#am i missing anything
revieries · 10 months
when the function has 2000s era visual novel puzzle games released on the nintendo ds
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pip-n-chips · 3 months
Fake degrees Harper has, a list:
Drawn with crayon or pen (maybe a mix of both)
Compressed jpeg/png they found on google
Free degree they got from a course online ("congrats! you're a doctor... in being awesome 😋" "disclaimer: this is for fun only, this is not proof of education")
"Doctor of Molestation"
AI generated
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thatsnotbuddies · 5 months
flyers 23-24 so far is like . first to get beat by the team at the bottom of the league. shutout the team at the top of the league. broke up yet another big hrpf pairing. chaos reigns!!! never let em know ur next move!!
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quentintin7 · 6 months
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I know I literally just posted but here's more adventure time doodles
Color provided by my small pack of paint pens
That's why Finns sword is pink ig just deal.
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joshhere911 · 1 year
There just isnt enough saiki k content
(26 volumes, 2 light novels, like 3 games, 3 seasons and a sequel season , live action movie, asou shuuichis twitter account, tumblr)
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melon-cream-enmu · 10 months
I wanted to give you all something for my birthday but I didn't have anything finished. We're celebrating today, but I still don't have anything finished, so I've decided to split the red string of fate scenarios and give you 3 of the 5
Red string of fate
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Cw red string of fate, demon slayer reader for Muzan, Enmu, demon reader for Rengoku, general violence, blood mentions, reader cries a lot, gore in Muzan’s part, Muzan breaks your wrist, Muzan turns you into a demon, unwanted comforting and affection from Enmu, lots of crying and some comfort in Rengoku's
You don’t know how it came to this. You were sent out to investigate rumors of a demon in a small village, you thought it would be quick. In and out, scout out the demon, kill it, and leave. But this was no minor demon.
After following a twisting feeling in your gut, you’d found a figure walking off into the woods and you’d followed. You’d been quiet, they shouldn’t have known you were there. Any demon below a moon wouldn’t have been able to detect you. As you readied your stance to take the silent attack, the figure turned to you.
Those Ruby eyes, the jet black hair, the pale skin. This was no demon. This was the king of demons.
Your mind didn’t allow you to falter, it forced your body to strike and you listened. He knew you were there, it was obvious in the way he blocked your blade and dodged your breathing techniques. He had to admit you weren’t half bad, but he was tired of keeping up his charade and was growing irked by you.
He grabbed your blade in his hand and tore it from your grasp, throwing it to the forest floor before grabbing your neck. You gasped and he could feel your pulse race beneath his fingers. It took no effort to lift you and press your back against a tree, allowing him to apply even more pressure to your throat.
You kicked and thrashed, eyes dripping with tears as you glared with a heavy brow and gritted teeth. Your hands reached to scratch his face but he only needed to move his head just slightly to avoid you. Eventually as you were losing air, your hand weakly grasped his wrist, and the moment your grip closed around him, the skin of your pinky slit open.
A single thin line around the base that began dripping blood that soon wove on air and wrapped around Muzan’s own finger. As you felt your strength leaving you your eyes barely widened, but his blew wide, pupils shrinking as he looked at his hand, then yours, then your face.
His lips parted in a snarl, exposing perfect teeth and sharp fangs before he pulled you away from the tree, swinging your body as he turned, and slammed you to the ground, hand still on your neck. Your hand fell limp as your ears rang with the sound of a harsh crack before your consciousness slipped from your grasp.
He glared at your body from where he sat, body stiff and muscles tense. You’re restrained, not that you truly needed to be. He’d done enough damage to your skull to keep you disoriented for a while. He stared at his hand, looked at the ring of split skin that refused to close. His eyes followed the blood red string that dangled for only a few centimeters before phasing out of view.
He moved his gaze to you, laying on the floor, arms outstretched in the no doubt painful pose he’d dropped you into. He motioned and tapped his finger on nothing before giving his hand a short yank, closed fist moving towards his chest. He watched yours twitch and pull towards him just slightly. Your eyes squeezed together and you whined.
He takes a knee beside you and watches you wake. You’ve been stripped of your uniform coat and he watches every muscle tense and flex in your efforts to wake and right yourself. He’d taken any weapons you had hidden in your clothes, not for his safety but to force the feeling of helplessness upon you.
