#and I wish they had kept the doa scene instead
ari-the-arotistic · 4 months
Guys, Hermes told them where to go to find the entrance of the underworld, and probably told them about Crusty, of course they know who he is, literally chill
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insufferableburnout · 3 months
The more I sit with episode 7 the more disappointed I am. The sequence from Crusty’s Waterbed shop to washing up on the beach right before the fight with Ares is three chapters long, over 50 pages total. To try to squeeze all of that plus the new ideas they added into 40 minutes is ludicrous. The events in episode 7 should have taken place over 2-3 episodes.
Something like this:
1. Start with Crusty’s Waterbeds. This would have allowed for more time to build up Crusty and the tension of the scene. This scene could have still been kept as a reveal instead of “we already know who and what you are”. I accept them ending the scene the same way because there is no way Disney would have let them show Percy fully decapitating someone on screen. Next, DOA records could have been used to start building atmosphere for what we were about to see in the underworld and we would have had time to have more fun with Charon! The rest of the time in the episode could be used for various flashbacks and backstory.
2. Start with a flashback of young percy. Cut to current day as they go down the river Styx. Then to Cerberus where we spend a bit more time playing with him. More tension surrounding the loss of one of the pearls. Specifically what it means to each of the trio. Then to Asphodel. I really love the idea they introduced of Asphodel being like a forest where your regrets take root and hold you there. Such an interesting concept and I wish we spent more time there! Then Tartarus. This could be basically how they played it in the show I didn’t have much issue with it.
3. Hades palace could take up most of the episode. Spend more time fleshing out the gods dynamics and showing how different Hades is from the rest of his family. Kronos reveal! Big deal! Should be a big reveal! More of the conflict of who should stay behind so we can rescue Sally. The flash back of Sally and Poseidon. This scene is perfect as is. The episode can end the same way with them washing up on the shore and Ares walking to them with the sword.
I’m not blaming the show, I’m blaming the fact that they were only given 8 episodes to adapt an entire novel! I hate this trend of tv shows only being given 8 episodes to work with. I understand part of it is how the budgeting works for streaming originals but this is Disney! They own half of the entertainment industry! They could have afforded to give the show at least 10 episodes!
I’ve loved the show up until this point and I’m still excited for the finale! I just had to write this all out to release the thoughts bouncing around in my head
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jounosparticles · 5 months
Hello o/ i just finished midterm im finally free orz.How are you doing?
I want to asked what do you think about Fukuchi?like his relationship or morality anything in general.Hes such an interesting character i wish ppl talk about him more.
hello! i’m pretty good! finished a read through bsd beast today (fantastic novel btw) and will work on some writing tonight i think!
i hope your midterm went well!! feel free to tell me about it if you’d like :) i’m interested
and ty for asking about fukuchi! i have lots to say about him.
fukuchi - my opinion
first off i will preface this by saying i USED to be a fukuchi hater. he used to really piss me off but looking back it was 100% biased towards the characters he hurt and i didn’t think too much of his motives. i actually really like him now and believe he’s very underrated.
for starters, i LOVE his design. the face scars especially really tie everything together. i also like his silly moustache hehe
his role as a hunting dog was really great and i hope we see more of that—some sort of pre-DoA scenes where we see the hunting dogs work together so i can look into their dynamics more. it seems that he genuinely was a good leader and cared for his squad. he was fun and lighthearted and seemed to be kind to his subordinates.
i really hope we get some sort of scenes where we see him interacting with the other members of the DoA, flashback scenes or something. we only really seen him interact with bram. i feel he would have gotten along well with sigma, since neither of them are bad people. in contrast i want to see him interact with fyodor and nikolai for the very opposite purpose.
i somewhat sympathized with fukuchi when he was fighting atsushi and akutagawa, his view on war clearly messed him up a ton and he just appeared to have a bad approach to solving what was right. i regret to admit i think i let a lot of the general perception of fukuchi hinder my opinion on him here. i understood his motives to a degree but couldn’t like him for that (which has since changed).
i wholeheartedly believe fukuchi is a good person. he is severely traumatized from all the war he had to deal with, which altered his perception on a good approach to solving things.
assuming he is around 45 years old, he would have received the warning of the war at the age of 9. imagine being a small child and realizing you have to save millions from dying? yet throughout it all he kept a great composure and was kind to others. the scenes where he was with fukuzawa as a child showed he was a good kid despite the huge task he would need to complete. this displays immense courage.
now more onto the DoA era.
notice how he turned everyone into vampires instead of just killing them? partially this was likely to build an army, however i assume part of it was to keep people from dying. he doesn’t want any more bloodshed and did what was necessary. he never told anyone about this though, there’s a good chance bram would have been more willing to help had he been open about the plan. maybe?
