#and have been chasing that kind of proper fantasy novel high my whole adult life
notjanine · 2 years
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oklahoma road trip day one: botanical garden, bookstore, and both restaurants on my itinerary are sadly underwhelming but i try to enjoy myself anyway
oklahoma road trip day two: clinical trial is GO, accidentally find a different bookstore that ends up being the best i have ever visited and it’s right next to a cafe that had a donut so good it brought me to tears
#like i cry about everything EXCEPT food bc that’s like. that’s my thing. i’m usually having too many thoughts to cry.#sometimes something exceptional will make me go no thoughts head empty and that’s generally like my peak food experience#but this donut…….#it was an earl grey cake donut with lavender and like#1. i am not an earl grey bitch (lady grey is my shit)#2. i am not a cake donut bitch (regular fluffy yeasted donuts are my shit)#and 3. i am not a lavender bitch (i think it’s not particularly pleasant and usually used wrong and always too strong)#but i ordered that donut anyway and i will be thinking about it every day for the rest of my LIFE#there was this citrus topping on it that was so……#i also got a watermelon jalapeño (regular fluffy yeasted) donut that was somehow also good#like watermelon without being cloying and#jalapeño actually used correctly (imo) (i’m a jalapeño hater) (anything jalapeño can do serrano can do better)#and the bookstore the bookstore! the variety was insane. there was so much in there i had never HEARD of#and it wasn’t even a weird used bookstore! just curated by some kind of eccentric genius#(i met the guy and explained that i loved the unicorn chronicles as a kid#and have been chasing that kind of proper fantasy novel high my whole adult life#and he was immediately like I gotchu)#GOSH. what a morning i had!#i can’t wait to go back for my follow up appointment at the end of the trial#and i’m trying to be excited without being too optimistic bc i know how clinical trials work so#i know this treatment has <50% chance of helping my condition but#the intervention is a device!#so at the end i’ll just ask which group i was in and if i did end up in the placebo group then i can just#get the details for the intervention and buy my own device do it the right way#(and if they don’t tell me which i’ll just find out when the study is published early next year)#whew ANYWAY. i need to do many big stretches and also lie down on the floor for a while#bc i did drive almost a thousand miles in two days which is. a lot#americans will drive six hours for chips and dip as they say#adventures
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cyanpeacock · 5 years
Realtalk(tm): Living With Ada Doom
ALRIGHT. so. those of you who have read Cold Comfort Farm know exactly where this is going.
so, when I was a kid, my mum would get drunk, and sad, and tell me about how awful her mum was, all the depressing shit, and she’d cry on me, you know, the works, the kind that should go down with a counsellor, or therapist.
I don’t remember it clearly. I had to like, switch off, you know? Mummy’s sad. I’m sad too. It’s going to be okay. Stroking her hair. That’s about all I remember, apart from the pain I had to hide to make everything better.
Except, it totally wasn’t okay, because I was giving my drunken mother comfort, and the next day she was giving me smacks, and isolation as punishment, and denying me food when I was rowdy, as children are. 
Later, she’d give me a book to read, called Cold Comfort Farm.
It’s a good book. It’s a parody of things along the lines of Wuthering Heights, you know, mopey miserable out-in-the-countryside romance novels where everyone is abusive, but That’s The Way It’s Always Been, Out Here. 
Flora comes along and fixes everything right up.
Some part of her wanted me to be Flora. 
A good, proper, refined young woman. Stately. Observant. Academic. Very sporting. 
I am not Flora.
I was very nearly Ada Doom, the woman who saw something nasty in the woodshed. Well - for a while, I thought I was her, but I didn’t have control over a farm/family. I wasn’t holding all the books. 
This phrase got used against me a lot - “something nasty in the woodshed.” It translated to, “you’re overreacting, be quiet,” in the circles I moved in. Often delivered as a joke, but actually, a warning.
Flora was not, actually, a very nice woman, and she was not, actually, very nice to Ada Doom. 
“Did it see you?”
The point I’m continually making, is.
I didn’t see something nasty in the woodshed, once, when I was a child.
I saw a whole fucking lot of nasty things, all around me, in my own home, that chased me into my bedroom, that physically, verbally, and emotionally abused me, for over a decade. I heard other nasty things going on, in rooms I wasn’t in, but sound carries. I saw and heard even nastier things happening between the only Adult Role Models I had.
This all seemed very normal, until I had an assembly on abuse in primary school, and recognized myself in it.
I told myself, “mummy loves me. It’s not really abuse. Is it?” 
I told myself this for years.
Skip to the future. It’s easier for me.
Later I ran away somewhere a bit cleaner, to live with a racist opioid addict. It was fucking awesome, for a while, but yeah, that’s another post. He’d also use “something nasty in the woodshed” against me, or just say “Ada Doom.”
