#am gonna work on ruf tonight
heartlessfujoshi · 3 months
the horndog and the prince(ss) - a rufusreno multichapter fic
Title: The Horndog and the Prince(ss) Chapter: 4 of 10 Fandom: FFVII Compilation Pairing: RufusReno (Rufus Shinra x Reno) Rating: Explicit (Explicit Sexual Content - Timeline what Timeline - Sex with Clothes On) Word Count: ~3,345
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
--- “Tseng returns tomorrow, yo.” Reno commented, a cigarette perched on his bottom lip as his arm was firmly around Rufus’ body. “I gotta sleep out there tonight.” 
“Tonight.” Rufus snorted, shaking his head as he adjusted himself. His naked body was tucked against Reno’s lithe one, his muscles more defined than Rufus thought they would be. Reno was a gym rat, so it would seem. “You act as if it’s not already one in the morning.” Rufus’ hand found its way to Reno’s defined stomach, letting his fingers walk down towards the streak of red that was coming up from a spot he’d become rather fond of over the last week. 
The cigarette bounced on Reno’s lip. “Ya know what I mean, Princess.” Rufus closed his eyes and hummed softly, his fingers now playing with the short hairs below Reno’s belly button. “And if ya remember, we haven’t really discussed anything.” 
Right. They hadn’t. Over the past week, after office hours they went back to Rufus’ apartment and got right down to business in the bedroom. There had been no time to discuss whatever this arrangement was, or what it meant. If it meant anything at all. Rufus wasn’t sure how this was going to work, seeing that Tseng would be back to watching him twenty-four seven. 
“I’ll figure something out.” Rufus mumbled, not at all interested in trying to figure out what to do later. He was happy to be in the moment right now, and right now his hand was dipping down further. His fingers touched Reno’s soft cock, but as soon as his fingers began to play with it, it started to grow hard for him. “What do you want it to be?” He asked, curious to hear how Reno would respond. 
He felt his shoulder lift him up, and then cigarette smoke clouded his face as Reno exhaled his drag. “I dunno. Yer a beast, Ruf’. I dunno if I could handle ya.” 
“I am not.” Rufus had no idea what he was talking about, and frankly didn’t care as he was more interested in what was in his hand. He kept moving his fingers along Reno’s length, enjoying how it was growing harder by the second beneath his fingers. He brought his lips to Reno’s neck, and left a few kisses there. “If you want this to stop, then fine.” 
A hand grabbed on to the back of his neck, and squeezed tight. Rufus gulped, and felt his adrenaline skyrocket. “I didn’t say I wanted it ta end, ya fuck.” Rufus was pushed towards Reno’s chest as he let go of his neck. “Why do ya gotta go to extremes, huh? I jes’ said that I don’t think I can handle ya.” 
“You’ve been doing a pretty damn good job so far.” Rufus breathed out, his hormones going wild at the display of dominance from Reno. It was such a turn on for him, to be manhandled by his Turk in a way that no one else would ever dare touch him. “Why stop now, when we could see what sort of fun we could have together?” 
“Yer gonna make me fuckin’ hate ye, aren’t ya?” Reno’s hand returned to his neck, but this time the grip was less threatening, and more loving. Rufus couldn’t help but drop his head back against Reno’s chest, as his hand now made a fist around his cock. 
He stroked his cock slow, savoring the way that it felt against the palm of his hand. “You already hate me.” It didn’t bother him. A hateful fuck was just as good as a fuck with feelings behind it. They were different kinds of feelings, and Rufus preferred it that way. Any other feeling was stupid. Unnecessary. 
“That’s true, yo.” 
Smirking, he lifted his head and caught Reno’s green eyes looking at him, the cigarette now gone from his mouth. “I say let’s see how it goes. If it doesn’t happen again, fine. I won’t bother you.” 
