#and also Teldryn Sero i guess?
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Sketch dump
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julijbee · 2 months
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in awe of the beauty of the world
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venacoeurva · 2 years
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They forget Miraak is there when it’s early and he’s not making loud proclamations about how powerful he is, whoops. He’s learning…things
-Please do not reupload, edit, or use.-
Also a colored version of exclusively Miraak in case you want it, which you CAN use!
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friend-of-giants · 1 year
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If any of yall read this, I thank you. It's honestly just filth but the people like what the people like, right?
For the curious
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thana-topsy · 11 months
The Neloth Post Nobody Asked For but now I'm making it everyone's problem
I guess I'll start out by saying: all of this pertains to my very specific version of Neloth who can be found alive and well (for now) in my fic series "Legends Never Die". It's a big wide fandom, I do not claim to be an authority on Anything, and I think everyone's little pocket universes and OC-ification of NPCs are all equally valid. These are just some of the ways I write and characterize him. So if you have any Neloth headcannons of your own, please sound off!
The Basics:
I estimate this old crusty bastard is in his 700s, or thereabouts, probably on the later end. He stopped counting at a certain point and can't be arsed to keep a talley. There are more important things that occupy his brainspace. He maintains his spry and youthful visage [cough] through his rigorous magical practices, (and his not-so-subtle interest in necromancy and discovering the secrets to immortality).
He was exiled decided to retire from the Telvanni Council a good fifty or sixty years before the eruption of Red Mountain, retreating to Solstheim to continue his experiments in seclusion. Due to severing his mainland ties and House loyalties, his power and influence are significantly weakened, though he continues to expand his studies and has a relatively well-functioning settlement of workers, as well as his current apprentice, Talvas Fathryon, under his tutelage.
And of course, the question on everyone's mind: do he fuck? In terms of his sexuality, he's finicky and if I had to slap a label on him, he's definitely in the realm of Aro-Ace, but on the gray side of things (pun intended???). Here, have an Ace Neloth Pride Flag because why not:
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Personal Interests, Likes, and Dislikes:
The list of dislikes could probably rival the "color of the sky" post, so let's try to condense that into the main point: he dislikes inefficiency. The definition of what he finds "inefficient" can and does vary greatly, even in his own work. I would say one of his driving motivators is IncreasE Efficiency, above all else.
His likes are few and far between. As it stands, I could probably list three off-hand. He likes well-made tea (preferably dark, bitter, and stimulating), he likes an organized bookshelf, and he likes Teldryn Sero (who is also dark, bitter, and.... stimulating).
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Huh? What's that? Never heard of it.
I kid (kind of). Neloth has a complicated psychology. I characterize him to have underdeveloped empathy, but he is not entirely devoid of it. I suppose I'll let him explain it, (from chapter 5 of "Breathing Water"):
“I do…” Neloth began, [...] “I do… feel.” He twisted the stiff bedroll between his fingers. “I do.” [...]  “It’s just…” He didn’t know where he was going with this, but the words were clawing their way out of him like some kind of sick, emaciated animal emerging from a cave. “I don’t think I… feel… correctly.” He exhaled sharply, letting his head roll from side to side, neck popping. “I’ve always been this way. It’s not just the result of graying morals from a prolonged life. I’ve always had this,” he gestured to his chest with trembling fingers, “hole. Like something’s missing.” He pulled the bedroll tighter around him, curling in on himself. A small laugh. “It’s been useful, if I’m honest.” 
He does try, at a certain point, to understand this side of himself a little bit better. Though, honey, he's got a big storm coming.
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Anyways, that's my Neloth post for now, maybe I'll add more another time. :) Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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thetinyshiloh · 5 months
Nine People You'd Like to Know Better
Tagged by @thana-topsy, thank you!!
