#almost overshared but deleted all that god bless
dogheartbf · 8 months
i'm always on some "let's mitigate the consequences" "time to do some damage control" "how do i manage the situation" "how do i come back from this" shit like goddamn calm down. would love to know what's it like to live outside of crisis mode
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gaiuskamilah · 9 months
sorry i just sent that then fucking died (wednesdays are so...), here's a lil something based on tyril fucking a human mc (cis female) in a temple!
Tyril has such warm hands, something she would have thought unimaginable when she saw the pale blue of his complexion — clear as glass, smooth as ice, constantly making her shiver but never as cold as he looks — for the first time. They're warmer still with his long, slender fingers inside of her, pressing her into the cold marble of the altar, kissing her furiously as though he could swallow her moans whole.
Sweat-damp strands of her hair are falling in her eyes. Through the veil of her ruined (because it will be obvious what they have been doing when they leave this place, because offering this to hungry gods can only bring ruin, because the Shadow Realm does not lie in ruins, because he is her ruin) hair, Tyril looks so pretty, flushing violet when he meets her eyes.
He looks almost like he's praying when he lowers to his knees to be anointed.
Violet blush dissipating. Violet tongue and a string of saliva. Violet tip glistening.
When he's done, and she gasps, her chest heaving, slightly dizzy, her gaze falls on his hands. The hands that parted her naked thighs, the light casting shadows shaped like sacred objects on them. (Such a contradictory, obscene image.) The hands that carried her to the altar, placed her on top of it. And before — the hands that braided her hair and stroked her cheeks and tilted her chin up to kiss him, murmuring something in a language she is still coming to learn.
She reaches down, wraps her fingers around two of his, squeezing him tightly. The rings she wears must be cold — or maybe they're warmed by sitting so close to her skin. She used to be so jealous of the armor Tyril wore, how it clung to him without shame.
Now she is the thing that refuses to let go.
i probably should have been clear this was more of a story fragment and like i was honestly too scared to drop "pussy" and "cock"s in your inbox even with permission LMAO but hopefully this scratches some kinda itch.... uhmmm if you want to know why she's getting ate out in a temple on the altar, it's because i said so
nah it's probably just a cop2 diamond scene that got misplaced (please for the love of god tell me why trystan wanted to fuck in his sibling's bedroom. why.)
also yeah i couldn't find that fic the author may have deleted but i feel like maybe they did a getting ate out on an altar scene too and that subconsciously inspired me.... shouts to u, whomever u were (if you were even a choices writer i swear i need to go on prevagen at this point i've aged 29393920 years since the prime of choices) (this is a niche joke for people who watch wheel of fortune. i apologize. okay i'm really leaving now.)
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you say you're rusty but i really can't tell because AHHH this prose is soooo wonderful even if it's just a short snippet!! some of my favorite lines/ramblings under the cut because this FUCKS both literally and figuratively:
(because it will be obvious what they have been doing when they leave this place, because offering this to hungry gods can only bring ruin, because the Shadow Realm does not lie in ruins, because he is her ruin)
like damn the fucking gods to all hells, my lover is giving me this and i will chose her and she will chose me over the world!! i love it!!!
He looks almost like he's praying when he lowers to his knees to be anointed.
The hands that parted her naked thighs, the light casting shadows shaped like sacred objects on them. (Such a contradictory, obscene image.) The hands that carried her to the altar, placed her on top of it.
"such a contradictory, obscene image" god bless you. i fucking love this
The rings she wears must be cold — or maybe they're warmed by sitting so close to her skin. She used to be so jealous of the armor Tyril wore, how it clung to him without shame. Now she is the thing that refuses to let go.
HONESTLY? things are much sexier when it's implied and when allusions are used instead of just like saying... "she's giving him the handjob of his life" or something. thank u i love this i am giving you cheek kisses beloved anon <3
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thesanguinerose · 4 years
20 Questions Meme!
I was tagged by the lovely @llyrel​ so....here is stuff about me after the read more lol
Name/nickname: Morgan. I tend not to go by nicknames though my IRL friends occasionally, fondly refer to me as Morgorg.
Zodiac Sign: Aries Sun, Rising Leo, Moon Sag
Height: 5′2′‘
Languages: English, and I can say “hello” and “how are you?” in Spanish, French, and Japanese. And a smattering of other dumb words. I’m not fluent in anything other than English though lmao.
Nationality: American. What up.
Favorite season: Autumn or Spring.
Favorite flower: I enjoy carnations lmao. Big and colorful!
Favorite scent: petrichor, general...man scent - musky scents I suppose, ocean/salt water, wildflowers
Favorite color: Purple and blue
Favorite animal: Dogs!!
Favorite fictional character: Anyone who knows me should know this about me at this point. Sirius Black. I’ve wanted to write a dissertation on him for ages, he makes my heart clench, and he’s deeply important to me. Tbf all the Marauders are important to me but….he’s my favorite. Close second: MC in The Arcana - this is cheating. The MC is who you make them, but I like their base personality and I like how they lend themself to diversity and creativity in fandom. Plus y’all just have quality MCs.
Coffee, tea, or got chocolate: coffee with hot chocolate mixed in ;)
Dog or cat person: Both!! I enjoy both very much!
