#also to the tricker or treater that said i looked pretty and the other trick or treater that complimented my hat
rocksanddeadflowers · 7 months
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Jonny D'Ville Jack O' Lantern to spook the spooks!!!! (Obviously put it outside after- just wanted pics on my candy table lmao.) Fun fact everything (except technically the heart candle bc that was sold as Halloween decor) is just from stuff I collect/make and regularly decorate with that looks sorta spooky so I get to show it off on Halloween... Also I dressed as (a goth-ified) Drumbot Brian for Halloween!!!!! I'm just not comfortable posting my face lol. Anyway Happy Halloween!!!!!!
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waty-art · 1 year
Stranger Danger
Before you read this I would just like to let you know that this more of a modern au fanfic. Also small disclaimer, this contains a scene with attempted kidnapping just in case you are uncomfortable with that, but please know this is entirely fictional! thank you so much.
Halloween was always a holiday that the brothers looked forward to, but as they got older of course the idea of ​​​​walking around a dark neighborhood on a night where no one could tell who was who, became less exciting.
An incident happened on this holiday night that made the Hardy boy's not look forward for the next time Halloween came around. Joe was only 10 years old and Frank was 12, and the two were currently walking down their neighborhood's street with their father Fenton Hardy.
It was a chilly night in Bay port, but it wasn't too cold. The Boys had refused to wear a jacket, too determined to show off their costumes.
Frank's costume resembled a doctor with his oversized lab coat, and he even had a fake stethoscope to make it more realistic.
Joe's costume was bound to be one of his favorite things from him to watch on tv, a cowboy. He had the signature hat for all western heroes, a brown leather vest and a plastic gun hanging on his hip, which did not come out of its holster, due to it being one piece.
“I bet I can get more candy than you can tonight!” Joe challenged cheerfully as he swung his candy bag and strode down the sidewalk with his brother and father. "Why does everything have to be a competition with you?" Frank sighed.
“Because, I'm good at winning!” Joe shot back with a teasing grin.
Frank only frowned at him in response. The first house they went to was their friend Chet Morton's house.
Chet's father opened the door to find the three Hardys and laughed.
“Your costumes suit you.” Chet's father chuckled as he held out a bowl of candy to the brothers.
Frank and Joe's eyes sparkled when they looked into the bowl, but their awe ended when Chet's father stated they could only take one.
Fenton laughed heartily as he conversed with Chet's father, the two were just as good friends as their boy's were with each other.
While they conversed tricker treaters came and passed, but Frank and Joe were stuck listening to the two men jaw away. The two tried to ask their father to leave without being rude but whenever Joe would tap his father, Fenton would tell him to be patient and polite.
“We're never gonna get out of here!” Joe exclaimed under his breath. “It'll be our bedtime and we'll only have one measly piece of candy to show for it!”
Frank was just as disappointed, but he remained quiet. “C'mon, we're getting outta here.” Joe ordered as he grabbed his brother's hand and began to sneakily drag him away from the front porch.
Frank suddenly protested once they reached the sidewalk. “Wait! Aren't we not supposed to go out alone?“ Frank asked hesitantly.
Joe only rolled his eyes and retorted. “We aren't toddlers any more, and I'm pretty sure we'll be fine. Plus if dad gets mad I'll take all the blame.”
“you better.” Frank warned seriously.
Joe laughed and pulled his brother with him to go to the next house
“Trick or treat!” Frank and Joe said in unison as the door to the house opened slowly.
There stood a man in his early 40s with messy brownish-grey hair and stubble on his face. He stood there for a few seconds, just staring at the two boys, causing Frank to drop his small smile in confusion. Joe on the other hand narrowed his eyes, looking the man up in down with suspicion.
“Ah- hello boys, don’t you two look nice tonight.” The man complimented, but it somehow sounded off to the brothers. “Um, my candy is in the kitchen, why don’t you come inside and get it?”
