#and it posits the solution when this happen: rip out the weed
the-owl-tree · 10 months
Misty deserves to go ape shit. Let her do murder.
I’m a fan of Misty drowning Leopardstar when they get to the lake. After all the shit Leopardstar did and let happen even after Tigerclan disbanded, Misty won’t let it blow a second time, or with a stone for the symbolism (can you tell Bonefall has infected me?)
I refuse to believe she didn’t take at least one of Blackstar’s lives and there’s no quotes in canon saying otherwise so I’m right by default :)
Dueling him wasn’t a request, it was her right in her mind and she dared anyone to deny her rights again.
you 🤝 me
pro misty going murder mode
Also BIG yeah on that last point. He executed her brother, he wouldn’t be able to show his face if he denied her right to retribution. You have nine lives and yet you deserve none of them, nine lives but I’ll take one and may you never forget it.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
20 for Vanya?
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
I have a lot of what-ifs and alternate timelines for Vanya lmao, especially ones that prevent the apocalypse because I’m a sucker for a happy ending tbh
What if Vanya was included? Why not? Klaus’s powers weren’t useful for missions, Allison’s story for Claire was literally like “yeah Klaus got distracted by ghosts in the background lol” so it’s not like a kid without offensive powers couldn’t do it
you have rebellious Vanya aus, where she decides, like some neglected children do, so act out. If her father isn’t going to acknowledge anything good about her, she’s going to make him acknowledge the bad. Punishment might be the only time he pays attention to her, after all.
(let’s call this an au where the pills suppress her powers but not so much her emotions)
So you have an au where she sneaks out and joins the missions. She breaks into the mausoleum and picks Klaus up and stares her father down with a challenge in her eyes. 
Five vanishes, and Vanya gets worse. She plays her violin at 2 in the morning. She refuses to eat her broccoli. she teams up with diego to see who can piss dad off the most
(her and Diego actually get along very well in this sort of au, honestly)
Vanya gets out and plays the violin and gets angry. She plays with fury and fire and gets second chair, because Helen is actually really very good. But she makes Helen work for it. Helen isn’t secure in her position, she always knows that Vanya is a step away from taking it from her
and maybe that should make them enemies, but it doesn’t. They’re rivals. Helen respects the hell out of Vanya, and Vanya can’t help but admire the woman who makes the most difficult pieces look effortless
Vanya writes her book. Except she kicks down Diego’s boiler room door and is like “DIEGO”
as one of the rebel kids, Vanya actually got along well with Klaus as well since she helped him sneak out and 100% also smoked at least some weed with him because it would piss off Reggie tbh though she didn’t get into the harder drugs like he did
(showing up absolutely plastered to breakfast when they were sixteen was hilarious even if the laps they had to run around the block were not)
anyway Klaus crashes at her apartment sometimes, with supervision, because she loves Klaus but he has a problem and has stolen from her before but he’s still her brother but regardless
Klaus-Diego-Vanya sleepovers where they brainstorm the book to shit talk their father. Honestly it’s kind of a blast. They all get super wine drunk and end up watching Mary Poppins together with some Very Loud Opinions about nannies in general tbh
klaus throwing popcorn at the screen: BOO WHY WAS OUR CHILDHOOD NOT A MUSICAL???
diego: idk if you can have cheery musicals about child soldiers
vanya: i mean if they can have a musical about child labor in factories and the starvation of the workers in oliver twist you could do something with child superheroes
klaus: EXACTLY thank you vanya
they publish the book (luther is uNHAPPY, vanya dedicates her book to ‘all my siblings who survived the Reginald Regime but especially those who didn’t’, and she gifts Reggie a copy that says “fuck you lol” and is signed by her, diego, and klaus), they continue living, they go to the funeral when reggie kicks the bucket
and then five shows up, feral and aching
and five tells vanya about the apocalypse, and vanya thinks about their father saying time travel messed with the mind, and then she thinks - fuck the old man he was wrong about her (ordinary, fuck that, she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves) and he was probably wrong about Five, too
and Five is wholeheartedly believed
“Let me call Diego,” Vanya says when Five tells her about the eye, “I bet he could totally wear a police uniform and get info about the eye. And if not, I’m absolutely sure Klaus could improvise a solution. He’s good at that.”
“Klaus??” Five asks, vaguely suspicious.
“We don’t talk about the Sleepover of 2012.” Vanya intones solemnly, and refuses to answer any further questions on the topic.
Harold Jenkins comes to the apartment and tries to woo Vanya or whatever, and Vanya is kind of like... “Look, Leonard. I can be your teacher for violin. It’s my job. But I am in a relationship. And also like, super gay. If you have a problem with that then I am not the teacher for you.”
Actually scratch Diego and Klaus getting called, which they do, Vanya looks at them and her thirteen year old brother and is like “wait. actually i know someone infinitely better to crack this case wide open.”
“Who?” Five, Klaus, and Diego all ask
“My girlfriend.” Vanya says proudly, called Helen up.
And Helen walks into the building like she’s at fucking war and has such demanding confidence that they just give her the information she seeks and apologize for inconveniencing her.
“Hey Vanya are we still on for date night tomorrow?” Helen casually asks after, and Five kind of wants to be her when he grows up honestly after watching her verbally eviscerate Lance or whatever the fuck his name is
“Yeah.” Vanya confirms, “Unless there’s other apocalypse stuff to do?”
“You take all the time you need, honey.” Helen says warmly, “After all the more time you take the less you have to practice.”
“I’m gonna destroy the concert piece and you know it.” Vanya threatens.
Helen sniffs, “Okay, whatever you say second chair.”
and then they kiss and Helen ditches and the others just kind of look at Vanya judgingly
“In fairness, she’s very hot and very talented.” Vanya defends herself.
Klaus nods sagely. Vanya nods back. He gets it. 
“Concert piece?” Diego asks, because he has priorities.
“Yeah, I’ve already asked for tickets for all of you and you will be attending Diego.” Vanya smiles prettily with all her teeth.
“When is it?” Five asks
“April 1st.” Vanya tells him, “And no that isn’t an April Fools joke. You will attend and you will marvel at my skill. And maybe run interference between Helen and Allison because I’m kind of afraid they’re going to rip each others throats out to establish dominance.”
“That’s the day of the apocalypse.” Five informs her.
“Not on my goddamn watch.” Vanya says, because her family will attend her fucking concert and they will make awkward small talk with her girlfriend and the fucking apocalypse has better lay down and get over itself because nothing can stop Vanya’s goddamn plans
“I can investigate Meritech more.” Diego offers, because Lance-or-whatever-his-name-is is clearly shady as shit, “I have police contacts I could go through. Hey Vanya, your concert tickets include a plus one?”
“They can.” Vanya shrugs.
“Sweet, let me see if Patch can come.”
“She’s way too good for you, bro.”
“Shut your goddamn mouth.”
Anyway the point is they all go home, and Diego goes to talk to his police contacts and Five is definitely at home for when Hazel and Cha-Cha attack the mansion, oops. 
“Whomst the FUCK.” Vanya yells, kicking Hazel in the crotch because she’s Vanya Fucking Hargreeves she knows self defense thank you very much
“Ah.” Five says. “Hazel. How’s it going.”
“Just peachy.” Hazel wheezes, “Why’d you betray the Commission?”
“Well, you know. They cut the dental. That was really the last straw.” Five says, sarcastically.
“The dental.” Hazel echoes back, nodding very seriously, “I fucking know. You know physical therapy isn’t even covered anymore?”
“No shit?” Five says, “I mean you’d think with a job as physical as ours...”
“I know.” Hazel howls, vindicated. 
“Five.” Vanya says, rolling her eyes, “The house?”
“Oh, right.” Five frowns, looking at Hazel, “I mean. Can you like, leave? And not come back?”
“‘Fraid not.” Hazel actually sounds somewhat apologetic, “You know what the Commission is like. They’re really gunning for you.”
Five nods, because really what did he expect, “Can you leave like, temporarily? I mean you’d pretty clearly outnumbered. I don’t even know where Cha-Cha is, but judging by the furious yelling she probably met our sister and brother and Luther is hard to kill. Trust me, if he wasn’t we would have killed him when we were like, eight. But for real, can you get out of our house? I mean. Storming the den? Seriously? What kind of information did they even give you?”
“They didn’t give us any information.” Hazel responds back, sounding appropriately outraged, “They didn’t even tell us you could teleport.”
“Well that’s just rude. You’d think they wanted you dead or something.” Five muses, “But seriously, get out of my house.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” Hazel admits, and leaves, because honestly Hazel is chill like that and knows when he’s lost. And Hazel also has a lot to think about. Like the fact that the Commission sucks and doesn’t even have dental, and how pretty the donut lady is. 
and Vanya is just like... okay. Weird. Is that going to happen again? Probably? I mean. Okay, this day has already been so goddamn weird. This week, honestly.
And they keep getting attacked by the Commission. And Vanya finds out someone broke into her apartment and stole her meds. What the fuck. 
“Did your shitty assassin friends do this?” Vanya asks, waving an empty pill bottle.
“Why would they?” Five asks, honestly confused.
“Because they’re assholes?” Vanya says, honestly outraged.
“You got me there.” Five admits.
The combined forces of Diego-and-Patch (because Patch is actually thrilled that Diego is asking for help regarding an actual fucking crime) figure out that the eyeballs are being sold illegally
Klaus is not kidnapped so he’s fine, just tagging along and living his best life, however this also means that Klaus does not steal the briefcase and Hazel and Cha-Cha are fine
Vanya keeps Five close at hand because frankly she doesn’t want him to leave again and she did really miss him. Also if she does save the world she can lord it over Helen’s head forever. 
And so Five is around when Vanya’s powers manifest, probably because they just got targeted by commission goons again because they’re trying real hard to kill five and separate Vanya
“Holy SHIT.” Five says, very intelligently, “You have POWERS.”
“Wow. Gonna have to write a fucking sequel to the shit-talking-dad book.” Vanya says, honestly a little light headed.
And then Vanya finds out her powers are sound based.
“Oh no.” Vanya says, “Where the fuck are my pills. I am not relearning how to play the violin with-powers a few days before the big concert Five, what the fuck.”
“But you need to learn to control them!” Five protests, “They’re your powers!”
“They’re a goddamn inconvenience is what they are.” Vanya states, “I mean, what am I going to do with them? Stop a bank robbery with the Umbrella Academy? Yeah, no thanks, that ship has sailed and sunk to the bottom of the ocean Titanic style. I’ll figure them out when I’m not in danger of blasting the audience halfway across the continent.”
“Yeah.” Five admits, “That’s fair.”
“Besides, if I’ve been on that shit as long as I have, and it’s been a long time, I cannot even IMAGINE what quitting cold turkey will do.” Vanya points out, very sensibly, like a siblings who has watched Klaus go through withdrawal symptoms more than once.
“Maybe there’s extra at the manor?” Five suggests, “Pogo probably knows.”
“Oh yeah I bet Pogo knows something.” Vanya mutters maybe a little bitterly.
They go back to the mansion and the Commission is honestly pulling their hair out tbh, and they ask Pogo who kind of pales and is like “UHHHH YES I CAN GET VANYA EXTRA PILLS” and goes to get them from whatever stash
“Fucking sweet.” Vanya whispers, entirely done with this situation, “The only adult male role model I had and he hid my powers from me and betrayed me. Love that for us.”
Five shrugs, “I mean, you’re right. All of our adult role models were all kinds of fucked up.”
“You vanished when we were 13.” Vanya says, “Didn’t you find like, any other adults ever?”
“Oh let me tell you about the Handler.” Five says, and proceeds to do just that. Because let’s be real, the Handler was the only human interaction Five had after forty odd years alone it was pretty damn important
Vanya, on the other hand, has strong plans to eviscerate the Handler should the two ever meet because Five deserved way better than to be forcibly made into an assassin?? honestly fuck that woman
that’s it that’s the au
Vanya finds out she has powers and is like “i have a LIFE i don’t want to interrupt it with bullshit POWERS,,, also going cold turkey off my meds seems like a bad idea if I don’t want to deal with withdrawal symptoms during my concert for fucks sake, my gf would never let me live it down if i skipped”
so vanya takes her meds, does NOT destroy the world, makes every one of her siblings go to the concert and even invites Hazel and Agnes after Hazel betrays Cha-Cha to join team No-Apocalypse. 
and then introduces them all to her girlfriend
“Holy shit Vanya.” Helen deadpans, “Your family is all kinds of fucked up.”
“I know.” Vanya says, aggrieved, “It’s been a long fucking week. Want to go camping and help me figure out my cool sound based powers? Bet they’ll make me a better violin player than you.”
“I think the fuck not.” Helen hisses, always up for a challenge, “Let’s do this. Me and my violin vs. you and your dumb baby powers. You’re on.”
“FAMILY CAMPING TRIP.” Klaus hollers, with all the enthusiasm in his little heart.
“Holy shit this is going to be such a disaster, I just know it.” Diego mutters.
