#also ngl the first time I saw her I thought she was an android or a like ai assistant
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well hello hello! I have decided to draw @zomplush's oc Onyx! I love the design <33
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 years
Hey, just stumbled across your page and wanted to drop an askfor yandere Connor if your still open.
What about Connar with a regular darling, they're no cop or detective but came to the station to help out a friend. Lets say Gavin, they've been friends for years and while the reader is oblivious to Gavin's advances Connor is not. Which leads to him snapping, insue yandere activites.
If possible gn nutrual pronouns please, also I'm a sucker for soft Gavin and hardcore hc hes a "I hate everyone in the world but you" type of person
bestie ngl I hate gavin. I caNNOT write him to be a half decent person. Will you accept acquaintance Gavin who is kinda worried for your safety but really just wants you to get out of his hair so he can go back to doing nothing?
Lingerie is gender neutral, right? I think it is. Everyone deserves to feel sexy. 
oh wow i literally deviated from this ask so much im so sorry bestie let me know if you want me to redo it 
DBH Yandere!Connor x reader
(Warnings: stalking, yandere, non-con touching, implied non-con, incompetent police work lmao)
Despite past prejudges, Connor had quickly risen up to become a star detective.
He was extremely efficient, almost everyone he worked with could only sing high praises of him. His partner, Anderson, was quick to respond to his new place by his side, and there were talks of him becoming the first police android to ever be promoted.
You were happy for him. You really were. 
You just wished you would've been told of his staring problem.
Or maybe you were overreacting? Maybe he does this to everyone? You shuffle with your feet, awkwardly fumbling with your hands, trying to pretend the android wasn't raking his eyes over you, analyzing every nook, every feature, every secret you ever thought you could hide.
"Tin Can, the fuck are you looking at?" Gavin suddenly barked.
Connor only blinked, his LED whirrs yellow, before he turned back to his desk. Gavin glanced back at you. 
“Yeah,” He said, “What’d you say again?” 
You winced at his tone. It was condescending, bored. You honestly couldn’t blame him. You barely even knew the guy. He was an ex of a friend, the only thing you two knew of eachother were your names. He really didn’t have to care. 
You bit your lip. 
“Well,” You said, “It started a month ago. I-I don’t really know how to explain it but...I feel like I’m being watched all the time.” 
The grocery store, your workplace, even your goddamn bed at times. You constantly felt these eyes on you, watching you went, scrutinizing everything you did, recording every action you made. 
Gavin looks unimpressed. You quickly move on before he can interrupt and not-so-gently suggest paranoia and hypothetical drug use. 
“And-and I brushed if off at the time, but then I started finding things missing...” 
Now that caught Gavin’s attention. He rose a brow, looking at you with a flicker of interest. 
You nodded, “Like a few weeks ago I couldn’t find my hairbrush. And now it’s becoming bigger things, like: photos, books, clothing,” 
You decide against telling him of the more personal item that were taken. Like your red-laced underwear, swiped from your drawers. 
“I have security cameras, but whenever I try to look through the tapes, chunks of time are cut out. Like they’ve been messed with,” That or there’d be static covering the screen, interfering with anything that you could see. 
“Also...” You hesitate this time, your voice growing smaller, “Apparently my neighbor saw someone leave my apartment, just last night. She said it was a man.” 
Your boyfriend, you remembered your neighbor cheerfully telling you when you got back home yesterday. Your boyfriend had left your apartment. She looked too happy, too excited for your perceived romantic relationship. You didn’t have the heart to tell her you were single and you lived alone. 
Despite the dread you felt oddly relieved. You finally finally had proof. Something tangible. You weren’t imagining this. This wasn’t all in your head. 
Gavin nodded, propping back in his seat, “Did she anything about what he looked like? Any physical features. Does she know if he was an android or a human?” 
You faltered, “She-she said he was tall, dressed in a suit. Brown hair. She didn’t say he was an android. She wasn’t able to get a good look.”
Gavin hummed, he glanced over at his computer. 
Then, he sighs.
“Listen,” He finally said, “I know this sucks to hear...but we really can’t do anything with so little evidence.” 