3 Ships Yyra Denirien x Teldryn Sero (OC x Elder Scrolls) - If you're following me and you don't know this... you must scroll tumblr with your eyes closed or something lmao. They are INCESSANTLY in my head 24/7/365. They are both so broken but trying their best and the most important aspect is that (in my canon story) their friendship happens FIRST and is MOST important before anything else occurs between them. I know all the smut I draw says otherwise, but I draw the smut because my main story is so slow-burn hahahaha. FemShep x Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) - I went hard for this one... it's almost like there's something about red-headed strong-willed women with snarky, non-human mercenaries with distinctive voices that just does it for me... Jude x Cardan (The Folk of the Air series) - Despite the fact these are "young adult" books, holy shit did they do something for me. Also 100000% better than any published erotica I've ever read AND a fantastic example of enemies-to-lovers. Anyways, I finished the main trilogy recently and these two have been rotating on a smaller platform in the background while Yyra and Teldryn continue to rotate in the foreground lol. I HAVE TO ADD ONE MORE, SORRY, I'M BREAKING RULES BUT NIKAIDO x KAIMAN (DOROHEDORO) HAS TO BE INCLUDED TOO, I am obsessed
First Ship I have such a hard time remembering stuff from my early life, but technically the first pairing of people that I fixated on (though this would be way before "shipping" was a thing I knew about) was Aerith x Sephiroth (despite how that canonically goes lol, but i guess i've always loved saying fuck canon).
Last Song "Magia" by Kalafina - Despite almost never watching anime, I binged Puella Magi Madoka Magica in one day (it's only 12 episodes) and holy cow that fucking show what the fuck. Anyways, the end credit song rocks and this is it.
Currently Reading Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain by David Gerard I recommend both of these so far, but I'm also only partially through them because I always take a thousand years to read nonfiction.
Last Film Dearest Sister (2016) - It's weird if I'm not watching at least one horror film in the past week, but this was actually two weeks ago? I think I need to re-watch it, but I thought it was pretty good!
Currently Craving I was craving salted nori today but I do actually have some and so I had it a few hours ago. Right now I'm not really craving anything! I guess this question is more about creative works but as usual, I go with food haha.
I tag: @downontheupside @mishikaiya @ocheeva @dontiform @perilously @fliinnie @orfeolookback @bendingsignpost @drowsy-fantasy
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Wips on Thursday
Thanks for the tags @mareenavee and @paraparadigm
Since I'm a good 14 hours ahead of everyone else it's a wip Thursday! We have art and writing today because I've been hyperactive.
Art first!
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Currently playing around with Teldryn's ears and Vivec's overly complicated jewellery. Why do I make complicated jewellery? I'll never know! I do it every time. I don't even know which one I'm going to work on today!
I also have some writing from Teldryn's POV!
This hasn't been edited yet, just brain farts.
Teldryn poured another flagon of Mazte and slammed his feet on the table. Another evening with absolutely nothing interesting going on whatsoever. He’d contemplated taking off about a dozen times over the last few weeks. It’d been twelve years since he came crawling back to this gods-forsaken island and it seemed like he might finally be free, whatever that means. He chose well, no one would be caught dead on this frozen, ashen rock outside the truly desperate. Which was probably the best description of his circumstances he could come up with. He smiled to himself as he pulled down the old scarf that covered most of his face and took a drink, finishing half the tankard in one go. It was getting late, and he was only mildly buzzed. He should stop. He should stop right now. He’d head outside instead for a smoke then retire for the night. Finishing the last of his drink, he readjusted his scarf and headed for the door.
It opened in his face, smacking him right in the nose.
“Nchow!” he growled, grabbing his nose, it was bleeding but not broken-this time. He looked around to see who his assailant was, planning on giving them a piece of his mind! Probably fucking Slitter again! He saw a figure descending the stairs, a large bag in one hand. Their frame was smaller, more feminine, not Slitter. Whoever she was, she was heavily armed, well stocked, likely had a fat coin purse. An opportunity? He wiped the blood from his nose with his glove, pulled the scarf back over his nose and followed her down the stairs to the bar where she was now seated.
“Oh, thank the gods!” The stranger must have gotten the last available room. The Netch was overly busy tonight since Gjalund and his crew sailed into town on their monthly supply run and it looks like they had an extra passenger, he was intrigued. If he played his cards right, maybe he’d have a ticket off this rock! He sat beside the stranger, who had now pulled off her hood, revealing a shock of dark auburn hair. Nice. He decided to turn on the charm. “Teldryn Sero, blade for hire. I can assure you I’m worth every coin,” he held his hand out towards the woman expecting her to shake it.
She glared at him instead, eyes narrowing at the gesture.
“I’m not hiring any lackeys,” she muttered, turning back to her food.
This was going to be harder than he thought. “This isn’t Skyrim outlander, the ash wastes are dangerous in ways you wouldn’t expect,” it had been a long time since he’d had to pitch himself to a potential patron, he didn’t want to come on too strong. Maybe he was slightly too buzzed for this?
“How do you know I’m from Skyrim,” she quipped, though she did not look up from her plate.
