#also I know I shouldn’t be internet stalking ppl
b00bstone · 2 years
Internet stalking ex friends is weirdly bittersweet, cuz like they’ve gotten so far in life from when u knew them and ur proud of them and happy for them but at the same time you weren’t there for it you never got to tell them you’re proud of them or that you’re happy for them, you only know what’s going on because they posted about it online and not because they told you, because you aren’t in each other’s lives anymore.
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ixnova · 4 years
question for the lgbt community and your responses will weed ya out for my block list if they are “lmao get rekt” kinda responses But back when I used to be cishet, I got harassed and bullied because I always and still do stand by my opinions of equality, I think men deserve respect too and aren’t evil, and all genders and sexuality are valid. I think straight allies are a good thing as most of you will probably also agree to expand the community and its reach and normalize lgbt.
But I had this one user, who stalked me because they didn’t like these opinions. There actually are some genuine people in the LGBT community who are SERIOUS about the cisphobia. I was witnessed to extreme bullying and harassment by them and i still have recipts. They made serveral hate blogs referencing my URL I had then and contacted me to harass me over the messaging system and also went as far as to take screenshots of my replies (me asking why they were doing this, or asking if they wanted to discuss opinions because im always open to explain myself.) and then made fake images saying i hate gay people and i support trump - I’m canadian and I’ve never ever had an issue with gay ppl in my life. This was taken serious by some of my followers, thankfully some of you contacted me about it and BELIEVED ME (thank god) when I told you what was up and they were faked. Others did not. This caused my social image to get damaged and obviously ppl hated me and its a whole case of miss information But they continued for weeks, I just stopped replying/blocking/posting and they eventually went away. I did however have to file harassment complaints to tumblr and was very close to contacting the local law, because they were making DEATH THREATS to me and my safety and well being, as well as encouraging me to commit suicide. They did all of this, because I was Identifying as CIS at the time. So no I’m not going to invalidate anyone else’s experiences nor am I making this a competition, and if anything it gave me a fucking taste of the fucking struggles y’all go through regularly by most everyone you run into, and in real life too.  But I am going to ask, can we start taking people complaining about cisphobia seriously if they have legit experiences like this?? It’s just another form of bullying which we should not be promoting. I know it sounds silly but on the internet, especially places like twitter and tumblr, this mentality of “all cis people are bad so i have a right to be horrible to them” is on the rise, which combats the “all gay ppl are bad so i have a right to be horrible to them” mentality. I get it, people cope, but harassing people like this shouldn’t be the soultion. It’s not right for you to harass a lgbt person, so why in gods name is the community allowing people to harass cis people, for the same reasons? The core reason, their sexuality, who you chose to mate with, what you identify as. It’s not right. This experince has haunted me, I think about it all the time when I talk about activism and such, and again its not to overshadow the real struggles lgbt ppl face, but its a reminder that HATE SPREADS MORE HATE. It’s really disheartening to be told more vile and cruel things when sharing this story. I’m told I don’t matter and the fact my feelings were hurt doesn’t matter because I’m “cis” (I’m not anymore FYI but y’all can try because we know Biphobia is real in the community but thats another issue to tackle another day.) There WILL people hateful, spiteful people reading this, or just read the first bit, and they WILL continue to harass me or tell me to “Shut up” and proceed to bully me, because they assume I am CIS. My point with this is that unless they’re being completely unreasonable about it, like say the down with cis bus levels, can you guys please try to consider and listen to allies and people to claim to have been mistreated the same I have? Can we demolish the stigma you can’t harass or be mean to cis ppl for being cis because you can. Can we realize that “cisphobia” is no longer a joke, and sadly some members of the community are actively partaking in trying to develop a standard and normalize hate against cis people? There are genuine people out there that wish harm on cis people. If we’re eradicating homophobic people, we need to also keep our own in line and in check. Spread kindness not hate. For those of you who read this far, thank you, stay safe, and have a good day. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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thoughtfulnerdcycle · 3 years
all the even numbers (for the send in numbers to get an answer thingy) >:D
gonna be a long one :D
2: Age
19, born in 2001 lol
4: 3 things I love
my friends
6: 4 turns off
(these are just a preference and only count for people i could be romantically attracted to u can have these things and we can still be friends)
dirty finger nails/uncared nails/hands
crooked teeth
just personal preference not attacking anyone <3
8: Sexual orientation
10: How tall am I
im around 5“3 or 161cm
12: What time were I born
around 8.30pm!