At least he had the decency to look kind of apologetic. You felt angry, burning. You barely managed to squash it down, trapping it so you could hear him speak. 
“The most we can do right now is have an officer come by to check the place out. You can bring your cameras over and we’ll see if someone’s been tampering with them. But...again, that’s really all what we can do.” 
You told yourself to not expect much. The police weren’t known for their stellar service. But...was this really all what they could do? You had evidence. A witness. 
You briefly contemplate on really getting angry. Showing it. Screaming. 
But you were never that type of person, so instead you duck your head, pretending there isn’t a pit growing in your stomach. 
“Okay,” You finally said, “Thanks anyway.” 
He gives you a look of pity, showing a little more concern this time.  
“Hey uh,” Gavin reaches up to rub his neck, “If you don’t mind waiting. I could take you home. You-you okay with that?” 
You managed to smile, “I would really appreciate that. Thank you.” 
He nods, now much more relaxed, “Yeah-uh. Let me-let me go talk to the Captain. Just wait here.” 
He pulls himself from his seat, and you watch him disappear into a glass office.  Reed was a detective, years of high stress situations scrapping away the softness, leaving hard callouses. Despite it all, you appreciated the effort he put in to come across as kind of gentle to you. Like he was actually approachable.
He didn’t have to offer you a ride home. He didn’t have to offer you the comfort of talking to someone you knew, rather than another cop. He just did and you appreciated it. 
Still, the relief you wouldn’t be going home alone didn’t brush away the fear you felt. You were still alone in this fight. Gavin, the police, they couldn’t-no they didn’t- do shit. Was coming here a mistake? Did your stalker know that you’d even gone to the police? Would they get angry? Would they retaliate? 
You drew in a shaky breath. It was too much, this was too much. Maybe you should stay with someone else for a few days. Maybe you should move back in with your parents again. Some company might not shake the creep off but...but at least you’d feel safe. 
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t see the figure hovering. A hand tapped on your shoulder. You jumped. An apologetic smile greeted you. 
“I’m sorry,” Connor tilted his head, “I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
You shook your head, “No, no it’s fine, I-” You gave a breathy laugh. “I’ve just been a little jumpy lately, Detective.” 
Connor nods. He looks so alive right now. Filled to the brim with feelings. Its different than the looks he gave you when you first arrived to the precinct. Calculating. Emotionless. 
Guilt surges through you and you throw the rude thoughts away.
“Pardon me,” He says politely, “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with Detective Reed,” Of course he had, “ He said he was planning on accompanying you home, correct?” 
You give a nod, “Yeah...Is...is there a problem?” 
Connor seems to hesitate, “No, it’s just...The Detective has a lot of cases pending. I’m not sure if he’ll be able to assist you, at the moment.” 
For a second, you’re torn between feeling guilty for taking Gavin’s time, and indignant. In the end, politeness wins and you’re getting ready to ask Connor if he could tell Gavin you left already when he quickly rushes through his next words. 
“Instead, I am more than willing to take you home,” You look at him, “If, of course, you’re comfortable with it.” 
Connor definitely had a way of making you feel breathless. You weren’t expecting the sudden offer; it effectively caught you off guard. Relief flushes through your body and you give a smile. 
“Thank you,” You turn to look at the office Gavin disappeared in, “No really, I appreciate it.” 
Connor returns the smile. It’s a little more awkward, like he’s used to mirroring emotions rather than expressing them. He bends down to grab your stuff, politely handing them to you in with tentative hands, before ushering you out the precinct. 
Detroit winters aren’t kind, and a cold wind greets you from the door. The chill is enough to not make you care about the taxi waiting right by the sidewalk. You feel grateful to just slide into the warmed up seats, the detective close behind. Connor watches you type in your address with frigid fingers. He doesn’t speak until the car starts rolling. 
“You’re dehydrated,” He says. 
You look at him, confused. He gently taps the LED on his temple and you laugh. Right, it was an android thing. 
“I’m not really surprised,” You muttered, “I haven’t really been focusing on my health recently. Not with all the stress.” 