Your eyes blinked open sluggishly. The lighting in the room was dim, and you felt dizzy. Your vision was swimming, but soon your gaze shifted and found…him. Blood red eyes looking down at you the only thing you could focus on and see clearly. The startled panic that floods your brain and body hurts, causing the throbbing to intensify, yet you still try to get up. Your limbs ache, your head pounds, and your pulse races, yet you still try.
Unable to ground yourself with your hands bound, your arms collapse beneath you. A cold hand makes contact with your face, you can register the waking slaps your cheek is receiving and you try to focus.
He watches you as you try to right yourself, you look like a pathetic creature, a kicked dog in an alleyway, yet you’re obviously fighting to wake up. It’s admirable.
Your eyes shoot open as your body gives a violent jolt and you gasp, finally having awoken yourself. You heave looking nauseous, but he gives you one look and you visibly fight throwing up. He’s left you alive, you don’t need to anger him to the point he kills you.
He waits for you to calm down, breathing at a slightly faster pace than normal, but you’re afraid so it’s expected. “Took you long enough.” You glare at him and pull hard at your restraints, the sound of rope straining but not giving way. “I’m probably concussed, you bastard…” speaking hurts your throat but you do it anyway.
He chuckles with a look of surprise. “Oh, we’re being snappy are we? I could kill you before you could even take your next breath and you want to have an attitude?” You groan, everything is too much on your mind. “Stop threatening it, if you’re gonna kill me then do it already.” He says nothing, and his face returns to its normal blank expression.
“No, I won’t do you that favor. I’m going to do to you what you fear most.” His eyes flash and your body grows cold. It’s useless, but you turn over and make every effort you can to crawl away. He watches your pitiful attempt at escaping before standing. He barely moves five steps before he’s stepping over you and lowering to straddle your back, letting his weight pin you down. You thrash beneath him until he grabs you by your hair, wrenching your head back and causing an intense pain to your scalp. You yelp, tears stinging your eyes as you feel his breath on your neck.
“If you were made for me, you better taste exactly how I like.” In a show of gentleness that hurts your soul, his lips brush over your neck before his tongue paints your skin. He bares his teeth before sinking them deep into you. You whimper as you feel the blood being sucked from you, and jump when his hand slams to the floor beside your head. His nails destroy the wood as they dig into it.
His head adjusts to be closer to you, nose pressing into your skin as he breathes in your scent. You do taste exactly how he likes, in fact better than any human he’s devoured before. He moans, body relaxing and sinking further down onto yours. His fangs pierce your skin again and his jaw braces.
You scream as flesh is torn from your neck. You feel the veins stretch before snapping, you feel them brush your skin as they dangle. It’s hard to breathe and you hear wheezing when you try. You realize he’s torn into your larynx, air isn’t reaching your lungs. As tears fall you feel extraordinary pain in the other side of your neck, followed by something being pumped into your body. You can only assume it’s his blood from what you've been taught about how demons are made.
In one last ditch effort to fight back you throw your balled fists behind your head. You hope to hit him, but he catches your wrists before you could. As if the pain he’s caused you until now wasn’t enough, he crushes the bones in your wrists, leaving you now utterly defenseless. Your body is violently grabbed and you’re turned onto your back. As he looks down at you, blood covering his chin and trailing down his neck, you try to burn the image of him into your mind. Solidify your hatred for him, so that it continues to burn inside you until the end of time.
“It’s a shame I have to turn you. You taste utterly divine.” Pain begins to overwhelm you, your neck is on fire and your every organ, every muscle, every nerve, every fiber of your being feels as if they’re being torn apart and violently fighting for space as they reform, and they must be. Your soul is trying so hard to shut it down, to let you die, and it’s exhausting you.
“I wonder how powerful you’ll be. If fate wants to tie you to me it should at least make you useful.” You shake your head, denying that you’d ever surrender and become a demon. “Don’t be stupid, you’ll survive.” As your system begins to fight itself and your eyes begin to close, you see him pick up your hand while rising to a crouch above you. He taunts you with his uncaring grasp on your pinky. “There’s no way you’ll die. Not with this.” He drops your hand and stands, walking away and leaving you there.
Your mind swam, thoughts based in reality weaving with conjured, forced dreams. Memories that were warm, inviting, fake. The wind rushed as the train moved, thunderous and heavy on your body but all you could hear was your feet on the metal roof, your breathing, and his laughter. Taunting you, as you choked and shook and swung at him in the brief moments your eyes could focus. The rain soaking your haori made it heavy on your back and in a moment of frustration you stab your sword into the roof beneath you, holding yourself steady, and tearing the fabric from your back, popping seams and shredding fibers to rid yourself of it.
