#amahana ema
yaomeis · 1 year
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Star Troupe's 1789: The Lovers of the Bastille Opening Day
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Amahana Ema, Ouka Rurina, and Kishou Kazuto in the semi-staged reading of Kono Koi wa Kumo no Hate Made
(Filmed at the Kobe Geihinkan and Vizcaya Gardens)
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ladies-and-jennes · 18 days
They took our top combros of Rei-Maitii and Coto-Seo away from us but they created a new 95th class duo between Maitii and Seo more powerful than we could have expected
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wtheckzukasubs · 2 years
“The Lost Glory” (Shinko Version) subs
Download here: wtheckzukasubs.tumblr.com/shows
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I’m not a fan of the plot, but I fell in love with this musical when I watched this shinko version. I love so much this trio! Of course, Maou Yuuki had huge shoes to fill playing Todoroki Yuu’s part, but the chemistry in the cast and their charisma too. You’ve also got Coto playing the villain, Airi playing the heroine, Seo Yuria playing a helpless romantic, plus Shidou Ryuu, Shiroki Mirei, Hinami Fuu, Amahana Ema, Aya Ouka. Ah, the magic of watching shinko after some years, it’s almost a look into another dimension.
These subs are rather old. I meant to release this around the time Beni was retiring but ended up postponing forever... like most subs on my list.
As for trigger content, beware for blackface, suicide and toxic relationships. This story is loosely inspired by Othello, by the way.
There are good songs btw. Oh and a very good dance number a little after the middle.
Timed to the Sky Stage release.
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asumemerio · 2 years
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Picture source: @osu_piiiiiiiii on Instagram, but they seem to have deleted the post by now.
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such-a-fellow · 3 years
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“Pray, love, remember.”
Mercutio (from this year’s Takarazuka production of Romeo & Juliette) as Ophelia; I thought it was a sorta fitting concept. also I couldn’t resist being depressing with the flowers.
-Forget-Me-Nots & starlight for eternal memory
-Hyacinths for the tragic myth of Apollo’s lover they’re named for
-Violets for Mercutio’s family colors even if he’s left them behind
-Honeysuckle for love for his friends
-Rosemary for remembrance
-Rue for bitter regret
-Gladiolus for bravery and courage
-Peonies for honor
-Ferns for endless youth
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hoshigomi · 4 years
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Hi all! Tomorrow at 1pm PST I will be streaming the shinjinkouen performance of Hoshigumi’s Scarlet Pimpernel (2017!) This shinko features Amahana Ema and Arisa Hitomi as Percy and Marguerite, the (criminally underappreciated and MIND BLOWINGLY talented) Haruto Yuuho as  Chauvelin, and Aya Ouka as Robespierre. This is a lovely shinko that I personally can’t get enough of watching, so I hope you’ll join us tomorrow! As always, all are invited, hop in or out and come for some or all, hit me with any questions you might have, and just shoot me a message ahead of time if you’d like me to DM you the link. I’ll send it out about half an hour before the stream begins! See y’all there!
The stream has ended! Thanks to all who came, and see you next time!!
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steamedcake · 3 years
One of my friends lent me Romeo and Juliet Blu-Ray!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!
But I've been repeating B digest video (only20min )🥰
I got really really too impressed with AkaBen and Pmerc......It has been a few weeks since I saw it them last time ....
It is too sad when Mercutio shakes off Benvolio's hand without looking at him because Merc got too angry for Tybalt losing his temper....
Can't wait the release of B Blu-Ray 💪
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eternalyjun · 6 years
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Doctor Zhivago
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flibbityflob · 7 years
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Blazing Wind ~ Strategist Takenaka Hanbei  Hoshigumi 2017
starring Nanami Hiroki and Maaya Kiho
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fallinginlovezuka · 7 years
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Cute lil children 😭😭😭
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thamychan · 7 years
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Rising Star Guide 2017 - Amahana Ema
Can Pii get any cuter? I’m sure she can but . . . ♥
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zukalations · 6 years
Sparkling TIME: Akatsuki Chisei, Amahana Ema, Rukaze Hikaru
Sparkling TIME is a long-running Kageki talk feature which includes a photoshoot (designed by the participants) and talk between classmates. Akatsuki, Amahana, and Rukase’s was published in the October 2017 issue.
Sparkling TIME: Akatsuki Chisei, Amahana Ema, Rukaze Hikaru
Akatsuki: I’ve hardly ever had a chance to be photographed with my classmates, so this was a really new experience!
Amahana, Rukaze: It was so much fun!
Amahana: At the beginning, we hadn’t decided at all what kind of outfits we would wear, but then we happened to run into Miho (Arisa Hitomi) in the rehearsal room, and she said ‘Why don’t you try using your troupe colors?’ which was a really good suggestion. And then Moeko (Rukaze) went and bought these handkerchiefs.
