#and i cant remember the specific scenes the pictures from the first movie were from
sonknuxadow · 5 months
hasnt filming for sonic 3 been happening for a little while now. im surprised not many pictures from the set have come out..
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too-much-sunshine · 1 year
Could u maybe give me like a description of how u think some of the photos from the photography / model (I forgot what it’s called) scenes were like? (Clothing too and that stuff)
I wanna do fanart and I thought that’d be a cool place or start but u can honestly give me any scene to do art on (like if u have a preferred scene ud wanna see art of specific photo thing of them js tell me)
Oh my gods oh my gods bestie you cant just SAY that its like a dream come true!! Literally you could draw anything and I would love it sm!! Ahhh You are so cool bestie.
Of course I can explain those for you if thats what you wanna draw!
I will say that next chapter does have descriptions of a few of those photos! So below the cut will be kinda spoiler and also super, super, super long post cause I'll include some quotes for you! <3
So! My editor and I were literally talking last night about scenes that we just see so well. I imagine this fic as a movie while I'm writing it, so to me everything is visualized very well but there are two specific scenes that I can just see so well and think would be very cool to see! (please do not think you have to do this! Its fanart so do what you want to do! Have fun with it!)
First I will go over the outfits I think. Just a reminder of their old and new outfits as their typical Hero outfits do change halfway through the fic so far. Grian first describes HotGuys outfit as:
"his normal patrolling outfit. A black tight-fitted shirt with his signature blue and orange logo plastered in the center of his still gasping chest and baggy black pants cinched around his calves. He had his bow clipped to his back in a way that could not be comfortable to lay on and his quiver attached to his thigh. And of course, dark framed sunglasses"
And Grians original Hero outfit (the first version Cub gave him) is:
"...motifs of HotGuy while being different. Like that fact while HotGuys is mostly black, this is mostly white. It was sleeveless, tied around the neck with a bow in the back. There were white fingerless gloves stretching up past the elbow and halfway to the shoulder, these also had bows. A pair of high-waisted white baggy pants cinched around the calves much like HotGuys yet these were sent over a pair of orange fishnet tights. A belt held them above the hips with a heart-shaped belt buckle with the blue and orange of HotGuy.  White combat boots tied to look together laced up with orange and pink laces. Resting on the head was a pair of pink sunglasses, heart shaped. And to finish off the look, there in the center of the shirt was a rounded off version of HotGuys logo, it almost looked like a heart."
I will refer to these both as Version One! Because we also have Version Two! Scar:
"The taller one has HotGuys current Superhero outfit, with a few tweaks to it, such as a few pink details that used to be black around the waist... changed to look more like Grians."
"...Changes made to the outfit that he noticed were there when he first saw it. It did have less bows, such as the gloves now being smooth all the way up. The one in the back of his neck stayed, but with an added latch so if it came undone then the top would still stay on. The fishnets also changed from orange to light gray, probably to break up all the bright colors."
Grian never ends up ever wearing Version One. But there is a few times we see Scar still in his Version One.
Those are the outfits I'll reference during these scenes that I see!
The first one that comes to mind is actually described in the next chapter! It would be cool to have your idea on it before you know my description, but the picture that was taken while Grian was grimacing before remembering himself as they left the Hero Tower!
" ...he pulled his heart glasses down over his eyes, dowsing the world in a pink tint... he was bombarded with what felt like hundreds of flashing lights. Disorientated, he held tighter onto HotGuys arm tilting his head up to try and catch his face... HotGuy was looking away from him and into the crowd. He had his other hand lifted, waving and smiling so bright he commanded attention...
A few braver reporters shoved at Cub, pushing their cameras and microphones in Grians face, making him pause his steps pulling HotGuy with him.
His first reaction was to grimace at the audacity. He's just some guy, no need to push and be rude. But then he saw the flashes go off and he remembered himself.
This is what I said about it in the last chapter, and I do describe that picture in the next one. But if you like this one Id love to see how you see it!
Both CuteGuy and HotGuy are in their Version Two outfits here! And have similar looking makeup on!
"Dramatic wing with some more intricate, yet simple lines around it, along with an orange and pink gradient eye shadow. Finishing off the look with some mascara on his bottom lashes only. He also applies some pinkish lip tint to his lips."
If you dont like that one (I wont be offended if you dont! <3) I just love the scene where Grian is sitting, doing his makeup on the couch while Scar is preening his wings from behind!
