#also the reason why this happens is bc he himself has bi disaster energy
jim gordon is incapable of dating someone who doesnt have bi wife energy
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Protect Them with Your Bloody Wings Reference Sheet
Hello! This is very overdue, but I had a lot of information I felt I should aff, or wanted to add because I thought of it. I may occasionally come back here to add things or edit it, so it isn’t guaranteed to stay like all of this. 
There will be breaks between topics so it is easier to see subject changes, and if you need to skip a section it is easier to see the start and stop.
Warning! This is a very long post, and has brief mentions of multiple things that may trigger or make the reader uncomfortable. (Not in order) This post includes mentions of: self-harm, panic attacks, religion/mythology, sexuality, mental illness (anxiety, depression, PTSD, paranoia), dissociation and flashbacks, triggers for each character (be careful when reading these!), and mind control/manipulation
- Jay’s mom is a Seraph and his dad is a human, they gave birth to Jay and as a result his soul is specially made so he can help others. No one finds out for a while, but he can also interact with both the human/mortal world/plane and the astral/celestial/demonic plane. 
- All creatures, mythological and religious, co-exist in these planes, only the most powerful can actually interact and be seen in the human world. This is what allowed Jay’s mom to be able to interact with his father. She is a Seraph, and was sent down to help protect him from a demonic entity that was wanting to take his soul.
- Demons and celestial creatures all fight, sometimes directly but demons have an easier time interacting with the human world and humans. This usually causes other creatures to be sent down to the mortal world, where they are unable to actually be seen or felt, and they usually fight over the person/people that the demon or celestial is trying to protect/use.
- Different creatures can give what is called a blessing to a person, normally it barely affects them, but because Jay already had a special soul used to reach out through the planes to help people, this is what caused him to gain his wings with the blessing from the Phoenix. 
- Jay’s soul cannot take blessings like a normal person’s soul, because it is a mix of human and celestial. He always had a passion for helping others more than himself growing up, and this was because of his soul.  His powers were relatively weak though, and the only thing that actually occurred around others was that he had a stronger sense and ability of empathy and helping people through different event or what they were dealing with
- This is why he is considered very valuable to the celestials and why The Operator hates Jay so much. The Operator wanted Jay dead but wanted him to suffer too, which is why he went after Alex and the others around him.
- When the Phoenix gave Jay his blessing, it strengthened his soul, which let him gain more of an immunity to The Operator and other demon’s abilities/effects on humans. He also gained his Green Jay wings (due to both the Phoenix and his mother being winged celestials), a stronger empathetic ability (now he can pick up on other’s emotions easier, but unknown to everyone for a while, they can pick up and feel his emotions too. This can be dangerous in the fact that his negative emotions can end up hurting those around him by making them feel this way too. It’s small enough to where people can tell it’s not theirs but strong enough to be able to be felt), and is now able to touch (and if he used enough strength, harm) other demons. (The energy drawback is extreme, though, and if he attempted to kill a demon it would also result in him dying too.)
- People with celestial-human souls like Jay are extremely rare, and some have stronger souls than others letting them see the different planes. Those with strong enough souls can interact with the two planes, which the celestials find to be very helpful for when they want to help protect a person but are unable to manifest in the human world. These people sometimes act as messengers and communicators between worlds, but are usually not ones to advertise their abilities.
- This is the reason ToTheArk always made comments about “the ark” and Jay leading him “to the ark”. While ToTheArk was not sure themselves what “the ark” was, they knew it was important and knew something was different about Jay. The Operator was the reason they knew this existed, even though ToTheArk never worked for him, but they head heard it in passing
- ToTheArk is made up of Seth, Tim, and Brian but it’s only their alters. All three alters were created and forced onto each person by The Operator, and as a result could understand what he said at times. Eventually broke off from working for The Operator and created the channel ToTheArk
- The Operator’s powers were focused on electricity and the mind. Masky and Hoodie, along with Alex and Seth’s alters, were created by him. They all act similarly to how alters with DID work, but are also completely different. (Each is their own person with thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. When one is fronting the others do not remember what happened while they were not fronting. The differences start with how the Operator can forcefully pull them out, which hurts both the alter and host, but can not control what exactly they do.) 
Please Note! There are many other smaller differences, but these will likely exist because I do not have DID myself, and felt that giving each character these alters and saying they have DID would be disrespectful to the DID community. I, personally, do not like to give characters mental illnesses or disabilities I do not have personal experience or contact with (usually friends or people I know. I will go to them for advice and have them see if it is portrayed accurately). While these alters are a part of the original story and I felt like I should explain the specifics behind it, I want to make it clear I do not have DID and will only be taking notes from what others say about it. This includes the disorientation, amnesia, individuality, etc. I do not know anyone in real life with DID, and as a result have no way to fall back and ask if it is disrespectful, inaccurate, etc. If you have DID and would like to talk to be about it and have more aepects added into the story, feel free to. But, again, I will not be tagging or labeling these characters as having DID. Please keep that in mind while reading and seeing the portrayal of each character.
