#and I think I'm projecting but sometimes I feel like ant's thinking the same thing but he goes along with it and then eventually does start
challenge-ant · 3 months
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ohmeadows · 10 months
I'm curious how can you manage to write something so deranged (complementary) and it's still amazing?? Like I've been trying to write something that's out of my comfort zone but always stop halfway or chickened out because I don't know where or how to write the character. Is there a tip or notes that you can share with us? I love your stories btw and I've read all of them. Thank you so much for sharing 😘 I hope you're successful in everything that you do.
okay let me see what advice i can give!
first tip: pick a work you think does this really well and print it out. grab some highlighters. go over it like a hawk, highlighting the places you think they nailed that you struggle with. is it because they use some special verbs? are they speeding up or slowing down action? skipping over details you think you have to include or it won't make any sense? take note of what verbs they use, how they choreograph, how they set up the space and scene. this is a bit of tedious process but it teaches you so much about how others do it if you're willing to put in the time, and is just a great writing habit overall imo.
second tip: i chicken out a lot too! sometimes i have to turn that shame around. like okay, what's stopping me. i'm posting something online and no one knows who i am irl, check. sometimes i make an entirely new ao3 account just to feel safe about it. sometimes that shame can be utilized in the characters. shame when used right can be really hot, because you want to show how much a character wants something, can't stop thinking about it, even though it makes them melt from shame. and then keep upping the ante until they can't resist the desire anymore.
third tip: contrary to popular belief i think almost any kink i feasibly care about can happen with any character if you build up the setting well enough. the simplest formula is framing it as a problem character A has, and character B offers a solution. limited POV to one character means limited knowledge, so you can also play with "oh my god why are they behaving so annoying/sluttily/weird around me? ooooh oh ok they want to do [nasty kink]" and then comes a period of reflection, wrestling with it. i sometimes straight up project my own thoughts into this zone to process and be able to actually write it hahaha. it's really sexy and good tension to show the internal friction of wanting something and getting just a taste, and realizing ah shit you want it even more now.
fourth tip: if the kink is really far out of your comfort zone, write like a stepping stone guide building up to it (say, lactation might be too far out. okay. breastplay? tit bondage? sucking on nipples really intensely? nipple clamps? oiled up breasts?). and see how far you can go along it. maybe you need to stop halfway in one fic but the next time you can go a little further, and the third time you make it all the way. it is completely fine and actually really cool to explore the same kinks over and over and i promise readers won't get tired!
fifth tip: this is more something i love to read than what i usually write myself, but: character A comes across a kink in media. they begin to research it, think about it, and maybe tell character B or B finds out through accident. turns out, B is intrigued and into it. this formula works really well in building up, pouring research into it, allowing yourself to linger in doubts and details and hesitations... this whole thing, is it a trope? it should be. i love it. and it works so well with so many kinks!
okay i hope even a smidge in here was of use to you, and if you need any help with more specifics or generics my askbox is always open!
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Something About Legacy
something for @bugger-loz,, I got bored and decided to write something for Dark Disciples lol. Bit of lore and stuff for Gyba here ft. Kohga being a gayass
Note: the blights names have been changed; thunderblight is Rajan now
Word count: 973
Characters: Gyba, Sakiru, Sooga, Kohga (briefly), Rajan (mentioned)
“I'll show you how to do it first. Watch closely.”
Sooga nodded to the footsoldier in front of him. Gyba watched him cross his katanas in front of him to block the oncoming broadsword. When the opposing blade didn't recoil, he slid his swords apart with enough force to send the footsoldier stumbling back. Gyba nodded in confirmation.
“Good. Let's do it together now. Copy my movements.”
He nodded again. This time, both footsoldiers lunged forward. Gyba crossed her scimitars like how Sooga did, just in time for the broadsword to collide with them. Her wrists strained to suppress the blade. It inched a bit closer to her face before she gained the strength to split her swords and stagger the opponent.
“Good!” Sooga said. “Remember, timing is key. Don't wait too long after the blade hits to push back. Now, try to utilize the opening it gives you as an opportunity to strike. Watch me.”
Sooga did the same thing again, crossing his swords to block and attack. This time, once the footsoldier recoiled, he lunged. Three reverberating thumps sounded through the arena as Sooga's swords beat against the footsoldier’s projected shield.