the way he treated bram wasn’t great though. it would have been cool to see him talk to bram about it and they work together. of course bram didn’t really seem to care too much about humanity before meeting aya, so he may have not agreed.
fukuchi was also incredibly smart for trusting fukuzawa to do what was right. it really shows their bond and how they knew each other. i’d love to look into their dynamics more, especially the scene where fukuchi tries to convince fukuzawa to go to war since there was a ton of symbolism there.
fukuchi and jouno’s bond also intrigues me. we know he invited jouno to the hunting dogs with the goal of him joining the DoA yet jouno was too influenced by good to be able to do it. i wonder if fukuchi would have told jouno the truth in the case that he agreed to join? or did he assume jouno was willing to be a ruthless killer? id like to think that fukuchi believed jouno had the morality to keep the agency safe despite being supposed to act evil; since fukuchi didn’t actually want them dead. ill make a longer analysis about this idea soon actually since it has the little gears in my head turning.
his relationship with tachihara is also interesting to me. i haven’t thought too much into it, but i believe fukuchi said something along of being disappointed in tachihara’s "betrayal". it makes me wonder if maybe he had hoped tachihara’s morality had changed in the mafia so he would never need to face him in battle? i’ll have to reread the chapters and look into this more.
his relationship with teruko also is one that makes me quite sad. she looked heartbroken as she had to kill him. she was also the only one he told other than fukuzawa about his real plan (as far as im aware). they were definitely close.
in the end, fukuchi’s reveal of the truth and everything he had been dealing with for so long made his actions make a ton of sense. he was just a person with a huge responsibility who tried to save things as well as he could. i really wish he could have gotten closure on the world he saved (if he is truly dead). he’s a fantastic character and has a ton of depth. i only scratched the surface here. maybe i will need to make an "in defence of fukuchi" essay at some point.
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Rewatch 1x08
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07
The race is now on, as Allison attempts to find Vanya, in order to warn her that her boyfriend, Leonard, is actually Harold Jenkins, a convicted murderer who is believed to be the man who will bring about the apocalypse. 
As Allison drives out to the cabin that had belonged to Harold Jenkins’ grandmother in the hopes that she can find Vanya there, she remembers an event that had happened a year ago. She had been putting her daughter, Claire to bed and had just finished telling her a bedtime story about some of the exploits of herself and her brothers when they were still involved with their superhero stuff with the Umbrella Academy.  Particularly a time when they stopped a bank robbery.  When the story is over, Claire kept insisting on hearing another story, but Allison insisted it was time for her to go to sleep.  When Claire started to get demanding, Allison ended up using her power on her, by saying ‘I heard a rumor that you’re really tired, and what to go to sleep.’  This ended up getting Claire to back down and go to bed without a fuss.  Unfortunately, Allison’s now-ex-husband, Patrick, had witnessed this, and is clearly not happy.
Okay, so... is this the incident that resulted in the courts stripping Allison of her custody to her daughter, mandating that she had to take court-ordered therapy sessions before she could get visitation rights?  If so, that’s really stupid.  It’s possible I’m just not getting it, but why exactly was this such a big deal?  I don’t get if.  It’s not as if she was using her powers to force Claire to get her beer while she sat in front of the TV all day instead of taking care of her kid, or anything neglectful like that.  She was getting her kid to go to sleep.  I think we can all agree that kids that age need a consistent sleep schedule.  I’m fairly certain any mother in the land would have done the same thing if they were in Allison’s shoes.  Was there more to this story?  Was their some sort of concern that Allison using her power on Claire would have caused her permanent brain damage?  Was it a case of X-Men-esque paranoia?  I believe, in the X-Men comics, a lot of people feared the mutants on principle simply because they had out-of-the-ordinary abilities and therefore persecuted the mutants.  Did the courts have similar prejudice against Allison going on?  I don’t understand!
Regardless, this incident has ended up being traumatic to Allison, as she’s now sworn off using her powers ever again. And this is driven home when we hear Allison’s memories of other times she used her power on others.  Some seem pretty innocent.  Case in point one moment when she used her power to get someone (probably Claire) to like broccoli.  Eating vegetables is important, after all.  But with others, I can see why Allison is feeling like she was abusing her powers.  For instance, there were apparently times she used her power to force someone to be her friend, land an acting role, or even got someone to love her.  Yeah, I can agree those examples are pretty bad.  Eventually, Allison makes it to the cabin,  But when she gets there, nobody is home.  Which makes sense, since Vanya and Harold/Leonard are still at the hospital following the incident the night before.  