He grinned behind his scarf, there was only one boat that regularly made the tip out to Raven Rock, everyone new who stopped here at least travelled through that frozen excuse for a province. “Lucky guess,” he watched as Geldis approached the bar, a full jug of his own personal brew of Sujamma in hand. The barkeep rolled his eyes at him, the fetcher.
She finally turned to him, rested her chin on her hand and cracked a wide smile. He liked that, “And if I were to hire you, how much would that set me back exactly?”
“Five Thousand,” he raised his hand in a five fingered gesture, his tone deadly serious. He was joking of course but she didn’t know that.  He didn’t need the coin but why not see how far he could get? He knew he’d made the wrong move when her expression darkened. He had to salvage this! “I know, I know, you could buy a house for that much, but I can assure you, I’m worth every drake. I am full of surprises.”
She got to her feet and glowered at him, “How about you take those Five Thousand Drakes and take a long walk off of the pier.” She stomped off towards her room, leaving her bag behind.
And that's the week!
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cawibbean · 1 year
        Somewhere in Haafingar, a small Khajiit was sat in front of a fire, stoking the flames using the blade. Their hired spellsword,  —   the best in all of Solstheim, mind you  —   Teldryn Sero sat atop one of the bedrolls near this Khajiit, who he’d come to know as J’zahr-daro, idly cleaning the crusted blood off of his armour.
            Jone stared down at the Khajiit and the Khajiit stared back. Something ate at them from inside. Something running them ragged, clawing bleeding holes in their heart. Something that desperately tried to escape their mouth with every shout, which stubbornly surfaced on their skin. The dragon, this wretched beast, rattled around in their rib cage - a permanent reminder that they are doomed. Tied to an ancient Nord legend, never being able to lay down as a normal, unassuming Khajiit anymore. It was a sickening feeling, like falling with no end in sight. Not even death could release them, J'zahr-daro feared, as they were given this "gift" by a god that was not their own. Their flirtations with numerous Daedric princes also would not help their curious mortality, either.
       Teldryn picked up how to read Khajiiti body language - although, he's begun to question whether what he's reading is just J'zahr-daro body language. He watched his patron, their ears pinned back and their tail twitching back and forth restlessly. He knew that the Khajiit had a connection to the moons, yes, but did not guess that it would include so much... staring.
         "It's a good thing those bandits were so generous to give us this lovely little camp for the night." Teldryn hummed. The only response he received was an absentminded tail flick. "Along with the supp-"
       He’s cut off abruptly by J'zahr-daro finally speaking, the first time they'd done so in since the camp was cleared. "Do you think the Nerevarine had difficulties living up to their purpose? Or do you think it came naturally to them? Do you think they were afraid when they realized what they were, or was there no realization - just acknowledgement?"
         Now, this conversation was certainly not one Teldryn anticipated he'd be having - one he dreaded ever having, especially since learning his small Khajiiti patron was the icon of ancient Nord legend. Despite his apprehension, Teldryn couldn't help but chuckle at the questions he received. Why, how would he know the answer to these absurd questions? Nevermind the fact of him certainly being old enough to recall encountering the Tribunal - though, his patron did not need to know that. All his patron needed to know was that he was very good at summoning Flame Atronachs.
        "It'd be impossible to know, serjo. The Nerevarine is long dead. Not even reincarnated Chimer heroes live forever." Teldryn mused. "I would advise getting some rest before we arrive at the Reach border, boss. You know those Forsworn are no better than a pack of wild beasts. I'll keep watch."
        J’zahr-daro is quiet. Sleep would be impossible right now, but J’zahr-daro would rather be restlessly asleep than alive, tortured, and hungry. They scooted to the nearest bedroll and nestled atop it. It was a silent compliance. Now, Teldryn Sero is alone. Jone stares now at him now, and there is recognition in its gaze.
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I really wish CC content followers had more personality. Vanilla followers like Vorstag, Belrand, Stenvar, Khargo, J'zargo, Marcurio and Jenessa have way more personality than Rulnik Wind-Stider, Vesparth the Toe and Sindras WatchMan. I'm not even counting DLC followers like Teldryn Sero, Ralis Sedarys, Neloth, and Frea. With the DragonBorn DLC, they gave Lydia a few new voice lines while on Solstheim and going in Miraak's temple with Frea even!
Even if they lack personality, atleast give them more voicelines. Erandur and Cicero are both chatty followers who are again, all vanilla. They have more to say than the CC followers, thou Cicero is certainly a personality himself.
