#also ruby reminds me so much of clara
oh my fUCKING god we fucking knew it didnt we HARD swing the other way hey i just met you and this is crazy heres my entire life story come fly away in my phone box with me
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rapha-reads · 4 days
Doctor Who does Gay Sci-Fi Bridgerton
and Shonda Rhimes babes I hope you've been taking notes because THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC, I'm shaking.
Oh. My. Stars. I can't remember the last time a Doctor Who episode had me actually stop the episode in the middle of it to go scream in a pillow and jump all around the room because the emotions were too much? And then I was literally kicking my feet up and squealing face in my hands? That was. I need a minute.
Ruby living her best life teaching 19th century proper British ladies some rebellion while the Doctor is off flirting with an outer-space roguish bounty hunter had me in stitches and also definitely reminded me of Eleventh and River rocking on while the Ponds were having drama behind, albeit with a Doctor that's sooooo much better at flirting and also accepting his feelings.
Like, really, Doctor, you just met the guy. Admittedly, Jonathan Groff is one hell of a tall glass of awsome, but still, I think it's the first time the Doctor falls for someone so fast and actually recognises the feeling for attraction? Rose took two season, even River took countless awkward (for him, River was enjoying flustering him) meetings, before he realized what was happening, Thirteenth was better at it but she was hurting so much she always kept Yaz at arm's length... Ninth was great at the flirting but characteristically not great at the feelings and admitting part. Twelfth definitely didn't care about it all and only had Clara and Missy in mind. Pre-Time War Doctors, maybe? Though if I remember the War Doctor's comment during the Tenth/Elisabeth's wedding, "that" (flirting and falling for people and relationships and the whole of it, I guess) didn't use to happen (and I'm not as familiar with Classic Who as I'd wish but I know there are quite some ships involving the Doctor, some of them queer ships too, but they're more subtext/fanon than canon).
... Sorry, I'm thinking out loud. Where was I? Ah, yes.
What a brilliant episode. Very meta too, with the cosplay and Susan Twist, and soooo very queer, RTD definitely said "it's 2024, time to get with the times and those who don't like it can cry me a river" and I adore that. Man, I hope Rogue comes back.
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Boom thoughts
Liveblog under the cut as usual
Tldr: this episode was absolutely brilliant, so much tension, a brilliant storyline, some hard hitting criticisms of capitalism and Christianity/blind faith, side characters you can't help but get invested in and soo many emotional scenes. I can't see anything this season topping this episode for me but it has left me far more excited for the rest of the season than i was previously
Something about the video looks weird. Like it very much just looks like these soldiers are standing in front of a greenscreen
Child character :) Moffat loves a child character and I eat it up every time
Mundy is so beautiful
"They ran out of money" I wonder if the "ambulance" kills injured soldiers to save resources
Ohhh my god that whole sequence with Carson stepping on the mine had me on the edge of my seat and then my jaw on the floor
This episode so far is off to a brilliant start, im already feeling really invested in these characters and the tension is thick
ohh I'm thinking I was right about soldiers being killed to save resources or something
Rip John Vater I was legitimately so invested in you, but i had a feeling that would happen
"Stay there!" *ruby casually walks out "okay, coming!" Dhfbdkdm
Also I love how he says to stay there then leaves the door wide open like bffrrr you knew she was coming
I think for the sake of saving time, the doctor should probably tell ruby that you don't actually need to lock the tardis behind you
The Skye Boat Song 💃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
This reminds me of Merlins death in Kingsman tho
"I was kinda hoping for a beach" you'd get along great with Yaz
I missed the doctor telling random stories so much 😭 I'm gonna hc the lesbian gymkhana adventure happened with Yaz and she was sooo annoyed the doctor ruined their outing with a stupid bet
Okay I know its probably just because she's being written by Moffat but I am reallyyy seeing the similarity to Clara now
And we're back to music....this seems to be a recurring theme
WHAT was that poem?? "The moon and the presidents wife" is a clear reference to the doctors own life. Gonna be thinking about this one for a while
"Beyond acceptable parameters for a conflict as budgeted" I knewww it
"People don't usually bring that up" yes they do. Literally all the time 😭 I know he's just trying to appeal to the kid
Ohhh is there even an enemy?
"Hush" the return of moffats favourite word 😆
how could you do that to me 😭 poor Canto Poor Mundy
Is this woman Susan twist btw? Im not good with faces but it could be right?
KISS KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty John Vater I always loved you
The way he just pushes Ruby down lmaooo
Mention of a diary will be feeding the "river is Ruby's mother" theorists
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"He's not gone, he's just dead. He's not gone" i love how this is a twist on the "they're not gone because they're always there in spirit" trope
The vworp vworps are back!
Now time for the next time trailer
This looks really interesting, I think this episode has really got me excited for this series in a way that I wasn't before, its a shame moffats not writing more of it but I'm excited to see what happens in 73 yards
I love that they're finally back in Wales
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Who issss sheee. I need to know
Also I just saw the credits and I was right about the Ambulance being Susan Twist! I think she's the person talking about Mad Jack too isn't she?
Final thoughts: this was an absolute banger of an episode, honestly I fear that none of the other episodes in the season will live up to it. I just enjoyed every minute so much, the build up, the tension, the emotions, the engaging side characters, the running themes and hints at the overall season plot were all absolutely brilliant. It was so good parts of it had me skipping back a few seconds to watch scenes again. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but this exceeded my expectations nonetheless
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kendrixtermina · 25 days
Reaction to The Devil’s Chord
Ok, seems like this will be a silly episode, which has rarely been my favorite, but at least they’re clearly having fun with it & commited to the bit, which must be respected. And they’re doing something based on a little legend.
Speaking of respect, my respect for Ruby just went up a notch, cause, if the Doctor asked me for where to go for my first TARDIS trip, my answer would have been to go see a Nirvana concert.
Plus I think we’re still in the ‚getting to know Ruby‘ arc so maybe we’re exploring her as a musician today.
...and oh, for a moment you thought the Doctor was gonna raise an eyebrow but he loves it! I feel loved.
Aww he’s such a nerd, and they’re so excited to be doing fun stuff together.
And oooh they’re having so much fun with the outfits!
They’re having so much fun with the clothes & the infiltration! They’re such besties already
(And here’s another way that you organically show that two people are friends without just having them say they like each other while acting like distant coworkers at best, Chibnall.)
That bit with the Doctor getting all nostalgic for when he was hiding out in the 60s… :(
Ruby’s song is pretty good actually, kudos to the composers.