Rukaze: Right, right. I went shopping, and they just happened to have these 3 perfect colors, so I thought ‘OMG!!’ and bought them on the spot.
Amahana: I’ll use it all the time.
Rukaze: Yeah. When we were in the Music School, in the yokasei year Pii (Amahana) and Ari (Akatsuki) were roommates, right? And I’d go to your room to hang out all the time.
Amahana: Right, we were together all the time. And when we were honkasei, Moeko and Ari had a room together.
Akatsuki: Once when we were on break Pii and I went to buy souvenirs and ended up giving them to each other. ‘Here, I bought this bread so you can have one’, we said (laughs).
Amahana: Right! But Ari wouldn’t get up in the mornings…
Rukaze: Yeah, yeah! She wouldn’t get up when she was a honkasei, either!
Akatsuki: (laughs)
Amahana: Every day I’d have to say ‘Ari, wake up~’ over and over about 10 times.
Akatsuki: Hmm~ (laughs)
Amahana: That! You were just like that! ‘Hmm~? Wha~?’ Like that!
Akatsuki: But Moeko was scarier (laughs). She’d be like ‘Ari, wake up. Ari, wake up,’ while patting my face (laughs).
Rukaze: I had to be Spartan or you’d never wake up.
Amahana: But once in a while you’d wake up early and bake bread with RunRun. And then you’d always end up dropping it (laughs).
Rukaze: You do drop things a lot (laughs).
Amahana: Also, at the start, since Ari was the youngest, you’d always use respectful language with us (laughs).
Rukaze: That’s right!
Amahana: (mimicking) ‘Sorry~, if you don’t mind my asking, what should i do with my bag~?’ (laughs)
All three: (burst out laughing)
Akatsuki: It’s because I was really shy.
Rukaze: Pii and I never shared a room, but we really understand each other when it comes to Ari.
Amahana: Yeah.
Akatsuki: (laughs)
Amahana: We were all together in the school’s private recital, right.
Akatsuki: In The Man from Algiers, I played the young Julien, Pii was the grown-up Julien, and Moeko was Jacques.
Rukaze: That’s so nostalgic!  
Akatsuki: In the rehearsals, when Julien and Jacque had a fight scene, it ended up being at a time when Moeko and I were actually fighting.
Rukaze: You would remember that, wouldn’t you (laughs). Even though it was a rehearsal, it ended up almost being a real fight (laughs).
Akatsuki: I hardly ever fight, but there was one time with Moeko.
Amahana: Also, at the Culture Festival, the three of us and Nanaki Kaoru were dancing wearing tutus (laughs).
Akatsuki: Right! When we were yokasei, we had thought the costumes the class ahead of us had were so cool and were longing for something like that, but then it had to end up being tutus (laughs).
Amahana: In rehearsals, when we first were dancing wearing the tutus, it felt like everyone was whispering to each other (laughs).
Rukaze: And when we were trying on the tutus it was sort of embarrassing. ‘Ah...I can’t really get in…’ (laughs).
Amahana: When we were debuting, for some reason we got together to make the shanshan sticks we were going to use in the rehearsals*.
Rukaze: We all got along really well. When we were rehearsing the rockette dance, you two really helped everyone improve. Pii has always had it all together, and while Ari-chan struggled some…
Akatsuki: Struggled! (laughs)
Rukaze: I mean to say, I know you worked really hard.
Akatsuki: Ah, thank you (laughs).
Rukaze: No problem.
Amahana: (laughs)
Amahana: We go to see each other’s shows all the time, don’t we.
Rukaze: Yeah. When Ari-chan had her very first shinko lead we went to see it like ‘I wonder if she’s going to be okay!’ and it was a really parental feeling.
Amahana: For sure. We were like ‘Is she going to be able to change properly and make her entrance...Oh, here she comes, here she comes!’ (laughs).
Akatsuki: (laughs) When Pii had the shinjin kouen of The Scarlet Pimpernel, you looked comfortable even doing the adlibs, so we were like ‘Well, she’s definitely from Kansai’. Percy was really perfect for you, Pii.
Amahana: No way~! But when you two came to the dress rehearsal, I ended up crying in the green room.
Rukaze: You did. It was when I said ‘You don’t have to push yourself so hard.’
Amahana: It made me feel a lot better. Say, we all ended up performing shinjin kouen leads paired with our classmates, right?
Akatsuki: Oh, that’s right. It was really fun to see classmates performing together like that.
Amahana: Miho was totally blushing when we started doing the kiss scene. So much so that I was like ‘Are you ok? Are you still alive!?’ (laughs)
Akatsuki: Was it really like that!? Moeko has always been masculine, but when I go to see her performances now, it feels like her masculinity has increased a lot. But her traits in using her hands and such haven’t changed at all, so I’m like ‘Ah, yup, that’s Moeko’ (laughs)
Rukaze: (laughs) I often talked to Ari-chan about what to do when I had to address the audience.
