons.
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Speech at the plenary meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: President Battulga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Prime Minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
Ladies and gentlemen, friends,
First of all, I would like to address our foreign guests, both leaders of the countries represented here and our foreign partners in the audience. Thank you for showing so much respect for Russia, and for your interest in developing relations between our countries.
I hope, I am certain that our work during this forum will be most productive and rewarding for everybody here. I am happy to welcome you all to the Eastern Economic Forum.
It is the fifth time that Vladivostok, the capital of Primorye Territory and now of the entire Far Eastern Federal District of Russia, has brought together heads of major Asia-Pacific states, the largest investors, business people, representatives of the public and expert communities.
This year we are hosting over 8,500 participants from 65 countries. Since the first forum, representation has increased more than twofold. We believe this is a convincing indication of the growing interest in the Russian Far East and the cooperation opportunities offered by this truly colossal region.
The power and competitive advantages of the Far East lie in its talented, hard-working and energetic people, educated and ambitious youth, in new centres of research, industrial growth, and industries of the future.
Its power is in rich natural resources, enormous logistics potential such as the Northern Sea Route and other trans-Eurasian routes. Last but not least, its power is in its proximity to rapidly-developing economies and the world’s most dynamic region, the Asia-Pacific.
It is hardly surprising that, while mapping out a long-term strategy for the development of the Russian Far East in the mid-2000s, some 15 years ago, we opted for the region’s maximal openness and its close integration in the economic, transport, educational and humanitarian space of the APR and, in a greater scheme of things, the world at large. We made it our priority to promote international and cross-border cooperation as well as investment and technological partnerships, which implies creating new opportunities, primarily for Russian citizens, their life and work.
In fact, this was a radical, historic turning point. Let me remind you that many Far Eastern territories, including the city of Vladivostok, where we are now, were mostly used for military purposes and had an off-limits status in the early 20th century, in the middle of the 20th century, and later during the Cold War.
This certainly had an impact on the development of these regions. Properly speaking, there was practically no development in the social and economic sense of the word.
To reiterate, the situation has changed radically over the past years and we are proud that the Russian Far East has become a symbol of openness for the whole country, a symbol of innovation and resolve in lifting all sorts of barriers to business and human contacts.
Of course, we are aware that this result would have hardly been possible were it not for the effort to enhance an atmosphere of trust and constructive cooperation in the APR as a whole. We are interested in promoting these positive trends to make the region we share safe and stable.
Our relations with India, China, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Japan and other APR countries are based on the principles of respect and honest dialogue. I am confident that these relations are showing great promise concordant with the growing role that the Asia Pacific Region is due to play in the coming decades. I think that our esteemed foreign guests present here, our friends, agree with this.
Along with openness, another key principle underlying our ambitious plans for the development of the Russian Far East is that they are long-term and consistent. We will be enhancing our efforts further, concentrating resources and managing this work administratively, step by step. Once we achieve our goals, we set ourselves new tasks, and strive to achieve more.
Over the past fifteen years, we have successfully created conditions for the Far East to enter the path of faster growth. And these are not empty words – I will now give you some examples of this.
Preparations for the 2012 APEC leaders’ meeting in Vladivostok was a good start. We invested significant resources then in modernising the local transport, business, and educational infrastructure, and in improving the capital of the region as a modern, dynamically developing city, a city for people, as one of the major academic centres of the Asia-Pacific region.
We are certainly aware that much still remains to be done, but a lot has been done, too. And then, based on what has already been done and achieved, we will launch large infrastructure, transport and industry projects as well as construction projects in the region and beyond.
At the same time, along with steps to improve the business climate everywhere in Russia, we have offered completely new and largely unique support tools for doing business in the Far East and being globally competitive.
I would like to inform our colleagues who plan to invest in the Far East – you are welcome to benefit from these opportunities, so please look at them again. These are not just promises – this is a practice that is already in place, and it works.
Thus, as many as 20 territories of priority social and economic development have been established around the region, with special conditions for launching production, special tax regimes and state support measures. As many as 369 resident companies have registered there, signed contracts worth nearly 2.5 trillion rubles and announced the creation of more than 60,000 new jobs. These businesses have already invested 344.8 billion rubles in their projects and created nearly 20,000 jobs. This has already been done.
The Vladivostok free port regime has been extended to 22 municipalities. Its goal is to facilitate integration of the Far Eastern regions into the Asia-Pacific economic space and promote the development of high-tech enterprises.
As many as 1,404 resident companies chose to take advantage of the benefits offered by the free port regime and signed contracts worth almost 700 billion rubles. They are going to create about 68,000 jobs in the area. As of today, 95.2 billion have been invested and over 10,000 jobs created. This is a fait accompli.
Overall, thanks to the proposed support measures, starting from 2015, investors have contributed 612 billion rubles to the region’s economy, launched 242 new plants, and created more than 39,000 jobs.
As a result, industrial production growth in the Far East over the past five years has amounted to almost 23 percent – almost three times greater than across Russia.
Far Eastern Federal University is developing as a centre of new competencies, youth exchanges and international cooperation, ambitious experiments in education, science and innovative industries in the new technological era. This centre traditionally hosts our meetings.
During the previous academic year, the university welcomed 20,000 students, including 3,500 foreigners from 74 countries. More than 200 foreign professors teach here.
It is planned to further develop the local research infrastructure, including the construction of a megascience facility. And we can confidently talk about the university’s future as one of the supporting centres of the common APR education space.
At the preceding Eastern Economic Forums we focused on the significance of the Far East for Russia, as well as on plans to develop this region, tools for promoting business activity and how businesses can benefit from them. I briefly spoke about this just now.
However, we understand all too well, and this question has been raised at the working lunch that we just had with our colleagues, that goals of this kind will never be attained without people, their energy, their talent plus their commitment to achieving results.
For this reason, in my opening remarks today I will focus my attention on socioeconomic development and, more specifically, on the social development programme for the region.
I believe that this would be interesting not only for the domestic audience, but also for our prospective investors and the companies that already work here, since what this means is that we are committed to further improving the social and political environment and attracting the workforce the region needs in order to develop.
Yesterday I had a meeting with the heads of Russia’s Far Eastern regions to discuss the goals for a new stage in the development of the Far East. This stage will be about translating the region’s economic achievements over the past years into a social breakthrough in order to offer people a better quality of life.
What this means is that we have to promote change in healthcare, education, urban and rural infrastructure that will be felt by millions of people. Importantly, people must feel these changes as soon as possible rather than in some kind of a distant future or in many years.
In this context, let me note that the migration outflow from Russia’s Far East has halved compared to 2005. We need to reverse this trend once and for all: instead of leaving the Far East, people must head here bringing their energy, force and initiative.
We discussed this at the working lunch we just had, and our colleagues asked me this question. Is there an inflow, and how many people are leaving the region? This is a major question in terms of its moral and ethical, as well as economic implications, among other things.
Qualified professionals must find this region attractive and, of course, young people as well, as they are our future, as we all well know.
Moreover, Russia’s Far East is a very young region. It has an enormous demographic potential that has to be preserved and augmented. The aggregate birth rate here is higher than the national average.
Nearly 1.5 million out of the 8.2 million residents of the federal district are school, college and university students. They have won in sports competitions and international and national academic Olympiads and contests.
For example, Kazan has recently hosted a WorldSkills Competition, where Andrei Meshkov, a 9th-former from Ulan-Ude, won a gold medal at WorldSkills Russia Juniors in the sphere of information technology. I congratulate him on his victory once again. (Applause) In short, clever, creative and energetic people who can achieve the most ambitious goals live here, as I have said before.
Therefore, the first priority of the new stage in the development of the Russian Far East is to support young people. We must do our best to offer the broadest opportunities possible to them, so that they can receive education, realise their potential in life and their profession, create families and have children, and contribute to the progress of their home region, the Russian Far East.
First of all, we must dramatically increase the construction of modern housing, which must be as affordable as possible. In this context, as I have said, we discussed this issue with our colleagues, the heads of regions.
I agree that a special mortgage programme should be launched in the region, so that young people can borrow money to purchase flats or houses in the Far East at an annual rate of 2 percent.
We have recently approved a preferential mortgage rate for the region of 5 percent, which is lower than the country’s average. But our colleagues convinced me yesterday that this is not enough. I would like to warn the heads of the other regions that we cannot do this everywhere. This would lose all meaning because the idea is to attract educated professionals and skilled personnel to the Far East.
I suggest that we launch this programme this year for the duration of five years. I will tell you why. First, we will need to carefully consider the amount and sources of funding for the future, because this is a long-term matter.
We must apply it to the so-called primary market, that is, the market of new residential buildings, as well as to the construction of private homes by those who are taking part in the Far Eastern Hectare programme.
I suggest that we use funds from the national programme for the development of Russia’s Far East and the Far East Development Fund.
The healthcare system should be modern and affordable. First of all, this concerns primary care, which is closest to people, upgrading equipment and digitising outpatient clinics, hospitals and rural health centres, maternity hospitals and perinatal centres, and the development of ambulance aviation. This is especially important for the vast and boundless expanses of the Russian Far East.
This work is already underway around Russia, but here, in the Far East, we must create a truly effective system of medical care that would meet, and perhaps even surpass the best standards and practices.
I understand that this cannot be done overnight. But we need to start working today, to start with breakthrough pilot projects. Indeed, it is possible to create a medical cluster in the Far Eastern Federal District with a special regulation procedure, which would make it possible to open subdivisions and branches of foreign clinics without excessive formalities, attract the best foreign specialists, and use pharmaceuticals and methods that have already proved their effectiveness abroad.
This cluster should of course function within the Russian jurisdiction, and all the details should be carefully worked out by the Government agencies concerned, and, above all, with the Ministry of Healthcare, of course.
I have said more than once that for the Far East, we must propose special policies, advanced mechanisms and flexible tools that take into account the specifics of this vast territory, and the needs of the people who live here.
