#alex could very much play a younger Tommy shelby
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please tell me you guys see it too… or am i just going crazy
i feel like it’s something with the eyes, right ? maybe the shape and the color of them.. anyways, Alex could play a younger version of Tommy tbh
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nettlestonenell · 4 years
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Armie Hammer wants a sequel to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.—shouldn’t you?
This post is a long time in coming, Gentle Readers and @jammeke​, but now, though it might be here, before your very eyes, to think it will be well-laid out would be a mistake. It’s set to be just about as messy as Ilya’s misplaced loyalties and murky motivations.
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How dare!
I probably first watched this film well over a year ago (courtesy @jammeke​ posting things about it). I used Sling OnDemand (I think on TNT). In the ensuing viewings I also watched it in that way, but as I was sitting down for a fourth(?) viewing, it kept coming to me that I was tired of watching it with commercials I couldn’t skip, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it had been edited for time and I was missing out on scenes. [pointless aside: I was also watching the film in chunks, and never as a whole]
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Where is she now? What’s the time stamp? How far along did she get? Are you shagging the hotel hostess yet?
So, I, uh, set out to buy it on DVD—without any luck! In the sense that copies I could find cost more (w/ shipping) than buying it to stream. So, I bought it to stream on Amazon. Do I regret my choice, Gentle Readers? No, no I don’t. I do regret burden of knowledge in learning that TNT was already playing the entirety of the film. That was a hard pill to swallow.
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Nope, I’ve looked. That’s absolutely everything. Nothing additional lurking around here...
So here it is, as it is, @jammeke, “My Notes on The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”
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Look, I don’t know what this film is. I probably can’t fully articulate its appeal. Or maybe I can--certainly after transcribing four page I’ve tried. Number One thing to know about me and fiction/films is that a top draw for me is seeing something out of the ordinary, such as beautiful locations, a historical era, delicious costumes. There are times, frankly, this can trump weak story and undefined character for me. (The best films, of course, combine all three) Certainly, The Man... delivers in the delight of the eyes. Additionally, I must confess that growing up as a person older than @reblogginhood​ but younger than Miss Fisher, so much of what was on TV was essentially reruns of this film’s iconic Look(tm). So, when I see women dressed like Gaby I am just another three-to-seven-year-old overcome with the drop dead glamour of it all.
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Darling, tell me how you really feel...
Some questions I have:
·         IS Armie Hammer a hulk of a man? Everyone in this film seems to think so, yet he always tracks to me as trim (rather than hulking)
·         Why translate via captions some Russian speaking, but not all?
·         IS Napoleon’s backstory directly cribbed from USA’s White Collar?
·         DOES Gaby have a German accent?
·         Does Ilya get preternaturally attached to all the people he’s ordered to look after? Also, what is his bonding rate with kittens?
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Sorry, wrong iteration. 
 ·         If Lady Villain knows the lens is wrong—if her technical understanding is that in-depth--does she really need Gaby’s dad to make the bomb?
·         How old was Gaby during the war?
·         What happens when Ilya gets a NEW puppy assigned to him? (please let this be addressed in film #2)
Hooray for:
·         That bathroom fight! *all the Burn Notice feels!
·         Gaby is her own lady, and chooses sides as necessary—not always unilateral in her support for either male character. Case in point: she sides with Ilya over the clothes, and Napoleon over the incident of the wallet.
·         That delicious (speaking as Rusty, here) Ocean’s 11-stylized action. It’s pretty, so I’m not bored with it. Sometimes a sandwiched montage gets shown, so I’m REALLY not bored. I’ve got 18 tiny moving boxes of things to look at!
·         Pinkie rings. There, you’ve told me everything I need to know about that character.
·         Solo in a beret. English has not yet found a word for the feeling it evoked in this viewer. Somewhere between ‘precious’ and ‘oh, no’.
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See, there? Now you’ve felt it too.
