#and ill be honest. im rethinkin the end already. so i might be back for more betas. we will see
raineandsky · 1 month
hello friends!
this may seem like an odd post, but i thought i might as well bring it to the people i trust the most about my writing!!
so as some of you may have noticed from my erratic tags on some of my snippets recently, i've finished writing my book (YAHOOOO) which means i'm now looking for beta readers!! i'm absolutely pumped about this, of course, and i wanted to extend this opportunity to you guys :D keep reading you want a first look at a future #1 best-selling author (maybe):
so this is for my debut novel, a dance with death - a 79k word low-fantasy about demons, the afterlife, and what it means to be a victim of fate.
Find a blurb under the cut if you're interested!!
"Demons are generally expected to go undiscovered in the living world.
Azazel is not one to hit general expectations.
Mia, though, a weathered pizzeria worker and now accidental-demon-finder, has seen worse. A mutual agreement flourishes from her discovery – Mia doesn’t see Hell, and Azazel stays in the living world in return. It seems simple enough at first, but the tiny kitchens of the pizzeria prove an unfortunately intimate place if you don’t want to make friends with your demonic coworkers.
Then Mia introduces her boyfriend, Jake, and suddenly their blooming friendship feels a lot more dangerous. He’s six feet of jealousy and rage, and he doesn’t like how close Azazel’s secret has made them. They’re not sure how far he’s willing to go to keep them away from her.
After all, the Harbinger of Death is only willing to wait so long."
if you haven't done beta reading before but still want to give it a try, don't worry! i'm new to it too, but i'll help give you an idea of what i'm looking for :) i'd also like to point out the fact that this is a book, a wholeass novel (albeit a novel on the shorter side), so it would of course require a little bit of time dedication from you
leave a comment or shoot me a message if this sounds like something up your street!!
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