#and kinda wanted to set up a possible redemption for Abby
museswithinx · 1 year
look who came to dinner ; a drabble
While both their daughters were leading their own lives independent of Bonnie and Dev, the Bennett-Simses always made time for weekly family gatherings. Sunday dinners had become something of a tradition since the girls both moved out. It was a day when they could all just slow down the chaos of life and spend time together as a family. Even if she did see her daughters more frequently than just once a week, Bonnie was always looking forward to it.
“The lasagna still has about 20 minutes.” Bonnie stated to Dev as she closed the oven back up and grabbed a loaf of the bakery bread off the counter. “I think I’ll make some garlic bread to go with it. Mind setting the table for me, dear? Connor and Levi are coming so we’ll need two extra spots set.”
As her husband grabbed some plates from the cupboard and went about setting the table, Bonnie busied herself cutting the bread and making the garlic mixture. “There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge too if you’ll get that out.” She tells Dev as she starts coating the bread with the garlic mixture. Letting that sit when she’s done, she washes her hands and peeks at the lasagna again when the doorbell suddenly goes off.
“That’s probably the girls.” Bonnie said as she quickly popped the bread in the oven and started heading toward the living room as Dev finished setting the table. “I’m coming!” She shouted as the doorbell went off again. Opening the door, she already had a comment ready at the tip of her tongue about how she’d given them a house key for a reason but she swallows it back when she finds it isn’t Aubrey or Haley on the other side.
“Hello, Bonnie.”
“Mom?!” Bonnie exclaims, utterly shocked to find Abby of all people at her door.
“Can I come in?”
Bonnie blinked at her, still processing some shock. She would’ve been less surprised to find someone like Kai at her front door than her own mother. Abby had abandoned her not once but twice and hadn’t heard a single word from her since. She knew the change from witch to vampire was difficult on her but that didn’t excuse the abandonment. It didn’t excuse the first time either. Clearing her throat, Bonnie straightens her back and the shock is quickly replaced by a controlled anger.
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“Why are you here?” She asks, completely ignoring her request to be invited inside. Mother or not, she wasn’t about to give her a free ticket inside her home. She didn’t even know anything about her anymore and aside from a few exceptions, she didn’t much trust many vampires these days. For all she knew, Abby could have just given in to the dark side.
Crossing her arms over her chest as she awaited a response, Abby appeared to consider her words before speaking again.
“Because I wanted to see you.” She started, earning a look of disbelief from Bonnie. “And I wanted to... Make things right. The word is vampires have one last lifetime before the balance is restored and then we all turn to dust. I’ve made my peace with that but I never made my peace with you.”
“So, what? You want me to ease your guilty conscience for you and tell you it’s okay you abandoned me? Get real. It doesn’t work like that. You left, that was your choice. That’s what you always did when it got too difficult.”
“No, that’s not what I meant...”
They were interrupted as Dev suddenly came up behind Bonnie. He must have sensed the tension all the way from the kitchen as she felt his hand rest on her shoulder. A small and subtle gesture that communicated he had her back. Reaching her own hand up, she touched his to let him know it was okay. 
“Dev, this is my mom, Abby,” she introduced with very little enthusiasm, “Abby, this is my husband, Dev.” 
It was awkward and neither extended a hand to greet the other. Dev knew all about his mother-in-law so it wasn’t exactly one of those warm and nerve-wracking meet-the-parents moment. Abby did manage a small smile though, offering a, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Then her daughters showed up with Connor and Levi, also appearing to immediately sense the tension on the porch. Sighing, Bonnie shot a look Haley’s way because her youngest already appeared ready to pounce, before looking back to Abby. “You can come in.” There was a hint of warning to her tone though. It wasn’t a warm welcome.
Stepping aside for her mother, she received questioning looks from her daughters to which she shook her head. They’d talk later.