·         Goggles! All the accessories! Dune Buggies! (I mean, that’s what I’m calling Napoleon’s chase-scene ride)
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Things I adore:
·         It seems (after some research) that more than a few folks view Gaby as a third wheel, and though she’s not exactly a Princess Leia commandeering her own rescue and exuding competence and a deserved take-charge-attitude at every corner, she IS a foci for both male characters (though romantically it would seem only for one), just as Ilya is a foci for both her and Napoleon [no one seems to worry about Napoleon, though they should--film #2, anyone?]
·         Mechanic Gaby not needing a beauty makeover, or being dragged into one. She gets some nice clothes, but it’s never suggested that she’s not attractive or acceptable before putting them on, and I respect, nay, embrace it.
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Oh, my heart. She’s still not as tall as them!
·         Ilya, drab pigeon Ilya, knowing fashion
·         Oh man, don’t even get me started on the power of the statement, “it doesn’t have to match”
·         You knew it was coming on this sublist: the wrestle-fight. I mean, c’mon. Poor little Gaby, locked behind the Iron Curtain, living a life of always being watched. She’s in the swankest hotel (I mean, Napoleon chose it, so we can be sure it’s swank with an E). She’s trying to celebrate her freedom, her liberation. She’s playing verboten music, she’s drinking to excess. Girl wants—and deserves—a party. And Ilya is…not built for that (that he knows of). For some fun, just imagine if she had been given Napoleon to room with instead.
                            o   I will say that this scene, and some of their other interactions have what I would call early (non-sibling) Luke and Leia energy. Ilya seems to have moments of being struck by Gaby in a way Luke is struck by Leia in the early part of the trilogy. When Leia takes charge, and Luke accepts it. When Leia does something incredible, and Luke is left open-mouthed. *no, I don’t see OT Star Wars in everything. Shut up.
·         “He fixed the glitch.”
·         Again, shout-out to the non-action action.
·         “I left my jacket in there.”
·         The whole race to rescue Gaby I am in love with beyond words. [I have noted it as “Crazy Jeep Drive with Warhead!”] Probably b/c it comes across as totally egalitarian. Both men want her rescued. They’re no longer in competition. It’s just as important to Napoleon as it is to Ilya to catch up to her. Also, it is bonkers, like some sort of X-games version of a commercial for the vehicles they’re driving. And screaming Willie Scott does not make an appearance.
         Someone says “winkle” out.
·         Look! Another note about the screen divisions and how I love it, shout-outs to the original Steve McQueen The Thomas Crown Affair (a contemporary of when this movie is meant to be set), and TV’s 24.
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Things that get a great, big NOPE:
·         Jerrod Harris: you’ve been in so much streamable content in the last decade I can’t hate you, but frankly, you’re terrible here—unless you’re supposed to be giving a mannered, not-campy-enough-to-be-enjoyable performance here. Your American English puts me in the mind of Alex Hawaii 5-0′Loughlin where it feels you’re concentrating so hard on your accent that you fail to convince anyone that you’re a harried, over-worked and exasperated spy handler. Your performance is at odds with every bit of dialogue you’re given to say.
·         That awful, mishandled title that doesn’t even connect to the film until the final moments (a sequel set-up, for sure)
·         Look, you don’t introduce Hugh Grant casually mid-way through your film in a throwaway appearance. I mean, he’s HUGH GRANT we all know something’s up now.
·         This is not exactly a great big NOPE, b/c I love a flat cap, Tommy Shelby—but I feel like a less tall man with a far rounder face in a flat cap would track more as Russian to me that AH does. To me, he just looks like he’s about to go golfing.
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Over par? Unacceptable!
·         Is Victoria a British-accented Italian? A British woman who married—what? Gaby’s uncle isn’t Italian!? An Italian who went to school in Britain? My head hurts. Also, is her hair meant to be unconvincingly bleached?