You notice you’re able to clear the fog from your mind and focus again, you look around you to find the demon staring at you from where he stands out of reach, expression unreadable. He blinks, then chuckles, raising a hand to his mouth and covering his smile as if to preserve modesty. “You could’ve hurt someone. Who’s to say no one was standing at their seat just below you, only to have had their life ended by the searing pierce of a blade through their skull?” You glare at him, and if not for the ringing in your ears and the haziness fogging your eyes, a now telltale sign of his blood demon art, you’d tell him to shut up.
Metal screeches as you pull your sword from the roof and charge at him, angling your sword. He crouches just slightly before vaulting over your head, but you expected it, swinging back to catch his neck as he descended head first behind you. He knew you would try. The world moved in slow motion when his hand reached out and landed on yours where you clutched the hilt of your blade to stop it. His fingers wrapped around yours and instantly your hand grows cold.
His, on the other hand, now burns white hot. He watches his finger tear at the base, red blood a stark contrast to his ash white skin, falling in dripped lines and bleeding onto your own hand. It approaches the base of your own, your pinky split and oozing a single line of blood that meets his. He knows what this is, and given the look on your face, so do you. When his shoes make contact on the roof he moves with barely a thought. His hands move to your face and neck, slamming the meat of his palm into your jaw and pressing on your neck with the other. It was too quick for you, and you succumb to unconsciousness, a dreamless kind that you won’t wake so easily from.
Your eyes roll back before fluttering shut and you collapse into his waiting arms. He knocked you out before he could think what he would do with you. As he looked down at you he knew he wasn’t going to kill you. He made his way back inside and sat you down in an empty car.
And he sat. For a while he watched you, looked at your hand, looked at his own. Watched the string, currently short and dangling, reappear in the light as he moved his hand closer to yours, disappearing again as he moves it away, before dancing his fingers up your leg. Your hand lay palm down on your thigh, Enmu moves his fingers beneath yours, ever so slowly, feeling how his cold flesh warms the longer he touches you. He moves slower than time itself as he interlocks your fingers, marveling at the string that began showing more and more the closer your hands came to each other, now connected as he holds your hand.
He can’t help the giggle that tickles his throat before dragging his gaze up your arm, your shoulder, to your face. Your hair is still wet, though it’s begun to dry in the time he spent watching you, but your skin is still dewy. Your lashes still beaded with drops of rain, streams of water slowly trickling down your forehead, your brows and eyes, your cheeks, to your chin and your neck. They almost resemble tears, though he desired to see what true tears looked like on you. He hadn’t noticed, but he had absentmindedly begun stroking your hand with his thumb. Looking down upon it, he was almost sad to let go of it to bring it close to his face. You were so warm, he can’t remember how being human felt, or if he ever felt the touch of another in this way, but it was…well, he couldn’t describe it. But he wanted more.
As he rested your hand on his cheek, he turned his head, allowing his lips to brush your palm and soon his tongue to taste your skin. Just the taste alone excited him. His eyes hadn’t left your face, and they didn’t even as he gently scraped his teeth over the meat of your palm, before piercing it with his fangs. He would fight to control himself as your life flooded his senses, lighting every taste bud of his tongue on fire. You were sweet, sharp, you burned as he drank you down and yet you left a light, buzzing flavor in his mouth.
The pain of the bite must’ve been enough to wake you, as he watched your face scrunch and your eyes blink open. He watched them focus on him and the fear blossom within you before you reacted. Scared, like a cornered cat, you swiped at his face, every nail digging in and tearing his skin. It wasn’t a shock as he had predicted you’d lash out, so his next move was already planned, hand shooting forward and grabbing your neck the moment your nails left his skin. He pressed hard, pinning your head to the wall but careful not to stop your breathing. He felt his own breath shudder in his chest as he breathed in, face turned away from you after your ‘attack’.
You watched in fear as he turned to face you, open cuts on his face sealing and repairing themselves as he did, soon looking as if they were never there at all, only small trickles of blood left in their place. His eyes were heavy lidded and his lips nearly in a pout as he looked at you. “That wasn’t very nice…”
Your throat strained to swallow the fear welling up inside it but you steel your nerves as best you can. “Get your filthy hands off me.” His head tilted to the side and he tried to pout, though his insincerity made him crack a smile as he laughed. “That’s no way to talk to your soulmate you know…” his hand releases your neck but his fingers tuck into the collar of your uniform and he looks at his hand. He doesn’t even acknowledge you, and it angers you.