“Shut up, it’ll be nice.” Allison says, elbowing Diego with her pointy pointy elbows.
“It’s going to be a shitshow.” Vanya says serenely, because it is. That’s just who their family is. 
Wouldn’t have it any other way, though
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jmoonshinewise · 4 years
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July 2020. Slowly but surely, we're getting through it. Anyone having any fun yet? The fun I'm having is in such a different way than before. Like productivity in the garden, ripping out weeds and making space for other plants to thrive. Which I guess is what I'm wanting to do in our culture as well. Funny how we do things in a physical sense, to change something bigger that feels out of reach. The book How To Be An Antiracist is on it's way and I'm looking forward to diving into that. Reading about Black American history has me heart broken, and when I feel this way I scramble to find solutions so change can finally happen for a race that never deserved such atrocious treatment by anyone. The fact that there are still racists today, many here in the Midwest, I'm so appalled at reading comments on Facebook I just have to do SOMETHING. And when I see white people complaining about really anything right now, my perspective has changed so much. I get this urge to slap the shit out of these self serving assholes who refuse to wear masks because of some ignorant belief instead of trusting science and wanting to protect others. The world is upside-down. But to get to a newly refined normal where equality for every person is an obvious state of living, things must shift with chaos as it's guide. Humans are messy. There's nothing standard about us. Emotions, beliefs based on desire, the quiet woke vs the sleeping but still blabbing. All I can do is continue learning and continue sharing what justice looks like. And part of that justice is not letting bad cops roam free. Nope. That shit has got to change. But I do have hope. There are some positive headlines out there, still waiting for some. Remember #breonnataylor ? Well she still hasn't had justice yet. That is a headline I'm still waiting for. I'm so ashamed of this country's history. But do you think we are building a better future, something to be proud of? I see glimpses of beauty in others, joining together to make this change happen. I ask of you who read all of this, will you help this change? Will you be part of the revolution? Please comment on how, I'd love to learn how others are contributing ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿 (at Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGmhc4HPam/?igshid=1odiolm00nqvr
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spider-bih · 6 years
Algebra II [Peter Parker]
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Traces Of You Series [P.4]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, implied sex (briefly mentioned by a side character), mentions of drug use (weed) (not condoning illegal drug use or romanticizing it), angst, shitty writing, etc
A/N: More editing. I half regret how descriptive I got on my OC lmfao.
Part 3, Masterlist, Part 5
"You are the most organized guy I've ever met in my life.", she said, looking over his old Algebra notes with surprise. He was more surprised than her though. He didn't think he'd have last years notes in his mess of a room and he didn't think he'd be able to make his notes seem organized and still make it here on time. He looked organized, but it reality, his room and notes were as hectic as his double life. Peter was just good at keeping up appearances- at least in this case.
"Oh- I'm-I'm not that organized."
"You have a highlighter color code."
"Alright maybe a little- I just.. got..bored." He cringed at how that sounded. Actual nerd.
Her brows furrowed, "Bored? How bored- I'd do anything before I color coded my notes- I barely even take notes, which explains a lot, I guess.."
He just sighed, "So uhm.. where exactly are you struggling?"
She looked over the notebooks he had sprawled along the small table in her apartments little dining room, eyes scanning the pages for a few moments. He just watched her, still wondering if all this was real. He was here, in her apartment, helping her with schoolwork. Three weeks ago, he didn't even know she was a she! Life was unfair- but it was also so weird. One minute, all he knew about his neighbors across the hall was that they constantly wore hoodies- the next, he knows one of them is a stunning girl his age, who needs help in Algebra. Wow-
"Alright, I'll tell you right now, I recognize absolutely none of this shit- except that the dates are from last year- do you even have Algebra II right now?"
He shook his head, "No, I take Advanced Calculus now."
"Calculus? I don't even want to imagine what that's like.."
"It's not that bad-"
"Yeah, for you maybe. Us regulars tend to hate math and usually suck at it."
Peter lets out a little laugh, "Really, it's not that bad. Look, let me show-"
"Parker. I only need help with Algebra II right now. I'm not taking Calculus next year- especially if I fail Algebra II because you wanted to show me Calculus."
He raised his hands in defense, "Alright! Alright. Strictly Algebra. Got it."
"Algebra II.", she corrected.
"Right. Algebra II.", he replied, moving to grab the first Algebra II notebook he'd used at the start of his Sophomore year. Thus starting the very long process.
"I hate this so much. Can't you just teach me enough to let me get a low C? I don't need an A. I'm just trying to pass, man.", she huffed, laying her head on her table.
Peter shook his head, "No. It'd be easier to just learn all you can so it's easier to-"
"I just want help on the things I'm being tested on, Parker."
"That won't help you in the long run and you know it.", he replied.
"It's not helping me now! It's just fueling my want to throw these damn books out my window!", she groaned into her table, hands balling into fists near her head.
So, Peter learned one thing about her by helping her with this. She was absolutely terrible at math- so much so she often confused even him. She kept mixing up problems with the wrong solutions and often got lost while she was solving said problems in the wrong manner. It had been hours and they'd barely gotten through much, if anything at all! The afternoon sun set long ago- and he knew he had to go soon, but by god, he didn't want to. This was frustrating, yes- but there was something about her. Something that made him want to stay- and no, it wasn't because he was seemingly enchanted by her. Yes, he found her to be stunning, but there was more to it than that. It was something he couldn't pinpoint. She was just different, but not in that cliché way. She just truly wasn't like any girl he'd ever met. She didn't go to his school, so she didn't know how much of a nerd he was or how low he was on the social ladder- if he was on it at all. She only knew him as a helpful neighbor- so far.
She was like a new start- a breath of fresh air.
She didn't know him as Penis Parker like everyone else did. Not as the guy Flash liked to torment or the huge loser that geeked out over Star Wars with his best friend. She only knew him as Peter from across the hall. Peter from Midtown. (Peter, the guy who color coded his notes when bored.) Peter Parker, her helpful and okay at Algebra neighbor. It was nice.
"If you throw them out the window, we'll never get through this, and then I'll forever be in debt to you for returning my mail.", he joked, hoping to earn himself a laugh or some sort of positive emotion from her.
She lifted her head to look at him, amusement flickering in her eyes, making him grin softly. Something. "My name is [Y/n]."
[Y/n]. "That's a pretty name..", he wasn't too sure how he didn't stutter through that- he'd just said her name was pretty. MJ would die if she'd heard- she'd give him such shit about it.. Ned too, probably..
She gave a small amused smile, “Thanks?”
Peter didn’t know what to respond to that with. Insist he did find it pretty? Make himself look and sound even more like some cli-
"So, brainiac, how are we gonna get through this? Either I'm really that bad at math, or you're an awful teacher. If both are true, we're screwed and you're stuck being in debt to me forever.", she said, pulling him from his thoughts.
"So I'm not Parker anymore? Bummer, I was getting used to that.", he shrugs, "I can just keep coming over to help you. Eventually I'll find some way of helping you learn this- I mean, if you want, you know. If-If you don't want me-"
"Sounds fine to me, Parker. I can't have you over everyday though. Sometimes my cousin has people over and they get really loud."
"You can come over to my place- if you want. My uh- my Aunt won't mind. It's usually quiet anyways..", he offered.
She stares at him for a moment, but for him it feels like forever. Was it too soon to make that kind of offer- "Okay.", she says. One word- something so simple, but his hearts so excited. "I'm not sure exactly what days he'll be having people over though.. so I'm not sure how we should plan for that."
"Well- uh- you can just text me.." Smooth, Peter. Nice job-
"Yeah. You can give me your number, I'll text you when I need to."
"O-Okay..", he responds, ripping a little piece of blank paper from one notebook he hadn't filled up entirely. He wrote down his number in pencil and slid it her way. Now he was wondering if she was going to give him hers or- his Spider-Sense was going off. Damn- someone was in danger. Now? Of all times?
"Uhm..", he begins, "I uh- I have to go. I have to go grab some things for my Aunt from the store and-"
She waved her hand, cutting him off, "You don't have to tell me your plans. You gotta go, then you gotta go. There's no need to explain anything to me. It was cool of you to even come by and try to help."
"R-Right.. well- you can keep the notes and stuff- you know, so you can go over them on your own if you want? I don't- I don't need them anymore."
She gives him a little half smile, "You just don't wanna clean up after yourself."
"Huh- no! No- I'll clean- I will, really quick-", he starts closing up the notebooks, but her hand grabs his wrist and he freezes instantly. His nerves are going haywire, and his Spider-Sense is not helping. For once, he hates his heightened senses. He hates how he can see, hear and feel everything about this moment. He absolutely loathes that he can feel her hand so intensely against his skin. How easily he can smell her sweet perfume and hear the soft beat of her heart. He especially loathes how this will be on his mind the entire night- or maybe even his entire life.
"You just said you had somewhere to be. I was only joking. Go wherever you need to go, Parker.", she tells him, tone softer than he's ever heard it thus far. Her hand drops his wrist and he finds himself missing her touch- stop being like this..
He just nods, "Yeah- yeah you're right. Thanks.. [Y/n]. Bye." Her name tastes weird on his tongue- but not in a bad way. He kind of likes how foreign it seems- is that weird?
There's something unreadable in her eyes, and it looks like she's fighting back a smile- but why would she- "See you around, Parker."
He's nodding again, and then he's leaving her apartment. His thoughts are racing, his hearts pounding and his Spider-Senses are screaming at him now. He's still standing outside her door- and then he's rushing into his own apartment. He's still thinking about that moment while he suits up. He still feels her warm hand on his wrist while he's webbing some petty mugger up for the cops to find. The smell of her perfume still clings to his sweatshirt as he lays wide awake in his bedroom.
What the fuck is happening? What is this?
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mbtizone · 7 years
Regina Mills/The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time): ENFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Regina doesn’t cast the curse for control – she does it because she wants to see everybody suffering. She wants to revel in watching everybody from the Enchanted Forest be cut off from their loved ones and miserable. Seeing Snow and Charming separated from one another is tremendously satisfying for her. Prior to Snow White’s betrayal, Regina was kind, selfless, and good. She immediately springs into action to save a young Snow White when she loses control of her horse. However, losing her true love caused her to seek vengeance and she can’t be happy until she destroys everybody’s happiness. Once she begins to rehabilitate herself, she is capable of generosity, love, and sacrifice. When Marion returns, she is willing to step aside to let Robin be with her again. Then, after Robin chooses Regina, she makes another sacrificial move when the ice curse resurfaces in Marian, and Regina tells Robin he has to leave town with her (an act that will never allow them to return). She’s again wiling to lay down her life to save Storybrooke from being destroyed. Regina can easily fake her feelings and manipulate those around her. For years after Snow White got Daniel killed, she played the part of the loving stepmother, even though she despised Snow. Regina began studying the dark arts because she thought she could use magic to bring Daniel back. She struggles in the beginning, though. Regina is opposed to killing a unicorn and doesn’t show up for her lesson because she doesn’t want her future to be so dark. Regina was forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, who is only concerned with power. Regina wants love and being forced to wed someone she doesn’t care for is very difficult for her to deal with. Regina doesn’t initially try to rule as the Evil Queen… she wants them to like her. Regina tries to gain favor with the villagers by convincing them that she’s the one who loves them, not Snow White. However, Regina eventually comes to the realization that the people will never love her. They’ll only ever fear her, and so she embraces this and becomes the Evil Queen in order to punish her kingdom for not accepting her. Regina tries to ruin the budding relationship between Emma and Henry by having Emma come by to talk when she knew Henry would be arriving shortly. She manipulated Emma into calling Henry’s fairytale fixation “crazy” so Henry would overhear. She knew that this would make him very upset with Emma and hoped that this would keep him from wanting to see her. She manipulates the Genie and plays on his feelings for her. Regina confides in him that she acquired Agrabahn vipers to bite her so she can escape her loveless marriage by dying, allowing her suffering to end once and for all…
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: … but the Genie suggests using them against the King instead, so Regina can live. When the Genie carries out the mission, Regina informs him that the vipers have been found and the Genie is being blamed for the Leopold’s murder. Regina knew that if she could get the Genie to fall for her, she could manipulate him by telling him about her “plan” and she was certain that he would offer to kill the king in her place. She even used Agrabahn vipers to do it, so they would be traced back to the Genie’s homeland, thus implicating him and not Regina. She knows how to play on people’s feelings and is good at nudging people to do her bidding in a way that makes it seem like their idea instead of hers. She knows how to maneuver people like game pieces. For a long time, Regina’s only concern is seeking revenge on Snow White. Everything she does is part of her plan to ruin Snow’s life, the way Snow ruined hers. She doesn’t care what it takes or how long it takes. She kills her own father because the curse she plans to cast requires her to kill the thing she loves most. She stops at nothing to make her vision a reality, because she convinces herself that vengeance is the only way she’ll get her happy ending (Fe-Ni). Regina is extremely good at predicting what moves her opponent will make and striking preemptively. Regina thinks in the long-term and isn’t satisfied to just kill Snow White. That would just turn her into a martyr for the people to adore. She would much prefer to turn the people against her, which will allow them to see that Regina should be their queen, not Snow. Regina always knows exactly what she needs to do in order to get what she wants, and she always has backup plans. She keeps David and Mary Margaret apart by keeping David in the coma. When Mary Margaret manages to wake him up, she inserts false memories of his “marriage” to Kathryn. When David can’t stay away from Mary Margaret and begins seeing her behind Kathryn’s back, she has Kathryn kidnapped and makes it look as though she’d been murdered. Then, Regina frames Mary Margaret for the crime, separating her from David once again when Mary Margaret is imprisoned for the murder. Regina has very good intuition, which often leads her to accurate assumptions, even though there hasn’t been any real physical evidence of her claims, such as her immediately sensing Graham’s attraction to Emma. She also realizes that her mother used magic to make Snow’s horse behave wildly, knowing that Regina would step in to save her, thus gaining the affection of the king.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Sometimes, Regina can be reckless and impulsive. When Regina suspects that her mother is trying to interfere in her life to encourage Regina to have a child just so Cora can have an heir (which she would then use to seize Regina’s power), Regina handles the perceived threat by swallowing a potion that rendered her barren. Although Cora cautions her against doing this, Regina does it anyway, because the pain it will cause Cora is “worth it” (Fe-Se). She is often quick to kill, ripping out hearts like weeds in a garden. She doesn’t bat an eye at slaughtering entire villages of people. When she happens upon a wedding that didn’t receive official permission for the ceremony, she rips out the groom’s heart because it is the anniversary of Daniel’s death and if she can’t have her happy ending, why should anyone else (Fe-Se)? Regina is usually good at improvising in the moment, and is able to modify her plans as she goes along. She enjoys her status, her power, and has an appreciation for the finer things in life. She had a fondness for riding horses (and was criticized for not riding like a “lady” by her mother). Regina is opportunistic and uses what is available to her to achieve her goals. She needs the satchel from inside the Blind Witch’s home – so she kidnaps the woodcutter and tells his children that she’ll help them find their father if they retrieve it for her.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: When Regina is younger, it is difficult for her to put her feelings aside. She doesn’t understand her mother’s wickedness and is incapable of being so detached. Regina doesn’t care about what’s logical or what puts her in the best position politically. She just want to be happy and in love. Once she begins to embrace her dark side, Regina becomes quite good at finding the most rational resolution to her problems. She can analyze most situations with ease, which allows her to pinpoint solutions, which are often creative. Regina often uses her various observations to terrorize the people around her. She’s good at noticing logical flaws and using them to her advantage in arguments (“I will not listen to childcare lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and shipped her to Maine.”)