Other commentary:
·         Napoleon’s adult ne’er-do-well backstory is so far from being emotionally equivalent to Ilya’s childhood trauma [and his enslavement to the USSR] it seems bestial when he calls it out on multiple occasions. Badly done, Solo.
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·         Gaby is the film’s key (sorry, Buffy fans). Everyone is connected to her. Yes, she could have been given a bit more on the character front, but I don’t see her as as much of a flaw in the film as some others/reviewers seem to.
·         Look, essentially (and not very nuanced-ly), Ilya is a stalker. I think the film goes a certain distance in establishing that his early behavior toward Gaby is not normal, but concurrently it does not truly call him out on it. He’s essentially viewed as an odd-duck, sure, but not a true threat to her (should she not reciprocate or tolerate his intensity toward her). I think I might be able to cite his behavior when Gaby comes on to him (that he doesn’t jump at a chance with her) that maybe he’s given a little more nuance than a straight-on stalker, and it helps that he and Napoleon never get into a pissing match over Gaby’s person, only over her new clothes. But overall the film has to walk a fine line (and the jury is still out on how successful it is, I’d say) between playing Ilya’s laser-like attention to Gaby for its humor, and calling it out for the unsettling, threatening behavior it is.
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·         Honestly, it wasn’t until I engaged the Closed Captioning that I understood Napoleon was calling Ilya the ‘Red Peril’. So, that was nearly three viewings in.
·         I give the screen credits A+, on both ends. Not to mention the end credits are actually INTERESTING with lots to see and learn! (Certainly we learn more about HG in them than we do at any time during the film)
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Things I would have liked:
·         More of fish-out-of-the-Iron-Curtain Gaby moments
·         A better dichotomy shown of East vs. West Berlin/Germany. There’s nothing easy either visually or otherwise to distinguish the two.
·         HC being given a more specific American accent (from an actual locality). This, for an American viewer, works better than the flat, unlocated American accent many a British actor will bust out. *Mind you, HC does a generally good job, but he fails utterly on both “Immediate” which he pronounces at least twice as “immeedeejt” [rather than imm-E-deeot] and “Nazi” as “NAHT-zee” [rather than “NOT-zee”]. And let’s not get started on that late in the film use of ‘earnt’, a word that—well, it’s just not in the American English twentieth century lexicon.
·         C’mon. You gotta tease the Hugh Grant more.
·         Solo is a blank before the war. I’ve read thoughts on the film calling out Gaby as the blank character, but they’re wrong. Solo is the blank. He’s the ‘made’ man, his identity seemingly assembled during the war and after. For example, he doesn’t go into the war a thief, nor (it would seem) a particularly educated or urbane individual. Now THAT’s a juicy backstory I’d love to learn about, perhaps in film #2--or #3? What creates a Napoleon Solo? What would he be doing if he weren’t on the government’s leash/incarcerated? Is anyone left caring about him back wherever he calls home? I mean, who doesn’t love a gender-flipped 60s-era Holly Golightly backstory? [And yes, I would love there to be an ex-wife or even a current wife mixed up in his origins as well—Guy Ritchie, call me!]
Notes I have that I’m not sure if they still make sense to me:
·         Only mom calls me Napoleon (do he say it ‘mum’?) Is he a secret Canadian?
·         Solo’s torture, 1st view recall Napoleon’s childhood? *I think this means that after watching the first time I somehow erroneously believed that during the torture Napoleon’s childhood was a topic gone over. This was wrong. HOWEVER, this would have made far more story-sense than the backstory we’re given on an easily disposeable villain.
·         “Even the average Russian agent. You’re special.” ?