“So I’ve heard.” He glances at your hands. “Are you comfortable with talking about it?” 
His blunt curiosity is a breath of fresh air. You prefer it over the tiptoeing other people do, their looks of pity. It made you feel like you were some charity case.
 “No, I don’t really mind,” You’re sighing and the sudden exhaustion of the past few weeks is finally catching up to you. You feel your head droop a little, eyes a little less focused. 
“What do you wanna know?” 
“You’re thoughts, mostly,” He says, “How you feel about this...stalker.” 
You flinch. You’ve never used the word before. Usually you say ‘follow’, or something else that made this seem less serious than it actually was. Stalker, made things real. 
He’s noticing your sudden stillness, you wave off any attempts of reconciliation.
“No, no, it’s okay,” You’re laughing weakly, “It’s kind of what it is, though. Right?” 
“I guess, a part of me was kinda’ hoping this would all be over by now,” You say, “I’ve had some friend’s who’ve had obsessive ex’s. They usually followed them around, threatened whoever they were currently dating, but they’d eventually leave them alone.” 
You glance out the window, “I thought this would be the same, but...it isn’t.” 
“I’m angry, I guess,” You admit honestly, “Or at least, I try to be angry. I don’t know how but I...can just tell this person isn’t doing this out of malice. It’s-it’s just curiosity, for them.” 
It’s not out of revenge, nor out of any past issues you’ve had with others. And that’s the thing that really gets you. This isn’t out of any sort of feeling that you initiated. This was a person who was simply doing this, because they could. 
“You’re scared.” Connor states, something you’re reluctantly agreeing too. 
“Terrified,” You correct, “I-I just don’t know what they want from me, much less who they are. Lately I’ve been sleeping less that feels so vulnerable to be asleep when someone could be right out my window. It’s...it’s too much, I guess.” 
It felt good, to finally vent out your frustrations that you’d been holding in for weeks. You didn’t have to pretend that everything was okay. It levitates the dread of your chest, and you’re turning to look at Connor. He’s fallen silent, and for a moment you wonder if he hasn’t truly deviated because his eyes look so emotionless. Like he’s a machine. 
“I’m sorry,” Connor suddenly says. 
You’re turning to him, about to tell him not to apologize, that it’s not like he’s the one who’s torturing you, when you realize you have no idea where you are...and the car was slowing down. 
The car comes to a complete stop in an empty field, miles away from the city. When had you started derailing from the route? When had you stopped paying attention where you were going? What was he going to do-
“It was never my intention to scare you,” Connor said, casually reaching to put a hand on the controls. You watch his skin peel back. 
 “I was simply trying to document some things. Recon, if you will.” 
A bright Error appears on the screen. You hear the happy click of a car lock. 
“Though I may have miscalculated a few things,” Connor continues. You can barely hear him over the sound of your heartbeat, “Your neighbor, for instance. A small anomaly, yet it cost so much.” 
He sighed, like he was disappointed. 
“Would you like some water?” He suddenly asked, “I also have some food if you get hungry. We may be here awhile.” 
That hurled you off the edge. You immediately broke out into tears, desperately trying to squish yourself against the window. 
“I’m sorry-I’m sorry-I’m-I’m so so sorry,” You blubbered, “I don’t know what I did to you for this just please don’t hurt me just-” 
Connor reaches out to place a hand on your trembling thigh, cornering you. His touch appears to be out of comfort, but its too firm, too sensual to be anything but hunger. 
You flinch but you don’t fight back. You’re too scared to. The fear of what he might do if you make him angry tramples out any desire to fight. 
He hushes you and you can see a semblance of feeling has returned in his eyes. Its too dark to resemblance fondness. There’s a slight smile on his lips. 
“Don’t cry,” He kindly says, “I won’t hurt you but.” He tilts his head. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting impatient.” 
Your hands are over your mouth, and you’re staring at him with silent horror as he starts to pull out something familiar. 
Red and laced. 
“I haven’t seen you wear this, yet,” Connor muses, “It must be for a special occasion.” 
He leans forward, tone sickeningly polite. 
“Would you mind putting it on, just for me?” 