My mother would chatter things about “he’s brainwashing you! Mind control!” when I did see her at the same time as him, separately. It’s like she didn’t realize he was only using things he’d seen her use on me. She probably didn’t, because they’d probably been used on her, and she hadn’t spotted the conditioning.
So, in this story, what did “Flora” turn out to be?
An angry, inhibited, explosive, snappy, hungry young man, who just wanted to get high, forget about the past, and go to lesson, so he could learn something that would get him out of this shithole, and into a decent home, with a car that runs and a job that pays in the wallet, mind, and heart. 
I hid so much of the pain I was in, because when it was actually expressed, I’d get dismissed, belittled, or outright yelled at, even after the physical hitting had stopped. 
She always said, “you know you can talk to me about anything, don’t you?”
So I’d try, like a kid, who desperately wanted to believe that his mother did “love him” - that is, knew how to give emotionally healthy and nourishing expressions of love. 
And time and time again, I’d get, “I think you’re overreacting.” “Isn’t that a bit extreme?” “It doesn’t mean anything.” “They’re just jealous.” “You’re imagining things.” Or, you know, “I think you’re being selfish.” “Selfish little cow!”
So there I was, my self harm getting worse and worse, the pressure my piece of shit school placed on me getting worse and worse, hearing Mark fucking cussing me out again, becoming increasingly abusive towards myself and people I really, deeply cared about, because I had literally no understanding, no framework for internally and mutually rewarding loving interaction. 
I don’t even remember what happened. Shit went down, mother had got a “boyfriend,” they were going to get married, they split up, I was caught in the middle because I was a kid who never really had a dad and desperately wanted one, I got used as a pawn in a game of chess between two emotionally unwell adults who couldn’t agree to break up without causing an enormous fight and dragging their entire circle of Facebook friends into it. It was really ugly. Like, one of the friends died, and shit like “good riddance” was getting thrown about. It was really ugly. I wanted so badly to get involved and break it all up, but yeah, fuck Facebook, I didn’t use it, still don’t.
So, I ran away to live with the one who’d caused me less hurt, the racist opioid addict, because at least he could see me as a son, while the drunk was still transphobic as hell. That’s the other post, for the future. 
But yes, Ada Doom followed me there, and according to them, I was still living in the woodshed.
But I was supposed to be Flora. I was supposed to be good, nice, and orderly, and I was accepted while I was these things. If I wasn’t, I’d get a verbal slap in the right direction, through this insidious fucking phrasology tied in with a long, long history of emotional manipulation.
This all started with my mother, and her mother, and probably her mother before her, and a whole line of absent fathers. 
I’m the one who noticed this, and decided, “no more of this shit. No more of this shit. I am never bringing a child into this world so full of pain, and I have no idea how to fix any of this on my own, and the people who are supposed to help me don’t, and I don’t fucking trust anybody enough to let them in.”
I’m the one who noticed this was abuse. I’m the one who started reading, trying to understand the inside of my head, getting it wrong, getting it right-ish, doubting myself, always coming back and really thinking “fuck, that is so much like me” to conditions that arise as a result of complex, long-term trauma. 
I’m the one who made the jump into homelessness when the racist opioid addict became unbearable. I’m the one who went into a hostel while I was doing my A-Levels. I’m the one who passed them. I’m the one who saw a counsellor every week and just fucking sobbed because there was nowhere else I could cry like that without killing myself. 
I’m the one who read about psychodynamic theory, and fundamental interpretations of the structures of psyche, and thought about it all myself, how it might apply to my brain in particular. I’m the one who read intently about complex trauma, and healing from it. I’m the one who learned about EMDR, and figured out I could do that with good stereo music, and tapping my hands and feet on the bus. I’m the one who studied very specific parts of the DSM V, over and over, circling and circling until I zeroed in on the places that fit well enough to help me understand, find resources, and recover. 
I’m the one who read very, very, very closely about marijuana, the endocannabinoid system, and its relation to trauma. I understood this was drug abuse, and dependency, and that dependency and addiction are almost interchangeable. I’m the one who knew I didn’t really want to smoke until my mind burned away, unless I couldn’t Make It at university. I’m the one who smashed my pipe in July, and hasn’t wanted to smoke again since, and doesn’t really want to go back, but will if he falls/fails. 
I’m the one who learned to meditate, just drop out into a trance, for minutes or hours, with and without drugs in my system, with silence or with music, and now increasingly with background noise, although that one is REALLY difficult for me. I’m the one who learned all those weird skills like “noting” and “radical acceptance” and other things I’ve forgotten the name of but notice as different states of consciousness. 
I’m the one who knew all this psych work was supposed to be very dangerous, you shouldn’t do this if you aren’t A Professional(tm), but I’m also the one who knew I didn’t trust a single fucking “Professional” to do the right thing, make the right referrals, administer the treatment properly, after being betrayed and forced and dismissed by so many so-called Professionals.
I’m the one who decided, in not so many words: well, fuck, it’s less dangerous for me to do all these things, and make mistakes trying, than it is for me to let somebody in, and receive another injury, at my most vulnerable. 
