#american polecat
life-on-our-planet · 4 months
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The black footed ferret was declared extinct in 1979, but just a few years later a small enclave was found in Wyoming. In the decades since then, conservation efforts have helped to bring their numbers back up and there are four self-sustaining populations over several states. ©Colorado Parks and Wildlife
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vuelode-irbis · 11 months
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The love given to the first piece inspired me to do another one with more flags!
ID: a digital drawing that features seven members of the Mustelidae family, colored with the palettes of different pride flags. From left to right and top to bottom: a wolverine with the theme of the intersex pride flag, behind it, there are purple and yellow circles; a chinese ferret-badger with the genderqueer pride flag colors, and some sparkly onomatopoeias in the same colors; a black-footed ferret colored with the genderfluid pride flag, a heart in blue, pink and white and a line with the flag colors besides it; a river otter with the aroace pride flag colors, as well as exclamation onomatopoeias; a steppe polecat in the demiboy pride flag colors, a crown and a heart over his head; a striped polecat colored with the demigirl pride colors, which also has a little crown and a heart around; lastly, an american badger colored in the queer flag, and holding a little one. End ID.
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Huh, I didn't expect to see so many cool mustelids while I was here. Guess I'm just super lucky.
Just kidding! Of course, these are all taxidermy from the American Museum of Natural History. I'll be posting some more photos soon, but I could only fit so many in one post. Enjoy these for now!
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somebysickness · 1 year
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Finalized references for the main crew!
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crevicedwelling · 4 months
mustelidae but actually rank em
on a scale where Scutigeromorpha occupies 100/100 grading:
Mustelinae (weasels) - long stink 3/100
Melinae (Eurasian badgers) - charming woodland creaturecore but still just a big striped stink. 5/100
Mellivorinae (honey badger) - points for being funny 6/100
Lutrinae (otters) - wet stink 3/100
Ictonychinae (grisons, African polecats) - colorful stink 4/100
Taxidiinae (American badger) - whatever 4/100
Helictidinae (ferret-badgers) - I like this little varmint why’s it look like that 7/100
Guloninae (martens, tayra, fisher, wolverine) - big stink 4/100
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ceescedasticity · 3 months
Animals that should probably be found in northwestern Middle-earth but never got mentioned: Lynx (Eurasian); moose; many others. —I'm not sure no one ever mentioned elk, which probably would have meant moose, but I don't remember them.
I single out lynx and moose because I think there are some fairly obvious Sindarin neologisms: pînraw (little + lion) and arason (deer + suffix meaning 'great') respectively.
(Calling the North American lynx little lion might seem like overstating the case a bit, but according to Wikipedia the Eurasian lynx preferentially hunts ungulates.)
Also 'polecat' is according to my dictionary probably from Middle French chicken + Middle English cat, possibly due to preying on poultry? So we could, maybe, describe polecats/similar mustelids as chicken-wolves? Since the word for cat comes from mewing and doesn't really imply predation. Porogaraf? Hollgaraf? Not as confident in this one.
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spooky-kits · 5 months
Here's my Very Scientific taxonomic system for mustelids, based on observations on iNaturalist:
Baby sock – ex. weasels, stoats, ermines. Will never truly reach adulthood. They have never done anything wrong in their life. Sometimes property damage is for the greater good. (If house not for baby sock, why house holes baby sock shaped? 👀) Absolute angels.
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Cat snek – ex. Polecats, ferrets, minks. There are 2 theories for their evolutionary origin: 1. someone allowed a baby sock to reach adulthood 2. A kitten got stuck in a paper towel tube & never recovered. They try to do the zoomies & they just flop around like noodles. Heartbreaking if true
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Baby bear – ex. Fishers, martens. We can see an evolutionary effort to appear/become more threatening & acquire larger meals (ex. scawy teefs!), but look at that lil face!
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Actual bear – ex. Wolverines. Could definitely fuck you up if they wanted to. One of the only creatures bold enough to fight the horrors of the arctic (moose & polar bears). Actually scawy
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Grumpus – ex. Badgers, mostly. quite cozy & content with themselves, however quite disappointed in you. Don't touch their stuff, trust me. (Many believe the only things distinguishing them from the "actual bears" are 1. the lack of a formidable opponent & 2. their appreciation of the finer things in life.) The ultimate Taurus. Would make an excellent judgmental rug
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Aquatic gargoyles – ex. Otters, especially giant otters & American river otters. I know otters mostly have a reputation of being Very Cute (and that's fair, all mustelids are). But when one compares these guys to the rest of the mustelids, one may be tempted to ask, "what happened to you? What have we done to the river that created you?"