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someone-elses-star · 5 years
The 100 6x09: What You Take With You Personal Narrative
Another two week hiatus that absolutely killed me! Thank goodness for the Beliza pics from the recent con or I would absolutely be drowning! What did you guys think of the sneak peaks we got? I’m excited to see the new dynamic between Octavia and Gabriel! I also want to know if she’s faking not remembering anything or not. Plus, we get so much Bellamy/Jo!Clarke action tonight! I definitely don’t think we’ll get Clarke back this episode, but I’m hoping for 6x10 when the Blake siblings are reunited! :) 
Alas, the episode is about to begin, so let’s get started:
It’s coming on! I’m so cool with Eliza introducing all the episodes.
Eliza is such a great actress. She does so well with separating her Josephine voice from her Clarke voice.
Aww... clean and young looking Octavia. Gotta love the glam that the anomaly provides!
Does Octavia really remember nothing? Seems strange....
Gabriel is pissed.....Why does he want to know so much about the anomaly?
Help....? That can’t be good
What’s in the creepy boxxxx
What the hell is Gabriel doing?
He’s going to get her.....high? Ahhh so that’s how she is going to see Bloodreina. 
So the anomaly doesn’t heal...but it passes through time possibly....then erases memories? Interesting....
So there could be truth in the time travel theories that have been floating around?
Can we really trust Gabriel, though? I mean....he has been lying about who he is.
Damn....that was quick. Where can I get that stuff? Lol
Nice glowing boxes. Red light. Green light. And she decides to go towards the red? That’s such an Octavia move.
Yes, let’s pick the angry looking box that is obviously going to lead you towards your worst memories. 
Marie is such a great actress. What did we do to get such great actors and actresses in this show? Did someone sacrifice a virgin or something?
Echhh.....creepy new Marcus---Marcus Kane II if you will---I do not like it! SO ICKY!
I mean....he’s hot....but....him and Abby possibly being romantic in the future is just a kinda gross concept. 
Is anyone else sick of Abby? She has gone way too far.
There love story has never really been healthy in my opinion, but this is too gross and too far. 
Ewww don’t kiss! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Yes, everything is wrong, Marcus. People are not meant to switch fucking bodies! 
Yay! Bellamy and Jo!Clarke!
Aww Bellamy can’t stand seeing Clarke in pain in any aspect.
You tell her Bellamy!
“I guess you just care about her more.” Well that is dropping some more truth bombs on Bellamy!
Commercial Break #1 Thoughts: WOW! Josephine dropping the truth bombs on Bellamy! Everyone is calling him out on this! This has got to mean something for Bellarke! IT HAS TO! We usually only get like one of these comments per season about the two of them putting each other first but.....now we’re getting this like twice in two episodes? AMAZING!!! If this is anything like what the rest of the episode is going to be like we are going to be served a MEAL! So thrilled! On the opposite side, Kabby 2.0 is creepy and I’m grossed out. Who’s with me?
Ohhh we’re in a cave! And Josephine is such a fucking priss. 
Seriously Josephine is going to get herself killed. 
Bellamy is such a boss. Though is he going to get them killed? Doubtful. But his heart is definitely leading over his head.
Oh my gosh. He just said Doubtful after I did! It’s fate!
Can she really hear them now? OMG!!! 
What is he going to say?
OMG he was always speaking to her! In the trailer he was speaking to her and not just metaphorically or whatever! WHAT A FUCKING TREAT!
Was it worth it? Probably not. 
Eeww....the host had a wife....and still willingly sacrificed his body? Wow these people are brainwashed!
Ohhh what is the truth?! Reveal it Kane! Drop some truths!
Kane is our King! Even if he is in a new body. 
Woop there it is! This is the only time where Raven’s condescension this season isn’t bothering me.
I forgot Indra and Kane were friends! This is awesome! I missed Indra so much! Is she going to ask about Octavia? Is she? 
