#and actions refresh on a timer of 10 minutes
paradoxgavel · 4 months
fallen london 99% of the time: a really fun text-based rpg with fantastic worldbuilding and fun storytelling - sometimes item/stat grinding can get tedious but it's generally a good time
fallen london 1% of the time:
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nerilestudy · 2 months
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Unleashing Focus: How Pomodoro Transformed My Procrastination Habits
Hey fellow students! 👋 Today, I'm sharing a study game-changer that turned my procrastination habits around : the Pomodoro Technique. As a second-year electrical engineering student, I've faced the challenges of balancing coursework, labs, and exams. The Pomodoro Technique has been my secret weapon, significantly improving my focus, productivity, and overall academic performance.
Overcoming Procrastination
I used to be a notorious procrastinator. The daunting size of tasks overwhelmed me, leading to delayed assignments and last-minute cramming. Enter Pomodoro, and everything changed.
Pomodoro in Action
Here's how I apply the Pomodoro Technique to overcome procrastination and boost my grades:
Clear Goals: Before each study session, I set specific tasks or topics to cover during the Pomodoro intervals.
Timed Focus: Using a simple timer app, I dive into focused 25-minute (up to 50 minutes) study sessions, eliminating distractions and boosting productivity.
Short Breaks: After each Pomodoro, I take a 5 or 10-minute break to refresh my mind, stretch, or grab a quick snack.
Longer Breaks: Every four Pomodoros, I reward myself with a 15-30 minute break to fully recharge.
Results Speak Louder
Since adopting the Pomodoro Technique, my grades have seen a remarkable improvement. The structured approach transformed me from a procrastinator into a focused and efficient learner.
If you're battling procrastination and seeking a study routine that works, give the Pomodoro Technique a shot. It's not about the quantity of study hours but the quality of focused learning.
To keep myself motivated and help other students, I recorded my study sessions using this technique and made them available online. You can check my channel if you’d like to give it a try.
Try it out, and let me know how Pomodoro works for you! Happy studying! 📚💡
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theartofhackinglife · 9 months
  Being your own worst enemy can involve engaging in self-destructive and negative behaviors. This might include holding onto unrealistic expectations, never taking risks, avoiding challenges, and not believing in your abilities. It could also mean judging yourself harshly or engaging in negative self-talk that tells you that you’re not good enough or will never amount to anything.   When it comes to relationships, becoming your own worst enemy can take the form of comparing yourself to others, setting impossible standards for how others should treat you, or never forgiving yourself when things don’t go right. You may also find yourself getting stuck in cycles of rumination and thinking over hurtful events from the past instead of letting them go.   To become your own best friend, you’ll need to focus on self-compassion and be kinder to yourself. Make an effort to practice positive self-talk and let go of past mistakes. Challenge yourself with achievable goals and give yourself credit when you accomplish them. Celebrate your victories no matter how small and create a supportive environment for yourself. The more you practice self-care, the better equipped you’ll be to take on life’s challenges head-on and not let fear or doubt get the better of you.   By training your mind to be kinder and more supportive, you can stop being your own worst enemy and become the best version of yourself possible.   10 Ways You Are Your Own Worst Enemy and What To Do About It   You may be your own worst enemy without knowing, and when everything goes wrong in life you have no one else to blame but yourself. Here are the ten ways you are your own worst enemy and what you can do about it.        1.  Draining Your Energy and Time Worrying When worries about the future and regrets of the past consistently occupy your thoughts, you can become overwhelmed and unmotivated to take action in the present. Instead of ruminating on these concerns, set a timer for 15 minutes a day to identify what is causing this stress and develop an action plan to address it. Afterward, remind yourself that worrying won’t change anything but taking proactive steps will!        2.  Focusing Too Much On Perfection Many of us have an obsession with perfectionism that can be extremely hard on ourselves and our goals. We often think that if something isn't perfect then it's not worth doing or pursuing altogether. While striving for excellence can be admirable, perfectionism is often a barrier to success. Focus on progress rather than perfection and celebrate any achievements, no matter how small!        3.  Not Prioritizing Self-Care When we don't set aside time for ourselves, it's easy to burn out from the constant demands of life. Make sure you get enough rest, exercise regularly, practice mindfulness techniques, and take breaks throughout the day to keep yourself refreshed and energized. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will help ensure that you have the strength to tackle whatever challenges come your way.        4.  Having Negative Self Talk We all have an inner critic inside us that tells us we are not good enough or worthy of love. Don't let this inner dialogue take over your life. Instead, practice positive affirmations and remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have achieved.        5.  Comparing Yourself To Others It's easy to slip into a pattern of comparison where we view other people as more successful or better in some way than ourselves. But it's important to remember that everyone has their own unique journey and no one else is living your life for you! Celebrate other people’s successes but focus on your own accomplishments too.        6.  Procrastinating Too Much We all procrastinate from time to time, but when it becomes a regular habit it can prevent us from reaching our goals. Make sure y
ou set realistic deadlines for yourself and break down tasks into smaller chunks that are more manageable.        7.  Blaming Others For Your Problems It’s easy to deflect responsibility and blame outside forces for your circumstances, but ultimately you are in control of how you respond to these experiences. Take ownership of your life and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed!        8.  Not Taking Risks Sometimes we can be so scared of failure that it prevents us from trying new things or taking risks necessary for success. Remember that with every risk comes a potential reward—just make sure you’re prepared with a plan in case something doesn't go as expected!        9.  Refusing To Ask For Support When we feel like we need to do everything on our own, it can be hard to ask for help. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, and colleagues who you trust—sometimes they will have the insight and understanding that you need.         10.  Not Setting Boundaries When we don't set boundaries with others or ourselves, it can lead to over-commitment and burnout. Make sure you schedule in time for yourself, establish limits for what tasks or projects you’re willing to take on and don’t hesitate to say “no” when necessary. Taking these steps will help ensure that your time is spent wisely!   Conclusion By following these tips, you can start recognizing how your own thoughts and behaviors are sabotaging your success. Remember to focus on your progress and celebrate any achievements, no matter how small! Also, in the end, don’t be afraid to ask for help—your support network can often offer valuable insight and understanding that will help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals. With a positive mindset and the right plan in place, you'll be well on your way to reaching success.
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get2knowseychelles · 1 year
How Do You Start A Timer?
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A timer is a great way to monitor your time. It can help you achieve your goals more quickly if you set a realistic time frame for your project. To stop you from working too hard or to make a fresh start using an alarm clock. In this post, we'll look at the steps to begin an alarm, how to modify it, and also the best way to prevent it from counting down.
Set realistic time limits using a timer
The use of a timer is to establish realistic time limits and improve productivity. Timers are excellent for helping you stay on track, when you're trying meet a deadline or stay above water. Timers can assist you in channeling your energy into efficient bursts. For instance, you can set a timer that will allow you to complete a task for twenty minutes. You will feel more accomplished when you reach the end of your time and will have more for it.
A timer can assist you in determining what is most important to you. In the case of example, you might be inclined to focus on the same project for a period of time before switching to a new one. By focusing on a single task at a time will make your work more efficient. It will also make it less likely that you be distracted. This can help you become an efficient worker. Using the letter 9 minute timer can help keep your mind focused and decreases the risk of distractions.
Resetting a timer in order to stop it from counting down
Countdown timers can be used to countdown to an event. You can use them to count down to an event in minutes, hours or days. You can choose the number of repetitions you'd like 9 minute timer to count down in. You can also play a pre-selected music while the timer is counting down. You can select royalty-free music that you want to play during the countdown. You can also muet the music when the countdown is on.
You can also add an pause button or a callback button to your timer. This will be activated every time the timer refreshes. The timer can be programmed to stop whenever the user presses the button to pause. This makes it easier for users to use your app.
You can use the Timer class's start method to start the timer. It accepts a javascript object which contains the configuration data. You may also start the instance using default values. The precision parameter can be set to minutes, hours, or seconds. The timer will refresh its counters 10 times per second. The timer can be set to update after a certain number of seconds, minutes or hours.
Restarting the timer
Whenever you want to restart an alarm clock, you'll need to first verify that the timer you are currently using is running. If not, then you have to create a doubly linked list (DLL) to restart the timer. This is a costly operation since it needs to be done in an entirely separate thread. This is not required when the timer has been stopped. After you've determined what the value is for the current message in the buffer, you are able to restart the timer.
This is the most straightforward method since you can execute the action without having to wait for the buffer to overflow. The procedure could be as simple as sending an email to the following buffer. This is not required. For instance, a program could poll the TxIF bit whenever it is 9 minute timer is restarted to see whether it's filled up. The bit flips and then the operation takes place.
Editing the timer
You can add text boxes or pictures to your timer to make it more imaginative, whether you're editing it to create a timing for a presentation or announce an occasion. You can alter the controls for the timer to display the amount you prefer and also the font you like.
If you wish to edit a timer, click on the entry in the Timer tab. This will bring up the Edit Timer window. The Edit Timer window will appear. There you can alter the name, start and the end times of the timer. You can also alter the font color, outline and opacity.
Timer controls are adjustable by those who hold the workspace role Editor. You can choose to set the timer's display to a number of seconds or minutes or even hours. You can also set the countdown time by setting the duration of the object time. The countdown duration is set in minutes, seconds or milliseconds.
Timers can be programmed to play backwards, and users can also adjust the music volume. Users can also alter the background color of the timer.
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calebshope · 1 year
How Do You Set Up The Timer?
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A timer used for the task is an effective method of keeping track of your time. If you set a reasonable time frame, it will help you reach your goals more quickly. It is also possible to use an alarm clock to stop your mind from being too busy or to re-start your work. In this article, we'll look at how to start the timer, how you can modify it, and how to stop it from being counted down.
The setting of realistic time limits using a timer
A timer can be used to establish time limits that are realistic and increase productivity. It doesn't matter if you're trying to beat a deadline or just maintain your head above the water, timers can keep you on the right track. Using timers can also assist you in channeling your energy into efficient bursts. You can, for example set a timer which will allow you to be working on a project each 20 minutes. You'll feel more accomplished when you reach the end of your time limit and have more to show for it.
A timer can help you identify what is important. You might decide to stay with one project for a while before moving on to a different. If you focus on one thing at one time, you'll be more productive. Also, you'll be less likely to be distracted. This can help you become more productive. Utilizing the letter 25 minute timer can help keep your mind on track and lessens the likelihood of being distracted.