“Easy for ye ta say.” Reno pulled him up towards him, the hand on his cock being pulled away as he tried to find a way to balance himself in Reno’s arms. “Now, how’s about ya stop toying wit’ me, and let me fuck that pretty ass of yers again, hmm?” 
Warm lips descended onto his, kissing away the response that Rufus struggled to make, but then gave up as Reno was too insistent with his kisses. Rufus really liked the way the redhead kissed. It always began the same - an urgency that seemed to be unabated. His tongue would thrust into his mouth, and Rufus felt the world melt away as their tongues began to flick and touch one another. And then, when he thought Reno was going to pull away, the kiss would last another twenty seconds, leaving him gasping for air as their lips finally came apart. 
He was holding his arms tight around Reno’s neck, not wanting to let go but he knew he had to as Reno had to get a condom on. “Hurry.” He moaned low, anxious to have him back inside of him. 
“I know, I know.” 
As Reno slid back into his body, Rufus released a deep moan, pushing his ass down to receive more of it. It always felt amazing, that first push into him. Reno was so skilled with his hips, that Rufus knew that he was going to be coming again far sooner than he wanted to. If this was going to be the end of things, he wanted every second to last a lifetime, as the sex was so good. He felt Reno thrust forward hard, making a moan turn into a gasp as it left his mouth, Rufus clinging onto Reno’s shoulders as he was pounded into. 
“Gods, I love yer sounds…” Reno moaned into his ear, as Rufus struggled to say something in return. His entire body was consumed by the way that Reno was moving inside of him. Everything was burning, and it felt so good. “Ya wanna come, Princess? I betcha do.” 
“N-No…” He shook his head. “N-Not yet…” 
Reno understood, and as soon as he felt his lower belly begin to burn, Reno’s hand was around his cock, squeezing the life out of him. Rufus moaned and whined, bucking his hips to get the pressure to stop, but the redhead wouldn’t relent. “Ye said ya wanted it to last.” Reno murmured into his ear, sending a sharp wave of pleasure rushing through his body at how he spoke to him. “Make it last, baby.” 
He listened, and clung tight as they began to move again. Rufus held on for dear life, as the bed creaked and groaned with every rough thrust that Reno took. Rufus knew it was impossible to hold off any longer. With a hedonistic yell, he began to come hard, his body shaking from the intensity of his release. Reno moaned his name, bucked his hips wildly, and then he felt his hips stutter, the redhead finally finding his own peace. 
Rufus let go of him, and fell back against his pillows. He watched Reno get up and dispose of the condom, then returned with the towel they’d been using tonight, and got him cleaned up. Then, Reno turned the lights off and laid down next to him in the bed. Rufus’ eyes adjusted quickly, and he could see Reno’s face turned towards his. “What time are you leaving?” He asked, speaking quietly. 
“Soon.” Reno replied. He could hear there was a touch of sadness in his voice “Better that way.” 
“I know.” Rufus didn’t like it, but he understood. There was no way he was going to be able to explain to Tseng why Reno was in his bed naked without sounding like a moron, so it was probably better that they separate sooner rather than later. “Thank you for taking care of me this week.” 
“If I ask ya a question, will ya tell me the truth, Ruf’?” 
“Depends on the question.” He wasn’t an idiot. If Reno asked about something that was classified, he wouldn't be able  to answer, and he thought that the redhead would know this. But anything was possible. 
“It ain’t about work, yo.” 
Relaxing, Rufus gave a small nod of his head. “I will.” 
“Do ya fuck Tseng?” 
He blinked, not at all expecting that question. “No.” 
“Does he fuck ye?” 
“Are ya tellin’ the truth, Princess?” 
Rufus could see Reno was staring right at him. He reached up, and put his hand on his face, his thumb touching one of the marks just below his eye. The red marks that had been there since he’d met the Turk. He always wondered how he got them, but never bothered to ask because it wasn’t any of his business. Reno had other tattoos on his body, the artwork truly beautiful. But he’d never bothered to get a good look at them, as he didn’t want to impose on the redhead. He kept his eyes locked onto Reno’s, and nodded his head. “You’re the only Turk I’ve slept with.” 