"...Without another word, or look at Scar, he turned around with his back facing Scar. He heard Scar shuffle as well, probably sitting crisscrossed like Grian.
Hesitantly, Grian moved his wings off the ground and onto the couch behind him for Scars reach. He felt Scar slowly place his hand on the outside of his wing...
...He changed the subject, grabbing some eye primer and a few brushes. He felt Scar placing his hand back onto his wing, starting to actually straighten his feathers. Grian... moved onto foundation and eyeshadow, trying to keep his mind off it."
I just like the idea of them being very domestic and just best friends. Its probably one of the biggest extension of trust so far in the fic and it just feels nice.
Here, they are also in their Version Two. But dressed down. I mention that Grian doesnt have his boots or quiver on. I imagine neither does Scar as they are just having a quiet morning moment.
So, those are the two I see the most. But you also asked for a description of a few of the photos from the photo shoot! There are a few that come to mind!
The main outfit that Grian is in for a few of the photos is described as:
"It was a cropped pink and red hoodie sporting the HotGuy logo over his heart. The sleeves were a bit long so they poofed out around his wrists with white cuffs. His stomach was covered by a pair of high waisted joggers. The string belt was tied off with a heart shaped bow above his naval. Scar pointed to the slightly heeled pink and white combat boots resting to the side of the shoe box. He had also handed him a pair and heart shaped sunglasses that tinted the world in a rose hue."
Both he and HotGuy are also wearing makeup!
"...applying a pinkish blush over Scars cheeks including his nose; a call to Grians look where he used red to make him look almost cartoon-like. Then he took a blue pencil and drew a star right below his right eye, matching Grians pink one. On the other side he drew a pink heart, again matching his blue one. 
Taking a step back, he nodded satisfied. Leaning back in, he added a few much smaller stars and hearts around his cheeks making them look almost like freckles,."
HotGuy is actually in his Version One for these pictures. I like to think that Cub had to go over a few things after he realized he messed up with Grian and also made Scar a bit upset as well. So by this point neither of their new outfits were ready yet.
As for the pictures themselves, half of the whole shoot is taking individual pictures such as headshots and full body shots that catch what Grian looks like and what the public can expect from him. In these hes tense but trying hard to look professional and kind. Smiling nicely at the camera, and when hes posed full body he has his bow pointed at the camera or to the side with a serious face.
When hes with Scar though, he finally is told hes too tense and to have fun. Which basically means Scar is being goofy to the camera to try and get Grian to laugh. But the photographer mostly catches when Grian is rolling his eyes with a smile, making him look a bit like a troublemaker. And when him and Scar are posing together, thats shown even more as Grian is purposefully making himself a nuisance to Scar. Getting in the way of the camera or taking his bow from him or pointing his own bow at him making Scar raise his hands in faux fear.
(A few specific ones I imagine are HotGuy pointing at the camera with a bright smile, while CuteGuy leans on his shoulder looking at the camera with his arms crossed and a sly smirk. Or Grian on the ground as Scar extends his hand to help him up, both are laughing. I also see Scar smiling and 'checking himself out' in the camera while CuteGuy is behind him pointing his bow at him while he doesnt even know.)
I mention him having a few outfits changes and those are stuff like, white and blue skirts with white tights underneath and whits knee length boots. A mix of shirts with either HotGuy or CuteGuy logos on it. He is dressed in what I feel like is a mix of Arianna Griande type look but functional superhero outfits.
Something I struggle with is keeping the balance of Grian being masculine and feminine. He is secure in how he dresses and the things he likes. But societal wise, theres still a little bit of pressure there and he knows that. What is a little bit of a spoiler, but will say, is that these photos, when released to the public, are meant to pain Grian is a mischievous and troublemaker look. And its a good thing. Him and HotGuy are pinned against each other as opposites two times over. Their colors are opposite, and to the public, so are their personas!
I hope this helps! I went a little bit on a tangent there so sorry! Please dont feel like you need to do any of this! I just hope I was able to help you with the compilation of quotes for you too look at! And sorry this took so long to answer!
If you need anything else please to be afraid to ask! And I cant wait to see anything you create! <3<3<3<3
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chaoxfix · 1 year
for the author asks or idk what they're called: 18 and 22 :)
ty for the ask!! <3
18 - What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
from why do we talk if we're just going to lie
Tails pokes Sonic’s nose, looking at him very seriously. “Why did we spend so long learning to talk to each other if all you’re gonna do is lie?” 