They continued like that for a while, Sooga demonstrating a new move and having Gyba repeat it until she got it right. Off to the side of the ring, Sakiru and Kohga watched them closely. Gyba's hand became steadier with each swing of her swords. Like melting metal, her movements turned from stiff to fluid before Sakiru's eyes.
He looked down at the Sheikah next to him. Kohga was staring just as intently, attention unbroken by Sakiru moving. His mask hid his eyes, but Sakiru could still tell for sure… he wasn't looking at Gyba.
Gyba followed suit as Sooga sheathed his swords. As she hung a towel around her neck, he unzipped the front of his uniform a bit and took a swig from his canteen. “I think that'll be it for today. Next time, we'll work on your form a bit more.”
Sooga left with Kohga, the shorter man’s gaze still clearly fixed on Sooga's open uniform. Gyba joined up with Sakiru and stretched. “How was that? Pretty good, huh?”
Sakiru nodded as they turned and walked away. “Mhm. You're getting a lot better with reaction time. It's good to see you improving.”
Gyba nodded and puffed out her chest in satisfaction, crossing her arms. “Yeah, I'm getting real good at this whole thing. I’m pretty talented, aren't I? I can do some real damage.”
“You're still not going on Sooga's missions.”
She slumped over and groaned.
Sakiru sighed. “You're not ready yet. It's still too dangerous.”
���You always say that,” she grumbled.
“You're fifteen years old. You can't just go out onto a battlefield at that young. Real fighting isn't like your training, there's a lot of real risk that you're not going to be prepared for. For now, you will stay here and train with Sooga.”
Sakiru's explanation didn't do much for Gyba. When they got back to the main part of the hideout, she went back into her room without a word.
Now that she was alone, she had a chance to get out for a little bit. As soon as she couldn't hear Sakiru’s footsteps anymore, she ran over to the Yiga tapestry above her bed and lifted it. The break in the stone bricks was still there, just wide enough to get through if she crawled on her stomach.
The passage was tight and full of bugs. Spiders, beetles, ants, sometimes centipedes or scorpions. It would be revolting to anyone else, but it instilled a strange sense of pride in Gyba. The way that the little creatures scurried out of her way made her feel royal, like all her little subjects were clearing a path for their queen.
She was hit with a cool breeze as she emerged from the tunnel. The ledge it led to was the perfect spot- nestled in the corner of the plateau, just low enough to be out of the snow. Off the edge, the sprawling desert was laid out before her. Twisting dunes and ancient ruins that spoke of her past were hardly of any concern to her- all she wanted to see was the swirling sandstorm and the beast lurking within.
Even so far away, Vah Naboris’s calls were just loud enough to reach Gyba's spot. The sheets of sheikah stone rattled with each massive step and kicked more sand into the air. Through the haze, the familiar magenta glow of the Divine Beast’s eyes found the pilot’s daughter.
“Hey dad,” Gyba said, trailing her fingers through the sand. “I'm doing okay, I guess. Sooga taught me how to block today, that's pretty cool. But Sakiru still won't let me go out.”
Another cry from Vah Naboris. She waited for it to finish before she kept talking. “Yeah… I just think I'm getting really good and that I could handle something like that. I'm supposed to go and find the source, yeah? That's not gonna be easy, shouldn't I get some real practice instead? That training ring's no good for me. It's just getting boring at this point.”
Both her and the desert were silent for a minute. Vah Naboris kept walking, the weight of its legs pounding the desert. “I hope you're doing alright in there, dad. I know…” she thought back on when Rajan was still around, that thing he always said when he’d brag about how he got the scars on his chest and stole the Thunder Helm from right under the chief’s nose. “...I'm gonna be like you. I'm not gonna let anyone stop me, and I'm gonna find that source. Just you wait, just everyone wait and see.”
The Divine Beast cried out again. Gyba smiled.
“I'm gonna make you proud.”
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not-poignant · 6 years
Congrats on starting your DBH fic! I feel like it was almost a rushed decision for you? Like you just woke up one morning and went, 'Yup. I'm doing it'. Anyway, it's awesome and you're awesome and the first chapter is awesome! By the way, any DBH recs? :) What did you like? The guys went wild with content over the summer.