We have ventured into such experiments and economic innovations, and new ways to attract investment and, as I said at the beginning, have obtained a very positive result. The same approach should be used in the development of social and public services.
I ask all federal agencies, all our colleagues who are involved in the development of the region to be guided by just such logic, by the interests of the Far East, which essentially means the interests of Russia.
Creating a new cultural, educational and museum complex here in Vladivostok, Russia’s Far East, should be a major step toward consolidating the national educational and cultural space.
At the same time, the network of museums, libraries, theatres, cultural, extracurricular and vocational institutions is in need of significant upgrades across Russia’s Far East. We need to breathe new life into them by transforming them into interesting and up-to-date centres capable of attracting people of all ages, including children and teenagers.
We have just discussed this matter, and I think that this is the third time that I am mentioning our preliminary meeting: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that this region has a lot of appeal and great tourist potential.
Of course, the creation of a major national cultural and educational centre of this kind that would include branches of Russia’s leading museums, such as the Tretyakov Gallery, the Hermitage Museum, the Russian Museum, and the Mariinsky Theatre, will certainly make Vladivostok much more appealing for tourists.
Developing cultural offerings in rural areas and towns is especially important. Let me share some figures with you in this connection. Of the 1,834 communities in Russia’s Far East, 1,614 have a population of less than 5,000 people each, while towns and villages can be hundreds of kilometres apart. We need to make sure that this is taken into consideration. This was also on the agenda of yesterday’s meeting with governors.
Among other things, we need to adapt the Rural Doctor and the Rural Teacher national programmes to Russia’s Far East. This could include offering doctors, paramedics and teachers willing to relocate to small communities in the Far East greater benefits. I propose doubling these allocations for the Far East compared to the existing national rates.
It goes without saying that we need to be forward-looking. The future is in the hands of today’s youngsters and school students who love their region and want to live and work here. We need to offer them an opportunity to get quality education regardless of the income or financial situation of their families.
I believe that we need to offer more targeted and state grants at Far Eastern universities in areas where professionals are in very short supply, so that the young people have their tuition fees covered by the government, or by their potential employers. This way, students will know for sure that they will get a job, which solves employment-related problems.
Of course, young people and people of all ages must have the ability to benefit from online education, as well as telemedicine, information resources and e-services, and access to digital platforms and services that open up new horizons in terms of starting and running businesses.
I would like to remind you that more than half of all internet users on the planet live in the Asia-Pacific region. Russia’s Far East has to keep up with the global digital infrastructure and standards in this sphere, including high-speed internet penetration rates.
I ask the Government to take this into consideration when working on the Digital Economy of Russia national programme. Let me reiterate that we need to create an appropriate digital environment in terms of the challenges we currently face and the fast technological change around the world.
In this context, our second most important objective for Russia’s Far East is to make it one of the world’s top centres for high-technology, competences and new industries, a centre of the most advanced and quality jobs for high-skill professionals.
This must primarily benefit people living in the Far East, meaning the Russian nationals who live here, in this region. This is our position of principle.
The potential is there. It is here, on Russky Island, that a new innovation cluster is being created. A space industry cluster is emerging around the Vostochny Space Launch Centre. Aircraft manufacturing, natural gas processing and chemistry are all actively developing in the region. The construction of the Zvezda shipyard is underway.
Of course, we plan to focus on increasing the volume of value-added products. It is a position of principle to which I would like to draw the attention of Russian and international investors, residents of priority development areas and the Free Port of Vladivostok.
For example, we will raise export duties on round timber, but at the same time, we are ready to provide assistance to those who are willing to invest in timber processing, and create the most favourable conditions for the export of finished products, including to third countries.
The same logic – preferences and support for those who produce value-added products – will be also applied in other spheres, including marine resources and raw materials.
The conservation and rational use of our timber potential is an important topic. We plan to discuss it at the nation-wide level at a meeting of the State Council.
We understand that the creation of a powerful research and industrial centre in the region is a challenging project. At the same time, we see that it is also a very large window of opportunity. In this context, we must set high requirements regarding the effectiveness of the measures and decisions we propose.
This concerns primarily the economy of the future and assistance to the young teams that are implementing breakthrough ideas and solutions. Start-ups led by young people are the most powerful driving force of technological progress around the world.
We need more than just a legal framework to ensure not only the proliferation of start-ups but also their development into medium-sized and then into large companies. Of course, we need regulations, but we must also create effective financial instruments.
In this connection, I suggest that a special venture fund be established in the Far East. We discussed this idea yesterday; I support it. I ask the Government to formulate practical proposals regarding this, especially since the sources of funding are available.
Finally, our third strategic objective is also quite bold. It is in step with the global environmental agenda, the challenges facing not only Russia, but also the entire planet.
I am referring to developing Russia’s Far East as a global nature and tourism centre, an international testing ground for working out ways to tackle a question that matters to all of us: how to ensure harmony between economic activity and green tourism, between making nature accessible to the public and preserving unique ecosystems.
The marvellous natural beauty of Russia’s Far East already attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists. In 2016, 5.2 million people visited the region, including 750,000 foreigners. Last year total visits rose to 7 million, including about one million foreigners.
The natural beauties of Russia’s Far East include Lake Baikal, the Kronotsky Reserve in Kamchatka, Alkhanai National Park in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and other places. There are quite a few of them in this region.
There are a total of 64 natural territories that benefit from federal protection status. Let me note that I have already issued an instruction to trace and register the boundaries of all reserves, national parks and other protected areas. I ask that these efforts be accelerated, first and foremost in the Far East.
At the same time, we need to be more active in launching public-private partnerships in tourism. We need to invite responsible investors and offer them special incentives, subject to strict observation of the standards and rules of sustainable tourism.
Of course, we need advanced information services offering people convenient access to any information they may need: when and where to travel, what tourist route to pick. Foreigners should be able to apply for visas using this service.
Incidentally, it is here in Vladivostok that e-visas were first introduced, substantially streamlining the formalities that foreign tourists and businesspeople have to go through. More than 140,000 visas of this kind have been issued over the past two years.
All the development goals we are discussing as well as, most importantly, new modern standards of living call for a fundamentally new level of mobility. For the Far East, this implies above all a developed network of air transportation and affordable tickets within the region as well as to Siberia, central Russia and abroad.
By 2024, we will have modernised 40 airports in the Far East. We will employ the capacities of the Far Eastern aircraft manufacturing plants in Ulan-Ude, Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Arsenyev to expand the network of domestic flights and renew the pool of regional and local aircraft and helicopters.
I would like to add that safety and comfort are the most important things when it comes to air carriers around the world. One more priority for airlines operating in the Far East must be affordable tickets.
I believe it would be logical if the airlines that are willing to increase their operations in the Far East and to pursue a responsible and reasonable pricing policy were offered a preferential right to make flights in other, more profitable regions.
We discussed this with the Transport Minister yesterday. I do hope that he is listening to me today. In general, this system is already being applied, but we need to reinforce it. I understand that this is not a commercially effective method, but it is justified in this region. However, we must discuss ways of formalising it.
We have very ambitious development goals in the Far East, and the attainment of these goals involves partnership and the pooling of efforts.
We are ready for such cooperation, and we are open to everyone who is interested in it. We believe in the future of our cooperation and the future of the Russian Far East.
To succeed in this region, just as across our huge country as a whole, we need a consolidated society, the contribution and the involvement of everyone who is willing to contribute their skills, their energy and their knowledge to the common goal. This is our mindset, and this means that all our plans and the most daring of our dreams will definitely become reality.
I would like to wish all forum guests and participants every success and all the very best.
Thank you.
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timclymer · 5 years
Natural Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Maca Root Review
Peruvian maca root is grown in the Central Highlands area of ​​Peru. It has been used for centuries by the Quechua Indians as a food staple. Raw maca root is very similar to a radish or turnip.
The maca plant is one of only a few crops that are sturdy enough to grow in this mountainous region. Over time, the natives learned how to dry and store this valuable food source, as well as, how to use it in many tasty dishes.
Maca is packed with antioxidants, fiber, iron and other oxidation minerals.
If you were wondering what natural maca root is used for, in general, it is processed into powder (flour) and then baked or cooked. Peruvians enjoy maca in cakes, chips, cookies, smoothies and soups. They often use the powder as flour in meal preparations. If you search for “maca powder recipes” online, you’ll soon discover a variety of ways to enjoy this earthy root at home.
Some people enjoy drinking maca root tea, which uses organically grown maca root herb. This beverage is tangy and smells similar to butterscotch.
The Peruvians discovered that by consuming maca root powder it gives them a burst of energy. Another pleasant discovery is that the powder also seems to improve low libido in both men and women. This is how maca gained its status as a natural enhancer of sexual desire and performance.
Maca Root and ED
In more recent times, people in the US started hearing wonderful things about the amazing benefits of this starchy vegetable. A lot of interest has developed surrounding its reputation for stimulating a person’s sex drive.
Men suffering from low libido began seeking out various maca enhancer products online. These products are typically promoted as being libido boosters in the form of an extract, maca herbal supplement capsules, or pure powder.
Is there any scientific evidence that maca improves sexual performance in men?
Well, there are currently no clinical research studies done in the US to determine maca’s abilities as a natural libido booster. However, a Peruvian cardiologist, Hugo Malaspina, MD did observe maca’s effects on his patients. His observations were noted in the 1988 Townsend Letter for Doctors.
Dr. Malaspina states, “One of this group started taking maca and found he was able to perform satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady friend. their hormonal functions. ”
On the other hand, Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD of Georgetown University Medical Center states about maca, “Maca may have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction, yet there are so many psychological and social aspects when measuring sexual healing that it is hard to be conclusive.” Dr. Berman goes on to say, “Some claims are over the top – compared to a placebo, maca only slightly enhanced sexual desire.”
Taking maca supplements for erectile dysfunction is purely a journey in experimentation.
Unfortunately, most of the online reviews for various male enhancement products featuring this popular root are clearly fake.
Maca Root Powder vs. Maca Extract vs. Gelatinized Maca
Organic maca can be found in three main formulations: powder, extract and gelatinized.
