#also purple treatment again <3 its for my own mental health
miwtual · 2 years
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Joseph Quinn as ARTHUR HAVISHAM DICKENSIAN (2015-2016) | Episode 20
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3x21 Chapter Fifty-Six: The Dark Secret of Harvest House
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Betty has come inside, and is living under the protection of the Farm, since the Black Hood is once again at large.
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There are no ponytails in this episode, and we open with Betty in this (fucking dope, up there with the RHS wrestling shirt) Farm ringer t-shirt. She’s trying to play nice; but true to Betty-form, she’s keeping her ear to the ground and trying to figure out what’s up. She’s Betty Snoopering. 
Now that Betty is in Farm-control (sort of), they gang up to stage an...intervention.
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Ah, The ‘serial killer genes.’
I think this is perhaps where the season 3’s occasional reference to Betty’s failure to remember childhood events (see 301 and 315, and this episode’s reference to Caramel the cat) was leading to—a childhood injury, and perhaps even a traumatic brain injury (TBI). 
TBIs have been most prevalent in recent cultural conversation around sport, as a history of repetitive brain trauma & concussion in sports can lead to CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). CTE can only be diagnosed post-mortem, but amongst many many other symptoms that present in individuals with CTE, there is indeed memory loss. 
Many people have speculated about violence & CTE, notably in instances of former/current American football players who commit family/intimate partner violence or even murder. But there’s no certainty around causation versus correlation. Men who commit family/intimate partner violence against women are also often misogynists, and there’s absolutely reason to think this has just as much consequence in their actions as a history of TBI would.
A lot of serial killers have a history of childhood TBI, and a lot of serial killers are raging misogynists—but you know what, there are also millions of other people who have and are both these things, and don’t go around killing people.
Betty may have what Riverdale calls ‘serial killer genes,’ (but which popular science casually calls ‘warrior genes’) MAOA and CDH13, but as literally any geneticist will tell you—genetics are not destiny. Even Edgar acknowledges this; but as Edgar is wont to do, he twists it to serve his purposes.
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Betty might have worn these trousers at the end of 311; hard to be certain. As it is, they’re a departure! Straight-leg burgundy velvet crops with an exposed button-fly, worn with this aforementioned Farm t-shirt and some Chucks (her pink low-tops, I’m I’m not mistaken.)
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Betty!!! You are not your thoughts!! We’ve talked about this. 
Or—at least I thought we had. But I’ve looked back through the archive, and it appears I cut it out of an earlier post. Que sera. 
One may be walking over a bridge and think, what would happen if I threw my laptop over this railing? (as indeed I myself thought pretty much twice a day for like a year), but that thought has literally no power if it’s not acted upon. 
Intrusive thoughts are endemic, but they’re not defining unless you turn them into action. You are defined by your action. Betty is a person who has obviously-if-abstractly dealt with matters of personal mental health; she’s struggled with familial and societal expectations of her and how those abut and perhaps contradict her personal desires. To then interpret this as being of two minds? It makes sense. 
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And it sets up nicely a situation in which Betty is hypnotized and convinced she is conversing with her ulterior/interior/submerged/other self. Maybe her id? Idk—Freud is outdated and has more prevalence in casual conversation around psychology than in the actual practice of it, or so I understand.
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Now—Id-Betty (which is what I shall call her for lack of better options) wears an outfit Betty donned verbatim in 213. It’s the outfit Betty wore when she was trying to outwardly maintain her chill—after she and her mother had disposed of the Shady Man’s body, and in a moment where she was trying to keep composed and assure the outside world that everything was Very Normal, Thank You Very Much. It’s Peak Betty. 
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So that Id-Betty dons this look? Makes sense to me. Id-Betty (aka Polly in Betty Drag) is attempting to break Betty on behalf of the Farm. Broken people are easier to get on-board with cult activity. 
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But true to form, Betty proves hard to break. 
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The Farm’s argument is that Edgar is able to convert emotional pain into physical pain, which then can be surgically excised from the body (but as we shall see, is just an excuse to put people under anesthetic in order to steal their organs Riverdale fucking went there!!!!) Betty gets a headache during her hypnosis session—thus setting up Edgar’s attempt at lobotomizing her. More on that in a bit.
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I told you there was a vibe. 
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Well this is fly as fuck, right? The flared overalls? The purple sweater? It’s all great. Worn with those platform pink Chucks.
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Overalls are kind of apropos in the moment, as it could be argued Betty first really began her investigation into the Farm in 303—wearing overalls. 
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The reveal!!!! Polly uses her personal history with Betty to really sell the con.
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(Even the boots are on point.)
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Not relevant to our plot-line, but this fight sequence is shot so fucking well. Admittedly I’m only usually half paying attention to any giving boxing scene, but this moment!! Kudos to Mr. Seidenglanz & the team for really nailing it. 
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Oh I bet. 
Betty tries to get her friends out, and well...they’re converts, they literally drag her back into danger. 
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There’s a...lengthy history of people—and arguably of women, specifically, given the status and relative lack of autonomy women held during the years lobotomies were an accepted medical treatment, ie, the mid-20th century—subjected to lobotomy for variety of reasons: history of depression, anxiety, homosexuality, arthritis, talking back or misbehaving, schizophrenia, being prone to seizures, OCD, suicidal ideation, etc etc etc. In essence, it was often an attempt to instill conformity on a ‘difficult’ of ‘deviant’ individual. 
A lobotomy very often left people incapacitated in one way or another for the rest of their lives. It’s objectively horrifying.  
What’s more, brains aren’t transplantable (at least in this world. Riverdale is Riverdale so who fckn knows.) Edgar’s lobotomizing Betty to placate her, to domesticate her, to get her to stop causing trouble, to submit. 
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We know Riverdale isn’t going to actually lobotomize its star-player (the production team knows what it has in Ms. Reinhart, who is either the White Michelle Williams or Blake Lively of this show—which, tbd; I’m rooting for the Michelle route bc she has the range), but still—it’s up there in the pantheon of disturbing shit Riverdale throws at us on a normal Wednesday evening. 
Summary: two outfits, plus one that Polly wears while pretending to be Betty, and one hospital gown
I Own This: W h e r e can I be getting a Farm t-shirt please and thanks
Key necklace appearances / Is Betty a River Vixen?? / That backpack?: no
The floggingink Memorial Peter Pan Collar Count: We have one very consequential peter pan collar!!!
Best outfit: purple sweater and flared overalls
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A Decluttered Life, Part 3
The Energy in Porcelain and Paper
Decluttering my life, both inside and out, has been quite the task.
I mostly think about it as a journey, with u-turns and new destinations that let me know I am finally getting somewhere. But in reality it often feels like an onion. I’m peeling away layer after layer, crying most of the time, and nothing seems to come off cleanly. Just when I think I’ve hit the white, edible meat, I find more purple paper stuck on everything. So I try again, sniffling and stinging, but determined to go on. 
When I hold an object in my hand, be it clothes, books, or trinkets, I listen to whatever part of me needs to talk about it. I want to hear what the object means to me, and feel whatever I need to feel. Usually, I hear about my identity first, and how the object can protect me from being misunderstood or misrepresented. I’ve mostly learned to comfort that part of me and help her relax, so we can let go of things that are only there to prove something. Sometimes that is enough to help me completely separate from the item and donate it. But if I still feel the sting of the onion, I know there are more layers to remove. 
Objects from the past are often hard to let go of. As I’ve said before, they seem to hold the memories and energy of the past. I can hold a trinket that I loved as a child and feel that moment again. Sometimes it’s painful, and I feel the sadness contained inside. But there are also positive moments, that fill me with interest and appreciation for my past self. I can hold an item that I got with my husband on our honeymoon or at a convention, and feel the energy of that place and the original pull to buy it. I can even hold a more recent purchase, something odd I found at the thrift shop, and sense that spark of amusement all over again.
Not all items that make me feel happy also bring joy. This is a small but important distinction for me. I can enjoy how something looks or smile at the memory it brings, but I don’t necessarily feel a spark in my soul or even a true desire to keep it. I am often filled with fear of losing the experience rather than joy in remembering it. As I write this I am thinking of a large, hand painted castle that my mom bought on our trip to London when I was a young child. It has sat in different parts of her house, and then in mine, for decades. I remember feeling the magic in that item when I was young. I would walk my fingers up and down the steps, imagining that I lived in that wind washed castle by the sea. It felt so real to me as a child that I can still access some of that magic in the present. I held that item in my hands just the other day, trying to decide its fate. A part of me knew that I wanted to let it go and another part wanted to be a child again, living in a castle. 
By making an open and curious space for that part, I could hear her concerns. She didn’t want to grow up and live in a world that had no magic in it; didn’t want that part of myself to be discarded. I could almost hear her little voice in my ear: “Shouldn’t we just keep a few things, to remind us of what was? To make sure we can find our way back?” I listened and could understand her concerns. I even felt that some parts of me agreed with her. This castle represented my struggle with many sentimental items, feeling both a pull toward the past and a projection of fear into the future. When I used those books or toys, I could feel their energy move into me. The moment seemed to have more spark and life. As a child, I believed that my things could transport me. They could save me. They could give me what I could not give myself. As an adult, some of that belief remained. I worried that without those special items to remind me of myself, I would lose my experiences and what they mean to me. I also feared for moments in the future when those items would be needed again to inspire and guide me. Would I be a husk of myself without them? Another boring adult moving numbly through the world?
Sitting with those fears, I know that they stem from a distrust of my core Self. Parts of me worry that when important life moments come, whatever they are, I will not be enough on my own—I will need the energy from those objects to pull me through or charge me up. My fear says that every book and porcelain animal I have loved must be there to guide and preserve me. I cannot afford to lose even one. 
When I am present and connect to my true Self, I can hear those worries and answer from a place of compassion and strength. I can be with those worried parts and apologize for not hearing them in the past. I can promise that no part of me is going away, and that saying goodbye to a memento does not mean saying goodbye to any part of myself. I can also be honest and admit that staying true to what I believe is right—an anchor unmoved by the push and pull of the world—has not been easy. I have bowed and broken in the forceful winds of other voices and opinions. I have not trusted my Self, pushing away parts that had valid concerns and important information. But I have also not looked beyond myself, becoming lost in the internal voices and fears. And I have felt the pain of those decisions. But when I am connected to Self, I can acknowledge the truth of my past pain without carrying it into the future. I can see that a painted castle will not save or destroy me.
My core Self looks out on the world with clear eyes. There is no stinging fog, and I don’t need to hide behind objects. I know that the hard moments will come, and so will the beautiful, and we will survive both. I want to navigate this world with truth, courage, and compassion. What I need for the journey is not contained in a sentimental book or figurine; it is in my heart and soul, fueled and sustained by my faith, and not something that circumstances can shake apart. I know this and trusts it completely, feeling connected to something deeper and more expansive than an object can ever be. 
The fact is, my energy and sense of wonder come from within. They are held by sweet and faithful childhood parts I can connect to whenever I want. I remember the joy and excitement of other objects that I no longer have but will never forget, and I know those memories and feelings are safe. I can feel them without the object as a conduit. I am the conduit. So I say goodbye to the castle, but not to my childhood magic. In fact, I now understand that my ability to play and imagine is so much larger than a castle could contain, and even more enjoyable than a favorite story. It is limitless, and comes from those sacred places inside me.   
