#all my homies hate the spn writers
ct-0613 · 1 year
how i look telling anyone that will listen how much i loved Crowley and how he deserved a better ending than he was given
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artificialstrontium · 2 years
dsmp finale spoilers, discussion of abuse
Ok so this rambling might be a tad unorganized but here’s my thoughts: The ending has been worked on for a long while now, so it’s not to say that it’s rushed. But seeing other’s reactions, it didn’t come across or land right, a miscommunication on the writer’s end (as I know people have been very vocal about making sure Tommy knows what a character like this means). 
That was a tragic ending. I know cc Tommy said he wanted his character to have a soft ending, and surface level it is that (having a do-over without pain is a wonderful thought, no?), but i can see why people are upset over a victim coming to an understanding and even unknowingly starting a friendship with his abuser, as well as spending his last moments believing he was just as in the wrong as his actual fuckin abuser. These topics deserve respect when handling on account of everyone whose reality is like c!Tommy’s. And there’s no way Tommy messing around at the start is equivalent to the pain inflicted on him by c!Dream ( & c!Dream planting evidence against c!Tommy before the house burning?helloo??). I’ve seen people say maybe what Tommy was going for was leaving his character’s character good and intact, like a superhero movie, or others pointing out that understanding isn’t necessarily forgiveness. Unfortunately, superhero movies don’t always equate perfectly to real life, people don’t always get the choice to do that or take the morally high road, whatever that is. 
Also from Tubbo’s POV, that’s not a fun ending! He tried so hard and failed to reach his friend in time, and all he could do was wait for the inevitable (not that c!Tubbo was ever guaranteed a good ending). Not to mention there’s loose ends everywhere. (can be taken into account IRL reasons for those loose ends, such as cc’s getting back to their normal lives after quarantine and that stall)
It can be said that stories can have tragic endings, some stories are made to make the reader uncomfortable so they check their understanding of the world (still, fuck Brave New World, me an my homies hate Brave New World). Some stories have a terrible or tragic ending of a season, have a hiatus, and roll right into a new one, which is where some cc’s are probably thinking in terms of lore (off the top my head, SPN season 5 bc it genuinely was supposed to end there and some of the middle seasons of GOT). But I think to the cc’s themselves, it’s also worth pointing out having too much of one thing (c!Tommy being a victim of abuse and never really getting a lasting win, unresolved things with other characters now that we know what happens to the DSMP) is draining to a lot of people in this audience, and that many people have been hoping for a good place to leave off before hopping to other fandoms. 
It can also be said the DSMP was never guaranteed a good ending, writing-wise or feelings-wise (I'll argue there’s a difference), taking in the fact it started out not as a story-based thing.
I’m generally a positive person, so what I’m choosing to do is stick around, wait for that alt stream because cc Tommy said earlier he’d chat about c!Dream being a fucking nightmare of a person. I’ll see what they do for volume two (because it can’t be all if “the dsmp will return” and “This is not the end...” is to be believed), if it’s a complete memory wipe situation or if they slowly regain memories (I can’t be sure, but c!Tubbo calling c!Tommy cheese-haired makes me have hope someone remembers or they’ll do something with that). (For the sake of transparency I will also say that honestly a lot of this writing piece is me making sense of that ending and trying to distract that it made me feel a bit ill).
I’m sorry to the people who were sticking around for just this ending before leaving, I’m sorry you are going on such a bitter note, and I’m genuinely sad for the people whose pain is renewed with an ending like that. 
The DSMP means a lot to me, as someone who’s been watching since before it was a month old. I’ve seen people say this, so I’ll say it here too, but these characters, their stories, also belong to us, the fans. The writers can write whatever ending they want, but in the end, if what you want to take away from a story is just the characters and their middle journey, and continue creating because you loved that part only, all the power to you! If any of that makes sense, lol. 
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brielarsonreplyguy · 4 years
the reason jesus was never in supernatural was because the spn writers hate all poc and they knew they wouldn’t be able to kill him off
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gooferdusted · 4 years
remember how the spn narrative was supposed to go like dean winchester was raised to obey his fathers orders so he believes monster hunting is entirely black and white UNTIL his brother is the one going down a dark path, and john ordering dean to either save or kill sam is ultimately what allows him to snap out of that mindset and grow as a person and how we saw dean regret his actions in the past of blindly killing monsters without a thought to how they could change or live freely as they are and how that was actually a really incredible character arc to watch and how they built on it further when dean said he felt he'd changed after breaking in hell and I'm gonna give s4 a pass bc of the ~wild manipulation on both sides~ but u watch s13 and it's like what the. living fuck happened. what HAPPENED.
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ellie-maisy · 4 years
today is like the complete opposite energy of when 15.18 aired
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in light of recent events I would just like to come out and officially say,
Fuck Andrew Dabb
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johnlockdynamic · 3 years
fuck the spn writers room all my homies hate the weird homophobic power dynamics and jackles gaslighting in the spn writers room
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merrygejelh · 4 years
Supernatural opinions are coming back now that Jared padalecki has properly snapped and I see a lot of people advocating for sastiel folks we live in a society
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