The stopper stops a timer from counting down
Countdown timers can be used for counting down to an event. They can be used to count down minutes or even days prior to an event. You can select how many times you would like the 9 minute timer to count down. You can also play a selected sound while the timer is counting down. You can select royalty-free music that you want to play during the countdown. You can also turn off the music when the countdown begins.
If you'd like to add an option to pause your timer, you could set a custom callback that will be executed each time the timer refreshes. The timer can be programmed to pause whenever the user taps on the pause button. This will make it easier for users to use your app.
To begin a timer, you can call the start method of the Timer class. It will accept a javascript file which contains the configuration data. You can also initialize the instance using default values. You can then adjust the precision parameter to seconds, hours or minutes. The counters will be updated 10 times per second by the timer. You can also set the timer to be refreshed after a specific amount of seconds, minutes or even hours.
Restarting the timer
When you wish to start the timer, you have to first check whether the timer you are currently using is running. If it's not, you need to dequeue a doubly linked list (DLL) to restart the timer. This is a costly operation because it must be performed in an entirely separate thread. If the timer is shut down it is not necessary to carry out this task. Once you have identified the value of the currently displayed message that is in the buffer you can restart the timer.
The simplest way to do this is to perform an action that takes place and does not wait for the buffer to fill up. A message sent to the next buffer could suffice. It isn't required. A program, for instance, can poll the TxIF bit whenever a 25 minute timer, is being restarted to determine if it's overflowing. The bit flips and the process takes place.
Editing the timer
Text boxes or images to your timer, making it more imaginative and interesting, regardless of whether you're editing it to set a timing for an event or for a presentation. occasion. The timer's controls can be altered to show the desired number of characters and font style.
Select the Timer tab to edit a timer. This will open the Edit Timer window. You can then modify the name, beginning and ending times of the timer. You can also alter the font color, outline color, and the opacity.
Timer controls are adjustable by those who hold the role of Editor in their workspace. You can set the timer to display the time in seconds, minutes, or hours. The duration of an object can be used to determine the countdown. The countdown time is determined in seconds, minutes or milliseconds.
Timers can be set to play in reverse, and users can also adjust the volume of the music. Users can also alter the background color of the timer.
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soysaucevictim · 3 years
“more than ever, hour (work is never over)”
Summary: Logan goes for a run, and hits a snag when Roman seems to have found himself in trouble. Again. (This happens about a year before “Cherry Cola”, to be clear. Sanders Sides, Gym Rat AU. One-shot. Ao3 link.)
Genres: Slice of Life, Fluff, Light Angst, Sickfic(?)
Characters: Logan and Roman centric. Janus, Patton, and Remus mentioned.
Relationships: Logince (platonic), Background Intrulogical (platonic/ambiguous), Background Roceit (sexual/QPP*), Background Loceit (platonic)
Warnings: Lots of numbers, Himbro Roman, Roman Is A Disaster, illness, over-training, sleep deprivation, heat exhaustion, (not as bad as what happened in “Cherry Cola”), vomiting (mentioned), Logan Is A Good Friend
Logan was running his typical checklists before setting out for another HIIT routine over at the gym. He highly valued maintaining his cardiac and overall health. He wasn’t in the medical field like Janus is and Patton used to be, but he didn’t need those credentials to appreciate it.
Considering he was a 28 year old Homo sapien, his maximal heart rate would be 192 beats per minute. Obviously, he wasn’t keen on achieving nor surpassing exactly that red zone. To say there were diminishing returns, would be an understatement. Remus would take the notion as a challenge… to be sure.
But that value was necessary to calculate his initial target – 65% of that, to be relatively precise. 125, rounded up. He intended to reach that after some warm-up routine and the first lap or two. He would consider this the yellow zone.
Once that holds reasonably steady, his next goal was to go for 87% at the highest intensity. So, 167 BPM. Holding that line for at least a minute. 2 minutes, if he was feeling particularly bold, he was in pretty good shape at this juncture. This would be more of an orange zone.
After the spike in intensity, he would go down to 50% for recovery, or 96 BPM. Rest at that load for 3 minutes, in the proverbial green zone. And then crank the figurative gears back up to the 87% target.
He intended to repeat this for at least 10 rounds. Add more, if energy is willing. Sounded like a plan.
To hit these marks, one of the simpler ways Logan enjoyed were via the exercise bikes. But today, he thought he’ll do some laps around the indoor track. He felt he needed to work in some more devoted arm action, and that would be a reasonable way to hit this workout paradigm. This outline seemed elegant and flawless.
He reviewed all of that while he swapped out his casual shoes for runners, in the locker room.
It was exactly noon when he approached the starting line. He popped in some earbuds to his prepared playlists.
He was listening to the mix named “Warm-Up Playlist”. He knew his fellows would jab him for the plainness of it, but the utility simply couldn’t be argued with. It was a selection of songs that started at 50, incrementing up to 100 BPM in tempo. It helped him keep his pace.
He stood to the side, spending a couple minutes doing some preliminary exercises. Ankle circles, leg swings, pelvic loops, arm circles, and hula-hoop jumps. It’s important to keep all the relevant joints stable and readied. Janus would probably congratulate his refreshing fastidiousness, among their motley crew.
After that micro-checklist was completed, he started going toward a brisk walking pace. He was going to check his heart rate after a couple laps to see how close to 65% he was getting.
Halfway into his first lap, he was nearly knocked over by a blur wearing a red crop-top sweatshirt and matching shorts. Roman, clearly not paying attention to what he was doing. Predictably. Logan snorted and rolled his eyes. He had to table his thoughts about his friend’s whole methodology (or lack thereof, as far as he was concerned), or else he’d fall too far out of rhythm!
Roughly a quarter of the way into the second lap, Roman closed in on Logan again, he was going at a jogging pace to a slightly faster walk to match up with Logan. Roman waved and smiled at Logan, “Hey! Didn’t expect to see ya here, Specs!”
Logan thought the voice was Roman-typically cheery. Frankly Logan would be mystified about this man’s energy, if he hadn’t met Remus first. “Salutations.”
“Why are you going so slooow? Wanna race me? I bet I can totally run circles around you!”
“No. I have a plan I intend to stick to, Roman. You know this.”
Roman melodramatically threw up his arms and pouted at Logan, somewhat impressively coordinated to his slow jogging. “Fiiine. I’m off – I want to see how many laps I can get in, like... the next hour. Adiós, for now~”
Roman went from a jog to a run before he could get a response. Logan tutted before refocusing on getting to that 65% - that yellow zone. After the second lap, he drank some water and checked his pulse… hmmm, 55%. It was time to hit a jog. He skipped a few tracks toward that range and worked to match.
By the time Logan completed lap 3, he reached and held at 65%. So, he turned on a 1-minute interval timer and his “HIIT Playlist”, on his phone. Much of the music went at 120 BPM, give or take 30. This phase, he was going to rely on his fitness bracelet to tell him where he’s at, not enough time to do things digitally… rather, manually or with his fingers, to clarify.
He and Remus programmed this thing to flash his percentage progress, freeing up some mental space to not need to calculate that value repeatedly, whenever he looked at the monitor.
He picked up to a run for about another quarter-lap and broke into a full-tilt sprint. Every 20 or so seconds, he glanced at the bracelet, while keeping the majority of his attention to his surroundings and form.
20 seconds, 73%. Not good enough.
40 seconds, 84%. Logan grimaced and pushed his cadence up a bit more.
50 seconds, 86%. For the love of Archimedes… it’s okay. It’s close.
BEEP! 60 seconds, 88%. Orange. FINALLY. Okay, he thought he had a good read now, being consistent for the next sets should be easier.
Time to, figuratively, dial things way down. He spent approximately 20 seconds running, 40 more jogging, and BEEP.
He took a couple sips from his water bottle, before spending the remaining 2 minutes going at a walk.
1 minute, 30 seconds, 78%.
BEEP. 2 minutes, 71%.
2 minutes, 30 seconds, 60%.
2 minutes, 50 seconds, 53%.
BEEP. 3 minutes, 49%. Green. Logan sighed to himself, “Margin of error, you have to account for it… anyways.”
Round 2.
20 seconds, 76%. Better.
40 seconds, 85%. Almost there.
50 seconds, 87%. Orange, again. Locked on, Logan smiled. Now hold this for 10 more seconds…
Second active rest cycle.
Once he got down to a walk again, he observed that Roman was on the opposite end of the track. Still going at what he could only describe as an absurd pace.
Roman closed in when Logan was 2 minutes into this interval. 69%, by the way. Logan groaned, some of Remus’s sense of humor “rubbing off on him”. Why must people ascribe such crudeness to an arbitrary number, he wondered.
Roman was panting quite loudly, shouting down Logan, “Nerd- Nerd’s got some SPEED!”
Logan took a swig of his water bottle. “This is not the first time you’ve seen me manage this.”
Roman looked like he just realized he should have followed suit, smacking his lips and drinking several gulps from his own water supply. “R-riiight.”
“You really should pace yourself. On everything. Honestly.”
“HEY. Only Snakey McSnakerson gets to tell me that!”
“Is he here right now? Am I wrong?”
Roman was back to pouting, “I’m not going to dignify that with a response.”
“But you just-”
Roman cupped his hands over his ears, “Lalala – I can’t hear you!”
Roman ran off ahead of him again. Logan could only shake his head.
2 minutes 55 seconds, 51%.
BEEP. 50%. Green.
Round 3.
30 seconds, 80%. Not bad if he said so himself.
40 seconds, 84%. Margin of error.
50 seconds, 89%. Overcompensated somewhat, it would seem. Perhaps Roman’s competitive streak was “infectious”, today.
BEEP! 60 seconds, 91%. Orange, approaching red. Yeah, he was definitely overcompensating.
Third rest, fourth active, fourth rest, fifth active intervals... hitting his marks, pleasingly and without incident.
He was on his fifth rest, soon enough.
Once Logan was walking again, he thought he was up for extending his active intervals to 2’, for the next 5 sets. Things have been building palpable fatigue, but very manageable.
Roman still appeared to holding up, a short distance ahead of Logan, at this point. Perhaps he was slowing down. It was a few moments before the distance was closed again.
Roman was drenched, so Logan decided to ask him, “Are you quite alright?”
“Might be getting a little tired now, no big deal.”
Logan recalled some things Patton instructed all of them about and he looked at Roman more carefully as they walked slowly. Roman looked paler than usual. “Hmmm, is your head hurting, perhaps?”
“Maybe a little. Didn’t get enough sleep again, it’s probably that.”