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Feel free to add some more science to this post lol. Ex. honorable mention: Stinky Sock (skunks, mostly)
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marguerite-pizza · 4 months
rain world art dump. sorry guys they got me
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also made a little headcanon chart and it’s gonna be under the cut
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I rlly like thinking of the slugcats as those like. Inbetween mammals. yknow like you can’t really tell where they fall :3c mostly mustelids
survivor - European polecat + Doris odhneri
- standard ferret thing
monk - mink + Doris montereyensis
- it was funny
- i thought having both surv and monk as similar slugs was neat
hunter - american badger + Okenia rosacea
- badgers are mean but also protective
gourmand - raccoon + Doriopsilla albopunctata
- c’mon it’s so fitting
- also that slug is called a “white spotted sea goddess” and I thought that was rlly funny
spearmaster - marbled polecat + Edmundsella pedata
- just something abt them
rivulet - sea otter + Hypselodoris bennetti
- bffr
- I was actually rlly surprised there was a sea slug that fit rivulet so nicely
saint - fisher cat + Costasiella kuroshimae
- they just look the same to me
- I’m a slugcat fur denier he is WET and SLIMY
artificer - tasmanian devil + Aplysia californica
- also speaks for itself
- California sea hares are so ugly I love them <3
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batmanschmatman · 1 year
HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist
Rising from the grave in this fandom to share all my way too many thoughts about war boys (and girls) and their daemons. Daemon AUs are my absolute favorite trope and I’ve spent way too much time bothering my wife with thoughts about what everyone would have and how it would work to fight a war with all these soul critters tagging along for the ride, so here they are! Will add links as I finish write ups.
Dick Winters - Australian Shepherd
Lewis Nixon - Nebelung Cat
Ron Speirs - Peregrine Falcon
Carwood Lipton - North American Beaver
Harry Welsh - European Badger
Eugene Roe - American Pika
Babe Heffron - Raccoon Dog
Joe Liebgott - Marbled Polecat
David Webster - Eurasian Red Squirrel
Herbert Sobel - Mute Swan
Buck Compton - Angora Goat
Bill Guarnere - Ethiopian Wolf
Joe Toye - Dingo
Bull Randleman - St. Bernard
Johnny Martin - Olive Baboon
Don Malarkey - Carrion Crow
Skip Muck - Western Jackdaw
Shifty Powers - Tawny Frogmouth
Frank Perconte - Chihuahua
Chuck Grant - Siberian Husky
Shifty Powers - Tawny Frogmouth
Albert Blithe - Riverine Rabbit
Renee Lemaire - Sand Cat
Robert Sink - Bald Eagle
Norman Dike - Black and White Colobus
Eugene Sledge - Common Genet
Snafu Shelton - Fisher
R.V. Burgin - Basset Hound
Andy Haldane - African Lion
Eddie Jones - Border Collie
Bill Leyden - Blue Jay
Jay De L’Eau - Hare
Elmo Haney - Mountain Goat
Bob Leckie - Raven
Lew “Chuckler” Juergens -
Wilbur “Runner” Conley -
Bill “Hoosier” Smith - Yellow Labrador
Sid Phillips - Crab Eating Fox
John Basilone - German Shepherd
Lena Riggi - Ocelot
I can also do requests or give advice if you’re looking for picks for guys I haven’t gotten to yet or any other characters you might be interested in finding a daemon for! But full disclosure, your best bet for inspiration is always using the analyses at the Daemon Forum as a jumping off point, because those folks are A+ at interpreting animal behavior in fun and reasonable ways. No “owls are very wise, all wolves do best on their own” there!
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mustelavison · 10 months
The differences between minks and ferrets
On many social media platforms I have seen minks being called ferrets, and ferrets being called minks. Even on Discord when I post art of a mink, people will proclaim “I love minks!” and then proceed to post a gif of a ferret or an ermine. There is no harm in this, ofcourse! But it does frustrate me a lot because they can easily be differentiated by much more than just color. 
Please note that this is by no means trying to gatekeep what you can call a mink or not. There may be inaccuracies or things left out, as this is all based on my own research. Half of the reason for writing this post is also simply so I have a bit of a reference for myself too when drawing ferrets and minks. I will also only be referring to the American Mink in this post, seeing as they are the most well known due to the American Mink being the species used for fur farming. 
So without much further ado, let's begin! 
The Head
When looking at the average mink and the average ferret, it is obviously very easy to pick apart the two. Ferrets have their signature bandit-like mask, which minks usually do not have. Minks typically range from dark or reddish brown to black with a white chin. In this case it would be very easy to learn the difference between the two.
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But what about situations where both have the same coat color? Some minks in fur farms are bred to have a white coat, and similarly some ferrets also have the same color. This is very often where I see confusion between the two species. And what if minks sprout the polecat mask that ferrets are commonly known for?