By the way, any DBH recs? :) What did you like? 
I know I say it a lot, and it still holds true, but I write fic when I can’t find exactly what I want to read. I’m just a really fussy fucker. So the only reason I’m actually kind of ante-ing up to write in this fandom is because I’m not really finding the kinds of fics I specifically want to read, though there’s a lot of good material out there for sure (I’m not reading any now, because I don’t want to mess up the worldbuilding I’m starting to put together in my head lmao - please don’t rec me stuff! I may not read it for like a year at this point, lol, I’m mostly sticking to PWPs). Though I do really enjoy Scratch by L1av.
I feel like it was almost a rushed decision for you?
I’ve actually been thinking of committing to a fanfiction project for about 3 months (even longer actually, def before TGATNW was finished). I was just fandom-hopping until I found the right idea. I came really close to committing to a Homestuck fic idea (which I still like tbh), and I came moderately close to playing Dragon Age 2 as research, but really wasn’t happy with the overall idea for Cold Red Light.
I stumbled into Detroit Become Human re: the same way I did Dragon Age - through the fanart, and finding the premise intriguing. When I saw like, two Reverse AU artwork pieces on Twitter, I knew that was where I wanted to aim my sights? Idk if I have anything good to offer to the fandom, but I do know what I want to write and why I want to write it.
The thing about fanfiction is that I can be rushed about it. I can break all my schedule rules. I can do it just because it’s fun and I feel like it, and it doesn’t have to be a majorly thought through decision. It reminds me that I’m like...a person and not a word machine (which I sometimes feel like, which is no one else’s fault but my own, but the way for me to fix it is to write fanfiction). Do I have a chapter plan? No! Do I have an idea of exactly where I’m going? No! Do I plan on regular scheduled updates? Nope! Does it feel amazing? It really fucking does!
I learned a long time ago that writing fanfiction alongside original fiction might make the original fiction come slower, but it makes me a much stronger and happier writer. Which is why I had been idling like a car in neutral and keeping my eyes peeled for fanfiction projects I wanted to commit to (because I wanted something new, too). I love writing Fae Tales, but Fae Tales is also tied to income, which is tied to sometimes worrying about health and money and shit. I will never not love Fae Tales, but sometimes it feels really great to do something just because it’s fun, detached from everything else. That’s why thespectaclesofthor account exists in the first place.
So me deciding to commit to this fic did happen somewhat impulsively, but me deciding to commit to a big fanfiction project in general? That did not. In fact if anything I’m super excited about this, because if I’ve like, rushed to get the words out in the chapter (it has been beta’ed!) it’s a sign that I’m really rejuvenated/enthused about writing, and it’s a great, great feeling. I’m so excited to share this story with others, even if only 20 people read it. :D 
Like, The Wind that Cuts the Night was impulsive. Stuck on the Puzzle was wicked impulsive (I literally saw a Bull/Cullen week prompt for ‘kink negotiation’, wrote something, and then thought ‘oh I guess I’ll write more then’ when people didn’t hate it). It’s...part of the magic of fanfiction in some ways. I love it. I’m very lucky to experience that rush of excitement, and I’m trying to have faith it will see me through to the end of the project, because it has before. :D
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angelcorebabyowo · 4 years
Chapter name: 5 years old
Chapters: 1/?
Tw: Child death, Somewhat restraints of a child, burning
Chapter description: Remus is five years old whenever he accidentally kills his best friend
Remus is five years old when he first meets a boy named Logan.
Remus is normally a pretty emotional kid, and even now, as he looks down upon the still and partially melted and mangled body of his once best friend he is still emotional. The world seems to be spinning around him and no matter what he does he can't seem to will his legs to move. He can't seem to do anything but scream, cry and feel things as he crumbles to the ground, shaking his friend and only making the situation worse by causing, even more, burns on the already scorched corpse. He stays like that for another few minutes before the teachers finally come over and have to drag Remus away as he still kicks and screams. As he gets dragged away he can hear some of his peers whispering but can't make out what they were saying over the noise him his ears and well the whole screaming. 