Powder – Maca powder benefits come mainly from its versatility for use in various recipes. People that want to bake, cook or drink maca as a beverage will use the powder.
Extract – Maca root extract supplements are popular with men that have ED. The standard dosage is 300mg taken 3 times per day. In this more processed form, results will vary.
Gelatinized – Generally, it’s not advised to ingest maca that has not been cooked or processed. Many people are eating the raw maca powder and finding it bitter tasting. The raw flour also can cause stomach upset. This is why you will see a gelatinized version sold in packages or in capsules. The gelatinizing process removes the enzymes that make maca hard to digest. If you do not intend to cook with the powder, this is the best maca root variation to take.
Are There Any Known Side Effects?
Most people can use maca without any problems. Unpleasant side effects are mainly digestive problems after eating raw maca. Again, Traditionally, the people of Peru never eat or digest this sturdy food in its raw state. Keep in mind that Peruvians have been eating maca and enjoying its benefits for thousands of years.
Mild Maca Root Problems
Maca root may cause a change in some sex hormones. Therefore, people taking hormone therapy supplements may wish to avoid it. Maca may also interfere with current prescribed hormononal treatments.
There is no safe supplement dosage recommended for children.
Maca may increase the risk of bleeding due to it having a high amount of vitamin K.
Anyone with high blood pressure, heart disease or hypertension should consult with their doctor before consuming this natural remedy. Maca can act as a natural stimulant, which may create problematic health issues for people with these conditions.
Where to Buy Maca Root
Maca can be found online and at various health food stores. It is recommended that you find a quality supplier of 100% organic maca root products.
Source by AJ Freeman
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/natural-erectile-dysfunction-treatment-maca-root-review/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/184112205525 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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brendalawrence1978 · 5 years
Natural Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Maca Root Review
Peruvian maca root is grown in the Central Highlands area of ​​Peru. It has been used for centuries by the Quechua Indians as a food staple. Raw maca root is very similar to a radish or turnip.
The maca plant is one of only a few crops that are sturdy enough to grow in this mountainous region. Over time, the natives learned how to dry and store this valuable food source, as well as, how to use it in many tasty dishes.
Maca is packed with antioxidants, fiber, iron and other oxidation minerals.
If you were wondering what natural maca root is used for, in general, it is processed into powder (flour) and then baked or cooked. Peruvians enjoy maca in cakes, chips, cookies, smoothies and soups. They often use the powder as flour in meal preparations. If you search for "maca powder recipes" online, you'll soon discover a variety of ways to enjoy this earthy root at home.
Some people enjoy drinking maca root tea, which uses organically grown maca root herb. This beverage is tangy and smells similar to butterscotch.
The Peruvians discovered that by consuming maca root powder it gives them a burst of energy. Another pleasant discovery is that the powder also seems to improve low libido in both men and women. This is how maca gained its status as a natural enhancer of sexual desire and performance.
Maca Root and ED
In more recent times, people in the US started hearing wonderful things about the amazing benefits of this starchy vegetable. A lot of interest has developed surrounding its reputation for stimulating a person's sex drive.
Men suffering from low libido began seeking out various maca enhancer products online. These products are typically promoted as being libido boosters in the form of an extract, maca herbal supplement capsules, or pure powder.
Is there any scientific evidence that maca improves sexual performance in men?
Well, there are currently no clinical research studies done in the US to determine maca's abilities as a natural libido booster. However, a Peruvian cardiologist, Hugo Malaspina, MD did observe maca's effects on his patients. His observations were noted in the 1988 Townsend Letter for Doctors.
Dr. Malaspina states, "One of this group started taking maca and found he was able to perform satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady friend. their hormonal functions. "
On the other hand, Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD of Georgetown University Medical Center states about maca, "Maca may have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction, yet there are so many psychological and social aspects when measuring sexual healing that it is hard to be conclusive." Dr. Berman goes on to say, "Some claims are over the top – compared to a placebo, maca only slightly enhanced sexual desire."
Taking maca supplements for erectile dysfunction is purely a journey in experimentation.
Unfortunately, most of the online reviews for various male enhancement products featuring this popular root are clearly fake.
Maca Root Powder vs. Maca Extract vs. Gelatinized Maca
Organic maca can be found in three main formulations: powder, extract and gelatinized.
Powder – Maca powder benefits come mainly from its versatility for use in various recipes. People that want to bake, cook or drink maca as a beverage will use the powder.
Extract – Maca root extract supplements are popular with men that have ED. The standard dosage is 300mg taken 3 times per day. In this more processed form, results will vary.
Gelatinized – Generally, it's not advised to ingest maca that has not been cooked or processed. Many people are eating the raw maca powder and finding it bitter tasting. The raw flour also can cause stomach upset. This is why you will see a gelatinized version sold in packages or in capsules. The gelatinizing process removes the enzymes that make maca hard to digest. If you do not intend to cook with the powder, this is the best maca root variation to take.
Are There Any Known Side Effects?
Most people can use maca without any problems. Unpleasant side effects are mainly digestive problems after eating raw maca. Again, Traditionally, the people of Peru never eat or digest this sturdy food in its raw state. Keep in mind that Peruvians have been eating maca and enjoying its benefits for thousands of years.
Mild Maca Root Problems
Maca root may cause a change in some sex hormones. Therefore, people taking hormone therapy supplements may wish to avoid it. Maca may also interfere with current prescribed hormononal treatments.
There is no safe supplement dosage recommended for children.
Maca may increase the risk of bleeding due to it having a high amount of vitamin K.
Anyone with high blood pressure, heart disease or hypertension should consult with their doctor before consuming this natural remedy. Maca can act as a natural stimulant, which may create problematic health issues for people with these conditions.
Where to Buy Maca Root
Maca can be found online and at various health food stores. It is recommended that you find a quality supplier of 100% organic maca root products.
Source by AJ Freeman
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/natural-erectile-dysfunction-treatment-maca-root-review/ via Home Solutions Forev on Tumblr
from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.wordpress.com/2019/04/11/natural-erectile-dysfunction-treatment-maca-root-review/ via Brenda Lawrence on WordPress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Natural Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Maca Root Review
Peruvian maca root is grown in the Central Highlands area of ​​Peru. It has been used for centuries by the Quechua Indians as a food staple. Raw maca root is very similar to a radish or turnip.
The maca plant is one of only a few crops that are sturdy enough to grow in this mountainous region. Over time, the natives learned how to dry and store this valuable food source, as well as, how to use it in many tasty dishes.
Maca is packed with antioxidants, fiber, iron and other oxidation minerals.
If you were wondering what natural maca root is used for, in general, it is processed into powder (flour) and then baked or cooked. Peruvians enjoy maca in cakes, chips, cookies, smoothies and soups. They often use the powder as flour in meal preparations. If you search for "maca powder recipes" online, you'll soon discover a variety of ways to enjoy this earthy root at home.
Some people enjoy drinking maca root tea, which uses organically grown maca root herb. This beverage is tangy and smells similar to butterscotch.
The Peruvians discovered that by consuming maca root powder it gives them a burst of energy. Another pleasant discovery is that the powder also seems to improve low libido in both men and women. This is how maca gained its status as a natural enhancer of sexual desire and performance.
Maca Root and ED
In more recent times, people in the US started hearing wonderful things about the amazing benefits of this starchy vegetable. A lot of interest has developed surrounding its reputation for stimulating a person's sex drive.
Men suffering from low libido began seeking out various maca enhancer products online. These products are typically promoted as being libido boosters in the form of an extract, maca herbal supplement capsules, or pure powder.
Is there any scientific evidence that maca improves sexual performance in men?
Well, there are currently no clinical research studies done in the US to determine maca's abilities as a natural libido booster. However, a Peruvian cardiologist, Hugo Malaspina, MD did observe maca's effects on his patients. His observations were noted in the 1988 Townsend Letter for Doctors.
Dr. Malaspina states, "One of this group started taking maca and found he was able to perform satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady friend. their hormonal functions. "
On the other hand, Dr. Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD of Georgetown University Medical Center states about maca, "Maca may have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction, yet there are so many psychological and social aspects when measuring sexual healing that it is hard to be conclusive." Dr. Berman goes on to say, "Some claims are over the top – compared to a placebo, maca only slightly enhanced sexual desire."
Taking maca supplements for erectile dysfunction is purely a journey in experimentation.
Unfortunately, most of the online reviews for various male enhancement products featuring this popular root are clearly fake.
Maca Root Powder vs. Maca Extract vs. Gelatinized Maca
Organic maca can be found in three main formulations: powder, extract and gelatinized.
Powder – Maca powder benefits come mainly from its versatility for use in various recipes. People that want to bake, cook or drink maca as a beverage will use the powder.
Extract – Maca root extract supplements are popular with men that have ED. The standard dosage is 300mg taken 3 times per day. In this more processed form, results will vary.
Gelatinized – Generally, it's not advised to ingest maca that has not been cooked or processed. Many people are eating the raw maca powder and finding it bitter tasting. The raw flour also can cause stomach upset. This is why you will see a gelatinized version sold in packages or in capsules. The gelatinizing process removes the enzymes that make maca hard to digest. If you do not intend to cook with the powder, this is the best maca root variation to take.
Are There Any Known Side Effects?
Most people can use maca without any problems. Unpleasant side effects are mainly digestive problems after eating raw maca. Again, Traditionally, the people of Peru never eat or digest this sturdy food in its raw state. Keep in mind that Peruvians have been eating maca and enjoying its benefits for thousands of years.
Mild Maca Root Problems
Maca root may cause a change in some sex hormones. Therefore, people taking hormone therapy supplements may wish to avoid it. Maca may also interfere with current prescribed hormononal treatments.
There is no safe supplement dosage recommended for children.
Maca may increase the risk of bleeding due to it having a high amount of vitamin K.
Anyone with high blood pressure, heart disease or hypertension should consult with their doctor before consuming this natural remedy. Maca can act as a natural stimulant, which may create problematic health issues for people with these conditions.