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With my art, it is easier to tell the two apart. Especially considering I have noted which is which. But when applied to real life it becomes harder. In fact, when looking up white ferrets for examples I was actually met with an image of a white mink. (And also a lot of ermines, unfortunately.) In situations like this you have to start looking at more anatomical features instead. It is however good to know that white ferrets typically have little to no polecat mask. 
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As you can see here, I have traced the heads of both a white mink and a white ferret. Although, one image is clearly more zoomed out than the other. I have lined the traced result up with each other so it is easier to spot the differences. 
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First of all, the head is broader on the mink and rounder. The ears are also much smaller on the mink when compared to the ferret. The muzzle is also much broader and rounder on the mink, too. 
There are also smaller differences between the two that don't really matter much and more just fun facts. A ferret’s skull is slightly shorter than a mink’s. Ferrets however, do have longer canine teeth!
The Body
Obviously, aside from the head there are also differences in the rest of the body. Fur farm minks on average, are much bigger than a ferret. Minks are also a lot stronger than a ferret. 
There are also coat colors present in only minks and vice versa! The texture of the coats is also very different, which is logical considering ferrets aren’t quite as popular for being used to make coats. 
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Ferrets generally have a rougher coat than ferrets. Their guard hairs are much longer and sparser. The mink on the other hand has a much denser coat, with the purpose of waterproofing the fur as much as possible to keep the mink warm while swimming. 
There are some coat colors usually found only in minks and ferrets respectively. This also works as an identifier because you will not find a jaguar ferret anywhere. 
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A lot of the different coat colors in ferrets are actually a variation of the standard polecat/sable coat color. That being said, a lot of mink coat colors are actually variations of the standard brown/black coat color although it is not as obvious as it is with ferrets.
The final two differences are the paws and tail. These are not really very different for the most part, and on images you’d see on Instagram or whatever other platform you see a mink on you won't really notice these quickly. Minks generally have longer tails than ferrets, and being semi-aquatic they also have partially webbed feet. 
Thanks for reading this entire thing! It's pretty long, I know, but I hope it was of some use to you anyway. Hopefully you learned something new or maybe you could use this as an art reference in some way. 
On a footnote: If you can't tell the difference between a stoat/ermine and a mink or ferret then please get your eyes checked. If you didn't know they were different species then I sure hope you know that mink, ferret and ermine are not synonyms for each other and are all different species. Quite frustrating to see ermines pop up so much when searching for white minks or ferrets, you know?
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magpie-sherlock · 7 months
Mandarin Ducks!
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Latin name Aix galericulata
perching ducks
native to East Palearctic region
close relative of the North American wood duck
shy birds, hide under trees (like willows)
nest in cavities in trees
eats acorns and grains in fall and winter
eats insects, grains, snails, fish, and aquatic plants in spring
eats dew worms, fish, frogs, mollusks, and small SNAKES in the summer
feeds near dawn and dusk
predators include mink, tanuki, otters, polecats, Eurasian eagle-owls, and grass snakes
featured in Chinese art
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can-of-pringles · 3 months
Assign different mustelids (ferrets, badgers, otters, skunks, etc) to your OCs?
I had no idea they were called that, but ok here we go
Arline: Ferret
Carina Shephard/Beatrice Maddison: European Badger
Dannie Karim: Tayra
Pigeon: American Marten
Silas Petersson: Beech Marten
Arith: Greater Grison (bc this thing looks so weird in a fun way)
Iriel: Long-tailed Weasel
Kaia: Black-footed Ferret
Odel: Eurasian Otter
Eliška Hasek: Steppe Polecat
Marigold Rosales: North American River Otter
Rosie Rosales-Maximoff: Least Weasel
Allison Dahir: Sea Otter
Lee Quinn: Mountain Weasel
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vuelode-irbis · 1 year
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More scanned mustelids! These are so relaxing to do
ID: a traditionally drawn page of six members of the Mustelidae family, scanned and colored digitally. They have their scientific names written near each individual. From left to right and starting from above: yellow throated marten (Martes flavigula), colored in yellow and clear blue; european pine marten (Martes martes), colored in dark blue, turquoise and clear sky blue; tayra (Eira barbara), colored in dark red and minty green; marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna), colored in lilac and orange; ferret (Mustela putorious furo), colored lime green and purple, it has a bunny beanie colored pink; lastly, an american badger (Taxidea taxus), colored orange, dark purple and bright clear blue. End ID.
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jaketeachesdeath · 2 days
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Next up, Carnivores. Which in this instance is Mustelids and a Fox.
For starters then theres
Red Fox
European Badger (Juvenile)
Least Weasel
American Mink
The other species are Wild Cat, Pine Marten, Polecat and on the naughty list European Otter, I say that as to own an Otter you require a licence.
American Mink as Im sure you're aware are introduced, some historicaly as accidental escapees of the fur industry and well the others are from deliberate release by protesters, proving you have to know your objective if you want change and not just act.