He eventually calms down by the time that he's dragged out to the front of the school, now softly crying still trying to figure out what was happening. He can hear the siren of police and ambulances and while normally he would perk up and try to see them he doesn't even bother to look up, doesn't even bother to open his eyes again instead, he winces and tries to escape again but with the teachers holding his arms in a way that it was nearly impossible for him to move around all that much.
He can hear it turn into the parking lot and stop right in front of them. He felt himself move from the teacher's arms to the backseat and get buckled in. The car started moving and Remus still didn't open his eyes but noticed that the farther from the school he got the noise of sirens seemed to leave as well. How come?
"You're in a lot of trouble bud." The voice of his dad says softly whenever the car stops at a red light he jumps completely not expecting that at all. Sure the second he got in the car he had a suspicion but he didn't think it would've been true or anything.  "Not with the law, at least not right now but with literally everyone...What happened?"
That's when Remus broke down again, he knew his dad knew and was only asking to hear his side but he couldn't take it at the moment, it was already too much and his head was hurting and everything was just Too. Much. He could feel the bubbling in his skin making him full-on scream at the feeling of it, which made his dad swerve slightly but quickly regain control of the weel. .
Remus undergoes the next 10 minutes of the car ride with his dad trying to distract him from the subject at hand, one they'll eventually have to talk about but at the moment Remus couldn't even think about his friend without his emotions spiking up and it causing the acid to leak more onto his hands causing painful blisters.
They should go to the hospital, they should go somewhere with someone who knows what to do but the next thing Remus knows is that he's in the driveway and being picked up and brought inside and laid gently on this bed. His dad is seated on the edge of it and gently applies some sort of burn cream to the area before gently wrapping it in a few gauze bandages before sighing softly and telling Remus to take a nap. And Remus happily agrees, he was tired and just needed to clear his head entirely. 
It stays that way for a while, Remus says in his room, his dad comes in to help change the bandages or to bring him something to eat, and then he goes right back to sleep as if he doesn't exist to anyone outside of the room. He can sometimes catch the news from the crack in the door and on a few rare occasions can hear his friend's name and it all comes flooding back to him at once and violently. The screaming, the pleading, the way their glassed-over eyes looked up at him as they laid still on the grass. Every time it happens he throws up a little in his mouth and can feel his hands start to burn to the point that they burn through the bedsheets. 
The door doesn't stay open much after that and the news even less. 
Somedays his older brother, Roman, will come and sit at the edge of the bed and rant about his day but will mostly just leave whenever Remus doesn't even seem to acknowledge his presence at all but instead curls more under the blanket. But somedays he stays and continues to talk despite the silence o the other end, he understood that Remus wouldn't even try to talk to someone right now but he still wanted him to know that someone was there for him. 
After a month Remus is about closer to his old self than he had been this entire time, he's talking a bit more and is even active and leaving his room daily and hanging out with the family. Roman is ecstatic as they go back to playing and while it's not the same, Remus still refuses to use his hand's so Roman fixes the stuff to his wrist or just changes the games completely, it feels as good as it ever did.
Today Roman wanted to hang out with some friends at the park and brought Remus along just to give the kid some fresh air, so that's what they did and the second they got there Remus ran over to a tree he used to climb and sat underneath it getting his lose jeans covered in dirt already despite it not even being a few minutes. His brother rolled his eyes and said a soft stranger danger warning before going off to find his friends. Remus didn't even want to be here so he was content with just making little piles in the dirt while trying to keep the bandages clean. 
"Um excuse me, that's my tree!" a soft and nasally voice says which makes Remus look up at a kid who seemed to be around his age. He was wearing a somewhat oversized dark blue sweater and black shorts with rain boots, his glasses didn't even seem to fit him seeing as every second he adjusted them. he was carrying a portable bug-catching kit in the unoccupied hand. "Please move?"
"I was here first!" Remus says quickly with a huff before looking back down and building up a small pile even more. He was still nervous around people, definitely people his age  (One of the main reasons he didn't like going outside). While his mind normally ran in circles when talking to someone, it didn't do it with this kid, it was still clear and he was able to keep control. Plus, why was this kid even talking to him, haven't they seen his face on the news a while ago? Remus was dangerous and everyone in the small town knew it, why didn't this kid seem to care?