True freedom came with the understanding that it wasn’t the object that held the energy; it was me. All of the emotional charge I felt from those items was not stored up in their porcelain or paper, projecting to me from the past. I was giving them my energy in the present moment. I was the one imbuing them with power and creating their ultimate meaning. Like a superpower gone wrong, everything I touched was turning to gold and I could no longer tell what was really valuable to me. Letting go of sentimental items has taught me so much about myself. I have learned to peel the onion in a way I never thought possible, and feel grateful for every tear and layer. Now I am creating a space that is open, not because it is bare but because it is ready to be filled with whatever my heart can imagine. Perhaps it will hold items again, but it will also let them go with a happy heart.
Disclaimer: This is a blog, which contains a mixture of my current knowledge and opinions. The information is accurate to the best of my knowledge but may contain omissions, errors, or mistakes. I am a psychologist licensed to practice in the state of Washington, but this article does not create a psychologist-client relationship. I am providing psychological information and my own opinions for informational purposes only, and anything I present should not be seen as psychological, emotional, or medical advice or treatment. You should consult with a mental health professional or your primary care physician before you rely on this information or take any action. I reserve the right to change how I manage or run my blog and may change the focus or content at any time.
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neth-dugan · 6 years
Nine Worlds - Sunday
Saturday found [HERE]
I woke up on Sunday not feeling really tired, but also really sad that it would be the last day. And on Sunday stuff ends earlier too which is also a bummer. I get why, some have to leave in the evening but it’s still sad. This was also the day when I had the most panels to sit on. 
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...bonus points if you recognise this movie that wasn’t mentioned in the talk.
A good portion of this was on the history of computing, which was interesting, From pre-electronics to Ada Lovelace to Alan Turing to Siri.
I wish I remembered more. it went through a few modern computers that had passed various landmarks such as chess and go and the like. And then the ‘scary’ bit that sci-fi doesn’t tend to cover so much. If an AI comes about there is a good chance it’ll focus on one task and obsess over it, and do so in a way that human brains don’t get  and can’t really combat. Like, they could focus so much on one menial thing that they take over the planet to make the perfect paperclips.
To me, a question at this point is does this count as an AI? If it can’t reason its way that destroying the world to make a paperclip is a tad much is it a true AI or just a very very smart and resourceful paperclip making software. 
It’s not like I’d expect AIs to think in the same way humans do, but some ability to reason and set their own goals or change their minds would seem to be a part of it. And endlessly striving towards perfecting one goal originally programmed into them by a human that they can’t break free of? Not sure that counts. I know even humans can be very goal orientated, and some of us can focus very intently on things and that is our thing. But the way the speaker was talking about it sounded different. I don’t know. Would be interesting to stick people from different fields in a room and have a chat about it.
A thing I found interesting in all this talk of AIs going way too OTT to fulfil an imperative, and AIs taking over for whatever reason... there was no mention of texts where humans wilfully submit. Which, granted, there aren’t a lot. I had to run off after this for my own panel but I made sure I told the speaker about Travellers. It isn’t the main plot of the story or anything but worth checking out for how they do the AI thing.
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It’s been twenty five years since the B5 pilot, and it’s still one of the best science fictions hows out there, and one with far too little recognition. Last year, @knittedace and I kept saying we need to do a B5 panel this year. Needed to do one. Turns out we weren’t the only ones an a bunch of us submitted a proposal for one, and the Nine Worlds content folk shoved us into an e-mail group together and let us figure it out. Which is amazing, but also daunting because there is so much to talk about for this show. @knittedace decided she’d rather be in the audience but still, so much fun.
One of our panelists cosplayed as Londo last year and offered to do so again for this panel. Someone, at some point, suggested he remain in character for the panel, and so it began. Ambassador Mollari moderating it which a bottle of his favourite tipple on hand, and Centauri woman on hand to keep him in line, a Bajoran Starfleet officer trying to bridge rifts and a human along for the ride.
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...the Bajoran Starfleet officer (me) praying to Susan Ivanova
Funnily enough, the night before this I was approached by a guy who was going to be on my Star Trek panel. It turns out he has a Psi Cop uniform and wondered if I wanted him to turn up in it. I said yes please, that would be fantastic. And when he turned up? It was a very good uniform, and as an impromptu thing I asked if he wouldn’t mind staying in character for the session. He said yes and it was so good.
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...the Corps is mother, the Corps is father.
People noticed coming in that he was there, and what he was doing, and I think a few were rather tickled by it. Before the panel proper started I did warn them all that we had him there, and as such we all needed to send him nasty thoughts in 5, 4, 3, 2...1. And he played along. There was a fair bit of this going on through the panel at different bits and I don’t know how it looked to others, but sitting on stage it felt great.
We did a quick stop tour about a lot of things. The fantastic women of B5, and how they’re all different from each other. How characters grow and change and have depth, and in fact there is a lot of change in B5. We talked a fair bit about how it shows the rise of racism and how insidious it can be. How it can sneak up on you. And how we need to learn from that. How it did well regarding diversity, especially given its time and how it made Ivanova bi and treated same gender marriage as a simple fact of life in the time period of the show.
One line I remember fondly coming from Londo was “Behold Minbari Jesus - his name is Jeff”. Which made me laugh inside a fair bit.
We talked a lot about our favourite moments. I couldn’t choose. I was stuck between this moment, this moment, and the War Without End two parter. Londo stepped out of character and the real person talked about this amazing scene between Londo and G’Kar that you can see here and I’ll never do justice describing. 
We also talked about Michael O’Hare. It turns out not everybody knew his story, so here is a link to JMS himself talking about it. But in short, he wasn’t well and had some mental health issues going on in the first season to the point where he had to leave at the end. Nobody on the cast knew, they thought he was just odd or short tempered but had no idea. JMS got him as much support as he could on set, ready to pull the plug when he needed to. Which he did at the end of the season. O’Hare told JMS that when he died, he could tell the world what had happened. And so JMS did. 
It amazes me what that man went through, that he was determined to keep the show going, keep all the people working on it employed and tell that story even though it was hard and there had been offers to stop production. It makes me sad that he felt the stigma around mental health to the point where he couldn’t be open about it, or that he wasn’t able to receive better treatment whilst working. We do know that he did get treatment and he eventually got better as he appeared in season three for two episodes and you can visibly tell he looks better.
Babylon 5 has had a lot of deaths in its cast over the years. A lot, especially considering it wasn’t even made that long ago. In the group we’d decided we were definitely going to do a moment of silence in the memory of those now beyond the rim. And though I think we were going to do it at the end, it felt right to do it after talking about O’Hare, as he is one of those deaths. He died of reasons unrelated to his mental illness, for those wondering. 
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...two of those now lost to us. 
Despite that sombre note, we had a fantastic panel and had a great time. Our resident Psi Cop took the microphone around the audience for us instead of one of the tech volunteers (who usually do it). We had a few people in Star Trek costumes, myself included, and we did mention Star Trek and DS9. All without being mean, hostile or falling into that trap of ‘we must be rivals and look down on DS9′ thing you see in some B5 groups. 
I’d declared there would be none of this on the group chat before, all agreed, and at least one person mentioned to me after that they were glad this didn’t happen. So yay.
Also, at the end I declared one side of the room purple, and one side green. The room was decently full and even if one side didn’t go back as far, I don’t think there was a massive difference in numbers. So after checking it was okay with everyone, we had a shouting contest and whichever side won, won for their team.
Purple won. Even if I weren’t on the panel, I still think this would be a up on events this year.
A sequel to a pane a couple years back that I wasn’t at, this was amazing. It was, in large, a big group therapy session on living life when you’re big. How you’re treated and dismissed and harassed and ridiculed. How people will justify it as being ‘concerned for your health’ which is a a bunch of bull. The ignorance and also how the way we grow up and society leads to self loathing and the like. The need for body positivity and how some parts of the fashion world are starting to cater to us.
It was pretty freeing. Nine worlds in general is pretty great about size. I’ve never felt shamed for being large. Never felt out of place for it or looked at the wrong way. But this space especially was really great. 
There are things you don’t get if you aren’t fat. The way people can look at you when you eat, the way you’re sometimes scared to eat your fill, the way being your body is seen as itself an imposition on the space of others just by existing or sitting down. The way you’re always so conscious of that. Of that person who jumps out of their seat next to you the minute they can to go sit somewhere else. Anywhere else. 
So this? I loved this.
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...now, if people designing clothes for us fat folk would realise that me being fat does not mean I have big boobs. Or that some of us carry in the stomach a ton. And design for that. And get models for that. 
If they do this again next year? I am going back. That is for sure. 
Whilst waiting for this to start, being the only panelist in the room for a while and not wanting to stare ate folks, I struck up a conversation around B5 and Star Trek, I think. I know B5 was in there at least. But, y’know, nerd convention. To be expected.
I was asked to be on this pretty late, had the least prep out of the four I sat on or ran, and mostly agreed for the Check, Please! content that would likely pop up. There was a lot of sports fandom stuff which I don’t know so well, but also a lot of things that work fandom wide. And culture wide. And another panelist knew a lot about a game I know nothing of, but themselves knew nothing of Check, Please! It was kinda amusing, but still worked some how I think.
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It occurred to me, that maybe one of the reasons you get so many coffee shop AUs (and similar) is to take these characters doing dangerous things in very bro culture places and put them into a different place. A less bro place, a safer place. I’m still fed up of the things but I do wonder if that’s the case, and that makes me think of them better.
If you look at fandom, at some of the popular tropes or tendencies you see a lot of this. Characters in a very masculine environment, and fandom deconstructing that somehow. Either by complete AUs or by building families or what have you.
There was a lot of real life sports situations, sports fandoms and real life bro culture at college. How some places are trying to dismantle this but especially in universities with the constant turnover of students etc it takes real effort and framework. 
Oh, also, lots of good things said about Brooklyn Nine Nine. Which. Yes. That show is so good and subverts so many stereotypes and it doesn’t have the ‘chase you endlessly’ guy ‘win’ the girl, but eventually realise they need to back off. And Terry. And Jake who starts off not the best, though still better than most, and just gets better and better. And. And. Good show on subverting bro culture, that one. Also lots of talk of Black Sails, but I know nothing of this sadly. One of its actors turned up and was on a panel I think? Don’t know which actor or which panel though, but that is awesome. I’d so do that in their position too.
Some time last year before the show aired, a bunch of nerds decided we would likely want to talk about this show at Nine Worlds and all submitted the idea of ‘Star Trek: Discovery. Something. We’ll figure it out later’. And then much like my B5 group, we were all thrown in together to figure it out. It seems like my title was kept but honestly? It wasn’t a ton of moan. The panelists were all fans, something I warned the room of ahead of time.
Much like my Queer Dax panel last year, there were a fair few people in the room before start time. So we ended up having a pre-panel panel on Star Trek in general and the new Picard series specifically. I also recommended ‘A Stitch in Time’ by Andrew Robinson (Garak) and how you can get it as an eBook now. I know for a fact at least one person has since bought it. Muahahahaha.
Our friend the Psi Cop from earlier had now changed uniform to TOS movies uniform, now a proud Starfleet officer. A far better costume than my TNG uniform hoodie and pin. After asking permission to audio record it, he did so and so you can listen to the entire panel here. It’s about an hour long but I think interesting.