“You asked me if I was going to tell the truth, and when I do, you don’t believe me.” He smirked, not at all annoyed. “You’re impossible, Reno.” 
“Why me?” 
That was a very good question. Why had he gone to the bar that night, to look for him specifically? “I guess I wanted to see what it would be like.” Rufus answered truthfully. “I would never attempt to do this with anyone else.” 
“Ye better not.” Reno brought his head closer to his, and then kissed him gently on the lips. The tenderness made him startle, but then he sank into the kiss, moaning softly as Reno kissed him with a sweetness that had yet to appear in their affair. “I don’t wanna hear about ya fuckin’ anyone else on the team.” 
“You won’t.” He breathed out, his heart beating faster than it had in a long time. 
“Ye’ll be punished.” 
Rufus moaned low. “Is that a promise? Or a threat?” 
“Ya know what it is, yo.” 
He nodded his head. “Very well.” 
Another sweet kiss touched his lips. “Sleep good, Ruf’. I’ll be out there, keepin’ watch. I may not be here when ya wake up.” 
“I know.” Why did it hurt hearing him say that? Rufus chose not to care at the moment. “Good night, Reno.” 
“Nighty night, Princess.” 
Reno left his bedroom, closing the door behind him with his clothes in his arms. Rufus stared at the closed door, hating that they were now separated, when they’d been together all week long. Reaching for the pillow that Reno had been using, he brought it into his arms and held onto it. It was a poor replacement for the body he wished he could be curled up against. But it smelled like him, and that helped ease the ache in his chest. Rufus hoped that when he woke up, that the redhead would be laying next to him again. Reno would sneak back into his room and kiss him awake, and they’d have sex again, like they’d been doing each morning since Reno had been assigned to him. 
But he knew that would never be, so he fell asleep with the pillow against him. 
Rufus took a long, hot shower in the morning, not bothering to move fast as he knew that there was no reason to. He didn’t have any pressing meetings this morning, nor did he have any this afternoon. Today was a day where he would be holed up in his office doing boring office work. Shit he hated with a passion, but was a necessary evil. 
Looking down at his body, he could see Reno’s hands everywhere. There were little dots on his skin where the redhead had manhandled him, and he touched those with a pleased smile on his face. If they couldn’t be together again, this was a good reminder of what they’d shared this past week. And that was good enough for Rufus. 
He put his suit on, then walked out to his living room where he saw Tseng sitting at his dining table, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. “Good morning.” Tseng greeted him, as he walked over to pour himself a cup of coffee. “How’re you, sir?” 
“Great.” It was a lie. He was anything but great, but it was the normal response he gave his bodyguard. “How was your trip? Successful, I hope?” 
“It was. We’ll debrief you later this morning.” 
“Wonderful.” Rufus grabbed a donut from the box that Tseng had brought, and saw that there were a few missing. Tseng really didn’t care for the sweet treat, so he knew who had taken those missing donuts. He felt his chest ache, and hated the feeling. 
“How was the week with Reno, sir?” Tseng asked, as he sat down at the dining table with him to eat his breakfast. “I hope he behaved.” 
It took every ounce inside of him to not make a noise at the comment. Reno behaved perfectly. “He did.” Rufus didn’t bother to elaborate, as there was no reason to. Tseng had asked a question, and he gave an answer. 
“Good. I’m happy to hear that. He looked a little more tired than normal, which is why I was asking.” 
Rufus shrugged his shoulders, and grabbed a section of the newspaper he cared about. “Didn’t notice anything strange while he was on duty with me.” 
“Very good, sir.” 
He finished his breakfast and coffee, and then the two of them headed to their offices a few floors below where he resided. He saw Elena, Rude and Reno in the breakroom, Elena telling a story that had the others laughing. Rufus looked at Reno and wanted to pull him away, wanted to keep him all to himself. There was a different kind of pang in his chest now - I have no reason to be jealous. But he was, nevertheless. Jealous that Reno could act the same as always, while he had to pretend he wasn’t dying to touch the redhead. 