“I imagine it couldn’t be helping but-”
Roman got a little agitated, “But what, Egg Head?”
“Are you nauseous?”
“I’m not ready to puke, not just yet, Bro Ham.”
“May I check your pulse? Or rather, how does it feel?”
“What are you getting at!?”
“Cramps? Dizziness?… I think you are exhibiting the signs of heat exhaustion.”
Roman looked like he was going to be short with Logan, but it was clear now that he was starting to get somewhat wobbly. Logan decided to prompt him again, “Here, let us go to the showers, you need to cool off.”
Roman knew he couldn’t fight Logan in his current state, “Fiiine.”
Logan was annoyed about cutting his workout short, but he could always resume later. This was more important, anyways.
Roman was lying on his back on one of the benches in the locker room. His outfit then saturated with cool shower water, holding a battery-power fan to himself that Logan let him borrow.
Logan was at his feet, “How are your symptoms now?”
Roman groaned, “You’re not “the doctor” in our group, would you please stop acting like it.”
“I do not wish to see you in the hospital, Roman.”
Roman sputtered a little, “Yeah well, I’m fine.”
“Stable, I suppose, yes. But I know you enough to know you are not “fine”.”
Roman almost shot up to rebut, but a wave of dizziness forced him back down. “Look. I just didn’t get enough sleep – mind was running a bajillion miles an hour last night. So many IDEAS to write down. And couldn’t get to sleep until way after… you know what? Nevermind.”
Logan did care and frankly saw a lot of similar tendencies between the two brothers. It disturbed him and made him wish he was able to help them get a better handle on their sleeping and general health habits. It seemed as though they were both at very high risk of something serious occurring. But at the same time, he recognized that this was not his area of expertise. All he could really do was try to be there for them.
“Speaking of which... I think I see my wall… approaching… going to-”
Before Logan could latch onto any inquiries about walls, Roman dropped the fan and started snoring. After a brief moment of worry, Logan was reasonably sure this was simply a nap, not a loss of consciousness. To his relief.
Logan thought idly, “I suppose I should at least inform Janus what occurred. Roman might not be fit to drive for a while longer.”
Logan tapped out a message, “Hey. I’m in the locker room with Roman. He likely had an episode of heat exhaustion, today. He appears to be doing okay right now. But I felt that it was worth mentioning it to you.”
It was not even 2 minutes before Janus responded with, “WHAT!?”
“He’s safe, just taking a nap. I suppose he wouldn’t mind if you took him home.”
“… omw. That dumb ass has some explaining to do. With love, of course.”
“Indeed, I shall see you shortly then?”
“Yeah, ttyl… thanks, btw.”
Logan supposed he should stick around to make sure Roman was safe before resuming his own agenda. He had to admit, like with Remus, he did enjoy seeing them get some greatly needed rest.
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meditationnearme · 3 years
Is This Crazy New Treatment The Cure To Your Insomnia? - how do you reduce stress
NuCalm promotes itself as neuroscience-backed tension and sleep technology. In practice, though, it simply helped me nap. I recently awakened from a delightful 20-minute nap. Really, it was more of a 10-minute half-nap half-trance, preceded by ideas of what I required to accomplish today that slowly liquified into the types of non-sequitur visions that take place because earliest phase of sleep.
In some way, this was rejuvenating. For the last week, I have actually been checking out the NuCalm system. According to its website, NuCalm is "the world's only trademarked neuroscience innovation clinically shown to deal with stress and improve sleep quality without drugs." It includes a neuroacoustic software application app utilized for 20- to 120-minute increments, an eye mask and the abovementioned processing discs, and in practice includes listening to ambient, cinematic sounds (comparable to this) with your eyes closed and a sticker label stuck to your inner arm.
Each of the elements are designed to set off the body's parasympathetic nervous system, which aids with recovery and relaxation. The disc is created to launch gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that inhibits cortisol and adrenaline. With this and the app, NuCalm halts your body's tension action and therefore the mental and physical toll tension can handle the body.
military, 49 sports teams and in over a million surgical treatments. Some dental offices even utilize it for clients who hesitate of the dental expert. NuCalm's 'bio-signal processing disc' Although the product is touted as a way of possibly healing the body from injury, addiction and physical concerns, it appears predominately useful for relaxation and anxiety.
By this procedure, my use of NuCalm was a success: After my 20-minute session this afternoon, I certainly felt far more refreshed and awake. While a few of my sessions kept me conscious the whole time, I at least felt a bit more relaxed than previously. At the start, I 'd believed I was supposed to treat the session like a meditation, preventing letting my ideas roam.
Why I was so focused upon events of this age during my session is a secret to me, but regardless, I think I still dropped off to sleep for about five minutes. Unusually enough, a FAQ section of the app states that memory recollection is a typical characteristic of "theta brainwave variety," and that recalling memories in this phase allows you to dissociate negative feelings from them.
Overall, NuCalm did enable me to take best little afternoon naps in a structured method. I am decent at sleeping as it is, but I do believe something about NuCalm, whether it be the discs or the noises or the timer, made those naps more effective than usual. One glaring problem with NuCalm, nevertheless, is its rate.
Perhaps as I keep utilizing it, I'll find that this is a totally reasonable expense for the advantage of much better relaxation, health and sleep. At this moment, however, I 'd pay possibly $10 a month. The app likewise requires some major upgrading, as it presently only uses 3 various session types (recharge, reboot and rescue) at differing lengths and with a rather cumbersome layout.
Instead, it feels rudimentary, with lesser parts of the app like the post-session debriefing FAQ totally nonfunctional. I have actually taken some fantastic naps this last week, and I'll keep utilizing NuCalm for this function. It's a nearly simple and easy way of fitting 20 minutes of pure relaxation into my day. Whether those bio-signalling dics do anything, I'm still suspicious in addition to a cleaner app, I 'd need to get a bit more trust in the science to pay $60 a month.
Magdalene Taylor is a junior staff writer at MEL, where she began working two weeks after finishing college. Her work is a mix of cultural analysis and service, covering whatever from reconsiderations of low-brow hits like Joe Dirt and Nickelback to modern disability issues, OnlyFans and the kinds of small concerns about life like why baby carrots are so wet.
According to the company, thirty minutes of NuCalm is equal to 2 to 3 hours of corrective sleep. The NuCalm website boasts that the de-stressing treatment takes simply 2 minutes to administer and less than 5 minutes to accomplish its effects, making it the extremely meaning of a quick repair.
With its sleek website and claims of high-tech, borderline-magic outcomes, I half expected my NuCalm experience to occur in the literal future or, at really least, a center that reeked of sci-fi vibes. I believe I was imagining a workplace that looked like the ship from Passengers and a large set-up reminiscent of the memory-implanting tech from Total Remember or possibly even a coffin-like pod directly out of The Fifth Component.
My NuCalm treatment was not administered on the set of a motion picture, but it also wasn't administered in a dental expert's workplace. On the early morning of my visit, I drove across Los Angeles to Santa Monica to the workplaces of an authentic medical professional to the stars, whose Hollywood customers includes starlets, authors and motivational masters, and who boasts know-how in energy medication, integrative medication and bioidentical hormone replacement treatment.
Rather, my NuCalm experience began in a (actively) dimly lit waiting room that looked more like the living-room of an eccentric, well-traveled college professor than a medical center. The doctor was fashionably late not with another patient, simply in getting to the office. While the tardiness might usually have actually frustrated me, here, it appeared like part of the experience, almost like a sneak peek of the outcomes of the high-tech treatment that awaited me.
Throughout a quick consultation, the physician discussed the NuCalm procedure and summarized the science behind it (more on that later). The gist of the system, I learned, was this: I would chew a tablet of gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or -aminobutyric acid (or GABA, for short), a repressive neurotransmitter suggested to decrease activity in my nerve system.
I would listen, through headphones, to binaural beat music music with two various balanced pulses that activates Alpha and Theta brain waves, which are connected with the very first stage of deep sleep and meditation. Likewise, I would be blindfolded. And, in Doc Hollywood's workplace, I would do all of this while lying on a waterbed although the waterbed, I learned, is not a standard or needed element of the treatment.
I was led to a small exam space (or, possibly, a large closet), where I was offered a big GABA tablet and told to chew but not swallow it while the medical professional marked time the binaural beats and connected the Biosignal Processing Disc to my wrist. Lastly, after what seemed like a much longer duration of time than it possibly could have been, I was informed to swallow the GABA vitamin sludge, which had the artificially sweet, fruity taste and distinctly milky taste and texture of Flinstones vitamins that are a couple of months past their expiration date.
The NuCalm treatment itself was completely pleasant. The music was calming but interesting (I've since registered for a binaural beats playlist on Spotify bless the web). The milky, orange-adjacent taste of the GABA tablet didn't remain in a particularly noticeable way. And the waterbed was warmed, that made for a relaxing place to lie down and rest.
What am I doing incorrect? Why don't I feel calm? If science can't make me chill TF out, am I just a lost cause? Perhaps if I do a body scan, I'll be able to feel the results. That's a good concept. I'm going to do a body scan. This will resemble mindfulness on steroids orange-flavored, healthy steroids.
I am broken. I was wrong. It was not practically over. Maybe it's the kind of thing you can't feel in the moment, however I'll observe a substantial distinction when it's over. I have a lot work to do. Stop thinking of work and being stressed. That beats the entire purpose.
I asked how typically he advised that individuals come in for NuCalm treatments and he stated that it differs, but that some individuals "need it daily." I couldn't help however think, based on my experience and the lack of concrete outcomes, that that appeared excessive. He handed me some research study further discussing the science behind NuCalm prior to rushing off to his next appointment, and I left sensation disappointed and a little anxious about my failure to feel less distressed through the treatment.
For the record, it's not. I discovered the experience to be a little New Age-y in practice, however the system really is based in science. Drawing from neuroscience research into the patterns the brain goes through throughout natural periods of relaxation, every component of NuCalm is created to simulate that process and prompt a stressed brain to switch gears to a more relaxed state.
NuCalm works specifically on the body's inhibitory system, the GABAergic system. This gadget is bio-mimetic in that it resets the naturally taking place negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which when properly functioning is expected to shut down and stop releasing cortisol from the adrenal glands after the end of a stressful occasion.
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Individuals in this state are physically not able to have a distressed reaction. Within moments of application, users will start to feel remedy for the 'fight-or-flight' considerate nervous system action and their tension hormonal agent (cortisol) levels will start to decline as the HPA axis is hindered." Here's a quick breakdown of the science behind each phase of the NuCalm process.
