#also poor har always having to deal with spider-man questions
ask-spiderpool · 2 years
How did Harry react to Spider-Man coming out publicly as bisexual?
You're in the wrong place to ask Harry questions, anon dearest! He has his own blog @ask-harryosborn - though, whether he wants to talk about Spider-man...
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timeagainreviews · 6 years
“I call people dude now!”
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Hello friends! Over the weekend I had myself a pretty difficult time. I learned a friend of mine is dying and there’s nothing that can be done for it. Because of this, I am not sure how long or thought out this article will be. I might just touch on some key elements from last night’s episode. Either way, I do have half of a Twin Peaks article written, and Edge of Destruction has been viewed, so expect those soon. Also, a friend of mine asked me to submit an article for her zine, and I will be writing that for both this and the zine. You can probably expect that one soon as well!
So far Chris Chibnall has proven to be an interesting showrunner. I’ve not hidden my disdain for his writing at times, but in other ways, I really do enjoy his work. His scripts have the tendency to be like a box of bran cereal with a really cool toy at the bottom. There’s a lot that works, and there’s a lot that doesn’t. One of my biggest issues with "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship," was how dour and depressing it was at times. With a title like that, you’d expect something more lighthearted. When I saw the trailer for last night’s episode, my biggest hope would be that it was more akin to "Gremlins 2." Something kind of camp and silly, which in some ways we did get.
The episode opens in a large hotel in Sheffield. A man named Jack Robertson (a Donald Trump proxy) is discussing the logistics of a vague problem that could "cost [him] in 2020." The woman he’s speaking to, Frankie, is his niece’s wife, though he had to be reminded of this. So far, we don’t like this guy much. His bodyguard waits to whisk him off to his plane, while he tells Frankie to make their problem disappear, though she’s not so sure it’s that easy. Before they can discuss this any further, they are interrupted by a woman named Najia Khan, the general manager of the hotel. She’s there to check up on things before the grand opening. Very callously Robertson fires her (further solidifying his Donald Trump status, and his role as the hotel owner) seemingly for interrupting his nefarious meeting. He gives Frankie and hour to "make this all go away."
Before saying anything else, I would like to talk about that time vortex sequence! How cool was that? The last time we saw the time vortex in such intimate detail was "Timelash," which if you ask the fandom, was pretty bad. (Though I sorta love it for that.) Elements of it reminded me of the hyperspace scenes from "Babylon 5," and other elements reminded me of "Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure," how you could take certain avenues to sort of dial a point in time. The way the sequence segues into the console room was a beautiful bit of production value series eleven has needed. (Even those god-awful closeups were missing!)
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Watching the Doctor and her companions all fly the TARDIS, was kind of great. I was reminded of the scene in "Journey’s End," when the Doctor and his friends pilot the TARDIS together. I loved the idea of her still getting used to the controls. If you’ve not watched the video on YouTube of the production crew talking about the TARDIS interior, you really should. It’s a lovely glimpse into the design process. Not to be outshone, the exterior of the TARDIS, in its brilliant aqua blue, lands in Sheffield. This may be one of the Doctor’s best landings ever. She’s in Sheffield, it’s the right period, they’re right outside Yaz’s, and it’s only been thirty minutes since they were teleported away from the warehouse into the depths of space.
The Doctor made good on her promise- she brought her friends home. Looking like a kicked puppy, it’s more than obvious she doesn’t want to say goodbye. Yaz, picking up on this, invites her and the others up for tea. It’s a rather sweet scene. Graham, who’s not yet had any downtime to mourn since the funeral, decides to nip back home for a moment. Ryan offers to join, but Graham needs to do it alone. It’s a nice bit of character development between them. I rather loved it.