Sonic stares at him. Then, he laughs. It took him a minute to remember what Tails is referencing — but he remembers, too. He punches Tails’s shoulder. “How long have you been waiting to use that on me, huh? Just waiting to give me a taste of my own medicine?”
“Aw, cut it out.” Tails feels heat creep into his cheeks. “It’s not like I’ve been waiting and planning it,” he lies. “And don’t ignore me! You’ve got a concussion, I want you to follow the light with your eyes.” 
im really not the best with commentary bc i usually go for several low-level gut punches per chapter and just >:3c the whole time.
but for this one i do remember feeling pretty clever with the meshing of backstory/previous scene, and plot progression, and character notes. also, "he lies," says sooo much imo. i can clearly picture tails lying awake, pouting shortly after the previous scene and just scheming ways to get back at sonic for the lil red wagon. or maybe the first time that sonic showed hesitation in being looked after (saved from imminent danger, no sweat, but only big brothers get to put bandaids on their little brothers, not the only way around). tails sees it and thinks its stupid and unfair and plots from there on out.
...im also gonna take a part of the same fic that i haaaaaate and put it here bc i feel like i cant edit it out bc someone quoted it in the comments so now i cant delete it without a record of "waaaaait, that line doesn't exist anymore" . so i hate it, but it'll stay in there unless i finally get so full of self-loathing that i destroy this line like i should have all along. lol
Sonic snickers. At least he’s relieved, rather than getting mad at Tails for sneaking out. “Guess I should thank you – not sure how I would’ve bounced back from that. Think you can angle me back towards the giant killer robot though?” 
Tails only learned that word recently, but man, it fits. 
hate this part bc it feels ooc ...but also ic in a super embarrassing but way too relatable way. when i was young i used big words that were accurate, but i did it just to seem smarter, and it always felt way out of place. aka: cringe! i was a very cringe kid who grew up to only be a slightly less cringe adult. anyways tails would 100% do the same, but i think he'd only do it out loud in specific scenarios, and not alone in his head. so this is like, half and half ic....... but i hate it because i get war flashbacks when i read this line, bc i remember a specific childhood memory that illustrates me being the most aggravating know-it-all alive (9 year old version)
22 - Have you cried while writing a fic?
nope! only when watching movies or playing video games or reading. while writing im just >:3 during sad scenes
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Idk if anyone has ever said this to you but, the amount of detail that you put into creating your work is amazing. Its as if you made a full movie for us, the clothes, the banner, the scene cuts pictures, and most importantly the songs. I have read fanfics from 7 years ago but its usually songs that are the exact depiction of the scene with lyrics and stuff but You put some music that actually enhanced the scene more, for like when damian saw y/n in the green house of wayne manor. The music SUITS IT SO WELL even from the first second the ambience was *cheffs kiss* and im not just talking about toxicology, im talking about the rest like HoS and unrequited (these are my fav to reread and listen to the songs again).
With that adding layers to the immaculate plot that you have, it shows that you clearly made it from the heart and the creative freedom that you have, and i as the reader am so grateful for you, i wish i could bake you a cake rn and send it to you wherever you are
I remember sometime ago if im not mistaken (i guess its after the HoS era) you told us that you wont write anymore bc the preassure and demands made it not as pleasing as writing fics should. At that point i was so pissed at those people bc HOW COULD THEY NOT SEE IT FFS, no req, no taglist. Its clear that you write bc you love it and us we are just the lovely spectators blessed to enjoy it as well. And your decision was also valid bc if i were you i would leave too, i wont sacrifice my happiness for some dimwits who cant take the hint
So bby all im saying to you is that, take care and write away, i love you and for the people demanding for the next part, fuck you i hope you got the same toxin as bruce right after you hit the ask button
Oh my goodness. You are too kind. Thank you for saying all that. 😭
Your music comment really caught my attention. I'm very specific with music that I include in my fics. And people seem to love it, so I'll keep doing it. Not to shit on other people, but sometimes I feel like others add music to their stories based solely on the lyrics. And the instrumental will be so off and completely wrong for the mood of the scene. I just tend to think of the composition and instrumental. Oddly enough, I don't listen to lyrics as much as the beat and music itself.
But thank you again for writing all of that. It was so sweet.