It's really the primary repressive neurotransmitter system in brain circuits. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid is a relaxation neurotransmitter that the body produces naturally when we're preparing yourself to sleep, so the strategy of utilizing GABA supplements to signify the brain that it's time to relax makes good sense. What's not completely clear, nevertheless, is how effective oral GABA supplements remain in triggering those advantages.
While some studies have actually revealed that GABA can cross the blood-brain barrier, others have shown the opposite, suggesting a possible placebo result behind perceived benefits of the supplements. Researchers agree that more research is needed to figure out how useful GABA supplements really are. According to NuCalm's website, the disc "simplifies the process of triggering the parasympathetic worried system, by tapping into the body's Pericardium Meridian with specific electromagnetic (EM) frequencies." The disc (which, again, was a round sticker, about the size of a quarter, that was used to the within of my wrist) was, undoubtedly, my greatest source of apprehension at the same time, and NuCalm's official explanation of the science behind it highlights the most Brand-new Age-y vibes of the company.
It is hypothesized that if you can restore the frequencies that take a trip through the Meridians you can reinstate ideal physiology. Each NuCalm disc holds the EM frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to provide a pure biological signal to your body. When put on the within your left wrist, at your Pericardium-6 acupuncture point, the disc sends a signal to the pericardium of your heart to trigger regional parasympathetic nerve fibers, which then transfer the signal to your brain telling it to increase vagal nerve output and start the process of decreasing the body.
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In 2017, Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP promoted a $120 brand name of bio-frequency stickers, leading to a short-lived viral moment for the tech. Sadly for proponents of the devices, the action wasn't fantastic, with Mark Shelhamer, previous chief scientist at NASA's human research division, significantly decrying the GOOP-endorsed product as "snake oil." Although the NuCalm site describes that "each disc holds the electromagnetic frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to provide a pure biosignal to your body," it's unclear exactly how putting the sticker on your wrist sets off that shipment.
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gunblade-revolusio · 4 years
PSE and PSE Burst mechanics
For how common and core these mechanics can be to farming, they’re incredibly cryptic and have lots of conflicting information online. Today, I’m going to talk about them so you can properly understand just what’s going on.
A Photon Sensitive Effect (PSE) occurs randomly upon defeating enemies, and one’s occurrence is shown by a pillar of light erupting from a defeated enemy.
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Shortly after the main pillar of light is finished, soft sparkles will gently rain down around your character, and the UI will update by saying what effect was triggered.
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The pillars of light that denote PSEs triggering can be red, blue, yellow, or green. The actual color doesn’t mean anything other than the type of PSE that was activated - a red pillar of light just means you activated a PSE that was given a red light in the game.
Similarly, the type of PSE that can be triggered is completely random. Defeating a Dagan may grant you Rare Enemy Rate Up, but defeat another Dagan...
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This time, a blue pillar of light erupts forth...
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... and grants Zero Range Boost.
The takeaway from this? As said before, PSE is completely random.
Nothing you can do as a player is capable of influencing the types you encounter on the field, nor how frequently they appear.
Defeating Dagans quickly will not max out one type of PSE, and using Fire techniques will not make red PSE types appear more frequently. Chaining Photon Blasts will not increase the occurrence rate of PSEs, either.
The only way you, as a player, can affect the activation rate of PSEs...
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... is defeating as many enemies as quickly as you can.
But what about PSE Bursts?
A PSE Burst is triggered when a PSE reaches level 8, then you trigger that same PSE again.
At level 7, the PSE UI will change slightly - it glows with a soft light to indicate you have a level 7, and should be trying to defeat more enemies to try and push for a level 8.
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If you reach a level 8 PSE, you’ll enter Burst Chance mode.
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In this state, one enemy will spawn near each human-controlled player, and will endlessly respawn upon defeat, until either the timer runs out, or the level 8 PSE activates again. If the level 8 PSE activates again, then you enter PSE Burst mode, denoted by an intense pillar of rainbow light.
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Upon entering PSE Burst mode, the timer will re-start from a full one minute and enemies will respawn constantly similar to Burst Chance mode, but at a faster rate. Your goal during a PSE Burst is to defeat as many enemies as you possibly can in an effort to drag the PSE Burst out as long as possible.
If you activate the PSE that is currently in PSE Burst mode, you will either get +10 or +20 seconds added to the timer. The timer boost you get is random.
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When the timer runs out, the PSE burst usually ends. However, you can occasionally have the Burst timer reset to a full minute again - this is known as a One More. Once again, this is completely random and cannot be influenced by your actions as a player.
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The amount of times your PSE burst has refreshed via One More is shown next to the PSE BURST! text - the number indicates how many times it has entered One More state.
If you reach level 8 in a second PSE, you’ll activate Burst Chance mode again. If you enter PSE Burst on a second PSE while already in an active burst, you will enter Cross Burst mode and your PSE Burst will have an extra minute added to the clock.
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Cross Burst is effectively the same as PSE Burst - it just means you have multiple PSE Bursts active at once. However, there is one tangible benefit to a Cross Burst...
Upon activating Cross Burst, you will always get a One More.
So if you were to get a PSE Burst, then One More, then Cross Burst? You then get another One More. If you Cross Burst again after that? Yep, you get another One More.
The only exception to this is if you trigger multiple Cross Bursts before the first One More - if you were to hit Cross Burst on all four PSEs before your first One More activates, you will only be guaranteed a single One More.
Okay, I’m in a Cross Burst. Now what?
Defeat enemies as fast as possible!
If you position yourself in certain places on certain sectors, you can also limit the spaces enemies can spawn in from, allowing you to defeat them faster. This is usually done by camping in a corner, or by hanging near an entrance/exit sector.
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As you can see, most of my loot is in two piles - this is because enemies are consistently spawning in those locations.
What if I’m on a melee class? What if my entire party is melee classes?
The most you can do is use whatever ranged attacks you have at your disposal, such as Sacred Skewer or Rising Kaiser. It can be a bit boring, and you may feel bad if you aren’t contributing much.. but you’re contributing an extra mob to the Burst by just being there, and we all have to level somehow.
If your entire party is melee classes, then just wing it. It’s a game! Have fun.
Is this truly completely random? Is there no way at all to increase PSE rate?
It is. You, as a player, cannot meaningfully impact the appearance rate of PSEs outside of defeating enemies faster. However, each field has weather effects that make PSEs activate more frequently, and the Energizer Crystal Emergency Trial will max out the activation rate of PSEs for a few minutes.
You, of course, cannot control the weather.. but you can control if an Energizer Crystal trial fails or succeeds if you’re in a large enough group. Defend Energizer Crystals at all costs.
Finally, in free fields, PSEs cycle in and out. Once again, you have no control over this, but you will get a UI popup near the top of the screen telling you which PSE has entered rotation.
Are Very Hard or Super Hard Advanced Quests better for Bursting?
It is easier to sustain bursts in Very Hard due to lower enemy HP. However, the EXP gain is lower, and there’s no real potential loot to speak of. Sustaining a Burst in Super Hard can be difficult to do without better gear, but there’s no doubt that they’re more rewarding if you can sustain them.
I’ve had Very Hard AQ Bursts only last one minute, and I’ve had Super Hard AQ Bursts that last for twenty. It’s all up to luck and how quickly your party can defeat enemies.
Ultimately, the choice is yours. Do whatever you need to do to level with your current resources.
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dailyprobest · 4 years
Top 10 Best Clothes Dryers Buy In 2020
Best Clothes Dryers Review
Be it a wall-mounted clothes dryer or the traditional floor machine, it is certainly among the most desired and sought after appliances to make everyday life more practical and agile. After all, it is not necessary to wait for drying on the clothesline, which, depending on the climate, can take an entire day.
Currently, some brands have stood out in this segment, such as Samsung, Panda , Sentern and Costway, a reference in-wall dryers. To help you with your choice, we have gathered all the necessary information for a good purchase and also a top 10 best clothes dryers. 
Top 10 best Clothes Dryers 
1# Samsung WF42H5000AW Energy Star
Product Info
Model Info: WF42H5000AW/A2
Item Weight: 192 pounds
Product Dimensions: 33 x 27 x 38 inches
Item model number: WF42H5000AW/A2
Energy Use: 95 kilowatt_hours
Capacity: 4.2 cubic feet
Installation Type: Free Standing
Part Number: WF42H5000AW
Color: White
Warranty: 1 year
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The Samsung WF42H5000AW Energy Star 4.2 Cu. Ft. Front-Load Machine with Smart Care, in white, was designed to explain and minimize the time you spend in your washing room. And the New self-cleaning technology has your front load washer fresh without the use of harsh cleaning chemicals. Vibration Compression Technology ensures this washer can be located near rooms and on the second floor of homes without being overly noisy - individual sensors keep every load perfectly balanced, even at high spin speeds. Eight preset wash options, including delicates and activewear, combined with nine options, let you customize each load of laundry precisely as needed. New features include door lock and child lock, Diamond drum design, a direct drive motor, and three container trays (main wash, softener, bleach).
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2# Samsung White Electric Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: SAMSUNG
Model Info: DVE45N5300W/A3
Item Weight: 134 pounds
Product Dimensions: 39 x 27 x 32 inches
Item model number: DVE45N5300W/A3
Part Number: DVE45N5300W/A3
Color: White
Standard Cycles: 10
Fuel type: Electric
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​Advanced features like Multi-Steam technology give you the ability to steam away wrinkles. Sensor Dry optimizes cycle time and temperature to dry thoroughly while protecting your clothes. Smart Care allows you to troubleshoot straight from your smartphone.
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3# Panda 1.50 cu.ft Compact Laundry Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: Panda
Model Info: Pan725sf
Item Weight: 37.5 pounds
Product Dimensions: 19.5 x 16 x 24 inches
Item model number: Pan725sf
Capacity: 1.5 cubic feet
Annual Energy Consumption: 850 watts
Noise: 70 dB
Part Number: PAN725SF
Colour: White and Black
Voltage: 110 volts
Wattage: 850 watts
Included Components: Power cord, Exhausted Vent Pipe, Mount kit, levelling legs.
Batteries Included? No
Batteries Required? No
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This compact dryer facilitates quick drying of clothes, sheets, tablecloths and more, without taking up much space - Perfect for apartments or other small living spaces, such as bedrooms, trailers. It can also be the second dryer in your home. That is organized with any Panda washer and any other compact washing machine. Choose the drying time from 20 to 200 minutes. A wall bracket is included; it can be mounted on the wall. Three regular pins 110 The voltage can be connected anywhere, 850 watts of motor rating, which can take a little longer to dry clothes, but saves electricity bills.