While heading into Yaz’s flat, the Doctor notices a worried woman trying to reach the occupant of a flat a couple doors down. She also notices a bit of spiderweb but doesn’t pay it much mind. Yaz lives with her family still, and we’re introduced to her dad and sister. I’ve been saying how I wanted a bit more Yaz, and this episode really delivers. Her dad is pretty much instantly likeable. He’s excitable, friendly, and has a personal project of keeping rubbish in the living room, or "evidence," as he calls it. It’s a conspiracy! Yaz’s sister is the typical bratty little sister. The banter they share was also charming. She teases Yaz that she’s surprised she even has friends. Yaz is usually too married to her job to worry about friends. Yaz counters with “At least I have a job to be married to.” I like sassy Yaz.
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The Doctor is being her usual self- a bit weird. Marvelling at a couch is not exactly normal. Historically, she’s always been rather enamoured with the mundane elements of human life. Things like having a flat, going to work, watching a bit of telly, are all parts of a life she can never have. Yaz’s sister, Sonya, probes Ryan about his relationship to Yaz. She clearly has the hots for him. Yaz’s father, Hakim, wants to know if the police have followed up on the rubbish he’s collected. Before she can answer, Yaz’s phone rings revealing Najia to be her mother on the other end. She tells her she needs a ride home from work. (If you recall from my "The Woman Who Fell to Earth," review, I wondered if she didn’t have a mother, well she does!)
The sisters’ bickering as Yaz leaves, reminds the Doctor of her sisters. It also reminds her of the time she was a sister at an aqua-hospital, that actually turned out to be a training camp for the "Quiston Calcium Assassins." Ryan responds with "Going off on one again…" Which is what she’s doing right? Going off on a little tangent. Then why is it that the line really irked me? The Doctor is known for always telling stupid little stories, but this one really got to me. It’s right up there with suddenly having Audrey Hepburn or maybe Pythagoras’ sunglasses in her pockets. It’s a question of when. When would she have been a sister with some order of nuns?
The Doctor has always been male leading up to this point. So when would she be a woman in a past life to do this? When in this life would she have done this and not had Ryan around to have witnessed it first hand? If it’s just Chibnall trying to be cute, he’s really bad at it. It leaves you asking the wrong kind of questions, and for me, actually took me out of the story for a moment. Another implication is some "The Brain of Morbius" level fuckery indicating that the First Doctor, is not in fact, the first incarnation, which you could make an argument for. The War Doctor didn’t go as "the Doctor," which makes him "The War Doctor," and not "The Ninth Doctor." Another implication is that one of the past incarnations had a bit of a drag phase, which I could actually see. Both Two and Three have dressed in drag before. Either way, it’s a bad line and Chibnall should feel bad. (Ok rant over)
The Doctor notices that the Khans have a parcel to pick up from the neighbour down the way.  She offers to go pick it up while Yaz’s dad cooks his terrible pakora. We’re now back with Graham at his home. We see more of that portentous spiderweb. The house is empty and feels lifeless. It’s the first time he’s been back home since Grace died and is haunted by her essence, as depicted by having Sharon D Clarke actually there as Grace. She talks to him about all of the little things around the house he’ll need to remember to keep the house in working order. He indicates that he has something else to tell her, but it’s left unsaid. He sits and smells her clothes, trying to remember her. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one can immediately identify with this. I found these moments with Graham and Grace very effective. He’s interrupted by a sound up in Ryan’s room, where he finds massive strands of spider web, and the moulted exoskeleton of a spider the size of a house cat.
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Graham isn’t the only one dealing with large spiders though. The Doctor and Ryan are about to discover these overgrown arachnids themselves. The parcel they’re picking up is at the same flat where the woman, we now know as Jade, was trying to reach her friend Anna. They both work in the same lab at their uni. After confirming Anna may be in trouble, the Doctor sonics the door open. Inside, the flat is covered in the same webbing as Ryan’s room. I’m reminded of "Mulholland Drive," where Naomi Watts and Elena Harring search the apartment of Diane Selwyn. Rather horrified, they discover the body of poor Anna, cocooned in spiderweb. "Spiders don’t do that, do they?" asks Ryan, but the Doctor asks a more important question- where is the spider that did this now?