Amahana: Me too, me too.
Akatsuki: Even though you were so worried about me, you still came asking for help (laughs).
Amahana: Knowing you have a friend you can consult with or share things with like that is really reassuring.
Rukaze: And since you’re in a different troupe you’re able to give even better advice.
Akatsuki: When I see my classmates performing in shinjin kouens, it makes me remember the shinjin kouens I saw when I was a honkasei, and it’s sort of an odd feeling to think that now my classmates are doing that too.
Amahana: It’s really moving, isn’t it. It makes me happy to see my classmates doing well, and it makes me think I should work hard too.
Rukaze: Yes. Next year, we’ll be graduating from shinjin kouens, and of course we need to take responsibility for our own roles, but recently I’ve also been thinking that I’d like to get to the point where I can look after the junior actresses as well.
Amahana: When I first experienced doing a lead role in a shinjin kouen, it really made me feel how important the strength of everyone supporting me is. Therefore, I don’t want to put all my energy into myself, but I want to grow so that I can support the senior actresses and lead on the junior actresses.
Akatsuki: In the Music School, we spend 2 years together all the time, so it felt like all of my classmates were like my siblings, but now that we’ve entered the company and I can see them working, it’s really made me feel once again that we’re all working towards the same dream, somehow...it’s made me think ‘oh, they were all Takarasiennes’.
Amahana, Rukaze: (laugh)
Akatsuki: When I see my classmates doing something I struggle with it’s really impressive to me, so I keep being so affected by everyone, and it makes me want to work hard so they don’t beat me.
Rukaze: Yeah!
Amahana: You sound so grown up!
Akatsuki: Yay!
* shanshans are the props used during parades, usually a medallion with a ribbon but fans and jingle sticks are also sometimes used. The stage props aren’t used during rehearsals so the performers make or bring substitutes.
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keepthisholykiss · 3 years
Hoshigumi’s “Romeo and Juliet” Roundtable Discussion (2021) - Kageki March 2021
While I normally just post a bunch of musumeyaku content I wanted to share something I thought was really fun! As the livestream for RETJ B Cast has passed this month and the A Cast stream is tomorrow. I decided it would be fun to share this roundtable discussion with the cast and directors! I absolutely (from a very biased perspective) adored B Cast and am looking forward to seeing A Cast. The insights from the cast are so wonderful and everyone has clearly thought through these roles thoroughly. It brings me a lot of joy to see what everyone thinks of a show and characters I hold so near and dear to my own heart. I hope that you enjoy these words as much as I have. ✨Note: This translation is entirely for fun!! It was not done in painstaking detail and if things are not perfect then that is okay by me. I mostly just want people to enjoy the general idea or sentiment of what is here. And, while most if it should be a decent translation, I don’t hold myself to a professional standard as this is just a thing I do sometimes. Also please do not steal this translation and pass it off as your own, it is mine, thanks!
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Participants (Adaptation and Direction) Koike Shuuichirou (Direction) Inaba Daichi (Production) Takeuchi Jun [TL note: this isn’t a staff member I was familiar or could easily find the accurate name translation of so I went with this] (Senka) Ema Naoki (Hoshigumi) Miki Chigusa, Shirotae Natsu, Tenju Mitsuki, Yumeki Anru, Aizuki Hikaru, Rei Makoto, Seo Yuria, Ayaki Hikari, Arisa Hitomi, Amahana Ema, Kiwami Shin, Maisora Hitomi
Production Staff: Hoshigumi’s performance at Takarazuka Grand Theatre until March 29 will be the musical presented by Sumitomo Mitsui VISA Card, “Romeo and Juliet.” And it is directed and adapted by Koike Shuuichirou and co-directed by Inaba Daichi. This is an adaptation of Gérard Presgurvic’s musical which is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It was first performed in 2010 with Koike-sensei’s adaptation and direction. Rei Makoto, who played Romeo in the shinjin kouen in 2013, will play Romeo again as the top star of Hoshigumi. Additionally, Ema Naoki who has played the role of Father Laurence three times before (including the first performance) will appear again from Senka.
Everyone: Thank you very much.
Production Staff: We are looking forward to working together with all the performers so that you can feel the passion of the new Hoshigumi, including all of the new members.
Koike: “Romeo and Juliet” will be performed in Takarazuka for the first time in 8 years. The reason for performing it with Hoshigumi again is of course because so many people want to see Rei Makoto’s Romeo. And there are many people who have been in the play’s first performance as well as the second, so they have a deep understanding of the work. It is almost like jumping over a bar you have set for yourself. You want to challenge yourself again and again, to clear that bar, and show a great performance of “Romeo and Juliet” for current Hoshigumi. This time, we have Inaba Diachi as co-director and Noguchi Kousaku as assistant director. The two of them, who were young at the time of the first performance, have grown up so much since then! (laughs).