Speaking of which, we then switch over to them.  Harold/Leonard wakes up Vanya, who had been sleeping in the chair next to his hospital bed.  Vanya is surprised to see he’s already dressed, and even more so when Harold/Leonard announces he’s leaving.  After all, he probably still needs to be observed one more time before being officially discharged.  But Harold/Leonard states that’s not necessary, as the hospital just wants him to come back tomorrow so he can be fitted with a prosthetic eye.  Vanya, upon being reminded that he lost an eye, starts to apologize, but he waves her apology off.  They then head off.  But on the way, they’re stopped by a nurse, reminding Harold/Leonard that the doctor hadn’t discharged him yet.  Vanya is momentarily confused by this, as that statement has contradicted what he’d told her, but Harold/Leonard insists that he’s ready to leave, so he simply signs the voluntary discharge papers.  Before they leave, Vanya asks about the three other men that had attacked them, who were also brought into the hospital after being injured by Vanya’s power explosion. The nurse informs her that two of the men were DOA, but the third man was still alive, though in critical condition.
Back at the Umbrella Academy mansion, Luther wakes up with a massive hangover from his night of drinking at the rave.  He is shocked to find that a naked woman is lying in bed next to him, indicating that he brought someone back from the rave for sex.  Klaus then swings by Luther’s room and proceeds to simply be a typical brother, good-naturally teasing the flustered Luther for it, especially when he realizes this was Luther’s first time with a woman.  Klaus then gets serious, telling Luther that they’re having a family meeting downstairs.  
When Luther makes it down to the kitchen, Klaus pours him a cup of coffee, which Number 5 (who is clearly feeling better) promptly steals.  Ghost Ben is also there, but of course, only Klaus is aware of that.  While Klaus voices his awareness that Diego and Allison are absent, he nevertheless begins the meeting, informing his brothers that he managed to make contact with Reginald last night.  Luther is confused, reminding Klaus that he claimed he hadn’t been able to conjure up anyone in years.  Klaus admits this is true, but states that he’s now completely sober.  He goes on to inform Luther and Number 5 that Reginald wasn’t murdered but that he committed suicide in order to trick them into getting together again.  Luther, however, refuses to believe it, accusing Klaus of playing games again.  Until Pogo enters the room and confirms Klaus’ statement, also admitting he and Grace had assisted with the suicide, with Grace’s programming being altered so she wouldn’t be able to administer first aid on that fateful night.  Reginald had believed that, if the Hargreeves Siblings had banded together to try and solve the murder mystery, it might inspire them to want to be a team again, so they could save the world. Luther is incensed over this bombshell, especially since he was still feeling hurt over the revelation that his mission on the moon had been meaningless all along.  He berates Pogo for not saying anything sooner, despite watching him search for answers.  Pogo is visibly remorseful, but tells Luther that he had only been honoring Reginald’s dying wishes and that he had no choice.  This isn’t good enough for Luther, though, and he storms off, telling Pogo that there’s always a choice.  Number 5 also teleports off to think, leaving Klaus alone with Ghost Ben.
Sometime later, Vanya and Harold/Leonard return to the cabin.  Harold/Leonard attempts to reassure Vanya that what happened to the three toughs wasn’t her fault, and that she had acted in self-defense. Vanya is still shaken up, though, stating that she shouldn’t be able to do something like that.  It’s clear that, while she is starting to accept the fact that she does have powers, she’s upset that she can’t control them, with them only exploding out of her when she’s not trying to use them.  Harold/Leonard consoles her, stating he’ll help her learn to control it.
While all this is going on, we also get the subplot with Hazel and Agnes.  They did indeed run away together, but are now stuck in a traffic jam. Hazel grows morose when he sees that Agnes’ road trip has three years worth of sights in store, with her happily stating they have time to see them all.  After all, she doesn't realize the apocalypse is supposed to happen in just two days.
In a curious coincidence, Allison is also stuck in the same traffic jam.  Why she didn’t stick around at the cabin is anyone’s guess.  She ends up driving past the same restaurant where Vanya’s powers went haywire, seeing the police are there investigating the incident.  As Allison glances over at the crime scene, she notices Vanya’s scarf hanging from the restaurant's sign, making her realize that Vanya had been there.  So she gets out of the car and ducks under the police tape to investigate.  Allison is immediately stopped by a cop, Sergeant Cheddar, who is investigating the scene.  She tries to question him about what happened, but he insists that she simply read about it in the paper tomorrow.  Although, Sergeant Cheddar’s tune completely changes when he recognizes her.  It turns out Sergeant Cheddar and his wife are huge fans of Allison’s movies.  (Remember, Allison is a big movie star.)  Taking advantage of this fact, Allison tells him that she’s actually going to portray a cop in her next movie and is looking to do some research on law enforcement.  She asks if she can shadow him for the day, as it could help her develop her character if she could witness him in action for the day.  Sergeant Cheddar, being a huge Allison Hargeeves fanboy, agrees to this almost instantly.