Where to Buy Maca Root
Maca can be found online and at various health food stores. It is recommended that you find a quality supplier of 100% organic maca root products.
Source by AJ Freeman
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/natural-erectile-dysfunction-treatment-maca-root-review/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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mobilenamic · 5 years
Women in Mobile: Career Lessons from Kasha Stewart (Beachbody)
Kasha Stewart is currently the Senior Director of Product Management at Beachbody, a company that revolutionized at-home fitness. In her career, she made a transition from editing still photography to building products for the changing media landscape — from DVDs to on-demand web and mobile apps. We met with Kasha to discuss how women can succeed in any industry by embracing transitions and taking more risks.
How did you decide to pursue a career in mobile?
As a fine arts major, I was in school at the time when the photography industry was just beginning to transition from analog to digital. I learned how to process, color-correct and color-balance photo and video. It wasn’t until after I graduated college that digital — and mobile — became part of our everyday lives.
When the digital revolution in photography took off, many photographers resisted the change. But I embraced it — and got really good at it. People would call me for advice on the new digital workflows; I told them it was something I could easily explain over the phone. But they would say: “No, we’ll just hire you to do it.” As a result, one of my first “digital” jobs was in managing the digital workflow and distribution of video and photo assets, including editing, color correction, QA, and retouching.
As the industry matured, I transitioned from digital process management to content management and architecture. At Beachbody, we had a lot of success in the DVD space with fitness programs like P90X before we evolved the product into a digital subscription platform — which is now also available on-demand through mobile apps.
What has been your most career-defining moment?
Before my title became “Senior Director of Product,” I was a director, managing a successful web platform at Beachbody. I saw an opportunity within the company to help develop two other products on the mobile side of our business that weren’t running very effectively. I volunteered to help manage those products. At the time, the company had lost some people due to a reorg and was strapped for resources. Taking on extra work was a risky move which taught me a lot about leadership. It made me realize that leadership is about identifying where you can bring value and stepping in before you are given a title. It is defined by what you do when things aren’t great and you have little resources.
What did you learn from your transition to manager?
My biggest learning as I transitioned into a management role is that, unlike an individual contributor, my focus is on supporting my team. Their success becomes my success. This is often a difficult transition to make and requires practice and patience.
As a new manager, I had to learn how to set expectations for my team. And that required developing strong communication skills, to set goals and articulate my expectations clearly. I also learned that it’s more effective to give my team the creativity and space to figure out how to overcome obstacles instead of telling them what to do.
What does a product manager do?
People ask me, “Does being a product manager mean you code?” or, “Does it mean you market?” I usually respond by saying that a product manager works with everybody and takes responsibility for delivering the project. Many don’t realize that product managers usually have very few direct reports. That means you have to use your skills and influence to take big ideas and break them down into smaller chunks that can actually be executed on, measured and delivered. I work with marketing, social development, QA, analytics and engineering.
At Beachbody, I work to build products for women. My target audience is mostly mothers who don’t have a lot of time and use our platform to be able to squeeze in a short workout in their busy schedules. The opportunity to impact their lives in a positive way brings me so much joy.
What challenges have you faced in the industry traditionally dominated by men?
One of the challenges for me was speaking up — and being heard. When I joined ABC.com as a content producer, my job was to QA a number of content assets before publishing to the site. I noticed that CMS was especially clunky and often froze. I remember going to my supervisor to share my observation only to hear back: “You are thinking too hard, focus on what you should be doing.” That was soul-crushing, because I thought I was trying to help the company. I smiled and said “Thank you.”
This happened almost a decade ago. Looking back, I think to myself: “Why did I smile at him?” I wish I could go back in time and say, “I think we agree that we should all have data and analytics drive our decision-making to improve this workflow. I’m happy to take this on as a stretch goal for my career development.”
What do you see as some of the best and worst initiatives designed to promote women in tech?
I like Women in Product and Tech Ladies; both are Facebook groups. In situations where you are not sure if you are experiencing gender bias at work, these groups provide women with a safe space to vent and get advice.
Is there one piece of advice you wish somebody gave you at the beginning of your career?
I wish somebody told me to speak up and be brave. In the past, I would have ideas and things I wanted to say, but didn’t because of my title. I also wish somebody told me it was okay to make mistakes and take risks. It takes time to understand that; I just wish I had done it sooner.
Fun fact about you that few people know?
Earlier in my photo editing career, I worked for a paparazzi agency in Beverly Hills. They paid a great hourly rate for someone who just got out of school, so I went for it. It was in the heyday of Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. Long before the era of mobile streaming, we would cut videos to a minute or so in length and post them on the website. We did it because there wasn’t much interesting content to show: It was usually a recording of a celebrity getting coffee or stopping at the gas station. Now these short clips are the norm, I know: We were ahead of our time.
Find Kasha Stewart on LinkedIn, on her website www.kashastewart.com and Instagram @BuiltByKasha.
Learn more about Women in Mobile.
The post Women in Mobile: Career Lessons from Kasha Stewart (Beachbody) appeared first on Liftoff.
Women in Mobile: Career Lessons from Kasha Stewart (Beachbody) published first on https://medium.com/@TheTruthSpy
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
How to Define Facebook Engagement Rate
Facebook engagement rate is tricky. Many marketers have given multiple metrics, but what is the right one? This article by Shishir Kumar Kathurwar, Marketing Manager, NowFloats Technologies will help you decide on an engagement rate which is possible and realistic Social media marketing is the key to success in business today. There are more social media accounts than there are people in the world. What does this signify? This entails that one person has more than one social media account. Under such circumstances, engaging your customers through social media accounts becomes important. When you talk of social media, the first name that comes to mind is Facebook.
Your rate of success depends upon how much you engage your customers on Facebook. How do you know your Facebook engagement rate? Let us define this concept and understand the finer aspects.
Facebook Engagement Rate:
Facebook came up with this social media metrics in around 2013 to measure a business brand’s effectiveness at engaging the attention of the audience. How do you engage people on Facebook? You get them to like your page or comment on it. There are options where your contacts can share the page on their timeline. This makes the page visible to their contacts. This is how you come in contact with new customers. The more you engage with people the more popular you become. This has a positive effect on your business. This translates into more visits to your website. Automatically, you experience an improvement in your rankings on the SERPs.
How do you calculate the Facebook Engagement rate?
Facebook has come up with the engagement rate concept in its Facebook Insights Tool. This tool helps you to understand and analyze trends from user growth and demographics. Users can improve their presence on the network using these tools.
Using this tool, you can learn about the performance of your page in the following metrics.
Find out which of the posts have the maximum engagement (likes, comments, and shares)
The timings when your fans or followers are most active
Get information of the negative feedback
The effectiveness of your customer service  
There are two ways of calculating the Facebook engagement rate.
In the presence of Insights data
In the absence of Insights data  
Let us look at the formula in each case for a better understanding.
In the presence of Insights data:
Engagement rate is equal to the ratio of people who likes, commented, shared, or clicked on your post to the actual number of people who saw your post.
Understand the difference between the two.
There are people who browse through Facebook without clicking on any post.
Similarly, you have people who click and view your post but do not take any action on it.
You have a third category of people who like, comment, or share your post. They are the ones who evince the maximum interest in your post.
Hence, you will find that the total number of people who visit your blog will be the sum of all these visitors listed above.
In the absence of Insights data:
When you do not have Insights data, you are not in a position to estimate the number of people who visited your post without taking any action on it. Hence, the Facebook engagement rate has a different calculation.
Under such circumstances, Facebook engagement rate is equal to the ratio of the total post engagement to the total page likes. The total post engagement includes likes, comments, and shares.
This calculation might not give you the perfect ratio for your business post because it does not include the total number of people who visited your post. However, this is a good metric to find out the engagement rate of your competitors post because you not need Insights data under such circumstances.
Advantages of being aware of Facebook engagement rate:
Social media marketing has great importance today. You measure the success of your business by the number of customers you engage with on social media websites like Facebook. You have to do an analysis of your engagement. The Facebook engagement rate helps you analyze your performance on social media.
This engagement rate can supplement your Google Business Analytics calculations. You have websites like that help your business with this aspect.
Engagement on social media is better than merely getting likes. Many people consider the likes to be equal to engagement. It is not because people who like your content need not necessarily engage with you in your business. When you have people sharing your content and commenting on it, you create an engagement with the customer. Secondly, everyone who visits your post need not necessarily engage with you using comments and shares. In that case what should be a good figure for an engagement rate? There are businesses that have done exceedingly well with an engagement rate of a mere 2%. This entails that higher the engagement rate the greater is the potential reach of your brand.
The Facebook engagement rate is an excellent tool to gauge your audience preferences. We shall end with a figurative example. You will agree that Coca-Cola is one of the most popular carbonated drinks brand in the world. Can you guess its engagement rate on Facebook? It is below 1%. Similarly, Lady Gaga has an engagement rate of a mere 0.9%. Does that mean she is less popular?
How do we increase the engagement rate on Facebook?
It should be simple. After all, we are looking at a fraction. How do you increase the value of any fraction? This is how you traditionally do so.
Increase the numerator
Reduce the denominator  
In our case, we shall follow the same formula.
