#also again i’m not an expert i’m just autistic and i like inline skates very much :]
sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
I wanna know what in line skates you'd give each character 👀
OOOHH i have so many thoughts on this thank you so much for asking. this is long and there are. many images in this post because visual aid is required so under a read more it goes
firstly i have these little bit wonky concepts i made on my phone like months ago for shadow and sonic inspired aggressive skates. id actually kill for shadow and sonic inspired skates sega get on it
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anyway though i made these i actually have far more in depth thoughts on these two that deviate from these so it’s time for separate sections!
i think i 100% have to make him a skate geek he’s THE skate guy so i think he’s gotta own a pair of like every kind of skate. choosing what he’d most prominently use is a bit hard cause like on one hand, it’s very important that he’s able to grind; sa2 introduced grinding and shadow so i gotta go with aggressive skates in that case because aggressives are skates designed specifically with performing grinds and jumps and such. HOWEVER they’re also really slow cause they usually have only 2 small wheels and are very heavy, so they aren’t suited to skating distances. so i think i’d also consider giving him city skates skates which are skates that are for navigating city terrain and going fast thru it, as well as some tricks like jumps, manuals, n stuff.
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aggressive skates / city skates close to what i’d give him
of course, similar to shadow i’d probably give him either city skates and/or aggressives, but with the difference that i’d give him a 3 wheel setup on city skates mainly cause it looks neat and distinct and id give him a four wheel setup on aggressives which are faster and a bit harder to do tricks on than the two wheel setup you can see above on the skates i gave shadow (they have those 2 smaller central anti-rocker wheels that make grinding easier but go slower cause only two wheels that you move on. i think sonic would appreciate the speed and the challenge)
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aggressives (imagine they have a four wheel setup lmao) / city skates close to what id give him
also it’d be completely remiss of me to not mention speed skates! speed skates are very very fast indeed. they don’t have much ankle support unlike most skates, and if i’m being quite honest i don’t find them nearly as cool as i find aggressive skates or city skates so i’m not really considering them lmao; cool factor is very very important when it comes to sonic. marathon skates are slower speed skates with more ankle support and i think they get a pass, there’s some fairly cool designs out there, but they’re just not cool enough to me to give to sonic lol
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an example of a four wheel aggressive skate (notice how all four wheels are the same size and touch the ground unlike the aggressive skates above) / an example of speed skates (see how they don’t have any ankle support and have huge wheels? you can go very fast on them but they’re not maneuverable in varied environments like other kinds of skates)
i actually have such a vivid image of silver on tacky soft boot recreational/fitness skates (recreational skates don’t specialize in anything in particular. soft boot skates especially being unsuited to anything past beginner level) with glow wheels.
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like something like the second one with the wheels of the first is just so. tacky yet endearing to me. i’ve been coming around on glow wheels honestly but personally most soft boot skates don’t look nearly as cool as other skates to me. the combo of glow wheels and soft boot skates make me think of overconfident beginners or children. no better way to put it but i think a little endearing lameness suits silver quite well. yknow, as a treat.
honestly i don’t have much to say but i think i’d give amy hard boot recreational skates
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something like these! i really think these are so cute
i don’t have any more specific visual ref nor a lot to say for everyone else so
everyone else:
id give blaze slalom skates which. like are the same as city skates but with a different use case. slaloming is like, an agility thing where you maneuver around cones and do spins and such idk how to describe it well. i could also give her inline figure skates, which are just figure skates with wheels. figure skating blaze is something so real to me honestly
charmy would have the most obnoxious and brightly coloured kids recreational skates imaginable. glow wheels are a must. i think i’d give espio city skates and vector aggressive skates.
i’d give tails city skates i guess? i’m so sorry tails i have no idea what’d suit him best
for like everyone i didn’t mention i’d probably give them city/slalom skates if they’re fast or agile on their feet, aggressive skates if they’re show-offs and are known to do tricks/are power types, hard boot recreational skates if they’re normal, and soft boot recreational skates if i think they would be beginners/occasional hobbyists. and that’s it that’s the post i don’t have anything for anyone else notable. thanks again for asking!
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