Number of blankets: i have 2 right now, but when my bed is made, i have a top sheet, and a comforter, and a couple of soft velvety blankets for nice texture feels, and a weighted blanket lmfao. I need to feel surrounded and warm at all times.
Dream trip: London - I miss it very much. New York - but I want to live there. I’ve wanted to just wander across Europe for ages, and of course see some of the seven wonders….My ideal trip would be all the fun cities I’ve wanted to visit anyway, but i get to see my friends along the way ^_^
Blog established: Oh god. Okay so i made this blog after i deleted my original after a breakup lmao. So this blog is like...5 years old? Almost 6? But I’ve been on tumblr since probably 2011.
Followers: 337. Lots of fun mutuals, and a few wayward souls - bless u for following me despite my sporadic and ill conceived content <333
I’m not sure who all to tag bc most of my close friends were already tagged by others. I ask that you all go as ham as you wish - i love learning about people and most people like to overshare, don’t they? Hehe.
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baekhoneyed · 7 years
listen i am not the type to write fanfic or drabbles or whatever bc that’s not my #scene but like i saw that “how you said i love you” post and it’s 2:45 am and i’m lonely and my heart made me do this okay? it’s bad i’m a bad writer i’ll probably delete this when i come to my senses
word count: 824
1. as a hello It was four in the afternoon, and you had been at your regular Starbucks for exactly 28 minutes. minute 1 Warm coffee-scented air hit your face as you leave the snowy streets behind and weave through the tables, hell bent on getting what you know is the last croissant because this is prime croissant weather. No line - perfect. The croissant is yours. minute 2 The barista is nowhere to be found. You wait. minutes 3 through 5 This is officially inconvenient, but you don’t have class until eight, so it’s fine.  You worry about the croissant.
minute 6 A blonde guy, hurriedly tying an apron around his snow-spotted clothing, comes spilling out from the back room. He's cute. He smiles at you - even cuter. You smile back, still thinking about the croissant. Cute blonde guy finishes tying his apron, smile as lopsided and cheery as his name tag. Baek? Baek-something. The apron strap is in the way. You order a tall hot chocolate and a croissant and pay with the Starbucks app. Damn your winter croissant habit. minutes 8 through 12 You walk to the other end of the counter, the pickup area, to wait. After a few minutes, Baek-something places a cup on the counter - "Tall hot chocolate," he calls out, even though you're right there. You smile and thank him, grab it, and sit down. minutes 13 through 15 You sip hot chocolate, and all is well. Except something is missing. You shrug it off. minute 16 The croissant! minute 16 and a half Baek-something with the cute face materializes next to your seat, plate in hand. "Oh my god, thank you, I just remembered about the croissant - god knows I paid enough for it, right?" You smile at him and instinctively lean away from the table so he can set down the plate. "I love you," he says. minutes 17 through 23 There's no way in hell he just said that. "Buy a girl a drink first," you say, eyes scrunching up as you laugh to hide your surprise.  "That... that is not what I meant to say," he chuckles, cheeks flushed pink, eyes wide, croissant plate halfway to the table. He sets it down anxiously and wipes his hands on his apron. "Sorry. It's been a long day. My co-workers all found an excuse to stay home because of the snow - or maybe they all really did get the flu, but I seriously doubt it - so I've been working for like eight hours on my own plus I haven't been sleeping well lately." Somehow he says it all in one breath. Impressive. "Hey, no worries! I called my fourth grade teacher 'mom' once, it happens." You laugh it off, as if you had cute, blonde baristas professing their love to you every day. A regular occurrence in your life. Internally, however you cringe at the overshare - he does not need to know that information! Why did you say that! Silence. "Um, is there anything else I can get you?" He raises an eyebrow, smile edging its way back onto his face despite the obvious embarrassment. "Ah, no that's okay, I'm fine, uh..." You try to read the rest of his name, but the apron is still in the way. He notices and quickly scrambles to fix it. His hands are pretty. "Ah! Baekhyun. Nice to meet you." His eyes crinkle at the corners, his awkward smile transforming into a polite retail-worker grin. Cute name, you think. He doesn't walk away. "Uh, if it's okay I need to go to the bathroom?" You ask this complete stranger for permission to go to the bathroom. He starts and nods, seemingly dazed. The smile leaps back onto his face. "Yup, of course, it's right back there," he points to the back of the store. You get up and scoot past him, but you both end up walking that way - him to the counter and you to the bathroom. It's definitely a little weird, so you pick up the pace, almost speed-walking right past the bathrooms. minutes 23 through 25 You wash your hands and think about what just happened. Ugh this is shallow, you think to yourself, but at least he was cute. It could have been that one guy, the tall one with the purple extensions that go down to his shoulders. minutes 26 through 28 There's something on your table - a napkin? - that definitely wasn't there when you left for the bathroom. You pick it up and read it. Your eyes catch the cute barista's, tiny grin on your face. He waves a little and smiles, tongue just barely sticking out of the corner of his mouth, blonde hair falling into his eyes when he looks down at the register to ring up a customer. noticed your hoodie - we go to the same university?? i just transferred here, let's hang sometime :) baekhyun (555-0594) Bless your winter croissant habit.
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