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Many people are squeamish about spiders. My mate Gerry’s wife sat this episode out, due to an intense dislike of the little creatures. Which is why I found myself rather amused when they finally show the spider, and it’s actually a bit cute. It’s a brown house spider, once again, about the size of a cat, but it is rather aggressive toward the Doctor, Ryan and Jade. Using some quick thinking, the Doctor uses vinegar and garlic paste to keep the spider quarantined, as the noses in spiders’ feet are sensitive to these substances. She creates a sort of perimeter around the spider which seems to work. Now outside the flat, they meet up with Graham who has also seen some freaky stuff today! Graham gives Ryan a sealed letter that he found back home. It’s from his father, who if you remember correctly, didn’t attend Grace’s funeral. The Doctor asks Jade to take her back to the lab where she’s been testing on spiders. Hakim and Sonya are having pakora alone tonight it would seem. 
The Doctor tells Jade she thinks she knows more than she leads on. She questions Jade about their experiments, but Jade defends their practices. They’ve been doing everything within the law. The spider carcasses are disposed of by a special containment unit. She doesn’t know why the spiders are mutating. Jade has been plotting out instances of giant spiders on a map in the lab. In what may be one of the most overused tropes in cinema history, the Doctor connects the dots with a series of lines all pointing to one centre point. It’s a bit stupid when you realise she could have just pointed at the centre point of the dots to the exact same effect, but that wouldn’t look as cool right? The centre point is, of course, the hotel Najia just got fired from, where she’s still waiting for Yaz.
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Frankie walks through a pair of doors marked with danger warnings, into an underground tunnel that looks like rock that’s been excavated by human hands. It’s full of spider web. Timid and afraid, Frankie moves forward with her camera phone but is taken suddenly to her doom by an offscreen spider. Back in the lobby, Jack Robertson and Kevin confront Najia and Yaz who has just arrived. I was slightly frustrated by the fact that Kevin pulls a gun on Yaz and she doesn’t mention once that she’s a police officer. Not once does she cite any kind of statute or even try and calm the situation as a police officer. They explain that Yaz was there to pick her up, but feeling antagonistic, Robertson wants to show Yaz how bad her mother is at her job, and why he fired her. He takes them to a room full of spider web.
While in the room, Yaz thinks she hears something through the walls but is called away by the Doctor who is now outside the hotel with Jade, Ryan, and Graham. Still in the room, Kevin and Robertson are confronted by a very large spider, about the size of a car. Robertson very cowardly leaves Kevin as bait as he’s dragged into the depths underneath the hotel to his death. Poor Kevin.
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The Doctor, using psychic paper (a nice callback I was hoping to see) tells Robertson she’s there on official business and goes about looking for the source of the spiders. Ryan and Graham know exactly who he is, as he’s a bit famous. Their standing there grinning like idiots at Robertson was cute. I loved the bravery the Doctor shows when sticking her head into the giant spider-sized hole to get a peek, and what a peek she gets! She pulls her head back just in time as the giant spider lunges at her and they all sprint toward the exit of the hotel, which has now been completely webbed up, which it hadn’t been before. The spiders are trapping them in!
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The Doctor refers to Yaz’s mum since she knows the hotel so intimately. They go hide out in the kitchen where everyone begins asking questions. The Doctor doesn’t seem to know who Robertson is, much to his annoyance. She rather humorously asks if he’s the Ed Sheeran she’s been hearing so much about. Robertson, it turns out, is gunning for the presidency in 2020, mostly out of disdain for Trump. So he can’t be all bad, right? Robertson butts against the Doctor’s authority, but the companions in a sign of solidarity let him know with no uncertainty that she’s in charge. The Doctor sends Ryan and Graham to capture a spider for Jade to inspect and takes everyone else to find a map of the hotel.