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swordbreakerz · 4 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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mouazkhaled · 4 years
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I read once that to write a character in a screenplay you should prepare as much as possible about this character’s aspects starting from their childhood, their school and what it has been like, their parents and how they were raised, their neighborhood and how was life in it, their friends and old toys, their first kiss and love story, their ambitions and passions and how they came to be. These can easily fill 20 pages of details that are not represented directly into the screenplay but they shape the truthfulness of the character, the details that make them alive and dynamic.
In Marriage Story, i cant imagine nothing short of a book worth of details that humanized every little moment in this picture. Its truly dazzling the amount of work that went through this mesmerizing screenplay. Each word, statement, monologue, dialogue, decision, facial feature, had been studied extremely thoroughly resulting into a novel of dynamics. It feels very palpable and relatable up to a point of making it into a very personal level of even people who didn’t go through a separation with this level of complexity.
This articulate writing style had translated into elevating the performances into the level of true, its not acting, its simply true on every level. And to solidify this excellence, Noah Baumbach (director and writer) has passionately constructed each scene with the utmost of care; each frame is perfectly designed in angles, colors, dimensions, and production design to amplify the emotional rollercoasters of the story. And lastly, the editing style specifically the choice of when to break a scene and when to prolong it and make more focused, are just in the level of master class.
Marriage story is many things, its an important human story, a screenplay to remember and dissect and study to all those who are interested in any form of writing, and simply a movie that would easily grab your attention from its very first minute into the level of you welcoming its soul punching arc, because it is very real, something that is in somewhat of a shortage in our lives nowadays.
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frigfridge · 5 years
just finished rewatching toy story 1 thru 3 over the past few days, wanted to share my thoughts:
i love these movies a whole lot. the first 2 hold a bunch of nostalgia for me because i was A Baby when 2 came out and when i was also A Baby i would just watch our VHS copy of toy story 1 over and over again. this also makes me the exact age group to be emotionally destroyed by toy story 3, which came out just as i was entering high school and hit really close to home
individual thoughts:
toy story: the first thing i noticed was it still looks really nice even watching in 2019!! which i think is kind of spectacular for the first feature-length computer-animated film. it no doubt helps that the plot is mostly focused on little plastic dolls without realistic hair or clothing to animate but the semi-”cartoon” art direction means the human characters also look pretty nice without going too far into the uncanny valley.
also, the plot is WAY darker than i remember?? not because of sid and all the body horror toys, but because for like half of the movie woodys friends think hes an actual (toy) murderer carrying around the severed arm of his victim (!!) like, its hilarious, but also wow theres a LONG way to go between there and the climax of toy story 3.
the soundtrack is probably my favorite of the bunch. part of that is probably nostalgia but i just really like the consistency of having randy newman singing every song. it sort of elevates him to part of the story, like an omniscient narrator singing woodys (and later buzzs) inner monologue. 2 (and especially 3) didnt have as many musical numbers, which i can understand with a shift to a larger-scale approach to storytelling, but i really like the feeling it gives number 1. “you got a friend in me” is an obvious classic thats been remixed and brought back in just about every piece of toy story media im aware of, but “strange things” and “i will go sailing no more” deserve just as much recognition and praise. there just isnt a weak number among them
toy story 2: heres where the story started getting bigger and more existential, which basically becomes the new direction of the series. which makes sense! this one released 4 years after the first, and while theres no real timeskip in the story (maybe 6 months?) it had been a little while since we last saw woody and the gang. everybody in the real world had gotten older, and with the turn of the millennium approaching, the theme of impermanence loomed large in the collective unconscious. well, maybe not in my unconscious, because i was 2. but its really interesting as kind of a “time capsule” to what people were thinking about as the 90s came to a close.
so toy story 2 was a little more grounded, a little more focus on the human world, but it was also more fantastical in its presentation. the opening “video game” sequence (which still looks amazing!!) and woodys nightmare (”i dont wanna play with you anymore...”) show the animators at pixar really found their groove and started getting experimental. and to great result!! the fantasy sequences are a lot of fun and help 2 really stand out.