Meanwhile, Diego is still in his jail cell.  He is visited by Detective Beeman, who informs him that they’re transferring him to upstate that afternoon.  He also states that he does believe in Diego’s innocence, knowing that he wasn’t the one who murdered Detective Patch.  However, that’s not enough to get the suspicion against him thrown out, since Diego was placed at the scene of the murder, and people on the force had witnessed the two arguing on more than one occasion.  Detective Beeman then reaches out to shake Diego’s hand, wishing him luck.  After they shake hands, Detective Beeman walks off, leaving Diego alone with the key he stealthily slipped him.
Back at the cabin, Vanya is practicing her violin, getting ready for her big concert.  As she’s practicing, Harold/Leonard secretly consults Reginald’s journal, which includes Reginald’s notes on Vanya’s powers.  The notes reveal that sound can help activate Vanya’s abilities.  This is further illustrated in a flashback, where Reginald, during a training session, managed to get Vanya to shatter a wine glass simply with the sound of a tuning fork.  Taking advice from this, Harold/Leonard takes Vanya deeper into the woods and instructs her to try and recreate the scene last night.  Vanya then thinks back, remembering the men laughing, the sound of them kicking Harold/Leonard and the rumbling of the car engine and a dog barking nearby.  Instantly, Vanya realizes that it was the sound of the car engine that did it, as that sound ended resonating in her mind to the point where it was the only thing she could hear before her power unleashed itself.  She finds the whole thing terrifying, but Harold/Leonard insists that its extraordinary.  He then convinces Vanya to try and tap into her powers again, getting her to focus on the sounds of nature around them.  Such as the wind chimes hanging from the cabin nearby, a squirrel in a nearby tree and the water rushing along a creek.  Harold/Leonard tells Vanya to focus on one sound in particular, with Vanya zeroing in on the sound of the water in the creak.  This results in Vanya’s power manifesting again. Harold/Leonard is ecstatic, but he sees Vanya is starting to panic, so he calms her down, informing her that her ability is tied to her emotions.  Vanya is confused how he knows this, as she doesn’t know about Reginald’s journal.  Harold/Leonard is able to cover up his slip up by claiming he made a lucky guess, going on to ‘theorize’ that Vanya can convert the sounds around her into energy when she is feeling strong emotions.  Vanya accepts this explanation and kisses him.  Though she has to push him out of the way when a tree branch falls towards them,
Of course we also get a reminder of how dangerous Vanya’s power can be.  In another flashback to her training sessions with Reginald, Young Vanya not only shattered all of the wine glasses, she also ended up cracking Reginald’s monocle.  Which also apparently left a cut along his cheek.  Reginald seemed almost fearful of the raw power she possessed, as he announced their training sessions were over for the time being.
We then cut back to the Umbrella Academy mansion.  Klaus is in his room knitting something when Number 5 walks in, trying to wrap his head around things.  He starts to discuss with Klaus his confusion about something that he can’t figure out.  He only learned about the approaching apocalypse by travelling to the future.  But Reginald, who can’t travel in time, clearly knew enough about it to know to kill himself a week before it happened.  Number 5′s musings are interrupted when Diego rushes in, having just escaped from jail with the key he got from Detective Beeman.  He informs them that Allison may be in danger, as he knows she went off to track down Harold/Leonard alone.  They search for Luther, locating him at a bar, still drowning his sorrows.  Diego tries to offer him some comfort, telling him that their father lied to all of them.  But Luther just wants to be miserable, stating he’s done with all if it- with Reginald, his brother and the whole family.  He states that if if the others want to save the world, they’re welcome to try, but he’s going to stay put and keep feeling sorry for himself.  Until Diego tells him that Allison headed off on her own to find Vanya, as Vanya’s boyfriend is a convicted murderer.  The knowledge that Allison was in danger pushes Luther into action, with him telling Diego he should have led with that detail.
Elsewhere, we see that Cha-Cha has managed to get free from her handcuffs.  She heads right over to Griddy’s Donuts, but finds the place is closed, with a sign from Agnes on the door informing customers that she’d decided to close the doughnut shop.  Angered, Cha-Cha breaks in to search for clues on where Agnes and Hazel were going.  In doing so, she finds a brochure for some bird sanctuary.  And then, for good measure, she blows up the building by turning on the gas burners and leaving a lit candle behind.
We then cut back to Allison and Sergeant Cheddar.  The latter is questioning Mr. Luntz, the guy who survived the incident with Vanya’s powers the night before.  Mr. Luntz reveals that it was all a setup. Turns out, Harold/Leonard had actually paid them to pick a fight with him, saying he wanted to impress his girlfriend.  But they had gotten drunk and got a bit carried away.  Allison cuts in, asking Mr. Luntz about the description of the guy who paid him, also showing him the picture of Vanya on the back of her copy of Vanya’s autobiography and asking if that was the girlfriend.  Instantly, Sergeant Cheddar realizes that Allison had lied to him and confronts her over it.  Allison apologizes for lying but explains that it was the only way she could get answers, and that she’s trying to find her sister, who might be in trouble.  While Sergeant Cheddar still isn’t happy, he seems to understand Allison’s reasons.  But before they could question Mr. Luntz further, the nurse stepped in, stating they’d have to come back later so they could run more tests on the injured man.