The other kid huffed and crossed his arms before sitting right next to Remus and just stared at him for a second before shrugging and going on with his own business of searching for something in the dirt. "What doin'?" The kid asks and Remus turns to face him with a confused look before sighing softly and answering. 
"Dirt," Remus says looking back down at his dirt pile and saw Logan picking up ants that were trying to climb into it. 
"What with dirt?" 
"I really like it it's calming." 
"Have you tried to destroy the pile then put back?" Logan asks setting his kit in the dirt right at the base of the tree and starts to help make the pile bigger, still flicking the ants away but letting other insects run right in. 
Remus tilts his head in confusion again and shrugs before standing up and kicking the dirt onto the tree with a small smile and even a laugh, it was pretty fun, he'd have to give them credit there. He goes back to sit down and starts to push the dirt into the pile again "Remus, my name" he whispers thinking that it would be best to get his name out there
"I'm Logan" The kid, Logan, says helping to rebuild the pile as well "And I know, Roman talks lot about you. Look like Roman, like a lot."
"You know Roman?" Remus asks confused for the 3rd time in less than an hour.
"He's my older brother's friend...When he come over he talk a lot about you!" Logan says quickly with a nod and Remus almost feels relief flush through him for some reason. Logan stands up quickly and brushes off his shorts "Well calling for me." he says before Remus even hears someone calling for the other.
"Bye!" Remus says with a wide wave and winced slightly when Logan looked at his hand but the other boy just shrugged. 
"Bye-bye!" He says before running off. 
That wasn't the last time Remus saw Logan though, they met up at the park or at one of there houses, and each day it seemed as if they had gotten closer and closer, and while Remus was still cautious about touching Logan he was happy to at least have another friend to hand out with.
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humanistauno · 4 years
The Father of Aurora
by: Aiah Nicole Robles
Gener Pineda Janapon was born on July 31, 1953 in Jaro, Ilo-Ilo. Currently living in 220 Aurora Street Brgy. Zone IV, Koronadal City, South Cotabato. His parents are Ms. Brenvenido Janapon and Mrs. Erlinda Pineda. He had five brothers and five sisters namely Polando Janapon, Gener Janapon, Nelson Janapon, Eduardo Janapon, Edgardo Janapon, Ofelia Janapon, Delia Janapon, Evelyn Janapon, Nenita Janapon and Yolanda Janapon a total of 10 siblings. Living in a harmonious life is everyone's will to live. A life where you don't have to think about what will happen tomorrow. If there will be a tomorrow and if will be part of the future.
Captain Gener isn't from a wealthy family, thus a simple one rich with love and respect. In order to sustain their daily needs, his parents strive harder and he himself also sells "balot" to provide his school expenses and allowance. Along with his siblings for no one would ever help him but him himself. He needs to strive harder molding and building a path to a better future. It doesn't matter how your sweat streams repeatedly onto your body and how tired you were to have a penny in your pocket, you have to find a way and work hard as if there will never be another day for this will be soon worth striving for." He said.
For Captain Gener, every person has its own problem but for him, everything is possible and every problem has its own solution either how big or troubled it was. As he encountered problems in life, what he just think and do is trust the Almighty Father, and so no problems vanished.
As a loyal man to his homeland, he run for Purok President of Purok Aurora in Barangay Zone IV and luckily git elected. He promoted as federation president of 23 Purok in Koronadal City in 2002, he run for Barangay kagawad and re-elected on 2007 and 2013. He never spent money on the election for he knows how to win the heart of the citizens without the help of money or wealth but with loyalty and true respect. After his term for Barangay kagawad, he worked on city hall in Community Affairs Task Force Kaayusan member for almost 4 years. Year 2018 he run again for Barangay captain of Zone IV and so because of his courage and as well-known man with a brave heart, he win the throne and currently year 2019 he had a lot of people who trusted him with the barangay and lended his hands onto his people of Aurora. This was all happened because he has dignity and principle in life, as for Captain Gener "You need to do your very best on whatever you do without harming others."
I’m A Father
​He met his wife way back when she's a teacher, someone says true love never exist but for Captain Gener, as he saw the beauty of Mes. Carmelita Janapon, he feels something strange as if he was in love in her at his first sight and so is for Mrs. Carmelita Janapon. They dated and fell inlove deeper with each other and developed a husband and wife realtionship. Their love onto each other brought to life, their two children Andrew Janapon the eldest and Janice Janapon the youngest and builds a happy God centered family. He is now contented to what he has gain with his loving family and children.