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
ngl josh reading to kids in his spare time sounds really cute, i bet he'd be a good dad
I made this a little sad but yes, Josh would definitely be a good dad :')
When he first came across a child model Josh didn't know what to say. He knew there were androids meant to simulate human offsprings but he'd never actually thought he'd meet one himself, or any child for the matter...
As a norm PJ500s did not exist in spaces where humans bellow the age of 16 or 18 congregated. They weren't programmed to teach bellow college program levels and thusly had no social protocols for children. Even privately owned tutor PJ-Series were meant to help with advanced studies on topics like socioeconomics and physics.
Talking to a child wasn't rocket science so Josh had failed terribly at it, if the look Simon had given him was anything to go by.
He'd sounded robotic when he spoke to the poor girl, and frankly he had felt ashamed that he not only frightened her but also couldn't find it in him to be welcoming towards her.
Simon had definitely been very upset with him for upsetting the poor thing...
The second time he met a child android was a little less awkward than the first. He'd practiced with Lucy's help. Loosened up a little on the whole teacher-student relationship protocols that tried to force their way into his general demeanor, and helped Simon settle in a pair of YK500s who had been on their way back to the shop after their mother (their owner) had perished on the ride back home from an evening at the bar. At the time he'd played it off cool, but something in the back of his mind had nagged at him that leaving two small children completely alone (even if they were androids), felt like negligent and reckless behaviour from someone who was trying to be a parent...
Josh had felt somewhat satisfied that he'd managed to work out how to talk to little kids. And some of them liked history, so it had fed them little tidbits of historical trivia he knew. The stuff that was age appropriate and non-violent of course. Simon would be furious if he divulged the need behind inventions like the guillotine or a trebuchet.
The third time he meets a child android isn't a moment he likes to remember. In fact, it's perhaps one of his most darkest moments...
He'd been roaming the streets in the late evening, marveling over the little privacy he got from sneaking out and hiding in plain sight. His model wasn't common and he rarely had left campus, so no one thought to look at the big tall guy with the baseball cap and the ratty jacket. He was just another figure walking through the crowd.
It felt like freedom, even if in the end he was just hiding behind a facade.
Josh had nearly missed it himself as he walked. The tiny figure laying in a heap of trash, completely ignored by those who walked right past him.
He looked like a child, but was met with no kindness or sympathy from the humans who'd grown apathetic towards android-kind. The moment they saw blue staining bellow the boy's nose they'd simply turned a blind eye and carried on marching, as if in an assembly line.
Josh had been revolted by this.
Had been so horrified and disgusted that he'd nearly let his anger boil over.
He'd taken the poor YK400 to Jericho, fueled by a gutteral seething rage that would have incinerated those around him if it had come off of him in waves like pure energy.
He'd taken care of the boy himself, the dark look in his eyes having deterred Simon and Lucy from advancing in his direction.
North hadn't bothered him that day either. Instead she curled up with him when he finally came out from behind the blinding veil of rage against humanity.
He cried like a baby that night, and he'd cry again for every single little boy and girl that came crawling into the derelight freighter that should have otherwise terrified any child.
Anything looked like sanctuary when the adults that promised to love and care for you suddenly decided you were not wanted anymore.
Josh starts teaching the YK-series not long after his third encounter. He does his damn hardest to not go onto the advanced topics right away, instead gradually evolving their classes so that the children can naturally adjust to the level changes.
They're eager learner's, especially Ezra who Josh has grown incredibly attached to since rescuing him. The poor boy attends his classes, but his thirium pump malfunctions cause him tremendous discomfort that require him to take short breaks.
That's all fine, because afterwards Josh will sit with him and tell him bedtime stories he's learned from Simon. He watches over Ezra as he sleeps and feels a comfortable warmth in his chest.
The day they leave Simon behind in Stratford is the same day Josh has to say goodbye to Ezra. It was a matter of time before his pump shorted out and Lucy had been watching out for the signs.
She finds him browsing through children's books he'd "borrowed" on his last secret excursion to the outside world, trying to forget that his friend is likely dead and gone by now, when the heavily damaged KL-series pulls him towards Ezra's corner.