Returning to the cabin, Vanya announces that her concert is tomorrow, and she wants to practice her violin a bit more.  Upon hearing this, Harold/Leonard gets a bit petulant. He tries to coax Vanya to practice mastering her powers some more, as they already had a breakthrough and Vanya mastering her powers is important.  Vanya counters this by stating her music is also important.  Harold/Leonard instantly backs down, but he doesn’t seem to happy as Vanya steps out to practice her violin.  While she’s occupied, he quietly steps out.  So, when Vanya is done with her practice session and comes back inside, she finds that Harold/Leonard is gone.  Immediately, she starts to panic, searching the cabin for him frantically.  In her panic, she has a flashback to a point in her past, most likely after Reginald started to grow fearful of the magnitude of Vanya’s powers.  One evening, Reginald had brought Young Vanya down to a chamber deep beneath the mansion and placed her into a soundproof cell, telling her she needed to stay in a controlled environment.  Once she was sealed in, he left her down there for an undetermined amount of time.  To try and settle her nerves after that flashback, Vanya starts to practice her violin, simply focusing on the sound of the violin.
Meanwhile, Hazel and Agnes have arrived at the bird sanctuary.  Hazel, still mulling things over, asks Agnes what she would do if she knew she only had two days left to live.  Agnes replies she’d choose to be anywhere Hazel was.  Which is just too sweet!  I can’t with these two!  Anyway, Agnes notices that Hazel seems distracted about something and she asks him what’s going on.  Hazel tells her he can’t really explain at the moment, but there’s something he has to take care of before he can join her.  He tells her to go enjoy the bird sanctuary and that he’ll come back for her as soon as he can.  So, after sharing a kiss, Hazel drives off, with Agnes watching him go.  Of course, Hazel may have made the wrong call in leaving Agnes alone, as we see Cha-Cha is already on her way to the bird sanctuary.
Back at the hospital, Allison and Sergeant Cheddar are waiting to question Mr. Luntz some more, but the nurse comes out to inform them that he’s gone missing.  She had taken him out to for x-rays, but he disappeared.  Sergeant Cheddar states he’ll call it in, in case anyone spots him.  Allison then asks the nurse if she’d seen Vanya and the nurse confirms she had been there that morning.  Allison realizes that Vanya and Harold/Leonard had been there when she’d stopped by the cabin earlier and decides to try going back.  Sergeant Cheddar instructs her to not go anywhere, as Harold/Leonard might be dangerous, and they have a missing person to boot.  But Allison chooses to not listen to his instructions and heads off anyway.  
She arrives back at the cabin while Vanya is still playing her violin.  And Allison immediately notices the lights and rocking chairs out on the porch. are swinging from side to side, as they’re being manipulated by Vanya’s powers.  Allison quickly heads inside and finds Vanya, who is surprised to see her sister.  Allison is equally surprised when Vanya tells her of her newly discovered powers, but she pushes her amazement aside to focus on the more important task of getting Vanya to safety.  She tries to break the news to Vanya about who her boyfriend really is, telling her that Leonard Peabody doesn’t exist and that he’s really Harold Jenkins, who murdered his father when he was 13 and spent 12 years in jail as a result.  Vanya, of course, doesn’t believe her.  Allison tells her that the proof is all in the police file, which is waiting in the car, also telling her of the whole murder shrine of the mangled and defaced Umbrella Academy memorabilia they found in Harold/Leonard’s house.  She goes on to try and reassure her sister, saying that she can understand how it must be a lot for her to take in, but that she loves her and wants to be there for her sister.
Understandably, Vanya has an emotional breakdown.  She’d fallen in love with Harold/Leonard and can’t believe any of this stuff about him could be true.  Not to mention the revelation that she’s had this power all her life and never even knew it.  At that moment, Allison remembers an old childhood memory of hers.  One that never really made sense to her, but now that she’s learned of Vanya’s powers, she’s able to look at it again with fresh understanding.  It turns out that, while Vanya was being kept in that soundproof room when they were all 4-years-old, Reginald had told the other Hargreeves Siblings that Vanya was sick and had to be isolated.  But then he brought Allison down there and instructed her to tell Vanya ‘I heard a rumor you think you’re just ordinary,‘  (It was at this time that Reginald also started putting Vanya on that medication, which we now can see was meant to nullify her powers.)
