#also I love Qiqi
thanishua · 2 years
Some Genshin things;
May contain spoilers!!
Just a compilation of random thoughts
Am on mobile and don't know how to format lol
- Lumine is canonically over 500 year old at least, plus from another world. I'd hardly think her people would let her jump from universe to universe, world to world if she wasn't considered an adult... Why can't she have any alcohol?
-Also!!! Why couldn't we have matching outfits with Ayaka made 😭😭😭 Can't we dress her up in different regional Teyvat dress?? Or is her outfit really some kind of magically self clean and mend type??
- I love Qiqi, she's precious and must be protected and despite all the memes of her ruining everyone's 50/50 how come I've been playing since the BEGINNING and she's not even C3 yet???? I SMELL SLANDER.
- The game's premise reminds me of a light hearted adventure anime but really, the world is basically built upon genocide? Kinda weird to think about. One moment we're in a sunny meadow laughing and practicing our elemental skills and the next we're in a quest and see dead hilichurls strewn around. Are we sure this is just a kids game???
- Is it really so bad of Aether to want to help turn the people of Kaenrhi'a back to well... People???
- I can't decide who to ship with who. I kinda ship everyone with everyone and yet also not. It's confusing and I have a lot of AO3 to read through now. Not necessarily complaining though.
- There's a lot less fics of it for some characters than I'd have thought.
- How do artifacts work??? Which ones are good???
- NGL sometimes I do get kinda confused when people genderbend Lumine in fics, like Aether is Right There (no hate or anything just really confused. They're basically made to be the same person, no?) Aether's so cute too 😭😭
- Why do the angsty anemo boys tug on my heartstrings so much. It's unfair.
- Anyone have a Teyvat cookbook bc some of them dishes do be looking delicious af.
- I once read a Zhonglumi fic where he'd used the contract they'd made where'd she'd keep him company in exchange for help to look for her brother, to keep her from traveling to another world with her brother once she finally found him and I was distraught. Like damn that was some fine use of inconspicuous canon lore to absolutely traumatize me. That was a scary ass Zhongli, unhinged yet completely composed. Very good fic tho 11/10 would recommend even if our fave Geo Archon was a bit of a psycho in it.
- Will they/won't they, but it's wether Paimon will actually end up betraying the traveler.
- Why did I turn all my fish into fish.... I want the Catch and the damn fish bow. I already gave Sayu the Fish Lord... It's hilarious.
- Once someone said Dainsleif reminded them of a more mature Howl and now I can't unsee...
- The way Aether clearly was meant to be the traveler.. 😭😭 they could at least have TRIED to make sure Lumines pronouns match throughout the text and dialogue and that the Battlepass Story doesn't always condemn her to basically be the Princess of Darkness. Also since it talks of the first and second crowned heir.. does it mean Lumine is basically the elder sibling???
- I still kinda hope we can get a pet fungi and that all past pets (ahem ahem, like the one (1!!) I missed, the oceanid, ahem ahem) will at some point become available regardless of events.
These are my rambles for tonight, might revisit this at a later time 😌😌
Ad astra abyssosque
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echollama · 3 months
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Lantern Rite 2024 doodles!
This year's event hit a bit close to home for me personally, and I loved it🥰🥰🥰
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fatuismooches · 1 month
Honestly, Dottore with reader as playable chars is such a funny concept. You know people who build supports chars as dps, like Barbara, Qiqi, me with Candace, all that stuff. Dottore insulting the absolute idiocy of the player, while wearing something like under leveled noblesse w/ lvl 1 fav. greatsword, while his lover gets the perfect artifacts, weapon, 3 crowns etc etc, with the motivation of "their autoattacks are so cute, I want to see them more often >:"
OMG YESSS... this actually made me realize duo playable Reader and Dottore would be a lot of investment... two separate weapons, level-up materials, artifact sets, talents. You would be spending a LOT of resin on these two and probably end up neglecting one of them if you don't plan accordingly. In this case, Dottore. The poor Harbinger is hitting double-digit damage (giving Dottore The Bell weapon, just to be even more evil) while Reader, despite being the support character, is somehow hitting in the six-digit area for showcases. Needless to say, he's very much not amused at the player's antics, more because now he has to deal with Reader flaunting how much stronger they are compared to him. Unfortunately, it seems like he's going to be benched for a while despite being out on the field all the time...
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artlocke · 8 months
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i tried to pull for wriothesley and got a qiqi, i dont know what to do now
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maple-and-pie · 1 year
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Healer carry Sneasel -> @thatsamolez
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ridl · 1 year
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Ganqing being the faces of Dragon Boat Festival SEQUEL!!!