Note: Deciding between ENTJ and ENFJ for Regina is difficult. I could probably construct a valid argument for ENTJ, and it’s absolutely possible that I could change my mind on this down the road. If you strictly look at her behavior after becoming the Evil Queen, it’s easy to write her off as an ENTJ. I think enneagram plays a big part in this. She’s a 2, who spends a lot of time disintegrating to 8. I fully get the ENTJ arguments. She only tries to be good for Henry’s sake… because she cares about him and doesn’t want him to see her as “evil.” That sounds pretty Fi to me. She only throws herself into learning dark magic to bring Daniel back. She doesn’t learn for the sake of knowledge, she wants to put it to practical use, which is definitely associated with Te. However, if you look at her from before she gave into her darker urges, there was no trace of Te there. Bleh. I could have this argument with myself all day, and the ENFJ/ENTJ decision was one of the toughest I’ve had to make for a character. For now, I’m standing by ENFJ, but I reserve the right to switch positions on this in the future. I’ll have to watch again at some point and see if my decision holds up.
Enneagram: 2w3 6w5 8w9 So/Sx
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Evil Queen: Oh, I haven’t come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I’ve come to give you a gift. Snow White: We want nothing from you. Evil Queen: But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day. But tomorrow, my real work begins. You’ve made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do.
Evil Queen: Oh, don’t worry dear. In a few moments, you won’t remember you knew him, let alone loved him. Snow White: Why did you do this? Evil Queen: Because this is my happy ending. Evil Queen: The child? Guard: Gone. It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. It’s nowhere to be found. Evil Queen: Where is she? Snow White: She got away… You’re going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win. Evil Queen: We’ll see about that. Snow White: Where are we going? Evil Queen: Somewhere horrible. Absolutely horrible. A place where the only happy ending will be mine.
Evil Queen: The only comfort for me is Snow White’s suffering.
Evil Queen: Love is weakness, Maleficent. I thought you knew that? Maleficent: If you’re going to kill me, kill me! Evil Queen: Why would I do that? You’re my only friend.
Evil Queen: Who among us is tired of losing? That’s why I called you here. To put an end to our misery. Today, we claim victory and move to a new, better realm. A place where we can finally win. Blind Witch: And we’ll be happy? Evil Queen: I guarantee it. But first, I need something from you. A lock of hair from those with the darkest souls. You must trust me. Because if you don’t, there are other ways.
Evil Queen: I’m not sure I should say. I’m conflicted. Henry I: How bad is it? Maybe I can help. Evil Queen: I have to cut out the heart of the thing I love most. Henry I: Me? Evil Queen: Daddy, I don’t know what to do. Henry I: My dear, please. You don’t have to do this. Evil Queen: I have to do something. Henry I: Then move past this. I know this may sound self-serving, but you don’t need to enact the curse. Evil Queen: But I can’t keep living like this. What Snow did to me, what she took from me? It’s eating me alive, Daddy. Her very existence mocks me. She must be punished. Henry I: But, if the price is a hole that will never be filled, why do it? Stop worrying about Snow White and start over. We can have a new life. Evil Queen: But what kind of life? All I’ve worked for, all I’ve built, would be gone. My power will disappear. They already think I’m nothing. Henry I: Power is seductive. But so is love. You can have that again. Evil Queen: I just want to be happy. Henry I: You can be. Of this I’m sure. But I believe, given the chance, we can find happiness. Together. But the choice is yours. Evil Queen: I think you’re right. I can be happy… Just not here. [The Evil Queen kills her father.] Evil Queen: I’m sorry…
Snow White: Goodbye, father. Evil Queen: I’m so sorry, Snow. Snow White: I loved him so much. Evil Queen: So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father. (Snow sobs.) If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I may only be your mother trough marriage, but I’m here for you dear. Truly and forever.
Tinker Bell: Why did you lie?! Because I’ve been over it a million times, and that spell worked! You never went in. It’s the only explanation. Why couldn’t you just go through that door and meet your soul mate?! Was being happy such a terrible fate? Regina: Yes. Yes, it was. You’re right. I never went in. I was afraid. I didn’t… You said I could let go of the anger that was weighing me down. And suddenly, it feel like without it, I would just… float away. That anger was all I had. What would I be without it? Tinker Bell: Happy. Regina: Weak. Tinker Bell: And look what good it did you. That “strength” you gained, ’cause I’m holding your heart in my hand, and I’m not hearing one reason not to squeeze it into ash. All right, you want a reason? Here you go. You think I was afraid? You think I did the wrong thing? Well, fairy, right now you’re making the same choice. I picked revenge over hope, and you’re holding the result. A small, hard, dark heart. If you make the same choice I did, then what you’re looking at is your own future.
Regina: I’m saying we can’t just send Marion into an unknown world. Someone has to go with her – you and Roland. And once you do go… you can never come back.
Regina: Maybe you should be less concerned with hats, and more concerned with taking care of my son. David: Oh, because you took such great care of him. Regina: I will not listen to childcare lectures from a man who put his daughter in a box and shipped her to Maine.
Regina: Daddy, you don’t know what Mother’s doing to me. It’s like she’s turning me into her. I have to get away. Henry: Get away? But tomorrow’s the wedding, child. Regina: I don’t want to marry the king. I’ve told you that. Henry: Are you certain it isn’t just cold feet? Regina: Daddy, this is not cold feet. This, this is… this is insanity! I’m angry all the time. She’s making me crazy. Henry: She wants to give you everything she never got for herself. Regina: I don’t want her life! I want a life of my own.
Regina: You know what else isn’t in your best interest? Having everyone know the Enchanted Forest still exists. Knowing that you and I are keeping that little secret. You’re up to something. And it doesn’t involve going back home.
Evil Queen: You carry very little. Belle: I don’t want to be slowed down. Evil Queen: Mm. You’re running from someone. The question is, master or lover? Oh. Master and lover. Belle: I might take a rest. You—you go on ahead. Evil Queen: So, if I’m right, you love your employer, but you’re leaving him. Belle: I might love him. I mean, I could, except… something evil has taken root in him. Evil Queen: Sounds like a curse to me, and all curses can be broken. A kiss born of true love would do it. (Belle stops. The Queen laughs and they continue walking.) Oh, child, no. I would never suggest a young woman to kiss a man who held her captive. What kind of message is that? Belle: Right. Evil Queen: Besides, if he loves you, he would’ve let you go. And if he doesn’t love you, well then, the kiss won’t even. Belle: Well, he did let me go. Evil Queen: Yes, but no kiss happened. Belle: And a kiss—a kiss is enough? He’d be a man again? Evil Queen: An ordinary man. True love’s kiss will break any curse.
Regina: You knew the King was travelling through our land, didn’t you? That steed with Snow on it… didn’t go wild on its own. Did it? Cora:: I have no idea what you’re saying. [Regina just smiles knowingly and walks off] Regina: [under her breath] I should’ve let her die on that horse!
Regina: The trial starts tomorrow, and it won’t be a long one. And you’ll be sent out of Storybrooke for good, and I will never have to see you again. Oh, I want to enjoy this while I still can.
Regina: What good’s a new life if you don’t have anyone to share it with?
Regina: You can have all the friends you want come over anytime, and you can show them everything in your book. Henry Mills: No one’s gonna want to come over here. They’re scared of you. Regina: You can make them not be scared. You can make them love you. Henry Mills: I don’t want that. I don’t want to be you.
Regina: I don’t know how to love very well. I wasn’t capable of it for a very long time. But I know, I remember… that if you hold on to someone too hard, that doesn’t make them love you. I’m sorry I lied to you, that I made you feel like I didn’t know who you are. But I want you to be here because you want to be here, not because I forced you. And not because of magic. I want to redeem myself.
[Regina has detected a black spot in Mary Margaret’s heart] Regina: Once you blacken your heart, it only grows darker… and darker. Trust me, I know. Mary Margaret: So crush it. Do it! Crush it! Get it over with. Regina: And put you out of your misery? I don’t need to destroy you, you’re doing it to yourself. And along the way, you’ll bring down that perfect little family you fought so hard to reunite. And then Henry will be mine. Mary Margaret: [in tears] Please kill me. Please, just kill me. Regina: You see, I can have everything… [she puts Mary Margaret’s heart back in place] Thanks to you. Now get off my porch!
Neal: Even if we can find Pan, he was powerful before. With Henry’s heart, I-I don’t know if we can hurt him. Regina: Yes, we can. Look. [she points at the bloody sword in Emma’s hand] You nicked him. If he can bleed, we can hurt him. And if we can hurt him, we can kill him. And we will.
Regina: I could’ve killed her, but I didn’t. Mr. Gold: Yeah, you did much worse than that. You kept her alive, so you could kill her when it suited you – a fate worse than death.
Regina: A good witch covers her tracks, but a better one can uncover them.
Regina: Slowing the device… It’s going to require all of the strength I have. Emma: You’re not coming with us, are you? When you said good-bye to Henry, you were… saying good-bye. Regina: He knows I love him, doesn’t he? Emma: Regina, no. There has gotta be another way! Regina: You were right, you know. Everything that’s happening, it’s my fault. I created this device. It’s only fitting that it takes my life. Emma: What am I supposed to tell Henry? Regina: Tell him that in the end, it wasn’t too late for me to do the right thing. Emma: Regina, please… Regina: Everyone looks at me as the Evil Queen, including my son. Let me die as Regina. [Emma begins to exit, but then turns around for one final plea.] Emma: Regina— [Regina ignores her, and has already begun slowing the trigger.]
Regina: What are you doing here? Henry Mills: You were willing to die to save us. That makes you a hero. And now we’re gonna be heroes.
Regina: All this has reminded me of something oh so very important: how grateful I am to have Henry. Because not having someone… well… that’s the worst curse imaginable.
Regina Mills/The Evil Queen (Once Upon a Time): ENFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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onthisandthat · 7 years
On nursing (of the breastfeeding variety, not the career variety... I’ll save that for another day.)
I’ve yet to have the time/energy/mental organization/will/wakefulness to really say much (errr... anything??) about this whole “parenting!” role Dave and I assumed last April, but something happened a few weeks ago that changed at least the “time” excuse I’ve been making...
Baby Benson quit nursing.