Commercial Break #2 Thoughts: After the first commercial all of the commercials come so quickly. But we seriously got info that Clarke can hear them! And it seems legit! And Bellamy in the trailer was always just talking to her!!! I love this so much! I’m so happy! But what worries me is the fact that Clarke’s brain---according to the episode sneak peaks we got with Jason and this episode’s writer--has only a few hours left. So....hopefully they get her into the anomaly or something soon? If it will heal her...but if it is just a time anomaly will it actually fix her or just kill her brain sooner because of a time jump? I’m concerned, confused, and cautiously hopeful. 
And we are back with Octavia and Gabriel! He better hear his call from his people! We need him to save Clarke!
Octavia versus Bloodreina! FINALLY!
Oh....no....Pike. Interesting.....
We are really getting down to the deepest set of what turned Octavia so dark. Intense
Did anyone else miss Pike’s actor like I did. I mean....I didn’t really care for Pike, but I love the actor who plays him! 
Ohh...playing the Bellamy card with her. Ouch.
Of course she hates herself. She was forced to do a lot of shitty things and she did a lot of shitty things on her own. She’s a bit fucked up. 
Wow! Pike is really laying into her. Her mind is almost as bad as Clarke’s.
There’s Bloodreina! 
Pike is Octavia’s good side of her conscious? Interesting.
Lincoln!!! I don’t want to see this again! Don’t show me his death again! NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Hmmm....but Octavia still protects her mind Pike. Good for her!
You kill Bloodreina, Octavia! I know you can do it!
Damn. That kill shot came quick. 
Aww Gabriel is wiping her forehead! That’s sweet! 
Commercial Break #3 Thoughts: So....that was intense. But we don’t really know what happened in the anomaly still? Or will it come back to her now that she fought against her demons/Bloodreina? I still think the fight was kind of quick. Even if Octavia has been continuously thinking about getting redemption for awhile now, it still seems like a quick internal battle. I’m sure she will have to fight harder on the outside for redemption with Bellamy and the others, but it wouldn’t have killed us to get a longer fight. However, I will be okay with this shorter fight if it means longer scenes with Bellamy trying to save Clarke.
INDRA!!! Because she loves you.....yes drop those truth bombs girlfriend!
Hmmm....Indra....what are you saying. We need you on our side!
Ohhh.....Raven/Indra/Kane II team! Love it!
YAY Bellamy and Jo!Clarke interaction!
At least she knows that bringing her back was a big mistake sorta.
OHHHH what Clarke/Bellamy truths is she about to drop?!!?
Bellamy’s hope is so cute! I hope it continues and he’s right!
Haha continue to be confident if it pisses her off Bellamy!
Bellamy looks so hurt that Clarke’s body is being hurt.
Uhhh....ohhhh....They know! 
Is....Clarke back?
Oh!!! How is this possible! This is such a great fanfic....I mean episode. LMAO!
Commercial Break #4 Thoughts: So....now that she gave control back to Clarke....does that mean that she can take it back or does Clarke have to give it back? I mean....Clarke’s brain is obviously still dying, but will this make it better? Worse? I just can’t believe we just got Clarke back so suddenly! I’m so crazed! I’m so much more hopeful now! Is this going to make me a clown in the end? I don’t know....but I refuse to let go of this hope! Clarke is BACK! 
Wait...she is running towards motorcycles...is she playing the part of Josephine or....is she actually Clarke? Yup....actually Clarke. 
Ohhhh....So Clarke does have to give back control. So cool. 
I’m loving Clarke on the motorcycle! SUPER FUCKING HOT!!!
Clarke and Josephine interaction, and Clarke sassing her! I LOVE IT!
Ohhh....Octavia seeking redemption is hot! And....they just heard the radio calls.
Octavia wants to save her people!
“Things are about to get weird...” Lmao....I love Gabriel! Best line of the night, probs!