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4# Magic Chef MCSDRY15W 1.5 cu. ft. Cloth Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: Magic Chef
Model Info: MCSDRY15W
Item Weight: 38 pounds
Product Dimensions: 16.1 x 19.5 x 23.8 inches
Item model number: MCSDRY15W
Capacity: 1.5 cubic feet
Installation Type: Free Standing
Part Number: MCSDRY15W
Color: White
Voltage: 120 volts
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The Magic Chef 1.5 cu. The compact electric cloth dryer (ft.) Is exactly what you need when you have small loads of laundry and don't have much space for a laundry installation. Its compact and space-saving design makes it perfect for apartments, bedrooms or even trailers. For added convenience, you can mount it on the wall or on your bench. It uses a standard 110 Volt (120 VAC, 15 Amp) outlet, eliminating the need for special wiring needed in many other dryers. Two levels of heat and Air Dry offer options for proper care of the screen. Four timer settings offer versatile drying options.
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5# Sentern 2.65 Cu.Ft Compact Laundry Dryer | Cloth Dryer
Product Info
Overall Dimensions: 24in x 18in x 27in
Clothing capacity: 9lbs
Product Weight: 66LBS
Hot (120-200 minutes)
Warm (60-120 minutes),Cool (0-20 minutes)
Air Dry (0-80 minutes)
Anti-Wrinkle (30-60 minutes).
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Classic compact design: The compact tumble dryer offers a wide selection of heating: hot (120-200 min), hot (60-120 min), cold (0-20 min), cold (0-20 min), dry air (0-80 min), anti-wrinkle (30-60 min)
All-powerful drying: The internal dryer machine component plant works at 120V and 60Hz, allowing the dryer to reach temperatures up to 140 degrees for accelerated drying.
Quiet Tumbling: This Clothes dryer is formulated for quite drying for the minimal interruption, with a laundry capacity of 9 pounds.
Bonus wall mount kit: Sentern wall mount kit included for the tumble dryer to help preserve space in your home.
Quality Build: Made with all the features of a standard clothes dryer; outer carbide coating, stainless steel inner drum, lint holder, air inlet filter and more
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6# COSTWAY Compact Cloth Dreyr| 4 Automatic Drying Mode
Product Info
Brand Name: COSTWAY
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No
Part Number: 23598-CYPE
Color: White
Fuel type: Electric 
Batteries Included: No
Batteries Required: No
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Compact and portable: The weight of this clothes dryer is only 10 kg, and the small size makes it portable. Its compact feature is perfect for small spaces, such as apartments, bedrooms, and more; it can be mounted on the wall, placed on firm horizontal ground, or mounted on the rack (the support does not include).
Performance Powerful performance: This electric dryer with 850 W of power and 10 pounds of enormous capacity, this portable clothes dryer can ensure your clothes dry faster. Even if it rains, you can still wear your beautiful dresses every day.
Multifunction: Depending on the cloth's material and weight, you can set the length of time. Or the different drying mode: Cold (0-20 minutes) cool the temperature, Hot (30-120 minutes): dry cloth and cold, Anti-wrinkle, hot (120-200min): to dry large quantities or bulky items, air dry (0-80mins) with fresh air to refresh.
Design Quiet design: To provide a comfortable environment, the noise of this clothes dryer is minimal. So don't worry, it won't affect your normal conversation and sleep.
High quality: The design of the stainless steel bathtub makes this tumble dryer more durable, and you can use it longer. The package includes: 1 x fabric dryer, 2x hanging bracket, 2xPlastic spacers, 1x exhaust connector, 4x 12 mm long screws, 4x 25 mm long screws, 1x instructions.
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7# HOmeLabs 2.6 Cubic Feet Compact Laundry Dryer| Cloth Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: HOmeLabs
Item Weight: 64.9 pounds
Product Dimensions: 17.91 x 23.28 x 27.16 inches
Capacity: 2.6 cubic feet
Noise: 70 dB
Part Number: HME030239N
Color: White
Access Location: Front Load
Dryer Power Source: Electric
Voltage: 120 volts
Wattage: 1400 watts
Capacity Name: 9
Material Type: Stainless Steel
Batteries Required: No
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Compact Size, Full-Featured Laundry Dryer
We've produced our hOmeLabs laundry dryer for those in homes, dorms, or RVs who are wary of air-drying their clothes but don't need a full-size machine. Dimension 23.28 x 17.91 x 27.16 inches, our electric front-loading dryer fits skillfully in any small space while still pushing 1400 watts of drying power. This is enough power to manage up to 9 pounds of laundry to correctly dry your clothes, sheets, and dedicates.
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8# Panda PAN760SFT | Portable Compact Cloth Dryer 
Product Info
Brand Name: Panda
Model Info: PAN760SFT
Item Weight: 61 pounds
Dryer Dimensions: 27.5 x 23.5 x 22.5 inches
Item model number: PAN760SFT
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No
Capacity: 3.5 cubic feet
Noise: 70 dB
Part Number: PAN760SFT
Color: White
Access Location: Front Load
Voltage: 110 volts, 220v
Wattage: 1500 watts
Door Material Type: Plastic
Certification: Energy Star
Material Type: Stainless steel
Included Components: Power Cord, Lint Filter, venting pipes, mounting kit,Leveling Legs
Batteries Included: No
Batteries Required: No
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The capacity of this 13lbs/3. Five to. Ft. Classified 3 prongs 120V outlet, plug anywhere you like. Has very Lightweight for easy portability to carry around. Stainless Steel Drum. Transparent lid Since it's 110V, 1500W, it may take longer to dry the clothes than the regular dryer, which is 220V. It comes out warm air; it's okay if leaving in the room in winter. It's ideal for mounting on the wall. Wall mounting kit, added
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9# CTT 13 Lbs | Portable Cloth Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: CTT
Item Weight: 64.1 pounds
Package Dimensions: 29 x 27 x 21 inches
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No
Part Number: GYJ60-98E-W
Color: 60-98E(White)
Batteries Included: No
Batteries Required: No
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Comes with 110-125V / 1500W | 3.5 cubic feet / 13 pounds capacity | Internal stainless steel drum | With Child Lock. CTT A + Technology - Reverse drum rotation action, soften clothes, untangle, shorter drying time, energy-saving by 10%. (Clockwise 6 min, counterclockwise 10s). The high-temperature cycle kills up to 99.99% of certain household germs and bacteria without the need for aggressive chemicals. Auto Dry uses an integrated thermostat to monitor and control the drying temperature and temperature. It uses humidity emitters and a temperature sensor to adjust the drying cycle, ensuring dry clothes every time without damaging the fabrics. Wall mountable (kit included) | Free position | one year warranty
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10# Haier HLP141E |  Cloth Dryer
Product Info
Brand Name: Haier
Model Info: HLP141E
Item Weight: 43 pounds
Product Dimensions: 16.75 x 27 x 24.88 inches
Item model number: HLP141E
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No
Installation Type: Free Standing
Part Number: HPL141E
Form Factor: Stand Alone
Color: White
Standard Cycles: 3
Access Location: Front_load
Voltage: 120 volts
Fuel type: Electric
Material Type: Steel
Batteries Included: No
Batteries Required: No
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Haier portable electric Cloth dryer. Electronic Control provides precise Control of your device, giving you confidence that it will work with the best results. The indicators show the operational status of the machine. The wall-mounted portable dryer does not take up space with the option of wall mounting and can place as a portable washing machine. The temporary drying sensor automatically determines when clothes are dry, saving energy and protecting clothes against excessive drying. More easy-to-use features, including zinc-coated steel drum. Electronic Control, three automatic drying cycles. Timed dry period, 5 timed dry settings, three temperature settings, end of cycle signal, cycle LED progress (red), check filter indicator, interior fluff filter, uses a standard 3-pin socket, requires 120V, 60Hz. 6-foot cable. White.
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The post Top 10 Best Clothes Dryers Buy In 2020 appeared first on Daily Pro.
source https://dailypro.best/best-clothes-dryers/
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louderminds · 6 years
10 Ways To Beat Procrastination And Get Things Done
By Forbes Coaches Council
Top business and career coaches from Forbes Coaches Council offer firsthand insights on leadership development & careers.
From time to time, even the most conscientious and productive professionals procrastinate. For some, pushing off a deadline is a rare and anxiety-inducing situation; other people thrive best under the pressure of waiting until the eleventh hour. However, when your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer, it's time to do a reality check and break yourself of the habit.
Taking small steps toward better time management will help you reduce your procrastination tendencies and get you on track to get more done. Here's what Forbes Coaches Council members recommend doing to stop racing the clock.
1. Take The Smallest Step Possible
When you don't feel motivated, take the smallest step possible toward your goal. After taking that step, you're more likely to continue taking more steps toward that goal. Instead of telling yourself to workout for an hour, say you'll go for 10 minutes. You naturally want to stay in the status quo. Taking a step bypasses that part of your brain that is alerted when you're trying to make a change. - Rosie Guagliardo, InnerBrilliance Coaching
2. Identify A Positive Outcome From Your Action
To overcome your tendency to procrastinate, focus on what the reward is when you take action. This assumes the outcome is something you want. Be very selective about what you let into your experience and surround yourself with to keep your energy as clean as possible to achieve the goals you want. - Christine Hueber, ChristineHueber.com
3. Give Yourself A Hard Deadline, Then Schedule It
The best way to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate is to create a hard deadline for yourself and then put it on the calendar. Having a scheduled deadline that you commit to will make it easier to get tasks completed. Treat the deadline the same as if your boss created it, and then honor it the same way you would if your boss were waiting for you to complete the task. - Kitty Boitnott, Boitnott Coaching, LLC/Teachers in Transition
4. Be Kind To Yourself
Forgive yourself. If you have the tendency to label yourself a procrastinator, make your first effort one to drop the name calling. For whatever your past experience has been, refocus on doing 5% more toward your goal and give yourself permission to be human at the same time. - Cindy Stack, Whole-Life Leadership
5. Understand The Underlying Reasons You're Procrastinating
Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating by noticing your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating. Write these down. Often perfectionism, which we may experience as anxiety, underlies the tendency to postpone action. Once you understand your pattern, you can hold yourself accountable in a positive and self-compassionate way. - Christine Allen, Ph.D., Insight Business Works
6. Shut Off Your Phone And Set A Timer
Making it happen is literally as easy as setting an intention and then shutting off tempting interruptions. I broke this habit permanently 27 years ago through the simple act of putting up a do not disturb sign, shutting off my phone, and setting a reasonable time limit to prove I could do this. Remember, this is just another muscle you build so just set the scene to make focusing possible. - Laura DeCarlo, Career Directors International
7. Get An Accountability Partner
To be accountable to another person helps us personally and professionally. Many of us know we need to accomplish something and are putting it off and won't ask someone to help. Ask for help and let that person know you will do the same for them. Accountability implies commitment, that you not only let yourself down but that partner. Find that partner who will help you overcome procrastination. - John M. O'Connor, Career Pro Inc.