​As a father, he taught his children the meaning and importance of life, to work hard and not to take advantage on people and to help those in need.
​His eldest son Andrew Janapon finished his studies on 2004 and the youngest on 2005. Year 2019 his youngest Janice Janapon is in Netherlands with his fianće and started a new life with her family. Captain Janapon feels sad when Janice left them but he can't hinder nor stop his child to be with someone she loves. As far as his daughter is happy so he is, that's how he love his child.
The Aurora Community
Zone IV had 9 million pesos budget. 55% goes to the service fee/salaries of the barangay employees and officials. 10% for SK and calamity fund. 35% was for the projects life building a day care centre, canals, car fuels, and other development fees. For Captain Gener, it isn't hard to manage such money because he's use to do such thing as one of his responsibility as a captain of the barangay, sometimes he even handle large amount of money like 100 million pesos, a money intended for the barangay. Zone IV had a lot of school on its territory, like the well-known public school of Koronadal City, the KNCHS ( Koronadal National Comprehensive High School) whom by Zone IV, both schools and the barangay had a nice relationship, unlike before wherein the where gaps in between their relationship because the voters there weren't all the same side, but yet such issue as that isn't a hindrance for their undeniable connection. Once, there was an earthquake drill in KNCHS, Captain Gener attended on it and he was amazed by the population of the students both Junior and Senior High School, 11 thousand students in such school, it almost covered the field and walking like an ant for him, such a great honour he said, for a school as big this.
Though he had a lot of things to manage, this isn't gave his a tough days though, for he had a good relationship with the state holders like purok president, provincial government and the local government of the City of Koronadal, this relationship is essential for the barangay itself, so whenever will be a need to reconstruct, to build or to improve, there will always a hard that will help or reinforce it that's the case, that's why every road on Zone IV was all concrete except the one's beside Captain Gener's house, because he wanted to prioritize his people whom he loved the most second to his family, and that love for them wasn't a waste nor a regret because they all trusted him all they've got, with the important matters and with their barangay itsel, as the captain of Zone IV, these was very important to strengthen the bonds between you and your people. Feel free to help whenever they wanted and they are for you.
Bayanihan is a system present in their community, humanitarian aspect, and respect to oneself and to others. The people in Zone IV was nice, you just have to talk to them as if you're their neighbor, a good friend, an ally an a family, in that way, it'll be easy to handle them, resulting the prosperous and friendly people of Barangay Zone IV. This accomplishment bring him back the days where the life was tough as rock, he's been through a lot of obstacles on his younger days, he used to work on a rice field planting a hectare of paddy under the heat of the sun, not o mention but Captain Gener had a talent in this industry, all by himself he can finish planting a hectare of rice field and harvest about 200 meters corn field like a flash and without getting sunburns, just having a reddish, sosey like skin after the work and he himself acknowledged his uniqueness and being cute all the times as his ace for making his current wife fall in love with him with the help of declination, humbleness and of course being truly in love without condition and lies.
The Hardworking Man
As a health conscious person, Captain Gener doesn't and isn't used to work on such tough job as lifting and in construction in order to protect his health, in contrary he would rather choose to sell "balot" as an easiest job, hell just sit on the corner waiting for the customer to appoach ,buy, the'll give the money and he'll give the exchange, as simple as that and without any hard movements he gotten enough money, but if you put some patience and dedication on what you're doing, you'll earn much more than you imagine, on selling balot, Captain Gener, earned 10000 while his wife as a teacher earned 5000 on the last election (2018) for barangay captain, his opponent think of him as a simple man who just sell balot and couldn't do more than that and that he could defeat Captain Gener easily for himself as a well-known general but he didn't know that the person he take easily will defeat him without favour. Captain Gener has a characteristic his opponent doesn't have the love and fidelity for his people that keep him on his very owned position for 11 years and still counting he once said, "nothing is impossible if you just plan for it and make it happen", just like what he did on the election, he planned very well on how he could possibly defeat the opponent without hard judgements and punching him, he said thus he had trust on his peoples loyalty to him that drives him to the positive vibes and possibility of winning the battle.