Interesting that what she choses for this is something she made to cheer up a friend. It speaks about what she values. & it’s paired with a different friend of hers looking melancholy.
In ‚An Unearthly Child‘, we see that Susan being into the music from the 60s, so, maybe Ruby isn’t the only one who has some treasured memories involving the beatles.
I love the whiplash from the Doctor finding it odd that he would be scared of a beast in the last episode to panicking when one of the toymaker’s goons appears, just underlining how they’re a totally different, out-of-this-world threat level. That’s the exact expression that 14 had in the toymaker’s endless labyrinth.
They are putting a lot of effort into the little aesthetic touches.
Just a few seconds earlier Ruby was talking about how music can’t be stolen. Hahaha. So much for „there is no such thing as the bogeyman“.
For once the Doctor uses the sonic screwriver to actually do something sound-related (probably emiting soundwaves to cancel out the existing noises)
It’s kinda weird how time has passed. Like, in 2004 Rose is, just a short time before we met her, Clara is 14 with her mom still alive, and Ruby is a baby.
Notice how, at this point we know that the destroyed version of 2024 isn’t going to stick, but the ruined landscape lands, because the characters are reacting & emoting.
Like that was so fucking missing from Chibnall’s dry exposition.
Child of the toymaker? Of course. They wouldn’t be a pantheon if they didn’t have a fucked up family tree that is also a metaphor. Music being a result of play makes sense cause creativity is chaotic.
They’re really hamming it up & it makes all the sense for a metaphorical ‚god‘. I think if you’re doing gods right they must be metaphor, like, that take gets it. Aaand of course, everything is vibrations, friggin quantum & stuff.
I like the idea that just like the Doctor (in a way the ultimate trickster) set free the toymaker, that music genius guy set free the music devil.
So instead of alons-y, 15 says it in turkish? Why not xD
Of course they short out the sonic the second time… by singing.
And of course the one they want is Ruby, because she’s the one who played the piano.
Oh. OH. So here’s some mystery. Poor Ruby. Is she a demigoddess of some kind? A changeling? We’ll see I gues.
Also this is reminding me of the song battle of Sauron vs Finrod in the silmarillion. I love that they did a duett.
And oooh, Ncuti getting his first epic speech~
Even if it comes to nothing, it’s a nice touch that the Doctor told Ruby to get try getting to the piano, like having the faith that she might fix it.
Though it’s fitting to have a little eucatastrophe & have John & Paul be the ones who finish saving the day.
The dance number was kina over the top for my taste, but I guess it fits the nature of the beast.
And maybe, like with the toymaker, the ‚magic‘ always lingers a little bit after its deity was banished.
Still, it’s a fun idea to have the Doctor having to save the day with his musical skills rather than his scientific ones for once, since he’s spent a long time playing the recorder, spoons, e-guitar and whatnot.
Similar to how he’s adapted his knowledge of linguistics to the magic.
Like I wasn't wowed by this ep but in this age of irony poisoning you gotta appreciate when something commits to the bit.
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So Ive watched Boom and initial thoughts
S14e03 "Boom" doctor who spoilers
-immediately knew these guys were dead.
-susan twist what are you doing in my ambulance
-killing someone because they'd take four weeks to recover is insane but also works great as the endpoint of capitalism
-casual reminder that I adore 15s theme. Its very different from other Doctor's themes but its lovely.
-skye boat song?!?! Two played that on his recorder back in the web of fear
-"One wrong move, and BOOM. I go all food mixer"
Great line, 10/10
-"everywhere is a beach eventually"
I hate that this made me think of Rose
-"Why, does a landmine have lights on it?" "*groans* capitalism" "Excuse me?" "Flashy lights play well in a showroom. Modern warfare. Death by salesmen"
This is just. Oxygen but instead of a space station its warfare. Jamie Mathieson basically wrote this already. But thats okay I will still eat it up
-lesbian gymkhana. Noice.
-"IiIm not even screaming yet"
-smelted :)
-"i was trying not to show off" well thats new cause you always show off
-"you are brave." "mm." "And you are wonderful. And I forgive you for being incredibly stupid"
Do you know what that reminded me off? The dead boy detectives staircase confession. Come on, you hear it too:
"Also, I cannot BeLIEve you would risk your entire existence coming down to this operatic horror show for me. That is so FUCKING stupid its unbelievable" "Sorry. No version of this where I didnt come get you, is there"
-"I went down to the beach, and there she stood, dark and tall, at the edge of the wood. The Sky´s too big; Im scared!, I cried, she replied: Young man, dont you know theres more to life than the moon and the president´s wife?"
Was she erm , was she nice, the presidents wife?
Ah, well, that was a lie put about by the shabogans. It was the presidents daughter. I didnt steal the moon, I lost i..
Id know you anywhere.
-"Life is cheap. Patients are expensive"
Just as I said. War oxygen. Theyre fighting the algorithm. And capitalism.
-"war is business, and business is booming"
-"and my name is the doctor ""the doctor isnt a name" "yeah. haha! And I not even a doctor."
Was the degree in cheesemaking a lie? What about the lego? Doctor, have you lied to me?
Medicine, science, engineering, candy floss, philosophy, music, problems, people, hope, and practically everything :(
-"Great name, Mundy Flynn. You should marry RUby, then you´ll be mundy sunday. Go on, get married, Id laugh every day."
-"Ive met sentient Mud. lovely girls. I mean grumpy, yeah, but you try lying around with your face full of mammals all day."
I thought of the morax from the witchfinders first but yeah lovely girls
-"im a much bigger bang than you bargained for.
im a lot more explosive than I look and honey, I know how I look."
Originallt I was just a fan of the first line but something about the doctor being in a very bad situation but going "Im hot af :)" is... lmao
-"do you get-get-get it?"
-the way he said "girl" in "now you need proof, faith giArl?"
I reallt liked the theory of Susan coming back but this might also hint at a general doctor-family thing. Maybe his child
-when everything worked out the soundtrack was the same as during the tardis reveal in the star beast. I had to stop the episode cause that score made me FEEL things. I could not the heck focus on 15 with this soundtrack on cause. Uhm.
Im so sorry but this tardis reveal is so so so SO special to me so playing the same music is actually vile. Because. No I wont be able to focus on the actual episode. I couldnt focus on the actual episode because 15 sang a song 2 played on his bloody recorder. You cant use a TARDIS REVEAL SCORE.