So obviously, Reginald had been so fearful of Vanya’s raw abilities, he chose to simply keep them hidden from everyone rather than continue to train her to control them, and had even manipulated Young Allison to assist him in his goal.  And it kind of makes sense how nobody remembered that Vanya used to have powers when they were very young.  After all this all went down when they were 4. Not many people can have clear memories of their life that far back.  Anyway, When Vanya learns of this, she is understandably furious.  But in her anger, she ends up blaming Allison, accusing her of knowing she had powers the whole time and choosing to keep them a secret because she didn’t want Vanya outranking her.  Vanya continues her rant, declaring she plans on staying with Leonard, who was the only one who ever really loved her.  As Vanya’s rage builds, the light fixtures around the house start to go haywire and eventually explode, and Allison’s attempts to calm her down only enrage her further.  In sheer desperation, Allison elects to use her powers to calm Vanya down. But before she can complete her statement, Vanya lashes out with her bowstring, which ends up slicing through Allison’s throat.  
The moment this happens, Vanya’s rage vanishes, being replaced by horror over what she’d just done.  She dashes forward to catch Allison as she falls to the ground, clutching her heavily bleeding throat.   As Vanya cries out her apologies for hurting her sister, Harold/Leonard returns to the cabin.  He takes one look at the scene before him and seems to figure out what just happened.  So he grabs Vanya and physically drags her away, telling her that they have to get out of there, during a deaf ear to Vanya’s cries and sheer reluctance to leave Allison bleeding on the floor.  In the end, however, Harold/Leonard manages to drag her away and he drives them away from the cabin, driving right past the body of Mr. Luntz, who he must have killed to keep him from blabbing.  By the time, Luther, Diego, Klaus, Number 5 and Ghost Ben make it to the cabin, Allison has lost consciousness and appears dead.  And so the episode ends on that cliffhanger.
Final Observations/Questions:
Is Allison going to live?
What’s going to happen to Vanya?  Will she get away from Harold/Leonard?
While I do understand Vanya’s fury, it wasn’t fair of her to blame Allison for what happened.  Allison was just as much a victim as Vanya had been.  Thy were toddlers at the time.  Of course they wouldn’t question what Reginald was telling them.  And I believe Allison was telling the truth when she said she didn’t understand what happened that night until now.  And the fact that they all forgot that Vanya had powers at the age of four is also believable, since they were still very little back then.
What exactly did Reginald do to get Pogo to go along with everything he did.  It was clear from his facial expressions that he wasn’t happy with what he was doing to Vanya, but he still went along with it.  So what kind of psychological hold did Reginald have on him?
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jasiper · 5 years
my experience at tlt musical
hi friends! as you guys may know, last night i had the chance to go to the lightning thief musical and it was so much fun! since i need to babble about how amazing it was and all my favorite parts, i decided tumblr is the way to go :’) under the cut because i have no clue how long it’ll be, but as it’s 1:30am and i am pretty tired, i’ll try to make sure this actually makes sense
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mrs. dodds saying “kronos” every two seconds when chiron was trying to tell the story of the gods was so funny
percy talking about the field trip and casually slipping in the fact he got expelled between talking about art... then sally saying “i know. the headmaster called.” followed by percy’s “...about the art?” SO CUTE
percy spraying febreze when gabe enters was the funniest thing in the entire world, i actually cackled
chris shoved his face full of marshmallows during strong and was still singing with a marshmallow wedged in his cheek. he is so cute
strong also made me emo as hell, just saying!
grover shows up stuck in a garbage can which was so funny
percy waking up from his dream immediately to be told by annabeth “you drool in your sleep”. those kids own me
everything about mr. d was so great. jorrel honestly killed it!
“i need a drink” me too mr. d, me too
okay but chris was so amazing when percy found out sally was gone. his voice kept breaking and it was so emotional. my angsty son.
the capture the flag scene... so good. the whole song, everything. sarah beth kills it at clarisse.
i’m probably so biased because i love the song, but the campfire song was so good. grover popping up and yelling “my turn! my turn! IT’S MY TURN!” then he cried and annabeth, silena, and katie all tried to comfort him, but the second the chorus came back he was dancing again! so cute!
the dancing in the campfire song just gets me too!
percy finding out his dad is poseidon and getting all excited until everyone else moves away from him :((
mr. d said and i quote “the master bolt! it’s not a jagged tin foil thing you find in a traveling musical!” which was so funny, i love when actors break the fourth wall
the oracle was such a cool scene! i love how they did it!
okay good kid is when i cried a decent bit. chris portrays so much emotion in this song. i was so moved but his singing, his facial expressions, everything. i knew it was going to emotional but i didn’t truly grasp the magnitude until i was there! (also because mari asked, percy did not say fuck. #LetPercySayFuck2019)
killer quest was such a fun song! the original trio getting excited about leaving! so cute!
okay during intermission we got the announcement that kristin was being replaced with sarah beth because kristin blew her voice out during act 1, but she finished the act before pulling out which i think is so cool! i was pretty disappointed but kristin obviously knows her limits and her health comes before anything else.
lost! was so good. i love that song so much and it was the first time sarah beth sang as annabeth and it was good!
grover messing around with uncle ferdinand’s statue (rip)
sarah beth did amazing in my grand plan. her vocals are killer!
drive was also a super fun song, james finally came out as ares and it was awesome!
tree on the hill was another song that made me teary. jorrel was amazing and poured everything into the song. so good.
