#and in a way i get it--construction and building is his artistic passion
clamorybus · 1 year
i do love my dad and he's grown a lot as a person, but i do wish he'd go to therapy for his own sake. it affects him in so many ways that he doesn't even realize
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frenchublog · 6 months
Pls help how do you draw eyess(or faces in general)💀💀 like what do you dooooo help my faces always look so weird and the same whenever I draww
Hi !
I'm learning with Proko classes but he has a Youtube channel with free cool lessons for beginners (perspective, shading, construction lines) he does have lessons for the head too I believe ! Of course, drawing your faves on the side, many times, helps.
It's very important to understand the basics first. I also do figure drawing too thanks to this website ➡️ https://line-of-action.com/
I also have the Michel Lauricella Morpho book that I have since I'm 21 (he also did one for the clothes, it's really nice)⬇️
When it comes to style unfortunately there's nothing more I can do, you make it, as you go 🎨🖌️I'm sure you have favourite movies, shows, books, artists, good strong influences that can help you craft it. The best way to get better at drawing is to have solid knowledge of your fundamentals. Understand how it works, why the bones are build that way and why they're called that way too ! (same thing for the muscles !) You can't draw something if that something doesn't have a name. Identify your weaknesses, keep pushing and working ! You'll see, it pays off ! ⬇️ (there's the Proko channel link down there)
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Another very important advice would be to keep a sketchbook and fill it with doodles (no pencil !! only marker) we humans have this reflex of erasing our mistakes and then not learning ! Using a marker allows us to draw, fail, fail even more until we're on our knees crying, asking for mercy. But it's good, failure is good. Failure means you're learning, it's proof of your artistic journey. Like footprints. I understand fear can hold you back too but you can't do anything with nothing. You're not trying to reach for absolute perfection, that is not the purpose of this type of notebook, you can draw whatever you want!
(like this !! look at my THOND silly doodles ! no one can judge me this movie is a masterpiece)⬇️
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I'll leave you with the 4 P's of life : Passion, Patience, Persistence, and Practice !
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milliebobbyflay · 6 months
Okay so I've spent a while thinking about how to word my actual problem with homestuck 2, and the works that make up post-canon homestuck more broadly. I think a lot of people resort to nitpicking bits of awkward writing or art in some attempt to pinpoint a source to an underlying sort of hollow uncanniness, which is funny because homestuck's supposed golden age of acts 1-5 are themselves FAR more of a tonally inconsistent mess of odd character beats, jokes that don't always land, and janky looking art.
Homestuck 2 has been written and drawn by very talented and passionate artists from the beginning, I think the actual issue comes down to a mix between the general pitfalls of hiring fans and the particulars of hussie's outsider background and unorthodox writing style.
First is the issue of hiring fans in general; while it can seem like an easy shortcut to finding talented writers already familiar with the voice and story of the original work, you have to be very aware of how fan culture operates. Beyond the obvious pitfalls that fans are unlikely to approach the story from a detached perspective, there is the larger issue that past a certain point fandom becomes essentially self sustaining. Once a fandom has existed for a long enough period, its most avid members have likely spent FAR more time engaging with other fan works than they have with the original art object. Fandom and the art it produces are, in this way, a sort of a folk tradition; artists are imitating and responding to other artists, characters become archetypes through which to explore certain ideas and dynamics, and the values and tastes of the most prolific and influential fan artists become as inseparable from a participants mental image of the character as the original work itself.
For an example, the affected theatrical mannerisms and cruelty Vriska adopts while in her Mindfang persona have become inseparable from the popular view of the character. Despite the fact that it's heavily signposted as a sort of role playing performance from the jump and she's more or less dropped it by the back half of the comic, it was nevertheless how she had acted in the bulk of her scenes around the time the ur-texts of homestuck fandom were being written, and as so an understandable misread of a character became inscribed into the fandom canon, and by extension her characterization in Homestuck 2.
All of this is extrapolated by the sort of unorthdox, building-the-plane-while-flying-it manner in which Hussie's writing style developed.
Based on his commentary, I get the sense that Andrew is an incredibly clever and thoughtful writer who lacks the theory and vocabulary to precisely describe his process. He tends to communicate in sort of abstract metaphors which aim to bridge the gap in explaining the actual conscious process he uses to plot his stories, but the way he talks about technical nuts and bolts writing craft stuff gives me the impression that his approach is largely intuitive, bordering on unconscious. He's a lot better at describing how he writes than what he writes or why.
You can of course piece a lot this together—his approach to art draws from the tradition of videogame spritework, where the visuals exist as a utilitarian vehicle for conveying information first and a work of illustration only inasmuch is needed to serve the greater story. His character writing draws more from a synthesis of literary fiction, sitcom writing, and "making up a guy" style posting humor, where characters are defined more by their life experiences and underlying psychology than by their goals and values, but also seem to have largely been constructed backwards from a starting point of a funny or interesting manner of speaking. Importantly though, I don't get the sense that these were conscious decisions, just that to Hussie they seemed like the logical way to approach these tasks, and I don't really think he could outline them in a way that would actually help a new team of creators grok how to draw and write in a way that feels like homestuck. I also don't think Hussie could actually explain the psychology that undergirds his character writing, I think he was mostly just drawing on his own life experience and imagining how this sort of character might logically speak and act.
As a novelist, and Hussie is one, both your thought processes and the sum total of your worldview and life experience are just as important to your work as the actual conscious decisions you're making, and I think that where there are gaps in understanding, the new writers are filling in the gaps with both a more conventional approach to the creative process and over a decade of accumulated fanon, and I think that's why homestuck 2 never really rises above feeling like a very well-made fanfic to me?
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ghuleh-recs · 4 months
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In honor of @anamelessfool’s birthday I have made us all a mixtape of my personal must-reads from her incredible arsenal of fanfiction. You are not ready for how brilliant her writing is. There is truly something for everyone. Whether you’re a reader-insert enjoyer, a terzomega enjoyer, or even a late-1970s noir mystery enjoyer—Fool’s got you covered. Tight plotting, satisfying characterizations, and lovingly constructed lore can be found in every single one of her creations. Her world building is unmatched and never fails to blow my mind. Don’t even get me started on her young papa portrayals. I frequently have to kick my feet and scream into my pillow over how wonderful (and sometimes heartbreaking) they are.
To top it off, Fool is a terrific artist and such an interesting and lovely person. Have you seen @resin-popia?! What can’t she do?
Please do yourself a favor and check out the recs below. Be sure and leave some bday comments and kudos if you do! Like I said, there is something for everyone.
Recs under the cut.
Violence & Gentleness - Primo x OC
You made me forget myself...I thought I was someone else, someone good... LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry.
For One Creature's Sake - Primo and Copia
"Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it."- Frankenstein's Monster Moments in Primo's and Copia's lives.
Ribbons & Ties - Terzo x Omega
For reasons beyond Terzo's understanding, he wants to give Omega a present for the ghoul's "birthday". It proves to be a lot more complicated than Terzo realizes.
Reciprocity - Terzo x Omega
Terzo and Omega spend a tender afternoon together. Nothing bad ever happens to them ever again.
No Deal - Nihil x F!Reader
1970Nihil was one of these friends of friends of friends. Some forty-something cat who lived further up in the mountains, in what you suspected was some sort of commune. Shit like that was pretty common around here. The higher up in the mountains, the weirder folks got. Could be the altitude. You've decided to live a quiet bohemian life, but one of your clients Nihil has plans for you that afternoon other than just chatting about the latest albums.
Sweeter Red - Copia x OC
Your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour…sometimes I’m thinking that I love you... but I know it’s only lust. Copia is a scrungly little nerd and this totally happened to him. There's something about Cardinal Marian. Maybe it's the way she infuriates him with her laissez-faire attitude, or ingnites his soul with envy of her free spirit. Rage and love, at a certain point they merge together into an overwhelming burning in the heart and mind: passion.