Literally the only difference between Rayya and Vesparth is that Vesparth is an elf with a level cap of 100 and she won't call you Thane. Other than that, they are extremely similar. Dual weilders, same voice type, same lack of voicelines. I do like the HouseCarl followers but damn do they lack some voicelines, vanilla and HearthFire.
The most personality you get from Vesparth is in her journal where it also explains why she calls herself 'the Toe'. She also has a very brief interaction with Sindras in the journal which those one or two lines reveals more of his personality than having him in my party.
For CC content I feel like they could have been much more. It is nice to have a battle mage follower (Rulnik) as there are no battle mages in the vanilla or DLC, but after that they all seem to fall short in terms of 'wow' factor. Their quests barely give you a story of them either, even less so the Tribunal members.
My guess as to why they lack voicelines thus personality, as to pretty much EVERYONE who was added via CC not just followers, is due to storage limitations. It's just easier to recycle already created voicelines and have NPCs use the same 'it's all in this note' 'it would seem so' 'you speak the truth' than it is to make new ones.
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choilacanth · 2 years
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tomfoolery in the Riften apartment
Click to zoom in for high quality!! Also Inigo no longer drinks, the most he's had is a bottle of apple juice.
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ace-memelord · 3 years
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My Dragonborn, Thorn, joins the Dawnguard with her husband Teldryn :3
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Skyrim Husbandos and Their Ideal Dates:
Ulfric Stormcloak: The last time he even thought of going on a date was probably way back in his younger days. Literally the only thing on his mind is politics, so if you were to ask him out, it would take quite a bit of convincing before he finally accepts.
Since he has such little experience, he tends to act awkward during the first few outings. He trips over his words, his cheeks redden, all the cute stuff. Since Ulfric barely has any free time, the type of dates he prefers is late night dining, long strolls within the city walls, and (if the war has ended) horseback riding. Who would’ve known such an egotistical guy likes the simple things.
Veezara: Veezara would most definitely enjoy taking his s/o on contract dates. What’s better than sitting together under in the moonlight, a wine bottle in one hand, a knife in the other? And if you aren’t really a big fan of murder, he’s got a better idea:
He’ll come visit you in the late hours of the night and give all kinds of trinkets he received from his… endeavors. Then, he’ll pull you out of your window and carry you bridal style until you’re both plopped down beside a riverbank, watching the vast sea of starts shimmering from above. Plus, since he is Argonian, he’ll literally force you to go skinny dipping with him.
Argis the Bulwark: He’s a total sucker for taking baths with you. There’s nothing he likes more than holding you tightly in his arms while soaking in a tub filled with hot water. And being bare is all the better ;) He melts into jelly when you start massaging his scalp, too. If you want this man to absolutely crumble under your touch, his scalp is a perfect start.
If the two of you are feeling a little adventurous, he'll even spar with you for a few hours. At first he was very worried that he might hurt you. Yeah, that thought quickly abandoned him and your sweet sparring session raged into an all out battle.
Teldryn Sero: Could go either way with him. Honestly as long as he gets to spend time with you, he doesn’t care. If he had to choose though, he’d have a whole day planned out for just the two of you.
First, he’ll wake you up with breakfast in bed. Then he’ll take you out in town and simply roam around with you for as long as your heart desires. And when he hears your stomach growl, there’s no, “I guess we can stop by the inn for a bite to eat.” Just— no! To blazes with the inn. This mer’s gonna treat his dear right, and how else would he do that without offering to cook a grand dinner for them? Few have gotten the luxury of tasting his cooking, and he wants to keep it that way.
Ancano: Asking you out would probably be the hardest bit. I mean look at him. Does he look like the type to casually approach someone he fancies and request to spend the evening with him? He might as well be falling to his knees and peppering their boots with kisses! Well… he somewhat manages. He’ll have to ignore that gross amount of pride stirring within and ask you on the spot. And when you say yes, he looks even more pissed than he did before. In reality, he’s so ecstatic he can hardly breathe.
Sadly, it won’t be as extravagant as he wishes. Usually it’ll just be sharing a drink or two in your quarters as you ramble about how your day went. Much to your surprise, he really loves it. Sure, sitting in silence while you’re busy studying is also nice, but hearing you speak only to him gets him all giddy inside.
Miraak: You want to ask him out on a date? Oh, he'll be so delighted that he won't even try to contain his joy. What do you want to do first? Where do you want to go? He'll gladly take you there. Miraak is pretty sensitive when it comes to dates, which goes completly against his brutish nature. It's like he's become a different person! I mean look at the man. He hasn't been in an actual relationship in a good 3000 years. He'll cherish every second.