- Jessica is 5’3”, Amy and Sarah are shorter than Alex but height unknown (for this we will say Amy is 5’4” and Sarah is 5’2”), Tim is 5’6”, Brian is 5’8”, Jay himself is 5’10”, Seth is just a little shorter than alex and possibly around 6’0”, Alex is 6’2”
- While Tim is the shortest guy, he is also one of the strongest members of the cast, only bested by Amy and Jessica.
- Jessica and Amy are both bi, Sarah is lesbian, Alex is biromantic ace, Tim and Jay are both pan, Seth and Brian are both gay
- Seth and Jay are disasters. Jay can barely function around anyone he thinks is remotely cute and Seth just Blue Screens if he sees a hot guy.
- Alex is the one to tease everyone else about who they like because he can actually Function around who he likes, but on the inside he’s dying. Everyone else is so much of a disaster no one can tell who he actually likes bc to them he’s functioning like normal (even when he’s not)
- Jessica is a Disaster Gay, Amy is the same but only a little better, and Sarah can function decently (but not fully Function)
- Tim is stone cold and hides it as much as he can when he likes someone, and the only two people who can tell he likes someone are Alex and Brian, because he has a small blush that isn’t very noticeable but if he gets teased over his crush? You can guarantee he is a strawberry now. He secretly dies inside and his only thoughts are just love
- Brian can function almost as well as Alex, but is just a little more obvious
- All the girls are the type who would bring home stray animals but in different ways. Amy: I’m so sad guys LOOK! I found this poor cat stuck in the rain. Can we keep him please??, Jessica: Babe we have a cat now, I found them in a garbage can and I love them, Sarah: Hey I found a cat. Who wants to keep it??
- The guys are a little easier to control, but sometimes Jay or Brian will randomly arrive to the set or someone’s house with a stray. No one knows where they go or what those two do with them, and are too afraid to ask. (Brian keeps them if he can, but also gives them to his parents, relatives, and extremely close friends. If someone even mentions possibly wanting an animal he will show up and have a stay/abandoned animal ready for them. Jay isn’t allowed pets in his apartment except service animals, so he usually cares for them outside of his apartment or gives them to his dad, who owns and lives on a farm.)
- Seth and Jay are acquaintances before Marble Hornets, not on the full level of being friends, but pretty close. They were introduced to each other through Alex, and got to know each other a little bit. Mainly got closer to each other when working on Marble Hornets
- Brian was also friends with Alex, but never met Seth or Jay before Marble Hornets. Tim had no idea who Alex was until they met for Marble Hornets (Brian was there the first time they all met so Tim felt more comfortable, as he was panicking before hand about meeting so many new people).
- Seth has anxiety, Jay has both anxiety and depression (and now PTSD), Tim has depression and a form of paranoia/anxiety (while it got better over time and is not as bad, but still prominent enough to where he is almost always anxious at least a tiny bit, it resurfaced when The Operator started to mess with the cast members), and Brian has ADHD
- Alex does not have any mental illness, but has enough experience with Seth and Jay’s panic attacks/depressive episodes to have a fairly decent grasp on how to handle it. Brian is in a similar situation but with Tim and has almost no experience with anxiety/panic attacks. Usually it’s Tim’s depression that surges, and Brian helps him when it gets rough.
- Alex almost always has 2 different items for stress relief. One is for Seth and one is for Jay and even if they aren’t that anxious he lets them use it. If they are about to have a panic attack and he notices, he just whips it out and hands it to them without saying anything. He usually keeps on him money for comfort food and some band-aids/gauze too.
- Brian tends to keep money for comfort food on him most of the time. Sometimes he will have gum on him or items to fidget with. While he doesn’t have anxiety he tends to fidget/stim because of his ADHD. His stims usually are fidgeting with items (necklaces, bracelets, toys, etc.) and usually only chews when he feels comfortable enough around others to know he won’t be judged for it. He has a spinner ring that he found once, and will sometimes use that too. He tends to chew on gum a lot because of his chewing stim, but also has some items an old friend gifted him that were specifically made to chew on. (They are silicone, he has a necklace with a small but thick pendant, a pencil-shaped item, and a bracelet with silicone beads. Self-conscious about the chewing on other items besides gum, but prefers the other items to chew on. Tim was one of the first people he felt close enough to to actually chew on the items)
- For Tim, he usually keeps his anxiety/paranoia to himself. His medication helps some, but he still doesn’t like others to know about it. Brian is one of the only people who are aware it exists, but he doesn’t ever experience anything with it and just knows it’s there. When Tim’s depression surges, he sometimes tries to shut himself off from the world and be alone. Most times, when it gets really bad or he knows he shouldn’t be alone/doesn’t want to be alone, he will call Brian and hang out. Brian has a lot of experience with Tim’s depression as a result of this, and has learned how to best help him when he feels the worst. Sometimes they’ll just hang out and play games to distract Tim from his thoughts until he feels more in control/better, other times they will just enjoy each other’s company. Brian also tends to sleep over most times when he gets called up.