VIII Strength - Copia x GN!Reader
VIII STRENGTH Strength (Physical and Will), courage, persuasion, influence, compassion Copia is a pent up sort of man, he always has been. He enjoys being Papa but on his worst days the title has a near physical weight pressed across his shoulders. He comes home to you, and you can tell when it's been one of those days. Luckily, he has you to guide him.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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ria-writes-stories · 7 months
Description: what if Nori didn't die but Khan did, and raised Uzi all by herself instead of the other way around?
Genre: Action, character focus
Characters: Uzi and Nori
Inspired by @keeana 's art! Keena permitted me too write this fanfiction, her art is at the very bottom of this story. However, if you enjoyed this story make sure to go to her account and give that masterpiece the proper love it deserves because without it this story wouldn't have been made! Once again lots of thanks to keena! Without further a do, enjoy!
Side note: This is the official opening of my writing account!
(No one's pov)
The metal door closed as Nori held her baby close to her chest, looking struck with horror at the door.
'KHAN!' she screamed his name earlier, reaching a hand out while the other held her baby closely to herself as her husband looked at her with a defeated look. Oil was pouring in a small frail trial out of his mouth while the stab he had acquired within his chest, was being held down by the disassembly drone's claws the man clenched his fist tightly, and with a sheepish smile to his wife he punched the remote, closing the first door and breaking the remote as well making it impossible to be used again, so that the disassembly drones can not enter the colony.
Nori stayed there, locked in shock and horror at the thought that the better side of her was now gone forever as she was left with just the sweet little miracle that she had created with him.
Drones rushed to her to check up on her but Nori didn't even hear a mutter of their words as her gaze was locked on the door where her husband disappeared behind her.
"Forgive me Uzi. You won't get to see your father." Nori said with a numb face as a tear rolled down her cheeks as her eyes looked emptily at the ground.
Now...what about the fate of our beloved rebellious teenage girl? Well. Nori was a very loving mother, unlike her light-heartedly and dumb, when it came to social interactions, husband was much more convincing. She was already adored by over half the colony before the events of the attack, she was simply that easy popular person that people found enjoyable to hang around, and once Khan was out of the picture with his great sacrifice, it was Nori who took initiative to find people with the same passion and intelligence as Khan to built more doors. Of course, she didn't find anyone, no one could ever be like him, but, she did find enough drones each with a little knowledge of one of the engineering sides required to build the protective doors, and through the years door two and door three appeared.
What does anything have to do with Uzi? She showed remarkable intelligence and incline towards this methodical side that her father was so passionate about in his life. She assisted in the construction of door two by making the calculus and size measuring and then at the third door, she was the second in command in its building.
Uzi was heavily attracted to the more 'angsty' things and she was the black sheep of the herd because while her mother managed to convince her to help with the doors Uzi wanted to build weapons. And how did Nori respond with?
'Of course you can build weapons Uzi! You can do anything you put your mind to! Plus, why stop with just weapons? Why not become a jackal of all? Traps, weapons, attacks, defenses! That and so many more things you will achieve because you are a talented and wonderful young girl who has inherited the intelligence of her father. Oh if only Khan could see you right now, I am sure he would be so proud of your engineering skills!' it's safe to say that Uzi had a very loving mother who encouraged her each step of the way. Did that mean Uzi was popular?
Uzi was the 'miracle' kid due to her contribution to the colony from a young age, despite having an already assured spot for the future Uzi wasn't interested in any of that. She always wanted to do something...bizarre in the eyes of all the other drones except for her mother. Killing the disassembly drones.
This made her weird and strange for everyone else but this time around Uzi knew how to snap back, better than just saying 'Bite me' she would effortlessly put the drones that challenged her in their place via words. As I said, Nori was the one to raise her after all, and she made sure her daughter knew not to allow anyone to walk all over her.
Uzi was still the rebellious angsty teen, the only difference is that she was afraid of the masses because they treated her like a freak and an outcast. She didn't feel the need to hide, instead, she walked confidently each step of the way.
Uzi didn't care what other drones thought about her, she still did what she wanted to do even if it 'broke the rules' of the colony. She was a truly rebellious person, but what made Uzi so different was the wits thought by her mother. The tricks, the strategies, the manipulation. Everything came naturally to Uzi, after all, she was Nori's daughter, and with the intelligence she inherited from Khan followed by her mother's guidance she was far more than what anyone from the colony acknowledged her for. She was feared because everyone knew that not only weren't they a match for her but also because they knew that if they stepped out of the line that she had allowed them to ridicule her in, she would make their life a nightmare without lifting a finger. It was simple really. Some drones may not be as emotionally developed as humans, but that primal fear of survival is still deep in their core and Uzi knew just how to push the buttons to cause them to be on the edge of their tippy toes and out of her face.
A school project about watermelons started it all you could say. How boring was that? Under stimulating and ridiculous, far too behind Uzi's level of capacity, so she decided that if she was going to kill some time she might as well kill it on something she enjoys.
However one tiny miscalculation and Uzi's magnetically calibrated rail gun blew up in her face, sending her to the infirmary. It wasn't the first time Uzi's experiments ended up wrong; she would do them under her other and always made sure to duck and hide her daughter when the project showed to be unstable and close to bursting into chaos.
Nothing from the colony could give Uzi what she needed to complete her masterpiece, so she did the most sane thing possible.
"You want to go where?!?" Nori asked caught a little off guard. "Just outside of door one-" "No! No, no, no, absolutely not, that is where your father passed! What if the disassembly drones are right outside the door?" "Then I'll blast them with my sick-as-hell rail gun!" Uzi said confidently as she clenched her fist, with a wide smirk.
Nori sighed softly and shook her head with a sheepish smile on her face as she went to Uzi, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead affectionately. "Alright my precious little devil. Just make sure to not have any of your limbs missing when you come back." "Mooom! I'm not four anymore!" Uzi protested her mother's behavior, but it was exactly this love and care that had made Uzi into the young woman she is today.
Nori simply laughed softly. "I know that dear. Make sure those disassembly drones will go scavenging for scraps far away from our colony." Nori said letting go of Uzi who simply nodded and rushed out the door, only to stop her in her tracks and run back to her mother for a quick hug.
"Thanks, Mom." "Anytime my sweet angel." Nori said with a content smile as she rested one hand on Uzi's back and the other on her head, before letting her go so she could go chase her dreams.
"They grow up so fast... If only you could see how much she took after you Khan." Nori said with a soft sigh before going back to her daily duties.
So far not much has changed did it? Uzi is still considered a freak. She still has an angsty rebellious teen reputation. She is still confident and does not bend to society's norms, and she is still extremely intelligent, being able to build an incredibly dangerous weapon.
Sure there is the part where she has become as sly as her mother when it calls for it, but other than that not much has changed...right?
Nori would tell Uzi bedtime stories, implementing the history of their world in her daughter's mind from a young fragile age without her knowing. The history and knowledge of what there is to come. Nori had no doubt that her daughter would master the curse transmitted through her coding better than she did.
The events are pretty much as we know them. A disassembly drone challenges the wrong drone to a fight.
She wins. He loses. They get to know each other, the other two come into view, and she runs away. He realizes his mistake and tries to fix it.
"Mom! Aim and shoot!" "What if it gets you as well?!" Nori said holding the weapon in horror. "That's not important right now! Aim and shoot!!!" Uzi repeated as the disassembly drone looked at Nori with the 'X' on his face and a wide murderous smile.
Nori lost someone she loved once at her own hands. She wasn't going to let it happen again. "You know I'm an old-fashioned baby..." Nori said sheepishly as she was ready to use something she hadn't used in so long. She was wondering if she even had it. It's been so long... She blocked the signal, long ago, for Uzi's safety and sake, all the way when she was just a baby. The one to help her achieve that was Yeva, and they never again spoke of it, but the thing is that they never looked for a way to unlock it, cuz why would they?