14: Do I have a crush
kinda recovering from a crush rn
16: Favorite place
my house if i’m alone and outside if i’m not alone
18: Do I use sarcasm
i think i try to but probably fail miserably
20: First thing I notice in new person
22: Eye color
brown :(
24: Favorite style of clothing
(korean) streetwear, or dark academia no in between
26: there’s no 26 lmao :D
28: Favorite movie
i love shrek lol and basketball diaries, very basic but i also like pulp fiction
30: Favorite band
queen, bon jovi, pink floyd, arctic monkeys, one ok rock, oisicle melonpan
32: Someone I love
my newest friend - she’s a lovely person and i alr feel like i’ve known her for years <3
34: My relationship with my parents
sometimes it’s pretty good but there’s no trust
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
i want tattoos don’t have any yet
i have s helix on my left ear and two ear lobes, two on my right ear and i used to have a nose piercing on the right side
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
i was 13 and not like other girls
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not really :( i want one
42: When did I last hold hands?
i don’t remember
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
not my friends bc they’re drunk too
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
my mom and my stepfather, idk where my father is
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
my best friend - i love him so much and he always listens
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
unless a quick hug counts idk if it counts then on thursday
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i trusted my ex best friend even tho i knew i shouldn’t
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
this is such a hard question tbh i can’t decide id love to meet all the famous people who died like Freddie Mercury or Kurt Cobain maybe Marilyn Monroe or just my soulmate lol
58: What’s my strangest talent?
i can tie a knot with my tongue?
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
i wish i was confident enough to be in front of it but i’m good behind lol
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i usually hate talking loudly at home as i’m scared my parents could hear so neither texting is best
64: Do I believe in magic?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
warm with a harsh find
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
does my chronic illness count lol
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
74: Favorite animal?
cats for pets and ducks for non domestic animals
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
cool people don’t use last names like zendaya
78: How can you win my heart?
give me attention and be as passionate as me (or just try) for my hyperfixations lol
80: What is my favorite word?
i love handlettering the word moist, girls, history and love
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
love is love
black lives matter
stop racism against asian people
stop the hate
but would probably be to nervous to talk ingrown of ppl i almost lost consciousness when i had to present smth in class
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
teleportation would’ve neat
86: What is my current desktop picture?
leafs lol
88: Bought condoms?
for a friend that had a hook up later that das but didn’t have enough time to get them lol
90: Failed a class?
yes but on purpose
92: Kissed a girl?
94: Had a job?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
i don’t remember actively bullying anyone bc i always was against that but you never know if your words were perceived the way u wanted
98: Played on a sports team?
100: Did drugs?
only weed
102: Drank alcohol?
104: Been overweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
does netflix count if yes then yes
110: Gotten my heart broken?
yes lol
112: Broken a bone?
114: Been to prom?
116: Fly by helicopter?
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
120: Wore make up?
pretty much everyday
122: Had oral sex?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
126: Had a surgery?
had 1 wisdom tooth removed haha
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
130: Been fishing?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
yes :(
134: What do I want for birthday?
i’ve been saving up for an ipad past few months and i got almost half so maybe the other half of the money or smth idk i don’t do birthdays :D
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axcelo · 7 years
You can choose...
I have been involved in 3 fan bases since I was 15. 
Back in time, internet wasn’t a thing so I had to follow my band throughout fanzines I subscribed to, or just waiting for them to appear in TV shows or release a new song /album.
+ this taught me to study harder my English lessons and to be patient.
- this made me spend a hell of a time on TV, and a lot of money in magazines !!