Improve the quality of content in such a way that more people like, comment, or share it. The content should be such that every person who views your post should not go past it without liking, commenting, or sharing it. Following these steps should do the trick for you.
a. Check out whether your post reflects your company’s personality. It should do so because you are using one of the most effective media to advertise your products or services.
b. People love answering questions or filling in the blanks. Start your post with a question to increase their involvement. Entice the prospective customer with a tantalizing question.
c. Pictures can always say it better than words. Remember this simple logic to increase your engagement rate. Brand your photos with your company’s logo. Your customers will instantly recognize it the next time you do so.
d. The beauty of Facebook is that it lets you promote your company without appearing promotional. A nice way to garner attention of people is to give the credit where it is due. Appreciate your employees’ contributions and post photos of such recognition campaigns. Your likes will definitely increase.
e. People like to be specific. Posting needlessly long articles can dampen the interests of people. The post should be engaging and make people yearn for more. They should eagerly await your next post. This is how the TV serials work, don’t they? They invariably end every episode with an intriguing question. This hooks people on to yearn to watch the next episode.
f. Your relationship with your fans should be a two-way relationship. Just as you would love people to like or share your posts, they too have a right to think in the same way. Therefore, like and share their content, especially if you find the message as relevant.
g. Simplicity can win the day for you. Keep your posts as simple as possible. The main idea is that people should read and understand what you wish to convey. If you try to confuse people, you make it simpler for the people to move ahead without liking your post. Who suffers in the bargain? Your guess is as good as mine.
h. Be consistent in your thoughts and words. Ask questions in a meaningful tone without sounding dominating. Appeal to the basic instincts of people. Knowing your fan’s likes and dislikes is a great way to increase engagement. Wish your fan’s on their birthdays. Who does not love to have such attention coming their way? Celebrate their happiness.
i. C’mon, love your fans. It should not be a tough task for you to spare some time from your schedule to give appreciation to what your fans post. If you love them, they would love you in return. What else do you need to increase Facebook engagement?
j. Finally, Facebook is just a social media channel. Have some great fun. Experiment with funny memes. Let people see the funny side of your personality. After all, they are made of the same flesh and blood as you are.  
The takeaways:
When you enjoy doing something, you put your heart and soul into it. Increasing Facebook engagement should not be difficult for you at all. Remember, there is life beyond business and marketing. Explore these aspects of life in your Facebook posts. See the difference it makes to your Facebook engagement rate.    
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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masterofbeingcraven · 6 years
Tumblr media
This angry old man is the first thing I’ve ‘drawn’ in weeks.  I may end up using it as an avatar even though it doesn’t look like me at all.  It looks how I feel though.  Anyways, I gots to vent about my romantic woes.
TL;DR Online dating kinda sucks, I can’t get over my past mistakes, and screaming into the void helps a bit .
I’ve used a few different dating sites in the last couple years.  OKCupid is my current and my favorite so far.  Mainly because when you message a person they remove them from your match results and prevent you from looking at their profile or messaging them again unless they respond.  Good anti-harassment measure.  Forces you to put some thought into your first message as well.  Encourages one to come up with something more meaningful than “hey” or “wan sum fuk?”.  I’ve never got messaged back though.  And any first messages I get are from bots, obviously.  I always read the profiles and message talking about something relevant to that and we have in common or I’m genuinely curious about but always no response.
After about 25 different rejections or so I quit messaging and now just browse and use profile likes as a “maybe later” pile.  I’m not handsome so I know that hurts my odds with any woman giving me a chance,  I’m not  bitter or angry about it, I’m not all “FUCKING SHALLOW BITCHES WHY DON’T ANY OF THEM GIVE ME THE SEX I DESERVE” like some potential mass shooter.  But, I’m no fool, appearance does matter to some degree.  I’m not traditionally attractive so I have to try twice as hard to seem interesting.  Sadly, I don’t think I am very interesting.  Everything I am now stems from a bad relationship I had years ago.
Once upon a time, about 6 years and 100 pounds ago, I was told by a few women I was actually charming in a way.  One of those women was a long time online friend from Canada that actually gave me a chance, and while we were never officially dating we had a “thing” that led me to being part of her social circle and actually going to visit her.  About a month before the actual travel date though, she broke it off and got back together with her long time psychologically abusive, co-dependent boyfriend.  There was some bad noise between the three of us but, I decided to be the ‘bigger man’ and make peace.  So a month later I went anyway and made it a social visit instead.  Actually had a pretty great time, probably the best week of my life.  Really felt like I had found somewhere I actually belonged.
Sadly, that didn’t last.  Once I was back home psycho boyfriend started pulling shit and manipulated my friend through a tried and true combination of neglect, accusations and threats of suicide to cut ties with me completely.  I wasn’t helpful during though and got all fucking mopey and emotional during the lead up to this.  My failure to be a positive person for my friend contributed to psychos narrative.  So after that was said and done I fell even deeper into chronic depression and, rather than committing suicide, I went to a doctor and was then promptly dropped into a mental hospital and put on anti depressants.  So after a week, I was released and was feeling pretty good.  I lucked out and the first thing they tried on me worked very well.  
I got back in touch with my former lady friend’s mutual friends and explained the situation to them since they didn’t know why I disappeared.  They agreed I was wronged and tried to convince her to reconsider but, she was loyal to her man.  Nonetheless, I persisted, while my so called friends let me believe they were on my side hoping I’d just give up and move on.  I am very stubborn though, and was filled with righteous indignation of being so thoroughly mistreated.  So they collectively blocked me on all accounts and told me to get over it, move on and go make new friends.  Obviously, I’ve done none of that since I’m here bitching about 6 years later.  I do wish I had done some things different but, overall, I don’t regret it.  I did what I felt was right, what they all KNEW was right, regardless of the results.  Means justify the end.  I was cast out because it was convenient, not right.
Anyway, this decimated my entire social life, I pushed the only local real life friends (all 2) I had to arms length and haven’t made any new ones.  I have no friends now, only acquaintances and coworkers.  Like the Simon and Garfunkel song, I Am A Rock.  That’s my life now. 
I gave this history lesson because that whole mess was the closest thing I ever had to a real relationship.  And in spite of all that, that girl was a perfect match for me.  We were similar enough to enjoy most of the same activities (mostly video games and other dumb nerd shit) and different enough for it to be interesting.  We also had similar fetishes so that was a big plus.  And it ended so badly that it broke me and changed who I was for life.  It really didn’t matter if I killed myself back then or not.  Who I was died either way.
Anyway, bringing it back around to the online dating shit; after so many rejections idly browsing OKCupid just brings back memories and comparisons to that one girl.  It’s pretty disheartening to end up with someone that was such a good match for you completely by accident and then get no one when you actually put effort in.
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treugentleman · 7 years
Planned Obsolescence
“In India, all decisions pertaining to the marriage, beginning from the choice of a partner to the date and economics of wedding are taken by the elders of the respective families. Traditionally this would be the eldest male member of the extended family of the groom and bride with senior ladies being consulted privately. This is slightly different from the older arranged marriages in western societies where it would be the father of the boy or girl and not the entire kin-group measuring the desirability of a potential match. The other defining characteristics of Indian arranged marriages are the importance of caste. Arranged marriages in India strictly adhere to religious and caste regulations. Both the partners must not only belong to the same religion but also to the same caste and preferably follow compulsions of sub-castes as well. It is the primacy of the caste regulations that differentiate Indian arranged marriages from those which used to exist in aristocratic Western societies in the previous centuries. While the Western model gave supreme importance to religion, lineage and class, Indian arranged marriages traditionally depended on keeping the caste lines intact. Even now an arranged marriage is fixed in same caste groups with inter-caste marriages still being restricted to love marriages. Other traits of arranged marriages in India like negotiations regarding dowry, the role of the matchmaker, the bias towards patriarchy and matching of horoscopes in found in many traditional Oriental cultures as well.”
In Remembrance
The smell of Sandalwood filled the air, on the road to the airport. No longer looking toward the past it would be hard to forget the sights and smells. Unsure of what was in store, Aditi hands stretched out of the window into the evening air. Slowly blinking as if each flash was being captured on film. Aditi looked at Jagan from the other side of the cab wondering if he felt the same relief as her. He musters a smile through the worried look in his eyes. Aditi takes a deep breath and turns back toward the window. Chuckling at the sight of a small elephant on the street corner, a small tear fell down her cheek. “Shukriyaa,” as she looked toward the grey sky.
           The taxi stopped. The cacophony of sounds was as loud as the Marigold was fragrant. Bollywood faint on the radio, Aditi kept her eyes closed to make the commemoration last. The trunk closes, “Mere saath aaeeyé! Mere saath aao, phaast!” Jagan uttered.
           The airport welcomed, they darted. Flashes of gold and red illuminated the atmosphere. Aditi’s dress was not meant for running; she pushed through. The mallipoo slowly falling, she began removing the pins from her hair leaving a trail behind them. Aditi’s hand in one and the tickets in another, Jagan rushed them to the counter. “Kshamaa,” he whispered, feeling ashamed of hastening her.
           Headed for the journey ahead they locked eyes, took a deep breath and waited to board. Taking their seats on the plane, Aditi’s heart was racing. Jagan was fighting tears, kept a brave face and held Aditi’s hand. Delighted; Aditi slept.
Ganesh Pooja
           It was raining the night before and smelled of Geeli Phitti, like morning dew, the next. Aditi was in the mirror admiring her dress and the spot where the new Red Tikka would be adorned. Sadness on her face, everything was overwhelming. A few deep breaths and she knew she must be ready. Questioning everything, Aditi was a statue, immovable. She was not sure how she could face Jagan, her family and his knowing the truth, the plan. Going back and forth Aditi did not know if she wanted to go through with it knowing that she would shame everyone she’d ever know.
           The Sarangi strummed, Dhol banged, Sitar played and the Tabla drummed. She knew it was time. The bridal party ahead, she looked down at their green marigolds, her mother and soon-to-be mother-in-law holding sunflowers she shook her head in disbelief.
Aditi awoke. Jagan continued to sleep, her hand still in his she listened as a time update was given over the intercom. Anxious, she slept again.
San Francisco
Home of the brave, land of the free. It was 3:30 AM in California. After waiting for the shuttle, they headed to the hotel. Both had been to the states a few times before separately. Wide awake they planned their course of action.
The sights they wanted to see, the pictures they wanted to take, the jobs they had to find, the apartment that was waiting for them and the food they could not wait to taste.
Excited at all the possibilities, they were equally saddened about leaving behind everything that they knew. Their families, their friends, their homes, everything they were accustomed to, and now their marriage.