“You are not my-“ he yanks you forward and grabs your hand that reaches out to stop yourself from falling into him, making you collide with his chest. He holds your hand in a vice-like grip, yet your fingers are intertwined like the hands of two lovers. “Oh but I am,” you’re forced to look at your hand once more, seeing the red string connecting your pinkies. This just can’t be…if you don’t die here, how will you return home? Tell the others what’s happened to you, let them know you’re in a whole new kind of danger. “I can see you thinking, what’s going on in that cute little head of yours?” Your eyes sting with tears of anger as you look at him, and he only gazes down at you with a look that tells you flat out he isn’t threatened by you.
“You’re not going home, you’re not going to see anyone you know ever again.” Your chest heaves as you try to contain your sobs, your head lowers and tears finally fall, darkening the fabric of his pants from how close he is to you. He clicks his tongue, coddling you and wrapping you up in his arms, petting your hair to soothe you. “It’ll be alright, you’ll learn to live without them. Maybe I can ask Lord Muzan to turn you, make it easier for you. How does that sound?”
He’s delusional…your sobs shake your body in his arms and you shake your head, grasping at his coat and pressing your face into his chest, seeking any sort of stability in attempt to ground yourself. This isn’t what you want, this isn’t supposed to be your life. You were supposed to fight and die for the sake of humanity, sacrifice your life to end the existence of demons and better the lives of innocent humans. But now, you’ve been forced to begin living your life for a demons sake. Fate never meant anything to you, your fate was to die. Now, all you can do is live…
You can handle this, you tell yourself. He’s not that strong, you can handle this. You’ve been given another chance at life by that man and you weren’t going to waste it. You’ve only been here a hundred years, you’re not dying yet. But as you bend your back nearly all the way to the ground to avoid the blade slicing through the air, you can feel fear creeping back into your mind. Something you haven’t felt in a long time.
He was making you angry, how dare he make you fear for your life. This was a human man, he shouldn’t, isn’t, a threat to you. But you can tell that you’re losing, you’re only alive because you’re fast enough to avoid death. You launch yourself as far away from him as you can, vaulting over him in an attempt to catch him off guard and give yourself more distance. You land in a crouch and stare at the ground, taking only a second to cool your system. His back would be to you right now, even the two seconds it would take him to turn around and face you should give you time to gather yourself. But when you look up he’s barely a sword’s length away. You raise your arm and catch his blade in your forearm, forcing your bones to harden as much as they can but you can feel the blade moving further and further as he presses down. You’ve barely made this man bleed, you split his lip open and blood had been seeping down his chin but it hardly bled now. You can feel your heart racing, you can feel your teeth grinding, and as you look him the eyes, bright, flaming, and free of hatred, you can feel your own begin to water.
You haven’t cried in a very long time. You couldn’t recall the last time you had. His eyes widen but nothing changes, his composure remains and your brows crease in anger. You make one last attempt at saving yourself by grabbing hold of a hand holding the sword in your arm and pull. It does nothing but spark and soon light aflame.
Both of your hands brighten your faces in the dark, and it’s warm. It’s kind, it doesn’t burn, it’s gentle as it dies down while crawling to your pinky, small flames licking at your skin as they wrap tight around your finger. When the flame dies, a bright, shining red string lies around the base of your finger like a ring. You know what this is, every child is told of the fairy tale that is the red string connecting one lover to their destined other half.
Rengoku stared down at his hand, red string wrapped daintily around his battle scarred finger. This wasn’t right, it can’t be. He vowed to kill demons when he became a slayer, but looking at you as you cry before him, even collapsing to your knees and screaming in anguish, as you push back against his blade, he wasn’t able to push you any further. His arm lifted without a thought, his hand tossed his sword slightly in the air, and his palm wrapped around the blade. You only had a second to react before he swung the hilt at your head. The flame guard sliced through the skin of your forehead as you yelped, though you fell motionless to the ground. His hand bled as he watched the wound on your forehead heal as you laid there.