-"What happened" "well, its uh, its kind of hard to sum up. I think if I had a diary it would be a little bit too exiting for words. I think I could write it with drums. Can you write a diary with drums? I bet I could."
-the sky is like actually super pretty on kastarion 3
-"quite frankly, your life span sucks" HAHA
-"fish fingers and custard is mt favourite" FISH FINGERS AND CUSTARD?!
-"A sad, old man once told me. WHat survives of us is love."
-irs actually insane how happy the tardis "vworp vworp vworp" makes me. Everytime the tardis disappears I giggle like little kid.
-im sorry but the next ep is SO intriguing Im very excited for next week, more excited than thid one actually
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inkandarsenic · 30 days
My thoughts on the new episodes:
- love the info dumping right off the bat therapy really did wonders for 15
- “Most of the universe is knackered, babes” ok 1) 15, i love you so much, and 2) why do I get the feeling that the reason most of it is knackered is because of you, bestie?
- “Why did I run?” That’s what you do babe. It’s like your whole thing. please don’t ask dumb questions
- ruby reminds me so much of rose and it is 1000% because of the way that Space Babies parallels End of the World so hard
- Ok so getting the feeling that it’s less “the therapy worked wonders” and more “we’re pretending that it worked wonders” because a lot of this conversation is feeling like 15 is masking his true feelings
- space babies crack me up, the cgi to move their mouths was weird and the babies themselves looked so confused to be there at all times it was great
- Ngl him scaring them more than once and then laughing a little feels very on brand for the doctor
- Ruby continues to confuse me, who are you Ruby Sunday, I want answers. very excited to see where this story arc is going
- societal parallels punching me in the face I love it this show is so back
- Ok saying you’re an ugly bug is a lot less effective when you’re Ncuti Gatwa and your past incarnations have always been attractive
- Eric the perpetually confused looking baby I love you
- this monster is very much reminding me of the sleep-sand monsters from that one twelveclara episode, sleep no more
- 15 babes I swear to god throwing yourself into open airlocks because you’re relating too hard to the monster of the week better not become your thing
- love him telling ruby “no going to meet your mom” immediately like babes does not want a repeat of the Father’s Day disaster with rose
- THE SCAN OF RUBY??? some things truly never fucking change
- ngl i feel like playing the banned chord that invites the devil in is a Bad Idea
- the maestro is terrifying. why are they making eye contact with me I don’t like that
- oh wow the first time the theme song has ever made me uncomfortable
- I love that 15 looks physically pained by the music that’s being played
- the notes that Paul says and the theme that plays? Reminds me of the piano notes at the end of the Doctor’s theme from way back in series 1 with Nine, sounds very similar
- oh Ruby you sweet summer child you haven’t been traveling long enough to recognize that tone
- here’s a thought: do you think maybe the Doctor is one of these celestial pantheon beings? That they would have been like the Toymaker and the Maestro if they hadn’t been abandoned in this universe?
- I’m really starting to hate 14 for inviting the Toymaker into the universe again. He just had to invoke superstition at the edge of the universe.
- ah yes the age old tradition of breaking the TARDIS
- the doctor hearing non-diegetic music has many implications I refuse to think about right now
- RTD never fails to have unsettling villains
- so Ruby seems to be the new impossible girl, which is appropriate because she looks so much like Clara
- “the one who waits is almost here” what does that mean. we’ve met the embodiment of play and now music, who else are we going to meet?
- musical number at the end feels so Disney
- also did anyone else notice that the Harbinger kid was back at the end? Does anyone else think that’s going to come up again?
I love that we’re diving into and learning more about the Toymaker and his whole pantheon of celestial beings but do you know what this would be an absolutely perfect point to reintroduce?
I’m gonna link the post where I rant about it here but please someone say they agree with me
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gayleviticus · 1 month
assorted thoughts on the two new doctor who episodes (spoilers below)
space babies
Weird concept but I think it worked. i dont think the token political allegory had a ton of depth but the stuff about stories is interesting enough i feel like i need to think abt it a little bit
my biggest issue is it feels like the doctor and ruby do a very jarring 180 on sparing the bogeyman at the end. like, i think in some ways it was predictable, but it happens so abruptly after they show zero concern for the bogeyman even knowing the truth of its origins I was super confused. like, i was just content to dismiss it as literally a pile of snot and not a living being.
ironically given the pro-choice vibes in the episode, this actually reminded me a little of kill the moon, where the episode doesn't spend any time actually fleshing out what the Bogeyman is, whether it has consciousness, its degree of sentience etc, the characters just decide killing is bad.
since this episode doesnt try to make a moral dilemma of it it feels less bad than kill the moon (altho I think unfair moral dilemma is a very deliberate choice on KtM's part to make you empathise w Clara aginst the Doctor) but I think it makes the 180 more baffling given the episode seems so uninterested in the Bogeyman as an actual being? if that makes sense?
the devil's chord
to be honest, while it was a fun watch at the time, this felt like an episode that ran out of ideas midway and the more I think about it the more I sour on it. at least scripting wise - i do think this was a very strong episode presentation wise!
Based on this and the Giggle I genuinely don't think RTD knows how to write godlike adversary; both these stories generally collapse into just 'godlike enemy hams it up and does goofy things while the doctor tries random stufff to save the day.' Like, as soon as Maestro turned up it felt as if the thread of narrative logic snapped and it just became a random events plot. And I felt the same with the Toymaker.
I think the issue is that these episodes overplay the power differential so much the Doctor doesn't have any kind of plan - but because these godlike entities like to toy w their victims it means neither the protagonist or antagonist are really driving the plot? i think the fact Maestro read as hammy rather than threatening also didn't help.
I also think these episodes don't set up clear enough rules. If you're going to have godlike aliens with gimmicks confronting the Doctor, the obvious appeal is that it's a story about manipulating the rules of the game to come out on top. It's like dealing with the Fey - or even Weeping Angels; the tension is in figuring out how to rules lawyer the godlike alien out of existence. But instead too much is made of the Doctor not knowing the rules and not attempting to discover the rules and it becomes boring. And if you take that aspect away what actually is the appeal of Doctor vs godlike alien?
They should have played devil went down to georgia during the music battle smh
The Beatles saving the day felt cheap, but it would have been incredibly cheap if they weren't real life people. Like can you imagine any other Doctor Who episode where one-off characters dismissed in the first 10 minutes save the day?
ngl while the ending song was fun and not lyrically terrible... it did feel like the lyrics were ironically the same kind of thing as the bad songs they were lampooning at the start of like, just perfunctorily rhyming random things together? idk. i guess it wasn't as pedestrian but i found it a bit funny
i feel like these episodes had a bit more of a return to a kind of procedural investigation format of Doctor Who - characters turn up to a new location and slowly have to piece together what's going on, the rules. which we also had previously in Wild Blue Yonder tbf, but i think it's interesting.