·         Uncle is Baddie (*so glad I made this note to myself)
·         Ilya’s dad IS an embarrassment. I’m not sure what genius commentary I had in my mind, here. Perhaps that Ilya himself is embarrassed of him? Not just Ilya’s handler’s? [Also, aside: Napoleon totally slut-shames Ilya’s mom, which is the doublest of double standards from ‘I got myself the biggest and most ornate suite b/c I-wanted-plenty-of-space-for-my-random-seductions’ and I really wish Ilya had thrown that back in his face] *yes, of course I know that Ilya and Napoleon would not likely equate a wife/mother’s sexual exploits with that of Solo’s, but let’s be honest, this film tweaks the nose of (I won’t say reverses, it doesn’t go that far) plenty of tropes and gender expectations, and this certainly seems like a missed opportunity to call Solo on the carpet (which I hope film #2 does far more)
Things I wrote down so long ago I don’t recall what they mean:
·         CC-save
In conclusion:
What does film #2 look like? What title does it get? Will the Peter/Neil White Collar dynamic continue to grow? *note that I have no confidence a second film will ever come to pass...
In the end, all I know is, “It didn't help when American Tom Cruise, who was slated to play U.S. spy Napoleon Solo, dropped out, prompting the casting of Cavill (who had previously read for the Russian role).“ I would not have watched that film.
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iameveryonesmom · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
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mikepepi · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
indierecords · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
axolotlottie · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
thingyoungbright · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
l4na-banana · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
save-the-dream · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
kunlabora-blog · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
khstudio · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
0n0s3ndai · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
blaqroselive · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
therankings · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
The post Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin appeared first on Round By Round Boxing.
Source: roundbyroundboxing
0 notes
damned-to-be-dalis · 7 years
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
New Post has been published on http://boxingroyal.com/staff-predictions-canelo-alvarez-vs-gennady-golovkin/
Staff Predictions | Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Hogan Photos/Golden Boy Promotions
On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Canelo Alvarez takes on Gennady Golovkin in a scheduled 12-round fight for the Middleweight championship of the world.
The long-awaited bout will take place at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada and will air live on HBO Pay-Per-View starting 8:00 pm, EST.
Read on for Round By Round Boxing‘s staff predictions for Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin and let us know you think will win.
Round By Round Boxing Staff Predictions – 2017
Name Win Loss Total Fights Win Percentage Alan Garcia 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Alex Burgos 23 8 31 0.74193548387097 Amber Williams 18 5 23 0.78260869565217 Andrew Kang 8 0 8 1 Brandon Glass 15 2 17 0.88235294117647 Chris Nicastro 10 3 13 0.76923076923077 CJ Halloran 10 3 13 1.6666666666667 Eric Ramos 2 0 2 1 Joseph Rodriguez 11 3 14 14 Julio Sanchez 5 1 6 0.83333333333333 Liam Brady 24 6 30 0.8 Michael Burnell 18 8 26 0.69230769230769 Milo Taibi 0 1 1 0 Robert Contreras 2 0 2 1 Sarah Gruber 9 4 13 0.69230769230769 Shelbi Keyes 2 0 2 1 Ty Paul 23 3 26 0.88461538461538 Vince Minnick 4 0 4 1 R.L. Woodson 2 0 2 1
Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin
Photo by Marilyn Paulino/RBRBoxing
Liam Brady, Graphic Designer/Staff Writer
While the fight may not captivate as many viewers as Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, several weeks ago, Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin is undoubtedly the flagship matchup in boxing.
After several months of deliberation, and finding it hard to pick a winner, I have eventually come to the conclusion that Golovkin will win this fight. As with previous superfights, there are so many variables that make Canelo-GGG compelling, which will no doubt result in conflicting opinions on who will succeed.
As for the narrative, I do not see an opening like Marvin Hagler vs. Thomas Hearns, which has been mentioned in the same breath as this fight. Instead, the fight will probably start from long range, with both fighters regularly throwing the jab and partaking in the customary “feeling out” process.
Canelo will most likely take the early rounds and land a lot more than Golovkin will, due to his speed and reflexes. Though it’s worth noting that Canelo’s power, in my opinion, can be overestimated at times. Therefore, I can’t see whatever he lands being effective in terms of pushing Golovkin back, or discouraging him from coming forward.
