#also let me just mention that i usually aim for my headcanons to be gender neutral rather than fem
Random Remy LeBeau Headcanons:
Idk what possessed me to want to make this, but it’s almost midnight and I’m having Many Thoughts about Remy (that and I wanted to make a headcanon post like this for a while so here we go-)
When it comes to looks, Remy is very attractive of course, but he has a lot of imperfections in his appearance:
Remy’s smile is naturally crooked, mostly due to the fact that he had no access to proper dental treatment as a child so his jaw is slightly off-set, and when he is genuinely smiling part of his lip quirks upwards (which also reveals his slightly mis-aligned teeth).
His nose is also crooked from being hit so often on the face and he also has a snaggle tooth also from the amount of times he’s been punched in the teeth.
Despite all of the above, he embraces how he looks because he knows it doesn’t take away from the fact that he still feels pretty and that’s all that matters to him. And people dig the confidence. SPEAKING OF-
In my mind, I see Remy as being less of the handsome man and more of the pretty/beautiful type of man. Like his last name literally means “beautiful” so of course he’s gotta be.
He has beauty marks along the hollow of his hip and on the inside of his thigh.
Remy is sound in his gender and sexuality, of course he played around a lot with it when he was much younger but now he knows for certain who he is and what he likes. As such, he doesn’t mind occasionally looking in a more gender-nonconforming way when the mood strikes.
So of course when Jubilee needs help practicing with make-up he offers right away. Anything for his pseudo-sister.
On the topic of siblings, Remy feels protective over those he cares about (which this isn’t new information) but when it comes to people like Laura and Jubilee, he’s especially more protective. This mostly comes from his experience of being neglected and he doesn’t want his loved ones ever feeling that because of him.
On a more angsty note: Remy tends to hide it whenever he’s hurting, [physically and/or emotionally]. If he feels sick, he still pushes through it just to make sure no one worries about him if he turns up absent even if it takes all his energy just to stay awake. Of course this usually ends with him being forced to take a fucking break while given a slight scolding for not telling anyone.
I know marvel will never address this, but Remy has a lot of built up trauma from all the years of him being hurt to the point of death, abandoned, betrayed, used, etc. and while he never shows it, all that really puts a heavy weight on him at all times. But he’ll never let it on to anyone. Instead he forces a smile and hopes that he can at least make someone’s day go better if his day isn’t.
Contrary to popular belief, Remy is amazing with children. He grew up with a large family, and was the eldest child on top of that, so of course he had to babysit his younger cousins a lot. Of course with infants that’s a different story, but kids just,,like him for some reason?
(Because this couldn’t be avoided) He has a very complex relationship with catholicism as a whole. On one hand he feels attached to it because he was basically raised catholic, but on the other it’s the same group that demonizes him over things he can’t control. He’s more passive with his religion and only really practices it on special occasions (like the holidays, for example).
“Gambit” is the name/persona he associates with all the bad shit he does. He only ever introduces himself as such when he’s either working with the X-Men or facing off against an enemy. “Remy” is saved for those he cares about and keeps the two separated as much as he can.
Remy was (and kinda still is) a habitual smoker, he picked up the habit at a young age and has a hard time letting go of his vice. Of course now it’s not nearly as bad, but when times get tough he’ll reach for his pack of cigs.
It’s not super obvious, but he’s kind of a huge nerd. His room isn’t decorated head-to-toe in merch, but occasionally he’ll find a rare collector’s item for Star Trek and he just has to get his hands on it. Also he definitely played dungeons and dragons and has a whole dice hoard hidden in his room.
He talks with his hands a lot, in fact he just moves around and fidgets often when he’s in a situation where he feels under-stimulated, whether that’s messing with his cards, humming to himself, or tapping on his leg/desk. However when he feels overwhelmed/anxious, his soothing gestures get to the point of hurting him. Like biting the inside of his cheek, picking at his nails, scratching, etc.
He doesn’t show it sometimes, but Remy will have days where he just doesn’t want to look at his reflection. Either because he doesn’t want to see his eyes, but sometimes he just feels alienated from his own body thanks to a lack of agency in the past.
OKAY NSFW BELOW THE CUT: (big warning for mentions of coercion and assault)
He aims to please his partners in the bedroom, so he changes things up as they see fit. So long as it’s enjoyable for everyone, he’s down for whatever.