I like how there were moments where Ruby takes charge and says something a bit Doctorly - like when they enter the recording studio in devil's chord she says something like "Right, let's go!" and leads the way. It's a small touch but it just subtly chips away at the dynamic where the Doctor is always In Charge yknow?
Space Babies riffing on End of the World and Devil's Chord riffing on Pyramids of Mars for exposition scenes is perfectly justifiable (esp in the latter case given Pyramids of Mars is like 50 years old now), but I did definitely feel w those scenes that I'd seen it all before? Like, it's one thing to reuse a tropey scene because it's an efficient way of moving the story along, but I felt w both those scenes as soon as I knew what was going on I'd seen it all before. Nothing new. I could go to the toilet for a couple minutes
The magical realism is interesting (the handling of godlike beings aside) but i especially like the ideas of memories, songs hidden in Ruby's soul, and the snow appearing - that's very cool!
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macbethz · 1 month
ok final thots. thank you to those who supported me liveblogging both those episodes i love doctor who so much. i also unfortunately love being a critic
all three dw episodes seem to be engaging heavily in this new folklore-ish lean that was established in wild blue yonder - the goblin stealing children, the bogeyman, the fiddle battle with the devil. im interested to see where it goes bc i think its a compelling throughline and one thing rtd lovessss is creating episodic stories that resolve into an overarching narrative. I do think DW seems to be pivoting towards its more family-centric roots, which is fine i guess. I am aware im not the target audience of doctor who but i do love her for her darker moments so ill always be a little sad
i think its kind of funny that the bbc lied in their marketing a little? like space babies was not about the first 5 second butterfly thing and the beatles were barely in the devils chord. actually really funny i literally cant be mad
ncuti is literally electrifying every time hes on camera. i believe he's the doctor 10000% and he really brings that combination of whimsy and sadness to the role that makes me want to see more of 15. ruby i find....less compelling. at least as of rn. I think the main point of interest for her is the mystery of her origin but as a character she's kind of a non-entity in the same way i found many of 13s companions. she almost reminds me of early season Clara in that she's just kinda Mystery Twee Girl but Clara ended up as one of my favorites because she became the most sick and twisted woman on planet earth over the course of 3 beautiful seasons so I have not lost hope yet.
However I do think the companion-doctor relationship is the thing the entire show runs on and I'm not, AS OF YET, super compelled by what 15 and ruby have going on. Hitting a lot of the same notes as rose/9 without the emotional follow-through and DISAGREEMENTS that really made that relationship interesting to watch. I think that's the main thing is I need to see some kind of conflict. 15 is a lot more open than any previous doctor by a LONG shot, presumably because of 14s off-screen therapy LMAO. There's a lot on the table up front in terms of backstory and personality (which i get helps set up new fans) but that also means a lot of the narrative tension created by that kind of inside information is lost. We need something else to replace it and make that dynamic interesting! For me doctor who maintains its narrative momentum through character relationships, i'm not particularly interested in just seeing Space Adventures without that kind of meat behind it idk. it makes them feel a little hollow to me
what else um. jinkx monsoon ate obviously. music is the meaning of life thank you for acknowledging this doctor who.
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spongek-squidge · 2 months
We love her
19, looking out for the rights of every slave race she comes across, literally came in with a massive fucking gun to save the doctor, we Stan
Also literally absorbed the time vortex and brought Jack back to life??????
She’s a lot of peoples favourites for a reason!
He counts screw you
Loyal to a fault, he tried so hard man 😭
Knew what he wanted and we love him for that
Also perfect for Martha, they both fought for earth and against the doctors usual BS!
Ok, we all know when she was a companions she was a bit… meh at times
But she’s the only companion to date who made the choice to leave the doctor without dying or being left behind! Queen shit!
Also her being so done with human!doctor was a mood tbh
She’s a boss ass bitch✨
Donna Noble!!!
She’s the doctors best friend through and through, we all love her!
She was also the best at keeping the doctor grounded, platonic besties for the win!!!!!!
Hope to see her again in the new series :D
Amelia Pond, the first face 11 saw
I love her so much, she lived for chaos
A bit meh in her first season but once she got her priorities sorted out she’s absolutely amazing!
Also Rivers mother, and you know River got a lot of it from her, sweetie.
Rory pond gets slept on ngl
Man literally guarded Amy for 2000 years and not once did he abandon her
Like Mickey he’s loyal to a fault, but this time the girl he’s after loves him back so yay!
He also spent half his time dressed as a Roman or coming back from the dead so he gets bonus points for that Lel he deserves it
Clara Oswald, the first companion to stick with the doctor through regeneration since Rose!
I do admit I have a bit of beef with her for being a bit too like the doctor (almost destroying the tardis key etc)
But like she was also very good at balancing out the doctor
They took turns playing babysitter Lel
Also is now kinda immortal and I love that for her (and Me!)
My current favourite companion!!!
She deserved so much more screen time 😥
Asks all the right questions and is a good refresher, she is the first (and only) pacifist leaning companion in Moffats run!
She’s also the first companion the doctor truly opens up to, he mentions river to her without much thought! (After all Bill does remind him of Susan)
Ruby Sunday has so far been an amazing companion!
The dynamic of her and doctor number 15(?) Is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish she got more screen time but hey I don’t make the decisions around her
Posted before her season comes out but so far it’s been so promising!
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buckevantommy · 6 months
oh wow. so the christmas special was a lot of fun! my main thoughts..