These band members were all males, and we saw them meet their gf, who became wives later along their career.They shared the birth of their children and their friendship with us. And that was nice.
+ I thought it was great...
- yet social medias didn’t exist at that time...
My own life took over my fangirling and I had to face a lot of judgmental people, I faced hate, loss, illness, lies, manipulations....Nothing I needed, yet all was imposed on me. I got lost, broken...
In 2014, when I was at a low moment in my life I discovered a new band to follow thanks to internet. Everything seemed to be easier ! Finding news, pics, videos, songs, merch !! Everything I didn’t have decades before...But this new reality was so much darker ...
+ so yes I could go through their whole career in 2 weeks and not feel much of a newbie anymore after 1 month, I could follow them through social medias and get involved with more fans and more projects. The precious instant link and comment.
- but the ease has massive side effects called stalking, judging and bullying.
I realized that everything that should be used to facilitate fan/celeb relationship was in fact a double edge sword !
Every single appearance, speech, people including those artists were just thrown under fan’s scrutiny for the worst...
Forgetting these artists were just as human as us, they were no longer owners of their own acts and life. No matter what they did or do, nothing will ever been good enough for every fan.
This proximity/distance link seemingly existing, became a curse for both sides. Artists sharing more of their life with who they thought was a real community, Fans feeling frustrated not to get more of their idols.
The need to be known leading to a closeness bordering on privacy intrusion, and when the line happened to be crossed, the human behind the artist needing to step backward ...
Love/infatuation leading to Frustration, leading to anger, leading to hate.
In this relationship I think we are all fragile human beings. We want to live the best life and we rely on others to be able to do it, in some capacity.
Artists need fans to be known and grow in their art, and fans love to have someone to admire, to help them live and believe. Those feelings are natural, yet some people are more damaged inside on different levels and their shadows affect the way they need to live this relationship.
I am damaged, I needed my own vision of things to feel better myself, but I didn’t choose hate over common sense.
Today I see hate comments aimed at artists I care about, and those comments are not out of evidence or facts, they are just about fans’ hidden inner feelings, they know they shouldn’t have or act upon, so they decide to turn their frustration against the people they ultimately adored. They get to be noticed, they get to be related to them, just not in the way they wanted.
To state they’re interested by an artist, they shut down all values, all common sense, all restrain any human being should have when a relationship with another human being should be concerned.
There is a way for them to change their point of view, but few will start the journey, because it is not easy to admit you were wrong at some point in your life.
My problem with that “hate against celebrities” is that when those people make low, disrespectful comments on their favorite target, they ALSO hurt the fans who admire those artists in a simpler/healthier way.
If you want to spread hate about some people, it’s your choice! But collateral victims shouldn’t be allowed. By hating on famous ppl you hurt other fans you don’t even know but hate already because they disagree with you...Makes no sense...
 Hate is a poison for the ones who use it. Your “target” will move on, or ignore you...but at the end of the day haters go to bed with this poison inside their head and heart, and it spoils slowly everything good that could remain inside.
I’m against hate, I want to help you, we can help you get out of this ...if you want to try. 
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specsnsarcasm · 7 years
GoT - 705 “Eastwatch”
Omg. Omg omg omg. 
Q. What just happened? 
A. fucking EVERYTHING!!! 
SO much to unpack in tonight’s Game of Thrones ep, which felt like a whole damn whole season’s worth of set-up crammed into one! I don’t even know where to begin! 
Ok, first of all, I’m glad the showrunners cut to the chase and didn’t draw shit out needlessly. (It’s a pet peeve. You know - cutesy little “misunderstandings” that could easily be cleared up if the characters behaved like human beings?). I’m glad they didn’t draw out the “did he drown/didn’t he?” scene with Jaime and Bronn, Jaime telling Cersei about Olenna’s last confession, Gendry telling Jon his name, etc. Fucking. Good. Now let’s get to it!