The moment was cut short as another drone grabbed Nori and pulled her backward as they closed the door. A WDF worked. Mother and daughter locked eyes in horror and terror as Nori threw the rail gun forward fast enough to move before the door closed.
"OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT!!!" Nori lashed out in anger and hatred as panic flew through her system. "M-ma'am please-" The subordinate begged as Nori suddenly became calm. What is she thinking? It's her daughter that she is talking about. She got this handled. She was better than her, better than Khan. Uzi will get to live another day, for now, Nori had to worry about those who weren't as fortunate and as blessed.
"Ma'am?" "Take everyone to the safety room." Nori ordered seriously as the WDF member nodded and opened a walkie-talkie as he began to move alerting all units of the colony. Nori did her homework, and she was prepared for a possible disassembly drone breach.
Everything that we know of unfolded as it was meant to be, the only difference was that when Uzi left, she did so to fight the bigger fish and not by banishing herself. And what did Nori do? She allowed it. Given Doll's behavior it wasn't hard for Nori to figure out that Yeva was gone. Doll's and Uzi's clocks were ticking and the sooner they took on this world the better for their long-term survival.
The 'program' wasn't happy. It knew Nori wasn't dead, even though it was unable to reach her, so when it was met with a glimpse of her predecessor it struck much to its demise.
All of a sudden the two disassembly drones attacked Uzi, but the fight didn't last long... A bright flash of purple and a strange symbol and the two disassembly drones were stuck in the air squirming and shrieking in terror as their system got a short circuit and what was once yellow turned purple.
"Come here." Uzi called the two drones over calmly.
Still lost in a state of subconciousness and wounded from the fight they obeyed like puppets and got closer to her without a moment of hesitation.
The male knelt on the ground as the female slightly lowered herself to be at the same level as Uzi.
Once they were close enough the symbol appeared again forcing their heads closer to the girl's touch, as one of her eyes turned into said symbol. "I think I like you like this more." Uzi said with a sly smile as she looked at V, cupping her cheek while her other hand rested on N's head softly caressing it.
Uzi was the same as we know her... But she took after her mother even more so.
New admin: darkxwolf17
The end
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princess-sof-time · 10 months
I wanna request headcanons for Aqua and Ruby with s/o who is in a rap battle team (take as ejemples the franchises hypnosis mic and paradox live)
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• Amidst the world of rap battles, Aqua's presence goes beyond just being a supportive partner; they embody the essence of serenity and strength, guiding your s/o through the ups and downs of this competitive world. As the beats drop and the adrenaline builds, Aqua's comforting aura envelops her partner, creating an oasis of calm amidst the storm of battle.
• In the quiet corners of their shared space, Aqua's pen dances gracefully across the paper, weaving heartfelt lines that pay homage to her S/O's talents, struggles and triumphs. Each line is a tribute to the fire that burns within your partner, recognizing your partner's glow and inspiring you to reach new heights. Though they don't utter the words onstage, Aqua's heartfelt poetry serves as a powerful encouraging force that fuels her S/O's determination.
• When it comes to the actual rap battles, Aqua may not be part of the official team, but she is an indispensable member of the support team. On days of battle, they sneak in like a shadow, armed with a bag of snacks and their s/o's favorite drinks. With a gentle smile, they provide the much-needed sustenance and emotional boost, ensuring their partner is physically and mentally prepared to shine.
• As her S/O takes the stage, Aqua watches with a mixture of pride and awe. His analytical mind is always attentive, capturing every nuance of the performance. After the battle, they gently offer constructive feedback, always highlighting their s/o's strengths and finding ways to further hone their skills. With Aqua's guidance, your partner grows not only as a rapper, but as an artist and performer.
• But it's not just about the rap battles; Aqua's unwavering dedication extends to all aspects of the relationship. They celebrate wins together, big or small, and offer unwavering support through challenging times. Aqua's ability to listen with an open heart creates a safe space for your significant other to share your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to navigate life's uncertainties hand in hand.
• In quieter moments, Aqua and her partner find solace in each other's company. They often spend hours discussing lyrics, analyzing beats and trading ideas. This shared passion for music and poetry deepens their bond, creating an unbreakable connection strengthened by mutual respect and admiration.
• In the end, Aqua and her s/o are an unstoppable duo, not just on the battle-rapping stage, but in love and life as well. Together, they find harmony in the chaos, drawing strength from each other to face whatever challenges may come their way. As the world of rap battles continues to challenge them, Aqua's steadfast presence remains the anchor that keeps their s/o grounded and their love blossoming, united forever in the pursuit of artistic excellence and emotional fulfillment.
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• Ruby's energetic and enthusiastic personality makes them the go-to person for their partner's rap battles. They take the role seriously and go all out, pumping up the crowd with their infectious energy. Their wild and lively antics create an electrifying atmosphere, getting everyone fired up and ready for an unforgettable show.
• In addition to official rap battles, Ruby and her s/o engage in freestyle sessions as a way to relax and have fun. These impromptu rap battles become a regular part of their daily lives, with both exchanging witty and hilarious lines, causing laughter and joy in the air. It's a special bonding experience that strengthens your relationship and fosters a deeper understanding of each other's creative expressions.
• Ruby and her boyfriend are not only partners in love, but partners in art as well. They spend hours exploring different rap styles and experimenting with different beats together. Their passion for music and performance fuels their collaborations, and they are often surprised by new elements and ideas during their rap battles. This dynamic partnership sets them apart from other teams, making them a force to be reckoned with in the rap battle scene.
• Ruby's protective nature shines through when it comes to her love relationship. They are fiercely dedicated and will always stand up for their partner, especially if anyone dares to question or undermine their partner's talent. Ruby becomes a formidable shield against negativity, wiping out enemies with her confidence and unwavering support.
• Outside the world of rap battles, Ruby and her girlfriend enjoy peaceful, intimate moments together. They find solace in each other's arms, with Ruby using her enthusiasm to bring comfort and joy into her partner's life. Her S/O, in turn, provides a calming presence that helps Ruby find balance amidst her energetic nature. They are the perfect complement to each other, balancing passion and tranquility in their relationship.
• As Ruby and her s/o continue to grow together, they embark on a journey of artistic exploration. They collaborate not only on rap battles, but also on creating original songs, finding a harmonious blend of their individual styles. Their evolving synergy becomes a source of inspiration for others, and they become role models for aspiring rappers and artists alike.
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wellcomeoneileen · 10 days
To me, season 4 was totally bearable, because I understood what the writers were aiming for, and simply squinted while I watched and revised in real time. Season 5 was beyond the pale.
An English professor once advised letting current emotion into writing even if it’s not related to the story, that passion can bleed through and you might be able to use it. Speaking ENTIRELY as an armchair psychologist here, I think this season was written with some real…displeasure on the part of the writers, and that was felt by the audience instead of being edited in a more constructive way.
I have done some googling, and this could be true and they were angry at the audience and/or cast and/or state of the world. Or, fans from 20 years ago were just coping like I am today.
However! Please allow me to present some ideas for what they could have done with their plotlines instead of (what I feel like) was repeating plotlines and throwing things at the wall. Angrily. Plenty of these ideas honor what the writers already created or even kinda got at during S5 itself.
This is very Britin oriented, because thinking about The Girls or Em truly sends me into a tizzy from which I cannot articulate useful ideas.
These ideas are rooted in my belief that S5 dropped the thematic ball that they had been steadily building, mostly with Brian, as referenced HERE.
These are pretty broad strokes, will maybe do a more structured/detailed rewriter vision later, with textual evidence.
First big point is if B/J stay together. Honestly, them splitting is a good move on the producers/advertisers side, because shows lose ratings when the main couple  stays together. However, advertising means nothing to the story quality. Let’s discuss both!
