#always nervous about posting fully colored pieces on here lmao
flavoredfaeman · 1 year
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It's been a while my dear
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jiminsasscracck · 7 years
Facts about Admin W👽
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1) I was named after a song by the singer Janis Joplin. The actual song isn’t called Whisper, however, while my mom was listening to it, she just thought of the name ‘Whisper’. I also wasn’t named when I was born. I was named the day after which is funny in my opinion.
2) I currently live in Florida, which is a state in the US. I actually really dislike living here since it’s so hot all the time and we never have winters. When we have our so called ‘winter’, the lowest it gets it to about 40F or 4C. Rarely do we get lucky and have weather below 30F or -1C (I hope those are correct lmao).
3) I am currently 19. My birthday is on January 22, and I’m an ‘00 liner. I’m not going to lie, but I really hate this generation because- in my opinion, we all turned into little assholes who have our heads shoved up or asses. Granted there are plenty of amazing people from this generation, but if you realize..they are mostly assholes:)
4) I am an artist. I have been drawing almost my whole life. I never really started getting into art until I was about 4 years old when I got my first art kit. I use different mediums, but mostly stick to pencil. I really don’t like using colors unless it’s with spray paint or acrylic paint.
5) I started to like BTS a little after their debut. I listened to them for a while, but then I got into my ‘scene’ or ‘emo’ phase and I went to heavier generes- metal, deathcore, etc. right before the Wings era is when I got right back to listening to bts. My bias is Yoongi. Yoongi was my bias wrecker for the longest time, my very first bias being Jungkook. It went to Hobi, but now I’m back in Yoongis lane.
6) Staying with music, I listen to a wide variety of generes now. I do still prefer heavier type bands/songs, etc. but I can really get into anything, but country. I honestly can’t stand country music, but if you like it, then good for you. My current favorite artists/bands are; Post Malone, Rich Brian or the whole 88 Rising crew, Wage War, BTS, and Fit For A King.
7) I sleep- a lot. I usually sleep far more than I really need to, but recently I have changed my sleeping schedule to be there for a friend. I usually sleep 12-13 hours regularly, also taking naps when I can. I’m not sure if I have a sleeping disorder or if I’m just very fatigued, but I’m currently seeing a doctor for my sleeping habits.
8) I get unmotivated very easily. If I start something, chances are I won’t finish it because I lost motivation for it. Say, if I start an art piece I’m extremely excited for, I’ll get like not even half way before I just stop because I lost the motivation for it. Same applies with works I have for the blog. I actually have a lot of unfinished imagines, reactions, etc. Funny thing is that I stopped writing these facts a few times because I lost the will to do it lmao.
9) I’m a very detailed person if you couldn’t tell by my lovely paragraphs. I feel as if one sentence doesn’t really capture what it meant by it nor does it explain what you are meaning. Plus it gives a bit of personality I suppose. When something is bland or blank with little detail, I actually get frustrated because I feel it needs more. I always try to find a way to add more to something, even when that something has enough.
10) I lowkey love motivational speaking. Having come from such a dark place of my own- having to find out how to help myself and get myself out of it, I had to learn a lot of things and see a few people to help. Each thing have my advice and seeing as it helped me big time, I want to be able to do the same for others and have them see things from a different like- a different perspective. Bring up scenarios that can help further explain the possibilities of getting out of a dark place.
11) I used to be a massive gamer. I owned almost every gaming console you could think of, from the very first PlayStation, to the Nintendo 64 to the fucking GameBoy. Only recently have I been limiting my gaming. I’m not as big of a gamer as I once was sadly, however I do still play my little heart out when I get the urge. I don’t have a preference when it comes to console or PC. I like them both.
12) I have a weird obsession with ouija boards. I do actually own a ouija board myself and I do use it occasionally. I have a throw blanket that’s a ouija board, a few shirts that have the ouija board design on it, but one is a band shirt and the others are shirts from a brand called Blackcraft Cult. I have a coffee mug that has a ouija board on it, plus my phone background is a ouija board.
13) My favorite number is 13. I love the superstition behind it and how people are afraid of the number actually- so naturally..It’s my favorite number. Not only is it my favorite for that reason, but also my one of my favorite series of movies are the Friday the 13th movies and the actually day of Friday the 13th is my lucky day. Something good always happens to me.
14) I love Harry Potter. My hogwarts house is Slytherin and my patronus is a crow. My Ilvermorny house is Horned Serpant. I plan on getting a Harry Potter tattoo- being the dark mark. My favorite characters are Draco Malfoy and Oliver Wood, (yes I know, stereotypical for me to like Draco while being a Slytherin, but he was my favorite before I even knew my house.)
15) I absolutely love coffee. Coffee is my absolute go to when it comes to any type of drink. I have at least 12-15 cups a day depending on how I’m feeling or how fast I drink them. Whether it’s iced coffee or hot, I’ll drink it. I have a massive sweet tooth, so I make sure my coffee is sweet as hell.
16) I get irritated or annoyed very easily. Even if I’m just on my phone and it lags once, I get angry. If things continue to happen, like if I get told the same exact thing 5 times in a span of 30 mins, I get annoyed. If I’m trying to watch something on my phone and I keep getting notifications from something, it really annoys me because I have to keep swiping away the notification as opposed to focusing on what I’m watching.
17) I have a massive disliking for people. If it’s online, I’m okay with that because I don’t have to deal with them in person. When I’m out shopping or just out having fun, I try hard to pick places where they’d aren’t a lot of people. There are a few people I like, like my best friend and family obviously, but other than that, piss off lmao. I really try to avoid people the best I can. I’ll move to the other side of the walk way completely to avoid being near someone. I can go on about why I don’t like people all day, but I’ll move on.
18) I used to struggle with social phobia, depression, and anxiety. I won’t go much into detail about them all, but also with not liking people, I get extremely shaky and nervous being around big crowds of people. It makes me feel trapped like I’m in a tight space and it’s extremely loud which just overwhelms me. I still struggle a bit with depression and anxiety, but thankfully I am in a much better mind set to where I can deal with them both.
19) I am somewhat a perfectionist, but not fully, if that makes sense. If there is one thing even remotely wrong on something, I have to fix it. I spend about 30 minutes doing my eyebrows just to make sure they are exactly perfect, sometimes I’ll even spend an hour. I always have to make sure the strings on what ever I’m wearing- shoes, hoodies, sweatpants, shorts, etc, are perfectly even, or I’ll flip. Even looking at other people and seeing it crooked, I’ll go up to them and fix it if I know the person well enough.
20) I absolutely love the MCU. If you don’t know what that is, it’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I am a massive fan of Marvel and Stan Lee. I have went to see every mcu movie in theaters, I own every single dvd and I have a pop figure collection of almost all the characters. My favorites from the MCU movies are Thor, Black Panther and Captain America: Winter Soldier. Loki, Bucky, and T’Challa are my favorite characters.
(I’m only doing 20, but if you’re curious about anything specific about me, just ask!)
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