“This was a part of the plan though!” they both exclaimed. Jagan unpacked while Aditi went to shower. A piece of paper rolled out, on it was a barely readable, “अच्छा भाग्य.” Shaken and confused, Jagan quickly folded it back up and threw it into the compartment of his bag. He continued unpacking. Piece after piece, red after green, after black after gold, purple after yellow. Looking up at the bathroom door, Jagan clinched to one particular piece of clothing and tears ran down his face uncontrollably. He put the shirt on. The shower stopped, Jagan immediately ran to the door, “I need to take a walk,” and out the door he ran so that he would not be caught by Aditi.
6:00 AM in San Francisco, Jagan found himself on the Bayfront watching the sun rise. Sun’s hue was reminiscent of the agni, the fire they stood around during the wedding. Hanging his head in incredulity, Jagan’s mind wandered.
Aditi was out of the shower, finding something to wear she wondered about Jagan but chose to enjoy the time apart. She needed as much space as he needed, if not more. She began to think of what she was to do for work. If they were going to like living there. She loved it when she visited but knew it would be different since she was going to be living there. Pulling out a red night gown she felt, numb. The eerie reverence to the wedding dress flooded her with memories she thought would have went down the drain with the shower she just took. Everything seemingly came to a dead halt, silence ensued and she sunk back into the memory bank to her Mehndi.
This was when Aditi and her female friends and family members had henna patterns drawn on their feet and hands. That was followed by, the Sangeet which Aditi and Jagan’s families, socialized, mixed, are and danced with one another.
Jagan surged into the room.
Two newspapers in hand, he gave one to Aditi and she settled on her bed. Jagan took his and settled into his. Pages turned in the San Francisco Chronicle and red pen engulfed the classifieds.
Aditi managed a store front back in Delhi, she knew the ins and outs of a store, how to market, how to sell and had the organizational skills of seasoned professional. She knew her skill set could out due that of any competition, she just needed someone that would hire her.
Jagan was a well-off mechanic and electrician. A trade that he learned over the last ten years. Learning both of those trades allowed him to monopolize his area.
Jagan looked over, saw how determined Aditi was to find something. It was encouraging, it was interesting, it was different. He wondered how he could feel nothing for her. Questions came flooding back about how he got to this point. He did not know how families determined who should be together based on nothing but bias needs and desires.
Aditi was head strong, straight to the point and knew what she wanted. Not focusing on what Jagan was doing she was plotting out her path, she was pulling maps, planning the clothes she was going to wear as well as everything that she was going to need to land a position.
Glancing up, she caught Jagan staring. He quickly looked away. She wondered what was happening, what he was thinking, what he was doing. She could not bother with much thought surrounding him and his thoughts. She did remember the face he was making a time before. A mix of confusion with wonder, but not necessarily in a good way.
Seeing the Girl
           When initially arranged, there was a ceremony for the first meeting. Jagan came in and sat in a room with Aditi’s family. The room was silent and Jagan nervously waited.
           The music slowly started, Aditi came out. Joined Jagan at the table. Every step she took toward the table, another family member disappeared from the room. As she sat down to the table, the fervent smell of fresh fried Pakora, Masala Chai and Desi Ghee Sweets rested on the brushed oak table.
           They looked at each other and hope for the best but found that there was nothing there. Both knowing that they could not disappoint their families nor break this arrangement they talked about themselves. Nothing in common, except one thing.
           They both wanted to get out of the country and go to America.
           Aditi wanted to experience a new world, a new life, a new area. Thinking that there is something more than what is here for her in the country. Limitation of choices, confinement, and ideas like arranged marriages are not what she valued and with no one to share these ideas she needed was at a lost. Finding someone that she had this in common with that she had to marry, she figured she would find a way to make this work her.
           Jagan wanted the American dream to which everyone was provided. Choosing a wife, choosing a house, choosing a picket fence and a dog. He did not believe that was meant to put up with what he was handed, he wanted to the opportunity to better himself through his own strength, confidence and strong will.
The Plan
           They decided to spend a year in engagement, and while working on the wedding they would also prepare to leave. After agreeing to be friends,
           “Mitr hone ke lie sahamat ho?”
           “Haan, ham mitr banen!”
           They decided to carry it out as planned. The subsequent step was to obtain passports, set aside money for the move and enough to live for a few months. Continue to build their skills and learn more about their trades to make it more applicable to the job market. The pair needed to wrap their minds around leaving friends, leaving family, and isolating themselves. They would have to rely on each other through the process being in India and being in America. They had to work on their friendship and understand that they would only have each other.
           And the wedding was announced…
During the year of the engagement the two plan the ultimate get away. They shared dreams with each other, they surveyed places to live and continued to plan how to last in the states. Imagined the wonderful land they’d chosen, conceived plans of making lasting impressions for themselves, and the sights they would see.
           They took off!
The Subsequent
           Aditi took work up at a corner store, which happened to be connected to the apartment that they settled in. Turning the store around, she was the best person for the store. She was friendly, fast, fair and firm. Traits that she learned from being home. Alongside the number of places that she could have picked, this reminded her of home and gave her comfort.
           Finding comfort in a construction environment, Jagan also settled into something that made him feel at home. His talent for electrical work was quickly noticed and made him an asset to the company. Jagan found himself always working long hours, waking up close to 5 AM each morning and not returning until 12-15 hours later. Constantly exhausted he mostly slept.
           Longing for friendship and companionship, Aditi sought tenancy in a small coffee shop not far from their apartment. It became habitual for her to walk there every night after work, take in the intoxicating green coffee, sit at the same rustic table, with her legs crossed and a book.
           The two did not cross paths much Jagan always made sure to garnish the home with Sunflowers and Marigolds, Aditi’s favorites. Jagan was asleep in his room by the time she got home, and he was gone by the time Aditi awoke. Groceries missing, running dishwashers and subtle sounds of the washer and dryer indicated co-habitation without speaking much.
The Weekend
           “Would you mind if I sat here.”
           Aditi, startled,
Without looking up, she continued reading. Finishing her sentence, she clutched and shook her coffee cup.
           “Let me get you another one! Sounds empty.”
Lowering the book,
“No that’s alr…”
Distracted by the background music and lost in the words of Revenge Wears Prada she forgot someone was sitting with her. Looking up, she was greeted by a smile the color of ivory, the sun-kissed skin likened to that of the smoothest chocolate, a jaw line straight out of da Vinci’s sketches. Continuing to insist on buying her coffee she found it hard to refuse. As he walked away, she found herself almost breathless. She was taken back by his persistence and by the unexpected nature that they were meeting. She could not remember ever having this feeling. Awaiting his return, she closed her book and sat it down.
“Ryan!” the barista yelled. Returning, cups hit table and Aditi utters, “So, Ryan huh?” Conversation ensued.
Jagan, leaving their apartment passed by the coffee shop window. Aditi’s smile as bright as every star, he did not expect to see someone sitting across from her putting it there. Defeated by the sight, his smile departed, his hands unclenched and the marigolds fell.
He fled.
Unable to remove the smile from her face, Ryan left with a, “Same time tomorrow?” She agreed and removed herself after her last sip.
Spotting the trail of Marigolds outside on the way home.
Power Button.
“Got a new job, went to coffee shop to tell you. Sending for my things tomorrow. Starting my dream. Mere dil maein tumhaara baseraa hai.” – You live in my heart…
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
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Who's Teaching Black Women About Financial Literacy
It’s 2017, and yet girls are nonetheless combating for equality. Information indicates it’ll take till 2152 to shut the gender wage hole, but it shouldn’t take a century to get what we need. We need greater, and Refinery29 is right here to assist — due to the fact one hundred thirty-five years is just too long to wait what we deserve nowadays.
Growing up, I had no hassle discovering my ardor for writing and literature, or losing myself in my creativeness. but when it came to finances, I used to be suddenly alone. Forget now not knowing in which to start — I didn’t even know what I needed to research.
As a teen,
I had a part-time task at the mall, and that I used that paycheck to shop for clothes or visit the films. however outside of some hundred bucks in financial savings, I didn’t have a clue a way to make myself financially comfy, or how crucial it became. while I used to be applying for university, my mom sat me down and defined that I used to be now financially responsible for myself. She is a very smart and ingenious lady, but she didn’t go to college — and in an age, while you need an undergraduate degree to get most access-degree jobs, my mother wasn’t able to offer me with lots assist as I took that next step in my existence.
My story isn’t particular
It’s the norm among my Black friends to warfare to talk about money. Systematically and traditionally, the Black network has been left disenfranchised and disempowered. Even with the upward push of focus surrounding the gender pay hole, there’s still overwhelming silence surrounding the significance of such as race and other intersectional identities into the verbal exchange approximately cash. The median internet well worth for unmarried Black women is simply $five. If we want to exchange that, it’s essential that we have monetary planners who apprehend how vital intersectionality and race are for their clients.
Methods of Teaching In Schools Adopted By Teachers
Teaching methods are various ways of providing understanding to students or pupils in schools. Teaching is one of the fine careers inside the global because the majority of professions and careers derived their beginning from Education. Consequently, we need to undertake in lots of approaches to Teaching in order that the students can without difficulty assimilate the subjects as soon as viable. The most problems encountered through instructors nowadays that affect college students negatively is techniques of Teaching followed by using teachers.teaching strategies gold.definition teaching strategies
The lecturers realize the problem and topics very well but discover it hard to teach and transmit this understanding and ideas to college students which make it hard for the students to understand commonly technology orientated subjects and mathematical topics.
Horrific methods of Teaching discourage college students from understanding the subject as well cause their disasters in the examinations.teaching strategies my account
Now let us study the diverse techniques of Coaching
1 DESCRIPTIVE strategies-The lecturers begin by using describing the topics and challenge to the scholars. E. G the desk has four legs and flat tops. It’s far used for writing, studying and eating and for serving dinners. The teacher describes in info all he knows approximately desk, house, or any subject topics.
2 EXPLANATORY strategies-In this technique the teacher begin Teaching with the aid of explaining the subjects to students in sorts of definition. Examples are money-She or he defines money as anything this is commonly suitable as means of payment and agreement of money owed. It’s far a legal gentle.