Either way, I wouldn’t want any of this to be about monogamy. Like I’ve said, I always thought monogamy was just the stand-in issue in Brian’s life for his deeper inner issues. 
If they break up:
Maybe the dust-up is Justin comes back from Hollywood and Brian is like live with me and let me pay for school again and Justin is like I’m a man now I have to figure this (living situation, no job and no education) out on my own I love you but I need to grow up.
Idk. Not married to that at all.
Then Brian is so hurt that Justin didn’t move in he blows up at the gang at a party and they cold shoulder him. Again, spitballing. Not attached to the idea for the inciting incident! 
For Justin:
Honestly have put less thought into tangible actions and motivations for Justin. That analysis requires more effort because the writers treated him as a plotpoint and mouthpiece instead of a character in S5 so I would need to give some deep thought to how to fix him, and I have only given that to Brian so far. But here’s what I think off the top of my head!
After this start of season dust-up, Justin is living on his own and he’s really processing all of the failed illusions of being an artist. We saw PIFA not go well for Justin. We saw Justin fired from Vangaurd. We saw Ethan have to sell out to be a successful artist. We see the Rage project being shut down for staying true to the source.
All of these are different disappointments with the reality of being a working creative that Justin could’ve been processing as a disillusionment of his love with art. And throughout the season, as he’s determined to make it on his own for the first time, we could see him being sort of resigned to a fate of having a typical day job. Being lucky if it’s in graphic design and maybe doing art as a hobby on the side.
And then I think the Jennifer and Tucker storyline could be really, really integrated into this. I think she could be the one to pull him out of this and say “When I was your age, I loved art but I got married to your father, started having children, and gave my passions up for a safe life. And now I’m a single mom, living on my own dating a hot younger man, and it’s scary and it’s hard and I get judged for it, but I’m finally living the life that I always wanted. I encourage you to do this dangerous thing of being an artist and yes, it’s going to keep being hard but you can do it.” 
And we see this rebirth of Justin as someone who is still incredibly optimistic - he just now has a more mature framework for that trait.
I could see this happening if there’s no B/J breakup to start the season as well, and he’s simply not letting Brian pay for things within their relationship, or something to that effect. Which!! I hope to later discuss their gendered roles and Brian’s internalized homophobia and patriarchal ideals 
For Brian:
Meanwhile, I think Brian line for season five it was actually really well set up for the writers. They just didn’t follow-through! We see in season three just Brian loses one of his most treasured assests: his wealth and career, but he still has his friends. In season four he loses his other most treasured status :His virility, but he still has his loved ones.
I would like season five to have him still be vivacious and for Kinnetik to be as successful as possible, but he no longer has his loved ones around him because of whatever happened at the start of the season (if we go with the breakup).
Brian realizes that his career and his body are not as important to him as his relationships. Or at least is forced to admit the three are equal. And we see him start to really evaluate why he is the way he is. I would love for him to dive deep into his childhood, confront his demons, and end the series by making some decisions for his adult self and not based on childhood trauma..
And then he reflects, reevaluates, and reintegrates everyone into his life through a new lens. This is really about him admitting to accepting and embracing the fact that the people around him deeply matter. Accept Debbie as a mother, Michael as a brother Gus as his son, Lindsay and Mel as dear friends and coparent, etc.
I fully acknowledge these were touched on – but he was still mostly given Justin/monogamy plotlines and emotions which I disagree with
SPECICALLY this could look like
Letting him throw down with Debbie? Because Debbie was his pseudo mom, but she always put Michael first. Which isn’t wrong, he was her actual son, but I could see Brian maybe projecting on her, or maybe pushing her away, or maybe just really re-integrating his role in her life and vice versa. That could have had some drama (for the ratings) since she’s such a fiery character. This could also be the inciting incident if B/J don’t break up.
If his second nephew came out as gay and ran away from Claire to be with his Uncle Brian, that could have mirrored season 1 with Justin, and show how he’s grown and learned since then, and forced him to confront his family history and baggage, stop generational trauma, and allow him to prevail over the ghosts of his upbringing, giving him and the audience a sense of positive closure.
And if it was the first nephew, the same nephew who falsely accused him of molestation, that could be some serious tension, and it could further the Justin S1 mirror by also showing a better version of Chris Hobbs –  a sort of what if Chris Hobbs had admitted he was gay and tried to atone instead of turning violent? 
Lots of full circles!
AND that could have sparked a fight between Brian and Michael as they disagree over dealing with their troublesome teenage runaways, if the writers wanted B/M drama. This could be wrapped into the Debbie drama?
I think having the nephew come, his own demons from his past, him fight with Debbie, then the nephew arc closes out and with this encouragement from his mentor trial period, (and having processed and moved on from his childhood abuse),  he realizes that he wants to be more involved with Gus. He then tries and fails and eventually figures out what kind of father he wants to be, and what kind of co-parent he and Mel/Linds are (God what I would do to have more Brian and Mel scenes), he and Debbie reconcile, and he has an active friendship with Ted, would have been beautiful relationships, excellent tying up, none of it focused on romance and all of it not promoting the nuclear family. I say that because the writers said they wanted to not focus on happy romantic endings, but also focused their show on Britin…so….
I also think this is where you could integrate some of attempting to be monogamous plot lines from the end of season five. Again, I wrote about what I think about that in another post, but without reflecting on that, let’s just use these elements that the writers came up with and obviously wanted.
I think he could’ve been the stereotypical father to Gus when he starts to be a part of his life. He’s teaching him to play ball. He’s starting to be strict with rules. It’s just kind of funny scenes. Likewise, he does the same with Ted - he embraces the fact that Ted is his friend, and he starts being kind and sympathetic, and not a bitch to him.
And in all of these situations he would hear from Lindsey and Ted to just be who he is. They love him. They just want him around. He doesn’t have to be a textbook Father and Friend. And I think that would greatly heal his inner child wound which again is something I’ve talked about elsewhere and as I think the big issue with Brian. But if he is able to accept his life and accept him the way he is, I think that could be a lot of his plot for this season.
I just don’t get why they didn’t allow exploration in his already pre-existing, non-traditional, non-romantic relationships. Good for his character, closure for the audience, gives plenty of conflict, allegedly what the writers wanted to get across with the ending…
Being separated from Justin or not, this could work.
And then, at the end of the season,
The two of them have separately reached their thesis statements of who they are. They can face each other, and these will be two characters who saw the potential in one another from the beginning when no one else did, pushed each other to potential throughout the show, and they have themselves embraced that for their own sakes, and they can choose each other for the next chapter of their lives.
Even, dare I say, (and this would be a controversial!) but I think viewers would be more open to them having a thank you for making me who I am, goodbye forever talk if we got that whole season of seeing them make that final big push in their maturation arcs. 
Or it could still be Justin going to New York, but instead of it feeling like this bittersweet hopefully they stay together, instead it’s they’ve reaffirmed their love to one another and are very confidently moving into this next chapter. I think this would change the tone of the ending to be, all these seasons have been the bildungsroman and now we are at a place to really takeoff into the future because our foundation is now so secure.
We could even have another “rules” discussion - but this time it’s like “you won’t pay for anything for me for the next three years.” “You’ll tell me when you start to fall in love for the one millionth time for some out of work actor” “you will say when you’re angry instead of ignoring my calls. You don’t have to say anything else.just don’t ignore me. Tell me. “
Shit like that. Because those were their real problems - not monogamy. Not married to that idea either - it could be way too much telling now showing or it could be a good throwback to their first rules agreement. 
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 6 months
Kai's personality according to tarots
Someone asked about this some days ago, they read my mind because I was going exactly for this reading haha
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously. 
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The main aspect of his personality:
The tower
The tower is the most unsettling card in tarots. It indicates a big change, often a traumatic one, but something that might make you stronger.
In this case, he has the type of energy that is ground breaking, something that shakes you up completely.