8. Give Yourself A Reward For Each Task You Complete
I used to be a big-time procrastinator until I found a way to make it interesting. Make a list of things you need to do and do the one you don't want to do first. Then give yourself a little reward for doing it (piece of candy, a few minutes on social media, etc). Then do something on your list that you want to do and continue alternating from there. This makes your tasks less daunting. - Krista Rizzo, Why Am I Yelling? Life Coaching
9. Schedule (And Stick To) 'Procrastination Time' In Your Day
If you are a serial procrastinator, own it. Schedule non-working time into your day so that you allow time for cleaning your desk, taking a walk or whatever else it is that keeps you from your work. Having this time blocked in your calendar may eliminate the guilt associated with procrastination. A refreshed mind is a productive mind. - Kathleen Woodhouse, Nova Leadership Immersion
10. Set A Few Daily Non-Negotiables
At times, you are just not going to feel like completing a task. This is where creating daily non-negotiables comes into play. A daily non-negotiable is something you commit to doing every single day no matter what. It is something you don't have to think about because you have already committed to doing it. - Kiki Ramsey, Kiki Ramsey International
[This article was originally published on www.forbes.com]
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jeiasacads · 5 years
hi po! i’m a grade 12 student and i’m interested in applying for ust, are there any tips po for taking ustet? thank you po! :)
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henlo! i'm happy that you asked, anon, because i've been meaning to make apost about the whole “paano na ‘to, mag-eexam na ako para sa college” experience for a while now. binigyan mo ako ng opportunity to share my own #roadtoraymund’s2019. i hope that this helps!  ★~(◠ω◕✿)
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- i applied to 4 universities, namely: de la salle university (DLSU), ateneo de manila university (ADMU), university of the philippines (UP), and university of santo tomas (UST)! - i passed the exams of DLSU, ADMU, and UST. ‘di ako umabot sa target grade ng UPD, so ‘di na ako umasa pa.- i went to a review center in pasig from july-august 2018. my experience was positive, and upped my scores on exams that i didn't think that i would pass! (ang saya mag-review center, promise!)
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1. check the university's office of admissions website for the schedule of application. in UST's case, there are 3 application periods, and sometimes a 4th in january of the following year (2020 in this scenario). you may choose which period of submission you will follow, and submit your requirements within the timeframe given.1.5.  strictly follow the application period that you picked. i cannot stress this enough! alam kong mag-eexam ka sa binansagang “school of ghosters”, pero ‘wag mo naman iwanan sa ere ng 2 buwan yung pag-aapply dito. hindi dapat ghino-ghost ang pag-aapply kasi univ ‘yan. 2. make sure that you have complete requirements. UST does not accept follow-up submissions of missing requirements. additionally, you are not required to present yourself in person to submit the requirements; you must submit them via LBC courier. (this takes 3-5 working days!)3. follow all of the steps outlined on the website. UST carefully details every step of the process and guides you through it. hindi ka naman papabayaan ng UST. yie.4. remember your login info. you will be logging in and out of your account throughout the application process. you will also need this to access your test results. type it down on notes, handwrite it, or have google save it on your saved passwords. kung yung mga math formula nakakalimutan mo, at least hindi mo limot yung info sa univ account mo. lose-win.
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1. review center. if you can afford a review center, i encourage that you enroll in one! they refresh your memory on topics from junior high school that may have slipped your mind, and teach some senior high lessons that aren't taught to your strand (ex: chemistry, biology, business & oral communication, etc)! plug ko lang yung review masters, sobrang effective ng mga methods nila sa pagturo at pag-refresh ng memory.2. self-review. if you are reviewing on your own, i don’t recommend going beyond 2 hours a day. think of it this way: pagod ka na nga galing ng school, tapos uunahin mo yung pag-review kesa sa pagpapahinga. tama ba ‘yun? 2.5. pomodoro timer. when i reviewed on my own outside of review classes, i used the pomodoro technique. you set up your timer for 15 minutes and review/study/work. after those 15 minutes, you are given a 5 minute break to do whatever you wish. after that break, you go back to 15 minutes of that-thing-you-need-to-do-asap. then a break. then again. and again. this is repeated 4 times and after the 4th round, you are treated to a 15 minute break! it's a nice, easy way to manage your time and tasks by delegating them into chunks of time instead of the other way around. i find myself to be more productive utilizing this technique!3. having a study checklist. when i started reviewing for exams, i was lost on what i needed to touch up on. kung maghahanap ka kay kumareng google, marami kang matatantanan na listahan para sa review mo!4. mindset. you must be positive about the outcome of your future exam. you attract what you think about, therefore think about passing the exam! negative thoughts lower your self-esteem. with a lowered self-esteem, you won't be confident with your answers. if you're not confident with your answers, your chances of passing will be lowered, and so on. basta, believe in yourself, more power, ganon.5. exam hall. scout for the building that you will be taking the exam in beforehand. at UST, the buildings are far from each other, some with roads in between. it is a big campus, and it's easy to get lost. tsaka, maghanap ka na rin ng kasabay mong mag-exam, baka magkakaroon ka pa ng bagong kaibigan!
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1. bring only what you need. don't bring a chunky pencil case because you think that you'll break your pencil 5 times. chances are, you won't. tsaka, ang hirap magbitbit ng gamit na hindi naman kailangan. 2. most important: bring a jacket. UST has very frigid classrooms, and these are reserved as testing halls for people who will take the USTET. (note: nagsuot kasi ako ng bakuna sleeve na blouse nung exam ko. ‘yun tuloy, sobrang regret ko na hindi ako nakapagdala ng jacket.)3. follow your proctor's instructions. you will be arranged alphabetically, but don't expect to arrange yourselves. bale, si proctor yung magaayos sa inyo, hehe. the proctor will guide you through the entire exam.4. subtests. the USTET has 4 subtests, namely: iq, english, math, science. 4.1. be strategic. take 3 pass-throughs while taking the exam: 1st - easy questions, 2nd - okay questions, 3rd - hard questions. it saves you time, and won’t leave you stuck on one question for 10 minutes.4.2. avoid re-answering questions. this is a mistake a lot of people make when taking entrance exams, which is double-checking their answers. chances are, your first answer is already correct. going back to change it lessens your chances of passing by a lot more than you think. 4.3. avoid looking around the room. this counts as cheating.4.4. don’t try to use a codigo. it’s useless, it’s stupid, it’s unprofessional. papasok ka ng univ dahil deserve mong pumasok ‘dun, ang paggamit ng kodigo sa entrance exam ay sobrang labag sa kalooban ng values ng UST.5. timing. the exam is timed, and you must follow the designated timeslot that corresponds to the subtest that you are taking. kunwari, 45 minutes sa math, edi 45 minutes lang talaga yung test na ‘yun. walang extension.5.5. wear a watch. there will be a clock on the wall, but you need to refrain from looking up at it. looking down at your wrist is better than craning your neck up to look at the time.6. bathroom breaks. time your bathroom breaks! don't "go because i feel like i want to", go when you absolutely NEED to. i only took 1 bathroom break in the 3-5 hours of the exam, after i finished its entirety. sinigurado ko muna na tapos na ako bago ako pumunta sa banyo kasi sagabal ‘din yung habang nasa CR ka, nag-iisip ka na may sasagutin ka pa ‘dun sa papel mo.7. ‘wag mag-stress! katulad ng reviewing stage, your thoughts influence your actions. if you think that you’ll fail, chances are, you will. (pero papasa ka, i’m sure. yie.)
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1. while waiting for january 28, keep your mind off of the exam. tapos na ‘yun, nasagutan mo na ‘yun. na kay Lord na lahat yung mga desisyon, at ginawa mo na ang lahat ng makakaya mo.2. whatever the result is, be proud of yourself! sumikap ka para sa resulta na ‘yan, hindi mo dapat ‘yan ikahiya. 3. see you soon! you can find me at raymund’s. 
sana nakatulong naman ‘to, anon! share-share mo rin ‘to sa mga kaibigan mong mag-eexam sa USTe, para may confidence boost kayo! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about this, even though it took a while. see you soon, tiger! \(○^ω^○)/
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steelemcconnell3 · 2 years
Six Extra Cool Tools For The Dryer
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However, if I had to decide on just one, I might go together with the Beko DTGC7000W small condenser tumble dryer. This Beko DTGC7000S condenser tumble dryer supplies 7 kilograms weight holding capacity. They've each a vented system as well as a condenser system to match your wants and circumstances. Many Fisher & Paykel dryers characteristic 10 or more applications, with a delay begin system that permits you to set a start time most convenient for you. The brand has additionally just launched its AirDresser Clothing Care System − an asthma. Clothes are about gender, class, tradition and care. That makes it an important possibility if you reside alone (or if you’re in search of an option to dry your clothes in your flat or perhaps student accommodation) however for a household with a number of children? Medium heat would do the job well, as you don’t need a lot heat, leading to overheating or too little heat that may take hours to dry the blanket. Laundry days will take a flip for the higher with this rotary topspinner, it spins like a charm even when totally loaded with wet washing.
This would be the rough amount of rope wanted for each end of the airer. A room with a radiator in it is perfect, particularly assuming you may position your Minky Trio Concertina Plus Indoor Airer near the radiator. Electrolux rated finest for efficiency & reliability and general satisfaction, plus achieved additional 5-star opinions for worth for money and design. Fisher & Paykel similarly bought top scores for quietness and design, as did Simpson when it came to worth for cash. Most other manufacturers adopted behind on four stars overall, while Bosch and Haier every rounded up the scores on three stars for general buyer satisfaction. Running your dryer out of your sofa is definitely a novelty, but on condition that you must get up to load it anyway you may as well just press the start button whereas you’re there. Use our dishwasher operating price instrument to seek out which fashions are the most affordable to run. Many Electrolux dryers also use Reverse Tumbling Action to reduce tangling and bunching, and ensure all items dry evenly, as well as a number of drying programs.