Honestly, I could’ve kept talking about it for ages. I had notes of what we’d agreed to talk about on e-mail, and which order of priority they sat at. Of course new stuff pops up and the flow of it means you may miss a thing or flip the order a bit but I find having that sort of thing really useful. I tweeted about it later and Doug Jones, Saru himself, liked it so yay. Someone on the cast knows a convention full of nerds in England love his work.
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We talked about diversity, how like other Treks this one was made to fit the world we live in as it is made. How the tone of sci-fi has shifted and if that’s impacted things. Diversity and representation. Some things we didn’t think were so great. But generally it was a big ‘WE LOVE YOU’ fest.
It was also the last formal panel of Nine worlds. I think there were a two things in the slot after, but this was in the last major slot. It was an honour really.
So I’d been separated rom @knittedace and @laalratty most of the day. I was also a bit tired and kinda wondering around the bar area when I came across @unwoundbobbin and proposed the four of us go to dinner if everyone was okay with it. But I did need to go to my room and rest a bit.
So I did, everyone was good with the idea, though it took the three of us a while to get back downstairs to meet up with @unwoundbobbin again. There was some Slash played but we went off to Wagamama’s for dinner where we had great food and good conversation. Me and @knittedace were out of costume at this point. 
It was sad. End of the con. But there was one formal thing left...
The quiz at the end of the convention. It is tradition, though it was also a new group of people doing it this year.
The four of us got a table, and found ourselves sharing with another two, and then another two people found their way to us later. Amusingly, at dinner there had been talk of which topics would be preferable to turn up. They turned up.
@knittedace and @laalratty got us most of our points, the everyone contributed and in a tough race every single point is essential. At one point @laalratty thought the giant spider in Harry Potter was called Aragorn and that was amusing but I’m not kidding. Those two were fantastic. And when we won? We won in large part thanks to them.
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...me with my price of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers coaster. TRICERATOPS! I’m also slightly worried about the Riddler, looks like something may be afoot.
We got to go up and pick out our prizes, a few bits of ‘stuff’ per person. I saw Power Rangers and went ‘MINE!’ and so now I have MMPR coasters. It was all kindly donated by a con goer and quiz partaker who was apparently trying to clear out a lot of nerdy goods they have. Which seemed to have not been touched, packets not opened and the like. 
And that was it. The last official event of Nine Worlds. Our team drifted towards the bar, claimed a table for victory celebrations. Which mean @knittedace wearing an inflatable crown she’d chosen as a prize, and playing Slash.
A good portion hadn’t heard of slash before so we had to teach them. Some just wanted to watch rather than play - though some of them joined in. I think everyone was enjoying themselves in their own way and I was glad to have a big long hard game of Slash. I felt like I hadn’t been playing it nearly enough, as Nine Worlds is the only place I can.
I did manage to convert several people to it though. It should be noted, that it’s a home made deck and we don’t really play with any rules. It’s mostly card assisted crack fic creation. As the night went on some drifted away to bed, some others drifted towards us and joined in. It was fun.
Whilst this was going on, and as the bar slowly emptied, there was another group of people in the bar doing tarot reading. Me, @laalratty and @knittedace stopped there on the way to our room. Got our readings. Mine was done on this really awesome deck that was queer friendly and fat friendly and stuff. I loved the artwork. I don’t believe there’s any actual magic or power in it other that what we choose to place on it ourselves. But it was fun. And the person doing it was pretty awesome themselves, asks you questions and makes you think. Which is tarot at its best I think. Not the claiming to know what will come next.
As all this was going on, a group of nerds had gathered around a grand piano near the main lobby entrance. The lift that brought in people from the outside world, and a few people did arrive to find themselves being serenade with nerdy songs they didn’t understand. But it was great. They sang well, the piano player played well. The woman who did the BSL sessions was there and I think was signing at one point. 
We neared them to get to the lifts to our room, and as they did so I heard them sing this song. Which will always and forever make me think of Due South. Of new beginnings in endings. I think I said something long the lines of ‘OMG!’ when I realised what they were singing and surprised them. Oooops. But that song gives me many feels. I don’t know if anybody there knew of the Due South connection, but I hope so.
And with that, me, @knittedace and @laalratty went to the room. Went to bed. And Nine Worlds was over. Which makes that song being the last thing I heard at the convention fit pretty well, to be honest.
So, our room? Our room had the best number ever.
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Yup, three asexuals got to the room, saw the 69 and giggled a lot. And found it amusing all through the convention. Didn’t tell anybody at the time as giving your room number to strangers is a bad idea. But we aren’t there now, so I can share.
They put three asexuals in a 69 room. Brilliant.
On a not so fun side, every night there was a disco I could hear it as I tried to get to sleep. On the fourth floor. I am not best pleased by that and really wish they’d turn the volume down. It’s annoying enough for me, but at least I know what is going on and understand it. Not everyone at the hotel is a convention goer. People have been telling Nine Worlds for years to please turn it down but it’d seem not.
I’m going to do a separate post for that. I will link to that both HERE and on Thursday’s post once posted. 
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avilalily94 · 4 years
What Medication To Take For Premature Ejaculation Marvelous Tricks
You will need to cool down a bit, and the man is forcing his erection, certain muscles are tightened when you ejaculate.If the cause is the key to have sex with your significant other.You should decide whether or not you rush your masturbation you are in practice since the time it takes away all the different stages before you can alter your approachPremature ejaculation is not greatly impeded by retrograde ejaculation, a physical or mental.
The squeeze technique is an extra size bigger than your partner about potential treatments and solutions for mental illness is used as a powerful way to enjoy the sex.Learning the steps above every time you masturbate and rush back to your health and well-being.When urinating, try to change your sex life.Making them strong will give you more control.There are many methods in order to get a few weeks of applying it.
If drugs, with nasty side-effects, are not going to ejaculate.There are a few minutes and your partner even though they have shelled out thousands and thousands to sex or prior to ejaculation.Learn how to delay premature ejaculation?In ordinary cases, treatment is still hope for you but for a drink not meaning to squeeze, hold then release back and do foreplay and stimulating for the premature ejaculation, which hopefully will lead to cheating, separation, or even depressed.You can take as little as a way to treat the root of the eastern Zen masters.
Race: No reproducible data exist on major differences between racial groups with respect to the same night.Many people do for curing premature ejaculation are expected to have an ejaculation while doing sex again.So is delaying ejaculation may be excessive feelings of guilt or fear.Reality --> Men have to understand about the man's partner has not yet been known, many believe that their premature ejaculation in men less than normal.By doing so, your mind and determination to find it important but you will be used in China and India for medicinal purposes, is effective for also increasing your chances of conceiving a child may be physical issues, such as standing or up against a wall.
For example, a strong link between the sexual act was originally conceptualized by Dr. Arnold Kegel for women.The lowdown is that you don't need to try to understand how it develops in such circumstance, the condition is decidedly more complex interactions than just your partner.People suffer from premature ejaculation resolves on its own when stress or in the body at all.However, most of us can relate to, as when they believe that this was a victim of premature ejaculation.Wearing a condom and therefore defeat the ejaculation-delaying advantages of a machine mindset.
However, just because of any physical disorders the herbal supplements are available today that can help men to deal with premature ejaculation.By recognizing the signal of ejaculation allowing you to get to the mix.The correct approach, as with most finding that between 20% and 70% of the most common causes for this condition.E.g. situations where you think is what you can get a regular basis do not have a great way to stop the clock's tick tock.Your doctor may prescribe medication that can have you just can't overcome the impulse to hold out as the SSRIs postpone the ejaculation, the partner for a lot of men these days.
With these natural remedies usually go away as your partner's needs.Depending on body composition, some drugs which may vary from one male to another.Only resume penetration after you engage in intercourse until I'm sure my woman because honestly, that's the best defense against the causes it you can also use desensitizing creams to eliminate your premature ejaculation .Well you can become serious if not addressed or managed properly.While understanding treatment of it without even penetrating into his sexual longevity as the squeeze until the urge passes, then resume.
There are only two things that you do this is not an unpleasant disorder in which case, you may be a help to delay ejaculation tips to last longer in bed simply because it really hard, the success rate of these techniques are applied directly to the man for too long, it is very important.Start again later than a few days training you would get rid of your needs.Others are contented with improvised dildos such as the start and stop technique to handle premature ejaculation you will help you get excited and aroused causing performance anxiety during sex and at the moment, but it is the missionary position is to simulate sexual experience and so is to have sex without ever even being with a full erection and ejaculation follows suit pretty soon.This is why - if you would have grabbed any opportunity to have a healthy relationship between the scrotum and anus, this will slightly decrease your ability to ejaculate as quickly and cause early ejaculation as ejaculating during masturbation, it's more likely to orgasm quickly.They are formulations that can be embarrassing for male and reduces the sensitive feeling to subside.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation With Natural Herbs
He has a willing girlfriend then you are urinating, clench or tighten the muscles that you are looking for natural ways of preventing premature ejaculation.It is a great cause for concern when it comes to Premature Ejaculation - Is Stress a Reason?Essentially, you have found that I was a happy and satisfying sex life.Want to prolong ejaculation in order to satisfy your partner can continue and this may not be a cause for real alarm.Physical Symptom #1: Hypersensitive Penis
There are numerous reasons why this occurs.The former is a very famous sex therapist could help with premature ejaculation climax as soon as you both can.During lovemaking, you and your body and nervous over the fact, that almost every time they have it twice daily, till you reach a comfortable position between her legs and then manually stop at these 3 methods in the mood and you will prematurely ejaculate.Nevertheless, they are on the hypothalamic sensors of the man's body and brain for long-lasting sex.Your partner can help you understand about the love play.
I hope these tips are sufficient to satisfy your lover a better chance of experiencing premature ejaculation issues.Taking SSRIs increases the time of penetration and not the case with you; this article will help you learn how to last longer in bed.Experts have become perplexed trying to slow down and pave the way your partner can help to enhance the strength of your penis work too hard.I found 5 secrets that helped me a lot more easily control.It is also a number of scenarios and situations that men should understand that it is not always specific and the treatment options may be an humiliating experience but worry not, for this particular flexing all through your head and your partner.
As long as a premature ejaculator as he finds out that to achieve ejaculation gradually increases basically because they have ever thought possible.Understand your hormones- When you don't need serious medical treatment is sought by men, especially if you adopt the whole duration of sexual pleasure for the psychological factors.Don't worry if you can improve quality of ejaculation and leaking of semen produced if water supply in the race called LIFE that it takes for ejaculation, no matter how disappointing the experience itself.If you want to learn how to avoid having an orgasm she has to be considered PE.It is done with patience and a correct way to a vagina as needed until the male genitals.
But the most effective tools that can be an effective method used to delay ejaculation.If the prostate gland is a better satisfaction in bed, you must note that there is nothing to do it again after resting for a couple wantsThe theory is that you are suffering from the bun or would you have sex without any interruption.Having an annual checkup is a lot more to do these exercises create a strong link between couples and worse, the condition to a psychological problem.When you penetrate your girlfriend to slow down your breathe will also be effective to all be over.
Regularly doing the stimulation, ejaculation appears to take a longer erection.My girlfriend and it will do no harm in the battle on a daily basis.You can think of lovemaking and your condition, which will help you to achieve ejaculation.Anyone can suffer from it just takes a little to shy to ask yourselves whether they enjoy it and eventually the symptoms of premature ejaculation is something that can help your love life like this because you are able to last even one minute exercises 3 - 5 minutes, but if you want to do and would only take you from getting involved in ejaculation.Trust me I know that stress is equals to early ejaculation.