Graham and Ryan find a spider and catch it in a cooking pot, only to get chased down the hall by an agitated army of arachnids. It’s about the closest the spiders get to being actually scary in the entire episode. If you don’t suffer from arachnophobia, it’s really rather tame. The true villain, as it turns out, is capitalism. It’s revealed that Robertson built the hotel on top of an old mine that was used as a landfill. It’s a profitable endeavour from his perspective. Get paid to cart off a bunch of rubbish, find use for a disused mine, and build a lavish resort on top of it! This explains the rubbish Mr Khan had been finding sprouting up all around Sheffield. While looking over maps, Najia wants to know how Yaz knows the Doctor and even asks if they’re in a relationship. The Doctor naively asks Yaz if they are, as she’s been ignorant to this sort of thing in the past. (Be still my heart.) They find the entrance to the mine on the map and set off.
As they barge past the danger doors, Robertson protests, trying to use his powerful status to keep everyone from discovering his dirty secret. He tries to stop Najia, and in what may be the best line of the episode she defiantly looks him in the eye and says "You’re not the boss of me anymore." Oof. Good one, girl. Now inside, they find the bodies of Frankie, Kevin, and several others, all of whom met the same fate as poor Anna. Even the callous Robertson can’t hide the tinge of guilt on his face, though it doesn’t stop him from pocketing Kevin’s web caked gun. Anna, who had spider pheromones on her from the lab, attracted spiders to her home from this location. (Why neither Jade nor the lab had been affected, or why they were attracted to the O'Brien homestead is anyone’s guess.) In a very "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," moment, it’s revealed that the toxic waste of gases building up, and the improperly disposed spider carcasses created a sort of mutagenic stew to breed giant mutant spiders. It’s all a rather stupid explanation, but I kind of love it for that. It was Laird and Eastman’s Doctor Who. I’m all for it.
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Back in the kitchen, Jade tells Ryan and Graham she needs a bigger specimen, which basically is only written in as an excuse to give the two of them something to do. It’s a bit sloppy and doesn’t go anywhere. It does, however, give us a nice opportunity to have a bit of a heart to heart between Graham and Ryan. Ryan tells Graham that he read the letter from his father. He mentions he doesn’t like that his father referred to himself as the only proper family Ryan had left, indicating that he still thinks of Graham as family. Does this mean we might hear him call Graham "Granddad," soon? Their heart to heart is cut short, however, when they are confronted in the ballroom by a giant spider.
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Once again, the spiders aren’t very scary, as the two of them escape rather quickly and they’re back in the kitchen. Why the kitchen has been established as the safest place in the hotel, is still unknown, but Yaz’s mum said! Robertson reveals he has a panic room installed in the hotel. He has one in every hotel, as he’s a bit of a paranoid guy. When he had it installed in case the poor ever decided to rise up and eat the rich, I’ll bet he didn’t foresee them being spiders! The panic room has an ocular scanner, a small green laser that really should have blinded him if I’m being honest, but hey, it looks cool! In the panic room, Robertson has enough food and drink to survive for six months. He also had a rather swank entertainment system with a flat screen and giant speakers. Using Ryan’s phone, the Doctor devises a plan! (Always with Ryan’s phone, that one.)
The next sequence is something akin to the campiness I was hoping we would get from this episode- hip hop spiders! Drawn to the sick beats from Ryan’s phone, and Robertson’s sound system, the spiders all gather inside the panic room where the Doctor and her friends trap them inside. Robertson, however, has become increasingly paranoid in the face of being the least powerful man in the room and has decided to take refuge in the safety of his gun.
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The Doctor puts together a very "Ghostbusters," style backpack garden sprayer filled with peppermint and tea tree oil diluted in water. She plans on using this natural spider repellant as a way to wrangle the big spider that chased Graham and Ryan in the ballroom. After all, there’s the Sheffield Comic Con there in a week, they need it empty! However, the spider is behaving strangely. Under the weight of its own mass, the poor beast is struggling to breathe. The Doctor takes pity on it, and apologises to it, as she knows it’s going to die. Then the real monster enters the room in the form of Robertson wielding a gun. He fires a single shot into the spider, killing it, and angering the Doctor.
