beta-unfurl · 2 years
World Biofuel Day
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Every year on August 10th, the world celebrates World Biofuel Day to raise awareness of the value of non-fossil fuels as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels and to highlight the numerous government initiatives in the biofuel industry.
The day honours Sir Rudolf Diesel's scientific experiments. He used peanut oil in 1893 to power an engine. His research suggested that in the coming century, numerous mechanical engines would run on vegetable oil instead of fossil fuels.
Biofuel refers to any fuel made from biomass, which includes plants, algae, or animal waste. They are sustainable, biodegradable, and renewable energy sources. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has been observing World Biofuel Day since 2015. Biofuels provide a number of advantages, including the ability to lessen reliance on imports, maintain a cleaner environment, increase farmer income, create jobs, etc.
Numerous actions have been taken by the Indian government to increase the mixing of biofuels. Recently, the Central Government has permitted the production of ethanol from surplus rice.
Last but not the least, the theme for this year in 2022 is: "Promotion of biofuels for a better environment." It will be crucial to use biofuels as efficiently as possible while limiting any negative impacts they may have on the environment. Another key goal will be to increase public knowledge of the availability of biofuels as reliable alternatives to conventional fuels.
PS: Lemme Be is a period care company that started in November 2020 with the aim of promoting sustainable, pocket-friendly and oxo-biodegradable products to its menstruators. Try our product ‘Z-Disc’. Click on the link below to explore the Lemme Be products and use code “FESTIVE’ to avail a flat 40% discount on all its products.
Link: https://bit.ly/3zJnu3u
Jaya Prakash, Intern at Lemme Be
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onlysoftz · 1 year
Source Insight Crack is a projector editor, scanner, and analysis podcast that helps you find the best format. This application is a Java dynamic parser. But it helps in practical assessment and highlights the significance of new media developments in the study of multidisciplinary circumstances. Its scanner capability makes it simple to transition between functions and variables. Additionally, it displays every feature and option utilized on the wall, including the majority of links, posts, and connections.
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lovelypol · 1 month
"Helium Heist: Market Insights and Projections (2024-2033)"
The helium gas market is primed for significant growth from 2024 to 2033, spurred by its indispensable applications across industries such as healthcare, aerospace, and electronics.
Market research reveals a surge in demand for helium, driven by its unique properties including low boiling point and inertness, making it essential for various critical functions. In the healthcare sector, helium is crucial for MRI machines, while in aerospace, it's utilized for pressurization systems and rocket propulsion. Additionally, helium plays a vital role in electronics manufacturing, particularly in semiconductor production and fiber optics. As industries innovate and expand, the demand for helium is expected to soar, presenting challenges in helium sourcing and distribution. This decade will witness a heightened focus on helium conservation and alternative sourcing methods, driving advancements in helium recycling and exploration. #HeliumGas #MarketInsights #Healthcare #Aerospace #Electronics #MRI #Semiconductors #FiberOptics #HeliumShortage #HeliumRecycling #AlternativeSourcing #MarketTrends #Innovation #IndustrialGas #MarketForecast #HeliumHeist
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ladystrks · 3 years
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FKA Twigs
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myassignmentonline · 2 years
global teams for AlternativeSource
Jorge, as the global team manager, was hired to manage some new global teams for AlternativeSource Inc. (ASI), an alternative-energy company implementing wind, solar, and water-generated energy systems throughout the globe. Jorge had worked previously for a gas exploration company in North America, so he simply hired many of his previous company’s employees who had worked for him at the gas…
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global teams for AlternativeSource
Jorge, as the global team manager, was hired to manage some new global teams for AlternativeSource Inc. (ASI), an alternative-energy company implementing wind, solar, and water-generated energy systems throughout the globe. Jorge had worked previously for a gas exploration company in North America, so he simply hired many of his previous company’s employees who had worked for him at the gas…
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global teams for AlternativeSource
Jorge, as the global team manager, was hired to manage some new global teams for AlternativeSource Inc. (ASI), an alternative-energy company implementing wind, solar, and water-generated energy systems throughout the globe. Jorge had worked previously for a gas exploration company in North America, so he simply hired many of his previous company’s employees who had worked for him at the gas…
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usstrashboat · 7 years
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Alternative Sources
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Small but proud: how DuckDuckGo is standing against the advertising monsters
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Maintaining anonymity was one of the key principles of the initially free Internet, which, however, for more than 20 years has been constantly trampled by the largest giants of the Internet technology market: search engines, social networks and trading platforms. Nonetheless, some "islands of freedom" are still present in this world of mass surveillance and control, and we would like to introduce you to one of them in this review.
Meet DuckDuckGo, a search engine that is fundamentally different in its operating principle from the list of "Big Five" search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Yandex). The main difference between DuckDuckGo and its competitors is that it respects the principles of confidentiality and anonymity on the Internet and does not collect any information about its users.