- As a result of Brian constantly coming over to talk or hang out with Tim, and spending the night at least once a month to help Tim, he usually has his own section of Tim’s house just for his stuff (clothes, pillows, sanitary items, etc.). Tim has a smaller section at Brian’s house, but it only exists because Brian insisted that if he had stuff at Tim’s, Tim should be allowed to have his own stuff over at Brian’s house. Both of them tend to hang out fairly often, and once shooting for Marble Hornets starts, Brian starts to create and plan group events. Tim doesn’t come to all of them, but he makes an effort to try to go. Brian makes sure they both still have plenty of time between the two of them, though, and they both understand that sometimes Tim needs time to be alone.
- For Seth, his panic attacks get worse with physical touch unless he says it’s okay, stress balls and other items to hold help ground him, he usually cries a lot, ends up being drained and usually naps on Alex. Fidget toys can help calm him down from a panic attack or general anxiety. Usually uses items that can snap around, move, twist, etc. He usually needs something to do with his hands, because they shake so much that when he fidgets it feels more grounding.
- For Jay, his panic attacks get worse when there is no one else around that he knows, or if there are a lot of people he doesn’t know when it starts to occur. The stress items help him some, but he is a very tactile person (as in, he needs another person there), even more so after he’s come back from the future. He usually holds onto someone when he has a panic attack, and afterwards usually tries to put some space between them. (He feels guilty that he clung to them so much, but after a while he can relax again and stops trying to move away from people. Alex knows he only tries to move away out of guilt, so he encourages him to stay close to them.)
- Now that Jay is back, because of The Operator, he needs someone to be constantly talking to him about something. Alex was not expecting this change, as they all had a silent agreement to only speak if they needed to go through breathing exercises so they could focus more on calming down. After the influence of The Operator, Jay ignores the guilt and stays right next to the others there. Sometimes he will actually press closer to them as a way to continue to ground himself.
- Jay’s depression never got too bad in the first few years before and during the shooting or Marble Hornets, and he had gotten a lot better compared to his highschool years. Now, though, Jay’s depression has come back with a vengeance. The guilt of everything that happened from the previous timeline, the fear that because he’s not good enough he won’t be able to help anyone and will have to watch everyone spiral down and die again, and the overall self-deprecation is crushing him. Alex knew he had depression, but because Jay had gotten better after a few years, they dropped the plans they made in case it ever got ‘out of hand’. Alex still remembers all of them, though, and will try to reach out to Jay if he doesn’t see him for more than a day. Jay knows he remembers them, and appreciates the actions he’s doing, and after a couple years in highschool he was able to be comfortable enough to let him know when he has worse days than others. This now usually leads to Alex coming over to his apartment, doing things to get Jay’s mind off of his thoughts, and the two of them hanging out until Jay feels better (which usually leads to a sleepover, similarly to Tim and Brian).
- Jay’s dissociation has gotten a lot worse too, now that he’s back, and while sometimes it’s pretty easy to call his name and make him snap out of it, he now gets episodes where he stops responding to anything. This can be pure dissociation or flashbacks mixed with the dissociation. Both times when it gets this bad, someone ends up sitting next to him and they have to wait it out. No amount of touching or noise will snap him out of it, and it worries the others to no end. (The only two ways to actually snap him out of it, unknown to the others, is either messing with his wings or The Operator actually being present. The first one is a lot better because it does help him come out of his dissociation, because there is the difference of feeling in his wings, and will be able to gradually pull him out. The change of feeling is because the feathers pick up feelings differently than human skin does, and because the difference of feeling acts as a reminder that he’s not there anymore and he has the chance to save them still. The Operator, on the other hand, is only able to snap him out of it because of the sudden terror and need to protect that Jay gets. This is dangerous because it can be sudden or slow change, and he is still so disoriented from the dissociation that he can’t think clearly. This then leads to him being a lot more self-sacrificial and reckless in his need to protect the others.)