i would be remiss not to mention jessies flashback song here. its something else they hadnt really done in the first film and i think it really works. jessie in this film unfortunately doesnt get to do much other than fight with woody about whether he should stay or go (except for when she saves him in the end) but this song makes her character work. it also helps that it destroys me every time
also i think this is the movie that gave me an appreciation for the acting of kelsey grammer. i dont really agree with his politics (i also dont know specifically what they are) but he is a damn fine actor and gives the prospector a very genuinely intimidating edge after his heel turn. the casting really makes the character here, but thats nothing new for toy story-- every voice works. if i were the casting director, i probably wouldnt have pulled erudite kelsey grammer for a character named “stinky pete,” but as it is now i couldnt imagine him voiced by anyone else.
the last thing about toy story 2 is it feels like there were a lot more pop culture references? at least as far as i noticed. there are apparently even more than i noticed but i caught on to the “also sprach zarathustra” riff in the opening, and the jurassic park rearview mirror gag. and of course the extended star wars reference with zurg vs. utility belt buzz (and i guess zurg in general.) the references are cute and mostly unobtrusive but really i could take or leave them.
oh yeah also al is hilarious. just this rude, neurotic businessman whos incredibly self-important for the owner of a minor(?) toy store chain. hes such a puffed-up jerk, every time hes on-screen is a delight
toy story 3: this one kills me to death. i always get misty-eyed during “when somebody loved me” but the ending of 3 where andy introduces his toys to bonnie and plays with them one last time made me sob the first time i watched it. and it still does! thats the long game right there, thats the payoff of over 10 years loving these characters. its an emotional ketchup bomb, everything gets all messy and soggy and sweet. hopefully 4 can follow up, but im not really worried about that-- ive heard some good things. damn, its been 9 years since this movie came out, though! it really doesnt feel all that long, but i guess i havent been doing all that much
i actually dont know if i have much else to say about 3. the opening with the re-imagining of the previous films openings (woody versus one-eyed bart, buzz and woody vs. the evil dr. porkchop) is a highlight, although theres a conspicuous lack of bo peep. ive heard she has a big part in 4, but it was kind of weird to see a lot of toys missing and their absence (mostly) glossed over after the first few minutes. i miss r.c. and lenny, but i get they wanted to narrow down the cast so all of them could get in on the plot.
speaking of which, the escape scene is great too. its kind of a crystallizing moment of how close these characters are, and how well they work together. it reminds me a lot of the escape from sids house in the first movie, but there woody was working with sids body-horror toys and seemed to strike up a rapport with them bizarrely quickly. (speaking of which, i miss those toys! their designs were super cool, but i cant imagine they got much merchandise, especially babyface with the sharp, metal spider legs.) here, though, woody and the gang cooperate the best they ever have, and it really paints a picture of how close theyve become over the years, and justifies the emotional climax in the landfill. this is what i was talking about when i said i was surprised how dark toy story 1 got! these toys all hated woodys guts back then for what they thought he did to buzz. they kicked him out of a moving truck! its just weird to think about that conflict between them when you know how long they end up sticking together. but thats, like, neat, so its ok. it feels earned, its just kind of crazy in hindsight.
toy story 3 was also obviously made long after the first two-- by comparison, the lighting is way more sophisticated, the humans are a lot more detailed. theres just a lot more detail In General. the main cast is, like, super dirty for the middle 90% of the film, and it feels like, yeah, We Have This Technology Now. we can render so many individual glitter sprinkles suck to hamms ass and they will be in every single scene. the “fur tech” on lotso and buster is also an obvious clue, especially in the flashback to lotso trudging through the rain back to his owners house. its like “look! we can make this teddy bear SO wet!” and wow! yeah! you did! so wet!
lotso himself is also an interesting villain in terms of sheer bastardness. he is just a huge jerk. he could have hit that button so easily! and he was so mean to the baby! but at the same time hes a great character in how he slowly “changes” throughout the movie. he is kind of an obvious “pixar ‘twist’ villain” but again, the amazing performance by ned beatty really saves him. also he does get a nice comeuppance at the end, which was necessary because hes really the biggest villain in the series so far. hes knowingly malicious and doesnt have any greater motive, hes just an embittered megalomaniac who (apparently) has sent other toys to be broken, thrown away, and incinerated at the landfill. he honestly deserves worse than being strapped to the front of a truck but it works for a family movie.
i have a couple more thoughts on 3 (i guess i did have a fair amount of stuff to say about it) but im getting tired of writing. the music is good as usual, but the vocal stuff being entirely back-loaded (in the credits) is a bit disappointing since ive always been a fan of the songs, but i get that they were going for something different. the jokes about ken being, uh, ‘flamboyant’ felt out of place, mostly the one at the end (”uh, buzz? barbie didnt write this”) because it comes from one of the gang and not unnamed lotso goon #3, but i guess its pretty tame in the scheme of things.
overall im really looking forward to seeing what 4 does with the series. whew!