DOA man! holy crap! jalynn is crazy talented! her vocals! such a good song!
the trio almost getting pulled into tartarus: “i think that’s tartarus.” “like the fish sauce?” “NO. tartar-us.”
HADES. SO GOOD. SO FUNNY. “poseidon’s too busy to come visit his brother” as he cries was GOD TIER. i did not expect hades to be that funny but hey! it was hilarious!
the son of poseidon was also amazing, i love that song so much. “it’s a seashell!”
poseidon acting like a stereotypical surfer dude... so funny. “i wish you weren’t born.” “wow, really?”
poseidon flirting with sally, percy getting very uncomfortable and saying “yeah..... that’s my dad”
i could write an entire essay on the last day of summer. an entire essay. luke’s reprise always gets me, but seeing james perform it live. chills. actual chills. james is so crazy talented everyone, hype him tf up.
OKAY. THE PERCABETH SCENE. i wasn’t sure how it was going to be (i was so looking forward to kristin and chris) but sarah beth and chris killed it! THEIR NOSES BRUSHED, PEOPLE. I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO KISS. 100%. ANNABETH CUPPED PERCY’S CHEEKS IN HER HANDS AND THEIR. NOSES. BRUSHED.
“seaweed brain...” “wise... girl?” wow i was in tears
bring on the monsters had me in tears again! it was such a great end to the musical, friends. words cannot even describe how fitting the end was.
and then, of course i stage doored.
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i told james he was the perfect luke and he told me that compliment makes him so happy :’) such a sweet dude
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wow this is blurry BUT sarah beth told me that she loves signing books! i was the only one back there who had the book instead of the program so i felt really stoked to be the only one to bring my copy of the lightning thief
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ryan was wearing a medusa shirt and i complimented it and he was so excited i noticed. he also told me he has a centaur shirt lmaooo
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and finally jorrel. he is so sweet! my hands were shaking when he got to me and i apologized and he was like “oh my god no! you’re fine! you’re fine!” he is the actual sweetest. i then asked him who runs the twitter account and he said they won’t tell him. i told him how they roasted me on my birthday so i thought it was him so he was like “they roast me all the time! i wouldn’t do that to myself!” and i pointed out he was in the show so he deserved it instead of me but he was like “they do it all the time though!” jorrel stayed out the longest with us and kept hugging everyone and ugh! i love him!
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now my book is all signed up and i absolutely love it :’)
so, to sum up a very long post, if you have the opportunity to see the musical, please do. the musicians and cast pour their entire heart into it and it was so evident through this performance. it made me so happy. words cannot describe how i felt while watching it and how i feel now! my heart is actually soaring. i cannot articulate how amazing it was to be immersed in the show and to be surrounded by other fans. this was what we deserved from the movies! just... if you have the means/resources to watch it, do it. no hesitation. i highly recommend going to see it, friends.
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sinfulxbitxh-blog · 5 years
August 2004
The process started out as it usually did. Corinne arrived at the Jones family estate where she met her new foster family, the social worker did her examination and asked her questions, making sure that she’d be well taken care of before having the new parents sign the papers and leave. Corinne was all too familiar with this process, and she also knew that she more than likely wouldn’t be with the Jones’ too long. She never was. She’d always be with a new foster family for a few months before they’d decide they couldn’t handle her and return her like she was some item bought in a shop. It had been like this since she was a child and at this point, it was all she ever knew. But this family seemed to be... different.
Weeks quickly turned into months, and everything seemed like it was going well and that this might just be a permanent thing. By now, even though she acted up as always, most families would’ve given her back by now not wanting to deal with the child. But for some reason this family kept her and she wasn’t entirely sure why. She would start to feel comfortable with the family, slowly letting her guard down little by little each week that passed. The thought of this being a permanent thing giving her slight hope that maybe she wasn’t a lost cause. 
May 2005
It had been almost a year since moving in with her new family, and even though she was finally feeling like she’d actually have a family for once, something started to feel... off. Her ‘parents’ started fighting more, especially after her foster fathers brother had to come live with them after losing his job. She wasn’t too happy about it either. He’d get drunk in the middle of the day and just stare at her like he wanted her or something. She’d often catch the same look coming from her foster father also, mostly when he was around his brother and then she’d get the look from the two of them. But being only 12 years old she decided not to put too much thought into it and would brush off the uncomfortable feeling. That is, until the first night they came home drunk together.