Now, that was a big red flag. Frank’s eyes widened, while Joe glared at the man.
The middle aged man suddenly realized the kids were a lot smarter than they looked.
“Damn it!” The man growled under his breath, his expression changing in an instant into anger and desperation.
Joe quickly grasped Frank’s hand in his and tried to race down the porch steps, but it was too late. The man held Frank’s arm in a death grip, pulling him towards the open door.
Joe was screaming and panicking, trying to think what his father would do in this situation. That’s when he just decided to just do something, anything! Joe screamed and shouted at the top of his lungs for help while he and Frank were being dragged into the man’s house.
Joe and Frank fought, kicking, biting, and screaming, but the man would not let go. Joe and Frank knew the second the door to this house closed, they would never be found again. This is why when The man kicked the door shut, tears were forming in Frank’s and Joe’s frightened eyes, but both refused to let them spill. Joe couldn’t take it anymore, he had to find a way out of here!
“Let us go you bastard!” Joe spat vehemently. If they weren’t in the situation they were in Frank would’ve scolded Joe for his vocabulary, but instead Frank was determined to pull himself free from the man’s grasp.
“Neither of you are leaving this place!” The man shot back, yanking the boys towards what Joe assumed was the basement door.
Frank was on the verge of sobbing and Joe was panicking like crazy, as the two to struggled in vain. Suddenly someone was pounding rapidly on the front door. “Bam, bam, bam!” Everyone in the room froze.
“Open up you damned bastard! If you so much as touch my boys I’ll-“ came a furious and familiar voice from behind the door, it was muffled, but they still heard it.
The boys began screaming for their father, knowing he was on the other side of the door, but unfortunately this caused the man to snap. He impulsively smacked a screaming Frank in the face hard.
Joe stopped struggling and stared at his brother’s now red cheek, the tears in Frank’s eyes finally spilling down his face as he tried to hold back a choked sob. Joe saw red, and lost it. The blonde lunged at the man scratching hand biting the arm that held him in an iron grip.
The man let out shouts of pain as he tried to shake a feral Joe off, completely letting go of Frank in the process. Frank took this opportunity to rush to the front door of the house and yank it open, while Joe raised his leg and kicked the man where it hurts.
The man let out a gasp of pain and fell to the floor, only to have a fist smash into his face roughly. There stood Fenton Hardy, who had just given him a black eye that would definitely form on his face soon.
Fenton pierced the man with a murderous glare as he gripped the messy-haired man by the collar of his shirt. “I will kill you you son of a bitch!” Fenton growled, raising his fist to strike the man in the face again, but just then, a hand tugged violently on his trench coat.
It was Joe, who stood next to him with a furious expression, and what he said surprised Fenton.
“Dad, not now!” Joe demanded angrily. Fenton looked behind him to see Frank staring at the scene in fright, his tear stained face etched with horror. Fenton suddenly realized that Frank was not able to handle much more. Just then four officers came rushing into the house, squad car blaring it’s sirens loudly outside.
“Hardy! We’re here! Is everyone ok?” One officer asked in concern, while the others raced towards Fenton and the man in pain.
Fenton let go of the man, letting him fall to the floor and allowing the cops to drag the man out of the house to the awaiting squad car. Fenton then looked down to say something to Joe, but he was missing from where he was a second ago. Fenton turned around to find Joe hugging Frank tightly in his arms, and Frank trying his best not to let anyone see that he was crying. Frank had always been more sensitive than his younger sibling, but hated to show it.
Of course Joe knew this, so Fenton watched as Joe took off his cowboy hat, which had by now fallen off his head and only stayed on him because of the draw string, and placed it on Franks head.
Joe pulled it down enough to hide his brother’s face, and once he was satisfied he looked to Fenton. “Dad, when can we go home?” Fenton was shocked first of all that Joe was acting so calm for what had just happened, but he knew that his youngest was most likely shaken to his core and refused to show it. Unfortunately, Fenton was so overcome with emotions that he decided to scold his children before anything else.