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maternalcube · 5 years
i did an art summary so now im doing a fic summary. i was tagged by @jamthedingus also!! ive never done one of these before!! lets go!!!
Rest (13106)
Keith & Lance's Island Adventure (20631)
Atlantis (10014 words)
The Way to a Man’s Heart (6858 words)
nobody's business (2096 words)
leave, and take (557 words)
dead girl walking (1661 words)
the course of fate (1039 words)
who ya gonna call (465 words)
come here often? (806 words)
til kingdom come (1950 words)
stars in the sky (pt 2) (5404 words)
a song of falling (630 words)
Eyes to the Sky (3683 words)
Feet on the Ground (4050 words)
Divergence (6669 words)
homecoming (1426 words)
Window of Opportunity (11144 words)
along that wilderness of glass (3801 words)
string theory (2327 words)
Katt Week (1062 words)
The Pining-Plant (3860 words)
at the end of many worlds (21684 words)
you're my home (19646 words)
Believe Me (3177 words)
Starchild (3568 words)
Summer Heat (2285 words)
third time's the charm (5349 words)
Blackbird (59546 words)
The Sixth Planet (9444 words)
all the infinite realities (1197 words)
Total Fics: 31! (plus one i posted anonymously lmao) Total Words: 229999! (except parts of string theory and the sixth planet were actually posted last year... but still, what a number)
more under the cut!
Ship/character breakdown: i didnt filter out my prompt collection or abandoned wips here so /shrug Ship breakdown:
klance - 6 sheith - 5 shance - 5 katt - 4 heith - 3 pallura - 2 and one each of plance, kallura, allurance, shatt, shkatt, kidge, kidgance, and shunk. and keiths parents lol. let it never be said i am not a multishipper.
and i know gen isnt a ship but it tied with klance at 6 (plus whatevers in the prompt collection) which was a surprise
Character breakdown: man if theres a way to get ao3 to show me ALL the stats, i dont know it. but.
keith - 25 (shocker) shiro - 23 lance - 21 pidge - 17 hunk - 16 allura - 12 matt - 12 and then coran and sam are at 4, and zarkon ats 3 and presumably many others are at 3 or less
Characters that had the main focus: well ~9 were from keiths pov, and ~5 each from shiro and lances povs. i think i also had ~5 from multiple points of view. its safe to say that keith has my heart tho lol
Best/worst title? Best title: i still like “at the end of many worlds.” i weirdly still like “Blackbird” too even if it has nothing to do with anything... Worst title: “Rest.” :/ also like all of the abandoned wips bc i didnt care. and “Keith & Lance's Island Adventure.″ some of my zine fic titles were also... bad. im bad at titles.
Best/worst first line?
Best: Keith & Lance's Island Adventure. ok the title is bad but this line? this really sets the tone for whole fic. you know what youre getting yourself into here.
When Pidge invited Keith to a fully-funded graduation party aboard the Holt family boat (“the smaller one, anyway,” she’d said), this is not exactly what he'd pictured: three of them standing on a wobbly dock, packed bags at their feet, sky cloudy and gray, while the Holt siblings stand on a little ledge off the back of the boat and deny entry.
Worst: ive got two for this lol
at the end of many worlds: even i have to read this a couple times to figure out what i was trying to say. at least you know youre in for pain...
Keith’s mother shows up to interrupt movie night often enough that, this time, Keith almost doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Almost, because she’s silhouetted by the movie, but she’s clutching her arm and panting for breath, and in the thin edge of light around her he sees a wet and vibrant red.
Divergence: because all your friends being dead is EXACTLY like losing at dodgeball. yeah, theres a reason i abandoned this one.
Hunk always hated playing dodgeball. Not because he was bad at it--though he was--but because he always ended up the last one standing, and therefore the only target for the entire other team. It was due to a tendency to hang unnoticed in the back, he knew, but that didn't change the sickening, empty feeling of looking around and realizing there's no one left but him, and there's no way he can win. Only wait for the inevitable.
This, Hunk decides, is a lot like that, only, like, a billion times worse.
Best/worst last line?