It’s been about two weeks since this transition, so my hormones (hence emotions) have stabilized a bit, and this now feels less gargantuan a change than it did at the time.  But allow me, if you will, to walk you through the insane journey that was our (and I’m sure MANY other women’s) experience with nursing.  Sorry.  It’s a long ramble.  Short on pictures, heavy on memory lane.
In an attempt to be as prepared as possible for the arrival of our first little Smazo, Dave and I took a couple of classes at the hospital before our tiny man was born.  We took a birthing class (which definitely didn’t touch on the possibility of this lovely little thing called “prodromal labor,” THANKS FOR NOTHING, nor did it honestly address how much you’re likely to cry for a couple weeks after childbirth, but that’s yet another post for another day), and a “newborn and breastfeeding” class.  Having been through both of these, I now want to teach both courses with a more honest slant than that which was presented to us.  Like “oh, you have a ‘birth plan?’ That’s cute. Rip it up. Throw it out the window. YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER NOTHING.” But again, another post for another day.
Breastfeeding class did their best to try to prepare a bunch of pregnant women who’ve never nursed a baby before for this “natural process.”  Our instructor at least explained “well, it’s eventually natural. It takes a little practice.”
So we sit there for several hours on a Saturday, and watch videos of successful newborn latches, and hear more about colostrum, and how long it takes for milk to come in, and practice holding a doll in a football position for breastfeeding.  And that’s all well and good, until the real baby arrives.  And can’t. Figure. Out. How. To. Eat.
The internet (or at least the sites targeting stressed out new moms) bombards us with photos like this, as if new moms are lounging around with soft lighting in all white rooms, being calm and competent and peaceful, when the reality for me was VASTLY different.
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(Wait. Why isn’t she crying????!?!?)
My experience left me with darn near PTSD and a $60 vat of “All Purpose Nipple Ointment,” which actually was a lifesaver.  In the hospital, Benson and I couldn’t figure the latch out.  He tried, and tried, but mangled my poor body to the point where I cried every time he tried to eat, and ALL HE WANTED TO DO WAS EAT.  Why? Well, because my milk didn’t get that whole “come in around 2-4 days after the baby gets here!” message, and waited until day 5 to arrive.  So what did we have?  A mom in agony, and a really, really hungry baby.  This was my internet for that first week:
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(”but how do I know if his mouth looks like that???!?!? I CAN’T SEE A PROFILE OF MY BOOB RIGHT NOW!!!!!!”)
We went to a lactation consultant the day after coming home from the hospital, and I remember leaving them a voicemail in tears to set up the appointment, because I hadn’t slept in about 3 nights, my body was in horrible pain, and my baby was understandable pissed off.  The consultant was incredible, even making as early an appointment for me as possible because I “sounded a little upset,” and provided me with a ton of helpful information, including to use things like “nipple shields” (WHAT??), and also to “start pumping.”  (She also prescribed that crazy expensive ointment, but in retrospect it probably prevented me from getting septic mastitis or something...)
I thought this process was going to be easy.  But it ended up included accountrements such as these: 
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And, of course, these:
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But in the current culture of “Breast is Best,” the one thing no one ever recommended during this week of starving, jaundiced baby and tearful, anxious, sleepless mother was probably the simplest solution: “maybe give the kid a little bit of formula.”  
Dave suggested this really early on, and I got irrationally upset.  Because I was supposed to “be able” to do this (like it’s an aptitude thing... a very “Bethany” take on the situation....).  Because it’s natural.  It’s “best.”  According to the class we took, and La Leche League’s website, and even the lactation consultant, breastmilk is all that baby should be having for the first six months of life.  Some sources were saying no pacifiers, no bottles, no NOTHING in that kid’s mouth that isn’t mom’s nipple, because it’ll forever confuse the baby and he’ll never figure out how to nurse, and YOU’LL RUIN EVERYTHING!!!!!
But he still wasn’t getting enough to eat.  And he’d try and try and try to get food, to the point where I was nursing darn near 12 hours of the day, but I’d cry every single time he’d go back on the boob, either from pain or exhaustion, or honestly fear.
By day 4 of no milk, and only being able to nurse on the left side due to the bloody scabs I’d developed on the right side, we were giving Benson supplemental formula.  And let me tell you: I felt A TON of shame about it.  SO MUCH SHAME.  I didn’t want to tell the next lactation nurse we saw about it, because I was worried they’d berate me. BECAUSE BREAST IS BESSSSTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I’m so mixed about this philosophy.  Here’s the thing: yes, breastmilk is absolutely optimal nutrition for a newborn.  It’s free.  It's great for their tiny immune systems.  It’s bonding time.  It’s a miraculous substance that alters composition based on the needs of your baby.  But it’s not the only way to feed a child, and there should be much more compassion towards women who either choose not to breastfeed, or are unable to.  
The new catchphrase to counter “breast is best” is pretty simple: “fed is best.”  And I like that better.  Cuz it doesn’t do a disservice to every mom who doesn’t have the resources to pump when she goes back to work.  Or insinuate that this adopted baby won’t be as healthy or intelligent because they were formula fed.  Or suggest that a baby born of a surrogate is receiving sub-optimal nutrition. Or guilt a mom who’s had mastitis 3 times and is exhausted from infection and pain, and knows that this isn’t how she wants to spend her time with her new baby. 
EVENTUALLY, Benson and I figured out nursing.  It didn’t get easy for several weeks.  But eventually, it was easier.  We had our routine down, he was getting plenty of food, growing like a weed, and satiated after nursing sessions.  I was able to pump to accumulate a freezer supply for when I went back to work, and there was this one extra thing that made nursing really great: IT CALMED BENSON DOWN.
He was a fussy newborn.  Resisted sleep.  Cried a lot.  “Colicky,” ya might have called him.  But when I could sit down with him and nurse him in a quiet space, he was calm, peaceful, sleepy, still.  It was like my super power.  “Baby freaking out again?? Good thing I HAVE A BOOB OR TWO!!!”  Even pumped milk in a bottle wouldn’t necessarily calm him down.  Something about the snuggles and the warmth and the safety of being that near one one of his parents just did the trick every time.
So we kept at it.  Because it got easier.  Even when I went back to work, I’d take 3 pump breaks a shift and go close myself off in a vacated office to pump as much as I could for when he’d go to daycare.  Unfortunately, it didn’t take a ton of time pumping for my supply to start to dwindle.  And it makes sense.  Since nursing is a supply and demand situation, when the demand decreases (3 pumping sessions a day doesn’t cover the 5 times he would have nursed if I’d been home for those 12 hours), so does the supply.  My goal was to make it to a year of nursing, but it became clear fairly quickly that I wasn’t going to make that goal.  What I was pumping in one whole day no longer covered a single feeding, and I was exhausted from staying up later than planned to get one more pumping session in every single night.
The last time I tried to nurse Benson, he was cranky, hungry, and sleepy.  When I sat down with him in our comfy nursing chair in a quiet space and tried to feed him, he SCREAMED.  We’re talking beyond just disinterest.  He said loud and clear “I DON’T WANT THAT ANYMORE!!!!!”  That solidified that.  We were done.
Things have changed.  Benson’s getting older.  I’ll have to come up with new tools to calm him down when he’s distressed, and luckily I get to share that learning curve with a really supportive husband.  I get to drink as much caffeine as I want without worrying about whether or not it’ll make someone else cranky.  I get to wear bras that actually look normal under clothes again.  I don’t have to bring a pump to work, or to the airport, or to an education day at work, or to the courthouse downtown to testify in a trial.  I get lunch breaks back.  I get bedtime back.  There are perks to being done with this phase of motherhood.
All this to say: I’m happy breastfeeding ended up working out for us.  I’m happy it ended in a way where both parties were ready.  But I will never, ever, ever, ever fault a woman for deciding it’s not something she wants to continue with.  Because it’s hard.  It’s time consuming.  It requires a lot of education.  It requires some expensive supplies (cuz it’s only free if you don’t need a pump, or friggin’ nipple shields, or a gigantic vat of prescription ointment to prevent infection).  It requires a support system.  Not everyone has the time, the money, the support system, or even the desire.  And ya know what?  That’s okay.
We made it last for 10 months.  Nothing to sneeze at.  But ultimately?  Yes: fed is best. 
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itswallstreetpr · 4 years
Five Pot Stocks with Next Level Potential (CGC, HRVSF, NUGS, CRLBF, TLRY)
The action is heating back up in the cannabis patch. Bigtime. Investors have been taught to sit on the sidelines in these stocks because “they keep going down”. That’s what happens in a bear market. These stocks got too far ahead of themselves a couple years ago, and we were seeing ridiculous valuations on a price-to-sales basis, and fears of a supply glut destroying the cannabis pricing market on a commodity level. We saw stocks in this space trading at 50x sales. But, fast forward about 18 months, and you have absurdity in the other direction. Investors have been taught to doubt pot stocks – taught they were a sucker’s bet. And they learned that lesson so well that you are now living in a world where a company making hundreds of millions of dollars a quarter can post 430% growth and still trade at 1.8x sales. Of course, it’s not just about the big names. There is a real narrative of entrepreneurial success going on here as well. Companies are solving problems and providing a strong product to an end market with seemingly bottomless demand. One big key is that we are now starting to see many of the high-growth cannabis stocks ramping above their 50-day moving averages as a group. That hasn’t happened in nearly two years, and it represents a strong signal – along with the valuation metrics – that we are now in a new cyclical cannabis bull market inside of the larger secular cannabis bull. With that in mind, we have picked out a selection of some of the most interesting names in the space for your consideration: Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC), Harvest Health & Recreation Inc (OTCMKTS:HRVSF), Cannabis Strategic Ventures (OTCMKTS:NUGS), Cresco Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:CRLBF), and Tilray Inc (NASDAQ:TLRY),.   Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC) engages in growing, possession, and sale of medical cannabis in Canada. Its products include dried flowers, oils and concentrates, softgel capsules, and hemps. It’s perhaps the biggest overall name in the space when it comes to a combination of producing and investing in the space, so it has to be near the top of any measure as far as benefitting from a shift whereby full-scale legalization in the US market is concerned. According to its own materials, the company offers its products under the Tweed, Black Label, Spectrum Cannabis, DNA Genetics, Leafs By Snoop, Bedrocan Canada, CraftGrow, and Foria brand names. It also offers its products through Tweed Main Street, a single online platform that enables registered patients to purchase medicinal cannabis from various producers across various brands. This is also one of the most geographically diversified players in the cannabis space, with operations in 12 countries across five continents. One of its most important divestitures and strategic interests is Canopy Rivers Inc., a unique investment and operating platform structured to pursue investment opportunities in the emerging global cannabis sector. The company works collaboratively with Canopy Growth to identify strategic counterparties seeking financial and/or operating support. If you're long this stock, then you're liking how the stock has responded to the announcement. CGC shares have been moving higher over the past week overall, pushing about 8% to the upside on above average trading volume. Canopy Growth Corp (NYSE:CGC) pulled in sales of $123.8M in its last reported quarterly financials, representing top line growth of 49%. In addition, the company has a strong balance sheet, with cash levels far exceeding current liabilities ($2.3B against $418.3M).   Harvest Health & Recreation Inc (OTCMKTS:HRVSF) bills itself as a company that cultivates, manufactures, and retails cannabis in the United States. The company just announced plans to divest select retail assets in California to Hightimes Holding Corp. Harvest and its affiliates intend to sell a portfolio of equity and assets with respect to 13 operational and planned dispensaries in California for total consideration including up to $5 million in cash, $7.5 million as a one-year promissory note with 10% interest, and $67.5 million in Series A Preferred Stock issued by High Times. Harvest will retain select retail dispensaries and licenses for potential retail locations in California following completion of this transaction. That news has helped to drive a major rip in the stock, but it doesn’t suggest clear value other than by reducing the burden of some likely difficult leverage levels. Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. is one of the first consistently profitable, vertically integrated cannabis companies with one of the largest footprints in the U.S. Harvest’s complete vertical solution includes industry-leading cultivation, manufacturing, and retail facilities, construction, real estate, technology, operational, and brand building expertise — leveraging in-house legal, HR and marketing teams, along with proven experts in writing and winning state-based applications. The company has more than 525 employees with proven experience, expertise and knowledge of in-house best practices that are drawn upon whenever Harvest enters new markets. Harvest’s executive team is comprised of leaders in finance, compliance, real estate and operations. Harvest Health & Recreation Inc (OTCMKTS:HRVSF) managed to rope in revenues totaling $49.9M in overall sales during the company's most recently reported quarterly financial data -- a figure that represents a rate of top line growth of 123%, as compared to year-ago data in comparable terms. In addition, the company is battling some balance sheet hurdles, with cash levels struggling to keep up with current liabilities ($39.8M against $76.9M, respectively).   Cannabis Strategic Ventures (OTCMKTS:NUGS) is one of the largest publicly traded marijuana cultivators in the United States, and a rapidly growing story on the California cannabis scene. The company just announced that it has seen record total monthly cannabis sales and record sequential monthly cannabis sales growth so far in the month of April, with total gross cannabis sales for April running at an annualized pace of more than $6 million, up more than 400% over average monthly sales seen in calendar Q1. “This data should help to better contextualize our prior announcement detailing our expansion in total cannabis production capacity,” commented Simon Yu, CEO of Cannabis Strategic Ventures. “Demand is through the roof. We don’t see this as a consequence of the stay-at-home policy. This is about improving market positioning in a strong structural growth boom. We are establishing a wider and wider footprint in terms of distribution partners, and the overall market is continuing to experience powerful growth in demand at the end market level.” In other words, this is a new high-growth name in the space that is just starting to put up tangible signs of major traction in the California cannabis market, which is the largest marketplace on the planet for weed. And the fact that NUGS just pushed up its production capacity should suggest that this sudden explosion in growth is likely to continue in May and June and possibly through the rest of the year. That’s probably why we are starting to see the smart money move into shares of the stock over recent days.   Cresco Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:CRLBF) trumpets itself as a company that manufactures and sells medical cannabis products in the United States. It offers cannabis dry flower; vaporizer forms of cannabis; cannabis oil in capsule, oral and sublingual solutions; cannabis in topical; and other cannabis products. The company also provides cannabis infused edibles, including chocolate and toffee confections, fruit-forward gummies, and hard sweet and chews. Cresco Labs Inc. sells its products under the Cresco brand. In addition, it operators a Hope Heal Health dispensary in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Traders will note 51% piled on for shareholders of the stock during the past month. CRLBF has witnessed a pop in interest, as transaction volume levels have recently pushed 56% beyond its prior sustained average level. Cresco Labs Inc (OTCMKTS:CRLBF) managed to rope in revenues totaling $47.8M in overall sales during the company's most recently reported quarterly financial data -- a figure that represents a rate of top line growth of 0%, as compared to year-ago data in comparable terms. In addition, the company has a strong balance sheet, with cash levels far exceeding current liabilities ($108.2M against $60.6M).   Tilray Inc (NASDAQ:TLRY) engages in the research, cultivation, processing, and distribution of medical cannabis. This is one of the highest profile names in the space. But if you look under the surface, it may also be the weakest because of the crushing burden of its debt-servicing costs at this point. The company offers its products in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Germany, New Zealand, and South Africa. Tilray, Inc. was incorporated in 2018 and is headquartered in Nanaimo, Canada. One of its key subsidiaries is High Park, which was launched to produce and distribute world-class cannabis brands and products for the Canadian market. Based in Toronto and led by a team with deep experience in cannabis and global consumer brands, High Park has secured the exclusive rights to produce and distribute a broad-based portfolio of cannabis brands and products in Canada, subject to applicable laws and regulations. And the stock has been acting well over recent days, up something like 18% in that time. Shares of the stock have powered higher over the past month, rallying roughly 36% in that time on strong overall action. Tilray Inc (NASDAQ:TLRY) generated sales of $46.9M, according to information released in the company's most recent quarterly financial report. That adds up to a sequential quarter-over-quarter growth rate of -8.2% on the top line. In addition, the company has a strong balance sheet, with cash levels far exceeding current liabilities ($96.8M against $92.4M). Read the full article
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interiorstarweb · 6 years
Fall Checklist: Pressure Washing Away The Grime!