Ruby feels like a mashup of rose and clara with a dash of amy— idk if that was intentional, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing bc i think anyone who likes Ruby and hasn’t seen previous series can go back and watch those previous companions for the first time and find familiarity in them— but i really didn't like clara’s personality (or the actor), and i think ruby comes across as more of an algorithm designed character than a person which isn’t great in this war against ai. i like her backstory, her family and friends and being a muso are all great, but i need a few more eps to guage how i feel about her bc i don't love who they cast and she's trying too hard and the chemistry with ncuti just isn't there (maybe they'll become mates irl and that rapport will soon filter into their dynamic)—but it's early days, so we'll see how i feel about her and them by the end of the first season.
i love Ncuti! it's very early days so i'm curious to see how his vibe develops and how his dynamic settles with Ruby. he reminds me so much of eric from Sex Education—not a bad thing at all! i love that energy and that swagger and that vivacious youth! however: that intro club scene where he's dancing (even though it was fun af) was giving zero Doctor Who vibes (i especially didn't like the song choice, personal preference) but that might just be normal? how it usually goes with every new doctor this millenium? they all feel so different from the previous doctor's era vibes, which makes sense bc they're meant to be carving their own style etc. and keeping with the times..
ncuti is the youngest doctor yet, his companion is the youngest since the vintage days, and various character details from both of them point towards this series being geared at GenZ and GenA, trying to bring the joy and wonder to younger viewers— and i love that! it feels fresh! it’s modern! but as someone in their early 30s who can no longer bear watching teen dramedies (even if they are the best chance of seeing queer rep) bc the writing can be terrible but moreover i've just aged out of relating to people in their teens (especially GenZ/A) i just hope the writing of DW doesn't take on that same teen mindset so much that it puts off older viewers. i also worry he’s not believable as a doctor on earth bc he looks so young, but *handwavey*.
singing goblins? fun. singing doctor? well, it's ncuti so it was awesome. but knowing ruby is in a band, and this doctor can sing.. look, i just don't want to see more random musical numbers pop up in future eps— but i'm not a fan of musical eps in anything, so again, personal preference. it's a very american thing to do, inserting musical numbers into non-musical shows, so maybe it'll pull more american viewers?
the goblins look cool and the cgi works without looking fake and they use prosthetics for the goblin king which works well. it’s monstery fun doctor who! magic as science! language of ropes! conicidence! i think we’ll see a lot more fantasy over scifi this series, as was started with the whole salt spilling at the edge of the universe, and as a lover of supernatural and scifi i’m excited for the melding of the two! there’s a lot of fun and mystery to be found in that genre mashup. but one baby for all those goblins? or just the king? i have notes.
Fifteen being a foundling like Ruby hints at the arc of the series? will we find out who the doctor's parents are? was he created in a stardust labratory? is he really a human being from 20th/21st century earth? (would explain his returning to that era so often his whole life and seeking companions from then and there) IS RUBY THE DOCTOR? i love this setup, this mystery, and the theory that the one who left Ruby is Thirteen.
the best christmas song choices imho. the music and set design was festive and warm and such a treat, although i wish more scenes were set at night so we could get more christmas lights and lighting magic - the apartment and the church lighting were so beautiful and vibrant! the daytime setting just didn’t pop, it was bland.
shoutout to the crack in Ruby’s apartment swallowing her up in time— who else screamed Amelia Pond! the crack in my wall! and pointed manically at the screen? i feel you.
all in all: fun, smiles, thrills, almost tears. not a lot of feels even when they were prompted, but that might be on me not loving Ruby atm and not the writing lacking anything— i think this series is gonna deliver on the feels front, no question about it.
i think people who enjoyed the 21st century doctors, as well as those who are new to the show, will enjoy this ep and Ncuti’s portrayal (especially those who are fans of Sex Education). very curious to see how existing fans react to Ruby’s casting and characterisation and whether i’m in the minority of not liking her. but this was a fun little adventure! i’m looking forward to the series bc ncuti is a powerhouse and with RTD back at the helm and fantasy-scifi angle, i think we're in for some good storytelling. 
ruby's actor is my main hangup, but we'll see. we shall see..
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hb-writes · 2 years
"Polly generally believed that anything involving her nieces was the purest definition of women's business, the very type of thing that she preferred to take care of herself and keep from the boys if at all possible...They were also founded on misguided ideas about the roles of women and a general measure of stupidity."
Good for Polly, already filtering out the stupid when it come to problem solving these decisions.
"She would sit there for hours with the shop door propped open just enough that she could easily see Tommy working in his office if she decided to look up from her book."
Does Tommy know she did this? I kinda like the idea that he didn't know she routinely did it as it's a nice little parallel to him checking on her.
Also they are not perfect mirrors of each other but are wretched mirrors of each other: i am all you could have been and you are all i might be.
"He would be happy to offer a telling-off to any one of the Shelby women. He certainly had enough rage to have a go-around with each of them at least twice."
And yet he still has yet to go off on Polly, what a smart move.
Freddie, Freddie, Freddie, Freddie. I have no words for how much I like his and Clara's interactions. It might be because the way you write him reminds me of my oldest brother, but still much love for these two and the time they spend together.
My actual favorite Freddie line: "You should talk! Ada here didn't grow any tits until she was nearly seventeen." Followed closely with "Not like you weren't staring right back at me all those years, batting those little eyelashes, showing off those tiny little tit—"
Polly knows what's up when it comes to these idiot boys. And they know better than to go off on her, as much as Tommy especially may want to sometimes. 😆
"She would sit there for hours with the shop door propped open just enough that she could easily see Tommy working in his office if she decided to look up from her book." Tommy's seen her sitting there, but he hasn't realized it's intentional on Clara's part.
Yeah, I love Freddie. I just imagine him teasing the hell out of everyone and he's so witty, and Clara just loves him to pieces and always has. He's family and it bothers her so much that Tommy and Freddie are on the outs when they come home from the war. I just imagine her seeing Freddie for the first time since they're back and she's walking with Tommy and he holds her back. 😩
I love what you said about wretched mirrors. And it’s really stuck with me from the web weaving you did a bit ago. I know it’s usually used to describe the mother-daughter bond but it fits so perfectly with Tommy and Clara. I think even more than it ever could with his own children later in the series. Clara is his child, his wretched mirror, in a way Charlie/ Ruby could never be. More than his own children having success, Clara being successful, Clara being well, is what’s important to Tommy… It’s what he (thinks he) needs. He needs to see someone like him, someone who came from the same place as him, someone who inherited the same trauma from the generations before him, someone with the same cleverness and similar (sometimes painful) traits, turning out well. That would make up for the rest of it. And so many of the things she’s gotten from him are traits that pain him, traits he’d never wish on another human, or things he praises in her but thinks condemn himself as bad. I have more I want to say here, but my brain can’t quite sort it. Either way, yes, yes, yes. They are wretched mirrors, and I just love the concept and the ways that can play out in their future. 
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youremyonlyhope · 29 minutes
The Devil's Chord
Been looking forward to this one.
The Devil's Chord is a tritone right? Like the Devil's Interval? Ok yep, Wikipedia confirms since it says ""Devil's Chord" redirects here. For the Doctor Who episode, see The Devil's Chord." Yay, the one little bit of music theory I remembered.