One thing he'd really, really like to do is take you out on his dragon .... his real dragon-- not his other drag-- oh, never mind. He'll hold your waist snuggly against him, his head resting atop of yours as you both cast your sights far onto the horizon.
Additionally, he'll also give you a tour of his temple. You'll tell him that you've already explored it, but there's no changing his mind. Miraak will take your hand and lead you into every room and chamber. "This is the torture room. You can just step over that skeleton-- be careful not to trigger that pressure plate... or that one. Anyway--"
Savos Aren: I feel like he'd make a date out of anything. If you need help with an experiment, why not call it a date? Or if you both are nurturing the herbs in his garden, heck that'll be a date too! He's refers to any of these trivial moments as such in order to make them more special. He doesn't want you to feel bored in his presence, so he tries to be romantic even in the most hectic of hours.
Sometimes he'll show up at your quarters with a precious bouqet of flowers and proceed to kiss your hand. It sweeps you off your feet every single time.
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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Full list (X beside are the finished ones) blade of woe gets its own post, too much lore already
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Full page, close up and explanation time
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Akmirra is Breyth’s main weapon. one the guard/hilt sits a blood diamond, identical to the amulet of kings. Akmirra was forged with the express purpose of fulfilling the dragonborn prophecy. Only those baring the soul of a dovah can even lift her.
Akmirra is a dragon bone sword with the enchantments of chaos damage and absorb health.
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The shattered remains of the amulet of kings, collected and reformed by Sheogorath, now sit on a silver chain round the neck of the last dragonborn, final heir to the broken dynasty.
A teardrop blood diamond set in silver. Acts as a focus for channel Brey’s magic/thu’um as well as quick change for armour and weapons. (no I don’t know how it works, please don’t ask.)
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The staff of Mania, given to Breyth upon receiving the title of Duke by his step-father. On the chains attached to the bottom are two Septims, a little nod by Cassius to his beloved son and late husband.
Atop the black staff, haloed by a gold ring, sits a large gemstone, which sparkles and shines with all conceivable colours. Around the stone’s base are tied seven ribbons, one in each colour of the rainbow. Similar to the Wabbajack, the staff of Mania has some additional spells specific to the domain of mania. (Spells to be decided)
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Yolos iisk, flame fang in the mortal tongue, was gifted by the young dragonborn to his faithful companion, Teldryn Sero, during their original travels. After the loop occurs, the blade remains with Teldryn, as do his memories. But that’s a take for later, isn’t it?
A falchion made of ebony, the fang like prongs on the guard inspired its name. As did its fire damage enchantment.
(Blood Lotus also gets her own post bc she’s a gift to another dear friend. Feel free to guess who.)
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tortie-tales · 3 years
Teldryn Sero x Reader: Can't Sleep
I layed on my sleeping roll, wide awake.
Teldryn had wanted to set up here, in a cave. I didn't have the heart to tell him no, since I knew he desperately needed rest. He probably wasn't used to going weeks without sleep as I was.
I stared up at the rocky cieling, counting the seconds go by.
Seven thousand, one hundred ninety eight. Seven thousand, one hundred ninety nine.
I told myself that if I reached the magic number, and still wasn't asleep, I could go do something useful.
Seven thousand, two hundred.
I got up, silently. Well, that's it. Two hours. Now what needs to be done around here?
I looked around, and my eyes rested on Teldryn, who was softly snoring.
I guess I could go hunting. Gather some food.
I grabbed my bow and began to walk towards the entrance of the cave.
What if something happens while I'm gone?, the little voice in my head whispered.
The thought of Teldryn dying stopped me dead in my tracks.
I sighed, and walked back over to Teldryn.
I would say he looked peaceful, but the helmet he wore prevented me from seeing his face.
I smiled to myself. Should I try to take it off?
I slowly reached towards the helmet, my heart beating quickly.
Curiousity killed the cat., said a stern voice in my head.
But satisfaction brought it back, I thought back, now determined to see Teldryn's sleeping face.
"What are you doing?" A tired voice snapped me back into reality. I jumped and quickly retracted my hand.
"Watching you sleep."
"Why were you reaching for my helmet?" He sounded slightly irritated, but more than anything he sounded confused.
"It's hard to watch you sleep if I can't see your face." I mentally smacked myself in the head. What kind of an excuse was that?