This blog mini-series is in partnership with Lowe’s! Thank you for supporting my sponsors!
Friends: I have picked up a new hobby. A passion project, if you will. The hobby is obliterating dirt and grime from various surfaces with water from a magic wand. Literally, it’s called a wand and it’s part of my new pressure washer!
Carrying on with the theme of trying to make the front of my house look presentable while it awaits restoration and I wrap up the huge restoration of the side of the house, I focused a little attention on the front porch!
From a distance, the porch looks…pretty OK? It appears to be mostly original, and the fact that it’s still there at all is the main bright spot. It’s going to need a ton of work eventually—everything from the cornice (which may or may not need to be at least partially rebuilt—the rot is bad), to the siding, to those gloriously large 6-over-9 windows, to the door, to the transom, to the floor, to the columns. Literally all of it! I used to think I’d tackle the whole front elevation of the house at once, but now I’m thinking restoring the porch may well take an entire summer to get right. Isn’t that center column crazy looking?
I think that’s what happens when a contractor temporarily supports the roof and removes the original columns to install a new floor (the original floor was almost definitely tongue-and-groove fir, not 5/4″x6″ pressure-treated pine decking!), and then doesn’t understand that the columns are tapered when he throws a level on the side of the original column to put it back. I’m presuming this contractor was male, because only a guy would be this dense. The column is tapered, genius! You’re doing it all wrong! It’s only super noticeable when you look at the porch head-on, but of course it makes me mad whenever I think about it. Poor beautiful house. Who hurt you like this?
IN ANY EVENT. I sweep the porch sometimes. That’s about it. To be honest it’s not like the porch is in constant use—looking out onto the street isn’t the most bucolic view in the world, but I do like to sit out there on warm days with a cup of coffee or a cocktail and my laptop, getting some work done and watching the world go by until I get bored of the world and want to go inside. Sadly over time I’ve definitely used the porch less, not more, which I didn’t think about much until I realized the reason for that is pretty simple.
OK fine I’ll show you.
Please be kind.
I’m sorry in advance.
GASP! I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! Yes, for real: that’s how the vinyl siding under the porch looked until a few days ago. No, it hasn’t always been that bad. No, I have not doctored this photo for dramatic effect. Yes, I have completely neglected to touch it in five years because if I’m not actively renovating it, what is the point of doing even some light maintenance?
The point is this: restoring a house takes a long time, and in that time you constantly have to negotiate between quick and achievable solutions and long-term, more comprehensive work. Focusing only on the latter means that you’re ignoring the former (guilty!), and so everything starts to actually look way worse than it really is. When I look at things like this, my instinct is to just rip all the vinyl off the wall—can of worms be damned! But then I have to reign it in and remember that I will tackle that project someday, but not today. Today, I just need it to…not be disgusting. And if I’ve learned anything through working on the inside of houses, it’s that a good cleaning is the cheapest and fastest kind of makeover.
Just to cut myself a little slack, the whole house doesn’t look like this, I swear!!! The rest of the vinyl siding at least gets washed down a little when it rains, but these walls under the porch never get rained on, so all that road dirt and pollen and other dirt just kind of accumulates. Let’s try not to think too hard about what this may or may not suggest about my local air quality, seeing as I’d rather just keep living my life than figure out how to insert myself into a plastic bubble.
So. I described my gross situation to my fairy godparents at Lowe’s and asked if I could pretty-please have my very own pressure washer, and they obliged! #2blessed
As I have recently discussed, I have a deep and abiding aversion to equipment that needs gas or oil to work. Whether it’s a lawnmower or a weed whacker or a snow blower, in my mind they are all equally as complicated as an automobile or a fighter jet and I wouldn’t mess around with the innards of those either. I’ve had my car for like 4 years and only recently learned how to pop the hood…while I let the AAA guy replace my battery, which I’d sooner throw into the Hudson River than attempt to jump by myself. Way too risky. Are you nuts? I’ll stick to house stuff PLEASE AND THANK YOU and I just want my tools to work immediately and without hassle and this doesn’t seem like too much to ask out of life.
So anyway! My pressure washer is by Stanley, and it’s a plug-in model! And when you go to turn it on, it does so immediately and without hassle! It’s everything I ever wanted! Unfortunately it’s currently out of stock, but I got the inside scoop and they’re working on restocking them AS I TYPE THIS VERY SENTENCE so all is not lost. There are a bunch of electric pressure washers available, though, including this Greenworks one that’s evidently equally powerful, a little cheaper, and looks much more compact! Why didn’t I just get that one? NOT SURE. I felt like branching out into yellow machines. Like most new tools I buy, I generally don’t need the biggest, baddest, most powerful one out there, but I also don’t want the cheapest one because that often results in disappointment (and needing to replace it sooner). My Stanley machine lands in the middle/upper-end of available options, and seems more than sufficient to do the things I want it to do!
ANYWAY, back to my very disgusting siding. My basic strategy was to start up at the top of the wall and work my way down, concentrating on each horizontal run of siding on my way down. It took a few minutes to kind of get comfortable with it, and then it was ALL I WANTED TO DO for the rest of the day. I mean how satisfying, right? Included with the machine were a few different interchangeable nozzles for the end of the wand, which are helpful for different kinds of cleaning projects.
After giving everything a first pass, which maybe took about 20 minutes, things were looking about a thousand times better! DEFINITELY way more than a hose alone could have done, and way faster and less hassle than trying to do this by hand with a sponge and some rags which was my previous plan I’d been putting off forever.
Not all pressure washers have them, but one of the things I like about mine is that it has a separate chamber for detergent if you need something with more cleaning power than just pressurized water. It uses about 1 part of cleaner for every 10 parts of water, so concentrated cleaners that aren’t too gel-like work well. After I got most of the grime off, I filled the detergent compartment with regular white vinegar and went back for a second pass, figuring it couldn’t hurt and might help lighten some of the deeper staining. Lowe’s also sells a full line of cleaners for different applications—next time I want to add the Krud Kutter House and Siding Cleaner and see how that does! The regular Krud Kutter has become one of my indispensable cleaning products around the house, so I’m optimistic.
I thought it would be cute to switch the coffee out for a cocktail and add a festive little lantern. This backfired because a) you can’t tell that the stupid candle is lit and b) my friend dropped by while this very profesh photoshoot was going on and I had to explain that I was not, in fact, fixing a cocktail to drink at 1 in the afternoon but rather to just take pictures of for the Internet, which I realized as it came out of my mouth just might actually be more embarrassing.
I TRY. But the point here is not my lackluster prop styling. The point here is my now positively LUMINOUS walls of vinyl siding that no longer look like they’ve been left to steep in a swamp for years on end.
It looks SO much better. One thing I didn’t totally know about vinyl siding is the extent to which it really does stain—you’d think plastic wouldn’t but it totally does. Most of the nastiness was surface dirt and staining, but even blasting at the highest pressure couldn’t get the deeper staining out. So it didn’t exactly achieve “it looks brand new!” kinds of results, but I blame the old vinyl (and MAYBE a certain someone’s years of deferred maintenance), not the washer. But this kind of improvement for a very little amount of work? I’LL TAKE IT! In fact, I really think this is a chore I can add to my seasonal to-do lists and do again a couple times a year to maintain it, and I know having my very own pressure washer will come in handy for ALL SORTS of things. I’m already giving my fence, garage and sidewalks side-eye. Also the street. Also my neighbors houses. What if I just start rogue pressure-washing things in the dead of night? Like I know I probably shouldn’t but just…WHAT IF? Watch out, world.
Fall Checklist: Pressure Washing Away The Grime! published first on https://novaformmattressreview.tumblr.com/
0 notes
billydmacklin · 6 years
Fall Checklist: Pressure Washing Away The Grime!
This blog mini-series is in partnership with Lowe’s! Thank you for supporting my sponsors!
Friends: I have picked up a new hobby. A passion project, if you will. The hobby is obliterating dirt and grime from various surfaces with water from a magic wand. Literally, it’s called a wand and it’s part of my new pressure washer!
Carrying on with the theme of trying to make the front of my house look presentable while it awaits restoration and I wrap up the huge restoration of the side of the house, I focused a little attention on the front porch!
From a distance, the porch looks…pretty OK? It appears to be mostly original, and the fact that it’s still there at all is the main bright spot. It’s going to need a ton of work eventually—everything from the cornice (which may or may not need to be at least partially rebuilt—the rot is bad), to the siding, to those gloriously large 6-over-9 windows, to the door, to the transom, to the floor, to the columns. Literally all of it! I used to think I’d tackle the whole front elevation of the house at once, but now I’m thinking restoring the porch may well take an entire summer to get right. Isn’t that center column crazy looking?
I think that’s what happens when a contractor temporarily supports the roof and removes the original columns to install a new floor (the original floor was almost definitely tongue-and-groove fir, not 5/4″x6″ pressure-treated pine decking!), and then doesn’t understand that the columns are tapered when he throws a level on the side of the original column to put it back. I’m presuming this contractor was male, because only a guy would be this dense. The column is tapered, genius! You’re doing it all wrong! It’s only super noticeable when you look at the porch head-on, but of course it makes me mad whenever I think about it. Poor beautiful house. Who hurt you like this?
IN ANY EVENT. I sweep the porch sometimes. That’s about it. To be honest it’s not like the porch is in constant use—looking out onto the street isn’t the most bucolic view in the world, but I do like to sit out there on warm days with a cup of coffee or a cocktail and my laptop, getting some work done and watching the world go by until I get bored of the world and want to go inside. Sadly over time I’ve definitely used the porch less, not more, which I didn’t think about much until I realized the reason for that is pretty simple.
OK fine I’ll show you.
Please be kind.
I’m sorry in advance.
GASP! I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! Yes, for real: that’s how the vinyl siding under the porch looked until a few days ago. No, it hasn’t always been that bad. No, I have not doctored this photo for dramatic effect. Yes, I have completely neglected to touch it in five years because if I’m not actively renovating it, what is the point of doing even some light maintenance?