Now back at their homes, the companions all seem to be slightly removed from their roots. Before walking out of her flat, Yaz is told by Najia she still wants to know how she came to know the Doctor. There’s a sort of Jackie Tyler "I want to know who my daughter is out galavanting with," element to her questioning that I liked. They all convene back at the TARDIS, still parked outside Yaz’s. The Doctor invites them in, expecting to have to say goodbye. Instead, they decide they would rather travel with her. Graham says he’d rather grieve with her, than in an empty house. Ryan has no desire to resume working in a warehouse, and Yaz wants to see the universe. I rather like the responsibility the Doctor has been taking with her companions’ safety, as she tells them in no certain terms, that travelling with her will be dangerous. They all accept, and the Doctor christens their new "fam," as "the TARDIS team." Then, all together, they pull the lever and the TARDIS takes them on their next adventure!
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And that’s it, really. Which I must say, was a bit disappointing. Not the entire episode, but the ending. It sort of fizzled out. While I was actually rather pleased to see the spiders weren’t treated as big evil monsters, it would have been nice to actually have some sort of final showdown. Maybe Ryan gets webbed up and they had to save him before it was too late. Something. Sadly, most of the danger was short-lived, or off camera. Also, what actually happened with the spiders? Will they spend the rest of their lives listening to garage beats? How many of them were still out in the wild? Did the waste get cleaned up? Will there be a public outcry? Are there more people dead in their homes, wrapped in a gauze of spider web? What’s the difference between killing spiders outright, and starving them in a panic room? Lots of unanswered questions.
I liked that they gave us more interior shots of the TARDIS. I liked that the console room still has Gallifreyan written somewhere. With as much change as the show has gone through, it’s nice to see that continuity. Speaking of change, Jodie Whittaker continues to sparkle as the Doctor. But I did have some issues with her role in this episode. Aside from wrangling spiders, and figuring out what was happening, the Doctor doesn’t actually do much in the episode. I mean, did she do anything to ensure this won’t continue to happen?
While I rather liked Jack Robertson’s campy turn as the villain, even his story seemed to fizzle out. Considering the Doctor had once taken down the prime minister with six words, I expected her to give Robertson a warning or something. But alas, he, like every villain this season, lives to fight another day. Doctor Who writer Paul Magrs said on twitter recently that Missy would have made them into mincemeat by now, and I’m inclined to agree. The Doctor and her crew have yet to really face a truly terrifying foe. The stakes have been disappointingly low. I’m beginning to expect we’ll see a sort of legion of men scorned by the Doctor come together at the end of this series. Perhaps they’ll form a society of the Doctor’s evil exes. Is this all turning out to be one big metaphor for misogyny? Maybe. Regardless, I must say I rather enjoyed this one.
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theliterateape · 4 years
Interview with The Ten Year-Old | New Year's Edition
By Brian Sweeney
This is an in-depth New Year’s interview with my girlfriend's 10-year-old daughter, Charlotte.
This is 100 percent real.
So, Charlotte, how old are you?
And when is your birthday?
June 8, 2009.
So this is the second time you’ve been around for the end of a decade. Do you remember when you were almost six months old and it changed from 2009 to 2010?
Yeah. It felt like 2018 went around twice.
I don’t know!
Okay. When you were almost six months old do you remember it turning to 2010?
I don’t remember turning it to 2010, but I do remember when it was turning to 2015 and I remember saying, “I’m gonna miss 2014.”
And was that the last time you were happy?
You weren’t even happy then?
Have you ever been happy?
Do you think in 2009 you were happy?
So this decade marks your sadness.
Of course.
Does it feel any different that it’s the end of a decade and not just the end of a year?
[shrugs and makes “I don’t know” sound]
What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
I don’t know. A lot of good things happened. And a lot of bad things happened.