Teldryn sighed and sat up. "Why aren't you asleep?"
"I couldn't sleep." I stated.
"You look exhausted." I assumed his eyes were on the dark circles under my eyes.
"I always look like this," I shot back, "the darkness just makes it easier to see them."
Teldryn took his helmet off, and I froze. I didn't expect him to look so.. handsome.
"Move your bedroll over here." He layed back down and closed his eyes.
"Why?" I asked, confused.
"Maybe you'll fall asleep watching me sleep. By the look on your face you could really use the sleep."
"Alright," I grabbed my bedroll and set it down by him, then stared at his face. He wasn't asleep yet, but he already had a peaceful look on his face.
I found myself growing tired, which was strange. I usually had no problem staying up for a few more days.
Teldryn reached over and grabbed my hand. I smiled at the sight, and glanced up to see him also smiling.
I had no trouble falling asleep that night.
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What do you think of Teldryn Sero? He's my favorite follower and I've written him into my Dragonborn's backstory quite a bit.
probably going to annoy people with this but. i genuinely don’t really have any strong opinions on teldryn. i didn’t even notice him until i saw the hype
so i took him for a trip to see what the hype was about. and idk i just found him a bit... annoying? (which is a hypocrisy, given marcurio is my usual follower.) it’s nice that he has more dialogue and backstory than the average follower. but i never really got invested in said backstory, so him bringing it up at every available opportunity was inconvenient
i also originally thought he was involved in mogrul’s schemes because the two of them always seemed to be near each other in the retching netch so i guess that unfairly coloured my view of him
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
When did you first have sex?
"As if i can remember that....that is like hundreds of years ago."
What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
"I don't even know that anymore. As a vampire of my age, you forget that and just go with the flow."
What’s your favourite place to be kissed?
"The lips since nobody really does that anymore. Something about it being cold and dead. Well guess what I am dead."
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex?
"Maybe a few decades, hey sometimes you gotta do other shit."
What’s your favourite part of foreplay?
"There is foreplay? Okay jokes aside, i like well blowjobs, give me them my dick is still intact."
What’s the most sex you’ve had in a day?
"If I had to count? Maybe twenty times...hell I have stamina to die for, combine that with being dragonborn and the things are all mine."
What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
"It is not fucking a hagraven! That fantasy was diminished long ago. Hmm maybe going down and dirty with something else. Also not a dragon."
What’s the shortest time it’s ever taken for you to have an orgasm?
"Embarrasingly ten seconds. But I had been so overstimulated that one right touch was enough."
What’s the best sex you’ve ever had?
"Around the time I became dragonborn or more like discovered I am one. Very good sex with a random girl, well she wasn't that random ´, but still."
What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?
"No, not the ten second orgasm, the ending was mediocre but the experience was good. It was something else that I will not talk about."
Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
"It depends on how I am fucking someone. So it doesn't matter to me."
Do you prefer quickies or marathon sessions?
"I can do both, but marathon session are just so appealing."
Do you prefer one night stands or longer term sexual partners?
"I can do both but for some reasons I prefer one night stands. I am not someone to settle down." (says the guy who married Teldryn Sero in his main skyrim verse.)
Do you prefer to take control or be submissive?
"I like to be in control. I cannot be submissive."
Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
"Sexually wise? Top. Actual sex both actually. Nothing beats being on top but sometimes having a nice girl or guy on top of me, riding my cock."
Do you like to be spanked?
Do you like to kiss during sex?
"Sure why not."
Do you watch porn?
"What's porn? Do you mean seeing people do it? I don't get the high out of that."
Do you ever read erotic fiction?
"Not really..."
How often do you masturbate?
"Sometimes...not my favourite past time, but I do it once in a while."
How many positions do you think you’ve tried?
"I think all of them...when you are around two thousand years, you get all positions."
How many people have you slept with?
"That isn't a serious question? Ancient vampire...hell I cannot count."
Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
"All my crushes are inapproriate."
Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
Have you ever sent nudes of yourself?
"How the hell do I do that?"
Have you ever made a sex tape?
"Not really, no."
Have you ever had anal sex?
"On myself? No. On others? Hell yes."
Have you had group sex? If not, would you?
"I think I did, just cannot remember. Oh yes the bad sex experience. Fair warning never have group sex with dremora. They are into some kinky shit."
Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
Are you loud or quiet during sex?
"I can do both, very quiet and very loud."
Are you rough or romantic during sex?
"I think I am more rough during sex."
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