Best: The Pining-Plant. there are a few others that were cute too but this one is also good out of context so
And then the pod swishes open and he's scrambling to catch Pidge as she stumbles out. She clings to his arms to steady herself and his heart swells.
"Falling for me again, huh?" he asks, and she groans loudly.
"Let me go, I'm getting back in the pod," she says, and he laughs. He doesn't let go, and neither does she.
Worst: if im bad at titles, im worse at endings. most are bad. i suspect the ending to “Rest” is terrible but i cant bring myself to even open that shit again so: Believe Me. if weather were a recurring theme in this fic, itd be fine, but as is its just... a weird note to end the fic on lmao
Hunk rocks back on his heels. "We aren't counting this as our official first date, right?"
"I dunno," Keith says, and now he smiles at the rain instead of frowning. It shows no sign of easing up, but whatever—they're soaked anyway. "This seems pretty good to me."
“...All right.” If nothing else, it’ll make a good story. And, Hunk had to admit—he’s pretty happy with how it’s turned out, rain and all.
But next time, he's double-checking the forecast, just in case.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
more than i expected! considering ive been in grad school all year!! i wrote about the same amount wordcount-wise in 2017 which i spent only half in school so. idk how i managed it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
the anonymous fic was a surprise but im not gonna talk about that lol. otherwise... nah, its all been my usual stuff.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
blackbird, probably. i like working on that one. summer heat was also fun, id sort of forgotten about it bc it was a zine fic but coming back to it, i really liked it. likewise with third time’s the charm. and i like t6p a lot even if i kinda hate drawing for it :’)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
depends on your metric. window of opportunity has the most kudos, keith and lance’s island adventure has the most hits, and t6p has the most comments and subscriptions. 
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
AT THE END OF MANY WORLDS. oh man i killed myself over that fic. it was important to me. but i think the mcd scared everyone off :’)
Story that could have been better?
i realize “all of them” is kind of a cop out answer but like
Sexiest story?
i have written nothing sexy, ever, in my whole life
Saddest story?
i mean, ateomw. considering all the death. blackbird def has its moments too.
Most fun?
i feel like i answered this in the favorite story q lmao. you’re my home also gets a shoutout, that thing was,, super self-indulgent lmao. and id be lying if i said i didnt have fun with parts of ateomw, even if its mostly sad.
Story with single sweetest moment?
man i write a lot of fluff but so much of you’re my home is just tooth-rotting. heres part of the proposal scene lmao
"Lance!" Keith yelps, barely rescuing the ring from falling into the sand with them. Lance pushes himself up on his arms, silhouetted by the sun and glowing with it.
"Really?" he asks breathlessly.
"Yeah," Keith says, and maybe he should've prepared something to say, that's a thing people do, right? Hell, he's winging it. "I know we can't stay here on Earth forever, 'cause we're paladins, and there's still stuff out there we gotta do. And I know you probably want to stay because this is your home—but you're my home, and if we gotta go, at least you'll have me, good or bad." He grins crookedly. "Or rocket science. Whatever happens, I'll be there."
Hardest story to write?
well t6p gets a shoutout, but its not the writing thats the hard part for that. uhhh ive struggled with parts of blackbird. i remember k&l’s island adventure giving me a LOT of trouble, i think i posted late lol
Easiest/most fun story to write?
anything short uhhh for all the infinite realities, i kind of just sat down the other day (actually i was in bed but) and was like “im gonna write this” and then in the morning i just sat down and wrote it in one go. i dunno if id call it fun, but it was easy. t6p is super fun to write but, as mentioned, drawing it sucks.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
no... my perceptions probably have shifted but not due to anything i wrote in particular. i did talk myself into liking allurance with a prompt fill, though, but im not sure that was 2018...
Most overdue story?
all the infinite realities lmao. at the end of many worlds needed that happy ending. and another shoutout to t6p, because thats been going on over a year and im still nowhere.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
does posting my abandoned wips count? ive still got some of those hanging around... blackbird was a bit of a risk bc my last longfic was written while i was unemployed and out of school, so like i had the time for it, and now i kinda dont. still chugging tho. ateomw b/c of all the death but it turns out i really like writing whump woops. and writing any sort of kissing always feels like a risk bc i suck at it but im getting better lol... i hope...
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
write more! finish things! do more sheith! i really want to work on this sheith longfic i came up with the other day... but i want to get blackbird over with first.
Tagging: eh! do it if you want to!