Remy likes it when his partner messes with his hair, whether it’s just aimlessly petting it, running their fingers through it, pulling on it. He just loves the feeling so much.
His sex drive is kinda crazy sometimes, which is sort of a side-effect of all the energy he has pent up in his body constantly. Although it’s partially an effect of how hedonistic he is (which was a result of trauma and his need to escape it) and how often he feels like he needs to please everyone. Nowadays he has more control over himself, but when he was younger he was borderline hypersexual.
Not gonna get into specifics here, but Remy used to have a hard time saying “no” to people. Sometimes he’d land himself in situations where he wanted to say it but felt like he couldn’t, mostly to keep his reputation in tact but to also make sure that the other person is pleased even if he isn’t all in it.
Okay less angsty shit now. He enjoys being praised and given sweet talk. Of course he won’t say no to a bit of rough handling here and there, but it also feels nice when he’s cherished and told he’s doing good. But also outside of the bedroom praise takes him off guard and half the time he feels like he doesn’t deserve it, there’s far better people than him. And every single time he’s told he absolutely does deserve it.
Okay that’s all I can think of for now but I might add more to this as I come up with more akjdbvkj this isn’t for anything in particular, just wanted to share my random thoughts about him.
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Obey me! One Nerd To Explain Them All!
Asmodeus Headcanons: Another Side
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Hear me out- I’m well aware that at times there’s not exactly much light being shown with him, but I genuinely believe there’s a vast possibility of things that could be done to dive deeper into the character. I believe under that narcissism and his sin (that plays a huge factor too), he really could be a decent demon otherwise. The same goes with the other brothers, but they are not my focus for today.
!!Warning!!: these are just my own personal headcanons and may get sensitive topics mentioned (or spoilers for the current end of the year). By no way, shape, or form am I expecting anything from this.
Honestly, I think he’d be one of the best demons to go to for comfort for those struggling with themselves.
I mean- he’s been there and it’s hinted that he is insecure and seeks love and attention. Genuine, platonic love and attention. He just isn’t quite sure what to do with it. He’s the embodiment of Lust, after all. However, surely he must crave friendship too. He’s just so used to the sexual aspect that it’s become like the norm.
After all, he doesn’t even try to get you in his bed at the end of the game. He just wants to hear someone tell him they love him, genuinely, through the time and few experiences over the year.
Jewel of the Heavens. He likely does want to still be the angel he used to be, making due with the situation given to him. Remember- its very possible that he wasn’t like this as an angel. He reminds me of an incubus in game- as he acts much like one in his own way. But he went from adored angel to almost a nobody. After all, why would the demons have cared much for an angel when the brothers first fell?
I think this was likely a factor in his behavior, as demons aren’t usually considered to be the nicest. If he wanted to be popular again, to avoid letting go of that title, he has to keep up with the trends in the Devildom and do whatever it takes to get back up where he should be.
He might have accepted his new look just fine, but imagine how hard it must have been to go from that angel to nothing. So, now as a newly made representation of Lust, alongside this issue, the wreck that comes his rising popularity for more reasons than one begins.
Whether it was from sleeping with someone or wiggling in somewhere, it would still get him known as something or prove that even here, it proves he’s adored to the point of where he’s considered desirable. He’d have to look the part too. That’s where the strict beauty routine comes in. It’s to a point where, honestly, I believe he doesn’t know what else to do then. He just knows what he can make of himself here and is rolling with it.
Plus- as he can come off as a feminine man, it’s no surprise that it’s possible he just doesn’t care for gender norms. He’s confident in his own skin, especially when it seems the populace can agree with that too.
That doesn’t mean he’ll tell someone to get over themselves so simply. He can say some pretty choice words, but I doubt he’s purposely go out to upset someone if they did nothing to him. (Or if that persons Mammon- that might change. We know how Mammon gets the short end of the stick.)
I bet if he met someone struggling with themselves (when he’s not self absorbed- actually aware), not only would he treat them to a self-care day, but he’s probably vocally make his support known. 
You’re a female but don’t want to “dress” like one? You want a suit? Okay, honey. Lets go to the store and pick you out some that just scream (name) then. You’re going to look wonderful, darling. Not as much as I would, but close enough!
You’re a male but want to dress feminine? Well then, sweetie today's your lucky day? How about we get makeovers then? Shopping spree too? Want some nice skirts that’ll flow yet fit you and help you look your best? Trust me on this.