The Simpsons starts with a Devil's Interval, once again one of the few things from music theory I remember. 4 knocks. I feel like Jinkx is truly everywhere now. A year or so ago when I heard she was cast in a Doctor Who episode I was like "oh, that's nice" but didn't really know who she was. And now I feel like she's literally everywhere all at once. Cute way to bring in the intro with the piano. Though if I see one person claim that this is the first time the Doctor Who Theme was played differently, I'm slapping them in the face with Demons of the Punjab. Oh and it coming out of the Jukebox as it finishes is cute too. Ruby's a girl after my own heart. Why have you never done it before Doctor? Seriously. Also who says they want to go to the Titanic? I'm with Ruby in picking a historical moment that's fun, the place I wanna go is to see opening night of Pippin on Broadway in 1972. We're just days before my dad was born. That's crazy. Ruby, girl, that dress could actually blend in decently well. But glad you're considering it. God. Ncuti in that outfit make me so happy. Ever since the first set pictures leaked. The afro with the mustache reminds me of pictures of my grandpa in the 70s. God I love historical episodes. I was warned there'd be no Beatles songs. Which really does make me sad. But knowing the Maestro steals music, sure. Doctor stop knocking with 4 knocks. Back to the no Beatles music thing. I wonder if they'll at least, at the end when I assume everything gets fixed, do one of the famous songs that the Beatles covered? Like Till There Was You from Music Man? Or maybe Twist and Shout? So I vaguely saw a gifset showing various older women. I scrolled past it quickly when I realized it was Doctor Who because of a gif or two of Mrs. Flood and I didn't want spoilers. I took from that little bit of context that she might be popping up everywhere. Is this Mrs. Flood again? Do I just forget what she looks like? What is the Maestro's motivation to do this? If you love music so much, why not make people make even more of it? So canonically, we don't know where Susan is? I've always assumed she's just lived her life out with whatshisface wherever the Doctor left them. Doctor, baby, why are you laughing? Oh the old lady probably remembers the time before music died. Doctor, I'm sure you realize you're basically using Ruby as bait. NO. No the laughing arpeggio again. The Giggle. No not the old lady. His soul is torn in half. God I still hate this stupid bigeneration thing so much. The gods? Lord Temporal? Bound in salt? We're really sticking with the salt thing. [Playing the Saxon theme off-key] Ok the specificity of just the captions mentioning Saxon really really concerns me. Only can go back to 1963, like how the Doctor limited the TARDIS under the Master's control to just go between 2007 (2008? Stupid RTD timeline) and the end of the universe. Speaking Turkish, I'm sorry what? "I thought that was non-diagetic." I had to look it up to make sure, but wow that's a good 4th wall breaking joke. AND it leans into the story theme. How can a song have so much power? Have you HEARD Carol of the Bells? Who is the oldest one? Also I better not see a single person complain about Clara's Impossible Girl-ness ever again when we've got Ruby making it literally snow and manifest her memories into real life. Maple Leaf Rag! I was gonna say in the opening that if it's 1925 and they want something fun, they got plenty of ragtime right there to pick from. Plus jazz. I was gonna say I don't know how I feel about John being the one to save the day, but then Paul joined him. I guess I can accept that. "The one who waits is almost here" Girl what does that even mean? If it's not Dhawan!Master I don't want them. Yasss Rhapsody in Blue. See this was a perfect opportunity to get the rights to Twist and Shout like come on. Raining indoors. Oh and there's the kid again. I thought he was a projection or something, but I guess he's real.
I definitely enjoyed that episode a lot. Though the There's Always A Twist At The End was a bit much, even for me the girl who loves musical theatre.
I wanna know what the notes that saved them were though.
Ok I dived into a Reddit thread to see what the answer was. No one gave a straight answer. Google wasn't helpful either (especially with their stupid AI thing). It seems the consensus is that it's the final chord of A Day In the Life. I'm gonna take their word for it, my knowledge of music theory ends at me even knowing what the Devil's Interval was in the first place.
Also two things that came to mind as I proofread this:
The Doctor being called the Lord Temporal makes me wonder if they're gonna try to say he's one of these beings from outside the universe. Since it could be possible given he's the Timeless Child.
...Actually. In the process of typing this, my mom asked me a question and when I came back I literally could not remember what the second thing was. And I've spent like 10 minutes trying to remember by rereading the post. I can't remember. It's totally gone. So, I may edit this with whatever my second thought was. Maybe I was wondering if Ruby would be the one who is like the Toymaker and Maestro? I feel like that wasn't it though, but it was something I thought of.
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heliads · 2 years
and also, could I request the three mutual special items too? (love how that sounds - I'll have the Mutual Menu please <3) I think they sound amazing and I'm curious about your answers! 💜
one mutual menu coming up!
for your color palette,
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i know you love anastasia and honestly you give off royalty vibes so i have gone with a few jewel tones, especially mulberry purple, ruby red, and gold. lavender and blush pink were chosen as in between shades as well.
for your recs,
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Inception (2010), i know a lot of people have seen it and that may include you but i love this movie so much it has to be here
Caraval by Stephanie Garber, i am obsessed with this book
for your poetic description,
your writing reminds me of... stained glass. every time i read one of your works, it reminds me of classic novels or time-stained poems, your words as precise as the colored glass in cathedrals and churches around the world. it’s beautiful to look at, all of it, yet when you want to, you shatter it all and cut to the core of your readers, sharp as broken shards. your pieces are always clear and bright, the jewels in all of our crowns. i always picture your writing in such vivid clarity, your imagery so bold and beautiful. no dust clings to your characters, clara, no years drag them down. you amaze me every time.
thank you for taking part in my celebration! hope you're doing well
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onewhoturns · 5 years
May I request Jacob Frye for the Niche ask please?