- When coming out of a flashback Jay usually jumps or startles in some way (depending on the severity it can be a full-body reaction or something as small as wide eyes and a quite gasp), looks around, and usually takes a moment to relax again. The next few hours after the flashback are filled with paranoid thoughts, constant jumping and looking around, flinching, a lot more sensitive to noises and triggers, and a general anxiety that can start to cause the others around him to be anxious, even if they don’t know why. (Alex constantly sends worried glances his way the entire time this happens. Jay’s empathetic ability is stronger now, but the bad side is that it can go the other way now too. The others can pick up easier on his emotions, even though they don’t know why, and it can cause them to start to feel those same emotions too. Many don’t realize this is happening or that these are Jay’s feelings, which is why no one brings it up)
- Jay’s triggers - 
Physical: completely dark rooms, guns, knives, blood, anything dealing with Rosswood, tunnels, Tim/Brian wearing their alter’s clothes (even without the masks), being tied up/restrained, forests in general, certain areas like the red tower and the abandoned hospital, fast movements, people behind him/can’t see where everyone is/open back, Alex holding anything that can be used as a potential weapon (knives, guns, rocks, etc.), codes/glitching out videos, The Operator and creatures like him, hotels, screen static, dozens of tapes/multiple cameras (specifically to keep watch or record throughout the night), Brian’s house, fighting
Sound: any mentions of an ark/”to the ark”, gunshots, static from anything including radio interference, yelling, audio distortion, religion mentions (Noah’s Ark, flooding, etc.), sounds of fighting
-Seth’s triggers-
Physical: dark rooms, stress from deadlines, pressure from others, talking to new people/being around those he doesn’t know, being alone in a crowd, crowds, jumpscares, being put on the spot in front of multiple people/a crowd of people
Sound: yelling, sounds of fighting
-Tim’s triggers-
Physical: needles, hospitals, medical files/medical papers, medical equipment, pure white rooms/rooms that look similar to his from the mental health hospital, The Operator and creatures that look similar to him, coughing (himself, not other people), restrainment
Sound: the beeping from a heart monitor, yelling/screaming, static/white noise, being told he’s lying/faking,
- Alex, Jay, Seth, Brian, and Tim all know varying levels of ASL. All are able to hold decent conversations and a few could easily test out of college ASL classes. (Sometimes they forget words or phrases so they improvise, leading to hilarious conversations at times.)
- The reason all of them know ASL is because a few of them sometimes go non-verbal. Seth very rarely does, so he knows the least, but can hold a decent conversation. Jay used to not go non-verbal that much (still more than Seth, but not enough to warrant him being extremely good at it), but now that he’s back and has a ton more trauma it’s going to happen a lot more often. Tim has had his fair share of non-verbal moments, usually happening at least once every other month. Sometimes Brian is there for it, sometimes he’s not. When he is, though, it’s very easy to hold conversations because Tim is almost as good as Brian (but still not technically fluent). Brian, himself, has only gone non-verbal a couple times but not the the point of it hindering anything.
-Alex is practically fluent, and so is Brian. Both of them learned it because their friends going non-verbal made them want to. Seth knows the basics and can follow along a conversation fairly well, while Jay can hold longer conversations and is able to talk relatively easily (but still is not fluent)
- When Jay gets back to his timeline, he realizes within the first week being back that he’s gone non-verbal. He doesn’t realize it at first, but it isn’t until Alex signs something to him that he realizes he hasn’t been talking, and is still mentally recovering from the trauma, so he heavily struggles with talking to the others involved in Marble Hornets. He realizes that the moments of going non-verbal are probably going to happen a lot more now, and that he needs to find a way to quickly communicate with the others. (Deciding on impulse to try becoming fluent in ASL, he proceeds to spend at least a couple hours each day learning new signs or practicing making sentences/signing with others, usually on video calls or something similar. He was already very good and able to hold a conversation, but his goal now is to be completely fluent, or as close as he can get.)
-Brian can, and will, sleep anywhere. This has led to him often times sleeping against others and in random places he shouldn’t be able to sleep. He also loves attention/affection from others, but gets easily flustered when it actually happens.
- Jay is a very touchy person, and while him and Brian originally didn’t get very close, when they eventually do people start to find them sprawled on top of each other. They both are very comfortable with physical affection, and it takes a lot for them to be uncomfortable. This leads to them going to the other (once they get comfortable and know it’s not a bother) if they ever want attention.
- Brian grew up doing theatre stuff and can recite random lines that stuck with him. Some are because they were really weird, others because something happened and now it has funny connotations/memories attached. Also, he was in a lot of musicals. He remembers at least one song from every musical he has watched or been in, and can sing it off the top of his head. Would he say any of these lines or songs infront of the crew? Hell no. He’s very easily embarrassed by the fact he can, but Tim loves it. 
- Sometimes Tim will ask him to sing something or recite lines/tell a story dealing with certain productions he was in to help Tim feel better and get his mind off things (usually on days where his depression is flaring up really bad and he can barely find it in him to move. Brian and Tim have been friends long enough that this is normal. One of them is upset or needs to vent, and the other just heads on down to their house. If there’s a moment for some reason one of them can’t come over they talk on the phone and text.)
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