His office was a prison to him today. With Tseng in the corner standing guard, Rufus was forced to do work that he didn’t care to do. He typed replies with hard, fast strokes on the keys, clearly manifesting his anger through his typing. He didn’t care if he was being a child. He wasn’t feeling great, and the cure for his aches and pains wasn’t a viable resource anymore. 
Tseng’s PHS rang. “Yes?” Rufus tried to ignore the conversation, as he didn’t care one way or another what was happening. He was still typing angry responses, hating every single second of his work. “I’ll be right there.” 
This got Rufus’ attention. Lifting his head, he saw Tseng dial someone on his PHS. “I need you in Rufus’ office right now.” The call ended abruptly, and then the Turk turned to look at him. “Sir, I need to leave.” 
“I’m capable of keeping myself out of trouble.” Rufus reminded him. The door to his office opened, and in walked the source of the pain he’d been feeling all morning. And suddenly, that pain disappeared as he saw Reno standing there, with an annoyed look on his face. 
“How long ya gonna be gone, yo?” Reno asked, his EMR balanced against his shoulder. “I was jes gonna go and get some food.” 
“An hour, tops.” Tseng pocketed his PHS. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Tseng left without another word, the door to his office slamming shut with a definitive noise. 
Rufus set his hands on his desk and looked over at Reno. “You look like you’re in a shit mood.” 
“Could say the same for ye, Princess.” 
Instantly, Rufus felt better at hearing that nickname he’d loathed for so long. But hearing him say it now, he knew they were back to where they were only a few hours ago. He stood up from his desk and approached the redhead. “Are you miserable because of me?” He asked, standing directly in front of him now. 
“What do ya think, yo?” Reno put his EMR back on his waist, and he put his hands on Rufus’ shoulders. “Ye got under my skin, ya asshole.” 
“I did not.” 
“Ye did.” 
“Shut up and kiss m-” 
The redhead listened to his request, and slammed his mouth down onto his hard. Rufus moaned, lifting his leg to wrap it around Reno’s waist, needing to physically be closer to him. But then, their kiss came to a quick end as Reno’s PHS began to ring. The redhead yanked it out of his pocket, and brought it to his ear. “What!” 
Rufus pulled him over to his desk and pushed him down onto the chair. He sat down on Reno’s right thigh, needing to be able to get up quickly if necessary, so rather than straddle his lap he chose one leg to sit on. Reno kept the phone pressed to his ear as his hands settled on Rufus’ hips, guiding him to move himself on his thigh. 
He bit his lip as the pressure in his pants grew, his cock swelling to an engorged length. Rufus kept rubbing himself against Reno’s thigh, dying for more but was settling for what he could have right now. Reno was yelling at whoever was on the other end of the line, but his hands were gripping tight to Rufus’ ass, encouraging him to move faster. Rufus knew he was going to make a mess like a teenager, but he didn’t care. All he cared about right now was that Reno was here. Reno was with him again, and so soon after they’d last been together. 
Reno pushed his hand up against his crotch, and Rufus had to bite down on his arm to stifle the noise that wanted to come out of him. He rocked himself back and forth on Reno’s thigh, his orgasm coming hard and fast. Reno kept pushing his hand against his cock, and then Rufus was tossing his head back with a silent moan, his cum now flooding his pants as he came hard. 
The PHS was slammed closed, and Reno’s lips were back on his, kissing him with a fire that had Rufus’ head spinning. “Sorry about that, yo.” Reno murmured against his lips, as his hand reached down into Rufus’ pants to collect some of the mess that was there. Reno brought it to his lips and licked the mess off, making Rufus’ eyes roll back in his head. “Can’t do anymore right now, beautiful. But I promise I’ll find a way ta get back to ya, okay?” 