How DuckDuckGo emerged
The founder of this fast-growing search engine is Gabriel Weinberg. Weinberg, who had already founded several start-upswith varying degrees of success (spreading from Learnection, a school social network where parents and teachers could communicate, which was ahead of its time, but did not succeed in becoming popular, to the more successful project NamesDatabase, the predecessor of Facebook), suddenly discovered that Google does not deliver the most relevant results for their user requests, and decided to improve it.
The first version of DuckDuckGo went live in 2008 and it was programmed to collect information from alternativesources and to filter the results in a way that the search outcomes contained the links that were as relevant as possible at the very beginning. It already had the search engine schtick to be so loved by those who do not want to allow commercial technologies to step into their personal lives: the system did not take the interests of users and their personal data (gender, age or nationality) into account. And it still doesn't: DuckDuckGo today is a system that is not constrained by anyborders, has no resources blocked by any local laws and no user tracking.
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From convenience to privacy
Interestingly enough, privacy of users' information was not the main priority for Weinberg at the beginning: he ranked search engine convenience first. However, after a number of unsuccessful attempts to promote the search engine, the developer came up with the idea of focusing the advertising on the privacy of DuckDuckGo, which lacked any tools for tracking users from the very beginning. It turned out that the strict privacy policy, which was incomparable to the ones from Google, Yahoo and other bosses of the IT industry, ended up to be one of the main selling points that helped to boost the popularity of DuckDuckGo. In the user's eyes it quickly turned from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.
In 2011, Weinberg`s project was funded by a major investor who provided $3 million for promotion and further development. At the same time, the owner of Union Square Ventures (the investor company) later admitted that he helped the project due to his belief in the need for privacy and did not even dream that DuckDuckGo would ever suppressGoogle. He had quite different a target in his mind: to enable every user to search for information on the Internet safely and anonymously, without of the fear of surveillance from advertising companies and government authorities.
How does DuckDuckGo differ from Google?
The main goal of DuckDuckGo is the real, non-fictitious depersonalization of user information. Majority of search engines track users' personal information and preferences and then transmit it to the advertising companies. According to Google`s representatives, they do it in the "impersonal" form, i.e. without of any actual reference to a particular account and person. However, it is unlikely that anyone can prevent search engines from personalizing such information upon request, and as a result of that, not just the advertising services, but also law enforcement agencies will know everything about you: which websites do you visit, where do you live[NA1] , who do you communicate with, etc.
How does DuckDuckGo help you to maintain your online privacy?
DuckDuckGo widely supports privacy software. For example, the search engine is fully compatible with the Tor browser and is even built into it as the default search engine (Firefox and Chrome have also allowed you to set DuckDuckGo as the default search engine).[NA2] Last year DuckDuckGo allocated $600 000 to services, that help to protect the securityrights of the world wide web users, and a large fraction of this money went to the developers of "Tor" browser.
DuckDuckGo does not care about national restrictions either: the search engine does not block any links to the resources that seem shady in terms of a particular country's legislation, so you can be sure that you will be able to find the exact information that you are looking for. Is it convenient? Absolutely! We all know how certain websites might become blocked completely undeservedly.
Literally, on March 5, 2020, DuckDuckGo shocked the Internet audience by publishing a list of thousands of web trackers who spy on users without their consent. The leader in the number of spy trackers on the Internet was Google: the “tentacles” of this search giant were seen on 85% of the analysed sites. The second place in this dubious rating with a significant lag is occupied by the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, whose trackers were found at 36% of the examined websites. Zuckerberg stated at a security conference held in Munich in February 2020, there was a need to create the measures, that would intervene in the user’s activity in order to remove content that is dangerous. In his opiniontrackers were designated to care about the user and to filter exclusively safe content.
So, what do these trackers do? They are programmed to collect all of the information about you: your gender, age, location, type of your computer or mobile device. And even finding out your name is a piece of cake to some of them. In return, you get a candy bar in the form of "personalized search results" for your virtual account. However, why do you need virtual accounts and personalized search results if the search engine can handle your requests without them? That's right: they are needed to make it easier to track you and to present you the content that the search engine believes should be most relevant to you. But their usefulness is questionable, not to mention that many people are simply annoyed by the pile of additional (usually advertising) information offered by trackers for your requests. DuckDuckGo also has a free app and a web browser extension that helps you to protect yourself from spyware trackers.
So, do you still wish to provide detailed information about yourself to Internet companies that will then sell it to any interested third party? We don't want to either, so we opted for DuckDuckGo a long time ago. And we are not alone: many famous Internet pioneers also are on the "duck side". For example, the Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, has recently confessed his love for DuckDuckGo search engine.
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What does DuckDuckGo make money on?
The service only tolerates few ways of fair income, like earning from advertising. " Do they still track us?"- the frightened user will think. We hasten to reassure you: no, they do not, because this ad is simply designed to match the user`s query and is automatically selected by the service. For example, if you type "Shoes on sale in London", the search engine will give you an advertising banner from the appropriate partner within the desired area. And this is the only "tracking" script that DuckDuckGo has. Moreover, we did not put surveillance in quotation marks in vain: the search engine will not receive any information about you, except for the actual request. Besides, your search history is also not stored anywhere, every time you log in to DuckDuckGo your search begins from scratch.