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laine-975 · 6 months
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Found old art and felt obligated to prove I can do better. No you can’t see the old one
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dee--eer · 8 months
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Baizhu’s Room
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(note: this was written without any leaked spoilers or lore in mind)
Genshin 3.6 finally gave us access to the back room in Bubu Pharmacy, in anticipation of Baizhu’s upcoming release and story quest. And I have to give all the praise to the designers and developers here, because this small room has some of the best environmental storytelling I’ve seen in a game in a while, with only a few simple details. Today is Baizhu’s birthday, so I wanted to talk about it a little 💚🐍🌿
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Nothing in this room is neatly in its place. The chairs aren’t in position, everything on the desk is messy and strewn about, and some of the drawers are left open. There’s a pillow on the desk, as well. Baizhu is quite frail and sickly, so this all paints a picture of him constantly looking for things and working, both as a doctor and frantically on his research into immortality, without having the energy or care to keep everything neat, and probably often falling asleep at his desk out of exhaustion (hence the pillow, though admittedly it could be for Changsheng, but I kind of doubt it).
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There’s medicine on the bedside tables, which is probably just as much for Baizhu as it (and all the other medicine in the room) is for his patients. The bedside chair indicates he likely sits with patients there a lot so as to be as comforting as possible, but again, it’s also likely for people like Gui and Qiqi, when Baizhu is the one in bed. The sole small washtub thing stuck in the corner behind the screen... just makes me sad. I don’t know why in particular... it just does.
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All of this, combined with the lighting, and the new, unique song, creates a room that manages to feel both warm and welcoming during the day, but solemn, lonely, almost suffocating, and unbearably sad at night, completely befitting the person who practically lives here, and the two very different sides he has. I say “practically”, but we have no indication so far that Baizhu actually does live anywhere else -- with his low energy and poor health, and all those damn steps leading up to the pharmacy, I’m fully convinced now that he does live here full-time, after seeing the state of it, which is... heartbreaking. He puts on a smile for everyone around him who are relying on him to care for them (and he loves his job, he truly does!), but his tiny, cramped patient room seemingly doubles as his living space, and even though Baizhu may lie and try to hide his own suffering... this room itself does not lie, and said suffering is bleeding from every corner here. The music is elegant, gentle, comforting, and soothing, but also delicate, weak, mournful, and again unimaginably lonely...... just like Baizhu. 💔
If you haven’t been here yet in the game, I highly recommend you visit it at least once; the atmosphere is simply unmatched. I can’t wait to see what happens here in Baizhu’s story quest, and how it will wreck our hearts even more 💚💔
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yotd2009 · 9 months
going from "i like ayaka but i'm going to pull for her brother instead bc i already have a cryo sword user + i want to replace my barbara w a 5*" to ayaka's biggest wanter and a ride or die barbara stan who doesn't even use ayato. every day i regret my decisions made during 3.5
#he's at level 39 w a dull blade and random artifacts. i originally just threw whatever on them but then harvested them for other characters#also my anti barbara era was soooo pathetic like. i just wanted 5*s for the sake of having 5*s despite the fact that barbara Literally Is A#5* under the 4* label (she was meant to be a limited 5* but then hoyo realized that they never gave us a free healer so they changed#barbara's rarity and gave her out for free. which is the reason why she's the only 4* w a 5* burst animation)#also 'i don't need ayaka when i actually use my kaeya' was dumb too. you Can't be playing genshin w only one functional team it's just not#sustainable + not as much fun. genuinely this was during the period of time when my kaeya was lvl 80 and everyone else was ~lvl 40 or lower#bc i wanted to replace them and i just had kaeya solo everything and wondered why i couldn't complete the rank up quest/do big numbers#n e ways. now that i've forgiven qiqi for the crime of not being scara + fallen in love w layla + still am a kaeya main + actually#understand how genshin team comps/building characters work i've realized that a. cryo sword users have my fave gameplay and b. you can make#a fully rounded genshin team w just them (ayaka is a main dps. kaeya is a sub dps. qiqi is a healer and layla is a shield) and i haven't#seen anyone else use them all together that way and i want to be the first. but first i need ayaka.#+ all their signature weapons bc. c'mon. how much cooler would that be (read: i feel like i'd get more clout for it)#romeo.txt
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viatrixtravels-a · 2 months
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"Let me read the list of people who can get free kisses. Number one, Xiao. ...Oh. Seems like that's the end of the list already."
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oseike · 3 months
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I made a chart because I wanted to see this all laid out in one handy view instead of needing to click toggles to sort through information.
I'll update when we know more about Sigewinne, Emilie and Clorinde. I'm definitely jumping the gun and calling Arlecchino a DPS, so if I'm wrong I'll update that too in a later post (I'll reply to this one, so check comments I guess if you're seeing this original).
If you don't agree with the utility I posted for a character....well, just mentally change it, I'm not here to debate lol. I'm just going by basic meta. Some of the combo utilities are "they're both" and some are "they can be used in either capacity" and you'll just have to sort those out on your own. And yes, some of the support or sub dps units hit like trucks, that doesn't change their classification.
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starsandthorn · 4 months
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lingyaos · 1 year
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ren faire with some pals today 🥲🥰💕
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Things that make me smile: Characters with sharp teeth actually using them in combat.
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