As a consequence, I think Golovkin will be patient and will stalk his opponent constantly while keeping a high guard, in tandem with throwing his solid jab. He may have to lose a few rounds in the process, but I feel he will wait for Canelo to expend a lot of energy in the early rounds, which usually results in him taking a breather against the ropes.
As evidenced in previous fights, such as Canelo vs. James Kirkland and Canelo vs. Liam Smith, Canelo has shown a tendency to throw an abundance of punches, only to dwindle and seek some respite against the ropes. This is where Golovkin will have most of his success, in my opinion, with his opponent against the ropes and open to sickening body shots and uppercuts.
Granted, Canelo will succeed in landing shots, but the inability to hurt his opponent will be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Much harder punchers have hit Golovkin clean, and not once did he seem unsettled. And with the constant pressure of Golovkin, combined with his ability to cut off the ring, it will be a taxing experience that could force Canelo to eventually retreat towards the ropes, which is a situation that Golovkin loves to place his opponent in.
Pushing Canelo towards the ropes will be crucial for Golovkin in winning the fight, as it will allow him to negate Canelo’s strengths, while using his size advantage to maraud and overwhelm his opponent with damaging shots to the body and head.
Golovkin’s recent fights may have made him look more human, which dilutes his fearsome aura in the ring, but I still believe he has enough in the tank, physically and technically, to pin Canelo down and make him wilt in the middle rounds. I’m picking Golovkin by TKO in the sixth or seventh round.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Brandon Glass, Staff Writer
It’s been a long time coming, but finally two of the biggest names in the sport are finally going to exchange leather for our enjoyment. While I never was a huge Canelo Alvarez fan, I have to say he’s definitely earned my respect as a prizefighter and a star in the sport.
I, like the rest of the boxing world, have revered Golovkin for the monster he appeard to be – although his last outing with Danny Jacobs may have fractured his perceived invincibility. While Gennady Golovkin stylistically plays into Canelo’s best tactics in the ring, I still think there is a big question about Canelo’s chin.
I know. I know. I’ve mentioned it before about how Miguel Cotto’s older brother had Canelo out on his feet in the first round of his American debut (which he survived and eventually won by KO), but since Canelo has matured and grown as fighter.
He’s faced fighters, who on paper had the potential to test him in these ways, but they’ve all failed to really challenge Canelo in a way that defines fighters. Think Diego Corrales’s fight with Jose Luis Castillo, or Sugar Ray Leonard’s fight with Tommy Hearns. Conversely, the knock on Golovkin is that his resume is not erected on continual wins over countless future Hall of Famers.
Ironically, he needs the same thing Canelo does. Even though his power and skill have gotten him far, he still doesn’t have the drawing power that you would expect of a fighter with his mythology.
Bottom line: I think Golovkin wins by KO. I think it will be a difficult test for both fighters, with great exchanges and action packed moments,  but I think Golovkin has the amount of skill and power to land the kind of punch that will answer the aforementioned question. I just wonder how Canelo will respond. If he survives and gives a spirited effort his fans will love him for it, win or lose.
Prediction: Golovkin
  R.L. Woodson, Staff Writer
There’s isn’t a comparable mega-matchup in boxing to be made over the next two-three years–maybe even five-plus years. Canelo Albvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin pits a pair of great fighters together for which I have no, or very little, reason to doubt or dislike.
Alvarez is a beautiful boxer who possesses prodigious combination punching ability. He exemplifies a fighter that loves boxing, and his skills are indicative of a boxer who dedicated himself to the profession around 15 years old. However, Alvarez’s tale-of-the-tape details just aren’t suited for dominance at Middleweight and above.
In order to feel better about his chances I would’ve had to have seen Canelo fight at least two of the longer, younger lions at 154-pounds. Whether it was a sanctioning body/premium network issue, or the standard “he doesn’t bring any money to the table” defense, I needed to see Canelo against two of Demetrius Andrade, either Charlo brother, and while he’s newer to the champion ranks Jarrett Hurd.