Okay. What’s the best thing? The single best thing?
Name one good thing that happened. Anything good.
I got two cute figurines.
Okay. Anything that happened in your life that wasn’t just acquiring something?
[My best friend] got a phone.
Is there anything that happened to you that resonated emotionally with you?
You can’t think of one good thing aside from—
Hold on! I’m thinking!
I learned how strong I am against Mike.
No. You can’t talk about beating up your little brother as the one good thing that happened this year.
Ugh! Uh…
One good thing.
Uh… Uh… I don’t… Ugh…
Let’s move on since that’s a really hard question for you. Pick three words to describe this past year.
Very. Awkward. Lifetime.
A lifetime? It’s only one year. They can be three separate words that don’t make a sentence.
Okay. Weird… [long pause]
Hey! All right. Weird. Exciting. And derpy.
What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
Now I’m stronger.
Physically and mentally.
Mentally you’re stronger?
I don’t freaking know.
Doesn’t seem like you’re mentally stronger if one question makes you fall apart like that.
What was the biggest thing that you’ve learned this past year?
I learned that the human body sucks.
What advice would you like to give yourself as you begin the new year?
[stands up] Stop👏🏻 being👏🏻 a stupid👏🏻 idiot👏🏻.
I don’t think you’ll be able to do that.
Aww. Now I’m sad.
What was the best way you used your time this past year?
YouTube. And actually having fun with myself.
You had fun with yourself?
I know. It’s depressing.
How do you have fun with yourself?
When I’m just enjoying myself in, ah, very mysterious ways.
What would you be most happy about completing in the new year? Like, what is a project that you—
I don’t have any projects.
This is a terrible interview.
I know.
What would you most like to change about yourself?
[stands up] Me stopping👏🏻 being👏🏻 a stupid👏🏻 idiot👏🏻.
What brings you the most joy in life?
I think what brings me joy is making jokes about me being a stupid idiot.
What musical artist would you like to see live in concert this next year?
Does it have to be a music star?
Does a musical artist have to be a musical artist? I don’t know what the hell that question means.
I want to see Bobby Duke. Bobby Duke is a wood art designer. He’s super talented and he’s just as funny and just as much of a stupid idiot as me.
Aw. No one’s as stupid as you.
[Charlotte throws a pillow at my head.]
Speaking of—
[Charlotte gets up and starts dancing and waving her arms around]
What is this?
I don’t know! I really don’t! Okay?
Is this what you do—
—when you’re by yourself?
No! I swear!
So, Bobby Duke... There’s a monster named The Babadook. Do you know that?
I’ll ask the question again that you answered Bobby Duke the wood artist, for some reason: What musical artist would you like to see live in concert this next year?
Melanie Martinis?
I don’t know how to say her last name!
Oh! [laughs] I’m so sorry! I’m sorry, Melanie! I’m so sorry!
Is Melanie Martinez your favorite now?
Uhh… Yeah.
Do you want hair like she has?
Probably. Sometime in my life.
Which one would you have?
The black and white hair.
How would you like your fashion style to be different this year?
I don’t know. Wear a little more black.
Where would you like to vacation this year? Anywhere in the world.
I said anywhere in the world and you picked two states over.
I like Ohio!
But if I came to you and said, “Hey, I have tickets to Hawaii or we could go to Ohio—”
Well, Hawaii has problems of its own.
What are you talking about?
I have no idea.
Do you think I’m saying you shouldn’t go to Ohio because of the “problems?” I’m just saying out of everywhere in the world, the place you would most want to go to is a state right next to us that you’ve been to before. As opposed to, like, the Galapagos Islands, the Bahamas, Japan. Okay. Ohio.
What is a relationship deal breaker for you?
The first thing that came to my head was if they were racist— A couple things. One, if they support Trump. Two, if, like, I’m not blaming them, but if they genuinely really like bugs. I don’t—I hate bugs. Unless if it’s like a butterfly or a moth.