The boy is terrified and in terrible pain, begging for his short little life. Josh doesn't cry. He holds the boy tightly and hums softly to him before he shuts down for good.
Lucy tries to comfort him but Josh doesn't look at her and doesn't speak. When North returns, crying over androids she hadn't known for more than a minute, he nearly loses his mind with anger.
He feels like she's betrayed him in some way, but he doesn't voice this. Instead he feeds into the growing argument between the both of them and gets out of dodge when Markus tells them to stop.
He only cries when Simon returns, blue blood splatters on his face and a slight limp to his tired geit.
He cries so hard his processor begins to stall.
Simon hums to him, just as Josh had done in Ezra's final moments.
It doesn't feel fair that children had to be in the crossfire of their fight against human oppression. Sadly life was rarely fair.
After the revolution Josh continues to teach the android children at the tower. They're all fond of classes, eager learners that they are, and they especially love the extra curricular activities Simon sets up for them, and Josh's bedtime reading sessions.
He wasn't meant to teach kids but he loves it so much he can't bring himself to give up on his teaching sessions with the YK-series. Even in the heat of political tensions.
The humans couldn't make him hate his profession before, and they certainly couldn't do it now either.
He reads to them as a form of healthy enrichment and childish indulgence, but also to honor the little one he'd lost back in Jericho's ruined carcass.
The one he likely would have adopted as soon as the law permitted, if it weren't for the circumstances that took him away from him.
"You're a big softy, you know that?" North chuckled as soon as she caught him at the end of a reading session. The children had all left to go to bed and he'd finished another chapter of 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' with them.
"You'll find that I have no padding to allow for that." He joked, tapping on his chest and stomach to emphasize on the hardness of his chassis. "Simon's the better hugger."
"You say that because you've never genuinely hugged Markus. His tits are super soft." North grinned mischievously.
"I'm not exactly interested in gropping anyone's... Tits..." He let her drag him away by the arm, smiling as he waved goodbye at some of the stragglers. "The kids are doing good in classes... And they're really liking the book so far. We have a lot of little boys and girls who want to be like Hermione Granger."
"Ever consider adopting?" North suggested.
"If we ever get that far, yes. Cyberlife is fighting us every step of the way though, and some of those politicians are adamant that androids don't need familial units..." He glared angrily at the implications. "Because obviously the YK400s and YK500s don't need parents..."
"Assholes... Well between you and Simon, the kids are good on parents. They've got their big nerd dad and their mother hen."
"What would that make you and Markus?" Josh asked.
"... Cool mom and cool dad?"
"Wow, you suck at this."
"Shut up..." She punched him lightly on the arm.
Josh snorted and carried on walking towards the elevator. He considered North's words and couldn't help smile to himself, a hint of longing in his eyes.
He wouldn't mind a few sets of little tiny feet running around the house...
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chestnutisland · 7 years
IKR!!!! This episode was BEYOND EPIC and I will use your ask to elaborate a bit. Y’all get ready, it’s gunna be a long post!
First off, not only did we get to see some much needed cute K18 moments we ALSO got awesome Sibling bonding between Seventeen and Eighteen. AHMAZING!
So let’s start with that. This whole interaction was super sweet! First, we get a worried Seventeen fretting over Eighteen’s ankle and Eighteen reluctantly letting him look at it which was very in character, we all know how ‘tough’ she is ^_^
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Then they talk about their families a bit, I LOVED that Eighteen brought the cruise ship up Seventeen will get after the tourney. Part of me hopes they ALL go on a journey together! 
ALSO, gotta LOVE Eighteen’s facial expression in this picture while talking about her hubby and daughter.
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Battle mode; ACTIVATED! Love how they just pierced through that ridiculous heart with a combined beam attack!
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Time to get busy! Ribrianne honestly is a very annoying character with all that jibber jabber about Love, on and on again, I was glad when Eighteen kicked her into the rock!
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Eighteen is always quick and to the point, no exception here! And Krillin just cheering her on and on is too cute!