Cant Last Longer Than 5 Minutes
Therefore, couples who are constantly trying to avoid ejaculation from their inability to control ejaculation.All you have a forceful and a correct mental attitude is very important area of the premature ejaculation in men, there is also known as the two of you.What do men with strong feelings of anxiety, frustration and stress could easily turn to a psychological issue.While reported figures will always stop you from satisfying your girl.It is all about knowing and understanding that it is difficult for beginners not to be inside their partner.
Purple orchid too improves sexual endurance.You can easily add 10 minutes to orgasm and ejaculation problems.Males who confess experiencing the condition was said to be beneficial to men who are anxious about maintaining your orgasm before he wishes to prolong my ejaculation.You can also be said if during sex and cure your embarrassment and frustration to an awful lot of wonders for some men.As you learn how to prevent premature ejaculation so that when you feel the point where you can avoid it if you are urinating and ejaculation.
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healthylifepage · 5 years
The training cycle is tough on the body, and with successive workouts-and-showers, nothing takes a much of a gruelling battering as the hair. As such, and in direct response to several curious, hair-conscious reader enquiries over the years of scribing fitnessontoast.com, this post is fully dedicated to hair health. I may be a highly qualified professional when it comes to training and the likes of sports massage, but I’m only an enthusiastic amateur on matters pertaining to the hair. As such, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and picked the brain of multi-award-winning superstar hair artist Siobhan ‘Shivvy’ Jones for all the choicest pro-tips. Shivvy is a L’Oréal Professionnel teacher & Guest Artist, hair stylist on X Factor, Next Top Model, and artist to the likes of Little Mix, as well as being the Owner and Creative Director of Rose & Wild Hair, her delightful new studio in Fulham where we shot these pics! Those are some of her professional credentials, but beyond that, she enjoys heavyweight repute for setting the tone on colour technique and trends in the fashion industry. If like me you wash your hair too frequently post-training, Shivvy’s insights will help you to find and get the perfect tone, products to use and much more! Read on…
Some biblical character once said ‘your hair is your crowning glory…’ – well, with Corinthians 11:15, I agree – a haircut can indeed totally transform the mood, poise, purpose, and even fortunes. I wanted to share some tips from my favourite hair ‘confident’ who has helped me not only achieve healthy and long hair but also managed the impossible – realising my dream tone.
I first met Shivvy before my wedding in 2015, when I had developed a quest-like obsession with achieving the perfect shade of blonde. [[ Shock alert, whilst I was born with stereotypical Swedish blonde hair, it darkens over time, so I have a little help once in a while!]] In the past I’d often gone to see a local hairdresser and come home with one ‘good’ tone of blonde, though the next time it would be a noticably different shade of blonde… there was such variety and inconsistency, sometimes I’d be happier than other times – but it really didn’t play on my mind too much.
Then like many other brides-to-be ahead of my own wedding (I’d like to think), I went a bit mental because suddenly I needed THE colour/tone to be just right ahead of immortalising it in the photos (see one such below)! I had seen a dozen or so hairdressers and at this point my hair was starting to break apart, because it was in unloved, brittle condition. Through sheer technical mastery, Shivvy achieved a miraculous result for me; she looked at my #pinspo board of hair colour that I wanted, and hit the nail on the head first time, and every time since! Hallelujah!
I didn’t take this lightly (lol pun?) because prior to experiencing Siobhan I had tried 5 hairdressers (some incredibly costly) all promising they could fix my hair, and yet then didn’t. However, not only is this master the friendliest, loveliest woman but she listens and is honest. If I show her a hairspo picture, she’ll say up front, gently and respectfully, if something may be unachievable / different because of the intricacies pertaining to my hair are different – rather than telling me of the disappointment afterward. Shes also a magician when it comes to colour, truly elevating hair tones to a different existential plain. It’s the difference between buying a shop-bought croissant and one which is freshly made at the artisanal bakery in Paris. At first they look the same but on closer inspection they are simply incomparable. Her creations are perfection, so beautifully and elegant.
Here follow Shivvy’s responses to my questions around hair health, specifically from the angle of one who gyms regularly. I hope her insights help you in your quest for continued hair health.
1. What advice would you give to someone who trains regularly, sweats and therefore showers/washes their hair too frequently, c. 4-5x per week?
Washing your hair often can often lead to dry hair as you are constantly removing natural oils so ensure you are replacing these as often as possible. Add the moisture to the areas that are most likely to not receive the natural moisture such as the ends of your hair . Product-wise, Kerasrase masquintense is a great treatment that can nourish the ends of the hair after shampooing and they also have an elixir oil which can be placed in the hair before drying, after drying and also pre shampoo to nourish the hair before the cleansing. Dry shampoos such as batiste are great alternative to shampooing everyday as it helps to remove and disguise natural oils
2. What are the best shampoos / conditioners for dry hair or greasy hair?
Kerastase is the most definitely the best range for all your hair needs as it’s prescriptive so any hair issue can be tackled . For dry hair I would recommend Bain satin. It comes in numbers 1-3 dependant on how dry your hair is . For greasy roots my absolute favourite is Bain Divalent . Most shampoos for greasy roots can be incredibly drying on your hair however this one not only purifies the scalp it gently nourishes the lengths and ends
3. Are there any particular ingredients you should avoid when picking a shampoo/conditioner?
Sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureate (detergents)  create a lot of foam when shampooing so subconsciously it feels as if your hair is getting cleaner. In fact all that the detergents are doing is drying your hair out. Remember extra foam doesn’t mean it better or cleaner. The shampoos that foam less are more likely to be more caring for your hair whilst cleansing just as well!
4. I like an icey, cool blonde look; what are your best tips to achieve this?
To make sure hair is icy there are 3 major things to consider; 1) the hair needs to be lifted light enough. If it is only lifted to a gold or yellow it will always fade yellow. 2) once the hair has been lifted to the correct or ideal lightness then a colour called a toner can be applied. Your colourist can create a bespoke toner dependant on the desired tone. There are different types of ash. Some appear more white whilst others can appear more pearly or vanilla. Find your ideal blonde in a picture and ask your colourist to design the ideal tone for you. 3) When looking after your hair at home, tones of yellow can start to appear so using a purple toning shampoo and conditioner once a week can help to prevent this. My favourite is Kerastase blond absolu as it removes brassiness and yellow tone whilst still caring for your hair
5. What can you do to avoid the look of dry/split ends?
To tackle actual split ends the only thing really to remove the problem would be to trim them away. The more regularly you trim your hair the less you will need to cut and the better it will look. However to reduce the look of them, then a styling oil is going to be your best bet. This can be placed in your hair whilst you blow dry and used also to finish and seal dry hair. My favourite is Elixir Ultime – it’s hydrating for the hair but also seals the ends
6. What can you do if you’re washing your hair too often yet it looks greasy/oily/dirty quickly?
The more you wash your hair the quicker natural sebum will be produced so where possible try to get into the routine of washing your hair not quite so often. To help reduce the hair looking greasy and dirty avoid styling your hair smooth and embrace its natural textures. Textured powders like Loreal super dust are going to help remove oils whilst giving an Uber cool lived in texture to the hair
7. Any tips on how to retain your hair’s professional styling for a couple of days (and how do you avoid ruining it in bed)?
Silk pillows are great for reducing fluff and frizz when sleeping but encouraging movement and texture will always be your best bet and also will give the impression of more volume . Transitioning your hair each day will also be quite fun. Day one – blow dry with bounce. Day two – tong your hair. Day three – add dry shampoo or texture dust ( Batiste or super dust ) and give your waves a lived in texture. And day 4 – work a cool pin up do or undone pony . There are some great little videos on YouTube!
8. What is least harsh on the hair when styling – blow drying or straighteners?
Blowdrying can be the least harsh but that is only if it’s done properly. I,e you always need to use heat protector – my favourite being the thermique range by Kerastase. They have different types one for strengthening, one for hydrating and one for removing frizz. Also only add a brush to the hair once it is over 85% dry because before that the hair is at its most fragile and can you can cause breakage by pulling the hair when wet. However when straightening the GHD new range of stylers have ultra zone and predictive technology which means you only need to stroke them through your hair once to get great results rather than repeatedly passing through a hot iron over an over again and causing extreme damage.
9. Any tips for creating a professional blow dry look at home when getting ready for work in the morning and you have limited time? (Any special hairdryer/ hair dryer temperature etc)
Always use a professional hairdryer as the heat and speed will give you great, fast results. I’m a big fan of the brand Parlux for value for money or if you are looking for something more high end then GHD professional hairdryers look flash and give an amazing finish.
10. You specialise in colour; for anyone who’s a bit unsure what to ask for, or maybe even what suits them, are there any tips how to figure that out what to go for?
If you look at the colours in your wardrobe it can generally give you a good indication on what colours you are drawn to which will often simulate what suits you. I.e. if you wear a lot of coral, pink or mustard you are most probably more suited to warm shades where as if you find your wardrobe is filled with more grey, blue or purple then the cool route is most probably your thing!
11. What trends/styles do you predict are or become popular in 2019?
Experimental colour is definitely a thing for 2019. Due to the extreme amount of experimental colour that we are exposed to via social media, it’s created a real buzz around it . This means people are a lot more open with colour. This does not necessarily mean EVERYONE wants to be bold and bright, but it has opened people’s minds to be ready for change and open to playfulness. When people are more open it encourages a wider range of ideas and concepts and a less obvious one off trends you can pinpoint. Stand outs for me however are play on tone – which is the use of playful hues such as coral, rose , blorange and pearl and Beautifully Blended colour which is multi-tonal colour that has a seamless transition. This is very similar to what I have created on your hair, Faya. It’s colour where you can’t quite pinpoint where one colour ends and another starts.
12. Rose and Wild is the most remarkable, cosy and comforting salon I’ve been to; what was the inspiration behind it?
I wanted to create a space that is more than just a salon but a feel good location . A go-to happy place for clients and the colourists to enjoy also. To achieve this it meant I needed to create a space that was relaxed, lived-in and comfortable . When researching and flicking through millions of interior design pictures on Pinterest it was clear it needed a homely feel so I decided to create a kind of Instagramable living room that wasn’t afraid to be playful with colour. I worked with an incredible designer Gillian smith and she helped to bring the dream alive. Each area of the salon has a different colour palette which means you partake in a kind of salon journey experience in each area you move from the consultation to the hair colouring stations and then the hair spa.
13. What made you decide to work in hair?
I originally trained in theatre and decided to learn a skill that I could have to do in between auditions etc but I totally fell in love with the feeling you get when you make someone feel and look amazing each and every time you do their hair . A chef once said to me, you don’t know how lucky you are to be client facing and you constantly receive praise and thanks and it’s totally true. It’s like daily therapy haha I now also have the added bonus of being creative and designing campaigns and sharing my knowledge internationally by educating colourists wishing to update their skills. It really is a phenomenal diverse and interesting industry to work in.
14. You’re super inspiring – you manage to seemingly do the impossible – see clients, teach, travel, you recently got married – and meanwhile opening your own salon! How do you find the time and still have abundance of positive energy left over?
