i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
It would be funny if Mango responds to victim's threat by trying to strangle them.
"How. Dare. You. Threaten. My. Kid."
dsgjkldjslkj. i mean, he was hurt pretty badly (that split in his cheek is probably not going to go away) but if he wasn't he would beat the shit out of victim for sure
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if he still had his staff it would go much worse for vic lmao
(reblogs > likes)
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sharptoothed-gaze · 1 month
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daily-mc-item · 5 months
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Music Disc - Pigstep
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splintergirl13 · 8 months
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7grandmel · 26 days
Todays rip: 15/05/2024
Season 8 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripped by BluLuigi7
Can I just say: I am SO happy to see that Jay Eazy posting is still going so strong past January 7th? Like, we pretty firmly established back with Hella Pummel that venula is the champion of Jay Eazy posting, but we've had tons of other talented rippers take their own crack at it - there's circunflexo back with You Are Book Smart, of course, but also the focus of today's rip - BluLuigi7. After making the first-ever Jay Eazy Raft Ride with She Gon Make Me Ride On Her Raft Like I'm Link‼️, he's finally ready for the main stage with perhaps one of my favorite Jay Eazy rips to date - or, if nothing else, one of the most creative ones.
See, a lot of people still only really know Jay Eazy as the funny Mega Man rapper, and fair enough - it is a very funny video, and a lot of his music sounds rather...homogeneous, for lack of a better word. But there is a silver lining to his songs sounding so similar, in that rips like Mallstep‼️ are able to leverage different ones at the same time without it clashing. Indeed, Mega Man is only one part of the rip, the part that introduces the rip with the iconic "Yo bro, why are you doing that??" - but after the most iconic bars of said song drop, it changes seamlessly to using Respect Your Elders without missing a beat. And honestly, that's absolutely the right call for a song like Pigstep, I think Respect Your Elder's flow fits the track far better - but I love that Mega Man still gets incorporated AT THE SAME TIME as the former song, with it being used as a backing layer to the whole thing.
It's just a very clever rip all around, tons of small touches you'd otherwise find unneeded but just make the rip funnier in the long run - small uses of sound effects call to mind rips like Locked In The Underground except here done explicitly for comedic purposes, playing a sudden Nutshack sample when Jay Eazy says "nuts" or a reverb fart SFX far in the distance when the lyrics mention "shittin' on 'em". It's primarily a mashup at first, but with tons of these small additions throughout, little edits to how Respect Your Elders flows through Pigstep's ebb-and-flow lead melody, all of course culminating in a fully pitch shifted section at the rip's melody. The Jamminest Of All is a recent example of it, but these kinds of surprise pitch-shifting rips are always a favorite - it can be overbearing at times if done for an entire rip, yet it adds just enough variety when used as spice to an already fantastic rip like it is here.
The point is - a rip like Mallstep‼️ is at once very funny through its concept alone, but elevated even more through how prominently BluLuigi7's own character shines through it. It feels like a flex in the best ways possible, a big grab-bag of additional notes onto an already super-solid rip. The star of the show, fittingly enough, is the short little nod to Starboy near the rips end, which was the joke in one of the first-ever Pigstep rips on the channel in I'm a motherh*cking Starpig, a rip that's evidently still remembered fondly even four years later. I received a comment a while back noting that nobody loves SiIvaGunner as much as the team itself, and it's the stuff like what Mallstep‼️ pulls that keeps reminding me of that: the rips made by people like BluLuigi7 who just love having fun with their ideas althewhile paying small tributes to past rips on the channel. Hugely popular rips like Stickerbrush Queen are far from the only ones to get references like this, and it always makes me so happy to see, to be reminded that each individual ripper has their internal web of rips that means more to them than I've ever considere that they could.
Back to the rip as a whole, though - it just kind of bangs in that very particular Jay Eazy way. For as stupid as his music may be to some, it's difficult not to love with everything that the meme of his music has wrought. So much passion from the side of the internet that just loves to have fun spawned purely from a guy promoting his music in a bizarre way on TikTok, and Mallstep‼️ is just one of many examples - a rip that has fun with its concept, fun with the very channel its on, but most crucially of all exudes the fun energy of its very ripper in spades. To say that I'm happy that Jay Eazy is a reoccurring gag on the channel would be a grave understatement: I'm looking forward to just how many fun ways his music will be reinterpreted with next with far too much excitement, and thus far SiIvaGunner has not yet failed to deliver in regards to fresh ways to go about it.
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marv3l-drag0ns · 4 months
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please welcome chirp into my disc library!
and on that note (hehe)
i plan on making otherside pigstep and relic at later dates when i figure out how to paint the vinyl itself without it looking like shit.
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video-game-trivia · 1 year
For the soundtrack of the Minecraft: Nether, Caves & Clifts and Wild Updates, Mojang employed trans woman Lena Raine. She most notably created Pigstep and Otherside. Rain is also notable for being the creator of the soundtrack of Celeste, Guild Wars, and Chicory: A Colourful Tale.
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pointed-dripstone · 10 months
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I love the wither skeletons,
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i3utterflyeffect · 5 months
btw even if you don't watch animations vs minecraft pls pls pLEASE listen to the pigstep remix bc i've been listening to it and man it is one of the most headbanging songs out there
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midonamiqui · 3 months
I think Minecraft music would fit great on the Twilight Realm, especially songs like Living Mice, Mice on Venus or Ballad of the Cats
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wlwill0w · 4 months
I fw who made the pig step song in Minecraft
Lana deal Ray
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limelocked · 1 year
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having thoughts about the look of the new music disc
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warcrimesandfrogs · 8 months
CAN’T get over how similar Pigstep and KK Fusion sound. Please tell me you hear it.
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85percentwater · 7 months
what is your favorite song from the minecraft soundtrack?
i love wet hands :) its a classic. close runner up is living mice, its so calming and smooth but still very cheerful
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questforyellow · 11 months
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wielderofpans · 1 year
very happy to announce i’ve been chosen to take part in totally original edgy lore smp #483 ExiledSMP, alas because i play on Mac i have to use a default skin for the duration cus the nice custom skin i made only works in bedrock cus that’s what the owner runs the server on, the intro video should be coming out soon (?)
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