“What on earth were you two thinking? How could you two just leave? Of all the horrible ideas!” Fenton ranted, his voice growing in volume as he made his way over to the boys. “Frank! What is wrong with you? You should know better, you’re the oldest! I’m holding you responsible for this!” Fenton hadn’t noticed, but he directed his shouting at Frank, who was most likely already blaming himself for the whole thing. Fenton then reached his hands out to grab Frank in frustration, overtaken by the anxiety and fear he had felt when he heard their screams before they were pulled in the house.
Instantly Joe stepped in between his father and brother, stretching his arms out on either side to let Fenton know that he wasn’t going to let his father get any closer to Frank.
Fenton stared incredulously at Joe who only glowered angrily up at his dad, keeping his protective stance in front of his brother who was looking at his father with a terrified expression.
“Leave him alone dad, it’s not Frank’s fault!” Joe yelled harshly. “It was my fault, I told him it was ok to leave! Yell at me. Punish me!”
Frank could only look up at his father in fear from behind his brother, which is when Fenton noticed the large red mark on Frank’s face that was beginning to swell.
Fenton Hardy suddenly realized he had frightened his already traumatized child and knelt down to Frank and Joe’s level with a remorseful expression.
“I-I’m sorry boys, I wasn’t thinking straight…” Fenton apologized, but didn’t try and push his luck by trying to reach for Frank again, even though he was going to do it in a more gentle way.
The anger in Joe’s face didn’t leave when Fenton apologized, but he relaxed his stance, turning to look at Frank, his eyes slightly softening. “It’s ok Frank, we’re safe now.” Joe smiled softly as he patted his brother’s head, being more gentle than Fenton had ever seen Joe.
Frank only nodded firmly in response, quickly drying the tears he had shed so he could regain some dignity. Fenton quietly ushered the boys out of the house that they might not have ever left, and was met with a couple of police officers for questioning. Fenton answered questions as well as Frank and Joe while the black-haired Hardy was getting checked over by the EMT “Lastly, which one of you, um gave the attacker the injuries?” The Officer questioned Fenton who stood next to his boys.
Frank sat on the edge of the back of the ambulance with Joe watching over the way the EMT examined Frank’s cheek which had now swelled a bit. “Well I gave him a solid punch but…” Fenton started, but was interrupted by the youngest Hardy.
“I did.” Joe admitted seriously, then turned to stare at the officer. “was that man in a lot of pain?”
“Yes, why do you ask?” The officer replied in confusion.
“I just wanted to make sure I really hurt him.” Joe spat sharply, then turned back to watching over Frank.
Fenton stared at his son, a little stunned and still not able to believe how protective Joe had become despite being the younger sibling.
“I’m sorry, is that all?” Fenton asked the officer politely, but he couldn’t bring himself to add a smile, not after what had happened.
The officer excused himself and Fenton knew it was time to bring the boys home.
Once Fenton and the boy’s arrived at their home, their mother came bounding out the door. Apparently the officers had let her know by phone what had happened. The boys were fussed over by their mother who cried as she held them close to her.
Finally, the boys were in their bedroom as the parents talked about the night’s happenings. Fenton explained the situation to Laura, while Joe and Frank were supposed to be asleep.
Joe lay wide awake, laying on his side and watching his brother who was turned away from him on his own bed. Joe couldn’t go to sleep like his father ordered, so he quietly slipped out from under his covers , let his feet hit the floor gently, and stealthily crossed the space between him and his brother who faced away from him laying on his side.
“Frank…” Joe called softly.
Frank didn’t answer, so Joe climbed into his brother’s bed. Once he was settled under the covers, he laid down and turned to wrap his arm around Frank. Joe felt Frank relax into the hold, until Frank turned onto his other side to face Joe. Frank’s face was tear stained and held sadness in its features as he looked at Joe with big brown eyes that made the blonde’s heart ache. “Joe…” Frank spoke, his voice a little groggy from crying so much.