Time management and balance is what we are all seeking and and if I’m totally honest I always feel I could do it better, but I think what has worked best for me is to assign specific time and energy in what I’m doing at the moment and nothing else. I allow days for administrative things and that only and when I’m teaching or in salon I will be in the moment and focus my time on that and that only. My phone can often cause distraction so I’ve learnt to put it in a different room or away in my bag if I’m doing something or with people that need my full attention and time ( my husband included)
Rose and Wild is a remarkable salon, from the moment you walk in and instantly feel relaxed. It’s like being cocooned in soft, pink tranquil macaroon. It’s fresh and clean but cosy, and is stunning but not pretentious, rather inviting and warm. If you’re seeking a colour miracle too, here is your destination:
Rose & Wild Hair 61 New Kings Road SW6 4SE
Happy monday. Faya x
The post HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! posted first on yummylooksbest.blogspot.com
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The training cycle is tough on the body, and with successive workouts-and-showers, nothing takes a much of a gruelling battering as the hair. As such, and in direct response to several curious, hair-conscious reader enquiries over the years of scribing fitnessontoast.com, this post is fully dedicated to hair health. I may be a highly qualified professional when it comes to training and the likes of sports massage, but I’m only an enthusiastic amateur on matters pertaining to the hair. As such, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and picked the brain of multi-award-winning superstar hair artist Siobhan ‘Shivvy’ Jones for all the choicest pro-tips. Shivvy is a L’Oréal Professionnel teacher & Guest Artist, hair stylist on X Factor, Next Top Model, and artist to the likes of Little Mix, as well as being the Owner and Creative Director of Rose & Wild Hair, her delightful new studio in Fulham where we shot these pics! Those are some of her professional credentials, but beyond that, she enjoys heavyweight repute for setting the tone on colour technique and trends in the fashion industry. If like me you wash your hair too frequently post-training, Shivvy’s insights will help you to find and get the perfect tone, products to use and much more! Read on…
Some biblical character once said ‘your hair is your crowning glory…’ – well, with Corinthians 11:15, I agree – a haircut can indeed totally transform the mood, poise, purpose, and even fortunes. I wanted to share some tips from my favourite hair ‘confident’ who has helped me not only achieve healthy and long hair but also managed the impossible – realising my dream tone.
I first met Shivvy before my wedding in 2015, when I had developed a quest-like obsession with achieving the perfect shade of blonde. [[ Shock alert, whilst I was born with stereotypical Swedish blonde hair, it darkens over time, so I have a little help once in a while!]] In the past I’d often gone to see a local hairdresser and come home with one ‘good’ tone of blonde, though the next time it would be a noticably different shade of blonde… there was such variety and inconsistency, sometimes I’d be happier than other times – but it really didn’t play on my mind too much.
Then like many other brides-to-be ahead of my own wedding (I’d like to think), I went a bit mental because suddenly I needed THE colour/tone to be just right ahead of immortalising it in the photos (see one such below)! I had seen a dozen or so hairdressers and at this point my hair was starting to break apart, because it was in unloved, brittle condition. Through sheer technical mastery, Shivvy achieved a miraculous result for me; she looked at my #pinspo board of hair colour that I wanted, and hit the nail on the head first time, and every time since! Hallelujah!
I didn’t take this lightly (lol pun?) because prior to experiencing Siobhan I had tried 5 hairdressers (some incredibly costly) all promising they could fix my hair, and yet then didn’t. However, not only is this master the friendliest, loveliest woman but she listens and is honest. If I show her a hairspo picture, she’ll say up front, gently and respectfully, if something may be unachievable / different because of the intricacies pertaining to my hair are different – rather than telling me of the disappointment afterward. Shes also a magician when it comes to colour, truly elevating hair tones to a different existential plain. It’s the difference between buying a shop-bought croissant and one which is freshly made at the artisanal bakery in Paris. At first they look the same but on closer inspection they are simply incomparable. Her creations are perfection, so beautifully and elegant.
Here follow Shivvy’s responses to my questions around hair health, specifically from the angle of one who gyms regularly. I hope her insights help you in your quest for continued hair health.
1. What advice would you give to someone who trains regularly, sweats and therefore showers/washes their hair too frequently, c. 4-5x per week?
Washing your hair often can often lead to dry hair as you are constantly removing natural oils so ensure you are replacing these as often as possible. Add the moisture to the areas that are most likely to not receive the natural moisture such as the ends of your hair . Product-wise, Kerasrase masquintense is a great treatment that can nourish the ends of the hair after shampooing and they also have an elixir oil which can be placed in the hair before drying, after drying and also pre shampoo to nourish the hair before the cleansing. Dry shampoos such as batiste are great alternative to shampooing everyday as it helps to remove and disguise natural oils
2. What are the best shampoos / conditioners for dry hair or greasy hair?
Kerastase is the most definitely the best range for all your hair needs as it’s prescriptive so any hair issue can be tackled . For dry hair I would recommend Bain satin. It comes in numbers 1-3 dependant on how dry your hair is . For greasy roots my absolute favourite is Bain Divalent . Most shampoos for greasy roots can be incredibly drying on your hair however this one not only purifies the scalp it gently nourishes the lengths and ends
3. Are there any particular ingredients you should avoid when picking a shampoo/conditioner?
Sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureate (detergents)  create a lot of foam when shampooing so subconsciously it feels as if your hair is getting cleaner. In fact all that the detergents are doing is drying your hair out. Remember extra foam doesn’t mean it better or cleaner. The shampoos that foam less are more likely to be more caring for your hair whilst cleansing just as well!
4. I like an icey, cool blonde look; what are your best tips to achieve this?
To make sure hair is icy there are 3 major things to consider; 1) the hair needs to be lifted light enough. If it is only lifted to a gold or yellow it will always fade yellow. 2) once the hair has been lifted to the correct or ideal lightness then a colour called a toner can be applied. Your colourist can create a bespoke toner dependant on the desired tone. There are different types of ash. Some appear more white whilst others can appear more pearly or vanilla. Find your ideal blonde in a picture and ask your colourist to design the ideal tone for you. 3) When looking after your hair at home, tones of yellow can start to appear so using a purple toning shampoo and conditioner once a week can help to prevent this. My favourite is Kerastase blond absolu as it removes brassiness and yellow tone whilst still caring for your hair
5. What can you do to avoid the look of dry/split ends?
To tackle actual split ends the only thing really to remove the problem would be to trim them away. The more regularly you trim your hair the less you will need to cut and the better it will look. However to reduce the look of them, then a styling oil is going to be your best bet. This can be placed in your hair whilst you blow dry and used also to finish and seal dry hair. My favourite is Elixir Ultime – it’s hydrating for the hair but also seals the ends
6. What can you do if you’re washing your hair too often yet it looks greasy/oily/dirty quickly?
The more you wash your hair the quicker natural sebum will be produced so where possible try to get into the routine of washing your hair not quite so often. To help reduce the hair looking greasy and dirty avoid styling your hair smooth and embrace its natural textures. Textured powders like Loreal super dust are going to help remove oils whilst giving an Uber cool lived in texture to the hair
7. Any tips on how to retain your hair’s professional styling for a couple of days (and how do you avoid ruining it in bed)?
Silk pillows are great for reducing fluff and frizz when sleeping but encouraging movement and texture will always be your best bet and also will give the impression of more volume . Transitioning your hair each day will also be quite fun. Day one – blow dry with bounce. Day two – tong your hair. Day three – add dry shampoo or texture dust ( Batiste or super dust ) and give your waves a lived in texture. And day 4 – work a cool pin up do or undone pony . There are some great little videos on YouTube!
8. What is least harsh on the hair when styling – blow drying or straighteners?
Blowdrying can be the least harsh but that is only if it’s done properly. I,e you always need to use heat protector – my favourite being the thermique range by Kerastase. They have different types one for strengthening, one for hydrating and one for removing frizz. Also only add a brush to the hair once it is over 85% dry because before that the hair is at its most fragile and can you can cause breakage by pulling the hair when wet. However when straightening the GHD new range of stylers have ultra zone and predictive technology which means you only need to stroke them through your hair once to get great results rather than repeatedly passing through a hot iron over an over again and causing extreme damage.
9. Any tips for creating a professional blow dry look at home when getting ready for work in the morning and you have limited time? (Any special hairdryer/ hair dryer temperature etc)
Always use a professional hairdryer as the heat and speed will give you great, fast results. I’m a big fan of the brand Parlux for value for money or if you are looking for something more high end then GHD professional hairdryers look flash and give an amazing finish.
10. You specialise in colour; for anyone who’s a bit unsure what to ask for, or maybe even what suits them, are there any tips how to figure that out what to go for?
If you look at the colours in your wardrobe it can generally give you a good indication on what colours you are drawn to which will often simulate what suits you. I.e. if you wear a lot of coral, pink or mustard you are most probably more suited to warm shades where as if you find your wardrobe is filled with more grey, blue or purple then the cool route is most probably your thing!
11. What trends/styles do you predict are or become popular in 2019?
Experimental colour is definitely a thing for 2019. Due to the extreme amount of experimental colour that we are exposed to via social media, it’s created a real buzz around it . This means people are a lot more open with colour. This does not necessarily mean EVERYONE wants to be bold and bright, but it has opened people’s minds to be ready for change and open to playfulness. When people are more open it encourages a wider range of ideas and concepts and a less obvious one off trends you can pinpoint. Stand outs for me however are play on tone – which is the use of playful hues such as coral, rose , blorange and pearl and Beautifully Blended colour which is multi-tonal colour that has a seamless transition. This is very similar to what I have created on your hair, Faya. It’s colour where you can’t quite pinpoint where one colour ends and another starts.
12. Rose and Wild is the most remarkable, cosy and comforting salon I’ve been to; what was the inspiration behind it?
I wanted to create a space that is more than just a salon but a feel good location . A go-to happy place for clients and the colourists to enjoy also. To achieve this it meant I needed to create a space that was relaxed, lived-in and comfortable . When researching and flicking through millions of interior design pictures on Pinterest it was clear it needed a homely feel so I decided to create a kind of Instagramable living room that wasn’t afraid to be playful with colour. I worked with an incredible designer Gillian smith and she helped to bring the dream alive. Each area of the salon has a different colour palette which means you partake in a kind of salon journey experience in each area you move from the consultation to the hair colouring stations and then the hair spa.
13. What made you decide to work in hair?
I originally trained in theatre and decided to learn a skill that I could have to do in between auditions etc but I totally fell in love with the feeling you get when you make someone feel and look amazing each and every time you do their hair . A chef once said to me, you don’t know how lucky you are to be client facing and you constantly receive praise and thanks and it’s totally true. It’s like daily therapy haha I now also have the added bonus of being creative and designing campaigns and sharing my knowledge internationally by educating colourists wishing to update their skills. It really is a phenomenal diverse and interesting industry to work in.
14. You’re super inspiring – you manage to seemingly do the impossible – see clients, teach, travel, you recently got married – and meanwhile opening your own salon! How do you find the time and still have abundance of positive energy left over?