Inaba: (laughs)
Koike: Just like how Rei Makoto has grown, so have the directors. This is one of the wonderful things about Takarazuka. I feel that this is a performance that shows this off very well.
Inaba: When we are rehearsing now, I remember the crying and frustration in the rehearsal room 10 years ago. (laughs)
Koike: The agony! (laughs)
Inaba: At the time of the first performance I had watched a few versions of the “Romeo and Juliet” musical including the French, Hungarian, and Russian versions. I wondered how the work could be adapted for Takarazuka. Koike-sensei wrote lyrics for not only “Romeo and Juliet,” but also for other Shakespeare adaptations. I feel that is one of the reasons why this work can keep being performed. When I watch the rehearsals now, I see that every scene has become very elaborate in such a short period of time. This time we have a new cast as well as a change in roles, so we will keep our rehearsals fresh each day and hope to present the 2021 version of “Romeo and Juliet.”
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💕- A Beautiful Love Story Returns - 💕
Koike: Now, let’s discuss the roles starting with Rei-san.
Rei: Right. When the curtain opened for the first performance, I can still vividly remember the shock of the audience at the opening and the start of the scene. I was really excited about having a rock musical because it was so fresh and the costumes and sets were so innovative. There are a lot of rock musicals, but “Romeo and Juliet” was really cool and thrilling. It was a turning point for me and a chance to work beyond my fears and challenge myself in many ways. I feel that even now it is a chance to encounter a new me again. When I played Romeo in the shinjin kouen I watched Yuzuki-san as much as I could and thought about how I could get close to her performance. So even now I find myself thinking of Chie-san’s Romeo. However, I don’t think of that as a bad thing! I think it’s because Chie-san is the one who breathed life into Romeo for the first performance and now the show has continued to be performed since then. I would like to find my own way of expressing myself and expressing my emotions for the first day of the show, while working on the details.
Koike: The powerful singing was also praised in that shinjin kouen and, in some sense, I think it was one of the best parts. But that might be the hardest thing about this new performance because now the audience is expecting it. I hope that this will be a Romeo that only the current Rei Makoto can show. When there was that first performance we had members that could have only been there, then. And now that we have the current performance we have members who are only here, now. So I think it is better not to think about it too much in the sense of putting pressure on yourself in a way that may make your vision smaller. Inaba-sensei, what do you think?
Inaba: Mako-chan (Rei) has played the roles of Ai, Benvolio, and Romeo in the shinjin kouen and really seems to be the embodiment of “Romeo and Juliet.” That’s why when I watch the rehearsals I can see so much of the previous cast members through them. If we can channel that feeling into confidence then I think Mako-chan’s Romeo can be born into a new type of Romeo on the stage.
Rei: Yes, thank you very much.
Koike: Let’s discuss the role of Juliet, played by Maisora.
Maisora: This is my first time to perform in this production and I have learned so much from each piece of advice I have received from the staff and upperclassmen who have performed in it before. I would like to learn and absorb even more! I had imagined before this that Juliet was pure, innocent, and straightforward but Koike-sensei told me that she was a person with a strong conviction and willingness to take action. I felt that I couldn’t be Juliet without strength. Usually, I think about how to express myself as a musumeyaku in the presence of otokoyaku. But this time I want to learn how to break out of my shell and expose what can come from me, and go beyond myself.
Koike: That’s right, Juliet is very independent. If she had been a passive girl, Romeo might not have come back from Mantua. The times are far more trying in this time of the story, going against your parents requires a lot of energy. She is waking up more and more to what it is that she wants. I think it is more interesting for her to gradually wake up to what she wants throughout the story, to let her world become more three-dimensional. It helps move the conversation. Maisora is very good at doing everything, a perfect student. But this could be an issue for the audience, having that perfection already. I think striving for imperfection and breaking out of your shell is a good thing.
Maisora: Yes!
Inaba: That’s right. When we think of “Romeo and Juliet” we have this image of Juliet who stands beside Romeo, but it’s not like that. Juliet is a key person who changes something with her own actions. It’s an older work but I think it still reflects the way of life for women today. I think Hitton (Maisora) has a strong core and I hope she uses this in her performance. Also I would like to see this used in Juliet’s transformation of girl to woman after her marriage to Romeo.
💙 - Thoughts of Those Living in Verona - ❤️
Koike: I’d like to start by talking with the members of the Capulet family, but we will of course speak to everyone.
Everyone: (reactions of excitement)
Koike: We can discuss your beliefs in your roles, I think that will be interesting! So let’s start with Lord Capulet.
Tenju: What is most important to me is the Capulet family, which has been around for generations, continues to thrive for years and decades and that my family can be happy. Now that my only daughter, who I have devoted my life to, is 16 years old, the question is who she should marry. When I look at my daughter (Maisora), I remember so many things about her growth, but I can never say what I am thinking. But I also feel that she is similar to me in some ways, and that is what I love about her.
