#also percy jackson releases in 10 DAYS hopefully that will be good so i can hyperfixtate on it for a few months
ivarismaybecrazy · 5 months
Pirates SMP ended today, as did Decked Out. Secret Life is definitly ending next week (where the hell is my sweater im so upset please it hasn't even been shipped yet aaaaAAAAAA-) and Hermitcraft Season 9 is winding down. New Life flopped HARD, and the holiday season is coming up.
In summary, we're entering MCYT drought season. Buckle up, this'll be a while.
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bookcub · 5 years
11 Questions
I got tagged in a bunch of these, so I’m doing them in one go XD
@aliteraryprincess‘s questions 
What was your most anticipated book of 2018?  Did it live up to your expectations? Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor!!! And yes, it did. I thought it was amazing, great book and great conclusion. 
What’s your first read of 2019? Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
Any favorite TV shows based on books? I’m more about comic books becoming tv series. I was into The 100 for a while, but I dropped it in season 3. 
What was the last book you read in translation? Oh, The Mulatto maybe? It’s a short story and I’m pretty sure it was originally written in French. I liked it a lot and it was about slavery and a low key thriller. 
If you could have a pet from any book/series, what would you want? Okay, so he’s not a pet, he is Sylvie’s best friend, but Ebon from Pegasus. Because I will always want a pegasus bff. 
Are there any genres that you never read? I say horror, but I read the more psychological stuff. And I rarely read non fiction, but I will read it every now and then. I keep saying I’ll never read New Adult again, but I keep getting intrigued by the synopsis and I’m always disappointed. 
Do you have a favorite classic? Anne of Green Gables is a classic, right? Cause that’s my favorite. But I like quite a few. 
What book-to-movie adaptation would you completely remake?  Why? Percy Jackson!!! Although, I’d just record the musical, which was brilliant on 18 different levels. The movie completely missed the point of the books, misinterpreted all the characters, and  the plot made no sense??? Musial was much better. 
What was your least favorite read of 2018? Enemies Like These by PK Gardner, maybe? It was painful to read. 
Are there any authors whose books you automatically buy no matter what? Brigid Kemmerer and Sarah Rees Brennan. 
What was the last book you bought? I don’t buy many books. I either get them at book sales or on a rare treat. I usually go to the library. But I think it was .69 for the complete collection of Anne of Green Gables as an e collection. Or the short story Atoning by Kelley Armstrong, spin off to Darkest Powers. Can’t remember which I bought first. Unless you want to count books I buy for school. Then The Last September, which I never read. 
@booklisted‘s questions
1. Who do you always trust to give you book recommendations? My mom XD. Although are tastes have started to differ more as I have gotten older.
2. What do you look for in a bookstore? I don’t go to book stores. And theres only one local one and it’s . . . fine. But I don’t trust BAM. 
3. What is a book you loved as a child, only to go back to it as an adult and not like? Turns out baby me and adult me see eye to eye on most books. This wasn’t when I was a child per se, but I did like House of Night when I first read it and now I hate it. The whole series is ridiculous. I read EIGHT of them, what a waste of time. 
4. What is a book you thought you were going to hate, but then were surprised by? Hmmm, most classics I like. I didn’t expect to love The Storyteller as much as I do. Thought it was going to be predictable fluff. 
5. What book did you identify with most strongly as a teenager? Like, every other book I picked up.
6. Did you have phases of reading certain types of books growing up? Describe them! I haven’t outgrown any reading phases. I still love fantasy, children’s and YA. I just keep expanding them. 
7. Have you ever received a book as a present or recommendation which you didn’t like? Did you tell the person? Pretty sure yes. But I can’t think of any examples. 
8. Have you met any of your favourite authors? If so, who? I met V E Schwab at a book signing. She was nice. 
9. If you are reading something written originally in a different language, how much do you care about the translation/translator? A lot!!! I started this one book, The Book Jumper. The translation was sloppy and stiff and choppy. It felt like a child wrote it. I couldn’t read more than a few chapters. The Storyteller was stunningly translated, straight up lyrical. Very easy to read and I got lost in the writing. Pretty sure they were both German too. 
10. What is the strangest book you’ve ever read? Hm. I want to say The Dust of 100 Dogs by A. S. King. It was about a girl who was cursed to live 100 lives as a dog before she could be human again. Most of it was her 102nd life when she was a girl again. She referenced her past lives, and went to search for her treasure and her hopefully reincarnated boyfriend. Not bad. But strange. 
11. One book you would give a 12y/o child to read? One??? Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City by Kristen Miller cause it’s amazing and most people give 12 year olds books about boys and a lot of the same ones over and over. 
@thereadingchallengechallenge‘s questions
What’s your favourite book at the moment? I always go back to The Name of the Wind
Did you read all the books you wanted to in 2018? Lol NOPE 
Did you discover any new favourite authors or books this year? 
Any book recommendations? We could be here all day, just check myy-book-recs tag for more detailed recs. 
What’s your favourite fairy tale? Probs Beauty and the Beast 
Are you looking forward to any new releases? Brigid Kemmerer’s new book 
What genre do you read the most? YA cause I can’t stop 
What’s your favourite book-to-movie adaptation? Stardust cause I like the movie more. And To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. 
Any reading or book-related goals for 2019? My goodreads challenge is like 70 books. 
What do you think will be your last read of 2018? It was Dumplin 
Have you read any books by Australian authors? Yes, Marianne Curley who wrote the Guardians of Time. A few others, but I forget them now. 
@darkestwings‘s questions 
Do you have any pets? Nope 
What is your favorite thing about winter? SNOW!!! COLD!!!! BLANKETS!!!! COCO!!!! 
What was the last book you read? Puddin’ by Julie Murphy 
Talk about a fictional character who inspires you. Recently, Millie from Puddin’. She is so motivated and organized and determined and optimistic. I adored her!!! 
What is your number one pet peeve? I don’t know, so many things. Chewing with your mouth open bothers me to no end 
What is something you are proud of? . . . I can cook okay and bake better. 
Share some good advice you have received. It’s okay to fail
What is the last thing you bought (not counting groceries)? Movie tickets to Mary Poppins Returns 
Share the most useless piece of trivia you know. Dolly Parton was inspired to write “I Will Always Love You” after she wanted to leave a business relationship. Also, Elvis wanted the rights to the song but wasn’t willing to give her royalties. Whitney Housten made a much better deal, both crediting her and bringing the song to new levels. 
What was your first job? I volunteered at a library 
What rating system do you use for books? Five stars but I just kind of wing it. I’m not crazy consistent. 
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