If they were like, “I’m really into bugs, I have a bunch of bugs at home…”
No. Go away. Where’s my gun?
But what if it’s Charlotte the spider? The spider you were named after. You of all people should like spiders. Peter Parker doesn’t hate spiders.
Who’s Peter Parker?
Oh my God. Frickin’ Spider-Man!
I forgot!
Do you want kids?
Well, I guess I would like kids, but, to be honest, I wouldn’t like to—this is weird to say—I maybe wouldn’t want to start, like, raising them. A baby is a lot of hard work, so I bet if I really wanted kids I would adopt a kid.
Past baby age?
I would want them to be, like, around six or seven, where they’re past the baby age, they can talk mostly, but like, there’s half of me that does like kids because, like, it’s cute, they’re fun, nice conversations about them, but also, you have to pay for everything. They don’t come for free. For education and school it’s a lot, and you gotta provide food, you gotta provide toys, you gotta provide, like, everything. So, I want to live kind of cheap. So a lot of me likes the idea of having children, but another part of me is like—if I do end up having a kid, adopted or [biologically], then I’m probably gonna make the man pay for all of it.
Okay, I’m now going to ask you questions that I asked you last year and see what your answers are now. Do you believe in ghosts?
This is a big change. Last year when I asked you said “No.”
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, but when I do I make ghosts seem cool. Like, legit cool. Actually cool to be around. Not horror ghosts or something. Just cool. Decent. Nice. Like a ghost you could hang out with.
What's something you hope you grow out of?
What did I say last year?
“Biting my freakin' nails and toenails!”
[Charlotte laughs almost to the point of hyperventilating] Probably, this is a weird thing I do, and I’m being very real. Whenever I get a stuffed animal, I always treat them like they’re an actual person. If I accidentally drop poor Ramen [the stuffed bear] here, I’ll actually feel sad that I hurt him or something. And whenever I have a plushie or something, I’ll always have feelings for them. If I neglect them then I’ll feel sorrow for it.
What would be the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend?
I would want them not to be super jacked or anything. I would like a nice, decent figure. I would want them to be cute in a situation and like something would be funny. I would want them to be kind, of course. I would definitely want them to like drawing and art. Not if they’re good or bad at drawing, but they have nice interests. I would like them to accept how weird and dumb I am and how I make bad decisions pretty much all the time.
What are you most proud of about yourself?
Probably my personality. I am very proud of my personality and how I am.
What is the one thing people always misunderstand about you? 
I think they don’t realize that I’m self-conscious a lot.
Because you are silly a lot so people are like, “Charlotte doesn’t care?”
Yeah. But, a lot of the time I’m self-conscious about how I look, how I act, how people think of me. Not really how they think of me, but more how do I look? And how do I act? Am I acting dumb? Stupid and like an idiot? So, yeah.
What is on your bucket list?
Making money off of art. That’s the one thing that I do want to do in life. Actually selling art or something.
What is your biggest flaw?
I guess being ignorant in a lot of situations. Not so much being like, dumb on purpose or on accident. But just ignorant and not knowing things that I should. Like knowing that math will actually help you in the future.
That’s what you said last year. Math.
Oh. Yeah. I hate math.
What's the most important thing that guys should understand about girls?
Please don’t interact with us if you know a girl has their period.
What is your favorite word?
It’s not an actual word, but it’s something that I say a lot, “whoop dee-doo.” If I’m sarcastic I’ll be like, “whoop dee-doo.” If I’m happy I’ll be like, “whoop dee-doo!” If I’m just bored and want to create a word I’ll say, like, “har har hardy doo.” I do a “dee doo.” Again, it’s more of an expression than an actual word.
Where did you get “whoop dee-doo” from?
I have no idea. I think I just like started making myself say it. I don’t mean, like, I made it up. But, I feel like it’s a Char thing. Like my catchphrase.
What is our favorite curse word?
[giggles] Uh… Probably just the classic “fuck.”
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