The teacher provides an explanation for into info all he is aware of approximate cash for college students to apprehend.
3 QUESTIONS AND Solution methods-The academics start Coaching through asking the students questions regarding the topics and based on the subjects and subjects at fingers whilst the scholar’s replies by finding solutions to the questions asked. E. G What is Biology?while the students give back Answer by using defining biology as the subjects that study s dwelling things which include flowers and animals.
The instructor then went further to deliver his Teaching via explaining in info the meaning of biology and requested them greater questions referring to the issue matters at the stop of the Teaching or lecture.
4  EXPERIMENTAL techniques-
The teacher makes use of the test to train and impart understanding to the students. it is usually accomplished in the laboratory or study room with lots of experimental gear and equipment. It creates lasting reminiscence when you consider that students are uncovered to practicals that more desirable they’re getting to know a price. They even exercise it themselves to examine stages of know-how whilst The lecturers correct where there are mistakes.
five PLAYAWAY strategies-That is a technique whereby using the instructor plays with students in form of making a song and rhymes recitation whilst the scholars or pupils sing along and dance with the instructor.
Advantages of Non-Financial Performance Measurement Over Financial Performance Measurement
Monetary Performance Dimension
The motive of every business is to reap the lowest line of most Monetary advantages. On the way to comply with the equal, agencies have come up with Financial Overall performance Size techniques. The very concept is to make sure that regardless of what the assets do and the way they feature, they could have to expose profits within the income and loss statements. It is accomplished usually in three one-of-a-kind steps. They had been noted as follows: Capital one financial
First of all, it encompasses choosing the dreams of the agency.
Secondly, and also as an essential component, It’s far to consolidate the Measurement of data with admire to the Performance.
Sooner or later, the desired changes made by way of the managers so as to function a treatment over the susceptible hyperlinks within the Economic charts of the agency. So, you could say that the Economic elements of Overall performance Dimension are basically income driven. There are certain milestones that businesses set for employees. A deficiency in being able to fulfill even a positive procedure may be dangerous for the location. So, this approach of Overall performance Dimension is likewise recognized to show certain insecurity for the employees. As a result, it might not deliver the most authenticated results. commercial enterprise Performance Management is by means of and massive measured through the Economic components of Performance Dimension. The particular strategies for the identical had been stated as follows:
Processes to Monetary Overall performance Dimension
Financial Values Brought.financial planning
This approach deals immediately with the Economic earnings of the corporation that goes immediately into the stability sheets. This approach, in other words, may be used to measure the Net Running income after Taxes. There also are certain changes that are made in the calculation of Financial cost Introduced so that the corporations could make it greater synchronized with the profit entry within the profit and loss statements. This method is normally used by decrease stature organizations these days. The reason for the same is that for the time being, the corporations can have enough money to look at the enterprise functioning handiest from the Economic perspective. There’s a whole lot extra to obtain.
  Health Literacy: A Strategic Marketing Asset And Corporate Social Responsibility
Fitness literacy may be described as humans’ abilities to get entry to, recognize, appraise and practice records to make Health choices in ordinary existence. It allows people make healthy choices in instances where the bounds among paintings and lifestyles aren’t so clean anymore.
When human beings fall sick, they seek the nice remedies viable. However, how ought to they realize about those treatments if they are not provided with smooth-to-apprehend statistics in the first vicinity? Pharmaceutical companies develop limitless drugs and devices to help human beings in coping with their circumstance, But handiest on a few occasions are advertisements provided in a manner that educates the patient. By spending more time in making sure that everyone their communications are clear to people of any training degree, pharmaceutical companies can improve Health literacy.
Challenges Confronted With Health Literacy
Consistent with the Office of Disorder Prevention and Health Merchandising (Fitness Communication Sports), over 3rd folks adults-77 million human beings might have problem with commonplace Fitness obligations, together with following directions on a prescription drug label or adhering to an early life immunization agenda the usage of a well-known chart.1
A report supplied Via the Institute of medicine suggests that ninety million humans, almost half of the grown up US population, lacks Fitness literacy competencies needed to recognize and act on Fitness data and Health gadget needs.2 Healthcare advertising has a protracted manner to move before patients can discover it easier to relate and apprehend the data they are receiving from those organizations.
The present day strategies getting used to the marketplace to people with Health conditions is making patient schooling fall Via the wayside. humans find actors and models less relatable While as compared with real patients. If patients lack the Health literacy that is had to apprehend the ads, the statistics provided could mislead them or be misunderstood.
Only 12 % of Adults have talented Fitness literacy”
America Branch of Fitness and Human Services pronounced that most effective 12 percentage of adults have proficient Fitness literacy.3 Terrible patient schooling may want to result in Terrible control of continual ailments and even purpose setbacks. humans may additionally pass their lots-required appointments or exams, lack the capacity to manage situations, get hospitalized often and face accelerated Healthcare costs. If sufferers aren’t aware of the questions they need to ask approximately their drugs, in essence of ways the medicine could act or react, they could experience negative outcomes.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/column-splendor-would-not-discriminate-you-should-not-either/
Column: Splendor would not discriminate, you should not either
I don’t forget the primary time I skilled colorism, discrimination based on pores and skin coloration, in my home. My aunt sternly pointed her finger and instructed me I shouldn’t drink Coke or any darkish soda for that depend. I requested her why, and she responded looking at one in every of my older cousins who also passed off to be darker and stated: “because you don’t want to look darkish like that, do you?”
This is a not unusual sentiment in Latin American groups, mainly in Mexico. We on occasion call this the Maldicion del. A. Malinche, or the Malinche’s Curse. Los Angeles Malinche, one of the maximum well-known historic figures of Mexico, is regularly called the mom of Mexico. Without going into a records lesson, the curse of the Malinche is the informal identity for a syndrome of the idea that Ecu way better. Eu track? better! Ecu tongues? higher! And the maximum sought after of all, European Splendor.
This brings me again to the instances whilst I was a child learning to like that identical Ecu Splendor. mastering to equate dark with unpleasant and white with beautiful. As I was given older, the matter best grew worse. I would watch Television with my mom, and all I would see were thin, tall, colored-eyed, white ladies, mainly in the telenovelas my grandmother loved to look at. All I would see will be the white faces of the principle characters fit perfection with the Spanish conquistadors at the same time as the darker, indigenous actors would accept the jobs of maids.
This started the colonization of Beauty within the thoughts of a young toddler. The irony: inside the twenty-first century, after over 300 years of Eu colonization of the Americas, breaking unfastened from its values and ideas remains a project.
whilst I used to be 12, I learned that being Mexican in The united states was bad. People frequently stated to me “You’re from Mexico? Wow! You don’t look like it, you appear like blankity-clean ethnicity.” They could say this in a tone of flattery as though announcing, “Hi there, you don’t look like your ethnicity, due to the fact you appearance a whole lot extra advanced in Splendor than the Humans of the place you come back from.” The fact that I used to be taken into consideration a “light-skinned Latina” located me in a higher category of Beauty than, say my dark-skinned cousin or even my mother.
Growing up, I was usually known as thick-boned or obese. It wasn’t until the age of 12 that I commenced dropping weight. I had end up captivated with frame image. Coincidentally, this was additionally across the time I would spend lots of time home by myself looking Tv. I took radical measures to ensure I was up to the Splendor standards, as much as the women at the Tv. I might bypass food, bandage my waist whilst I slept and tape the top of my nostril to the center of my forehead right between my eyebrows because I was hoping it would make my nostril permanently greater slender and pointy, greater Caucasian-like. I wanted to be quite.
Cases of consuming issues and frame photo obsessions aren’t removed Cases in ladies of coloration. I would claim that they’re in reality more dangerous in our communities due to the fact the dearth of illustration within the media will increase Beauty complexes — if you don’t see everybody consultant of you who is considered beautiful, then you definitely count on you must not be stunning.
Any other factor that makes body issues riskier in girls of coloration is the prognosis itself. because most people of young ladies seeking assist for consuming disorders had been white, this caused the idea within the clinical field that ladies of shade had been immune to these problems. In truth, the largest records collector on eating disorders, the Countrywide eating Sickness Affiliation admitted to this fault, “Precise facts on the prevalence of eating problems amongst girls of color are unavailable” because of the “traditionally biased view that consuming problems handiest affect white girls, exceedingly little research has been carried out utilising members from racial and ethnic minority businesses.”
We can’t forget about the results of Caucasian-led Tv and movie industries failing to offer representation that isn’t a Latina or black girl with Caucasian features. Or, whilst we are included, the portrayal isn’t some sort of hypersexual, less sensible and less vital to the plot, fetishized characters — think Sofia Vergara in “Cutting-edge Family.” A February 2016 examine, the Complete Annenberg File on Diversity in Enjoyment, confirmed that Latinos are one of the maximum underrepresented agencies in Tv and film industries, despite the reality that we make up 17 percent of the U.S. populace, in line with Census Bureau information.
Tv and movie aren’t the simplest things younger People consume, and with the emergence of social media systems like Instagram came to a surge of favor bloggers. those Instagram blogs took over the platform and received lots of followers in a quick duration. these bloggers were predominately white, skinny and tall women in their early 20s, and abruptly, we had Another form of media to constantly see other People compare ourselves with. despite these blogs’ recognition, no longer all popular Instagram money owed are run with the aid of privileged white girls. There are some debts obtainable trying to sell body wonderful messages for women of shade, like Nalgonda Positivity Pride, which has accumulated over 37,000 fans.
Because of the teens of color, we need to create our personal spaces wherein we are in rate, in which we’ve got a say in our personal visibility. Despite the fact that those locations are small and appear to be insignificant steps, there is probably a 12-yr-vintage female who desires these locations to no longer sense ashamed of her darker pores and skin, wider nostril and extraordinary hair, or for finishing her bowl of mac and cheese.