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a song that reminds me of them
Ever since that one post that said Jacob would be a guy getting a whole bar into some karaoke and mentioned The Kaiser Chiefs’ Ruby I have to say that one. Not necessarily for lyrics at all, just cause I can’t not think of that post. Also, Tighten Up by the Black Keys gives me Jacob vibes, for attitude alone. And all the trailer songs too, of course.
what they smell like
Hm… do I go poetic or realistic? Let’s go mostly realistic, with a poetic sheen to cover the realities of the kinda gross Victorian era. Sweat (unavoidable). Leather. Metal and gunpowder. Probably blood. A bit of coal smoke. And since I’m a sucker for Old Spice (I really am, I like it so much I buy it for myself, and you don’t even want to hear the stupid shit I did because of that scent when I was younger) maybe a bit of that. You can look up the scent notes for yourself, I’ll just sound pretentious if I list them XD
an otp
a notp
I’m fine with other people shipping Rothfrye, but it gives me serious squicks. I’m actually considering blacklisting it just cause it’s becoming like a real trigger. Wasn’t so bad at first but the more I see Roth the more he reminds me of personal trauma and it’s not pleasant. =/ Even writing this gives me gross vibes.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
Platonic Freddy/Jacob (tho tbh I like to think Freddy is maybe crushing sometimes XD), Evie and Jacob of course, Ned and Jacob brotp. I still haven’t seen the ‘a few years down the line, badass Clara O’Dea’ brot3 that girl deserves, once she’s a proper kingpin in her own right.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Uhhhh I see a lot of reblogged selfship things and lately the ‘Jacob finds out his S/O is pregnant’ things I’ve disagreed with. To me he’d totally balk at the idea of being a dad. He’s probably pretty great with kids over a certain age, and has no qualms being the cool uncle, but the idea of something small and delicate like a baby – and more importantly the title of father – would really freak him out at first. I’m trying to remember the term we talked about in my adolescent and adult dev class that had to do with people’s reasons for wanting or not wanting kids, and one of them has to do with (basically, iirc) being worried about being a bad parent, or feeling like you won’t raise a child well. I think that’s Jacob’s thing. I think it would take some self-reflection, consideration, and determination to overcome that initial anxiety.
the position they sleep in
Even if he goes to sleep in your standard corpse pose, he’s sprawled over everything by morning.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
I’m so bad at AUs, oml. Maybe like a modern heist caper? With a robin hood angle? (I’m even worse with crossovers, you may have noticed I completely ignored that part)
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
Ngl I’m still a huge fan of his starting gear XD I always have him in the victorian legends outfit for gameplay, cause it gives the best effects, but the classic outfit from the trailers is great as well (not that haircut though, ouch).
the ask list in question
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eurusholmmes · 6 years
Let Me Be Brave | Twelfth
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This will probably be the last Doctor Who oneshot for a while.. but I was told when I wrote this originally that alot of people cried. So here it is: Your daily angst! 
Set during 9x10 - Face The Raven 
Most of the time after your initial meeting, you and the Doctor had been inseparable. Attached at the hip no matter where you went. Ever since he had regenerated into the old Scottish grump you’d come to love, you weren't sure what you felt for him. It had used to be love. The purest love a human could give. You'd stayed simply because he'd asked you too. You and Clara both had. The Impossible Girl, who you had come to admire so deeply, had stayed because he was the Doctor. And even thought he would never admit it, he needed you as much as you needed him. 
So one day, you'd become the Doctor, and it caused your death. Your death.
The entire time you'd been present on-board the TARDIS, you'd always been terrified of dying with the Doctor present. And now that day had finally come, where he would witness the love of his life die because you were just like him. He had given you the facade that you were indestructible. 
Rigsy had a wife and baby girl to get back to at home, and you weren't about to let him die due to Ashildir's naivety. So, like a good little companion that you were, you snagged the chronolock before Clara could get to him and grab it herself. She still had the universe to look forward to, and stars to watch die and live. 
Your time was up. 
Rage does not even begin to describe how The Doctor felt upon realizing that you’d taken the chronolock from Rigsy to save his life. Ashildir had specifically stated that she couldn't do anything to save you, and you felt your heart sink inside your chest. This was it. The day he lost himself. The day The Doctor lost you. "No, no, no!" He screamed, stomping his foot against the ground. Tears pricked your eyes as you tentatively reached your hand outward to grab his own. Just as you had suspected, it never came. “For the love of - Y/n.. What were you thinking?!”
 "Doctor." You whispered, your fingertips grazing his own as you laced your fingers together. You had yearned so long for his touch, and now you finally got what you'd wished for. "Please, please. Be a little bit proud of me." Your hand went up to cup his face, thumb running over the cracks etched into his new face before settling right in the curve of his lip. He trembled under your touch and found himself inhaling sharply, eyes fluttering shut so no one else would see his moment of vulnerability. "You daft old man... I always said it wouldn't last forever. Remember?" 
Silence ensued between the both of you as his ancient, blue green eyes filled with tears and he picked your hand up, clutching it in his own. Your heart pounded as his lips brushed against your knuckles. "No matter what body." Bowtie had said, staring down at you as you laid in his bed together. "You'll always be the one for me. Even if I don't say it. You'll know." Your jaw slackened as he stared at you with quite possibly the most somber expression of adoration you had ever seen. "This is all my fault,” The Doctor growled, Scottish accent thickened by his anger as he averted your gaze. “I-I should’ve- I should have taken care of you. I have a duty of care!”
 ''I never asked you too.” You retaliated. “All that time we've spent together since the day you rescued me from myself, never once did I tell you that you needed to rescue me again. You saved my life, and I've been running ever since. Maybe now it's time for me to face the Raven." 
You wanted to take his lips captive in your own in that minute - To perform that cliche last kiss that you see in all the tragic romantic comedies so you could convey to him that it had only ever been him. 
He knew. Oh, how he knew. You just hoped you had said it enough.
"Lift those beautiful eyes and look at me, old man.” You whispered. His calloused hands settled themselves comfortably at your hips, and you exhaled the breath you didn’t know you had been holding. “I'm going to leave you, and that means you’re going to be with Clara now. You’re going to be so angry. Full of rage and guilt. I don’t want you to be. I want you to forget about me. Move on and travel the stars, teach those beautiful souls you call companions about the woman whose life you saved.” You turned back towards Clara who was watching the entire altercation with tear stained cheeks, arms crossed awkwardly over her chest as you met her gaze .”Clara, I have one job for you. One final thing to ask." 
"Anything. Anything, y/n."  "Don't let him be angry. And for the love of God," You slowly brought your fingertips up to rest against the apples of your cheeks, stunned at the amount of tears that had gathered on your skin. “Don’t let this change either of you.” 
The Doctor lifted his eyes and pulled you back towards him, fingers curling around the inside of your wrist. "What's the point of being a Doctor if I can't cure you?" He breathed, his lips just barely grazing your ear. 