Corinne sat downstairs in the living room, watching tv until the show was over and then she’d go to bed. It was her routine she did every night. Dinner, homework, tv, shower, bed. It’s been this way for months and since the arrival of her ‘uncle’, she hadn’t been able to really sit downstairs without feeling uncomfortable. There were 10 minutes left of her show when she heard the door being thrown open followed by two heavily drunk men walking through the door. Taking a breath, Corinne turned the tv off and turned to head upstairs when she heard the slurred words. “Shouldn’t you be in bed by now?” Taking another breath, she turned to look at the two men and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m going now.” Just as she was about to head up the steps, she felt a strong grip around her wrist, causing her to tense up immediately. “Now now, just because we’re home doesn’t mean you need to go hiding upstairs in that bedroom of yours, stay down here. Ignore your dad he’s just cranky drunk.” Her ‘uncle’ breathed, the stench of whiskey and vodka strong on his breath making her hold her breath. She definitely didn’t want to stay downstairs with the two drunk men, their breath absolutely horrible. “Uhm... no thanks... School night...” The uncomfortable feeling washed over her once again when she saw them both staring at her like she was a piece of meat. Quickly, she pulled her arm away from her ‘uncle’ and took a couple steps up the stairs. “Goodnight...” She looked at them before quickly making her way up the stairs to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Once in her room, she took a shaky breath and calmed down before she got dressed into her PJ’s and crawled into her bed for the night, thinking that the conversation downstairs was over. How wrong she was. 
It had to be in the middle of the night when she was woken up. At first, she didn’t realize what was going on until she was in an intense amount of pain. Her eyes shot open, sleepily darting around her room until they landed on the man hovering above her and smirking, a look she’d never forget. Before she could scream, his hand covered her mouth. “Now now, wouldn’t want to wake your mom now would you? Be a good girl and sit still. This will be over much quicker for you if you just do as we say. Who knows, you might enjoy it.” The man laughed and began moving, causing her to wince and squirm against the bed. She hadn’t even realized her hands were being held above her head until she started moving. She glanced up, seeing her ‘father’ pinning her down while her ‘uncle’ continued moving on top of her. She couldn’t help but let tears start falling from her eyes, moving and praying that it would all just end soon. But it didn’t, the two of them took turns using her like she was a toy they were sharing on the playground. Unfortunately for her, this wouldn’t be the last time it would happen.
July 2005
This was the only thing Corinne had felt in two months. The two people she needed to trust in the world had betrayed her, and let her ‘uncle’ do whatever he wanted to her whenever he wanted. She had tried to tell her ‘mother’ what had happened two months ago and every time after that when new bruises would emerge, but she just laughed and told her to “stop making things up”. No matter how many times she would try to tell her, she never believed her. So she just stopped trying. Most nights she would just pretend to be asleep, not wanting to deal with it and then would cry once they were done. Some nights it was one or the other, and some nights it would be both of them depending on how drunk they were. But it had gone on for 2 months too long, and she was sick of it. 
12am | July 23
“911 what's your emergency?”
“Please help... my parents and uncle are all laying on the ground... white stuff is coming out of their mouths and they aren’t responding...”
The night that changed everything. The police arrived in record time, Corinne came running out of the house in tears, inaudibly trying to explain to the cop what was going on. She had put on quite a show, and she knew she did because she had been practicing for a while now. The cops entered the house and studied the scene, coming back out announcing that her mother, father, and uncle were all DOA. Corinne’s story had been that her parents and uncle were drinking all day, it was a Saturday after all so none of them had to work. They decided to party all day. She hid up in her room most of the time except for when she came down for snacks, the last time being around 11:30 when she came down before bed and her parents told her to grab them a drink on the way upstairs, and she complied. She brought the three of them a beer and that was the last she saw of them until she heard a crash downstairs that woke her up. When she got up and went downstairs is when she’d find her three family members on the ground, seizing and foaming at the mouth, which is when she called 911.��
The social worker came to get her while she was giving the cops her statement. Once they were finished, she was escorted into the waiting car and left there while her social worker spoke to the cops. She looked towards the house, watching as the EMT’s brought out one body bag after another. She couldn’t help but smirk, wiping away the tears from her performance. Of course, everything she told the cops was true, but what she left out was what happened in between the time when she went into the kitchen to get them a drink, and when she handed them the drink and went to bed after. This was the secret she’d carry with her forever. When she worker came back to the car, she let a few more tears fall to sell her performance and leaned back into the seat, sniffling as she got in the driver side and shut the door. “You poor thing. I thought they would’ve stuck... no worries. I’m sure we’ll find you a family...” The woman sighed and started up the car before driving away. Corinne glanced back at the house one more time, wishing she had burned it down instead of poisoning the people inside.
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