But the distinction is that they include lots of drying choices with unique options. Across the complete range, frequent options include a stainless-steel drum, little one safety lock door, and a simple rotary dial control that enables you to select a drying time and begin the cycle. This vary also features automatic sensing, plus a key lock and restart change for safety. The range uses heat pump expertise and comes with personalised wash cycles along with programs like Air Wash, which refreshes clothes between washes, and Silent Dry to function with minimal noise. Additionally, you'll be able to anticipate a lot of washing programs for wools, delicate fabrics and bulky cycles. The range additionally comes with an Auto Cool Down perform as part of the drying cycle to minimise creases and wrinkles, along with numerous timers and drying packages. It provides a broad range of heat pump, condenser and vented dryers at relatively modest costs, usually ranging between $600 to $2,100. South Korean electronics giant Samsung sits in the high-finish of the price spectrum with its range of heat pump dryers and washer dryer combos. Smaller Electrolux dryers sometimes have a two-star energy efficiency ranking. They've eight youngsters.
The Smart AI collection consists of a few of the most recent fashions, some of which feature a formidable 9-star energy efficiency score, plus eight sensors designed to regulate the temperature and humidity of the clothes in the drum as well as ensure gentle therapy of your clothes. But slow vented machines take about eight minutes longer. clothes dryer good guys with larger machines will want a larger line, whereas if there’s just one or two of you, opting for a extra compact solution will be adequate. Samsung’s dryers cater for big households with load capacities starting from 7kg and maxing out at 9kg, typically priced between $1,199 and $2,199. So, the place can you discover the very best clothes dryers in Australia? Fisher & Paykel presents considered one of the biggest ranges of vented, condenser and heat pump dryers and washer dryer combos in Australia. A: Generally, yes. A condenser tumble dryer is extra sensible, handy and takes up less area than a vented tumble dryer. It is best to choose one based mostly on the house you will have. Read our information to see what the varied brands featured on this year’s scores have to supply, in addition to different in style brands that didn’t obtain the minimum survey sample measurement required to be included in our outcomes.
Read our guide to buying the best integrated tumble dryer or go to our built-in tumble dryer reviews to see our full record of lab examined products. See your Owner's Manual for leveling directions. As I ran downstairs, I could see flames licking up the partitions. If you happen to scent burning or see smoke coming from your dryer stop using it immediately and unplug it from the mains. Even now, the kitchen feels soiled, and the acrid odor of smoke haunts me. Sure sufficient, once i shot via to the kitchen there have been flames bursting from inside the dryer. I misplaced every thing in my kitchen - round £20,000 value. There was about £100,000 of injury prompted to our house, and we misplaced virtually every little thing. As they don’t use heat, they shouldn’t shrink or in any other case injury fabrics. When it comes to features, you may count on Advanced Sensor Dry know-how that activates moisture sensors in the course of the cycle to forestall over-drying and injury to your clothes and power bill.
Our newest survey on the subject discovered that 22% of respondents use a clothes dryer after every wash. If you let your clothes freeze strong after which deliver them again indoors before they're dry, you are most likely going to use extra vitality than for those who'd simply dried them indoors to start out with, because you'll should heat them as much as thaw them out (turning the ice back to water) and then dry them conventionally as well. Sometimes the arms will be stiff particularly after a interval of little use. Modibodi makes more than simply interval underwear -- it also has men's absorbent underwear to catch bladder leaks and sweat, breastfeeding bras and tops that absorb milk, interval swimwear and sleepwear, postpartum underwear and even cloth diapers for infants. Two extra minutes and all the storage would have been ablaze. Another two minutes. We’d have died. Because the evaporated water molecules mostly stay near the surface of the thing, they've loads of alternative to bump into the thing, condense back to liquid, and slow down the drying course of. Lay it on a flat surface. Respondents scored brands on efficiency and reliability, further performance, quietness whereas operating, design, worth for money and overall satisfaction.
Fisher & Paykel rated 5 stars for design and quietness whereas working, before landing on four stars for total satisfaction, efficiency & reliability and in every single place else. Consumers rated Electrolux finest with the one five-star evaluation for total satisfaction. Electrolux was the recent choose amongst consumers in 2021, as the only brand to obtain a 5-star assessment for overall satisfaction. Former winner Simpson impressed with 5 stars for worth for money and four stars for general satisfaction and in the majority of categories. minky airer rated amongst one of the best by way of extra functionality, receiving five stars, and scored 4 stars for performance & reliability, value for money and overall satisfaction. It also acquired full marks for performance & reliability, design and worth for cash. It got three stars for design and quietness. Its heat pump dryers include further design options reminiscent of a drying rack, for items that can’t be tumble dried, in addition to an inside light, so that you simply don’t miss that sock hiding at the back of the drum.
The second downside with indoor drying is that the water you evaporate has to go someplace. Dashing in, I discovered the dryer was effectively alight, and just managed to pull the plug from the wall and kick the appliance outside earlier than throwing several bowls of water onto it to extinguish the flames. Founded in 2001 and based in Brooklyn, New York, AJ Madison is rapidly rising its reputation and reputation as a reliable on-line appliance retailer. Known for: The web retailer Wayfair gives customers with a convenient method to find, choose, and buy a washer and dryer set from the comfort of their computer. A very good approach to get the very best out of a washer dryer is to search for appliances with sensor drying. When your dryer is losing efficiency, it might be as a result of one thing is getting in the way. The brand is a particularly huge player when it comes to larger capability dryers, especially if you’re involved about effectivity, with its 8-9kg models usually displaying a seven-star energy score. And with regards to heat pump dryers, LG goes huge.
You may pick up a Fisher & Paykel vented clothes dryer for round $579, while its high-of-the-line heat pump dryers sell for upwards of $1,600. These models may not appear like an amazing value since they will cost as much as a mid-range, full-dimension dryer, whereas not providing the identical quick drying instances. Overall, this rotary washing line is simple to put in, open or close, and rotation is simple - which allows for quicker drying when the day is windy! Just like the 50-meter model, you may also expect a tricky (yet mild) aluminum construction, rust-resistance, a line withdrawal system, and all of the sockets you need for the set up. The Stata line is especially heavy obligation. This dryer additionally offers 5 drying temperatures, a reversible door design, 4-manner venting flexibility, and inner LED lighting. Most clothes dryers just have a front-loading reversible door that swings open as much as the left or the fitting - requiring you to squat or bend to load clothes. Simpson is one of the more inexpensive brands when it comes to clothes dryers. For those who buy the matching washing machine, the washer wirelessly sends very best dry settings to your dryer, so all it's a must to do is hit the start button after you transfer your clothes to the dryer.
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Her secret ,Lose Weight Without Dieting
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1) Use a Timer for Meals
Slowing down your eating time is a great habit for those concerned about overeating. Many people find that it is helpful to set a timer and stretch the meal out to accommodate a given amount of time, such as 20 minutes per meal. Doing this helps trigger the release of hormones that tell your body that you are full. You can also learn to savor and enjoy the taste of the food, which can be more rewarding than consuming oversized portions.
2)More Sleep Helps Weight Loss
Research has shown that sleeping can be beneficial for weight loss. A study from the University of Michigan showed that just one hour more per night of sleep could translate to a 14-pound weight loss over the course of a year in a person who eats 2,500 calories per day. This amounts to a 6% decrease in calories from mindless eating when sleep replaces leisure activities. Other studies show that sleep deprivation can increase appetite and make you more likely to overeat.
3)Serve and Eat More Vegetables
Try serving a variety of vegetables rather than just one vegetable with a meal. Having a variety of choices means that you're more likely to eat more, and eating more vegetables is one step toward effective weight loss. Vegetables contain water and fiber that fill you up with fewer calories. Just be sure you prepare and serve the veggies without added sources of fat like buttery sauces or high-fat dressings
4)Fill Up on Fewer Calories With Soup
Soup is a great choice both as an appetizer and a main meal. At the beginning of a meal, a broth-based soup (avoid cream soups!) can slow down your eating and fill you up earlier. Examples of healthy broth-based soups are minestrone, won-ton, or tortilla soup. You can make an easy soup by starting with a low-sodium broth, adding vegetables and a protein of your choice, and simmering until the vegetables are tender.
5)Choose Whole Grains
Eating whole grains whenever possible is another weight-loss strategy. Whole grains include brown rice, oats, barley, buckwheat, and whole wheat. Substituting whole grains whenever possible can help you fill up faster. These healthy carbohydrates can be found in many prepared products like pizza crust, waffles, English muffins, and pasta.
6)Pass on the Bacon
Just say no to bacon. This breakfast treat is also found in sandwiches and salads, and it's easy to overlook. Skipping two strips of bacon at breakfast or in a sandwich saves about 100 calories. Doing this every day can mean a10-pound weight loss over a year. There are lots of healthy sandwich and salad ingredients that can replace the flavor without the fat and calories. Roasted peppers, tomatoes, flavorful mustard, and banana peppers are just some examples.
7)Reduce Sugary Drinks
Enforce a ban on sodas. You will save about 10 (!) teaspoons of sugar if you swap out the regular soda for a water or zero-calorie seltzer. You can add citrus fruits or mint to seltzer or plain water for a taste treat.
8)Drink Smart With a Thin, Tall Glass
Choose a tall, skinny glass rather than a short, wide one. This visual cue can trick you into consuming 25%-30% less of whatever beverage you are drinking. Research has shown that people unconsciously pour a greater quantity into a short, wide glass than into a tall one.
9)Limit Alcoholic Beverages
Reduce your consumption of alcohol. Follow an alcoholic drink with a low-calorie alternative like sparkling water rather than accepting a refill on the alcoholic drink. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram, which is more than carbohydrates (4 calories/g) or protein (4 calories/g). Alcohol can also weaken your resolve and lead to mindless eating.
10)Drink Green Tea
Drink green tea. Some studies have found that green tea can boost metabolism, possibly through the action of phytochemicals called catechins. In any case, green tea (unsweetened) is a healthy and refreshing drink that is low in calories.
11)Practice Yoga for Mindful Eating
A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that women who do yoga tend to weigh less. Researchers believe this is due to the level of self-awareness and mindfulness that develops in practitioners of yoga. Those who do yoga may pay more attention to their body's signals, such as eating only enough to feel full.
12)Eat Home-Cooked Meals
People who are successful at weight loss report that they eat in often. Try to have home-cooked or home-prepared meals at least five times per week. Grilled salmon or deli chicken, precut veggies, prewashed salads, and canned beans are good shortcut foods that can help make meal preparation less time-consuming.