The thing about Ada Doom is, she’s a character in a fucking parody novel. 
You’re not Ada Doom. You’re not Catherine Earnshaw. 
You can’t live your whole life making sad allegories through books that dig up your old pain without actually resolving any of it, because you’re reading ahead and projecting the romantic, ugly, fantasy conclusion onto what really happened, to your body.
It’s really useful! It’s really useful, for a long time, to connect with your pain through fiction. Forever, actually.
But I’ve got to get angry about being expected to be a character from a fucking parody novel.
“You’ll understand later.”
I understand. I understand why you did what you did. I understand you couldn’t control it. I understand why you showed me this book.
It cannot negate, diminish, or remove any of my anger. 
I had to go to a counsellor, for years, research, for years, think and feel, for years, to find the right language and tone to communicate my experiences. I’m still learning. I’m especially still talking, because I haven’t been able to talk about any of this, because my mother wouldn’t let me. All she did was give me strange, roundabout books, that were good, and annoyingly on the nose, and say “You’ll understand later.”
If you’re saying that, if they’re asking the question isn’t it about time you explained?
Isn’t it about time you realized you need help explaining? 
I can’t keep going back to a sad fucking house full of hurting fucking children. It drags me down again every time, although I really do cherish the moments where I could just pretend it was all normal and painless and easy to be a family. I really do. 
And yes, I know, it’s circular, it’s not that fucking easy, because I couldn’t let anybody in, because I was “normal,” as far as my mother was concerned. I know I’m lucky I’m very quick, I learn well, and I’m completely fucking invested in research and execution. 
I had to become these things for a sick, sick woman, who wanted a kid who would save/change her life. 
It’s not a fairytale. I know it feels like one. I know it feels like Prince Charming is just around the corner, it must be soon, just one more page! The Big Bad Wolf is still lurking!
You gotta make Prince Charming. You have to make the person you want to marry inside your head. I’m getting there. There’s no ring on it. That might be the total illusion of self. It might not be. I don’t know what’s happening to my system, yet. 
That voice in your head who yells at you, but isn’t you, but won’t tell you their name? Give them a fucking name. Think them up a face and a body. Go and learn some emotional regulation skills, slowly, because it’s really difficult. Revise them. Pass them along. Talk to them. They’ll stop yelling at you. You’ll be able to turn to them for comfort, and they’ll get all your jokes, because you’re sharing a brain, and the connections do keep coming your entire life/lives. They can be your partner, if you like, and they do too. 
I don’t know what happens after that, and that is just this body/me/us/the irrelevancy of pronouns astounds me. 
So, I’m very stupid.
I really did take the hood off my car at the side of the road with smoke pouring out. I didn’t know anything about what colour meant “get the hell away” or “it’s fine, just call the recovery van.” I just knew there was a problem, it needed fixing, and I didn’t have insurance.
I did it the stupid way. I touched it while it was hot. I tried using stuff I had in the back of the car. I walked to the garage, and they rang my mum? I walked back to the car and slept in it for a while, resolute in my decision not to go back to the garage again. I walked to the tool shop, and bought something to take that bit on the top off. I walked to the library and borrowed a book on cars. I bought more tools. I borrowed more books, this time on engines, because the car book was only about cars, and I had a problem with the engine. 
I kept getting the wrong fucking tools, and the wrong fucking books, because all engines are different, and different tools fit different engines. I just compared what I had to what was in there, then threw the wrong crap into the boot in a huff, or whacked the engine with whatever size spanner I had at hand.
I went back to the garage. They didn’t know what to do, they couldn’t see the car, just somebody who read too many manuals, and was on drugs. I still knew I didn’t have insurance. 
More tools, more books, still showing up at the garage, still getting dismissed, hating them more every time, them getting more and more bored of me. I was getting closer to fixing the car, but still making mistakes.
I found a mechanic, one who didn’t work with the garage. He let me tell him about the car, slowly, the way I’d figured it out. 
He knew a few things about engines. We spoke about the garage. He was very sympathetic. We spoke a lot about the car. He knew more than a few things about engines, actually.
I got better at fixing the car on my own.
Unfortunately, all this walking was fucking my legs. I’d really like to get back in the car again, and go places quicker. All this work is really slowing me down from what I’d like to be doing. It’s also getting me to a point where I can do what I’d like to.
The car still isn’t fixed. I’m not sure what goes where next, or if this is actually the same engine I started with at all, but I have an idea what might work, and a mechanic who knows he doesn’t know the problem, but actually lets me tell him, unlike the garage. 
So yes. Ada Doom is and is not dead to me. 
The fairytale thing is great, but at some point, you gotta stop reading other people’s, and start reading/writing your own. But only if you’re that way inclined, and I said the bit before in a rude tone because I’m frustrated. 
Long post. That’s enough.
I’m not Flora Poste.
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