I can think of young people looking at him and realizing they want to become idols to perform like him.
When you see his passion and commitment, it makes you want to imitate it.
The people in his life might literally experience a pre-Nini and a post-Nini just from how impactful his presence is.
On a more personal level, it's possible Kai went through big changes on many levels, that he's like a phoenix, always destroying and constructing something new.
From the rest of the reading, I could feel a protective energy toward who is close to him and what belongs to him, as if he's afraid to lose them or as if he would be forced to restart again and rebuild everything. So he truly wants to protect his "tower" and avoid its destruction.
How he sees himself?
10 of cups, rev justice, rev 8 of pentacles
He's a mama boy, as we all know. His family and friends are very important for him, he needs love, he needs affection, he needs solid unions.
He's a positive person with a bright personality, you rarely feel negative energy from him.
He might not be the most objective person and favor himself and his loved ones, even if they're wrong.
Or he might be bad at judging people, too trustworthy of the wrong ones, or wary of the good ones (think of his opinion on Soo when he first met him).
He knows he struggles to manage his emotions and it's something he wants to improve.
He suffers from routine and/or he has a bad work-life balance.
He might go days where he only works and days where he feels no energy.
How others see him?
Rev 8 of wands, 9 of pentacles, 7 of cups
They see him as a careful person. It probably takes him a while to open up to others and consider them as friends.
They might feel intimidated by him, he has a strong and cool stage persona, so some people might truly think it would be hard to talk to him.
Bro is rich, independent, artistic, elegant and handsome.
They really admire his craft and the way he was able to reach that amount of success.
Others think he's creative, probably with his head in the clouds.
Others might struggle to truly understand him as a person or to get to know him on a deeper level.
Positive traits:
King of swords, rev devil, strength
He has a lot of self-discipline, he's honest and not self-centered.
When it comes to his job, he's precise, he puts effort, he's structured.
He takes a great care of his looks, since he knows how they're a part of his job, so he's someone who takes into consideration all the aspects that contribute to his job.
He learned how to engage with fans and people in general, how to make them interested in his job, or, in other words, how to lure them into being interested in him.
He also learnt to domesticate his raw emotions, in order to be a more stable and reliable person.
I think his main quality is that he's someone who works on himself. His success never made him think that he is complete or that he's perfect, on the contrary he always finds new aspect he can improve.
This allows him to be very down-to-earth too, he isn't full of himself and he's always respectful toward everyone, from his boss to the guy that sells coffees in the sm building.
As I said, there's some Tower energy here too because he never takes anything for granted and he always works to become better in order to be prepared. He might be aware of the consequences oh his actions and in general be good at future planning.
Negative traits:
Ace of cups, ace of pentacles, 4 of pentacles 
Domesticating emotions could lead him to straight up repressing them.
I said in the other sections that he always shows a positive energy, so he might want to repress those emotions that might cause trouble for others.
For the sake of his job, he might reach unhealthy lengths. 
You know how the fans joke about his duality, the sexy confident Kai vs the cute clumsy Jeongin.
It might be something deeper than a fandom joke though, and he might tend to repress too much his emotions to keep up his professional image.
He might struggle with financial management? He could be stingy maybe?
He might be a bit possessive. He clings to people and he has a hard time whenever relationships change or people walk out of his life. Not only with people, maybe also with what belongs to him.
He might be a bit too needy.
Maybe it's because of the Tower energy, he constantly feels that something bad might happen, that his present will be shaken up all of a sudden, so he has to cling to something or to someone, to feel a better sense of security.
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kausatstolar · 8 months
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Okay, technically sovstuck's been out for a little while, but i've been thinking about it, and figured I may as well preserve my thoughts somewhere than the sovstuck discord. [shout out to you guys fr]! May as well use this blog for something. The prologue can go above the cut.. But the rest of it, not so much. Without further ado, our story begins.
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The year is 5023
Not much going on with the text, so it's time to take a nice hard look at the panel! I think it's so fascinating how the planets from the beta kids' session make up this solar system, alongside earth, which-- Once again, appears to be the third planet from the sun. Which.. Is the light symbol. Could be artistic choice, could be literal. Either way, this is a gorgeous piece of art.
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The place, Earth C. More colloquially known as AFTERRA.
Afterra... That's fun. Keeps up with naming conventions. Not much to say about this, other than the fact I can't help but notice the second moon...
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13 years ago the OLD GODS came back to this world, 5,000 years after its birth, to much fanfare and to much dismay.
Huh. 10 years unaccounted for. S'probably nothing! This is a fun panel to look at, and it's also very fun to see that building's roof resemble one of the can city structures from homestuck proper.
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But this story isn't about the Old Gods. And this story isn't about THE CONSTRUCTION, either, nor a new form of it.
points. hey who's that incredibly handsome carapacian in the foreground... [retris's dad!!] once again, this is beautiful to look at. neo kyoto... I haven't yet commented on it, but I love the texture of the prologue panels. Very edible. while The Construction piques my curiosity, this isn't that story.
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No, this is a story about a boy, his friends, and a game they play together.
YEAHHHHH RONTIS... His house looks so nice. Goodbye paper texture. Not much to say, but I'm sure excited.
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This is a story about you.
WOO. Not much to analyze about the text that's present, but plenty of panel to dig into. it's nice to see him so comfy.. However, his room is a smidge of a disaster. Peeping the 3ds, sure, but also... His clipboard, monster energy, and papers scattered everywhere. Shout out to the aspect wheel by his head, too.
There's a gif of retris at the computer, but it's a smidge too big. Behold page seven on your own. It's just damn pleasant to watch, seeing everyone's signs bounce so pleasingly.. Wait. What's with the iron cancer sign matched with the pieces sign. Hm. I'm sure we'll get there. I also like how the blue of SVURP's spirograph is an exact compliment of SBURB's spirograph.
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Your name is RETRIS MORAGE, and you are tired. It's been a long and treacherous 18 MOVES since your OPENING, and 18 minutes since you've woken up from an incredibly long nap that you didn't mean to take. Whoops.
god i envy this very sleepy retris. It is currently 7 pm sharp on a wednesday, and I wish to rest. Not much to note as far as the art of the panel goes for this page! MOVES and OPENING... Chess terms. fun. Wonder if the whole of afterra uses these names, or if it's predominantly carapacian areas only.
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The sunlight pours through your windows, unfettered. You take a moment to survey your various possessions as your brain wakes up. The gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself.
Hey! He's got a portrait of his parents on his nightstand. How sweet of him! And.. Monster energy cans everywhere. Lovely EVA merch too. On the note of the prose, I do quite enjoy it! Smth about the poetry of, "the gears of your mind groaned to life as you remembered yourself" sticks in the mind...
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You, like everyone, have a variety of HOBBIES and INTERESTS. Among these are SWORDPLAY, WORDPLAY, and FOREPLAY. Don't think about the last one too hard. Don't think about that phrasing too hard, either. Get your mind out of the gutter. You have an ardent passion for ASTROLOGY and the science of MYTHOLOGICAL ROLES. You run a rather sizeable CHUMBLR blog dedicated to the subject. You wish you didn't. You know in your heart that you are a MAGE OF LIGHT, and are looking forwards to getting this proven to you. Sooner rather than later, hopefully. You're getting ahead of yourself, though.
Helluvah set-up he's got in his room, as far as his computer goes. mars on the back of his computer.. Very fun. Well kept room, aside from the cans and papers.
However, uh. Retris. Retris, what the hell do you mean you're gonna get your status as a mage of light proven to you. Swordplay, wordplay, foreplay.. I guess I'll have to pay a bit more attention to his phrasing, i suppose. Er. Not about the foreplay, let him layabout as it pleases him. Wordplay, however. Curious that Mythological Roles are a science, and that he's gotten too deep into running a tumblr blog about it. Surely that won't come back.