Golovkin’s chosen to operate in the same often depleted middleweight waters that Hall of Famer Bernard Hopkins reigned over for 10-plus years, 20 consecutive title defenses. Shout to Antwun Echols, no shade to Robert Allen. Golovkin’s criminal offense: Why didn’t he make the fight happen with Andre Ward?
All that aside, while middleweight contenders Daniel Jacobs (a former world champion), David Lemieux, Martin Murray and Curtis Stevens don’t all possess Alvarez’s complete skill set; each fighter possessed at least one equivalent or better skill, attribute and/or ability than Alvarez.
One narrative that developed during fight week is that Golovkin held back in some recent fights to secure this dream fight with Alvarez. No time to fully delve into the plausibility of such a long game.
I like Golovkin to use his excellent jab to probe Alvarez’s counter punching, and attempt to maintain a range that stifles Alvarez’s body work for as long as possible. Alvarez always looks to give the fans the action they want, so Rounds 2-5 will feature some great exchanges, but in Rounds 6 and 7 I expect Golovkin’s power and pressure to start degrading Alvarez’s effectiveness.
A bulked up Alvarez, who’ll need to avoid any stretches on the ropes, will be dealing with the extra mass while also being hit by the most lethal puncher he’s faced. The final 1/3 of the fight the question becomes: Does Golovkin author his greatest ‘drama show’ in his career’s biggest, and possibly final, HBO Pay-Per-View moment? Putting away Alvarez could be the most career-defining achievement for Golovkin. But, would a KO kill a lucrative rematch?
Give me Golovkin by late stoppage or a decision–which could likely get intriguing. This is boxing!
Prediction: Golovkin
  Mike Burnell, Staff Writer
This Saturday the moment countless of boxing fans worldwide have awaited finally arrives as Middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin “GGG” Golovkin (37-0, 33 KOs) dips between the ropes to defend his belts against young lion Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (49-1-1, 34 KOs).
Prognosticators of this mega-fight seem to be as polarized on each side as the last election and supremely confident in their choice of the victor.
Both fighters appear to be in optimum physical condition leading up to the fight and the gravity of this clash isn’t lost on either, rather it seems to be fueling them.
Considering the combatants at their best and worst in past contests it is easy to see the melee play out in many different ways with various results.
Expect to see the bout to be more cerebral than slugfest for the first four or five rounds with GGG stalking his Mexican rival while Canelo boxes and counters sharply.
The rounds will be closely contested when in the middle rounds GGG launches a Kazakh missile that finds its mark and has Alvarez in more trouble than a relationship on Jerry Springer.
Alvarez will hold, counter and fight back bravely until his head clears then launch in to an offensive of his own. Both fighters will show signs of fatigue as early as round seven as a result of the pace and punishment that has been absorbed.
From this point forward the fight becomes one of attrition with each round in momentum that has the rabid crowd on their feet and appreciative to be in the arena when the final bell sounds.
Though the fight largely lives up to its billing the decision will do nothing to unite fans of either fighter when Alvarez is announced the winner by split decision. Some will cry robbery while others will insist that it was a close but clear victory for Canelo.
Cue rematch negotiations…
Prediction: Canelo
  CJ Halloran, Staff Writer
Ah, the big fight. We’ve been waiting for this for nearly two years and it looks like it will be worth the wait. That being said, both fighters bring such different skill sets to the game that it’s hard to think what will happen.
The matchup reminds me of the Canelo Alvarez vs. Amir Khan fight, except Canelo is the faster fighter now. That being said, Gennady Golovkin can lock down the ring like I’ve only seen Mike Tyson do, and there’s only so many ways to avoid body punches, so, if he can start strong to the body and head, I have Golovkin by the seventh or eighth.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Amber Williams, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Andrew Kang, Staff Writer
The biggest and best superfight that can be made is finally here! This has the makings of a true classic and their styles almost guarantee an exciting match.