Commercial Break #5 Thoughts: So confirmed Clarke is back. We get to see Josephine and Clarke interact with each other outside of her brain. So thrilled that Clarke is back though! SO HAPPY! And Octavia actively seeking redemption, and Gabriel pretty much being cool with it despite him wanting info about the anomaly. That is legit wise-old man vibes! I’m digging it, Gabriel. You’re awesome! I take back not trusting you. If you don’t do something stupid...I’m just going to love you.
Indra is such a badass. We should have brought her back sooner. 
Ohhh...are we losing Marcus again so soon? That’s sad....but it makes a good point to this whole show. I really think letting him die would be better for all of this. It proves the point that taking over someone else’s body and living forever is never right. Sometimes people just have to die and stay dead. 
Ohhh....she is seeing his old face! I love it! Or are we just seeing it? I don’t care! It’s amazing!
This is the perfect way for us to say goodbye to Marcus! I LOVE IT! 
I’ll miss you Marcus! But sometimes dying is for a good cause! 
“This is how we get our humanity back.” 
I’m crying!!! May we meet again, Marcus Kane. Your fight is over.
So....that episode ended abruptly. But at least we only have one week until next episode!
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scorpio-karma · 6 years
How would you have written Bonkai if you had the chance ?
So I’ve always been a fan of Dark Bonkai, so if I were to write them I would forgo the redemption arc completely. I wasn’t a fan of it when it aired and even though now I’ve warmed up to it more now it’s still not how I would have wanted Bonkai to go because as I said in a different post the only way I see that romance working out is as generic fluff which is just not my jam.
This first thing I would have done is after she sends Damon back is have Bonnie and Kai stuck together longer, not only because there needed to be more pay off from that but also because sending Kai back as quickly as they do wasted a great opportunity with both characters because once he’s back in the real world his storylines don’t fall flat but they aren’t as great especially when he ends up missing for an unusual amount of episodes–he’s the main villain of the season, he really shouldn’t have been missing from any episodes. So I wouldn’t have him figure out where Jo stashed her magic, but I would still have him take her to Portland for Thanksgiving because A) great development and B) it sets up or the one other thing I would have kept which is Bonnie’s breakdown because it’s such a well done scene.
From there I would have them do more cat and mouse games which would start with her killing Kai (who would come back) and running as far as possible taking his pager with her just to piss him of because he told her not to touch it. Then I would have the Delena failed Bonnie rescue mission (with a few things tweaked since Kai would still be in the PW, I’d just have the spell run out of time because they were doddling which is essentially what happened in canon) which literally ends up breaking her spirit. As much as I hate Bonnie being in pain, I love that scene because it is so well done and not just because of Kat’s acting, which is on point, but because for the first time ever the narrative actually cares about the pain Bonnie’s in, focuses on the pain she’s in, and doesn’t force her to be “strong”. 
Just look at Damon’s reaction when he realizes what’s going to happen to Bonnie. There reason I always preferred Damon with Bonnie and that’s because his reactions seem a lot more genuine which is mostly Ian because his reactions to Kat are a lot more genuine and that scene you could feel that Damon felt sadness for Bonnie, and what makes that scene so much better is that instead of only focusing on his sadness for her it cuts to her, and her pain, and in that moment she’s not infallible, she’s not the strong witch who can endure anything and everything, she’s broken and it’s devastating and it’s something we really didn’t get to see with her even when she literally died and had to see her own dead body. 
It’s always an easy scene to point out but it’s because it’s so atrocious is when Abby gets turned, you don’t even see Bonnie except for a glimpse after (I’m pretty sure they didn’t even have her on set for that shooting day), instead you have Caroline speak for her and then the show focuses on Elena’s pain from the incident which isn’t even empathy for Bonnie but rather her own pain because Bonnie won’t talk to her, which as I keep saying in my Tyler meta’s, neither of those are comparable experiences and prioritizing her pain over Bonnie’s was the breaking point for most Bonnie fans. So after years of getting things like that I was actually quite proud of that scene.