This goes for all people of sexualities and genders, by the way.
He’d probably do his best to make sure you get accepted. Heck- he probably could introduce you to a few friends since in the present time he knows a lot of people.
When it comes back to the topic of love interests...
Someone who he can’t charm and isn’t easily wooed, being a test for him to likely show what he does really want? An MC or S/O like that, for him, would be able to give him a good challenge, yet also be able to have a bond like that of best friends.
He would not make it easy at all, for sure- peeling back the layers past his narcissism and flirty behavior would be much of a challenge. But he’d have just as hard a time trying to charm his respective MC who he can’t just woo so simply.
It’s bound to lead to one of those scenarios where the popular boy (because lets admit- he is one of those characters.) and the new person end up having their rocky start since neither know what to expect, but with some time could easily become a sweet reveal and overtime good relationship too, whether he is a supporter of their choices (if you prefer one of his brothers within reason- since he isn’t completely innocent either.) and identities or they truly want to work towards an actual relationship with a lot of time and effort.
He’d likely spoil them, but love can’t be bought. He’d be shown what an actual relationship (platonic or romantic- doesn’t matter) is like with the right person.
They also might be able to genuinely notice his visible struggle with keeping the title of most popular, even if not many can top him in popularity. With some insight, you’d be able to see the ‘not so fabulous’ side of him. A side he hardly ever shows.
And this could be an unpopular opinion, but I think he envies Beelzebub and Lucifer for their bodies too, plus how popular they can also be. He might word it in an odd fashion, but I think he does believe that they do have traits that, if they aimed for it, make his attempt to be the pretty, adored one of seven to shreds with some more pushing. He could genuinely just admire them as well, but I think its a possible misinterpretation with his rambles that lead to the assumption that he’s a total creep about it.
I mean- is it just me who noticed despite the blush that he seems a bit pouty or upset when he rambles about the good things about his brothers? Again, it could just be how he just looks- but to me it looks like he genuinely does have something he’s not saying about it. He loves them both- Lucifer especially, but he almost seems a bit down.
I think he’s just good at keeping his emotions put away to save face so no one can tell he’s suffering or facing his own inner demons just as much at points, though can let that come down when the times right.
He just needs a good platonic hug, and a reminder that its okay to just be like this at times. Or someone to be his friend- someone needs to make sure he can have a friend who doesn’t want to be near him for those reasons of wanting to keep the cycle going without an end. It won’t stop it from happening, but it’d probably mean a lot to him that one person really doesn’t want that much. He’d spoil them anyway though.
Especially if he ever gets the chance to open up about how dark his side of the story, likely, really is: losing Lilith and also in a situation where he struggled to cope with this new forced identity of a demon at the bottom until things got squared away. Almost a completely different person, who grew to believe that this was one of the only ways he can find to become valid again.
He’d be able to experience, at first, what having someone- an outsider truly care about his own well being just as much as anyone else close to him is like. Get this too- they don’t expect repaid, nor will anything go down if he doesn’t sleep with them, to make up for it! Someone who could listen to his problems like he would for others if he was given that chance to explore some more positive aspects of him. It’d balance him out perfectly.
In the same respect, he could teach someone how to truly care for themselves and watch out for anything that’d hurt them. Seeing him help a few struggling demons- or even humans with their identities and making sure they are safe when they do their own thing would be a good enough eye opener to see there is more behind that guise.
I don’t expect him to change much, but seeing him try to better himself and work with what he can for someone- a love interest he genuinely wants-- or keeping a real friend around would be such a good way to add to his character in my personal opinion. I believe it’s possible, with the right person and resources. He could completely improve a bit and treasure a friend/partner more than he would have ever done before. He’d actually be able to fully get his time to shine and show he’s more than just some lusty flirt. After all, it’s his sin. Not entirely his character. It’s a factor, but not his whole character.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
I don't mean to alarm you, but the links just takes me to the answer post that you typed the links in🥺
are ya on mobile?? that might be why. im on PC n its workin fine for me. imma just copy eeeeverything for ya now tho
Please check out everything below before asking for a fic request. Note, Tumblr sometimes eats up messages so if it’s not added to my FICS IN PROGRESS list then just re-send it!! If I’m not down to write it, i’ll reply privately, or post it publically if you’ve asked as anon. I usually delete anon rejected fics after a few days also so you’ll have time to see it.