If you wanted to remember anything, you wanted to remember the sound of his heartbeats. It reminded you he was real. That he was alive, and that a haunted old man had defied the laws of time and space and had fallen in love with a human somewhere along the way.   "Heal yourself. You have too. I will die, and no one else anywhere, not here, will suffer for it." And when you looked into those ancient eyes,you saw him.
Sandshoes was the first one. You saw yourself inside of the TARDIS years earlier, watching from the catwalk as he ran around the TARDIS console like a crazed child, beaming at you like you were the most perfect creature he’d ever laid his eyes on.
Bowtie, of course was the second. You remembered Akhaten the best. How he’d confessed your love story in a gut wrenching speech to a god. His story of loss, his grief, his anger.. And then you saw him running at your side, constantly telling you how much you meant to him. How much he loved you. 
 Each console room in the TARDIS; The box he stole that showed you the Universe. And then the Doctor. The man who had stolen your heart with the first whisper of, "Run."  "What about me?" Your heart broke as you heard his voice shrink, something that sounded so foreign to you. He never backed down from talking if it was to save a life. 
 "If there's something I could do about that, old man, I would." You stood on your tiptoes, cupping his face in your hands as his grip tightened on your waist. "I can give you one last thing to remember me by." His eyes fluttered shut as you pulled him in for a bittersweet last kiss, something that was so short you wanted it to last forever. The Doctor hummed against the curve of your body, fingers coming to pull your hips in line with his as he tilted his head to the side to further deepen your kiss. When you were the first one to pull away, you could've sworn you heard a sob break past his lips. "Now I guess we're both going to have to be brave, sweetheart." 
You reached up to unclasp the chain from your neck which contained a beautiful ruby engraved ring, the first present that the Doctor had bought you whenever you’d gone to Rome with Donna so long ago. It had also doubled your wedding ring, and now here you were.. Laying that same ring back in his palm. “Y/n-”
For the first time that day, a sob broke past your lips as you wound your arms around his neck and tried to contain your hysteria by burying your nose in the crook of his neck. “I love you.” You whispered into his ear, resting your hand on the nape of his neck. Your fingers subconsciously wound into the silver curls that had begun to grow there. “Please remember me like that, Doctor. I loved you so deeply.” Before he could respond, you cut him off sharply. “I know you. I have always known you. Everything you’re about to say, I already know. We’ve already had enough bad timing.”
The caw of the raven sounded through the windows, and it took everything in you to not shiver at the sound of it. Death was lurking right outside your door. "Don't run. Stay with me, please." The Doctor pleaded, his steel grip on your hand causing you to wince as you whipped back around to face him.
"No." You nearly laughed at how broken the two of you sounded. All of time and space, three new faces, and here you were, running away from each other. "Don't move. Stay here with Clara. My mother and father died apart, so I have to die alone too." 
 “Y/N-”  "This is about as brave as I get Doctor." You snapped, inhaling sharply to try to keep the tears away. If you looked at him the way he kept looking at you, you wouldn't have stayed inside. "I know how much this is going to hurt you because I've seen what happens when your companions leave." Donna's pleas. Amy's screams. Rory's fright. You'd seen it all. It had broken you nearly as much as it had broken him. "After all we've been through, be a little proud of me." You wanted him to have a good memory of the last time he saw you - so for your Doctor - you feigned a smile. 
"Goodbye Doctor." And with that you were outside the house, locked away from your best friend and you loved. The street was vacant as your feet padded down the cobblestone, heart pounding violently against your sternum and blood roaring in your ears. The raven sat only fifty feet away, staring at you hungrily through beady eyes. 
You opened your arms in total surrender and cast your eyes toward the sky. 
  “Let me be brave.” You didn't even know he was standing directly behind you whenever it happened. Watching you from the darkness of the doorway with an equal mixture of unconditional love and pure, raw fear in his eyes. The Doctor cursed himself for not taking care of you, for not telling you how much you truly meant to him. He hated how unsympathetic this new body was. How uncaring. He was going to hate himself forever for this.  
Your petrified scream echoed aimlessly through the cobblestone streets as the Raven flew right into you. Your knees suddenly buckled beneath you and then you fell, your last memory being those ancient blue eyes that would be with you forever, even through death. 
The Doctor slowly took small steps towards you as your y/e/c eyes became vacant of their shine, and black smoke spewed from your mouth. If he couldn’t save you, he was going to make sure to give you the burial you deserved. The TARDIS would assist. “I’m sorry, darling. I am so, so sorry.” He rasped, swallowing the bile in his throat as he tugged your body into his arms, resting his forehead in the crown of your hair. It was in that moment The Doctor wished he could feel your heartbeat beneath his fingertips - but it was just like you were. 
He carried your body inside the TARDIS, laying you down on the floor above the console. You look so pale, so lifeless, so human it broke his hearts to see you. "W-What are you doing!?" Clara exclaimed, screaming as the TARDIS lurched to the side. "DOCTOR!"  "I have to save her! Go back into her own timeline, and rescue her from the Raven!" The brunette's face lost color, and in that moment, your last order to her echoed clearly inside her head. "I have too, Clara! She's been there through three faces. I can’t just allow her to die.. Not like this! It-It wasn’t her time!” Don't let him be angry.
 She took small steps around the console, wrapping her arms around his waist and guiding him away from the controls. "Doctor, she wanted this. She saved Rigsy, and she saved me. You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." He froze at Clara's words, screwing his eyes tightly shut as your face popped back into his head. So beautiful, so human... "I need her." He muttered as she hugged him tightly. The two of them looked back to where your body laid and let out a sob in unison. "I need her."  "I know you do. She told me all of what you two have been through together. But here's the thing." She reached two fingers inside his jacket pocket and pulled out the glowing red ring you'd handed to him earlier. "She told you to tell the story of the girl you saved to other universes, to tell your other companions about how she changed your life. And now, you've got to respect that wish. If you're going to bury her, bury her where home was. Home was wherever you were at with her." He could make you apart of the TARDIS. So very much dead but living alongside him in his blue box. Even if it wasn’t your body.. He’d take your consciousness, your being, you.. any day. So that’s what he did. 
But he never forgot the beautiful, pure human that he saved one fateful day in London all those faces ago. The way you’d smiled so widely he was sure you’d split your cheeks, took his hand, and stole his hearts with the first, “Hello.”
So he wrote your name down in Gallifreyan across the top of the console just like he had with everyone else, taking careful time in etching every detail. Every day he looked at it, and everyday it reminded him of you. His wife - His impossibly brave wife.
Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N Forever In My Hearts The Girl Who I Rescued And the Woman Who Saved Me
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