“I-I’m so sorry!” Frank cried in a whisper, latching onto Joe, hugging his brother as if he would float away if he let go.
Joe’s eyes widened for a second, then he relaxed and hugged his brother back.
“Don’t apologize you idiot, you did nothing wrong. It was my fault.” Joe scolded softly, but Frank wasn’t convinced. “B-but I’m supposed to be responsible because I’m the oldest, and I couldn’t do anythi-!” Frank countered woefully, but Joe was having none of it.
“Frank, is this because of what dad said? Because if it is than you should just forget about it. Dad didn’t realize what he was doing.” Joe stated while rolling his eyes.
Frank nodded and Joe sighed.
“Listen Frank, not all siblings are the same. We don’t always follow the “big brother little brother” stereotype that people expect. Some are different, because…well that’s just how it is. You’re definitely taller and bigger than I am, but you’re way more sensitive.” Joe explained, trying to sound as smart as he could so he could convince his brother.
“What?” Frank suddenly interjected indignantly, pushing himself up on his elbow. “I am not sensitive!”
Joe tried hard to hold in his laughter, he really did, but it all came tumbling out when Frank gave him a look that Frank had thought was intimidating. Joe giggled and wheezed at Frank who kept trying to prove that he wasn’t sensitive only to shut up when he couldn’t find any evidence in his own head.
Fenton and Laura had finally finished their loud “discussion” and went upstairs to check on the boys. When Fenton opened the door to the Boys’ shared bedroom, and saw the two cuddled against each other with Joe’s arm thrown over his brother’s side, he smiled. He knew the two of them were close ever since they were little toddlers, but it really hit him that night that the two were attached to one another and weren’t like other siblings…that’s because they were his sons, the Hardy boys.
There is a second part which is in the future, and I might post it if this one does well.
thank you all so much for reading! So sorry if this was confusing or just plain bad. This is my first time posting a fic🥲
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Halloween - Georgia Spin-off
A/N: This takes place a few years in the future. Savannah is thirteen. I just wanted to do something nice for you guys and I know some of you had mentioned some ideas of what you wanted to see for them in the future. 
“Dad hurry up!” Savannah shouted down the hallway of the small apartment. Two bedrooms above the Pharmacy felt like plenty of space when you’d first moved in but Savannah was thirteen now and it was beginning to feel cramped. When there was no reply from the bedroom she huffed and turned back to the couch, smiling, “are you excited? Can you say trick or treat?”
The almost 18 month old sitting on the couch, dressed as a deer (as per Savannah’s request) smiled before attempting to repeat her. After struggling on the T for a minute he produced a shaky “tricker,” and dissolved into laughter.  
“Yer gonna scare ‘im with that get-up.” Daryl admonished, finally coming into the room. He was pulling his vest and jacket on as you emerged from the bedroom behind him.  
Savannah sneered at her dad and faked a laugh, “your not funny.” She’d been moody all week and when she wasn’t she was neurotically trying to coordinate Halloween costumes.  
“Hear that,” Daryl asked, scooping the baby up into his arms, “I ain’t funny Wyatt.”
“Dad!” Savannah whined, looking passed him to you, “mom, make him stop.”
“No luck Anna. Come on, grab your backpack and we’ll go out to the truck.” You suggested, waving to the empty backpack she had designated for her trick-or-treat bag. She was a zombie and she’d managed to convince Daryl to do the zombie makeup on her after you had deemed the task ‘too complicated’ for your basic knowledge of anything more complicated than a lipstick application. You were into your early thirties and you still hadn’t mastered a smokey eye, there was no way you were capable of making your kid look like she’d risen from the dead.