“O-Okay.” He nodded his head, then stood up off of Reno’s thigh. The dark spot was hardly noticeable, which was good. Rufus went into his bathroom and got himself cleaned up, then returned to his desk, feeling much better than when he’d first come into his office this morning. Reno stood by the door, with a smile on his face that was making his chest ache all over again. When Reno winked at him, he couldn’t help but chuckle, pleased to have the redhead in his presence again. 
Tseng returned thirty minutes later, looking mildly upset. “Did anything happen?” Tseng asked Reno. 
“Nah, boss. Everything is quiet in here, yo.” Reno shrugged his shoulders. “Can I go now?” 
“You may.” Tseng replied, then took up his post in Rufus’ office. “Everything okay, sir?” 
Rufus nodded, as he watched Reno leave. He knew Reno would try, and that was all that mattered. He’d get to play with him again, and hopefully soon. “I’m good, Tseng. When did you want to debrief me again?” 
“We can go now, if you’d like.” 
Pushing his chair back, he fixed his bangs, and then fixed his coat. “Yes, let’s go now.” He walked past Tseng and left his office, his mood much improved after that lovely reprieve with the redhead. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
Dimentio's Writer: GOOOOOD! day! to you Belle! How're you this fine day?
i’m alright!!! i got my hw done before choir today, so my evening’s open for whatever after my voice lesson!!! that feels nice lskdjf ;w;
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starlightnakamoto · 4 years
She Knows • Yuta Nakamoto
Member: Yuta x Reader
Genre: angst / fluff / smut / slow-burn / mystery
Warnings: Language, Drugs, Alcohol/Cigarette Use
Summary: You needed to find a way to raise money to find somewhere to stay. Little did you know it had to be through becoming a stripper at the biggest club in town, owned by the ceo himself. He’s not only a ceo though. Only at night he was.
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Chapter 5
Soft lips were trailing all over. From your jawline to your collarbone, you felt the stars in you lighting up in a way you never felt before.
“More.. please”, you kept begging, not getting enough when you wanted all of him.
His hands were getting to know each part of you as you kept his name at a whisper, afraid if anyone would hear.
Two star-crossed lovers had become one through lips and you felt things heating up more.
“Yuta.. I need you”.
“So greedy.. I’m making you a fucking mess aren’t I?”, he smirked, looking up from where he was marking what’s his on your collarbone.
The moment started to fade along with the colors and his touch.
You didn’t want it to end but too late.
The blaring sound from your phone alarm had woken you up from the bittersweet dream you had so longed for.
You groaned into the now familiar pillow of the motel room you were staying in.
8:15 am. Today was show day.
Finally you were gonna get your first paycheck and could start seeing your dream be opposite from black & white.
You did the usual & went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After getting out, you dried your body & curled up hair in a rose towel and went to get dressed.
You put on baggy silver pants & a crop tee, even though later you would be changing into the real outfit for tonight.
You & Ten had been anticipating all week to see what you two would look like on stage.
After putting on hoops and a final shape of lip gloss, you left the motel, this time with all your things.
It was time to find a new place after today and with the money you’d get you wouldn’t pass the opportunity.
The train ride to the Nakamoto Club was usually quiet & filled with only the mind being loud.
Ride by Lana Del Rey was blasting through your headphones as you tapped your hands against the foggy window.
I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast, I am alone in the night. Been tryin' hard not to get into trouble, but I
I've got a war in my mind…
You arrived to your stop and made your way to your destination.
As you climbed up the hollow steps, you headed to Room 1026 to meet up with everyone else even if everyone to you was mainly Ten.
You walked in and immediately were greeted by a slim pair of tan arms but with a body that radiated warmth for you.
“Y/N!!”, Ten gleefully cheered while ruffing your hair up and leading your hand to where you two would usually sit.
“It feels like forever since I saw you, I missed my best friend,” he pouted as he did his usual habit of playing with your hands.
