#and I need the extension bc I’m so swamped grading
tarantula-hawk-wasp · 7 months
I think I’m gonna have to ask for an extension on this paper but i hate doing that so much I might drop out instead
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kae-karo · 5 years
Hey Katie, I just need somewhere to load all that stress and stuff from schoolwork keeping be busy. Feel free to not answer. School has just started a week ago and I’m already so stressed and behind on homework even though I did most of it. I already have to give a presentation and have one day to research. It’s just that I’m stressing myself that I won’t finish the work, then I need a break so I don’t stress myself out further but me taking a break is stressing me cause I’m not doing the work.
hello dear! oof, that’s really rough :( first of all let me just once again take the opportunity to be Angery about how much i h8 the current education system and the workload it places on students bc it’s total bullshit like u shouldn’t be so stressed out after only a week that’s a genuine failure of schools to understand what they’re doing and prepare students for the future
i think what i would probably do in your situation is to talk to your teachers about it - if there’s a presentation you have to do, can you talk to your teacher and see if you can get a couple extra days (ie present toward the end, if other students have to present as well?) explain how you’re feeling swamped by other classes and the homework you have to do, etc. or talk to other teachers and see if you can get an extension on some of the homework. my only caution would be to say that you should be careful 1. how often you ask for extensions and 2. the way you ask - it’s not just ‘can i get more time’, like be very genuine in explaining that you’re trying to get a hold of how you can keep up with everything without getting too stressed and you want to make sure you do the work to the best of your ability without feeling rushed
as for taking breaks - this is,,,,,,,probably where i would say i struggled the most in school, i really didn’t take breaks from work? which ofc didn’t help me in the long run. perhaps if you can take some time to sit down and plan things out, like plan when you’ll be doing homework (and which homework you’re doing) and when you’ll be taking short breaks, then treat the breaks like they’re part of the homework process (bc really, they are), that might help alleviate some of the stress you’re feeling. i always find it helpful to have a plan, so if i’m sitting down to have a break or eat a meal or something, i can go ‘yes, this is fine because i’ve very specifically scheduled it this way and i know i’ll be working on (insert homework here) in fifteen mins’ or whatever
this is also where you might reach out to your teachers and see if they can help you with explaining the extent of your homework ahead of time, so you have a better grasp on planning (ie maybe you want to try to plan for the week, so you can ask your teachers what the homework will be each day so you know what your schedule will look like, when you should be working on more extended projects, etc). and it might take a while for you to get a good handle on how that works for you, how far in advance you feel you need to plan, or how long certain activities will take you, but being up front with your teachers about how you’re feeling (and your family if they’re adults you can trust to help and support you while you’re at home) can be really helpful in the long run
i hope that helps dear! and i hope you’re able to get the extra time you need and get things done to the best of your abilities. and remember, it’s okay if your best isn’t perfect! it’s better to turn in a half-finished piece of homework than nothing at all, a 50% won’t drag your grade down as badly as a 0% would. just be open and as communicative as possible - teachers can’t help if they don’t know what the problem is! you’re doing great dear, don’t give up. i know things are hard right now but they can get better! i’m very proud of you :)
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