Two years ago, I would say the fight is a bit of a mismatch with Gennady Golovkin being too strong for Canelo Alvarez. But Canelo is a better boxer now and at his peak, while Gennady is slower and older. GGG’s best chance is to jump on Canelo early, smoother him and bombard him with vicious body shots, throwing caution to the wind.
If he gives Alvarez too much room and respect as he did with Daniel Jacobs, he will fall right into Canelo’s strength and get peppered with quick and powerful counter shots.
If the usually durable Canelo can weather the early storm, I think he will outwork Gennady and avoid trouble in the late rounds after building a sizable lead, utilizing a surprisingly scientific game plan to outland GGG without getting hit as much in return.
I like the younger, fresher Canelo to win by late-round stoppage or close decision and pull off a mild upset.
Prediction: Canelo
  Julio Sanchez, Photographer
Prediction: Canelo
  Ty Paul, Staff Writer
Finally. After a long summer in which we had to endure preposterous hoopla for a clown show, we get what we’ve been waiting for. A true mega-fight, in this day in age. Gennady Golovkin vs. Canelo Alvarez, this Saturday from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Some big news was just announced as Kenny Bayless will host as referee. Something to keep a eye on.
A legacy fight for which Gennady Golovkin has been fighting for his entire career. While, Canelo makes his long-waiting debut in the Middleweight division. Las Vegas, Nevada, in which as much as GGG has accomplished in his career, this will be his first bout in the place labeled Sin City. As for Canelo, he’s absolutely no stranger to the bright lights on the Las Vegas strip.
Early on, I see the bout taking place with much eager intensity as a feeling out period can be. I believe the first 3-4 rounds will be at a steady, pick your spots pace. It will be a mistake in my opinion if Canelo goes toe-to-toe with Golovkin, at least early. Much pride is on the line here, but he must be careful. GGG might have the best jab in boxing. How Canelo will try to keep Golovkin at bay with jab will be telling. It would be a mistake for Canelo to invite GGG into the ropes. This isn’t Liam Smith, obviously.
Gameplans and adjustments are made on the fly in every sport. Something’s got to give here. If Golovkin can cut off the ring, as he does masterfully, and take it to Canelo, watch out. Canelo here has the quicker hands, but isn’t the most light on his feet. Can Canelo go at it with GGG inside? Will Bayless let GGG mug Canelo?
I want to say this goes the distance, but GGG knows that might not be the best opportunity for a win in Las Vegas against the Mexican superstar. I think GGG wears down Canelo in the late rounds. Canelo has had stamina issues in the past. I also think Canelo has over trained for this fight. Gennady Golovkin will get his signature win on Saturday night with a late round stoppage. The one win he has been waiting for his entire life.
Prediction: Golovkin
  Alex Burgos, Editor-in-Chief
I’m a notorious homebody and only fight out there could have gotten me off my ass, on to a plane and into the T-Mobile Arena–Canelo Alvarez vs. Gennady Golovkin.
Arriving at the Las Vegas airport on Thursday was really impressive as everywhere I turned there was some sort of Canelo or GGG advertisement.
This is the big fight I, and the rest of the world, have been salivating and waiting for for two years.
There are tons of different variables going into this fight–will Canelo’s new Hulk frame help or hinder his performance, is GGG truly on the decline and can Canelo take the Kazakh crushers punch?
The answer to all those questions, today, is we don’t know. But, let’s imagine that both fighters are at their best and come out working their optimal game plan. Who will win?
I think that if GGG is intelligent on the defensive side and works behind his jab–the same one he relied on against David Lemieux–he will break Canelo down (mentally and physically) to earn a mid-to-late-rounds stoppage.
Canelo takes some early rounds, but GGG ends things late.
Prediction: Golovkin
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