​There once his opponent on the election reach out every people on Zone IV while riding on his luxurious car waving the people and magniloquently let them saw a photo of himself and the Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte on his phone while Captain Gener humbly walked house to house as he used to do. Sometimes his people got worried about him walking by himself for their might be someone who'll do something unpleasant to him. So the citizens recommended him to get a body guard to be with him all the times and whenever he goes, but he refused. He smiled and said, "its fine, I'm not concerned nor worried about that because I know for sure, no one will do something bad on me and if there is, its wouldn't scare me for I am on my own barangay, every people here knows me well, respect me well and do love me, they'll protect me for sure if that will happen." As for his people and as a loyal him about what his opponent just did, but Captain Janapon humbly stood up and reveal a photo of him with his loving family together with his grandchildren, as he let them saw photo, gladness will be seen from the faces of his citizens as he have family oriented captain who love not only his own family but also his home, his barangay. All throughout his reign, he wasn't scared of being humiliated, to be attacked by other people or someone do something bad on him because he know for sure that he didn't do any wrong, this his intention was all pure and for the sake of his people on Zone IV, not unless if these were mistaken identity.
​As Captain Gener continue walking house to house by himself, the Koronadal City Mayor itself got worried and said, "Cap! I get some bodyguard and I'll be the one to pay them for you." But he resisted again for he had nothing to be worried about in the first place.
The Friendly Captain
​The large public school of Koronadal City. KNCHS is under the Zone IV, Captain Gener know well the assigned people there, from the guard to the principle. He comfortably walk inside KNCHS seeing how well the school that makes him very proud. Way back the time when he was still a kagawad of Zone IV, he used to order his 30 college students to paint the rizal statue near his house and as a payment, he brought them hot pandesal and arroscaldo. Dr. Pinggoy passed by there and so he saw the student painting and ask Captain Gener, how many students were there, and captain said, "Its 30" and Dr. Pinggoy gave him 1 thousand for their snacks. For Captain Gener, he might not had tons of good friends he can rely on the important thing is he had Dr. Pinggoy who always there on his side at all times.
​The large public school of Koronadal City. KNCHS is under the Zone IV, Captain Gener know well the assigned people there, from the guard to the principle. He comfortably walk inside KNCHS seeing how well the school that makes him very proud. Way back the time when he was still a kagawad of Zone IV, he used to order his 30 college students to paint the rizal statue near his house and as a payment, he brought them hot pandesal and arroscaldo. Dr. Pinggoy passed by there and so he saw the student painting and ask Captain Gener, how many students were there, and captain said, "Its 30" and Dr. Pinggoy gave him 1 thousand for their snacks. For Captain Gener, he might not had tons of good friends he can rely on the important thing is he had Dr. Pinggoy who always there on his side at all times.
​He is proud of every doctor around every corner, because a doctor is God instrument on saving the most important aspect of man which is its life, its soul, which plays the very vital role on man, without the brain and the hands of every doctor, everything you ponder here on earth will be unworthy and useless. Once, Captain Gener grandchild had an intense fever which is very alarming, he immediately run his poor grandchild unhesitant to the nearest hospital, a tricycle driver from Zone IV saw them and offer them a fast ride to the hospital and faithfully, he's grandchild was delivered safely and take care by the doctors and nurses and so a while later, captain Gener grandchild were free and safe from fever.
​He had a friend from T'boli had been actingly bleeding, the patient wanted Captain Janapon to donate his blood to save the patient's life and so without hesitation, Captain Gener took the opportunity to help and donated his blood to the poor patient it was his first time to directly transfer blood through the patient and so the patient was saved, thanks to the kind Captain Gener Janapon and of course with the help of our Almighty God above who's responsible for the miracle.
​He didn't want to hear any discrimination about children because everything he do for the Zone IV is for the sake of the future of every children who'll soon grow and be a man who'll protect his town and country, like when someone don't accept the poor child to go to school because as reported, the child was dirty, Captain Gener got disappointed by the act of the teacher towards its student, so he said to the teacher" I'll terminate you, if you do it again". This stage is a child's beginning into his future so why bother to interfere them and hinder them to do so, a teacher's task is to teach them to be wise about life and on how to be a better man in the future. His wife is a retired teacher that's why he really valued education that much, if the regional board sees a poor child unable to go to school, they'll able to freely go to school and help them be active and create a dream that'll change them and mold them to be a better man.
