For the ‘Humans are *insert word* here/alien fans fanclub’, I have another small headcanon:
I feel like most aliens (from aliens that travel planets, to aliens that are the embodiment of a nightmare, to aliens that are small and fuzzy),
would absolutely love David Attenborough. I mean they probably found out about Earth’s animals and how they live and stuff from watching his documentaries, because one human on a crewship put it on to help them fall asleep.
David Attenborough would be adored by all the cosmos I think.
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Random thought ig:
What if Aliens landed on earth in the future and they saw us humans and thought we were the most ethereal beings ever to exist in the entire galaxy itself. Like what if they were just absolutely facinated by our beauty because of how unique we all looked, like I can imagine a conversation between an alien and a human where the human says they wished they were as beautiful as someone- but the alien is just confused as they think were just absolutely gorgeous. Like the convo went like this:
Human: I wish I was as beautiful as *Insert person here*
Alien: But why human? you're the most ethereal being in the entire Galaxy that I've seen! yet you wish you were 'as beautiful as *insert person here* ???
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