But back to Bonkai, I wouldn’t just keep that there because I like the scene but also because it signifies a breaking point which would be great in the development of Bonkai especially in a moment she feels most alone because she wouldn’t be completely alone, she would have Kai. If Bamon and Benzo taught me anything it’s that if she’s isolated alone with you long enough you will get her undying loyalty no matter what you’ve done and that’s something that’s actually in character because she has abandonment issues, or at least she should with her mother leaving her, her dad barely home, and then the only consistent family member she had, Grams, died. It explains why she clings on to her friends so much, unfortunately the show has never had enough nuance to even try to use that as a reason for why she keeps sacrificing herself, they just make it he obligation. 
From there she’d be willing to do anything to get out but without magic they don’t know how to leave so they spend more time together. Bonnie would be depressed, for obvious reasons, and I would have Kai trying to cheer her up because he likes her plucky and it’s not much fun seeing her like that. Then I would basically have most if not all the events from Metamorphosis happen right down to her killing herself and realizing no one can die in the PW not even her. They would have kinda a mentorship which involves them killing each other over and over (again events in Metamorphosis) which would cheer her up in a dark twisted way which would lead to a lot of dark twisted sex (not in the fic),
Eventually Bonnie would remember Qetsiyah’s rock because the fact that the rescue mission was literally remind Bonnie of what she already knew was ridiculous and something she could have figured out on her own. And then they get out disregarding Jo’s knife because another ridiculous thing, not that she hid it there, but because it continued to be hidden there after 18 years like “find a better hiding spot.” 
Kai would continue his quest to be Gemini leader, and Bonnie, now that she’s out and knows him a lot better would be conflicted with letting him kill his entire coven or leaving it alone–her conflicted feelings would effect him because he’s got the girl and doesn’t want to lose her but instead of trying to be better like we’ve seen oh so many times (Damon, Klaus, to a degree Katherine with Elijah) he tries to get he on his side using truths about her “friends” which is honesty something  think should have happened in season 4 with Shane because of how quickly he gets her trust, but let’s not lament on that. Eventually her new found attitude of looking out for herself actually takes and she lets him because unless she or the world is in danger of imploding she’s staying out of it.
After that I would actually have him merge with Liv. I’m sorry for people who liked Liv, but she was kinda of annoying and the writers clearly were trying to replace Bonnie with her, however that’s not the reason I would have her die in the merge. The reason I would have her die is because she was kind always meant to. She knew she was less likely to survive the merge with Luke and she was the most afraid to die and in the series finale she does accept her fate, but I would have much rather it been here during the merge. It would have been brave and lot more powerful because Luke wasn’t as afraid he just went with the flow. Also it would stop TVD’s tendency to kill all of their gay characters, in terms of which twin had more potential to add to the show it was easily Luke, again sorry for people who liked Liv, she was kinda like Caroline in that she was on of many witches (which was a new(ish) concept since it fell on Bonnie to be the sole witch without any family, but as I said they were clearly priming her to replace Bonnie).
Then I don’t know how I would develop it but basically it would end with Bonkai being king and queen of the Gemini combining their power to be the most powerful couple ever, but after Bonnie does a lot of traveling because that was something she needed, she needed to get out and make her own path. And after Kai learned to deal with feelings a bit more, I guess I would have him redeemed(ish) (but leaving Damon and Elena out of it because again why would he give a single fuck about them?) because that’s honestly the only natural ending, but I would want that redemption to be an individual process (which it kind was in canon but it still had people telling him to do x and people will forgive him and him doing x but unlike Damon x doesn’t work), so that would all be happening while she’s off traveling which she does almost immediately after she gets back and doesn’t bother telling any of the MFG she’s back, they only find out through Kai. 
If given a chance this is how I would have written Bonkai, basically having their development in the season coincide together. Also this is mostly a rewrite of season 6 but to write Bonkai (Bonnie) that’s necessary. 
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