#also not shown: Haelia crying because she thought she lost both Anders & Justice and now they're back
mediumsizedwildcat · 2 months
inspired by @aisieart's posts (both on tumblr & tiktok) a quick drabble
"Commander! Someone's at the gates!" The guard calls.
The Warden Commander joins them. "Huh? Are we expecting anyone? Is it a darkspawn? I swear if I encounter one more sentient darkspawn-"
"I think that's Anders," Nathaniel says from the Commander's side.
She narrows her eyes and tries to make out the figure. Indeed, it is Anders. The Commander jumps with joy and starts down the rampart.
Coming closer now, Anders lights up when he sees her. Justice does, too. She's been a good friend to both of them.
The Commander leaps into Anders' arms, hugging him as tightly as she can. It hurts a little, makes it hard to breathe, but Anders wraps his arms around her and holds her just as tight.
When they both have enough, they pull apart, and she looks Anders over. "You look bad," she huffs. "Haven't you eaten anything?"
Nathaniel, who had been following the Commander as if this was a pleasant walk, snorts. "Yeah, mage, anything besides templars?"
Anders glanced to the side as he murmured his answer, "You do something once..."
The Commander's eyes widened and she pulls off one of her gloves. She starts hitting Anders' shoulder. "Cannibalism? Really? What's next, blood magic? No, blood magic would've been understandable! Do I have to train sense back into your head?!"
Nathaniel snickered. "Didn't he blow up Kirkwall's chantry?"
The Commander let out a frustrated cry and put her efforts into Anders' other shoulder. "I'll start spraying you with water, Anders, I mean it! Just you wait until we find Justice, he'll right out duel you!"
Anders ducks under the glove assault, cringing. "Yeah, about that..."
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