13)Eat More Vegetarian Meals
Opt for the vegetarian meal. Vegetarians usually weigh less than those who consume meat products. This may have to do with fiber consumption from legume-based foods like bean burgers and lentil soup. Fiber fills you up with relatively few calories.
14)Burn an Extra 100 Calories Per Day
Even if your eating habits don't change, burning an extra 100 calories a day can amount to a 10-pound weight loss over a year. While the number of calories burned depends upon your weight, some good activities that burn around 100 calories are:
20 minutes of walking or lawn work
30 minutes of housecleaning
10 minutes of light jogging
Check the link below 👇
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meditationnearme · 3 years
Nucalm Review: Does The New De-stressing Technology ... - things to help reduce stress
NuCalm promotes itself as neuroscience-backed tension meditation techniques and sleep innovation. In practice, however, it simply helped me nap. I recently woke up from a delightful 20-minute nap. In fact, it was more of https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nucalm4/1/10-minute-meditation-for-sleep.html a 10-minute half-nap half-trance, preceded by thoughts of what I required to achieve today that gradually dissolved into the kinds of non-sequitur visions that happen in that earliest stage of sleep.
Somehow, this was renewing. For the recently, I've been evaluating out the NuCalm system. According to its website, NuCalm is "the world's only patented neuroscience innovation clinically proven to deal with stress and improve sleep quality without drugs." It incorporates a neuroacoustic software app made use of for 20- to 120-minute increments, an eye mask and the aforementioned processing discs, and in practice involves listening to ambient, cinematic noises (similar to this) with your eyes closed and a sticker adhered to your inner arm.
Each of the components are created to activate the body's parasympathetic nerve system, which assists with healing and relaxation. The disc is designed to release gamma-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter that hinders cortisol and adrenaline. With this and the app, NuCalm stops your body's tension action and for that reason the mental and physical toll stress can handle the body.
military, 49 sports teams and in over a million surgical procedures. Some dental workplaces even utilize it for clients who are scared of the dental practitioner. NuCalm's 'bio-signal processing disc' Although the item is touted as a way of potentially healing the body from injury, https://s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com addiction and physical troubles, it appears predominately beneficial for relaxation and anxiety.
By this step, my usage of NuCalm was a success: After my 20-minute session this afternoon, I indeed felt much more refreshed and awake. While some of my sessions kept me mindful the whole time, I a minimum of felt a bit more relaxed than before. At the start, I 'd believed I was expected to treat the session like a meditation, preventing letting my ideas roam.
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Why I was so fixated upon events of this age throughout my session is a mystery to me, but regardless, I believe I still went to sleep for about five minutes. Unusually enough, a Frequently Asked Question section of the app specifies that memory recollection is a typical quality of "theta brainwave variety," and that remembering memories in this phase permits you to dissociate negative sensations from them.
Overall, NuCalm did permit me to take perfect little afternoon naps in a structured way. I am decent at napping as it is, however I do think something about NuCalm, whether it be the discs or the noises or the timer, made those naps more efficient than normal. One glaring problem with NuCalm, however, is its price.
Maybe as I keep using it, I'll find that this is a completely reasonable cost for the advantage of much better relaxation, health and sleep. At this minute, however, I 'd pay possibly $10 a month. The app also requires some major updating, as it presently only uses 3 various session types (recharge, reboot and rescue) at differing lengths and with a rather clunky design.
Instead, it feels rudimentary, with lower parts of the app like the post-session debriefing FAQ entirely nonfunctional. I've taken some fabulous naps this last week, and I'll keep using NuCalm for this purpose. It's a nearly effortless way of fitting 20 minutes of pure relaxation into my day. Whether those bio-signalling dics do anything, I'm still suspicious in addition to a cleaner app, I 'd require to get a bit more rely on the science to pay $60 a month.
Magdalene Taylor is a junior personnel author at MEL, where she began working 2 weeks after graduating college. Her work is a blend of cultural analysis and service, covering everything from reconsiderations of low-brow hits like Joe Dirt and Nickelback to contemporary disability concerns, OnlyFans and the types of small concerns about life like why infant carrots are so wet.
According to the company, thirty minutes of NuCalm amounts to 2 to 3 hours of restorative sleep. The NuCalm website boasts that the de-stressing treatment takes just 2 minutes to administer and less than 5 minutes to accomplish its effects, making it the really meaning of a fast fix.
With its sleek site and claims of high-tech, borderline-magic results, I half anticipated my NuCalm experience to happen in the literal future or, at really least, a center that reeked of sci-fi vibes. I think I was envisioning a workplace that appeared like the ship from Passengers and a large set-up reminiscent of the https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nucalm4/1/10-minute-morning-meditation.html memory-implanting tech from Overall Remember or perhaps even a coffin-like pod right out of The Fifth Aspect.
My NuCalm treatment was not administered on the set of a motion picture, however it also wasn't administered in a dental professional's workplace. On the early morning of my visit, I drove throughout Los Angeles to Santa Monica to the offices of an authentic physician to the stars, whose Hollywood clients consists of starlets, authors and inspirational experts, and who read more boasts know-how in energy medicine, integrative medicine and bioidentical hormonal agent replacement therapy.
Instead, my NuCalm experience started in a (actively) poorly lit waiting room that looked more like the living room of an eccentric, well-traveled college teacher than a medical facility. The doctor was fashionably late not with another client, simply in getting to the workplace. While the tardiness might usually have actually irritated me, here, it appeared like part of the experience, practically like a preview of the outcomes of the high-tech treatment that awaited me.
During a short consultation, the medical professional described the NuCalm procedure and summed up the science behind it (more on that later). The gist of the system, I discovered, was this: I would chew a tablet of gamma-Aminobutyric acid, or -aminobutyric acid (or GABA, for short), an inhibitory neurotransmitter implied to decrease activity in my anxious system.
I would listen, through headphones, to binaural beat music music with 2 different rhythmic pulses that activates Alpha and Theta brain waves, which are connected with the very first phase of deep sleep and meditation. Also, I would be blindfolded. And, in Doc Hollywood's office, I would do all of this while pushing a waterbed although the waterbed, I found out, is not a standard or required component of the treatment.
I was resulted in a little examination room (or, potentially, a big closet), where I was offered a large GABA tablet and told to chew but not swallow it while the medical professional marked time the binaural beats and attached the Biosignal Processing Disc to my wrist. Lastly, after what seemed like a much longer period of time than it possibly might have been, I was told to swallow the GABA vitamin sludge, which had the artificially sweet, fruity flavor and distinctively milky taste and texture of Flinstones vitamins that are a few months past their expiration date.
The NuCalm treatment itself was completely pleasant. The music was relaxing but interesting (I've given that subscribed to a binaural beats playlist on Spotify bless the web). The milky, orange-adjacent taste of the GABA tablet didn't remain in an especially interfering way. And the waterbed was heated, that made for a cozy location to lie down and rest.
What am I doing incorrect? Why do not I feel calm? If science can't make me chill TF out, am I simply a lost cause? Maybe if I do a body scan, I'll have the ability to feel the impacts. That's a good concept. I'm going to do a body scan. This will resemble mindfulness on steroids orange-flavored, healthy steroids.
I am broken. I was wrong. It was not almost over. Perhaps it's the example you can't feel in the moment, however I'll observe a substantial difference when it's over. I have so much work to do. Stop thinking of work and being worried out. That beats the whole purpose.
I asked how often he suggested that people come in for NuCalm treatments and he said that it differs, but that some people "need it daily." I couldn't assist but believe, based on my experience and the absence of tangible outcomes, that that appeared excessive. He handed me some research even more describing the science behind NuCalm before rushing off to his next visit, and I left sensation dissatisfied and a little nervous about my failure to feel less nervous through the treatment.
For the record, it's not. I discovered the experience to be a little New Age-y in practice, however the system truly is based in science. Drawing from neuroscience research study into the patterns the brain goes through during natural periods of relaxation, every part of NuCalm is developed to imitate that procedure and trigger a stressed out brain to switch equipments to a more relaxed state.
NuCalm works particularly on the body's repressive system, the GABAergic system. This gadget is bio-mimetic because it resets the naturally happening unfavorable feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which when correctly working is expected to turn off and stop launching cortisol from the adrenal glands after the end of a stressful event.
Individuals in this state are physically not able to have a nervous reaction. Within minutes of application, users will start to feel relief from the 'fight-or-flight' sympathetic anxious system action and their stress hormone (cortisol) levels will start to decrease as the HPA axis is prevented." Here's a quick breakdown of the science behind each stage of the NuCalm process.
It's in fact the main repressive neurotransmitter system in brain circuits. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid is a relaxation neurotransmitter that the body produces naturally when we're getting all set to sleep, so the tactic of utilizing GABA supplements to indicate the brain that it's time to cool down makes sense. What's not completely clear, however, is how reliable oral GABA supplements are in activating those advantages.
While some research studies have actually revealed that GABA can cross the blood-brain barrier, others have shown the opposite, recommending a possible placebo impact behind perceived advantages of the supplements. Scientists agree that more research is needed to determine how beneficial GABA supplements truly are. According to NuCalm's website, the disc "simplifies the process of activating the parasympathetic nervous system, by taking advantage of the body's Pericardium Meridian with particular electromagnetic (EM) frequencies." The disc (which, again, was a round sticker, about the size of a quarter, that was applied to the within my wrist) was, undoubtedly, my biggest source of skepticism while doing so, and NuCalm's main description of the science behind it highlights the most New Age-y vibes of the business.
It is assumed that if you can restore the frequencies that travel through the Meridians you can renew optimum physiology. Each NuCalm disc holds the EM frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to deliver a pure biological signal to your body. When put on the within of your left wrist, at your Pericardium-6 acupuncture point, the disc sends a signal to the pericardium of your heart to activate local parasympathetic nerve fibers, which then transmit the signal to your brain informing it to increase vagal nerve output and start the process of slowing down the body.
In 2017, Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP promoted a $120 brand name of bio-frequency sticker labels, causing a short-term viral moment for the tech. Regrettably for proponents of the gadgets, the reaction wasn't great, with Mark Shelhamer, former chief scientist at NASA's human research study division, especially decrying the GOOP-endorsed item as "snake oil." Although the NuCalm site describes that "each disc holds the electro-magnetic frequency patterns of GABA and its precursors to provide a pure biosignal to your body," it's unclear precisely how placing the sticker label on your wrist sets off that shipment.
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