I'll get through the rest of the comic later; i've got things to do. Fascinating to see how it's begun, though. I can't wait to see where this's gonna go.
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ndeh · 10 months
Life and validation, even in the smallest capacity, are intrinsically linked. Be it a promotion, a gig, a smile or a sense of self accomplishment. We start because of a passion or decision but we continue because, “it is working” or because we have reached “completion.” So something very paradoxical happens when the artist’s sense of validation becomes attached to digital currency. In the case of music I find that the more time spent here, on the web, the less opportunity one has for self accomplishment. The completion of a piece, large or small, is a fundamentally essential stone for building confidence and ego within the artist. We try to make social media an integral of this process but, as many feel, it’s slowly has a way of pulling us away from our art and it’s purity; even when successfully integrated.
But, then there’s the after. After the work is done. Is the catharsis enough? Can the artist just create for creation’s sake and still reach preeminence? Perhaps, and in many cases, yes. However, modern social constructs around success and accomplishment shift that narrative. Humankind’s communal nature perpetuate the artist’s need to share his/her work and to be accepted by his/her community & peers. So the artist, naturally rebellious, pulls away from the internet in order to become alive, dedicated, and TO BE; in the wild, free to the lengths of one’s freaky and uninhabited mind to explore alongside others doing the same. This is what created “scenes” once upon a time I believe.
But now, when one frees themselves from the web, lies the paradox. The closer the artist becomes to life the more they sever themselves from community. Gone are the days of organic exploration artistically within the physical world. They have been replaced by curated spaces inhabited by bourgeoisie academics playing art exclusively for networking purposes. A nature once exclusively reserved for politicians. Now, in order to CONNECT, the artist must connect, login, and detach. Yet, the more they do the more he/she is killed. Slowly and painfully. Because, the artist needs his/her community, alive, in the world, in order to survive. Today, when he/she does get that sense of community, it is alone in a 12’x12’ cubical called a bedroom. With no one to call and a deep pocket full of digital currency to spend on nothing. Hungry, scraping by, and working hard.
So maybe don’t be an artist today? You’ll be signing up for death. Maybe be an artist and do the work in your immediate communities to give life to people in person? I don’t know but definitely keep on trying. 
Nevertheless I cannot be the only one feeling this way. Feeling this sense of “is IT over?” If you must, I guess be sure to share yourself in totality with those in direct proximity to you. The glory of the digital artist has now turned into a late stage capitalistic venture for the brands and the individuals who manage them. Imagine fitting “you” into anything other than YOU.
- N.N.
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thebmatt · 1 year
Byregot, the Builder 19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies? 20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind? 21. Do they tend to get things done themselves, or do they rely on others? -- for the crew
First of all, thanks for the ask!!
19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies?
Aleister just REVELS in the Echo letting him cheat with learning things so he's basically gone bananas learning all the ways to build and create. He just loves to do it because he can. Gwen: "Hrmmm....I think an end table right here would tie the room together." Aleister: "I have a book of wood samples. Choose one and it'll be done this afternoon!"
Dahkar enjoys sparring and reading. History texts are among his favorite. Something about learning the Xaela of the Steppe don’t have physical records of their history just pushes him to want to learn more of other peoples histories. Also he collects greatswords.
Fearless has recently begun cultivating a small garden in her home in Kugane. It’s a nice way to relax for her, even if it doesn’t always yield much i the way of produce. Aleister is not allowed to help her with it.
Rheika’s passion in life is exploration, both in the physical world and the myriad cultures within it, combined with sharing parts of hers. She doesn’t often devote time to things outside of this.
20. Do they enjoy the arts? If so, what kind?
Aleister was never much one for the arts before he became an omnicrafter, but since then he’s found he can appreciate the techniques of artists in the fields of many forms of sculpture.
Fearless is unsurprisingly fond of performance arts that involve dancing, but she’s also become rather fond of stage plays.
Rheika is a fan of any kind of performance art. Music, dancing, acting, anything along those lines.
Dahkar is useless at making anything, but he’s rather fond of metalwork art. Between his fascination with swords and some education involved in smithing techniques, he’s developed an appreciation for it.
21. Do they tend to get things done themselves, or do they relay on others?
It’s a mishmash, honestly. They generally feel comfortable in their own skillsets, but they all understand the value of collaboration just by virtue of working with each other to save the star....a lot. So they’re generally down to collaborate with others if they think it’s necessary, I’d say? Like none of them could ever be accused of being lazy, and Fearless and Alesiter in particular can be stubborn in not asking for help when they think they SHOULD be able to accomplish something on their own, but on the whole? Yeah none of them are above asking for help if they think it’s needed
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Today, I’m speaking to Pam Velour. Pam is an active stunt artist who specializes in quicksand entries, struggles, and suffocations. According to Pam, if you’ve seen a quicksand scene in a film over the last 25 years, she’s either been in it or produced it. Currently, she has a private studio. In her studio, people can be videotaped sinking into quicksand while leaving messages for the people watching the tape.
Interviewer (IR): Hi Pam… How long have you been into quicksand?
Pam Velour (PV): Hi! Well, it's a bit of a long story. I started out as a gymnast when I was young, and I always loved doing flips and tumbling. When I got a bit older, I started doing some acting and modeling work, and eventually, I was introduced to the world of stunt performance. I was really drawn to it because it combined my love of physical activity with my passion for storytelling.
IR: That's really cool. What's it like working with quicksand?
PV: It can be pretty challenging, to be honest. Quicksand is really unpredictable, and it can be tough to maintain your balance and stability when you're sinking. Plus, it's usually pretty messy! But at the same time, it's also really exciting. There's something exhilarating about pushing yourself to the limit and coming out the other side unscathed.
IR: How do you prepare for a quicksand scene?
PV: Well, it depends on the specific scene and the level of danger involved. But generally, I'll spend a lot of time practicing my movements and building up my strength and endurance. I'll also work with a team of safety experts to make sure that everything is as controlled and safe as possible. And of course, I'll rehearse the scene over and over again until I feel really confident in my abilities.
IR: Have you ever had any close calls or scary moments while doing a quicksand scene?
PV: Yeah, definitely. There have been a few times when things didn't go quite according to plan, and I had to rely on my training and instincts to get myself out of a tough situation. But that's all part of the job. You have to be able to think on your feet and react quickly when things don't go as expected. And at the end of the day, that's what makes it so thrilling and rewarding.
IR: What is quicksand, anyway?
PV: Quicksand is a type of loose, water-saturated sediment that appears to be solid but is actually in a semi-liquid state. It can form in areas with standing water, such as riverbanks, beaches, or swamps, where the water pressure in the sediment is high enough to overcome the friction between the sand particles, causing them to separate and float. When someone steps into quicksand, the force of their weight can cause them to sink into the sediment, as the sand particles flow around and trap their legs or body.
Contrary to what is often shown in movies or TV shows, quicksand is typically not very deep and will not suck a person under entirely. However, it can be very difficult to escape from, as struggling can cause a person to sink further into the sediment. The best way to escape from quicksand is to remain calm, try to distribute your weight as evenly as possible, and slowly and steadily work your way back to firmer ground.
IR: Why do quicksand scenes show up so often in movies?
PV: Good question. I'm just glad that they do. They never seem to go out of fashion, do they? Especially when the sand pit is pulling the t-shirt off the woman in distress. The idea of sinking slowly into the ground is a powerful image and can be used to heighten the stakes of a scene and create a sense of helplessness and desperation.
IR: What goes into the construction of a convincing but safe quicksand pit?