The point is this: restoring a house takes a long time, and in that time you constantly have to negotiate between quick and achievable solutions and long-term, more comprehensive work. Focusing only on the latter means that you’re ignoring the former (guilty!), and so everything starts to actually look way worse than it really is. When I look at things like this, my instinct is to just rip all the vinyl off the wall—can of worms be damned! But then I have to reign it in and remember that I will tackle that project someday, but not today. Today, I just need it to…not be disgusting. And if I’ve learned anything through working on the inside of houses, it’s that a good cleaning is the cheapest and fastest kind of makeover.
Just to cut myself a little slack, the whole house doesn’t look like this, I swear!!! The rest of the vinyl siding at least gets washed down a little when it rains, but these walls under the porch never get rained on, so all that road dirt and pollen and other dirt just kind of accumulates. Let’s try not to think too hard about what this may or may not suggest about my local air quality, seeing as I’d rather just keep living my life than figure out how to insert myself into a plastic bubble.
So. I described my gross situation to my fairy godparents at Lowe’s and asked if I could pretty-please have my very own pressure washer, and they obliged! #2blessed
As I have recently discussed, I have a deep and abiding aversion to equipment that needs gas or oil to work. Whether it’s a lawnmower or a weed whacker or a snow blower, in my mind they are all equally as complicated as an automobile or a fighter jet and I wouldn’t mess around with the innards of those either. I’ve had my car for like 4 years and only recently learned how to pop the hood…while I let the AAA guy replace my battery, which I’d sooner throw into the Hudson River than attempt to jump by myself. Way too risky. Are you nuts? I’ll stick to house stuff PLEASE AND THANK YOU and I just want my tools to work immediately and without hassle and this doesn’t seem like too much to ask out of life.
So anyway! My pressure washer is by Stanley, and it’s a plug-in model! And when you go to turn it on, it does so immediately and without hassle! It’s everything I ever wanted! Unfortunately it’s currently out of stock, but I got the inside scoop and they’re working on restocking them AS I TYPE THIS VERY SENTENCE so all is not lost. There are a bunch of electric pressure washers available, though, including this Greenworks one that’s evidently equally powerful, a little cheaper, and looks much more compact! Why didn’t I just get that one? NOT SURE. I felt like branching out into yellow machines. Like most new tools I buy, I generally don’t need the biggest, baddest, most powerful one out there, but I also don’t want the cheapest one because that often results in disappointment (and needing to replace it sooner). My Stanley machine lands in the middle/upper-end of available options, and seems more than sufficient to do the things I want it to do!
ANYWAY, back to my very disgusting siding. My basic strategy was to start up at the top of the wall and work my way down, concentrating on each horizontal run of siding on my way down. It took a few minutes to kind of get comfortable with it, and then it was ALL I WANTED TO DO for the rest of the day. I mean how satisfying, right? Included with the machine were a few different interchangeable nozzles for the end of the wand, which are helpful for different kinds of cleaning projects.
After giving everything a first pass, which maybe took about 20 minutes, things were looking about a thousand times better! DEFINITELY way more than a hose alone could have done, and way faster and less hassle than trying to do this by hand with a sponge and some rags which was my previous plan I’d been putting off forever.
Not all pressure washers have them, but one of the things I like about mine is that it has a separate chamber for detergent if you need something with more cleaning power than just pressurized water. It uses about 1 part of cleaner for every 10 parts of water, so concentrated cleaners that aren’t too gel-like work well. After I got most of the grime off, I filled the detergent compartment with regular white vinegar and went back for a second pass, figuring it couldn’t hurt and might help lighten some of the deeper staining. Lowe’s also sells a full line of cleaners for different applications—next time I want to add the Krud Kutter House and Siding Cleaner and see how that does! The regular Krud Kutter has become one of my indispensable cleaning products around the house, so I’m optimistic.
I thought it would be cute to switch the coffee out for a cocktail and add a festive little lantern. This backfired because a) you can’t tell that the stupid candle is lit and b) my friend dropped by while this very profesh photoshoot was going on and I had to explain that I was not, in fact, fixing a cocktail to drink at 1 in the afternoon but rather to just take pictures of for the Internet, which I realized as it came out of my mouth just might actually be more embarrassing.
I TRY. But the point here is not my lackluster prop styling. The point here is my now positively LUMINOUS walls of vinyl siding that no longer look like they’ve been left to steep in a swamp for years on end.
It looks SO much better. One thing I didn’t totally know about vinyl siding is the extent to which it really does stain—you’d think plastic wouldn’t but it totally does. Most of the nastiness was surface dirt and staining, but even blasting at the highest pressure couldn’t get the deeper staining out. So it didn’t exactly achieve “it looks brand new!” kinds of results, but I blame the old vinyl (and MAYBE a certain someone’s years of deferred maintenance), not the washer. But this kind of improvement for a very little amount of work? I’LL TAKE IT! In fact, I really think this is a chore I can add to my seasonal to-do lists and do again a couple times a year to maintain it, and I know having my very own pressure washer will come in handy for ALL SORTS of things. I’m already giving my fence, garage and sidewalks side-eye. Also the street. Also my neighbors houses. What if I just start rogue pressure-washing things in the dead of night? Like I know I probably shouldn’t but just…WHAT IF? Watch out, world.
Fall Checklist: Pressure Washing Away The Grime! published first on https://carpetgurus.tumblr.com/
0 notes
alfiehsmith · 6 years
How Did This Happen? The Rise of Populism, and How it’s Probably Not What You Think
As potential (read: almost certainly) sex offender and general malcontent Brett Kavanaugh is poised to ascend to, arguably, the most powerful position in the United States for the rest of his life, ‘liberals’ (read: anyone who doesn’t support contemporary Republicanism) are, as some Republicans have said, losing their minds. (Bit of a paraphrase there, for the purposes of civility.) They’re asking how such a travesty of truth, justice, and the American way could have happened. It’s really not that complicated.
One of my favourite movies is The Dark Knight. The fact that Batman is my #1 superhero may have helped. In it, while Bruce Wayne is lamenting over the mob’s decision to 'unleash’ the Joker on Gotham, wise, rational Alfred reminds him that Batman hammered the mob to the point of desperation, and in their desperation, they turned to an extreme measure. Think of Republican-esque conservatives as the mob - which, sadly, has never been easier than now. The sweeping ushering-in of Obama brought along an equally sweeping wave of tolerance and desire to destroy the old vestiges of social and class oppression, to level the playing field as it were. To the ‘old establishments' (in other words, White, wealthy, and male), this was the unfolding of a horror beyond their most terrifying nightmares. Suddenly, ‘privilege’ - truly, the only thing keeping them in the exalted positions they were in - was not only identified and exposed, but scorned and despised. Suddenly, everything which made them the superior class was under attack, and the noose around its neck was getting tighter and tighter. Like Gotham’s mob, in desperation, they were willing to grab onto anything - and anyone - who offered them and their way of life salvation.
Enter Donald Trump.
Trump’s political style has been what’s called ‘populism’. The name exists because this philosophy, in theory, calls for the political engagement of the population (the majority of the people, as opposed to the ‘elite’). He often says - as conservatives often do, I’m noticing - that his actions are for ‘the people’. He’s never been clear about who ‘the people’ are, which is partly why he has such broad appeal; you can derive from it any meaning which suits you. The hitch, however, is that Trump and like-minded Republicans aren’t interested in the wellbeing of the general population; they’re only interested in their support. So, the political ideology of populism isn’t a political figure working for the benefit of the population, as Trump’s supporters seem to believe, but rather for their manipulation, to serve the very people they’re supposed to hate: the elite. (As a sidebar, albeit a relevant one, think back to how many times you’ve heard GOP candidates running for office denounce that very office for which they’re running, crying how corrupt it is, how filled with crooks and self-interested yuppies it is, and how they - and they alone, apparently - will go in and fix it, calling themselves “mavericks”, “rogues”, and “outsiders”. Uh huh.)
So, how did this happen? Surely, the American people are smart enough to see through such nonsense, yes? Not even close, but we’ll save my critique on the American education system for another day. But despite that, there are several things Trump did, either intentionally or by accident, which led to this point. First, he came across as ‘brash’. He wasn’t honest - about ANYTHING - but he didn’t have to be. He just needed to sound honest. His supporters liked him, and continue to like him, because he says what’s on his mind. That by no means proves what he says is accurate, but that doesn't matter. It sounds honest. Second, he has become the mouthpiece of the unpopular. As racism, classism, and sexism are called out for what they are more and more, those who firmly support those ideas are forced more and more to shrink away into a dark corner. The weeds of oppression have been paved over by tolerance and liberalism. But Trump managed to punch a hole in that pavement. Not a big one, but enough to let a little light in on those weeds, enough to give them some air to breathe. Now, they’re cracking through, and reasserting themselves. Nineteenth-century diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville, upon examining the US political system, argued that the American system was doomed to failure; he said this because he saw in the American people an innate desire to cluster among one’s neighbours and, once clustered, to make life’s ambitions about the betterment of the self vis-à-vis one’s neighbours. The desire, he said, would be so consuming that Americans would sacrifice to achieve it the basic principles of civic duty and citizenship, including the notion of self-sacrifice for the common good, the need to rationally critique existing political systems and the politicians who manoeuvre within them, and the basic elements of morality and right-and-wrong. It’s not to say the factory workers in Iowa don’t care about children being ripped (literally) from their mothers and fathers; it’s just that they don’t care nearly as much as they do about their own socioeconomic wellbeing. In fact, the division of their compassion is so lopsided that, even when faced with unequivocal evidence of atrocities committed by the person who they believe is fighting for their jobs, they’ll choose to ignore that evidence and focus on the fight for their jobs.
And therein lies the appeal of Trump-style Republicanism and ‘populism’. The two groups in question here are the ‘elites’ (read: Republicans/old establishment) and the ‘population’. For the elites, Trump is the breath of fresh air for which the old establishment has been desperately gasping, and now they’re going to suck as much of it in as they can, while they can, and use that air to punch a bigger hole in the pavement. For the population, he’s that loud megaphone telling them what they want to hear, and at the same time blocking out anything which might not tell them what they want to here, including rational thought, logic, general community conscience, and even basic common decency.
The solution to this problem is complicated, multifaceted, and long-term. In involves the overhaul not just of various systems within the US, but of the fundamental paradigms upon which they’re all based. But, like any major social problem, the first step is recognising the problem for what it is.
0 notes
Want Chiropractic Care Advice? Learn About It Here!
No one likes to suffer with back pain. Many people think that it is so common that not much can be done besides taking some aspirin. The truth is that chiropractic care can make a big difference in your life. The pain you are dealing with does not have to be ongoing if you read on and take action.
When trying to find a chiropractor, make sure that you ensure that your insurance company approves chiropractic care. Many insurance companies require a physician referral before they will cover chiropractic care. Additionally, many insurance companies limit the number of visits to a chiropractor each year. Therefore, it is important that you talk with your insurance company.
If you are looking for a chiropractor, conduct telephone interviews with them before going to them in person. Keep in mind that potentially a majority of chiropractors engage in practices that are not scientifically backed. Talk to them on the phone to gauge their personal attitudes and patterns of practice.
You can see a chiropractor for a variety of reasons. If you have lots of neck or back pain on a frequent basis, you need to see a chiropractor. If you see a chiropractor, you could prevent misalignment in your spine. Keeping your skeletal structure properly aligned helps keep your entire body running smoothly.
Some people with chiropractic issues think they should avoid all exercises. Not only is this false, but some exercising is actually good for the back; it helps strengthens muscles in the back. So, if you have chiropractic issues and would like to exercise, a good solution is to wear a back brace and listen to your body when it says it has had enough.
If you feel any sort of pain when you are with the chiropractor, be sure to let the doctor know immediately. Your chiropractor may be an expert, but it’s your body. You need to let the doctor know if something that’s happening is causing an unexpected amount of pain.
Tell your chiropractor about any pain you are having, even if the pain may not seem related to an aching back. The nerves in your back can cause pains in lots of unexpected areas. You may get shooting pains in the soles of your feet. There may be tingling prickles on your legs. All of these can be related to a back issue, and your chiropractor needs to know about them.
Be wary of any chiropractic clinic that tries to get you to purchase a package of treatments. A qualified professional will not need to sell packages of treatments to get your business. If you feel you can make full use of all the treatments, check out the clinic carefully before signing a contract.
To find a reputable chiropractor, look for one who limits his practice to the conservative handling of back discomfort as well as other musculoskeletal issues. Ask your general practitioner for a referral to one that fits this criterion and has a reputation for being trustworthy. This will weed out a lot of the quacks.
To find a reputable chiropractor, ask about treatment methods. Chiropractors who use scientifically based methods use ice packs or heat as well as ultrasound treatments and similar strategies to those used by physical therapists. Along with an exercise program at home, this treatment should yield significant advancement within just a handful of visits.