Another way for a company to generate revenue is commission for clicks on links from partner sites. Everything is fair here too: you do not know that a particular site is a partner of DuckDuckGo, and the partner will not get any data about you from the search engine.
Fame is growing
Gabriel Weinberg himself was the only person to handle the project until 2011. Currently, more than 80 employees are working at DuckDuckGo Inc. The search engine's revenue from partner sites in 2015 was estimated at $1 million per year, 3 years later, in 2018, it increased 25x times. It stands to reason that the growth in revenue reflects famousness: if in 2014 the number of search requests made through DuckDuckGo barely reached 2 billion, by 2016 it doubled (4 billion requests per year); in 2018 it exceeded 9 billion, and last year it soared to a record number of 15 billion requests per year.
DuckDuckGo appeared next to the top five search engines for the first time only last year, taking a stand-in sixth place at the end of 2019 with 0.38% of the world`s requests. It would seem like a tiny share, but if you consider that Google holds92.04% of the market, then the second place looks quite achievable for DuckDuckGo in the foreseeable future (currentlyit's Yahoo with 2.67%). The search engine is definitely still a niche, as the trend for privacy is not so widespread amongst the majority of Internet users nowadays. However, considering the trend for increasing control over the Internet in many countries of the world today, the potential for growth seems huge, as more and more people find themselves thinking: why should they allow their personal life to be traded? By closing Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines stuffed with trackers, people who really value anonymity are now switching to DuckDuckGo.
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getcureidea-blog · 6 years
The Vedda blood sugerRemedy by Michael gladiator – Review
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Vedda blood sugerRemedy
The Vedda blood sugerRemedy is associate ebook that's supported the invention of the Vedda individuals in Dambana, Sri-Lanka, UN agency square measure nearly freed from kind two polygenic disorder, pre-diabetes, fatness and suffer low rates of age-related diseases overall. When studied, it absolutely was found that the Veddas consume varied natural ingredients, spices, herbs, superfoods and compounds that appear to safeguard them from developing high blood glucose. maybe, they consume loads of copra oil, that dampens blood glucose spikes once further to a carbohydrate-rich meal, and lowers aldohexosereading once consumed in situ of carbohydrates. That’s only 1 example, and there square measure more that you just will find out about during this program. The author is Michael gladiator, a person that looked into the analysis on fighting polygenic disorder with diet and style, and summarized his findings from the Vedda individuals and alternative university studies during this vade mecum.
What you’ll learn
Instead of being supported medications and hypoglycaemic agent, this treatment program is entirely supported diet and style changes that you just will implement from your house, together with your doctor’s permission after all.
Specifically, you’ll find out about that foods, spices, herbs, nutrients, minerals, vitamins, plant extracts then thereonyou'll consume on a usual so as to manage your blood glucose levels. There’s a good style of choices, thus all readers ought to be able to realize some realistic, delicious alternatives that they like. What’s nice is that you {simply|that you just} don’t need to modification your diet if you don’t need to; you'll simply add the tried ingredients thereto and begin obtaining the advantages.
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You can additionally consume several of them as beverages.
In fact, there’s a complete smoothie instruction guide that shows you ways to form a mess of smoothies that contain the anti-diabetic ingredients talked concerning within the book. If you wish the foremost convenient possibility, you'll get the ingredients as supplements on-line or at your native food store, however if you don’t just like the plan of overwhelming supplements then don’t worry, as a result of you'll get nearly all of them from foods found in your native grocery store. Apart from learning what to eat, Michael has gone one step more and really created lots of recipes that incorporate the healthy foods and ingredients into your meals. These square measure for the foremost half quite easy and quickto form, and canopy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, thus you’ll see actual samples of the way to eat to fight polygenic disorder. There’s even a 30-day design that tells you what to eat day-by-day, thus you’re ne'er left dead reckoning or confused. instead, you'll simply add the healthy ingredients to your traditional meals. Diet could be a cornerstone of blood glucose management, however sleep is additionally vital. thus you get a complete report that talks concerning however you'll optimize your sleep, victimisation meditation, relaxation and environmental techniques to urge absolutely rested . After all, poor sleep has been joined to each polygenic disorder and weight gain. While this program is pretty comprehensive, it’s not some “magical cure” that works instantly with none effort. howeverif you’re able to build some modifications to your diet and style, supported the Vedda people’s data and alternativesources, then it’s potential to visualize enhancements in an exceedingly few weeks. don't be shocked if you turn, as well.
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pgzdatalabs-blog · 13 years
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Barry Burton confirmed 4 Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D, new screenshots N4G:The Mercenaries 3D. , #: http://bit.ly/mMg4LS
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ladystrks · 5 years
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ladystrks · 7 years
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Dua Lipa for Paper Magazine (2017)
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