PV: In movies, quicksand pits are often portrayed as being made of clay, which is a type of fine-grained soil that can become very slippery and unstable when wet. While it's true that clay soils can contribute to the formation of quicksand, quicksand can also form in other types of sediment, such as sand or silt. The properties of the sediment that contribute to the formation of quicksand are its grain size, water content, and the pressure on the sediment. Quicksand typically forms in areas where the sediment is saturated with water and the water pressure is high enough to overcome the friction between the sediment particles. When the sediment is disturbed, such as by a person stepping into it, the pressure can decrease and cause the sediment to behave like a liquid, trapping the person and making it difficult to escape. To construct a convincing but safe quicksand pit, start with a pit or depression in the ground that is sized and shaped to fit the needs of the scene. Line the bottom of the pit with a layer of plastic to prevent water from escaping. Add a layer of sand on top of the plastic. If you have enough money in the budget, a hydraulic platform can be used to create the effect of sinking. I stand on the platform and it is lowered into the pit. Add mist or bubbles and voilà.
IR: Have you had any close calls?
PV: Yeah, definitely. There have been a few times when things didn't go quite according to plan, and I had to rely on my training and instincts to get myself out of a tough situation. But that's all part of the job. You have to be able to think on your feet and react quickly when things don't go as expected. And at the end of the day, that's what makes it so thrilling and rewarding.
IR: Have you ever gone completely under?
PV: Thankfully, I've never gone completely under. That's always the worst-case scenario when you're working with quicksand or other unstable materials. The key is to stay calm and focused, and to use all of your strength and training to pull yourself back up to safety. It can be really scary, though, especially when you're sinking and you don't know how deep it's going to go. I've worked with some amazing safety teams over the years, and they always make sure that everything is as controlled and safe as possible. But even with all the safety precautions in place, there's always an element of risk involved when you're doing this kind of work. That's just part of the job, though. You have to be willing to take risks and push yourself to the limit if you want to succeed as a stunt performer. Of course, it's not just about taking risks for the sake of it. There's an art to creating a realistic and convincing quicksand scene, and it takes a lot of hard work and practice to get it right. You have to be able to move in a way that looks natural and believable while also being aware of the safety protocols and procedures that are in place to protect you. Overall, working with quicksand and sand pits can be a real challenge, but it's also incredibly rewarding. There's nothing quite like the rush of adrenaline that comes from performing a difficult and dangerous stunt, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
IR: How difficult is it to get out of the sandpit after the shot?
You: Yes, it can be difficult for stunt actors to climb out of a quicksand pit, as the sediment can be very slippery and unstable, making it hard to gain traction or maintain balance. Additionally, struggling or moving too quickly can cause the sediment to become more fluid and increase the risk of sinking further. To climb out of a quicksand pit, it's important for the actor to remain calm and move slowly and deliberately. They should avoid flailing or struggling, which can cause them to sink further, and should try to distribute their weight as evenly as possible to maintain stability. One effective strategy for climbing out of a quicksand pit is to slowly and carefully pull each leg out one at a time while keeping the other leg still and stable. This can be repeated until the actor is able to reach solid ground. It's also important for the actor to use any available props or objects to help pull themselves out of the pit, such as tree branches or ropes. Stunt actors who are required to perform in quicksand pits should be trained in the appropriate techniques for safely navigating and escaping from these environments and should always have access to safety equipment and personnel to ensure their well-being.
IR: I'm told that you regularly shoot videos of people who want to be submerged in quicksand.
PV: Yes, I do. It’s been quite a surprise to discover how many people want to be taped while sinking in quicksand. In my studio, we have all the safety equipment, including the hydraulic lift. Smoke and bubbles cost extra.
IR: Why do people want to do this?
PV: Well, first of all, because it feels so good, but there is an emotional payoff as well. Quicksand can be seen as a symbol of feeling trapped or stuck in a situation or relationship that is difficult to escape from while losing control when every struggle only leads to further entrapment. Psychiatrists are beginning to recognize the exercise as powerful therapy. Also, when the people are in the pit, they leave messages of hope and resolution to people metaphorically trapped and without the ability to escape or control. Mostly though, our clients submerge for fun.
IR: Finally, what are your personal favorite quicksand scenes?
PV: "The Princess Bride" when Westley is briefly trapped in a quicksand pit before being rescued by his love, Princess Buttercup. "Romancing the Stone" (1984) when Kathleen Turner falls into a quicksand pit while trying to retrieve a treasure map. She is eventually rescued by the hero Jack Colton. "The Mummy Returns" (2001) - when Rick and Evelyn O'Connell (played by Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz) become trapped in quicksand while exploring an ancient temple. Those three represent all that is good and safe about quicksand scenes.
IR: Thank you, Pam. I’ve learned a lot. Maybe next time I’m in the sand, I’ll have better luck wedging out.
PV: No problem, Ice. If you're ever stuck again, I’ll throw you a vine.
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fractallion · 10 months
Over on LinkedIN, 🔗 Richard Foster-Fletcher - founder of 🔗 MKAI asks
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The full article is here
I started to reply and of course LinkedIN gave me its usual ‘too long’ message … hence the post. (Those that follow me, might recognize some of the arguments.)
My Response
Yes we do need to rethink work-life balance … and we should start by scrapping the concept entirely. I doubt Ed Sheeran (to pick a random name) worries about his work-life balance? Or anybody who is doing what they love and getting paid to do it for that matter.
The problem is that for most people ‘work’ is not a passion, or love … it is the means to an end of building income that then allows them to follow their passion. Remember ‘hobbies’? Remember ‘holidays’? Remember retirement? … all constructs that allow people to take a break from ‘the machine’ and do what they really want to do.
Work-Life balance is one of those. It is only needed in a world where the work part is not your dream, passion, love …. So bring on the AIs and let them pick up the drudgery of our work lives. Let people move on to thinking and doing things that they consider meaningful and love and have a passion for.
Of course, this Utopia is destined to fail, without significant changes in the social fabric of society.
Take a look at what most musicians, artists, writers (insert the thing you really love and want to do) actually earn and quickly realise that they don’t make a living, much less a good one. Now imagine doubling or trebling the number of people trying to earn a living in that way .. and ask yourself if X million people currently struggle to make a living, how 2X or 3X are going to do that?
Bonus question … when will corporations stop thinking of customers and staff as two distinct ‘audiences’, and realize that they are all connected, starting with the fact that they are all people. As more companies shed people from their books through automation, outsourcing, off shoring and now (apparently) AI, they get to produce more and more things for customers to buy at less and less cost. Thats the ‘maximizing shareholder value’ story.
Last time I looked, the buying power of the robot market was no existant - primarily because they don’t get paid for the work they do. As ‘the machine’ replaces more and more people by ‘machines’, there are less and less people earning income to buy the stuff that the corporations are producing, it doesn’t matter how good their product is … nobody can buy it, even if they wanted to. Then what?
This is why asking what the future of work looks like is asking the wrong question.
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BTW - Richard hosts an excellent salon under the umbrella of MKAI, hit me up if you would like to join - and I will connect some dots.
<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/2529/2023/jp-signature.png” class=“float-right-img” alt=“my signature” />
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hifilounge · 1 year
Spendor Factory Tour & New Theatre Range Revealed
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Hi All,
Just back from a fantastic few days spent with the lovely people from Spendor who make some of the most respected speakers in the world entirely here in the UK. Already being a huge fan of their popular A & D – line range of loudspeakers and with the formidable floor standing D7.2 being a personal favourite of mine, It was an honour to see the craftsmanship and skill that goes into constructing each loudspeaker.
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The visit consisted of a tour of their manufacturing facility, exposing their day-to-day operations and a demonstration in a newly constructed listening room where we got to listen to the new range of Theatre products. I can confidently say that after witnessing the build process from start to finish involving hours of labour, pair matching, staining and hand finishing, you truly are investing in a uniquely crafted loudspeaker without compromise.
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The Theatre range features five new designs comprised of three centre channels – AC1, AC2, DC1 and two on wall-solutions – AW1 & DS1 offering flexible solutions to either multi-channel or two-way listening depending on requirements, with the focus being on lifestyle, versatility and performance. Spendor loudspeakers capture the emotion of music, revealing subtle details and colours within a mix connecting the listener even closer to the Artist, which for me, is the whole point of a speaker, and their new range of Theatre products is no exception to this.