Time management and balance is what we are all seeking and and if I’m totally honest I always feel I could do it better, but I think what has worked best for me is to assign specific time and energy in what I’m doing at the moment and nothing else. I allow days for administrative things and that only and when I’m teaching or in salon I will be in the moment and focus my time on that and that only. My phone can often cause distraction so I’ve learnt to put it in a different room or away in my bag if I’m doing something or with people that need my full attention and time ( my husband included)
Rose and Wild is a remarkable salon, from the moment you walk in and instantly feel relaxed. It’s like being cocooned in soft, pink tranquil macaroon. It’s fresh and clean but cosy, and is stunning but not pretentious, rather inviting and warm. If you’re seeking a colour miracle too, here is your destination:
Rose & Wild Hair 61 New Kings Road SW6 4SE
Happy monday. Faya x
The post HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Fitness on Toast http://bit.ly/2Ij0TCn via IFTTT
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sarahdlukeusa90 · 5 years
The training cycle is tough on the body, and with successive workouts-and-showers, nothing takes a much of a gruelling battering as the hair. As such, and in direct response to several curious, hair-conscious reader enquiries over the years of scribing fitnessontoast.com, this post is fully dedicated to hair health. I may be a highly qualified professional when it comes to training and the likes of sports massage, but I’m only an enthusiastic amateur on matters pertaining to the hair. As such, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and picked the brain of multi-award-winning superstar hair artist Siobhan ‘Shivvy’ Jones for all the choicest pro-tips. Shivvy is a L’Oréal Professionnel teacher & Guest Artist, hair stylist on X Factor, Next Top Model, and artist to the likes of Little Mix, as well as being the Owner and Creative Director of Rose & Wild Hair, her delightful new studio in Fulham where we shot these pics! Those are some of her professional credentials, but beyond that, she enjoys heavyweight repute for setting the tone on colour technique and trends in the fashion industry. If like me you wash your hair too frequently post-training, Shivvy’s insights will help you to find and get the perfect tone, products to use and much more! Read on…
Some biblical character once said ‘your hair is your crowning glory…’ – well, with Corinthians 11:15, I agree – a haircut can indeed totally transform the mood, poise, purpose, and even fortunes. I wanted to share some tips from my favourite hair ‘confident’ who has helped me not only achieve healthy and long hair but also managed the impossible – realising my dream tone.
I first met Shivvy before my wedding in 2015, when I had developed a quest-like obsession with achieving the perfect shade of blonde. [[ Shock alert, whilst I was born with stereotypical Swedish blonde hair, it darkens over time, so I have a little help once in a while!]] In the past I’d often gone to see a local hairdresser and come home with one ‘good’ tone of blonde, though the next time it would be a noticably different shade of blonde… there was such variety and inconsistency, sometimes I’d be happier than other times – but it really didn’t play on my mind too much.
Then like many other brides-to-be ahead of my own wedding (I’d like to think), I went a bit mental because suddenly I needed THE colour/tone to be just right ahead of immortalising it in the photos (see one such below)! I had seen a dozen or so hairdressers and at this point my hair was starting to break apart, because it was in unloved, brittle condition. Through sheer technical mastery, Shivvy achieved a miraculous result for me; she looked at my #pinspo board of hair colour that I wanted, and hit the nail on the head first time, and every time since! Hallelujah!
I didn’t take this lightly (lol pun?) because prior to experiencing Siobhan I had tried 5 hairdressers (some incredibly costly) all promising they could fix my hair, and yet then didn’t. However, not only is this master the friendliest, loveliest woman but she listens and is honest. If I show her a hairspo picture, she’ll say up front, gently and respectfully, if something may be unachievable / different because of the intricacies pertaining to my hair are different – rather than telling me of the disappointment afterward. Shes also a magician when it comes to colour, truly elevating hair tones to a different existential plain. It’s the difference between buying a shop-bought croissant and one which is freshly made at the artisanal bakery in Paris. At first they look the same but on closer inspection they are simply incomparable. Her creations are perfection, so beautifully and elegant.
Here follow Shivvy’s responses to my questions around hair health, specifically from the angle of one who gyms regularly. I hope her insights help you in your quest for continued hair health.
1. What advice would you give to someone who trains regularly, sweats and therefore showers/washes their hair too frequently, c. 4-5x per week?
Washing your hair often can often lead to dry hair as you are constantly removing natural oils so ensure you are replacing these as often as possible. Add the moisture to the areas that are most likely to not receive the natural moisture such as the ends of your hair . Product-wise, Kerasrase masquintense is a great treatment that can nourish the ends of the hair after shampooing and they also have an elixir oil which can be placed in the hair before drying, after drying and also pre shampoo to nourish the hair before the cleansing. Dry shampoos such as batiste are great alternative to shampooing everyday as it helps to remove and disguise natural oils
2. What are the best shampoos / conditioners for dry hair or greasy hair?
Kerastase is the most definitely the best range for all your hair needs as it’s prescriptive so any hair issue can be tackled . For dry hair I would recommend Bain satin. It comes in numbers 1-3 dependant on how dry your hair is . For greasy roots my absolute favourite is Bain Divalent . Most shampoos for greasy roots can be incredibly drying on your hair however this one not only purifies the scalp it gently nourishes the lengths and ends
3. Are there any particular ingredients you should avoid when picking a shampoo/conditioner?
Sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureate (detergents)  create a lot of foam when shampooing so subconsciously it feels as if your hair is getting cleaner. In fact all that the detergents are doing is drying your hair out. Remember extra foam doesn’t mean it better or cleaner. The shampoos that foam less are more likely to be more caring for your hair whilst cleansing just as well!
4. I like an icey, cool blonde look; what are your best tips to achieve this?
To make sure hair is icy there are 3 major things to consider; 1) the hair needs to be lifted light enough. If it is only lifted to a gold or yellow it will always fade yellow. 2) once the hair has been lifted to the correct or ideal lightness then a colour called a toner can be applied. Your colourist can create a bespoke toner dependant on the desired tone. There are different types of ash. Some appear more white whilst others can appear more pearly or vanilla. Find your ideal blonde in a picture and ask your colourist to design the ideal tone for you. 3) When looking after your hair at home, tones of yellow can start to appear so using a purple toning shampoo and conditioner once a week can help to prevent this. My favourite is Kerastase blond absolu as it removes brassiness and yellow tone whilst still caring for your hair
5. What can you do to avoid the look of dry/split ends?
To tackle actual split ends the only thing really to remove the problem would be to trim them away. The more regularly you trim your hair the less you will need to cut and the better it will look. However to reduce the look of them, then a styling oil is going to be your best bet. This can be placed in your hair whilst you blow dry and used also to finish and seal dry hair. My favourite is Elixir Ultime – it’s hydrating for the hair but also seals the ends
6. What can you do if you’re washing your hair too often yet it looks greasy/oily/dirty quickly?
The more you wash your hair the quicker natural sebum will be produced so where possible try to get into the routine of washing your hair not quite so often. To help reduce the hair looking greasy and dirty avoid styling your hair smooth and embrace its natural textures. Textured powders like Loreal super dust are going to help remove oils whilst giving an Uber cool lived in texture to the hair
7. Any tips on how to retain your hair’s professional styling for a couple of days (and how do you avoid ruining it in bed)?
Silk pillows are great for reducing fluff and frizz when sleeping but encouraging movement and texture will always be your best bet and also will give the impression of more volume . Transitioning your hair each day will also be quite fun. Day one – blow dry with bounce. Day two – tong your hair. Day three – add dry shampoo or texture dust ( Batiste or super dust ) and give your waves a lived in texture. And day 4 – work a cool pin up do or undone pony . There are some great little videos on YouTube!
8. What is least harsh on the hair when styling – blow drying or straighteners?
Blowdrying can be the least harsh but that is only if it’s done properly. I,e you always need to use heat protector – my favourite being the thermique range by Kerastase. They have different types one for strengthening, one for hydrating and one for removing frizz. Also only add a brush to the hair once it is over 85% dry because before that the hair is at its most fragile and can you can cause breakage by pulling the hair when wet. However when straightening the GHD new range of stylers have ultra zone and predictive technology which means you only need to stroke them through your hair once to get great results rather than repeatedly passing through a hot iron over an over again and causing extreme damage.
9. Any tips for creating a professional blow dry look at home when getting ready for work in the morning and you have limited time? (Any special hairdryer/ hair dryer temperature etc)
Always use a professional hairdryer as the heat and speed will give you great, fast results. I’m a big fan of the brand Parlux for value for money or if you are looking for something more high end then GHD professional hairdryers look flash and give an amazing finish.
10. You specialise in colour; for anyone who’s a bit unsure what to ask for, or maybe even what suits them, are there any tips how to figure that out what to go for?
If you look at the colours in your wardrobe it can generally give you a good indication on what colours you are drawn to which will often simulate what suits you. I.e. if you wear a lot of coral, pink or mustard you are most probably more suited to warm shades where as if you find your wardrobe is filled with more grey, blue or purple then the cool route is most probably your thing!
11. What trends/styles do you predict are or become popular in 2019?
Experimental colour is definitely a thing for 2019. Due to the extreme amount of experimental colour that we are exposed to via social media, it’s created a real buzz around it . This means people are a lot more open with colour. This does not necessarily mean EVERYONE wants to be bold and bright, but it has opened people’s minds to be ready for change and open to playfulness. When people are more open it encourages a wider range of ideas and concepts and a less obvious one off trends you can pinpoint. Stand outs for me however are play on tone – which is the use of playful hues such as coral, rose , blorange and pearl and Beautifully Blended colour which is multi-tonal colour that has a seamless transition. This is very similar to what I have created on your hair, Faya. It’s colour where you can’t quite pinpoint where one colour ends and another starts.
12. Rose and Wild is the most remarkable, cosy and comforting salon I’ve been to; what was the inspiration behind it?
I wanted to create a space that is more than just a salon but a feel good location . A go-to happy place for clients and the colourists to enjoy also. To achieve this it meant I needed to create a space that was relaxed, lived-in and comfortable . When researching and flicking through millions of interior design pictures on Pinterest it was clear it needed a homely feel so I decided to create a kind of Instagramable living room that wasn’t afraid to be playful with colour. I worked with an incredible designer Gillian smith and she helped to bring the dream alive. Each area of the salon has a different colour palette which means you partake in a kind of salon journey experience in each area you move from the consultation to the hair colouring stations and then the hair spa.
13. What made you decide to work in hair?
I originally trained in theatre and decided to learn a skill that I could have to do in between auditions etc but I totally fell in love with the feeling you get when you make someone feel and look amazing each and every time you do their hair . A chef once said to me, you don’t know how lucky you are to be client facing and you constantly receive praise and thanks and it’s totally true. It’s like daily therapy haha I now also have the added bonus of being creative and designing campaigns and sharing my knowledge internationally by educating colourists wishing to update their skills. It really is a phenomenal diverse and interesting industry to work in.
14. You’re super inspiring – you manage to seemingly do the impossible – see clients, teach, travel, you recently got married – and meanwhile opening your own salon! How do you find the time and still have abundance of positive energy left over?