Koike: Where is your daughter’s happiness?
Tenju: My daughter’s happiness is based on money and status. I believe that the strength of that status will protect her.
Koike: What about your wife?
Tenju: I love her, but I can’t express my feelings to her face to face. I feel frustrated because we haven’t had the time to spend together.
Koike: And how can you fix that?
Tenju: If we were to face each other honestly, it would be fixed. I that maybe… there is a possibility.
Koike: If you are thinking about it, then why don’t you?
Tenju: Our pride won’t allow it.
Koike: I see. What about you, Mrs. Capulet?
Yumeki: I wouldn’t want to say this in front of my husband but…
Koike: Say it as if he wasn’t here. (laughs)
Yumeki: To tell you the truth, I think that Juliet might not be the daughter of my current husband.
Koike: You think so? (laughs)
Yumeki: Yes (laughs) But I told him, “She’s our child.” I was forced into a political marriage for money and to protect my family. And then Juliet was born. But I really wanted to live my life according to my own desires and not just give up on being a woman. So I also have my nephew Tybalt and a few others. But as for my husband, I can’t say much.
Everyone: (laughs)
Yumeki: When I see my husband flirting with the maids I don’t say anything to them! (laughs)
Koike: Right. When the play was performed in Paris again, it was added in that Juliet was her mother’s illegitimate child. I felt it would be better to show her sincerity in seeking Tybalt’s help against her husband’s lack of understanding. She actually uses him as a confidant. At the end of the story, when she is with Lady Montague, she finally awakens her own love of her daughter. I think it is better to focus on the parents’ grief after the suicide because it is a difficult concept to convey for understanding. She wishes she had thought more about Juliet. But I think it’s great to have a role of a woman who truly feels that there are many arguments and demands for freedom on her own side. Now let’s look at the A Cast and start with Aizuki-san as Tybalt.
Aizuki: I have been fighting with my family each day since I was born, but I’m fighting to protect the Capulets and my beloved cousin. Even if she’s not being who she really wants to be. I am also fed up with my aunt, Juliet’s mother, who has been wooing me for years.
Everyone: (laughs)
Koike: What do you want to do now?
Aizuki: To be the person that will inherit the Capulet family.
Koike: What do you like about Juliet?
Aizuki: She is strong to her core. I think I am drawn to her because she has a strength that I do not.
Koike: I see. And what do you think of the Montagues?
Aizuki: Of course we hate each other, but we’ve been taught to hate each other since we were born, we were raised that way. So it’s natural for us to hate each other after all. But when Juliet marries Romeo, those feelings [of hatred] change.
Koike: Right. Well, let’s talk to the nurse.
Arisa: Juliet is a gift, the reason for my life, so I don’t have to think about what she wants to do. I just say, “I understand.” I can understand how she wants to become a wife to her husband, to be an adult. But I still respect the pure heart of Juliet. I am proud of her for living true to her heart.
Koike: Where is your love for Juliet?
Arisa: I did some research on the character of the nurse and learned that she herself had lost a small child. I think that she wanted to raise Juliet even at the risk of her own life. I think that Juliet’s existence itself is the source of her love. That’s why I still have regrets of not following Juliet’s wishes before her death. That’s how I can continue to grow.
Koike: In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” there are many scenes where the nurse speaks from her heart and in the musical a song takes the place of that. The reason why that scene looks how it does is because the nurse is so loving and nurturing, wanting Juliet to have a happy marriage. I think the song reflects the emotions of the nurse that are not told on stage, so I would like the focus to be on that. Since now the nurse and Juliet are close in age I think she tends to be more like a strong older sister. But in the first performance, when she was played by Reimi-san she was the same class as Nene-san and really had a sense of someone who took care of Juliet.
Inaba: It felt as though Remi-chan was supporting Nene-chan regularly!
Koike: If Juliet needed support, I think there could be many great nurses! But Maisora-san is very capable so it feels as if she doesn’t need a lot of help.
Maisora: No, no!
Koike: I think it could be good also if we could somehow turn that dynamic around somewhere!
Arisa: Yes!
Koike: Alright, we started with the Capulets, now it’s time for Count Paris.
Ayaki: Well, I have the most money in Verona. And I might be the origin of the concept of the “three highs,” - high education, high status, and high income - a concept that would become more popular in the distant future.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: When I see the Montagues and Capulets fighting every day, I wonder what they are doing wasting their time. But it is true that they rule Verona, so if I want to rule Verona as well then I must become involved with one of their sides. When I heard that there was a very pretty girl named Juliet, I thought, “I should go there.” But, I heard that there was a troublesome successor named Tybalt. However, even if he took over I could be something like a stockholder.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: I will be in charge of Verona. But, now that everyone is dead, I am wondering how I will manage Verona.