“We just saw each other yesterday before you left me alone with—”
“Yuta!! Oh my god, tell me everything now. How big was it—“
“Ten!!”, you rolled your eyes, softly hitting his arm. “We just spoke for a bit and got to know each other’s names.. nothing else I promise.”
“Aghhh Y/N!! I tossed and turned all night just wondering if a moment finally happened with you two. I didn’t leave you in there for nothing—“
“Well a moment did happen..”, you cut him off as you played with the rings on his sculpted hands.
“Well tell me the moment.. I got my popcorn out and everything”
“Well it wasn’t much but it’s just the way how he looked at me like he already saw through me. Like I know it’s fast and all but I swear you could feel some—“
“Connection?”, a different voice had blurted out.
Oh shit. You had felt your whole face heat up into one color of crimson.
“Ten I think this is yours.. you uhh left it here yesterday”, he smirked like the bastard he was seeing the color you were, as he handed him his water bottle and walked back to the front.
He too was flustered but tried hiding it.
Ten had thrown his head back and squealed into your arm as you sat there with your mouth open.
“I don’t know what just happened but girl I’m loving whatever kdrama yall got going on”, he nonstop said between laughs, trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah yeah okay. Keep laughing, you’ll be crying later when that happens to you one day”, you rolled your eyes as your cheeks were still flushed and playfully flipped him off.
Your bestfriend kept teasing you for the rest the day about the most embarrassing moment of your life and you couldn’t wait till it happened to him later.
The night started getting closer and everyone was getting ready.
We got to our dressing rooms and staff was rushing around everywhere, helping with makeup, lights, outfits or what not.
It was all going so fast but he didn’t leave your mind, which brought you to the thought.. where was Yuta?
“He was there for most of the day but he seemed to have left”, a staff had told you while doing your eyes a bright shade of glitter red. “What can you say? He’s a busy man”.
You had hoped he would appear to see the performance you guys had worked so hard on, at least. After all, he helped with most of the moves.
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7:30 pm
You started to feel more adrenaline as your first time performing is coming sooner than you think.
You had your makeup done & your outfit had shaped your body well. It was a crimson color built up of a corset with fishnets that made you feel self-conscious but everyone else had wore the same in various colors so you tried to feel at ease.
Looking up from your phone you heard “Damn Y/N!!”, from the now familiar cheery voice of Ten. “Girl you look amazing whatt!!”.
With the continuous praises you got & telling you to do a 360, you kept looking down getting all shy. He really was the only one of the dancers who made you feel at home.
Ten was wearing a see through black long-sleeved shirt with patterns on the front which had perfectly fit his figure & leather pants. It almost even turned you on.
His eyes were batted with sparkling black eyeshadow and wavy designs around it.
“The show is starting soon.. have you heard from him yet?”, he had asked as you two sat back down at your parlors.
“Nope. I’m just hoping he’ll show up at this point. I mean he has to after all the hardwork he’s done for us.”, you sighed while applying a cherry flavored lipgloss.
“He should. Lisa’s here, Johnny, everyone. It’s a big night, especially for you Ms. Yuta..”, he had chuckled looking in the mirror while fixing his combed back hair.
“Let’s not get too ahead now. We don’t even know his last name”, you admired how stunning you looked, pleading in your mind that he would consider coming.
“Yea.. weird but whatever”, he pondered but then decided to change the subject and apply final touches as you did the same.
8:25 pm
“We’re on in 5 minutes ladies!! Start wrapping it up and head backstage now”, Lisa had commanded everyone passing by each row of parlors.
“This bitch always forgets I’m here too”, Ten sighed, getting up from his seat.
You chuckled following with “C’mon my lady”, as you two linked arms to head backstage.
Your nerves finally were kicking in as you had no idea how your first performance would play out. You just had hoped it would all go well after busting your ass to learn it for the past week.