Time management and balance is what we are all seeking and and if I’m totally honest I always feel I could do it better, but I think what has worked best for me is to assign specific time and energy in what I’m doing at the moment and nothing else. I allow days for administrative things and that only and when I’m teaching or in salon I will be in the moment and focus my time on that and that only. My phone can often cause distraction so I’ve learnt to put it in a different room or away in my bag if I’m doing something or with people that need my full attention and time ( my husband included)
Rose and Wild is a remarkable salon, from the moment you walk in and instantly feel relaxed. It’s like being cocooned in soft, pink tranquil macaroon. It’s fresh and clean but cosy, and is stunning but not pretentious, rather inviting and warm. If you’re seeking a colour miracle too, here is your destination:
Rose & Wild Hair 61 New Kings Road SW6 4SE
Happy monday. Faya x
The post HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
source http://fitnessontoast.com/2019/04/15/hair-health-colour-miracles/
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rebeccaflaneus · 5 years
The training cycle is tough on the body, and with successive workouts-and-showers, nothing takes a much of a gruelling battering as the hair. As such, and in direct response to several curious, hair-conscious reader enquiries over the years of scribing fitnessontoast.com, this post is fully dedicated to hair health. I may be a highly qualified professional when it comes to training and the likes of sports massage, but I’m only an enthusiastic amateur on matters pertaining to the hair. As such, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and picked the brain of multi-award-winning superstar hair artist Siobhan ‘Shivvy’ Jones for all the choicest pro-tips. Shivvy is a L’Oréal Professionnel teacher & Guest Artist, hair stylist on X Factor, Next Top Model, and artist to the likes of Little Mix, as well as being the Owner and Creative Director of Rose & Wild Hair, her delightful new studio in Fulham where we shot these pics! Those are some of her professional credentials, but beyond that, she enjoys heavyweight repute for setting the tone on colour technique and trends in the fashion industry. If like me you wash your hair too frequently post-training, Shivvy’s insights will help you to find and get the perfect tone, products to use and much more! Read on…
Some biblical character once said ‘your hair is your crowning glory…’ – well, with Corinthians 11:15, I agree – a haircut can indeed totally transform the mood, poise, purpose, and even fortunes. I wanted to share some tips from my favourite hair ‘confident’ who has helped me not only achieve healthy and long hair but also managed the impossible – realising my dream tone.
I first met Shivvy before my wedding in 2015, when I had developed a quest-like obsession with achieving the perfect shade of blonde. [[ Shock alert, whilst I was born with stereotypical Swedish blonde hair, it darkens over time, so I have a little help once in a while!]] In the past I’d often gone to see a local hairdresser and come home with one ‘good’ tone of blonde, though the next time it would be a noticably different shade of blonde… there was such variety and inconsistency, sometimes I’d be happier than other times – but it really didn’t play on my mind too much.
Then like many other brides-to-be ahead of my own wedding (I’d like to think), I went a bit mental because suddenly I needed THE colour/tone to be just right ahead of immortalising it in the photos (see one such below)! I had seen a dozen or so hairdressers and at this point my hair was starting to break apart, because it was in unloved, brittle condition. Through sheer technical mastery, Shivvy achieved a miraculous result for me; she looked at my #pinspo board of hair colour that I wanted, and hit the nail on the head first time, and every time since! Hallelujah!
I didn’t take this lightly (lol pun?) because prior to experiencing Siobhan I had tried 5 hairdressers (some incredibly costly) all promising they could fix my hair, and yet then didn’t. However, not only is this master the friendliest, loveliest woman but she listens and is honest. If I show her a hairspo picture, she’ll say up front, gently and respectfully, if something may be unachievable / different because of the intricacies pertaining to my hair are different – rather than telling me of the disappointment afterward. Shes also a magician when it comes to colour, truly elevating hair tones to a different existential plain. It’s the difference between buying a shop-bought croissant and one which is freshly made at the artisanal bakery in Paris. At first they look the same but on closer inspection they are simply incomparable. Her creations are perfection, so beautifully and elegant.
Here follow Shivvy’s responses to my questions around hair health, specifically from the angle of one who gyms regularly. I hope her insights help you in your quest for continued hair health.
1. What advice would you give to someone who trains regularly, sweats and therefore showers/washes their hair too frequently, c. 4-5x per week?
Washing your hair often can often lead to dry hair as you are constantly removing natural oils so ensure you are replacing these as often as possible. Add the moisture to the areas that are most likely to not receive the natural moisture such as the ends of your hair . Product-wise, Kerasrase masquintense is a great treatment that can nourish the ends of the hair after shampooing and they also have an elixir oil which can be placed in the hair before drying, after drying and also pre shampoo to nourish the hair before the cleansing. Dry shampoos such as batiste are great alternative to shampooing everyday as it helps to remove and disguise natural oils
2. What are the best shampoos / conditioners for dry hair or greasy hair?
Kerastase is the most definitely the best range for all your hair needs as it’s prescriptive so any hair issue can be tackled . For dry hair I would recommend Bain satin. It comes in numbers 1-3 dependant on how dry your hair is . For greasy roots my absolute favourite is Bain Divalent . Most shampoos for greasy roots can be incredibly drying on your hair however this one not only purifies the scalp it gently nourishes the lengths and ends
3. Are there any particular ingredients you should avoid when picking a shampoo/conditioner?
Sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureate (detergents)  create a lot of foam when shampooing so subconsciously it feels as if your hair is getting cleaner. In fact all that the detergents are doing is drying your hair out. Remember extra foam doesn’t mean it better or cleaner. The shampoos that foam less are more likely to be more caring for your hair whilst cleansing just as well!
4. I like an icey, cool blonde look; what are your best tips to achieve this?
To make sure hair is icy there are 3 major things to consider; 1) the hair needs to be lifted light enough. If it is only lifted to a gold or yellow it will always fade yellow. 2) once the hair has been lifted to the correct or ideal lightness then a colour called a toner can be applied. Your colourist can create a bespoke toner dependant on the desired tone. There are different types of ash. Some appear more white whilst others can appear more pearly or vanilla. Find your ideal blonde in a picture and ask your colourist to design the ideal tone for you. 3) When looking after your hair at home, tones of yellow can start to appear so using a purple toning shampoo and conditioner once a week can help to prevent this. My favourite is Kerastase blond absolu as it removes brassiness and yellow tone whilst still caring for your hair
5. What can you do to avoid the look of dry/split ends?
To tackle actual split ends the only thing really to remove the problem would be to trim them away. The more regularly you trim your hair the less you will need to cut and the better it will look. However to reduce the look of them, then a styling oil is going to be your best bet. This can be placed in your hair whilst you blow dry and used also to finish and seal dry hair. My favourite is Elixir Ultime – it’s hydrating for the hair but also seals the ends
6. What can you do if you’re washing your hair too often yet it looks greasy/oily/dirty quickly?
The more you wash your hair the quicker natural sebum will be produced so where possible try to get into the routine of washing your hair not quite so often. To help reduce the hair looking greasy and dirty avoid styling your hair smooth and embrace its natural textures. Textured powders like Loreal super dust are going to help remove oils whilst giving an Uber cool lived in texture to the hair
7. Any tips on how to retain your hair’s professional styling for a couple of days (and how do you avoid ruining it in bed)?
Silk pillows are great for reducing fluff and frizz when sleeping but encouraging movement and texture will always be your best bet and also will give the impression of more volume . Transitioning your hair each day will also be quite fun. Day one – blow dry with bounce. Day two – tong your hair. Day three – add dry shampoo or texture dust ( Batiste or super dust ) and give your waves a lived in texture. And day 4 – work a cool pin up do or undone pony . There are some great little videos on YouTube!
8. What is least harsh on the hair when styling – blow drying or straighteners?
Blowdrying can be the least harsh but that is only if it’s done properly. I,e you always need to use heat protector – my favourite being the thermique range by Kerastase. They have different types one for strengthening, one for hydrating and one for removing frizz. Also only add a brush to the hair once it is over 85% dry because before that the hair is at its most fragile and can you can cause breakage by pulling the hair when wet. However when straightening the GHD new range of stylers have ultra zone and predictive technology which means you only need to stroke them through your hair once to get great results rather than repeatedly passing through a hot iron over an over again and causing extreme damage.
9. Any tips for creating a professional blow dry look at home when getting ready for work in the morning and you have limited time? (Any special hairdryer/ hair dryer temperature etc)
Always use a professional hairdryer as the heat and speed will give you great, fast results. I’m a big fan of the brand Parlux for value for money or if you are looking for something more high end then GHD professional hairdryers look flash and give an amazing finish.
10. You specialise in colour; for anyone who’s a bit unsure what to ask for, or maybe even what suits them, are there any tips how to figure that out what to go for?
If you look at the colours in your wardrobe it can generally give you a good indication on what colours you are drawn to which will often simulate what suits you. I.e. if you wear a lot of coral, pink or mustard you are most probably more suited to warm shades where as if you find your wardrobe is filled with more grey, blue or purple then the cool route is most probably your thing!
11. What trends/styles do you predict are or become popular in 2019?
Experimental colour is definitely a thing for 2019. Due to the extreme amount of experimental colour that we are exposed to via social media, it’s created a real buzz around it . This means people are a lot more open with colour. This does not necessarily mean EVERYONE wants to be bold and bright, but it has opened people’s minds to be ready for change and open to playfulness. When people are more open it encourages a wider range of ideas and concepts and a less obvious one off trends you can pinpoint. Stand outs for me however are play on tone – which is the use of playful hues such as coral, rose , blorange and pearl and Beautifully Blended colour which is multi-tonal colour that has a seamless transition. This is very similar to what I have created on your hair, Faya. It’s colour where you can’t quite pinpoint where one colour ends and another starts.
12. Rose and Wild is the most remarkable, cosy and comforting salon I’ve been to; what was the inspiration behind it?
I wanted to create a space that is more than just a salon but a feel good location . A go-to happy place for clients and the colourists to enjoy also. To achieve this it meant I needed to create a space that was relaxed, lived-in and comfortable . When researching and flicking through millions of interior design pictures on Pinterest it was clear it needed a homely feel so I decided to create a kind of Instagramable living room that wasn’t afraid to be playful with colour. I worked with an incredible designer Gillian smith and she helped to bring the dream alive. Each area of the salon has a different colour palette which means you partake in a kind of salon journey experience in each area you move from the consultation to the hair colouring stations and then the hair spa.
13. What made you decide to work in hair?
I originally trained in theatre and decided to learn a skill that I could have to do in between auditions etc but I totally fell in love with the feeling you get when you make someone feel and look amazing each and every time you do their hair . A chef once said to me, you don’t know how lucky you are to be client facing and you constantly receive praise and thanks and it’s totally true. It’s like daily therapy haha I now also have the added bonus of being creative and designing campaigns and sharing my knowledge internationally by educating colourists wishing to update their skills. It really is a phenomenal diverse and interesting industry to work in.
14. You’re super inspiring – you manage to seemingly do the impossible – see clients, teach, travel, you recently got married – and meanwhile opening your own salon! How do you find the time and still have abundance of positive energy left over?