Stick to chiropractors that use treatment methods that are consistent with those used by physical therapists. These include manual manipulation but also extend to stretching tight joints and muscles, ice packs, heat and ultrasound. They also feature mixing home exercise with treatment in the office. These treatment plans generally bring improvement quickly.
Chiropractors believe that giving birth while lying on your back can cause spinal damage to your newborn baby. Additionally, if the doctor pulls the baby from the birth canal the spine could be damaged. For this reason, chiropractors recommend giving birth in an upright position and allowing the delivery to progress naturally.
Ask your personal doctor for recommendations on the best chiropractor for your issue. Your doctor may know multiple chiropractors, and there may be the perfect one for your condition available. This can save you a lot of time in searching, and it may even get you an appointment quicker than if you cold-called.
Do not let a chiropractor snap your neck. There are two arteries threading through the neck bones that can cause kinks. If your neck is turned suddenly after being stretched, the lining of the arteries may rip. You can form a clot and have a stroke.
As was said earlier, back pain is loved by no one. You have seen some great ideas in this article to assist you in finding the right chiropractic care. By following these tips and suggestions, you can get some much needed relief. Then you can get back to living your life.…
The post Want Chiropractic Care Advice? Learn About It Here! appeared first on E. Toursin Physiotherapy In Turkey.
from E. Toursin Physiotherapy In Turkey https://ift.tt/2LaElS6 via IFTTT Want Chiropractic Care Advice? Learn About It Here! Jenny Reed https://ift.tt/eA8V8J July 13, 2018 at 04:23AM
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im in this like .. cycle i guess. 
i want to reach out for support because i feel a lack of support but to express a lack of support offends people around me (despite their lack of support) and i lose even the smallest amount of support i had 
i’m really sad lingering on feeling depressed. and im trying hard to reprogram my brain to see it as feeling depressed and not being depressed because its like acting out the emotion of depressed as your character and i just want to feel it because im not in a movie. 
i had an issue with my roommates dog while being in immense pain from a stupid cyst and literally no one would help. as i laid on the floor in pain i knew no one would actually help. it wasnt until 11pm that he returned a phone call i made at noon and when i said i was in pain he offered to bring me to his house and take me to the doctors tomorrow. 
but his whole attitude had changed like i was really burdening his life now and i guess he was calling to tell me he was leaving like the next day or somethng and now ive interrupted it. of course he didnt “say” this but it felt heavily implied and i never really felt comfortable being around him. he didnt want to show any affection and seemed to avoid it, slept through the day and had us go to bed at 10pm 
he had mentioned briefly that he would take me to the doctors again today but pack up and leave in the evening. this morning it was the same awkward uncomfortableness and he had like little desire to talk to me. i thought like if that was our last night and this is our last morning i guess it really says alot. like i guess if im ever severely injured he will begrudgingly help me in some way but he’ll have a really shit attitude about it and i can be nothing more than grateful i guess?
i told him i would take myself to the doctors. he said okay. i said i was leaving in 10 minutes and he said okay. i sat feeling really sick and i understand, a bit, that alot of this sickness comes from feeling really alone in other areas of my life. so theres like this giant hole and immediate panic when the person who was atleast occupyng space in the hole leaves. but if i had other people i wouldnt feel such panic - i’m thinkng like wow i’m fucked if i’m actually hurt. or if i get sick. like i cant expect any help from anyone even though they all receive some kind of help from other people. i cant even make a call to anyone and express anything at all without them having to go or do something else in their life that im not apart of. and its not just bad timing -  i could wait and wait and im just waiting for someone to make the time for me and i have to be grateful that anyone would set aside even one hour of their day for me and ive not been around other people who understand the complexities of this. like, of course im grateful. im extremely grateful. thats like all i think about for that hour that thank fucking god there was a single human being willing to give me this time so i could even help myself in some way. 
and its not like i dont give this. ive given soooooooooo much of this an got nothing in return. except that i have to feel super grateful for the hour i get in return for my huge investment into their lives. and its like at nooooo point can i ask my mom for 20$. i cant ask my dad what credit card i should get. or if this person is ripping me off. like i get that i can (an will) do all these things myself but i dont even get the priviledge of receiving valid learned advice from a trusted source - i get jack offs and reddit commenters explaining how a mortgage works. or how to buy a car. or the best tips on a driving test. and when im sad and lonely? i get to turn to strangers on the internet or i guess worse, this. even though its likely no one at all will read this. when im really sick? i make chicken soup for myself. i go to the store for myself. i maybe find a ride to the doctors and mabe get lucky the pharmacy is there too so i dont have to ride the bus.when i feel like everything is chaotic? i return to cats. 
but hey - i’m going to be a “stronger, smarter” person right? thats what it all boils down to. lacking soo much will somehow make me stronger and smarter than the next person who already has these things. doesnt that seem so dumb? to me, i just worked 10x as hard to get to the same place that someone else did with half the work. but im “stronger and smarter” for the effort. i think you’re wiser and more resilient. because you become wise through experience and knowledge of the experience - but you can still be dumb as hell. you arent stronger - you just learned to put up with more; that’s resilience. you couldn’t use resilience like you could use strength. it just means you didnt give up. 
and thats not a negative but when you place it in this light i think it conjures a different respect for the lack of priviledges that it takes to reach “wiser and more resilient’. 
right now im really.... alot of things. i feel sad and angry and frustrated and bitter and envious. im trying to respect other peoples journeys but its leaving me really fucking alone. i told him i was leaving and he said bye. that could very well be our last personal encounter and i guess i appreciate that i left it as is. instead of trying to shape it into something it wasnt going to be, i just accepted that this was the choice he was making. of course, its easier to leave when you disconnect from someone/the things around you. 
i personally feel that this is the end of the relationship and my expectation is that he’ll be gone in the next 24 hours. i think i would prefer to leave our last encounter as this. although he “asked” multiple times how i was feeling or why i didnt feel good - i knew that he wasnt even the person to be talking to about it. how could i explain any of this to him? he has really not understood it and its doubtful he ever will. i expect nothing from him now - maybe i did before. maybe i wanted to have something real with him, like how we pretended to have. and i guess he showed his ‘support’ but like - youre leaving anyways. what happens when youre gone? does it matter? 
i cant ask these questions because theyre already answered. nothing happens, life goes on. you got what you got for the time being, be grateful. 
its not just him i feel this way with - i actually feel this way with multiple people ive been around. i cant talk about these things beacause it implies they dont care. and they do care otherwise they wouldnt have given me a ride or a sandwhich or bus change or sat wth me for an hour or smoked me some weed. BUT NONE OF IT MATTERS TO My ACTUAL LIFE. when you give a homeless man a dollar, do you think you just changed his life? like you changed 5 minutes before he had to go ask for another dollar from someone else because not a single person wants to give him actual legitimate help. just smile and nod. 
ths morning his mother literally shut the garage door on me. i have no idea how she did not hear the door open or the garage door open standing 10 ft away but she literally shut the door and i sat in the dark. i said nothing because no one cares. 
and he bitchs and moans about all these things and its like hes just discovering no one cares  and his solution is to also stop caring for anyone but himself. and its like he doesnt even see this because hes ‘going to get better and help so many people’ but hes not. he literally is not. and its infruiating that he cant even signficiantly benefit one persons life and his solution to this is to stop any attempts and focus just on himself before i guess inviting the world in. 
am i not fucking worthy or deserving? i’m not some runaway kid. i’m not a fucking drug addict. i’m not a single mom. if not me, then who deserves to benefit? i guess everyone above. you know, i didnt add to everyone being fucking dead and deserted with severe trauma and ptsd and little coping skills by taking hard drugs and fucking strange men. i didnt have unsafe sex. but i guess i should have so i could have the attention that other people seem to get for these acts. i stayed “strong” and “smart” and i’m alone and struggling. i guess i deserve to be. 
when i say this its not like i want people to immediately become my family and do all this shit with me and include me an talk to me all waking moments. i want this person who has been in my life but has remained in a neutral position by their own decision to remain neutral as i express the lonliness that i feel being in this position instead of take it personal or trying to make me be optimistic about it. i am sitting with a person and still expressing this - optimism is not what i need. nor do i need to argue that this person hasnt fulfilled the needs i have when they consider themselves a ‘friend”. to be a friend now is to remain in the position youve already taken and allow me the space to now be myself - this sucks. its hard. when i speak, no one is really listening. when i need someone, i have to wait until “a good time” which could be days. and its not just one person. if this one person was doing this - fine. it’s sad but bareable. it’s so many encounters that i feel like im in highschool floating through the halls unnoticed. i have no significance or importance to anything. and its not like oh god i have to be loved and have attention but like theres litereally none. there is zero. nothing. 
thats when “anything” looks better than nothing and you get stuck in even shittier situations.
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This Is How sheds Will Look Like In 10 Years Time.
i mean, i want brass & stone together BUT this is basically how it should be. https://twitter.com/nic_stpierre/status/935563600206356480 … — Jess (@JessicaLynn312) November 28, 2017
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It is a good idea to create a listing of gadgets that you intend to maintain in your shed and how giant or small they are. This fashion you possibly can then search for a storage shed that won't only allow you the area to store everything in it that you really want, but in addition enable you loads of room to get to every part easily when wanted. Tip 2 - Another factor that needs to be checked out so you possibly can decide which size of shed you buy is how much space is obtainable in the garden the place you would like it to go. POWERAGGREGATES I used to be able to build a robust foundation, learned methods to anchor the ground to the inspiration and located putting up the shed partitions fairly straightforward. I might by no means completed any kind of roofing earlier than and that went smoothly and now my shed might be protected from all sorts of weather. I have added windows, shelves and even a ramp as I've discovered the time. I think wooden sheds are your best option. Unlike vinyl or metallic sheds, they are good wanting and are more adaptable to being constructed in numerous sizes and kinds.
Stone does not fade with time.
Stone colours may be much more variable than clay; sometimes every particular person stone seems to be distinctive. That is precisely its attraction, a pure look, but not everyone's cup of tea. Granite, however, is essentially the most uniform and it can be ordered in consistent tones of pink, pink, grey and black. It is usually essentially the most expensive. Stone does not fade with time. Remember with all materials darkish colours will be hot within the sun so it is sensible to avoid them around a pool. Additionally go for lighter tones when you have heavily shaded areas. Mild colours, nevertheless, significantly in unsealed concrete stain simply and are difficult to clean and shaded spots can have more leaf litter so both use stone or clay or seal your concrete pavers. Okay, so you have chosen a method of paver.
Do additionally they carry out different kind of value-added providers
Reduce your stress level
Verify if they have insurance coverage certificate to their identify
How lengthy have they been in the asphalt paving business
Energy and durability
Perfect for chopping sandstone slate and marble mushroom
Asphalt: Asphalt is a extra environmentally pleasant and recyclable paving product that gives many advantages for roadway, storage, and auto parking location applications. With its bills unfold over time. Initial prices for new pavement are far cheaper with asphalt than with concrete. Asphalt paving is by far the more most well-liked choice for automobile parking circumstances and storage paving. Nonetheless, these initial financial savings are mitigated over the first 5 years of installment by way of costly and steady asphalt maintenance requirements (if properly maintained). Concrete paving is a protracted lasting, affordable maintenance expense item which seems terrific over time. In researching this article, I found one occasion the place a homeowner was so incensed by the weeds in her patio that she set fireplace to them with a blowtorch! Fortunately, several items provide better service as a weeding device and there are a number of higher options for brick patio weed control. Of course, one of the best methodology of brick patio weed management is correct installation of your brick patio. An underneath-layment of pea gravel, topped by a layer of sturdy landscape cloth, coated with a layer of sand will give your brick patio a agency footing in addition to cramp the fashion of any weeds in the realm. When compared to standard masonry block construction, interlocking blocks, that are 'dry' assembled, save quite a lot of mortar which is generally used for vertical and horizontal joints. Again, it produces financial savings by way of both price and time. Any time you can save time is critically essential. This means you can begin building later on in the summer understanding that you can have it completed before the rain starts which might prolong your working progress. This permits the person laying the bricks to finish early or in time, earlier than the rainy season. One other benefit is that, not like timber, interlocking paving bricks are immune to termite and different insect damage. If you happen to need more room to organize your house, storage, or put away your gardening tools, a shed is the answer. In case you are like me you could have most likely been doing research, making an attempt to get one of the best shed for the bottom price. You in all probability seen metal and wooden kits you may assemble, and plans to build your own online. If in case you have seen the wooden shed displays at house enchancment shops, and noticed the straightforward construction, you may have in all probability stated to yourself, I can build one myself. Properly you might be proper, you may build one your self, it is easy. If you are looking to save lots of money, and have a properly constructed shed, that nicely final many years, the perfect answer is building it yourself. Even if in case you have never built one earlier than, I am positive you are able to do it.