Daryl had been helpful but also not. He did the makeup that she wanted, even spent hours sitting with her watching youtube makeup tutorials to try and perfect the craft. He’d gotten the gore pretty spot on too, she definitely looked like she was a rotting corpse. When she’d requested that Wyatt be dressed as a deer that she post-dead took a bite out of Daryl had complied with that too. But his first reaction had nearly derailed the entire operation because they had a enjoyed nothing more than teasing each other and with her current moodiness she was unappreciative when he told her that “ya look enough like a zombie in the mornin’ don’t need special makeup.”  
“Carl’s being Indiana Jones and Sophia said she’s being cheerleader.” Savannah commented, leaning forward so she could talk to you better as Daryl drove over to Rick’s house. The neighborhood was better for trick or treating than the main street and the three kids had been going together since you moved back to King County. “Plus Judith is coming this year because Lori’s working and so’s Shane. And Patrick’s mom is finally letting him out to trick or treat but she said as long as he doesn’t bring home too much candy so he said we could have half of everything he gets...”
The current events update from Savannah continued the entire way to Rick’s house and only stopped so she could jump out of the truck and see Merle, who was standing on the front lawn with Carol. She’d giddily talked about the possibility of her and Sophia becoming cousins for the last two years though nothing had happened yet.  
“Think we could pull back out while she ain’t lookin’?” Daryl asked, his hand squeezing your knee.  
“You forget there’s two of them now...what would we do with Wyatt?” You replied, kissing his cheek and looking at your son through the rearview. He was the spitting image of Daryl’s baby pictures and shockingly well behaved almost always.  
“Damn, guess we’re staying,” He put the truck in park and got out, unbuckling Wyatt from his car seat and carrying the baby over to see Merle and Carol. No one had been more excited, or more terrified, than Daryl when you’d told him that you were expecting. And the fear only mounted when he found out it was a boy.  
After a weekend hunting alone though he’d come home with a renewed optimism about the whole situation. He loved Savannah and he knew he was a good dad, he wasn’t so shy about it anymore. Getting to be there for everything this time would be different and had been different but he lost the fear of it pretty quickly. You’d been through it before and you’d get him through whatever parts he was unsure of. Like always.  
“I think you’re supposed to make baby costumes cute,” Carol teased, kissing Daryl on the cheek and taking Wyatt from him. Being the newest baby of the group, everyone got pretty excited whenever opportunity arose to coddle Wyatt.  
“I only follow directions.”
“He’s supposed to my dinner.” Savannah cut in, leaning back against her dad and smiling up at him, “dad made me a zombie and Wy’s the deer I snacked on.”  
“Certainly did a good job.” Rick commented, coming down the porch steps.  
“Uncle Rick!”  
The group felt like it was multiplying every year. It’d started with you and Michonne taking Carl, Savannah, Sophia, and Andre around the neighborhood but over the few short years since it started you had added on to the group. This year you had Carl, Savannah, Andre, Judith, Sophia, Hershel, Wyatt, and Carl’s friend Patrick. Enough for a soccer team maybe if they were all the same age. Rick and Daryl still stayed behind, using the claim that someone had to hand out candy though you were sure the only person actually doing that would be Carol. The guys, Glen included this year, would be doing the same thing they always were, sitting around drinking on the porch.  
“Why am I always designated trick or treater?” You asked, securing Wyatt in the stroller with RJ.  
“Ya want me ta take ‘em?” Daryl offered. He was holding the handle on the stroller, keeping it steady, though his eyes were on you. Admiring the view of his fiancée, even if you were just squatting on the ground to buckle Wyatt in.  
“No,” you stood and came around to kiss him quickly, “I just like hearing you offer to.”  
Daryl frowned and you smiled when his nose twitched a little, confused was your favorite version of him.  
“I don’t wanna let you in on the secret but I probably should,” you teased, “most guys don’t offer to take care of their kids quite so quickly when they could be relaxing with a beer.”
He shrugged in return, “ain’t tryin’ ta be my old man.”
“God I love you. Let’s both ditch the kids and go back home.” You teased, kissing him.  
“You two are gonna have another baby before Wyatt’s three.” Michonne called, walking up to the two of you. She had Judith in her arms.  