If you’re still unsure on whatever you wanna request after reading this then just ask!!! I don’t bite, promise. The only thing I bite are nazi’s.
If you prefer reading stuff on AO3 then my profile is HERE. I post most of my work there also, I prefer reading fics on there. Nicer layout :)
Genres I will write: Erotic, Romance, Action, Fantasy, Alternative Universes, Cross-genres, Historical, Drabbles, Headcanons.
Genres I won’t write: Horror, Extreme gore/violence, Thrillers, Mystery, Political.
NSFW limits: I’m quite open to kinks. Yes, this includes some weirder/darker stuff like slapping, bondage, sub/dom relationships, public places/risky locations, etc. If it’s not listed below then I’ll write it… unless if you request something I’ve forgotten to add lol.
I WONT write any of the following: Pregnancy/Birth, facials, nipple play, daddy doms/little girl, incest, age play, non-con, scat, piss, vomit, gore, alpha/omega dynamics.
Shipping requests: I’m quite open to most ships. I’m fine with canon ships, to weird crack ships. If I don’t like a specific ship then I’ll just say!
I’m also very happy to do canon/reader fics, but I won’t do a specific OC. If you’re after OC/OC or canon/OC stuff then you’ll have to pay for that, otherwise I’ll just keep it as a reader insert so anyone can read it.
Reader inserts: They’re probably my favourite things to write. I’m happy to ship ANYONE with ANY kind of reader. You’re more than welcome to request some specific things, such as the readers race, sexuality, height, age, size, etc.
The only time I’ll reject a reader insert fic is if I’m not too sure on how to write the canon character, or if you’re super specific with your reader. Like, I want anyeone to be able to read these kinda of fics, so if you request something like ‘can you write a fic for a 5'4, pansexual, blonde hair, mixed race, reader who likes ___ and disslikes ___ and wants ___ to happen’ then I’ll reject it. That’s just tooooo much specific stuff to include.
Keep these requests simple, like ‘Could you write a fic where ___ character falls for the reader despite them being taller?’ or ‘can you write a fic where the reader is trans and has a crush on ___ character?‘
I will mention that If you are after specific pronouns then just let me know. I’m also not 100% sure on everything gender wise, like I don’t know fully how people transition, how non-binary people adress themselves, etc. I’m a simple CIS female who understands that gender is a specific thing to each individual person. So as much as I do my research on these things, they probably won’t be spot on as everybodys different.
Also, if you don’t mention gender then it’ll automatically be fem reader as I, myself, am a wooman, so it’s easier to write for me. But like I said, just let me know what gender you’d like the reader to be.
Fandoms I write for: How to train your dragon, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Red Dead Redemption, Bill and Ted, South Park, Les Misérables, Jay and Silent Bob. I have wrote the odd fic for specific fandoms here and there, so if you’re after something not on this list then just ask!
Other notes: Some characters I just don’t know how to write, so I’ll let you know if I just can’t write something cause I don’t know how to.
If you do enjoy my work then remember that reblogging, leaving lil comments, and spamming me with kudos goes a long way for me. It’s massive motivation and makes my wee heart flutter every time I see it!!
Also, I’m not the best with descriptive writing!! I oddly find smut a lot easier to write, probably because I’m full of sin, but I do love writing a nice fluffy fic every now n again.
Theres no specific time limit for my writing. I do it when I do it, as blunt as that sounds. I’ll write stuff when I have the mindset for it, so if your fic takes a million years then that’ll be why lol. You’re welcome to poke your head by and ask on progress and such whenever you like, I don’t mind!! Please don’t be embarassed if you’ve asked for a fic fullllll of sin and wanna know the progress on it. Have you seen some of the crap I write? I’m not ashamed of that stuff, so you shouldn’t be either!
If you’re after just a drabble or headcanon list then just ask, but pls don’t ask for fics to be long. I aim to try make them lengthy, but sometimes I just get stumped on ‘em, so I’ll do what I can :^)
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waywarddivergence · 5 years
My rules used to be really short, but certain encounters and trying to avoid confusion and confrontations has led to it growing into a monstrosity, sorry.
General Rules:
This blog is R18+ because of NSFW & TWs.