Herbal Beauty Products – An Alternative In your skin
maximum girls will pick out up girls’ magazines and avidly read the Beauty pages and reviews of recent Beauty Merchandise. these magazines will inform you what the modern anti-wrinkle cream or what new moisturizer you should buy. maximum Splendor journalists are sent a free pattern of the present day Merchandise for publicity functions. The Splendor newshounds will then rave on about how correct a sure product is in their Beauty column. What they’re actually telling you is what the huge organizations need to sell you. not whether these Splendor Merchandise is simply any top or going to give you the results you want.
What you may never be informed is what’s certainly in those Beauty Products. A variety of the state-of-the-art anti-getting old formulation claims to have precise elements in them. However virtually there’s little difference between them. A lot of them include elements which can absolutely damage your skin and feature extreme health implications over the long term. A whole lot of the Splendor Products in the marketplace today include pores and skin irritants inclusive of robust perfumes and shades. a few actually have most cancers causing compounds in them.
In recent times more and more People are becoming privy to the harmful results of the Splendor Products out in the marketplace nowadays and are looking for options. options which include Herbal cosmetics and Splendor Products which might be unfastened from all harsh poisonous artificial chemical substances and therefore appropriate for all pores and skin kinds. these Merchandises are enriched with obviously sourced substances. But you do have to be careful of what you buy.
Natural frame Products line the cabinets of drug and department stores, However, do you recognize what you are genuinely getting whilst you purchase these Merchandise? Simply because a label says “organic” or “Herbal” does not robotically make it so. Manufacturers of these Products will label their Merchandise as organic or Natural Even if they have got a positive percent of Herbal ingredients in them. The relaxation of the elements in this Merchandise will have artificial fragrances, preservatives and so forth.
Some other Alternative is to make your personal skin care and Splendor Products at domestic. Lots of the elements we want to make Splendor Merchandise take a seat in our kitchens. So that you could make a large kind of Natural frame Products proper to your kitchen? Nearly any kind of body product that you may purchase in the shops, you could make yourself at domestic. now not handiest will you store Plenty of money by way of making these Merchandise yourself, it isn’t Almost as time ingesting as most people suppose. The Herbal Merchandise you make at domestic may be made as the way you want them. As an example in case you want to make something light or more moisturizing, preservative unfastened or use Natural preservatives which include diet E or honey. The choice is entirely as much as you.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/whos-teaching-black-women-about-financial-literacy/
Who's Teaching Black Women About Financial Literacy
It’s 2017, and yet girls are nonetheless combating for equality. Information indicates it’ll take till 2152 to shut the gender wage hole, but it shouldn’t take a century to get what we need. We need greater, and Refinery29 is right here to assist — due to the fact one hundred thirty-five years is just too long to wait what we deserve nowadays.
Growing up, I had no hassle discovering my ardor for writing and literature, or losing myself in my creativeness. but when it came to finances, I used to be suddenly alone. Forget now not knowing in which to start — I didn’t even know what I needed to research.
As a teen,
I had a part-time task at the mall, and that I used that paycheck to shop for clothes or visit the films. however outside of some hundred bucks in financial savings, I didn’t have a clue a way to make myself financially comfy, or how crucial it became. while I used to be applying for university, my mom sat me down and defined that I used to be now financially responsible for myself. She is a very smart and ingenious lady, but she didn’t go to college — and in an age, while you need an undergraduate degree to get most access-degree jobs, my mother wasn’t able to offer me with lots assist as I took that next step in my existence.
My story isn’t particular
It’s the norm among my Black friends to warfare to talk about money. Systematically and traditionally, the Black network has been left disenfranchised and disempowered. Even with the upward push of focus surrounding the gender pay hole, there’s still overwhelming silence surrounding the significance of such as race and other intersectional identities into the verbal exchange approximately cash. The median internet well worth for unmarried Black women is simply $five. If we want to exchange that, it’s essential that we have monetary planners who apprehend how vital intersectionality and race are for their clients.
Methods of Teaching In Schools Adopted By Teachers
Teaching methods are various ways of providing understanding to students or pupils in schools. Teaching is one of the fine careers inside the global because the majority of professions and careers derived their beginning from Education. Consequently, we need to undertake in lots of approaches to Teaching in order that the students can without difficulty assimilate the subjects as soon as viable. The most problems encountered through instructors nowadays that affect college students negatively is techniques of Teaching followed by using teachers.teaching strategies gold.definition teaching strategies
The lecturers realize the problem and topics very well but discover it hard to teach and transmit this understanding and ideas to college students which make it hard for the students to understand commonly technology orientated subjects and mathematical topics.
Horrific methods of Teaching discourage college students from understanding the subject as well cause their disasters in the examinations.teaching strategies my account
Now let us study the diverse techniques of Coaching
1 DESCRIPTIVE strategies-The lecturers begin by using describing the topics and challenge to the scholars. E. G the desk has four legs and flat tops. It’s far used for writing, studying and eating and for serving dinners. The teacher describes in info all he knows approximately desk, house, or any subject topics.
2 EXPLANATORY strategies-In this technique the teacher begin Teaching with the aid of explaining the subjects to students in sorts of definition. Examples are money-She or he defines money as anything this is commonly suitable as means of payment and agreement of money owed. It’s far a legal gentle.
The teacher provides an explanation for into info all he is aware of approximate cash for college students to apprehend.
3 QUESTIONS AND Solution methods-The academics start Coaching through asking the students questions regarding the topics and based on the subjects and subjects at fingers whilst the scholar’s replies by finding solutions to the questions asked. E. G What is Biology?while the students give back Answer by using defining biology as the subjects that study s dwelling things which include flowers and animals.
The instructor then went further to deliver his Teaching via explaining in info the meaning of biology and requested them greater questions referring to the issue matters at the stop of the Teaching or lecture.
4  EXPERIMENTAL techniques-
The teacher makes use of the test to train and impart understanding to the students. it is usually accomplished in the laboratory or study room with lots of experimental gear and equipment. It creates lasting reminiscence when you consider that students are uncovered to practicals that more desirable they’re getting to know a price. They even exercise it themselves to examine stages of know-how whilst The lecturers correct where there are mistakes.
five PLAYAWAY strategies-That is a technique whereby using the instructor plays with students in form of making a song and rhymes recitation whilst the scholars or pupils sing along and dance with the instructor.
Advantages of Non-Financial Performance Measurement Over Financial Performance Measurement
Monetary Performance Dimension
The motive of every business is to reap the lowest line of most Monetary advantages. On the way to comply with the equal, agencies have come up with Financial Overall performance Size techniques. The very concept is to make sure that regardless of what the assets do and the way they feature, they could have to expose profits within the income and loss statements. It is accomplished usually in three one-of-a-kind steps. They had been noted as follows: Capital one financial
First of all, it encompasses choosing the dreams of the agency.
Secondly, and also as an essential component, It’s far to consolidate the Measurement of data with admire to the Performance.
Sooner or later, the desired changes made by way of the managers so as to function a treatment over the susceptible hyperlinks within the Economic charts of the agency. So, you could say that the Economic elements of Overall performance Dimension are basically income driven. There are certain milestones that businesses set for employees. A deficiency in being able to fulfill even a positive procedure may be dangerous for the location. So, this approach of Overall performance Dimension is likewise recognized to show certain insecurity for the employees. As a result, it might not deliver the most authenticated results. commercial enterprise Performance Management is by means of and massive measured through the Economic components of Performance Dimension. The particular strategies for the identical had been stated as follows:
Processes to Monetary Overall performance Dimension
Financial Values Brought.financial planning
This approach deals immediately with the Economic earnings of the corporation that goes immediately into the stability sheets. This approach, in other words, may be used to measure the Net Running income after Taxes. There also are certain changes that are made in the calculation of Financial cost Introduced so that the corporations could make it greater synchronized with the profit entry within the profit and loss statements. This method is normally used by decrease stature organizations these days. The reason for the same is that for the time being, the corporations can have enough money to look at the enterprise functioning handiest from the Economic perspective. There’s a whole lot extra to obtain.
  Health Literacy: A Strategic Marketing Asset And Corporate Social Responsibility
Fitness literacy may be described as humans’ abilities to get entry to, recognize, appraise and practice records to make Health choices in ordinary existence. It allows people make healthy choices in instances where the bounds among paintings and lifestyles aren’t so clean anymore.
When human beings fall sick, they seek the nice remedies viable. However, how ought to they realize about those treatments if they are not provided with smooth-to-apprehend statistics in the first vicinity? Pharmaceutical companies develop limitless drugs and devices to help human beings in coping with their circumstance, But handiest on a few occasions are advertisements provided in a manner that educates the patient. By spending more time in making sure that everyone their communications are clear to people of any training degree, pharmaceutical companies can improve Health literacy.
Challenges Confronted With Health Literacy
Consistent with the Office of Disorder Prevention and Health Merchandising (Fitness Communication Sports), over 3rd folks adults-77 million human beings might have problem with commonplace Fitness obligations, together with following directions on a prescription drug label or adhering to an early life immunization agenda the usage of a well-known chart.1
A report supplied Via the Institute of medicine suggests that ninety million humans, almost half of the grown up US population, lacks Fitness literacy competencies needed to recognize and act on Fitness data and Health gadget needs.2 Healthcare advertising has a protracted manner to move before patients can discover it easier to relate and apprehend the data they are receiving from those organizations.
The present day strategies getting used to the marketplace to people with Health conditions is making patient schooling fall Via the wayside. humans find actors and models less relatable While as compared with real patients. If patients lack the Health literacy that is had to apprehend the ads, the statistics provided could mislead them or be misunderstood.
Only 12 % of Adults have talented Fitness literacy”
America Branch of Fitness and Human Services pronounced that most effective 12 percentage of adults have proficient Fitness literacy.3 Terrible patient schooling may want to result in Terrible control of continual ailments and even purpose setbacks. humans may additionally pass their lots-required appointments or exams, lack the capacity to manage situations, get hospitalized often and face accelerated Healthcare costs. If sufferers aren’t aware of the questions they need to ask approximately their drugs, in essence of ways the medicine could act or react, they could experience negative outcomes.
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