The hurdle of Lori calling Rick that afternoon to ask if Judith could accompany her brother trick or treating had not been as daunting as Lori thought it would. All bad blood aside, Judith was Carl’s sister and Rick wanted him to love her as much as he loved Andre and any future child he and Michonne might have. So he had been welcoming to the toddler spending the evening with them and Michonne had been doting, Judith was sweet and Michonne was enjoying having a girl in the house.  
“God she looks like Shane.” You laughed, taking Judith, “Hi Judy, are you excited to trick or treat?”
“Yeah,” she nodded.  
“I like your costume.”  
“I’m a princess.”  
“I’ll say,” You twisted with her in your arms so she was facing Daryl, “look, doesn’t he have a scary costume.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, nudging your shoulder.  
Judith laughed and buried her face in your neck, shy all of a sudden. “See, she agrees.”
“Mom! We’re ready!” Savannah shouted, running down the steps with Carl, Patrick, and Sophia.  
Merle left for work and Carol headed back to the motel for the evening while you, Michonne, and Maggie walked the kids around the neighborhood. Savannah took the role of big sister very seriously, as she had since the moment you announced that you were expecting again. She took turns pushing the stroller and, on a few occasions, brought Wyatt up with her to the door so people could see their coordinating costumes.  
“Any Thanksgiving plans?” Maggie asked as you walked further through the neighborhood.  
“Deanna invited us up to D.C. for the holiday and we’ve been thinking about going. It’s been since August that Savannah saw Gracie and I know they miss each other. Plus her and Sophia have been talking about going around D.C. together.” You replied.  
“That’d be nice, I’m sure Deanna is excited to see Wyatt and Savannah.”  
“Oh god yes, she loves them. And Aiden’s girlfriend is due in a couple weeks so she’s even more excited, she keeps talking about having all three grandkids in the house together.” You replied, “I won’t be surprised if she takes them all to sears for a picture.”  
After trick or treating and pizza at Rick’s house you headed home, happy that the weekend was tomorrow and you didn’t have to get up early for work. Savannah was still wired from the excitement of the night though Wyatt had passed out in the truck on the way home. You volunteered to put him to sleep, leaving Daryl and Savannah at the kitchen table sorting through candy.  
“Do you want the snickers? I don’t like them.” She noted, dum-dum bobbing in her mouth as she spoke.
“Nah, ya can bring it tomorrow though, see if Axel wants it.” He mentioned. Savannah was coming with him to the garage in the morning while you took Wyatt to the doctor’s. All his protesting that you never spend time at the garage when you were younger was for null, it was nearly every other day you were dropping in or Savannah was coming over after school. Axel, Tiny, and Dale loved the girl too and Axel told her some ridiculous stories.  
“Okay.” She scooted off the kitchen table and wrapped her arms around Daryl, hugging him tightly, “thanks for doing my makeup, everybody said it was so cool.”  
“No problem.” He shrugged, hugging her back. “Glad it turned out.”
“It was awesome.” Savannah pulled away, sitting down in a chair as you came back into the room and swiped a jolly rancher off the table.  
You sat down in Daryl’s lap, smiling as his hand went around your waist. “Did you tell dad about the lady with the coffin?”
“Oh my god! You’ll never believe it...”  
Hope you guys enjoyed this. 
taglist: @thinkingsofamadwoman @mixedwiththemoon @titty-teetee  @queenmissfit @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @absentmindeduniverse @his-paradox @medievalfangirl @gigilame  @enrapturedbythemoon @cbarter @onemorebeautifulnightmare @darkprincess1128-blog @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @angelophany @of-storms-and-sadness @chocolatealmondmillk @twdeadfanfic @alwaysadreamingoptimist @born-in-19-96  @mainokutan @uh-i-think-its-frank @sabertooth-potato @nikki082489 @qrangr @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope @meziah-48 @dietspriteaddict @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire 
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