Koike: In the original story, Paris is killed by Romeo, but in this one he doesn’t get killed. So surely he would survive. I think he’d probably have his eyes on other Montague and Capulet girls as well. (laughs)
Inaba: (laughs)
Koike: That was very interesting. Now, let’s move on to the Montague family, starting with Lord Montague.
Miki: As the head of the family, my most important responsibility is to protect the Montague family. There is no doubt that Lord Montague has been at odds with the Capulets since birth. However, unlike Lord Capulet’s complicated family, Lord Montague has a deep love for his wife as well as Romeo. However, as the only Montague son, Lord Montague imposes his own ideas of how things should be onto Romeo. He is not able to be close to his feelings. Therefore, Romeo’s mother is the one that can help him best. This is why Romeo’s mother is the only place he finds comfort. It is only when Lord Montague loses his beloved son that he realizes how much he means to him.
Koike: I think part of why Romeo is able to grow up a bit more carefree is because his parent-child relationship was fairly good. It might not have been a very close relationship. But I still think that Lord Montague was an average father figure at least. Romeo was a poetic son in a way.
Rei: (laughs)
Koike: I think that he is a fun child for the times, but his father remains fairly bureaucratic. So, what about Lady Montague?
Shirotae: I have to admit that I have always wondered why the Capulets and Montagues hate each other so much, after fighting for generations. I have been trying to persuade Benvolio and Mercutio to stop fighting. I think the biggest difference between myself and Lady Capulet is that I have doubts about conflict. Romeo is the son that Lady Montague has taken good care of and raised, so when he commits suicide, she realizes her own mistakes and helplessness.
Rei: (reacts sadly)
Shirotae: I believe that I am the first one to truly take in Romeo and Juliet’s feelings. So I hope that I can lead the house of Montague to move forward without letting their deaths be in vain.
Koike: While Juliet’s mother is more pretentious, Romeo’s mother is more of a motherly type. In this, the Montagues may have hired a nurse themselves but Lady Montague may have raised Romeo on her own as well. So if we can present it correctly, the audience will understand that Romeo is a representative of his mother as well. I think that Lady Montague now has the atmosphere of a mother.
Shirotae: Yes.
Koike: Here’s Benvolio.
Seo: Romeo and I are cousins and Mercutio lives nearby, so we’ve all been playing together since we were kids. Whenever we were studying, Mercutio would always ask us to stop and leave but Romeo would always fail to do so. We’ve always been close, with all the good and bad in each other. When we’re alone we cannot do much but somehow when we’re together the three of us have a strange power that makes us invincible. Even in the midst of the war between the Montagues and the Capulets, I feel like our power is growing. When I do something bad, I always get Romeo’s attention. But when he does something wrong, Lady Montague will find out and scold Romeo for it.
Miki: (laughs)
Koike: What kind of games have you played with Romeo and Mercutio?
Seo: When we were little, I think we used to play-fight. But as we’ve gotten older it has gotten more practical.
Koike: I see. The young people of Verona are all delinquent, as in other versions. I went on a trip to Verona a long time ago with a friend of mine. She was a tall woman and as we walked together in the park, the young people around us were teasing us. (laughs) I thought of the young friends of Romeo. I think there’s even something like that in Benvolio that’s bad-natured, even if he’s pure at heart. The bad pattern may be the least present for Seo. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Seo: (smiles embarrassingly)
Koike: I think it also comes down to a question of how to display this story. I think it’s the kind of people who are born and raised in the city, who form cliques, hang out with girls, and they go to places like the local club. WEST SIDE STORY is a story about poor immigrants but it’s somewhere you can expand this story to as well.
Seo: Yes.
Koike: Here is Mercutio.
Kiwami: Yes. I was lonely because I had no one to talk to when I went home.
Koike: Oh, I didn’t know that. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Kiwami: I was very lonely and dark inside. But Romeo, Benvolio, and Lady and Lord Montague taught me what love is. When I was with Romeo and my friends, they filled the loneliness inside of me and were more than just my family, they became invaluable. I want to be the shield that can protect Romeo.
Koike: When I see Kiwami in the rehearsal room, I feel that Mercutio is not a boy who has grown up without knowing affection but rather someone who has had love all of his life. I think he is a young man who is dependent on those around him, or somewhat spoiled. Inaba-sensei, do you think this is easier to understand in “WEST SIDE STORY?”
Inaba: It’s easy to see that conflict there. The Polish immigrants come first and then the Puerto Ricans come in.
Koike: I think that the Yankee-like image of an uptight older brother gives off a “cool” image. Everyone is doing a great job creating this appearance but I think it would be good if we could act it out similarly to how you mentioned. If the characters are played by someone who fits them it will come out clearly but if they don’t fit the character, then it will be difficult to display the role. I believe that an actor’s every move can make people feel what is inside of them. For example, when a first-year student comes into the troupe, you can tell just by how they walk when they are under a lot of pressure or if they are very happy. So, I think it is better to create a way to make audiences feel “this is how this person is,” in the little things like how someone dances. How do you feel about this Inaba-sensei?