He stared at you for only a moment before checking to see that you were fully unconscious. Your heart was beating, but you didn’t respond to stimuli. Though he wanted to kill you and let you find peace, this was something no one has ever seen, and it would need to be handled carefully. Night had just fallen when he drew you out, so he had time to bring you to the master, but he needed to be quick. He sheathed his sword and picked up your sleep heavy body and held you as tightly as he could as he ran.
He ran until the sun began to rise, making it to headquarters just in time. He rushed through greetings and emphasized the urgency of getting you inside in a dark room.
He bound you on the floor. He could overpower you, but you were in the home of the master, he refused to put others in danger. He’d brought you to him when he arrived, and though the master couldn’t see it, he could feel the thread connecting your hands. He told Rengoku that, observing the unspoken ‘rules’ for those who have found their soulmates, no one else could interfere. It was his choice what to do. So he waited for you to wake.
Looking down at you…you look, human. The only thing that stood out were pointed ears, and fangs that were unnaturally long. He wonders what kind of person you were…are. He saw it in your face as he tried to kill you. You’d cried, screamed, but not in anger, it felt like…you were pleading for him to stop. His brows drew together in confusion, but he set the thought aside as you began to stir. When your eyes begin to open and focus he sees your muscles tense. You spring up into a sitting position and feel your wrists and arms are bound tightly behind your back.
“I suggest you think about your next move very carefully.” He can see the panic on your eyes as you search the room, eyes looking for a door or window or any way out. “It’s past sunrise, even if you got out of those restraints you’d have nowhere to go.” Your chest rises and falls rapidly and you slowly push yourself away from him and to the wall behind you as you try to calm down. He can see your eyes becoming red and teary again.
“…Do you remember anything?”
You try as hard as you can not to stare into his eyes, for they feel as if they’re lighting you aflame with that same gentle fire as yesterday. You slowly nod. You don’t know if you would rather you didn’t remember, but you do. “What do you remember…” You put your head down, watching the floor nervously. Your chest shakes as you breathe. “I was fighting you, and I grabbed for your sword hand and it…” you caught how his hand twitched in the corner of your vision, “that thing appeared.”
“Do you know what it means?” You scoff before you sniffle then speak, throat hoarse as you begin to cry. “I’m not stupid. Everyone knows what it means.” Your wrists rip from their binding as if you didn’t even know it was there, and you wipe your eyes roughly. “It means the universe has played some sick joke on me for its own amusement. I’m bound to a slayer for life.” He silently watches as you begin to break down.
“Why does it have to be me! Why did I have to die!” Rengoku remains calm but he can feel the string tightening and pulling. It’s telling him to comfort you, but he must remain calm and alert. “Why now…I didn’t ask for this…why couldn’t fate have been kind…” His brows pinch together in confusion. He watches as you slowly lift your head and stare at the ceiling. Your voice is soft and pained. “You’ve never been kind to me…” tears trail down your cheeks, down your neck. “In life you left me to search and search, left me to yearn for the one who could help me.” Rengoku sits there stunned. Most demons don’t remember their human lives. “You left me to die…alone. You let that man….that monster ruin my chance of being free of everything…” Your emotions are raging, pulling you back and forth, wishing you had died while wishing you had gotten to live your life. Rengoku can feel how you’re hurting, and he can’t fight the urge to comfort you any longer. You’re unaware as he moves closer, or rather you know what he’s doing but can longer care to be cautious.
You believe he will kill you, and although being a demon makes you feel useless and weak for being killed by a demon slayer, the fact your death would be at the hand of your soulmate gave you comfort, though very little. Your mind reminds you vividly of the man who turned you, bright red eyes that only leave fear and death in their wake. Your voice is almost inaudible as you speak to the powers above humanity.
“I hate him………..I hate you…”
Your head falls and you see how close he is to you now. The look on his face finally breaks you. Brows knit and drawn upward, eyes soft in worry, mouth open in shock. You sob, you weep, you wail, you can’t hold it in anymore. You don’t know what came over you but you topple forward into his chest, hands shakily gripping his clothes. “I can’t do this anymore! Please! Take my life, it must be done. You protect people, you can’t do that while leaving me alive! You deserve to…” you wait for him to take his sword and slice clean through your neck, but the pain never comes. What does come is two strong arms wrapping gently around you.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time. I know how life is, it isn’t ever fair.” He slides a hand up your back and cups the back of your head, resting his chin on you. “But we must keep moving.” He feels you move closer to him, it feels as if you’re trying to enter the safety that is his heart. He doesn’t want to promise anything, because he doesn’t know if it’s possible, but he’ll try as hard as he can. “There’s another demon kind of like you…I can’t assume you haven’t killed anyone, but I’m not here to judge you. She’s never killed anyone, never eaten anyone. She sees humans as family, and works to protect them.” You look up at him, confused as to how that’s possible. “I’ve heard several people are working to return this young girl's humanity to her.” Your eyes widen. “I can explain our situation, and I will do everything I can to return yours to you, if that is what you desire.”