Speaking of Gendry, what’s good, fam!?!!! Good to see you! FINALLY, the internet can stop saying “where’s Gendry???” and making the same joke over and over, the same one that Ser Davos made tonight about him still rowing (Davos’ got jokes!). At this point, so many seasons on, it seems less consequential that he’s Robert Baratheon’s son. It’s like - hello? SO many other ppl vying for legitimacy. Take a number. 
Also, he’s been gone so for long that I forgot it was “Gendry” with a soft “g”, and not Jendry, hard “g”, as in “gender.” I sat there for a sec like “how the fuck did Davos “mr grammar” pronounce it?”
A hammer, Gendry? Really? Is that how we’re going to do this? A big ass fucking hammer. Really. *SIGH*. Okay. Let’s do this. Did he choose it BECAUSE it was his father’s weapon of choice or is this just a coincidence?
Glad to see Sansa and Arya are getting along. ?? Ah, sister rivalry as an adult. I know this very well, myself. You go from fighting about toys, treats, turns and shit, to passive aggressive digs and mental warfare that dig deep because they know you too well, and which characteristics have been there since childhood. Lol 
Speaking of Arya. GIRL! You in danger. I knew stalking Littlefinger was too good to be true (but seriously, how did he know she was there???). Man! I really wanted Arya to give him a taste of his own medicine, but a novice snake is no match for a veteran snake. Have a seat. 
What else? OOOOOooooOOOH! Danny’s got the hots for Jon (who wouldn’t fancy a guy who is good with the kids??? lololol) SUCH a turn on! Haha. Meanwhile, poor ole Jorah legit *just* got home, cured himself, travelled all the way from the Citadel, rested for a hot second, then volunteered his ass to go beyond the fucking wall. like WHY???? Danny didn’t even let him say he loves her this time around. She was like “yeah”. Seriously tho, is “Andal” Westerosi for “cat”, because dude has nine lives! But there are only so many times he can leave and come back before it starts to lose it’s effect. 
The whole dynamic between Tyrion and Danny has me *extremely* nervous. Hands to the king (queen) tend not to last very long on this show, and not only are their ideological differences creating a rift, he’s empathizing with the enemy (his former people). Though maybe it’s just generalized empathy for human suffering, and it’s not Lannister-army specific. 
Speaking of which, I’m really struggling with what Danny did to the Tarlys. So…is slavery better or worse than being dead, in her book? On one hand, my knee jerk reaction is to think it was harsh of her. On the other, she has to make an example of an unrepentant adversary. Would I think twice about it if she were a man? I think it’s initially shocking because you see the ppl burnt to a crisp, Tyrion in such anguish over it and in the back of your mind, you know this is Sam’s family. And despite his father being a massive asshole, Dickon seems pretty ok (if not a bit vacuous). But Tyrion has often been the unofficial moral barometer of the show. Also, in the past, Danny made such a fuss over not wanting the slaves to fight each other to the death, but has no trouble burning soldiers and ppl alive. On the surface, it seems as though Danny is becoming hard, is losing herself. But she’s burned people alive almost, if not every season since her dragons could do that, and we had no problem with it then, when it was badass, or when there was a more definitive villain. But I suppose war is about hard choices…
- Ser Davos had some of the best lines of the night (Davos for King!) 
- Ugh, Sam! Cutting Gilly off when she was getting to some good exposition?? *SIGH*. We’ll get there eventually. Dude was fed UP tho! Well, he tried. I’m kind of excited to see Sam re-enter the fray, but I’m also like - the MOST scared for him. Realistically, the Citadel was probably the safest place for him and the fam to be. He was a rubbish fighter to begin with, and now he’s out of practice! Also, how can he just leave? He has a very valuable trade: “curer of dragonscale”. Shouldn’t he teach the other maesters how to do that, and help all those crazy stone ppl in Old Valeria (I know, I know. The stone people are too far gone, new cases only!)? 
I can’t even deal with Jon going past the wall... to do what, exactly? Kidnap a White Walker (wight) and… bring him to the South, to show Cersei? Wtf! Sure!  
Anyway, here’s me, after tonight’s ep:
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