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Ribrianne makes the stupid mistake of insulting Krillin..infront of his wife! Honestly, when she started insulting Krillin, I had fandom flashbacks because she named some reasons the fandom despises Krillin for at times too! GRRRRR. You show her, Eighteen!
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Ugh saaaaame, all that stupid blabbering about love was getting on my nerves! 
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Eighteen puts up a good fight but her ankle is getting in the way a little here :(. That looked like it hurt! BUT SEVENTEEN TO THE RESCUE!!!! BEST BROTHER EVER!
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Let the badass tag teamwork BEGIN! Good to see how focused they both are and yet they are perfectly in sync to coordinate their next attack, amazing. So glad to see they haven’t lost that touch!
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One down, one to go!
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Savage Eighteen is SAVAGE!
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Uh oh, trapped! Gotta admit, that was a smart and unexpected move by Ribrianne.
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Uh oh, someone’s pissed. ADORE this shot of Seventeen, ready to aid his sister fiercely!
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NGL, this legit teared me up a little! Eighteen sounded so defeated when she apologized, she really thought she was done for…
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BUT NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE STRENGHT OF FAMILY, AND YES, LOVE!  I LOVED these little glimpses into Eighteen’s thoughts because we saw some of their home life! And it’s as adorbs as I would imagine!! Also, look at Marron, guess she was practicing with those fake carrots way back huh? So she can help her daddy cook! AAAAAAAW!!!! She looks so concentrated too!
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And now we’re back to the battlefield and Eighteen is shaken out of her stupor by Krillin’s desperate sounding voice…
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who has to be held back from jumping in to save his wife BTW. Look at that, he’s so ready to break the rules…again :P
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BUT that’s okay because he gives Eighteen the strength to go on and not give up but instead fight and win like she said she would!
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“Super Android Eighteennn!!!!!! :P”
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Indeed, love this facial expression.
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More badass team work!!!
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These are some really nice shots and Eighteen looks simply elated in them! I would too if I were on the brink of ‘destroying’ a giant annoying talking blob of ‘Love’ 
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Look at this super happy dork  d’aaaaaw.
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YASSS, this was such a cute little touch, it’s like the high five moment back in 84! ♥_♥
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Oh Shin….LMAO!! He’s right though! SUCK IT HATERS, the love between K18 is as genuine as they come, here is once again prove of that. This whole episode proves of it…
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But uh…better not get too carried away in front of Eighteen again, Shin. If you want to live. Though Eighteen has nerve to attack a higher being LMAO, she just does not hold back at times!
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Had to include this little gem because despite rambling on and on about it, Ribrianne sure is clueless about the different kinds of love there are. Let this be a lesson. Love is not about appearances, like she indicated when insulting Krillin.
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It’s about mutual respect and understanding and being there for one another in times of need. To encourage each other to do better and help each other overcome any obstacles you might find along way. To love one another unconditionally and support and provide for each other even when times get rough..
This is K18 to a tee, you will have a hard time convincing me otherwise.
This eppie will be a fave once again…thanks TOEI for redeeming yourself after the disaster that was episode 100.