Inaba: That’s an interesting way of thinking. I think it would be interesting for me if Mercutio could see things differently. He is dependent on Romeo and Romeo’s home, right? Like how Riff lives in Tony’s house because he doesn’t have a home.
Koike: That’s right. In the 1968 film “Romeo and Juliet,” Mercutio is portrayed in a very interesting way. The actor who plays him is not very good, but when he dies his performance does make you cry. I think it is a good example about why how you play a role matters.
Kiwami: Right.
Koike: Now, let’s go to Friar Laurence.
Ema: Yes, I’m sorry for not quite making it.
Everyone: (laughs)
Ema: He’s been around a long time, a priest serving God, and yet he still has misgivings. I’ve played Doc in “WEST SIDE STORY” so I’m familiar with the angle of being depressed by the helplessness of adults. But in the end everyone, including the adults, have hope for recovery so that is what saves me.
Koike: What about Romeo?
Ema: For Romeo, Friar Laurence was a different person than his parents. He loved Romeo so much that it was a shame to let him die.
Koike: After 8 years, what new discoveries have you made?
Ema: I have had a lot to think about since becoming a member of Senka and my role has changed. I am looking forward to appearing again!
Everyone: (laughs)
Ema: I also think it is impossible for any adult to present the right things and move the world alone.
Koike: I see. Next, is Death.
Amahana: Death is always behind each of use or waiting for us at the end of our lives so I hope I can bring that kind of atmosphere to the stage. I want to express that I felt something beautiful in Romeo’s soul and was very attracted to it. This story begins because Death wants that soul. I think this is a story with two sides to the same coin, Love and Death, and I want to express that in the end.
Koike: I hope you can continue to display that resistance to one another, between Love and Death.
Amahana: Yes.
Koike: When I was watching your Death yesterday I felt like it was Romeo’s alter ego during “Kowai.” I thought it was interesting that the creeping shadows seemed to synchronize with each other, like a phantom that sticks to you and won’t leave you. I thought it would be interesting to have them stick close to each other. Even if the choreography is the same, it won’t look the same if the performers are different, so you can color it your own way. I’m sure it’s a lot of work playing two roles. I’m sorry for that. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Koike: Let’s move to B Cast, shall we? Here’s Tybalt.
Seo: The people around him say he’s a dangerous man who will lose his temper at any moment. Some people worship him, but in reality he has no real friends. When I was a child, I had a straightforward admiration for heroes just like those I saw around me. But the Capulets suppressed that admiration. I fell in love with Juliet, the one bright spot in my life, and her presence helped me. I’ve been carrying around a lot of resentment, wondering how to get out of this situation, and these feelings come out in me towards the Montagues. But my main desire is to carry on the Capulet family.
Koike: Because he loves Juliet, he gets very upset when she is married in secret. It is nice to see that anger revealed.
Seo: Yes.
Koike: It is interesting that he gets to the point where he is willing to kill because of how he loves her. Anyway, here’s Benvolio.
Ayaki: My cousin Romeo has been like a brother to me since he was born, but he is the heir to the Montague family so we are in very different positions. It’s not something I want to be, but I am a little jealous of him. I also admire Mercutio’s recklessness, which is something I don’t have. When I’m with both of them, they show me a world that I can’t see on my own. I think that’s why I can stick by them even when we have different personalities. Although I do think Romeo himself might be unaware of this situation.
Rei: (sulking)
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: This is why I think it is important for me, as the person closest to them, to teach them. I believe that when we are together, there is nothing to be afraid of, and time will last forever. I actually think ignorance is Benvolio’s biggest sin. It would have been easier if he had died along with Romeo and Mercutio. But, by surviving, he was able to realize what Mercutio realized right before he died as well as Romeo’s teachings of what it means to love. However, I became aware that I let Juliet die because I was in a hurry to tell Romeo she was dead. So the next time something happens I will think about it more carefully and do my best to lead the Montagues and make Verona a city full of love.
Koike: Well I guess either way, Verona can be yours someday. (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
Ayaki: Benvolio is the one who wants to make Verona everyone’s city and Paris is wondering how to make the city his. (laughs)
Koike: I see, well let’s discuss Mercutio.
Amahana: I am the nephew of the Prince, so I’ve been ostracized since I was a child. But after meeting Romeo and Benvolio, I realized there were people who would look out for me that weren’t my uncle. When I met them, I realized that there were people who could see me for who I really was. Romeo was from a good family, he was kind to everyone, and said things with a pure innocence. Things like, “we are the kings of the world,” which made me admire him more than any family or other friends. When he does something stupid, Benvolio stops him. I really love the atmosphere of being with them, I feel like I am my strongest. When I’m fighting, I feel like it is my reason to live. But sometimes I cannot admit things to myself, which is part of why I explode in the final duel. In the end, Mercutio realizes that he really wanted to stop what he was doing and that fighting was futile. In the end, he dies with the hope that his dear friend Romeo will be happy.