​ Gener’s Warm Heart
He wanted to help those street kids to go to school and put them a descent clothes on, because a man who's capable of doing it, must take its action be responsible for taking the step unto it.
​He had a daughter whom he loves the most, and a proud scholar, consistent honour, intelligent and a brave woman who didn't use its fathers position to earn what she earned currently, but an incident gave her a grade whom she doesn't deserved but just because its teacher and his father had a bit of political matter, Captain Gener's daughter got a grade of 84, a scholar. No grade below 84, a scholar. No grade below 84 is cumlaude but she insisted rather she said" it’s the father", and now, she passed five exams in Netherlands and got its licensed as a teacher of pilot and currently a principal. Everything that happens to his daughter is because his daughter have and has a will of fire to do exactly what she wants, to turn impossible into possible, but before the examination in Netherlands, his daughter left the Philippines and stayed there because she met her fiancé which is from Netherlands and so she go to reach her goal there as a professional teacher and a principal of pilot in Netherlands. Before Captain Gener's daughter left, he was very sad and disappointed to be left by his only daughter, but that doesn't matter all. The important is his daughter's happiness and success that’s brave enough to face any struggles in life that brought inspiration into her to be able to achieve its goals in life and become a successful one as she is now.
​For Captain Gener, there us no other things that happens to you, only your family, because no matter bad happens to you, only tour family whom you can rely on, you can trust and you can reach on for help and once you learned how to give importance to your family, that's when you'll value things around you, because everything starts in the family. If you are a a bad person, then maybe its starts to your family and so if you are one because a family who handles well their respective members it will grow well and mold the human aspect of being a well person to be respect by others and a man with dignity and heart as Captain Gener Janapon of Zone IV Koronadal City, South Cotabato.
​He's daughther married a dutch, he's daughter is a kind person. He is so proud of her, she passed all board exams, now she has its own family in other country and she leaves Captain Gener. Captain Gener is happy and delighted that she is safe there with her husband, which is the saddest part as a father, it makes Captain Gener emotional behind his own daughther but he is happy daughter as it makes her became a strong and competitive woman. And also he has he's son who also take as a teacher but his son never like it in the first place. He can say that his family is the one who make him strong and still fighting to be a leader in their barangay. Now that he had his family and his grandchildren are his only treasure, giving the Captain Gener's time as they play, and said that " papa lets go to the mall", he make sure that they go to the mall that he can also be a father to his grandchildren.
The Family Oriented Man
​As a person, Captain Gener only treasures his family, because family is the one who are complete. The family need a supportive man to raise them up and as a person of what we want. In the first place, dreams starts with the family before you explore, you need to be a good person and close to your family, be open to them because family need to be a unity and solidarity to be one. If you will get married you need to ask permission first, and let your parents decide if it will be better for you because family knows what is right and wrong. When it comes to their children that's why you as son and daughter respect you as a parent because you love them and make them happy because they're the one Captain Gener have now, no one else just his family.
​In the barangay he choose the person who are in young age to remind as what he did to his daughter and his children because he saw those kids as his children that's why he's happy in his profession as a Captain Zone IV. In doing his service in the barangay. He did not cheat at all; we know the reason of his victory is the people who are beside him like his neighbour, and the people who need his help. Every morning he's walking in the whole barangay to remind the people that he is running as captain and take some coffee in the houses and telling stories for the people. In their barangay he doesn't have any relatives.
​Mayor Miguel gave Captain Gener to run as being a congressman, but then he refuse because he's journey as a barangay captain are just the beginning. He's services and plans is just the tiny action, he want to give his services to their barangay that needs improvement and he want to have satisfaction what the barangay needs. Some of the people underestimate Captain Gener but he proved that he is not just a person and a captain that will sit chair and will do nothing. He doesn't gavr up and surrender. In his years as a captain, people believe in him like Mayor Peter Miguel and also Dr. Pinggoy, they have the trust in Captain Gener's capabilities as a captain of their barangay.
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