#and he survived
lukesfrag · 4 months
Sam and Final Girls
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im-not-a-joke · 9 months
I’m just now realizing that not only did they make David tennant Drive A Burning Car, but they mad him do it while wearing the snake contacts and sunglasses, so he was Essentially Blind While Driving A Burning Car
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"Eddie was really hurtling towards his doom all season."
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If they planned to make him a tragic character and kill him off I get that, fine, but to say he could only ever end up dead or in jail.
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So in season 4 let's recap:
Murray and Joyce travelling to Russia to a top secret prison, with demogorgons to break out Hopper, succeeding. -According to the Duffers completely plausible.
Hopper who survived his death by jumping offscreen to safety (which tbh reminds me of how a certain walking dead character survived), has been tortured, running around in bare feet in the snow for hours, fights a demogorgon with a sword and survives. -According to the Duffers completely plausible.
Max got vecnaed, arms and legs broken, somehow didn't get her jaw snapped like Chrissy and Fred, literally died and was brought back by Ell, who has never shown a hint of healing ability. Max survives. - According to the Duffers completely plausible.
Eddie surviving the final battle, hiding from the police or Hopper becoming chief again and clearing him, or even talking to his old coworkers who clearly don't know what's going on but know they are out of their depth. Or Owens clears Eddie. His friend literally dropped Hopper off so she had connections, was involved with the group.-According to the Duffers impossible.
"He would have wound up in jail-this fantasy that he would have been in Milwaukee graduating sadly was never an outcome for him."
Really? That's where they draw the line? That's the thing that the characters can't overcome? They can fight monsters, main characters can be magically resurrected but you can't keep one innocent teenager out of jail?
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In other news, chief of police here in Poland accidentally blew up his office with a grenade launcher bc he was curious what would happen or sth
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wrenchwenches · 14 days
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protoctist · 4 months
i know ryoko kui is a real one because she wrote 97+ chapters of a manga about fantasy ecosystems and food chains and not once did she write the phrase "survival of the fittest" (it's a bad phrase) (it's a social darwinist phrase even) (hated amongst biologists) (doesn't make sense) (darwin didn't use it) (coined by an business major) (one of the worst phrases in pop science) (no good)
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stil-lindigo · 3 months
when people reblog donation posts and say "donate what you can", I really feel like people aren't actually internalising it. not all of us can afford to donate $50, $100, more than that. but i know for a fact that there are thousands of us that can spare $2 or $5, and that all adds up.
it hurts so much to sit here and feel the limits of our own ability. we're not millionaires. we can't instantly fund these escape attempts. but these are bids for life, by people who never asked for the hellfire being rained upon them by sadistic colonialists, greedy for oil and land. they committed no crime other than being born in palestine. and of course it's unfair, to have to shoulder the weight of people's lives when we're all struggling to get by as it is. but our governments relentlessly fail us, they fail to scrape at the bottom of their cold dead hearts for their last dregs of humanity. it is so, so unfair, but it is up to the common man to save each other.
please. look at this spreadsheet. find a fund that resonates with you. and DONATE WHAT YOU CAN.
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squarecloud73 · 10 days
*I worship you Tumblr please don’t remove it
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Picky eater
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perplexingly · 6 months
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“He never had any real hope in the affair from the beginning; but being a cheerful hobbit he had not needed hope, as long as despair could be postponed.”
The comic is based on a scene from the chapter “The passage of the marshes”
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sopuu · 6 months
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canary’s ascent to death
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beybuniki · 1 month
Your version of Deku makes me think that he ate dirt as a kid (and weirdly enjoyed it)
he did and bakugo can't wait to share this with class 1A
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Why was Nightmare Foxy in the closet in FNAF 4,,,
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mitathemita · 15 days
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thank you sundrop fnaf,,,,,,
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doublel27 · 2 months
We’re never beating the “disaster bi” accusations if you swing from running into the closet screaming “hot chicks” on one date and then invite the man to your sister’s wedding blowing off the closet doors to everyone you know, including your biological parents, who are terrible, for the second.
good luck sir.
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anjanahalo · 1 month
Potential DPxDC Prompt
Danny survived high school with his identity intact. It wasn't easy, and it involved "Phantom" making a deal with his parents to help fight the ghosts in return for their amnesty if permanent banishment back to the ghost zone, but no one was getting zapped or gooped or vivisected, so it's all great! Meanwhile Danny Fenton, though his life, has perfected a near universal stain remover that's not just effective even post-washing, but is also environmentally friendly (thanks ghost zone chemists for working even after death on your craft). He decides to submit it to the Wayne Foundation's Innovations of the Future contest for a potential scholarship (Jazz was already teleprompting him from her college in sending out at least ten essays a week for scholarships from other sources). He gets a full ride to the University of Gotham, along with a hefty contract for exclusive rights to his stain remover formula. The issue? Danny knows the product includes a short-lived form of ectoplasm to work, and he is very, very hesitant to allow something as big as Wayne Corp to learn about that. His parents and their zeal caused so much harm just wanting to learn about the Ghost Zone. How dangerous would it be for an Entire Corporation, whose business is to exploit for gain, to learn about it? He didn't think this scholarship application through, did he? Meanwhile Batco is horrified and aghast that a civilian not only sent in something with Lazarus water in it for a fuckin' scholarship, it is actually useful for something besides raising the dead!
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Hermits logging in for the sole purpose of yelling at other Hermits mid-stream my beloved
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