Your eyes look so deeply into his as you nod.
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my-adhd-gremlin-blog · 4 months
For a man with no soul, Grian is very easy to possess...
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slasheru · 3 months
I'm writing Tate's dad confrontation and I need to know, if you were to meet him, would y'all have emotional reactions other than:
fuck you old man
fuck you old man, but like, less confrontational and more ameliorating
fuck you old man, extremely hostile, running at him with knives, etc
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All Shubble know is do magic and make plant area
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weonbullshit · 2 years
Can we please talk about the fact that fairies, (living) dinosaurs, ghosts, and time travel are cannon in transformers rescue bots?
Edit: Or that the Burns family could have been royalty??
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Don't even get me started on the fact that Horace Burns was a colonizer and that they tell us about Chief's Grandfather, Zachery, but not his fucking parents.
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dergshadow · 1 year
Vaati eating noodles(but it's drawn well this time)
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That moment when it's just supposed to be crack but then your head goes "no" and makes you finish it well this time. Now that I think about it, I wonder how big that bowl is considering how big Vaati is... or what he eats, or does he even have to eat at all? (and I was too lazy to make a background)
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classicbarbie · 2 years
Fairytopia lore: ✍️✍️
regular fairies live in magic meadow
butterfly fairies live in flutterfield
crystal fairies live in shimmervale
+ fairy types from unknown regions:
sparkle fairies
moon fairies
oread fairies??
whatever shimmer is
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lu-sn · 2 years
every single person writing kp post-canon fic: ok so i have to vaguely describe porsche's new job but i can't get too specific otherwise THEY'LL KNOW I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE MAFIA. hmmmm okay. *starts typing* porsche attends lots of meetings where people talk a lot and he's very tired and *type type type* he does lots of paperwork and his position is very unstable and his enemies are trying to *thinks* STEAL TERRITORY from him. yeah. that sounds p good. no one will question this
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adotdamilton · 2 years
Day 30 of drawing sneeg everyday until he does my homework
SUPER quick doodle before I get to my volunteering site 🫡
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So MB is usually conected to hubsystem, medsystem, secsystem, risk assessment, threat assessment, performance reliability, its governing module which cant shock it but does still yell at it, its stress levels, multiple drones, other peoples feed conversations, any camera it's hacked into, feeds that it's actually allowed to access, anything it's actively scanning for, and of course the entertainment feed.
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antispopausandstuff · 2 years
My guess as to why glimmer blamed adora for angellas death (and not catra cause they never talk about it for some reason) is cause the writers went "whoops adoras friendship with glimmer is too healthy in comparison to the person we're supposed to be shipping her with (catra). Better make her a bad friend real quick and have her act like catra to... Make catra look better as a romantic prospect."
that's honestly a good guess!
imo tho, while glimmer and adora's friendship is somewhat better than c//a's relationship as a whole, glimmer is very flawed in writing terms, which makes her more irritably flawed in character terms.
if that didn't make sense, what i mean is that because they made very questionable writing choices with glimmer's character, they made glimmer frustrating as a result.
i do try to separate character from bad writing if i can, and there are more...better glimmer moments than catra, which is why i don't mind fanon glimmer/glimmadora ( as opposed to fanon catra/c//a ), but in terms of canon, the relationship ( platonic or otherwise ) between glimmer and adora, and bow tbh, would still have to be thoroughly explored.
i wanna love glimmer as a character, really, but they made a lot of writing decisions that aren't just catra as a whole that make so much of the cast unlikable or bland and boring.
if you don't agree, that's okay, and i'm not trying to say your POV is invalid! it definitely isn't, and i still agree that this is one of the possibilities of why this happened!
but for me, the show made it hard to actually like a lot of the characters as a whole as opposed to liking only certain scenes of them ( for ex, i love adora and bow as a whole, despite how underwritten they both are, while i only liked/loved glimmer in certain scenes :< ).
i hope that makes sense and i hope it wasn't offensive to you ^^;
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