Koike: Right. Listening to you now, Mercutio seems like a very happy guy. It might be more likely that he is happy singing with his friends as kings of the world. Even though he is happy, I think there is a part of him that’s escaping from everyone else and it is important to see him feel that.
Amahana: Yes.
Inaba: There is a void that cannot be filled even if you are the “king of the world.” That’s why they fight for something.
Koike: That’s right. I think that quarrels and fights are an outlet for stress. So it would be interesting to learn the types of stress they are under. Now, let’s talk about Paris.
Kiwami: Paris has money and, when he looks at himself in the mirror, he sees that he is beautiful. There is nothing that he cannot have. He is surprised to find that for the first time in his life, Juliet, the woman he went out of his way to marry, avoids him. I thought I would get what I wanted but she married Romeo instead and I am stuck where I was before.
Koike: I think he probably is one of the first to get the message about Juliet’s death. He is probably thinking, ‘What’s so bad about me that she died before the ceremony tomorrow?’ (laughs) Now, let’s talk about Death.
Aizuki: Death loves to hate people. The hatred of the people in the city fills Death with a sense of love. Romeo is the one who is different from the others, I want to get into his head and turn his fate with my own hands. It’s exciting to see fate take a turn for the worse.
Rei: (looking scared with her hands on her chest)
Everyone: (laughs)
Aizuki: I would like to control the ending. Where Romeo and Juliet’s love is fulfilled by Death.
Koike: I think that can be cool and a little creepy. In the case of Ai-chan I think they are more distant so it would be good to create an overview of all that happens in the world. Piisuke on the other hand, seems to be a bit more introverted and human-like, so I think it would be good to have an image of them getting involved in people’s deaths. I think both are possible. Even if the songs are the same, the impression will change depending on how you approach it, and the audience will perceive it differently.
Aizuki and Amahana: Yes!
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✨ - 2021: Hoshigumi’s New “Romeo and Juliet” - ✨
Koike: From your perspective, Ema-san, how is Rei-san’s Romeo?
Rei: (shaking head)
Ema: I’m sure everyone will say, ‘Good!’ but more than that, ‘Romeo is charming! Romeo is attractive!’
Koike: That’s right. When I worked as an assistant director for “Romeo and Juliet” 40 years ago, Mine Saori and Daichi Mao were the role of Romeo in the plays. Mine-san played the role with a sense of, ‘this is what a good lead is.’ Rei Makoto is Rei Makoto and this is the only way this Romeo can be done. I think it is better for Rei Makoto to show us something that says, ‘this is the only way this can be done!’ I think everyone will say that [Rei Makoto] has great skills but can always add more to that.
Rei: Right.
Koike: What do you think about Maisora?
Ema: The role she played in “Golden Desert” was very good, even if she didn’t have any lines. She still has a lot of room to grow, so I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of Juliet she will become.
Koike: I see, thank you very much. Lastly, why don’t you tell us about your own enthusiasm?
Maisora: Once again, I realize that Juliet involves those around her. I believe that she has a strength and straightforwardness because she grew up with a strong father, mother, and nurse who accepted her. I would like to live my life as Juliet without lying, with honesty and love for Romeo from the bottom of my heart while doing my best.
Rei: I am filled with gratitude for being able to perform in spite of the current situation. I want to take the feelings of the audience to heart and hope that they will bring home the best of that feeling for having come to the theatre. There are still many weak points for me personally and for Hoshigumi as a whole, so I want to work harder toward the first day of the show to create a performance that will impress the audience.
Inaba: I have been involved with this work for a long time, with this being the fifth time it has been performed at Takarazuka. To be honest, there was a part of me that thought I would get bored after five performances. (laughs) However, now that we are rehearsing in with a fresh mind I can feel everyone’s spirit of, ‘We must do it!’ I think the charm of “Romeo and Juliet” is its freshness. And after all this practicing, I want to be able to share this new time of Romeo and Juliet with audiences.
Koike: I am really looking forward to it because I think everyone will grow and the members will be refreshed by the rotations. I know that it is hard with a double cast but even so, I hope there will be synergy where one role can influence the perspective of the other. I believe that the enthusiasm of Hoshigumi is very much intact and I hope we can create “Romeo and Juliet” 2021 together.
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such-a-fellow · 3 years
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“I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain.”
Mercutio and Death from Takarazuka’s Romeo et Juliette 2021; Amahana Ema was double cast as Mercutio in cast B and Death in cast A; her performance as Mercutio REALLY struck me and I couldn’t stop thinking about the casting thematically as being very fitting for Mercutio as a character.
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