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We have the Classic range alongside the award-winning A & D – line range of loudspeakers here at HiFi Lounge and if you are interested in the newly released Theatre products do feel free to get in touch to arrange a demo. Please Follow the link below for their full selection of loudspeakers.
About Spendor 
We design, engineer and build all our loudspeakers in the UK. Every Spendor loudspeaker is assembled at our production facility in Sussex, with components and cabinets all refined through our own in-house R&D program.
Our loudspeakers are easy to set up, work perfectly with whatever Hi-Fi equipment you have and transform the way you hear and enjoy every style of music. Their timeless, elegant design, which has evolved over five decades, makes them instantly and unobtrusively at home in any room. Best of all, they deliver a true, transparent and musical sound way beyond their price point.
Creating the perfect loudspeaker requires an understanding of the link between the technical measurements and what we hear. Captivating products require intense listening that is inspired by a passion for music.
Spendor History
Spendor was founded in the late 1960s by Spencer and Dorothy Hughes – the ‘Spen’ and ‘Dor’ in the name. Spencer applied the knowledge and expertise he’d gained as an engineer in the BBC’s sound engineering department to create his first loudspeaker, the BC1. This game-changing design quickly became the monitor of choice for broadcasters and recording studios worldwide.
Over 50 years on, the influence of the iconic BC1 and its successors can be seen and heard in our range of distinctive, innovative loudspeakers. Spendor remains the reference standard for both discerning audiophiles and professional sound engineers, delivering a transparent, natural and musical sound that truly captivates you.
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We’re spring-ing into April with Under The Radar releases by Lenn, Candace Coker, SUGARFUNGUS, Leave Yourself Alone, Jia, and Sarina Haggarty!
1) Lenn - “silicone”
When you want more out of life, you question whether the one you’re living is on the path to that potential. Bristol-based artist Lenn’s new single “silicone,” lingers on that fear and need for validation. Her vocals are soothing but powerful atop an R&B/pop melody – a mix of pearls, passion, and aching.
“silicone” is Lenn’s second single off her forthcoming EP, but it demonstrates a cool and collected sound that she’s been honing for much longer. It feels like a lesson in embracing the unknown; a mature reflection that ebbs and flows with the what-ifs. Lenn’s debut EP is due out later this year.
“I wanna wake up a whole other woman / born again / where all my dreams are sealed with silicone.”
Written by: Natalie Hoy
2) Candace Coker - “Strong Arms”
It’s a connection so deeply felt as Candace Coker wrestled with her faith and relationship with God after being diagnosed with a Connective Tissue Disorder in 2021. Her story is engrained in the song’s fabric – the persistent pain, physically and mentally, and how her new state affected her Christian worship in prayer and scripture. While I cannot relate to the weight of what she faced, there’s a universal sentiment in inadequacy and not fulfilling expectations that she speaks of (“Will You stay a friend if I forget to call / I’ve got good intent behind all this foggy dampness in my head”).
Sonically the gospel-tinted indie folk cut has stunning layers of vocals and percussive instruments, with producer Lori Chaffer capturing Coker’s vision of wild horses in an open field, a wounded soldier in need of rescue, and an almighty saviour. As a listener, I sensed the intense exhaustion and hurt and in contrast, the uplifting spirit. Her vocals are pristine, tonal changes moving with the peaks and valleys. It’s beautiful in how she asks for compassion and understanding, strengthening a relationship with Him in the process. Coker is vulnerable, heard and warmly accepted in “Strong Arms.” Her album Bare and Bones is out now.
Written by: Chloe Hoy
3) SUGARFUNGUS - “Saint Michel”
SUGARFUNGUS is the perfect name for a band that writes music for all the senses. Comprised of three jazz school graduates and two PhD scientists, the Vancouver collective came to be during the COVID-19 pandemic and spent their first few months collaborating via weekly Zoom meetings.
“Saint Michel” calls to its dream-like namesake with vast and ominous lyricism (“Washed up again / Ancient paradise, now condemned / Captive saint of sand / Buried by her hand”). It welcomes the listener with European tides and holds that attention between bright synths, lulling guitars, and Tess Meckling’s yearning tone. The song is both regretful and stunning – breezy winds, throbbing heart.
Written by: Natalie Hoy
4) Leave Yourself Alone - “Catch Somebody”
"Catch Somebody” is the epitome of the power of friendship and emotional healing; characters spouting cynicism and optimism clash, with a realization that building what once was will not solve one’s problems. Ryan Stephenson (of Morning Show and Tough Lovers) is joined by Ethan Henthorn and Ellen Kibble in his project’s debut, a sobering single of conversation and rumination. Their soft, echoey harmonies throughout, notably in the synth, guitar and drum heavy explosive chorus, offer tranquility and the glimmer of hope sought after. 
Merging the “physical with the existential” in how he views and thinks about life, he has insight and urgency in his words (“There’s no real as good as counterfeit / I get by while getting half of it / Is that advice we want?”). Its grungy direction pulls from shoegaze, post-rock and indie rock, a stream of thought that isn’t far from the expansive sound. I love the concept questioning social construct and familiarity, performed in a way that incites transformation, and accepting a helping hand.
Written by: Chloe Hoy
5) Jia - “Let My Baby Go”
It has this distinct macabre quality that is mysterious and woeful. Jia (Vancouver indie rock artist Crystal Lee) reads like a lullaby laced with toxicity and perpetual attachment. “Let My Baby Go” was inspired by her affinity for Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill films and the 'Spaghetti Western’ genre; oh how love can feel reborn and alive, but is not always pleasant and kind (“you swallowed me up like Tylenol / and how very often you were ill”). Despite the dismissing temper, there’s a romanticism which I love. It would fit well within a western of its own, of drama, betrayal, and the gritty outlaw culture. Acoustic, bass, pedal steel and electric guitars, drums and fiddle are used—in harmony painting a shade of rouge across a deserted desert.
“Let My Baby Go” is liberating, and a harrowing creative direction taken by Jia that demonstrates impressive range beyond the usual rock/pop sphere.
Written by: Chloe Hoy
6) Sarina Haggarty - “Alison” 
Perfectly angsty and sentimental, “Allison” is a true pop rock gem. Ontario’s Sarina Haggarty co-wrote the song with Christina O’Connor and producer Dylan Emmet. Sure, cheating, frustration and moving apart, it’s nothing new—but it’s a hot topic that will remain relatable as long as it continues to (unfortunately) occur. It works in Haggarty’s favour; her lighter, punchy tone reaching a boiling point as the track moves forward (“you lie really good / do you practice?”). I love the subtle laugh and layering in the bridge/climax portion, it's a fitting closure. The production and instruments emphasize her bitter words and self-assured stance, empowered and tethered no more. 
Allison is a placeholder for the other girl. It’s interesting to think of her, the one who may next fall victim to his charm, but still responsible for and plays a part in the initial fallout. Haggarty’s new album Waste of Time is out now.
Written by: Chloe Hoy
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bishamconsulting · 1 year
Privateness And Data Safety Consultancy For Fmcg And Manufacturing
We work with our client packaged goods purchasers to assist drive world efficiency by way of shared enterprise companies in addition to get the ‘local vs. global’ stability proper. At Berkeley, we convey our robust shopper items expertise to bear, however will never assume we all know your corporation better than you do. Embedded as part of your team, we help you shortly define and ship the change you want to succeed all over the world, on-line, together with your clients, customers, distributors and suppliers. Our shoppers trust us to deliver progressive solutions to real-world issues dealing with the global meals and client goods industry. We work hand in hand with our shoppers to scope, develop and manufacture products that aren't solely progressive and related to consumer needs but are also trusted for his or her safety, high quality and sustainability.
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