I am mid 20s. My Mun hub-blog, is Rave-RPs and I tend to follow from there first to check out RP blogs so I can keep my specific blog dashes curated to where I think interactions will happen.
This blog is selective, and low-moderate activity I will prioritize mains purely because in my work I have super busy seasons of October to May. In order to maintain activity  I limit the number of threads I take on.
Thread limit doesn’t equal interaction limit! If I’m at my thread limit, I don’t mind having small interactions like asks or quickfire short-replies etc!
Para-style (1-2ish) is my tendency for general interactions. Multi-Para (3+) I save for threads. One-liners to single-Para replies will happen in spontaneous quickfire-interactions, dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Angst / Dark themes / Violence / Death will appear on this blog. If these bother you, Please do not follow me.  Anything verging drastic will be hidden under cuts.
All my tags including trigger warnings appear on my links page. If I’ve missed tagging something or you want a tag added, message me and I’ll fix it. I do not have any particular triggers myself. My usual tw format is ‘tw Trigger’
No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. Injuries: check with me.
I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings on it or I may not notice your reply.
When my threads start crowding I schedule thread releases to help stagger replies. My reply-times can range from same-day up to around two-weeks. (Depending on my backlog) But I tend to aim for a week-average on threads.
If after I’ve replied to a thread I haven’t heard back on it for a month (four weeks) and there hasn’t really been any discussion of the thread OOC between muns in that time, I consider the thread dead. This is so I can open up to other interactions rather than waste my limited time waiting for something that may never come. If a thread is dead please don’t just revive it without checking with me first.
If you wish to drop a thread for any reason (lack of muse, stuck or disinterest) you’re welcome to ask me to drop it too. That way we’re open for other interactions without stress! But please let me know, I need closure.
I will try to respond to memes / asks / tags / mentions, however, this usually takes some time to get around to due to my activity levels. I can’t promise replying to random thread starters due to thread limits, so please message me if you want to start something. :3
Canonical characters preferred. May consider OCs but typically only if I know the mun.
For my own dash curation purposes I don’t tend to follow multi-muses unless I’m familiar with all fandoms on it. (May still follow from Rave-RPs instead.) but you are welcome to interact from a multi-muse!
Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators & Non-RP blogs:
Please do not reblog my threads (Unless you are the specific RP partner that thread is with.)
Please do not reblog any headcanon-posts or ooc posts I make. These are specific to my portrayal of my muse, or to myself specifically.
I do not mind if you comment on my dash commentary posts. (Please note this allowance is specific to me, other RPers may not like comments on their dash commentary. But on mine: you have permission.)
I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IM!
Ships & Smut:
I Multi-Ship. Chemistry preferred, gender irrelevant.
Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut will appear on this blog, but if you want to write it, let’s discuss it first privately. Once any flirting progresses to smut it will be tagged accordingly and hidden under a cut.
Reguarding grey-zone ‘Problematic’ topics: Please be aware that any threads containing as such serve a plotted narrative purpose and are not fetishization of the said matters. I’m not changing my content. If you have a problem with grasping this concept, please leave my blog. Relevant tags will be in my tags list on my links page in case you wish to block them.
I will semi-format my replies by bolding dialogue, and italicizing character thoughts or emphasis, and the occasional strike through, but that’s it.
I am both dyslexic and my sight isn’t amazing. Special formatting using multiple indents and multiple special text-icons confuse me easily. If we are threading I will ask please don't use small-text for the body of replies. I don't mind specific occasional uses to emphasize things, but if I have to squint to read a whole reply: I won’t. If it’s only a smaller interaction of a few short replies and not an ongoing thread, I don’t mind the use of special formatting small-text, it’s just my eyes and brain don’t cooperate and I can’t endure large amounts of it. It’s nothing against muns or their chosen aesthetic.
Please cut posts in replies. Or if you’re continuing an ask, either make a new post, tag me and link back to the ask, or reply-comment on the original ask. If you’re mobile-based and can’t, just let me know and I’ll be fine cutting things since I only RP on my computer.
I use icons by default, however if my RP partner doesn’t, I will match iconless.
If you interact with me, I will assume you have read these rules in full. While I tend to check most blogs rules on following, if I send anything or reply to anything then I have definitely read your rules. (I don’t do passwords.)
If you do anything in breach of my rules, I’ll bring it up with you privately. If a reasonable solution cannot be reached, I have no qualms un-following or blocking people.