When your group’s name was called on stage, you started recalling all the memories from the day you first got here. So much had happened already and you weren’t here for that long yet but you felt like you had. The places you were getting used to.. the faces that became familiar.
To see yourself doing all you can to get to that dance dream of yours, that was home. You knew all your hardwork would pay off one day and you were excited for it.
You got to your spot up in the back as you climbed up the shimmering steps on stage in your platforms, trying your best to see the taped X’s glowing in the dark to find your spot. You got into position as Ten got into his which was further down your row.
Lights of flashing black and white came on that then faded into color hue as the song started.
You know, from the moment she turn around.
She know, how to back it up and drop it down
She know, she what all the fellas looking at
'Cause they know, soon as her song come on it's a wrap.
You had been mirroring the moves everyone else had been doing as the chorus was building up.
And she loves the attention
That she get when she moves, yeah
Showin' out with her home girls
Hypnotizing all the dudes, oh
And she knows.
Even as a back dancer, you had felt confident in how good you were doing and living it up in moment that you hadn’t realized Yuta did show up.
But him also being Mr. Nakamoto, he had sat near the back blending in with the other people sitting on the barstools.
“You seem to come here often. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were Mr. Nakamoto himself”, bartender Jaehyun had remarked with a small laugh as he wiped the bar and served more drinks to customers. “In that case, welcome.”
Yuta was in a gaze as Jaehyun’s words were only muffles to him, trying to set his eyes on you even if you were blended in by other dancers.
You looked so beautiful right then and there even from far. The lights had illuminated your entire beint and made you feel like you were the only dancer in the room to him.
It was all going so well right up until after the chorus that Rosé had tripped you.
You knew something was up when Lisa had asked Ten and Rosé to switch spots before show day.
The music had continued but there was gasps throughout the crowd that led you to rush down the steps and back to the dressing room.
Hot tears were running down your face as you sat in your chair that had faced the mirror & violently threw off your platforms.
You had a bloody gash on your knee from the trip but other than that you just tried to breathe amidst your anxiety attack.
Yuta had noticed later in the dance that you were gone and was starting to worry as well.
You felt too embarrassed to wait till the performance was over to find Ten or just see anyone.
You had picked up some wipes laying around the lights framing the mirror and starting to wipe off the canvas that had been painted earlier on your face.
“It’s just a fall, quit crying Y/N”, that voice in your head telling you on a loop.
Mascara tears kept streaming down but you just hurried up the process so you could grab your things and head on out in the back.
You kept getting flushed at the embarrassed moment that kept replaying in your head and just wanted it all to be erased. Possibly to even just go home and forget you came here. You knew your family & few friends was worried sick from all the missed calls as well.
You were from Cloud City, a small town that not many knew about with only black & white surroundings. It wasn’t anything like Blossom City, with all the colorful lights everywhere and endless people with stories in them filling the streets.
You had come from a complete different area, all opposite from this.
After all you were a dancer, not a dancer for these types of clubs.
You went through the back door and droplets had hit you which progressed more as you walked further to the nearest bus stop.
You still had your outfit on but with a coat over it and your heels in your hands. You didn’t feel like going on the subway with the way you looked this time so the bus it is.
You pulled out a lighter to light up your cigarette as you had stayed hovered under the stop. The rain was making it harder for it to light up so you occasionally blurted curses under your lip with the paper between it.
As you let out the first puff into the foggy night air, you coughed a bit but felt more at ease. You were still new to this as you had picked up the habit from Ten.
Before the next bus arrived, you had realized you didn’t get your first performance’s pay and panicked at the thought of literally having nowhere to stay at tonight.
Suddenly a white polished Benz had pulled up with the passenger window rolling down to greet you with a face that had made the familiar flush come back to your cheeks.
Usually he wouldn’t greet any of his dancers at this time of the day with the work he had going on but here he was with his one hand on the wheel and other waving at you.
“Hop in”, was all it took for you to drop everything and forget your thoughts for the rest of the night.
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5
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