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bruhhemianrhapsody · 5 years
tagged by @lilithenaltum this literally took me like an hour lol here it is babe
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun]
1. arthur x eames
2. ironprincess (tony x shuri)
3. winterhawk (clint x bucky)
4. frikey (frank iero x mikey way)
5. natasha x shuri
6. symbrock (eddie brock x venom)
7. blackfrost (loki x natasha)
8. brio (beth x rio)
9. klaus hargreeves x dave
10. stucky (steve x bucky)
Now answer the questions fo your followers can learn a bit more about your ships
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? [symbrock] - i mean? the whole movie was just Like That yk
What’s your favourite fanfiction for 4? [frikey] -
no brainer we used to be friends by ladyfoxxx. my fucking ride or die fic man. used to be my fav fic of all time, now sits at second, but still it’s pretty close
What’s your favourite fan art/picture for 2? - [ironprincess] - uhhhh fuck idk man there so much good stuff genuinely i cant choose
What’s your favourite headcanon for 1? - [arthur x eames] - arthur has a daddy kink pry it from my cold dead hands. biggest brat, are you kidding me. “go to sleep mr. eames” BITCH the way he says that shit he’s always looking to get his ass beat.
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? - [blackfrost] - the fact that nat definitely takes NONE of loki’s shit lol that kinda explains itself
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? - [klaus x dave] giggly are you kidding me, klaus prolly calls dave daddy by accident and ends up rolling if the bed with laughter at his face. the silliest, dumbest sex you could imagine
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? - either brio or arthur and eames. if you’ve watched inception... specificity like… gets me every damn time, they’re so good together.
Which ship has the strongest bond? - symbrock or stucky
Which ship do you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? - arthur x eames, ironprincess and winterhawk
Which was your first ship? - from the list? frikey
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? - [symbrock] - they’re the same being you absolute fools
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? - [winterhawk, brio] - both? but if i have to choose prolly winterhawk cuz they’re like… actual superheroes yk
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? - [blackfrost] - nah fam, loki has never done anything subtle in his life are you kidding me
What is 9′s favourite date to go on? - [klaus x dave] - the vietnam war babie ;)) nah but fr klaus would love if dave took him and did all the classic date things (dinner, a movie, goodnight kiss at the door) but never admits it bcuz he has a thot reputation to uphold
What’s your favourite canon moment between 10? - [stucky] - all of the 1940’s, bcuz the only good stucky is shrunkyclunks and that’s the tea
What do 5 argue most about? - [nat x shuri] - the fact that natasha has NO communication skills to be heard of and shuri has about 0 patience so they clash a lot
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? - god only one? winterhawk, but arthur and earnes come close in second
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? - [arthur x eames] - dream sex (duh are you kidding me) especially exploring older man/younger man role play in said dream. arthur has a daddy kink pry that from my cold dead hands cowards
Do 8 want children? - [brio] this question answers itself lol, hell yeah
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather became canon? - [stucky, frikey] - 10 of course, i don’t condone shipping real people actually in real life, they have wives and kids don’t do that
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? - [ironprincess] - so much. another self explanatory one. shuri loves to sit in tony’s lap and he never takes his hands off her lol
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? - uhhh fuck symbrock prolly
How would the proposal between 5 go? - [nat x shuri] - nat proposes on their five year anniversary, she takes shuri to russia for the first time and takes her to the russian street markets. she drops down on one knee in the middle of the road like a lovesick fool and shuri also cries like a lovesickfool bcuz they’re in love and that’s how it goes
Who cooks more often in 3? - [winterhawk] - bucky. clint would burn the house down lol are you kidding me. bucky knew how to bake back in the 40’s and still makes kickass pie and cookies and bread n shit
Tagging: im not gonna tag anyone fools do it if you wanna
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
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For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
Also follow us on Facebook, dudes.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/4-straight-up-lies-movies-tell-teens-about-high-school/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/07/12/4-straight-up-lies-movies-tell-teens-about-high-school/
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adambstingus · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
Also follow us on Facebook, dudes.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/4-straight-up-lies-movies-tell-teens-about-high-school/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/175827708192
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
Also follow us on Facebook, dudes.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2BZG3Ru
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Ei9G2m via Viral News HQ
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
If you loved this article and want more content like this, support our site with a visit to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you.
For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
Also follow us on Facebook, dudes.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2BZG3Ru
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Ei9G2m via Viral News HQ
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