Also if at any point for any reason you wish to un-follow me, that’s totally fine: You curate your experience and make that choice, its totally okay! I totally get dash cleaning. You’re not obligated to follow my blog, I don’t do this for a following. And as a friend of mine says: un-following doesn’t have to mean unfriending.
If you don’t wish for me to follow you then you are welcome to simply block me to avoid accidental re-following. No questions asked.
Last update: 23/10/19
0 notes
misspattylowell · 5 years
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Updated: 31st March 2020
General Rules:
This blog is R18+ because of NSFW & TWs.
I am mid 20s. My Mun hub-blog, is Rave-RPs and I tend to follow from there first to check out RP blogs so I can keep my specific blog dashes curated to where I think interactions will happen.
This blog is selective, and low-moderate activity I will prioritize mains purely because in my work I have super busy seasons of October to May. In order to maintain activity  I limit the number of threads I take on.
Thread limit doesn’t equal interaction limit! If I’m at my thread limit, I don’t mind having small interactions like asks or quickfire short-replies etc!
Para-style (1-2ish) is my tendency for general interactions. Multi-Para (3+) I save for threads. One-liners to single-Para replies will happen in spontaneous quickfire-interactions, dash commentary or shitpost threads.
Angst / Dark themes / Violence / Death will appear on this blog. If these bother you, Please do not follow me.  Anything verging drastic will be hidden under cuts.
All my tags including trigger warnings appear on my links page. Mutuals may request tags. If I’ve missed tagging something or you want a tag added, message me and I’ll fix it. I do not have any particular triggers myself.
No god-modding. Don’t control my muse. Minor implied things can be okay within reason, like opening doors, or if in a character moves some part of another character. But please be reasonable and fair. Injuries: check with me.
I use RP Thread Tracker to keep track of all my threads. Please let me know if you change your username so I can update my settings on it or I may not notice your reply.
When my threads start crowding I’ll schedule thread releases to help stagger replies. My reply-times can range from same-day up to around two-weeks. (Depending on my backlog) But I tend to aim for a week-average on threads.
If after I’ve replied to a thread I haven’t heard back on it for a month (four weeks) and there hasn’t really been any discussion of the thread OOC between muns in that time, I consider the thread dead. This is so I can open up to other interactions rather than wait for something that may never come. If a thread is dead please don’t just revive it without checking with me first.
If you wish to drop a thread for any reason (lack of muse, stuck or disinterest) you’re welcome to ask me to drop it too. That way we’re open for other interactions without stress! But please let me know, I need closure.
I will try to respond to memes / asks / tags / mentions, however, this usually takes some time to get around to due to my activity levels. I can’t promise replying to random thread starters due to thread limits, so please message me if you want to start something. :3
Canonical characters preferred. May consider OCs but typically only if I know the mun.
For my own dash curation purposes I don’t tend to follow multi-muses unless I’m familiar with all fandoms on it. (May still follow from Rave-RPs instead.) but you are welcome to interact from a multi-muse!
Discord is available for mutuals. Please, I prefer it over Tumblr IMs!
Spectators & Non-RP blogs:
Please do not reblog my threads (Unless you are the specific RP partner that thread is with.)
Please do not reblog any headcanon-posts or ooc posts I make. These are specific to my portrayal of my muse, or to myself specifically.
I do not mind if you comment on my dash commentary posts. (Please note this allowance is specific to me, other RPers may not like comments on their dash commentary. But on mine: you have permission.)
I’d love to hear from you if you’re enjoying things in IM!
Ships & Smut:
I’m a multi-shipper, so free free to ask me about ships. I don’t have particularly set ships, though there are some muses Patty would be more inclined towards. They key is chemistry, really. Gender fairly irrelevant.
Please do not pre-establish a relationship with my muse without discussing it with me. Talk to me first if you are interested in that.
Smut will appear on this blog, but if you want to write it, let’s discuss it first privately. Once any flirting progresses to smut it will be tagged accordingly and hidden under a cut.
Reguarding grey-zone ‘Problematic’ topics: Please be aware that any threads containing as such serve a plotted narrative purpose and are not fetishization of the said matters. I’m not changing my content. If you have a problem with grasping this concept, please leave my blog. Relevant tags will be in my tags list on my links page in case you wish to block them.