The general public choose it because of all of the associated advantages reaped by the homeowners of such floors. The benefits of polished floors are a number of for any individual keen to have a perfect flooring. It is very smart to appearing more of polished floors. To start with, they are inexpensive concrete floors such that most of the people see them as the most effective solution on the subject of flooring. Away from that, concrete floors are really helpful as a inexperienced alternative which is eco-friendly, inexperienced and favorable to the atmosphere. Get a licensed contractor! That is by far the most common mistake I see on any venture. THEY Cheap OUT ON THE LABOR! LOL. Do not do this mistake. Yes you'll be able to find a contractor who is willing to do a tile job for peanuts but that same contractor will value you double when it's important to rip all the things out once more and start from scratch. Spending a little bit extra on an excellent contractor is money properly spent in the long run. Also, keep away from big field shops which can be solely concerned about the underside line, and therefore promote very low grade merchandise. In case you are using your out of doors tile for a balcony, a typical 5/eight thick tile must be all you want. Then you definately may wand to think about Paving Stones. Paving stones tiles are about 1' thick on common and will withstand many winters over if installed correctly. They're basically a concrete block with some fancy patterns. I would avoid the pure concrete paving stones offered in Dwelling Depot and Lowes. What it's best to look for is a paving stone with concrete mixed with granite. The good factor is that it adds the attraction into our houses. If this stuff occur to our houses then we be assured that security is ours alongside the driveways. Psychologically speaking, new issues all the time attract folks and even animals. If we make our house and its elements look as whether it is always new, then we will have the satisfaction, plus the reward of the individuals round us. It's not a straightforward factor to do to maintain the neatness of a thing. It starts in the simplest factor like the driveway pavements. It was less than a month into the varsity yr, and there have been already lots of of burns and stains on the ground. Unusual that stone floor was capable of that, but with potions, anything's doable. Damien had confirmed that loads of times. It might wait, though. He exited the classroom, being certain to lock the door behind him (not that it could do a lot to keep out anybody). He headed out of the dungeons and up the steps into the entrance hall. Then, he went out onto the grounds. The solar was barely rising. Damien made his approach down to the little hut on the sting of the grounds. He would have to take Hagrid's advice on this. On all of this. Visit our residence page for even more Harry Potter Merchandise and Gifts. Please bookmark Broomsticks and Owls for all the very best Harry Potter items.
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Its twin-axis engineering supplies superior floor energy and excessive visitors efficiency. Consult with a paving contractor about coloration and floor decisions for this unique paver. Contractors on the lookout for a new, refined elegance for out of doors applications love Bristol Valley Enduracolor pavers. This paver is suitable for applications where a typical flagstone slab may have been used in the past. Bristol Valley’s subtle colours are specially blended for an genuine natural stone look. This Unilock paving product is right for poolside patios due to its non-slip surface. In case you are in search of an elegant, fashionable look with a pure twist, then this paving product is a wonderful choice. This is good so you should have extra options so that you can decide on what plans are finest to your wants and to begin the shed development phase. Most of the DIY shed plans will also have materials listing, step-by-step directions, diagrams, and other helpful data to get you started in studying and constructing that excellent shed you need. So when you're in your quest of finding the appropriate plans for shed constructing, be sure to keep the other info (mentioned above) in mind. The more info the better, but you additionally do not wish to get overwhelmed both. If you have any type of inquiries concerning where and the best ways to make use of sheds cork (click through the next document), you can contact us at our own web site.
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ethantruman162-blog · 7 years
Top Tips For Using the services of The Right Locksmith professional For The Job
Just how can a person get a trustworthy locksmith? What are you looking to seek out? What kinds of things if they look out for in a locksmith professional? There are actually a number of issues you should check for when contemplating a professional locksmith. Look at the adhering to write-up for what you need to know. Poking at the key which has cracked off of in a secure can really make stuff more serious. It is best to get in touch with a locksmith professional the moment something like this happens. The additional the metallic item is pressed to the entire, the more time it may need to take out it. This can end understanding up priced at you quotation a good deal, so prevent it. In case you have an linked garage area, you need to employ a locksmith to make sure that the door is protected. Many people are unsuccessful to do this and they end up experiencing a person get into their property not authorized. Even when you shut and protect the garage area dorr, you ought to still need a locking mechanism wear the door for the property. Although you should know how a lot the task costs, additionally it is important to be familiar with any other costs working in the approach. As an example, some locksmiths demand additional for emergency services. Other folks will tack on a charge if they have to operate a vehicle a certain length. Issue the locksmith professional concerning this so you understand how very much you will certainly be billed. Carefully look into any locksmith you consider making use of before making a call. Many locksmiths are nothing but rip-off designers who will tell you that they need to drill your recent locking mechanism and put in a new lock. Therefore, it is very important know who to get in touch with prior to deciding to actually need a locksmith professional. Prior to deciding to hang up within the phone having a professional locksmith, inform them you need a created and approved calculate prior to they begin the position. Anyone who hesitates looks to make a couple of speedy cash. You should also be sure to get yourself a sales receipt after every one of the job is done. Most reputable locksmiths will arrive in something vehicle. When the locksmith professional fails to get to services motor vehicle, you ought to acquire extra care to ensure he is not much of a fraud musician. Require id before allowing him to begin with. This recognition should include a wallet certificate in addition to business card printing. Request any professional locksmith you are thinking about how much time they've been in enterprise. If they have been in company for at least five years, they may be most likely dependable. A lot of new locksmith professionals aren't trustworthy, but inadequate practical experience ought to allow you to wary. If you are looking for a great locksmith, think about calling a security alarm business in the community. A design company is yet another good choice. Many times, these firms possess a professional locksmith which they consider after they need operate completed, so that they can supply you with an effective suggestion. Check if the business you are looking for working with has ever had another name. Occasionally, companies move their brands due to the fact clients had been unsatisfied with their operate. This helps them get away bad reviews. Although a company might not be truthful along regarding this, it can do not hurt to ask. Once you are offered an estimate by way of a locksmith professional, question them what exactly it is incorporated into this price. Some locksmith professionals gives you a small value, they can tell you there are more costs as soon as they get to you. Requesting a few questions will very clear every little thing up so there is absolutely no confusion in the future. The world wide web is an important device in the quest for a locksmith. You can get genuine testimonials from people who have applied particular locksmiths. It matters not if their experience was positive or negative. Reviews might still support someone who wishes to engage a skilled. When searching for a locksmith professional, avoid any company that does not solution the telephone having a specific name. These firms will often subcontract the job out to other vendors. You need to have an organization that hires their own personal workers and is not going to farm out their try to anyone and everybody. When moving to a new city, try out to discover a great locksmith because, chances are, you may gradually will need one particular. Doing your groundwork first could save you cash and grief at a later time. Check with close friends and neighborhood friends for referrals or testimonials to trustworthy locksmith professionals in the community. Should you don't know anyone to request then phone nearby locksmith professionals and see which one's are long term individuals the Chamber of Trade or any other buy and sell agencies. Examine the invoice presented to you with all the person's business credit card, certificate and even signs on his or her motor vehicle. When they all match up, you're all set. If the invoice has no firm title, be skeptical. Unless they run for an unbiased service provider beneath their own brand, you may be going through a scam. It is a good idea to operate a vehicle over to a locksmith's office before getting him to accomplish any work towards your house. This provides you with a wise idea of what sort of man or woman you happen to be working with. Many con artists gives you an deal with that does not exist, so this can help you weed them out. Locate a locksmith before you need to have them. This really is answer to making sure you are aware of the individual is respected and trustworthy. Don't just look online, but refer to them as, satisfy them and understand what they offer you. You'll have a experiencing on their behalf and know if you believe in them right from the start. When you are locked away from your property, an effective locksmith should be able to discover practically any door. When a locksmith insists on drilling to your door or tells you how the secure needs to be changed, be wary in the support. Most fastens might be opened up with no damage to your door. Do not imagine that the price quoted on the telephone would be the sum you are charged as soon as a locksmith is delivered. It's not easy for individuals to provide a amount that's actual should they weren't able to see damages their selves. It will increase flags if you achieve significantly diverse phone as well as in-man or woman cost quotations. As valuable as our properties, cars and families are, generally everyone knows barely anything about working with a professional locksmith to guard all of it! With a little luck this information has changed issues about for you personally so you now know specifically what to consider! Use the guidelines to employ just the better to guard everything is vital to you personally.
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austingray679-blog · 7 years
Professional locksmith Strategies That Are Profitable And Clear And Understandable
Many of us know where by to find the extra key around our residence, but have you figured out where to start if this pauses from the lock? If the answer is no, you happen to be in the majority. Unfortunately, everyone seems to be not equipped when they need a locksmith professional! These article can change all of that. Read on. A single extremely reputable way of deciding have confidence in with your potential locksmith professional is the number of many years they have been in operation. Also, make certain they've been placed in the identical location as well. The two of these facts are really good sings that you've located the very best professional locksmith in the market and also the one it is possible to definitely depend upon! Always request any professional locksmith you work with for detection once they get there. Several suggests need that locksmiths are licensed. Even you are using a locksmith in a condition where by accreditation is not required, you ought to be risk-free and request some form of recognition prior to permit them to work towards your property or automobile. Whilst it is important to know how very much the position costs, additionally it is significant to pay attention to almost every other charges involved in the process. For instance, some locksmith professionals demand more for crisis support. Other people will tack on a charge when they have to drive a particular extended distance. Question the locksmith professional about this in order that you know how significantly you will be billed. Don't work with locksmith professionals that increase the cost when you obtained for any quotation. Some organizations wish to acquire too much funds of your stuff, therefore they will rip-off you. If you're getting shared with the position will probably will cost more compared to cost you were offered, tell them to have and locate someone else. Be well prepared, regardless if you feel you'll ever be shut out or otherwise not. Perform some research just before things are all stated and accomplished, and you'll be able to find a fantastic man or woman to help when you're in desperate situations circumstance. It will save you the locksmith's cellular phone number therefore you have it all set if you find an urgent situation. Most locksmith professionals know about the way to select a locking mechanism and allow you to get access to your home. In case you are advised that this complete lock needs to be exchanged, you should see this like a forewarning signal. This expenses considerably more than choosing the fasten, the reason some locksmith professionals will say it is required. Employing a professional locksmith could be pricey, but remember that it is not a career that a lot of people can perform on their own. By trying to gain access to your car or truck or residence without having a key, you could ruin the secure. This might then require how the whole lock be replaced, that is extremely expensive. Avoid the hassle and just contact a professional locksmith. Purchase an calculate in composing prior to letting the locksmith professional to begin doing work. This quote should include the price of unleashing the secure along with the value of changing the lock. You are able to agree to a number of parts quote. For example, you are able to accept to pay for the fee with all the stipulation when the locking mechanism demands substituted you will want to get a number of quotes. When you are evaluating the ideal locksmith for your needs, consider carrying out interview. Most organizations will be happy to introduce you to their expert assistance men and women and what they have to provide. Seek advice and look all recommendations. Using this method you will certainly be confident that you've employed only the greatest when you really need them one of the most. A specialist locksmith professional does more than simply changing hair on your doorways, they must be also be able to install home window fastens. Some have the expertise to reconfigure your security alarm method. Conduct some analysis on locksmith professional expenses in your neighborhood before you make any moves to employ a single. when you are unfamiliar with costs, it would be simple for someone to make the most of you. When people have various costs, you shouldn't work with anyone who costs way over the standard. If you end up turning out a professional locksmith who comes to your home for whatever reason, be mindful once they turn out to be agitated. It is a person who is able to choose hair and they've currently proved to be unsavory. When they begin problems, contact the police that it is on document. If your home is burglarized, get a locksmith that can take care of your doors and windows. Sometimes, they can even have the capacity to aid resolve your security alarm process. Keep in mind your own home accessibility is now being made available to a business or person that can choose fastens. In the event you don't feel like they're honest, then you certainly shouldn't work with them. It is usually a smart idea to satisfy the professional locksmith at their office prior to choosing to work with them. Even if you're utilizing a smart phone, look into the Far better Enterprise Bureau internet site for an organization evaluation. These critiques are accessible for numerous local business owners and so are designed for mobile observing, that means they can be quick and easy to get into even when you provide an unexpected emergency on your own palms, helping you to avoid obtaining ripped off. It may be beneficial to drive over to a locksmith's office before hiring him to do any work on your house. This will give you a wise idea of which kind of individual you happen to be coping with. A lot of fraudsters will give you an deal with that fails to really exist, so this can help you weed them out. Conduct some study on professional locksmith costs in the area before you make any movements to hire one. should you be not familiar with rates, it would be simple for anyone to take advantage of you. When everyone has various prices, you shouldn't employ anyone who fees far more than the standard. Ask the professional locksmith to gauge the safety of your home. Locksmiths know a lot about home security systems. They often have great assistance with shielding your own home. They will also be able to change your existing security measures. When you are ready for nearly anything, you fall for practically nothing. Although contemplating a negative scenario can often be difficult, preparing for it will be effortless if you use the following tips. You'll know who an excellent locksmith professional is and get him on completely ready for whenever you will need his solutions.
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