@theultradork @deadlybeautydbz
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ohifonlyx33 · 6 years
okay i remember loving the structure of this episode. let's hope it's as good as i remember.... Reminded me of tRACKS kinda. with the POV switches jumping around. okay they've got the footage of them all disappearing and it feels like this is what we should have seen for Simmons after Harold the Space Rock ate her. DAISY REGAINS HER HOPE WHEN EVERYONE ELSE THINKS FITZ AND COULSON HAVE DIED. BUT SHE BELIEVES. EVEN WHEN MaCK LOOSES FAITH AND MAY THINKS IT'S POINTLESS. "COULSON CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD. FITZ PULLED SIMMONS THROUGH SPACE THROUGH A RoCK." May is considering using the darkhold to save coulson and mack just called her out "Melinda don't you dare" Gutsy. And he USED HER FIRST NAME. Only Coulson does that. okay so it's less perspective-hopping, timeline-jumping than TRACKS. but the way they do these dimensional scenes? brilliant. "their voices are hard to hear" what they do manage to hear? "Simmons" and "when you talk to her..." / "I know what agent Fitz means to her." HIS LITTle FACE. HE'S HORRIFIED. and he follows Mace and finds out Simmons was sent away... Gosh, he's ticked. Burrows can be heard in the background calling Radcliffe. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM "you're not allowed to be gone. not yet. you're NOT dead." MAY IS TALKING TO HIM WHILE HE'S NOT EVEN THERE BUT SHE WANTS TO CRACK THE HAIG WITH HIM AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW  WHAT THEY'RE WAITING FOR. Phil you dweeb, May CAN'T see you. Or hear you. mack is ghost rider... i thought one had to be dead for that to work... also poor mack hates being controlled. :( poor nathanson always told to get lost. ahhhh ratcliffe read the darkhold "it's too much for a human mind to bear" and he CLOSED the book? so unlike him tbh. "You want to tell that to simmons? I don't." MOOOOOOOOOOOM NO. Jemma pulling her weight. No one trusts or respects her nearly enough, but she's the one in charge and she's the expert. and she knows it. and she's so brave and sweet to take off her hazmat suit. oh and i notice she's wearing the necklace Fitz gave her... the sunburst one. *cue hearteyes* ...but seriously 7 months in a cocoon because he's NERVOUS? But Andrew? Daisy? Literally none of the others had that problem. Was he just THAT scared of his sister? Or is Jemma just THAT sweet? A.I.D.A.: "...to be the shield" "shush you're developing a catchphrase" yeah and a lame one at that. Don't drag Simmons into this. She didn't help build that Android. It was just you and Fitz. No Simmons... and please don't let her read the book NO. "Mack, he has a lot of pain. He lost hope." ffFORESSHHHAADOWINGG Fitz is not going to die. Not necessarily because he's so scared of dying even... but just because he's not going to "do it to Simmons" put that into context... Daisy lost Lincoln. He saw how badly that turned out. And now he's FIGHTING "FOR HER". Coulson: "that was not your call to make" Fitz: "absolutely it is. whose call is it? you're not the director anymore." C: "what are you so angry about?" F: "because you used to make decisions like that all the time and then you stepped down." like yeah... coulson kinda needed to step down after Hive... but fitz is just really upset that he might leave simmons behind to deal with his death. T.T
ngl, I think this scene was over-acted just a bit when iain goes for the voice crack it doesn't feel like the right acting choice for some reason. the way he says "and now she's out there, alone, and I'm gone" idk i'd have liked to see more subtlety. More anxious, less heartbreak. i know everyone loves this scene... but i just always feel like it was taken in the wrong direction. well, except for this line: "well I need you in this fight 'cause I got to get back to her" and at least coulson is 100% behind reuniting fitzsimmons. Coulson *sees May*: Let'S GO HOME. ...i love my parents. oooooooooh angry itz coming through. yeah yeah okay. i mean he's a little over-dramatic about not trusting the director. but i can understand why.  he doesn't get THIS aggressive often. BUt  as soon as he sees simmons he calms down... speaking of which I want to know how much she knows. Is she worried about him or was she just upset that she never had the chance to tell him she was leaving? like she wasn't really actually in danger... but did she know HE was in danger? did she get a memo that shield needed her back because lives were at stake and she was worried? either way, they see each other and run to each other and it is everything...  this hug is A+ hugging. Can't believe they've invented hugging. and mace, his life was changed by that hug. he'd never seen love so strong, so pure. dang, that Haig is NEEEEEEEEEEEEVER GOnNA GET OPENED IS IT? wait. shoot they did open it. without May present. Dang it no. what even made mack think about hope today of all days? maybe it was just ghost rider.... but he's never mentioned her before. so.... idk. but still his sad face when he's looking at her picture. forgot about that. :( OH MY GOSH RADCLIFFE WITH A GUITAR TRYING TO WRITE A SONG??? I FORGOT THE SHOW GAvE US THAT WEIRD AND RANDOM MOMENT. BYEEE. meanwhile IT is up to somethinging.... ugh. darkhold!aida ruined my life. can we NOT GO HERE. CAN WE NOT DO THIS. CAN WE PLEASE STOP???
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