Patty will not be involved in smut in her kid verses. In specific verses themes of grooming may be present, but will not contain smut. Do bear in mind the same plot-thread may span time and thus later end up with smut, but in an older verse. Threads with these themes will will be tagged for those that wish to avoid them.
I will semi-format my replies by bolding dialogue, and italicizing character thoughts or emphasis, and the occasional strike through, but that’s it.
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thyandrawrites · 7 years
(are u still doing those?) 001 for the haikyuu fandom
Sure, why not. These are fun :) I can do another round if anyone wants to send them
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
This is a difficult question because I love a lot of characters equally, but I guess that Oikawa is the absolute fave since I can relate to him the most. Also, other mentions (because they’re all my babies): Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Yamaguchi and honestly a ton more but I’ll stop it there
How can you not love the entire cast
Least Favorite character:
You’re all going to hate me for this but alas, it’s Hinata
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Just five?????? ahhhhh this is an impossible choice. I’ll list more than five and you’re going to have to deal with it: iwaoi, kuroken, bokuaka, kyouhaba, matsuhana, oikuro, bokuakakuroken, daisuga. There are other minor ships that I enjoy reading about from time to time tho
Character I find most attractive:
Honestly? Semi Eita :’D 
Character I would marry:
Or Oikawa
Or Kuroo
idk man, they’re all good husband material
Character I would be best friends with:
Kuroo, totally. I’d love to be up for mischief with him (and Bokuto). Hanamaki and Matsukawa also seem pretty chill friends to have around (let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be friends with the meme team?)
A random thought:
Kyotani totally wears eyeliner
An unpopular opinion:
I don’t much like this fanon trope of “Sugamama” or of the “team mom” in general, tbh. Sure, Suga is observant and he’s a loving senpai, but he doesn’t have any of the qualities that a mother should have. Daichi always mentions how bad of an influence he is and how unreliable he is because he encourages mischief rather than admonish it. Suga is not a mom, he’s the vodka uncle :’D 
Also, this whole fanon idea that each team has a mom and a dad (usually the main ship of the team) is SO GENDERED because the mom is always the less muscly, less broad-shouldered, and “prettier” of the two because the mom should look “more feminine” (see Suga, Oikawa, Akaashi…). Maybe you’re doing this subconsciously, but it feels a lot like hetero girls are making a M/M ship fit the (biased and flawed) standards of hetero relationship. If anyone has mothering tendencies in Karasuno, that’s Daichi. Or Iwaizumi for Seijoh and Kuroo for Nekoma, but you don’t see the fandom calling them “mom”(s) because they just don’t fit the stereotypical features of femininity. 
Another thing that irks me a bit is how - still for the same reason as above - it’s only the (again, sorry for the terminology) “more feminine looking” characters that are headcanoned to have the habit of wearing skirts, or being agender, genderfluid or even trans (with very rare exceptions). Like, I’ve lost count of how many fics there are out there with Kenma wearing skirts, but I never, NEVER saw one with Kuroo. Imho if such fics were aimed at something other than fetishizing purposes (”they’d look hot in a skirt”), like actual representation, we’d see a wider range of characters fitting these headcanons. 
My canon OTP:
There’s no such thing as a canon ship in haikyuu, but I consider mostly canon the ship that get introduced in pairs, so: iwaoi, kuroken, bokuaka, daisuga, asanoya, kinkuni, kyohaba… you get the drill
Non-canon OTP:
I consider non-canon all those crack ships that I only ship because someone before me did and convinced me to read their story, so: tensuga, shirasemi, oikuro (lol they don’t even know each other), bokuroo, and there probably are others
Most badass character:
The Great King, obviously
Pairing I am not a fan of:
I have nothing against any of these and I sometimes even find them as background pairings, but I can’t say that I actively search any content related to: ushioi (this one honestly makes me laugh), kagehina, kiyoyachi
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I agree with this post by silvercistern about a recent panel featuring Akaashi that was used as comedic relief. Please don’t message Essie about it though because she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to talk about it since it basically made the whole bokuaka dynamic toxic. 
Favourite friendship: 
kenhina, kuroken, iwaoi, the whole seijoh third years dynamic, tanaka and noya, and this one is a guilty pleasure because it’s not canon, but I think that if Oikawa and Kuroo met they’d be unstoppable :’D
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