Time management and balance is what we are all seeking and and if I’m totally honest I always feel I could do it better, but I think what has worked best for me is to assign specific time and energy in what I’m doing at the moment and nothing else. I allow days for administrative things and that only and when I’m teaching or in salon I will be in the moment and focus my time on that and that only. My phone can often cause distraction so I’ve learnt to put it in a different room or away in my bag if I’m doing something or with people that need my full attention and time ( my husband included)
Rose and Wild is a remarkable salon, from the moment you walk in and instantly feel relaxed. It’s like being cocooned in soft, pink tranquil macaroon. It’s fresh and clean but cosy, and is stunning but not pretentious, rather inviting and warm. If you’re seeking a colour miracle too, here is your destination:
Rose & Wild Hair 61 New Kings Road SW6 4SE
Happy monday. Faya x
The post HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Donald Fitness Tips http://fitnessontoast.com/2019/04/15/hair-health-colour-miracles/
0 notes
yolandadsims · 5 years
The training cycle is tough on the body, and with successive workouts-and-showers, nothing takes a much of a gruelling battering as the hair. As such, and in direct response to several curious, hair-conscious reader enquiries over the years of scribing fitnessontoast.com, this post is fully dedicated to hair health. I may be a highly qualified professional when it comes to training and the likes of sports massage, but I’m only an enthusiastic amateur on matters pertaining to the hair. As such, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you, and picked the brain of multi-award-winning superstar hair artist Siobhan ‘Shivvy’ Jones for all the choicest pro-tips. Shivvy is a L’Oréal Professionnel teacher & Guest Artist, hair stylist on X Factor, Next Top Model, and artist to the likes of Little Mix, as well as being the Owner and Creative Director of Rose & Wild Hair, her delightful new studio in Fulham where we shot these pics! Those are some of her professional credentials, but beyond that, she enjoys heavyweight repute for setting the tone on colour technique and trends in the fashion industry. If like me you wash your hair too frequently post-training, Shivvy’s insights will help you to find and get the perfect tone, products to use and much more! Read on…
Some biblical character once said ‘your hair is your crowning glory…’ – well, with Corinthians 11:15, I agree – a haircut can indeed totally transform the mood, poise, purpose, and even fortunes. I wanted to share some tips from my favourite hair ‘confident’ who has helped me not only achieve healthy and long hair but also managed the impossible – realising my dream tone.
I first met Shivvy before my wedding in 2015, when I had developed a quest-like obsession with achieving the perfect shade of blonde. [[ Shock alert, whilst I was born with stereotypical Swedish blonde hair, it darkens over time, so I have a little help once in a while!]] In the past I’d often gone to see a local hairdresser and come home with one ‘good’ tone of blonde, though the next time it would be a noticably different shade of blonde… there was such variety and inconsistency, sometimes I’d be happier than other times – but it really didn’t play on my mind too much.
Then like many other brides-to-be ahead of my own wedding (I’d like to think), I went a bit mental because suddenly I needed THE colour/tone to be just right ahead of immortalising it in the photos (see one such below)! I had seen a dozen or so hairdressers and at this point my hair was starting to break apart, because it was in unloved, brittle condition. Through sheer technical mastery, Shivvy achieved a miraculous result for me; she looked at my #pinspo board of hair colour that I wanted, and hit the nail on the head first time, and every time since! Hallelujah!
I didn’t take this lightly (lol pun?) because prior to experiencing Siobhan I had tried 5 hairdressers (some incredibly costly) all promising they could fix my hair, and yet then didn’t. However, not only is this master the friendliest, loveliest woman but she listens and is honest. If I show her a hairspo picture, she’ll say up front, gently and respectfully, if something may be unachievable / different because of the intricacies pertaining to my hair are different – rather than telling me of the disappointment afterward. Shes also a magician when it comes to colour, truly elevating hair tones to a different existential plain. It’s the difference between buying a shop-bought croissant and one which is freshly made at the artisanal bakery in Paris. At first they look the same but on closer inspection they are simply incomparable. Her creations are perfection, so beautifully and elegant.
Here follow Shivvy’s responses to my questions around hair health, specifically from the angle of one who gyms regularly. I hope her insights help you in your quest for continued hair health.
1. What advice would you give to someone who trains regularly, sweats and therefore showers/washes their hair too frequently, c. 4-5x per week?
Washing your hair often can often lead to dry hair as you are constantly removing natural oils so ensure you are replacing these as often as possible. Add the moisture to the areas that are most likely to not receive the natural moisture such as the ends of your hair . Product-wise, Kerasrase masquintense is a great treatment that can nourish the ends of the hair after shampooing and they also have an elixir oil which can be placed in the hair before drying, after drying and also pre shampoo to nourish the hair before the cleansing. Dry shampoos such as batiste are great alternative to shampooing everyday as it helps to remove and disguise natural oils
2. What are the best shampoos / conditioners for dry hair or greasy hair?
Kerastase is the most definitely the best range for all your hair needs as it’s prescriptive so any hair issue can be tackled . For dry hair I would recommend Bain satin. It comes in numbers 1-3 dependant on how dry your hair is . For greasy roots my absolute favourite is Bain Divalent . Most shampoos for greasy roots can be incredibly drying on your hair however this one not only purifies the scalp it gently nourishes the lengths and ends
3. Are there any particular ingredients you should avoid when picking a shampoo/conditioner?
Sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureate (detergents)  create a lot of foam when shampooing so subconsciously it feels as if your hair is getting cleaner. In fact all that the detergents are doing is drying your hair out. Remember extra foam doesn’t mean it better or cleaner. The shampoos that foam less are more likely to be more caring for your hair whilst cleansing just as well!
4. I like an icey, cool blonde look; what are your best tips to achieve this?
To make sure hair is icy there are 3 major things to consider; 1) the hair needs to be lifted light enough. If it is only lifted to a gold or yellow it will always fade yellow. 2) once the hair has been lifted to the correct or ideal lightness then a colour called a toner can be applied. Your colourist can create a bespoke toner dependant on the desired tone. There are different types of ash. Some appear more white whilst others can appear more pearly or vanilla. Find your ideal blonde in a picture and ask your colourist to design the ideal tone for you. 3) When looking after your hair at home, tones of yellow can start to appear so using a purple toning shampoo and conditioner once a week can help to prevent this. My favourite is Kerastase blond absolu as it removes brassiness and yellow tone whilst still caring for your hair
5. What can you do to avoid the look of dry/split ends?
To tackle actual split ends the only thing really to remove the problem would be to trim them away. The more regularly you trim your hair the less you will need to cut and the better it will look. However to reduce the look of them, then a styling oil is going to be your best bet. This can be placed in your hair whilst you blow dry and used also to finish and seal dry hair. My favourite is Elixir Ultime – it’s hydrating for the hair but also seals the ends
6. What can you do if you’re washing your hair too often yet it looks greasy/oily/dirty quickly?
The more you wash your hair the quicker natural sebum will be produced so where possible try to get into the routine of washing your hair not quite so often. To help reduce the hair looking greasy and dirty avoid styling your hair smooth and embrace its natural textures. Textured powders like Loreal super dust are going to help remove oils whilst giving an Uber cool lived in texture to the hair
7. Any tips on how to retain your hair’s professional styling for a couple of days (and how do you avoid ruining it in bed)?
Silk pillows are great for reducing fluff and frizz when sleeping but encouraging movement and texture will always be your best bet and also will give the impression of more volume . Transitioning your hair each day will also be quite fun. Day one – blow dry with bounce. Day two – tong your hair. Day three – add dry shampoo or texture dust ( Batiste or super dust ) and give your waves a lived in texture. And day 4 – work a cool pin up do or undone pony . There are some great little videos on YouTube!
8. What is least harsh on the hair when styling – blow drying or straighteners?
Blowdrying can be the least harsh but that is only if it’s done properly. I,e you always need to use heat protector – my favourite being the thermique range by Kerastase. They have different types one for strengthening, one for hydrating and one for removing frizz. Also only add a brush to the hair once it is over 85% dry because before that the hair is at its most fragile and can you can cause breakage by pulling the hair when wet. However when straightening the GHD new range of stylers have ultra zone and predictive technology which means you only need to stroke them through your hair once to get great results rather than repeatedly passing through a hot iron over an over again and causing extreme damage.
9. Any tips for creating a professional blow dry look at home when getting ready for work in the morning and you have limited time? (Any special hairdryer/ hair dryer temperature etc)
Always use a professional hairdryer as the heat and speed will give you great, fast results. I’m a big fan of the brand Parlux for value for money or if you are looking for something more high end then GHD professional hairdryers look flash and give an amazing finish.
10. You specialise in colour; for anyone who’s a bit unsure what to ask for, or maybe even what suits them, are there any tips how to figure that out what to go for?
If you look at the colours in your wardrobe it can generally give you a good indication on what colours you are drawn to which will often simulate what suits you. I.e. if you wear a lot of coral, pink or mustard you are most probably more suited to warm shades where as if you find your wardrobe is filled with more grey, blue or purple then the cool route is most probably your thing!
11. What trends/styles do you predict are or become popular in 2019?
Experimental colour is definitely a thing for 2019. Due to the extreme amount of experimental colour that we are exposed to via social media, it’s created a real buzz around it . This means people are a lot more open with colour. This does not necessarily mean EVERYONE wants to be bold and bright, but it has opened people’s minds to be ready for change and open to playfulness. When people are more open it encourages a wider range of ideas and concepts and a less obvious one off trends you can pinpoint. Stand outs for me however are play on tone – which is the use of playful hues such as coral, rose , blorange and pearl and Beautifully Blended colour which is multi-tonal colour that has a seamless transition. This is very similar to what I have created on your hair, Faya. It’s colour where you can’t quite pinpoint where one colour ends and another starts.
12. Rose and Wild is the most remarkable, cosy and comforting salon I’ve been to; what was the inspiration behind it?
I wanted to create a space that is more than just a salon but a feel good location . A go-to happy place for clients and the colourists to enjoy also. To achieve this it meant I needed to create a space that was relaxed, lived-in and comfortable . When researching and flicking through millions of interior design pictures on Pinterest it was clear it needed a homely feel so I decided to create a kind of Instagramable living room that wasn’t afraid to be playful with colour. I worked with an incredible designer Gillian smith and she helped to bring the dream alive. Each area of the salon has a different colour palette which means you partake in a kind of salon journey experience in each area you move from the consultation to the hair colouring stations and then the hair spa.
13. What made you decide to work in hair?
I originally trained in theatre and decided to learn a skill that I could have to do in between auditions etc but I totally fell in love with the feeling you get when you make someone feel and look amazing each and every time you do their hair . A chef once said to me, you don’t know how lucky you are to be client facing and you constantly receive praise and thanks and it’s totally true. It’s like daily therapy haha I now also have the added bonus of being creative and designing campaigns and sharing my knowledge internationally by educating colourists wishing to update their skills. It really is a phenomenal diverse and interesting industry to work in.
14. You’re super inspiring – you manage to seemingly do the impossible – see clients, teach, travel, you recently got married – and meanwhile opening your own salon! How do you find the time and still have abundance of positive energy left over?
Time management and balance is what we are all seeking and and if I’m totally honest I always feel I could do it better, but I think what has worked best for me is to assign specific time and energy in what I’m doing at the moment and nothing else. I allow days for administrative things and that only and when I’m teaching or in salon I will be in the moment and focus my time on that and that only. My phone can often cause distraction so I’ve learnt to put it in a different room or away in my bag if I’m doing something or with people that need my full attention and time ( my husband included)
Rose and Wild is a remarkable salon, from the moment you walk in and instantly feel relaxed. It’s like being cocooned in soft, pink tranquil macaroon. It’s fresh and clean but cosy, and is stunning but not pretentious, rather inviting and warm. If you’re seeking a colour miracle too, here is your destination:
Rose & Wild Hair 61 New Kings Road SW6 4SE
Happy monday. Faya x
The post HAIR HEALTH & COLOUR MIRACLES! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.
from Health And Fitness Updates http://fitnessontoast.com/2019/04/15/hair-health-colour-miracles/
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