I added Ferret to this list despite it being feral on the basis that theyre pretty hard to distinguish from Polecats and they do hybridize. However whilst there are ferals its possible they could be escaped or released pets/workers. Whilst the strong bandit style pattern on the face is a good identification tool, skull examination is your best bet but even then theyre pretty similar.
Least Weasel. Ferocious and mighty is the UKs smallest Carnivore. Slender and speedy these incredible hunters pack an almighty punch taking on animals much bigger than themselves. The reason they are such effective killers is the set up of thier skulls thier small jaws are powered by strong muscles stretched over a long skull for maximum efficiency. Needle like teeth make piercing under that pressure effortless.
Now if you follow @robertefuller Im sure you will have developed a love for our Stoats, lots of character thier curiosity peaks, even more fun to be had on trampolines. Further north you'll find they'll change fur colour in the winter to a great white contrasting with that black tipped tail. A little ruthless however they may very well use the home of the Rodent it called prey and then use its fur to line the nesting space.
Badger and the Fox are complex some folk see them as pests and others love them. The nighttime gang can be a little elusive to most and the evidence you'll find of Foxes will be the human sacrifice sounds echoing in the night or strewn about rubbish. Badgers however upset capitalists through legislation to protect them.
Sadly you'll find most on roadsides either way as theyre amongst the biggest road casualties
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somebysickness · 1 year
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Concepts for the rest of the main characters! :]
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spacefinch · 5 months
Assigning a song to EVERY Magic School Bus episode
Gets Lost in Space-- "Space Oddity" by David Bowie
For Lunch-- "The Bloodmobile" by They Might Be Giants
Inside Ralphie-- "Girl at the Window" by Coast Office (my dad's band!)
Gets Eaten-- "Axolotl" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Hops Home-- "We're Going to Be Friends" by the White Stripes
Meets the Rot Squad-- "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears for Fears
All Dried Up-- "Solar Waltz" by Cosmo Sheldrake
In the Haunted House-- "The Edison Museum" by They Might Be Giants
Gets Ready, Set, Dough-- "American Pie" by Don McLean
Plays Ball-- "All Star" by Smash Mouth
Goes to Seed-- "Tree Among Shrubs" by Men I Trust
Gets Ants in its Pants-- "Tardigrade Song" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Kicks Ups a Storm-- "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra
Blows Its Top-- "Island in the Sun" by Weezer
Flexes Its Muscles-- "Bones" by Imagine Dragons
The Busasaurus-- "I Am a Paleontologist" by They Might Be Giants
Going Batty-- "This is Halloween" by Danny Elfman
Butterfly and the Bog Beast-- "Solar" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Wet All Over "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" by B.J. Thomas
In a Pickle-- "The Room Where It Happens" from Hamilton
Revving Up-- "Chemical Worker's Song" by Great Big Sea
Taking Flight-- "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Mode
Getting Energized-- "Erie Canal" (Traditional folk song)
Out of This World-- "Love Don't Roam" by Neil Hannon
Cold Feet-- "Muted Land" by Faith and The Muse
Ups and Downs-- "All That Glitters" by Earl
In a Beehive-- "Buildings In Flower" by The Innocence Mission
In the Arctic-- "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and the Papas
Spins a Web-- "Metropolis of Eden" by Sparkbird
Under Construction-- "We Built This City" by Starship
Gets a Bright Idea-- "Kill the Lights" by Set it Off
Shows and Tells-- "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce
Makes a Rainbow-- "Sunny" by Marvin Gaye
Goes Upstream-- "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers
Works Out-- "Good to Go" by LONIS and Daphne Willis
Gets Planted-- "The Moss" by Cosmo Sheldrake
In the Rainforest-- "Shadow of the Pines" by The Innocence Mission
Rocks and Rolls-- "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye
Holiday Special-- "I Search For Tomorrow" by Leonard Nimoy
Meets Molly Cule-- "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" by ABBA
Cracks a Yolk-- "Daily" by The Innocence Mission
Goes to Mussel Beach-- "Pelicans We" by Cosmo Sheldrake
Goes on Air-- "Toxic" by Britney Spears
Gets Swamped-- "Spock Thoughts" by Leonard Nimoy
Goes Cellular-- "Cells" by They Might Be Giants
Sees Stars-- "Space Song" by Beach House
Gains Weight-- "Planet Earth" by Duran Duran
Makes a Stink
Gets Charged-- "Make a Circuit With Me" by the Polecats
Gets Programmed-- "Rule #4: Fish in a Birdcage" by Fish in a Birdcage
In the City-- "November" by Sparkbird
Takes a Dive-- "Taroko" by August Greenwood
This list took me almost 2 consecutive hours to write, so please feel free to send me asks so I can talk about why I chose the songs I did.
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