#alan becker fanfic
dearyletters · 2 months
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Please read my unfinished Fanfic if you want! (I will try to update it as much as I can ♡)
As a 13 year old writing my upcoming Fanfic of the fandom Alan becker, I would gladly accept some tips!!
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zishu-arts · 28 days
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how i imagine the reason mango went with the whole “king” persona
also lmao i apologize to everyone for needing to decipher my shitty handwriting
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Btw,here's the cover fanfic
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commonstick14 · 2 months
"Needed a little something 🔅"
Yeah I'm bad at making tiltles:(
Here is the comic btw!
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I'm trying to keep the humor up:D
sorry it's the end.......
Previously/Go back from the start🔅/What happen to the workers?⚪
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Overreaction - An AvM Fic
[This was done with the full intention of stopping the villainization of the GC in relation to the recent episode!]
The applause began to gradually subside, the audience thanking the incredible show that was put on for them and saying goodbye to the sticks on the stage.
That is, with the exception of one.
A little after the curtains closed as they had initially opened, the four friends got together and dug through the rubble in the center of the stage, pulling out an unconscious Green.
Bringing him back from the stage they sat him down in a seat as they settled in for the tiring day.
Nothing went as planned, but that doesn't mean they didn't have fun. Even Second Coming had fun, and they usually bother with a lot of noise, especially when it's time to sleep.
They talked for a few minutes until Green began to regain consciousness, Blue had placed a bag of ice on his head knowing that it might be hurting. Green opened his eyes looking around to see the others, talking friendly as if nothing had happened.
"Green! You're awake, thank goodness." Blue celebrated by placing a hand on his relieved chest, he knew his friend would be fine but he still worried.
"F-fine?? Today was a disaster!!" Green raised his voice, feeling pain and squeezing the ice bag lightly.
"Green, look on the bright side, everyone loved the show!" Red extended his arms while Yellow removed his bow tie, trying not to be hit by the younger's arms.
"Yeah, a show I didn't plan!!" He crosses his arms frustrated looking to the side.
"Well, we did what we could, we stole the show back from those silverfish and it was actually fun!"
"Fun? FUN??" Green stood up, his tone becoming more serious and loud, "this has nothing to do with fun, everything was supposed to be perfect!! that square rat ruined my show that I worked for MONTHS to give the most perfect performance ever!!" Red shrank into their seat, feeling smaller compared to Green who was raising his voice more and more.
"Green, I know this was important to you, but we had fun, we asked you to join us and you didn't want to!" Blue takes Green by the shoulder asking for his attention.
"And also, one of the things about working on a stick is, in unplanned situations, improvise!" Yellow continues, placing a hand on Red's calming them, "and that's what we did, the silverfish were attacking you and we made a distraction for them to change their focus, and it worked!" Green looks at her in surprise, his frustrated expression changing to a sad one.
"Green..." Second, who had been silent for a while, takes a step forward, "We only accepted this because we wanted to make you happy, but especially because we wanted to have fun with you." They break into a smile, brushing Green's cheek with their thumb.
"Yeah, man. So what if it didn't go as expected? The important thing is to have fun!" Blue strokes Green's back gently, making him even more silent.
Green was so obsessed with perfection that he didn't think much about how his friends felt about everything. They saved him from the silverfish, they saved the show, everyone loved what they did, maybe he should just rest, it was all making his head hurt more and more.
"I... My head hurts..." Blue laughs putting his arm around him. Green felt his eyes watering, upon noticing this Second just hugged him.
"I'm sorry it seemed like we didn't take this seriously." They say with a smile, "But sometimes you don't need to make everything perfect either, no one will judge you for making mistakes." This makes Green look at them, wiping away his tears as he hugs his friend back.
"Sorry for being a pain in the ass..."
"You weren't, you just have to see things on the positive side."
This makes Green smile lightly, Red also hugs him, placing his arms around his neck.
"But seriously, my head hurts, I just want to sleep for now..." the others laugh and start to come out from behind the stage.
"In fact, if you want, I can ask the silverfish to apologize!" Red states with his arms behind his back but Green just waves it off.
"Nha, it doesn't matter." he says in a slight inconsistent tone rolling his eyes, he was still mad at the mob, but at the moment he only thought about one thing, sleep.
In the end, none of them were really to blame, and Green could never resent his dear friends, after all, without them he would never have escaped the silverfish. 
It's not like they were the ones who brought the mob to the stage, they were probably just curious about the music and wanted to participate, like them when they discovered the note blocks for the first time. 
So as much as he still doesn't like the mob, he couldn't blame the little creature for being curious and wanting to have fun, and honestly, what a talented opponent, Green hasn't seen such a talented mob since the music universe, which reminds him.
"Oh damn it! Purple and MT!!" he facepalms, remembering that their friend was watching the whole thing, "I don't know what they thought of the show!!" Blue holds back his laughter, patting Green on the shoulder.
"Okay, MT seems to have just been shocked by the power of the staff, and he probably regrets giving it to us..." Yellow replies, lowering her head in embarrassment. 
Red and Second laugh while Green blushes in embarrassment.
"Green!" Purple's voice echoed from across the room, "Ah, I'm glad you're okay!" They smiled seeing them, MT was right behind him with a worried look.
"You children should be more careful the next time you use the staff, I almost had a heart attack!" he clutches the suit close to his chest.
"Ha, I should have seen what happened months ago-" Red covers Blue's mouth before she can say anything else, looking at MT with a nervous expression.
"Okay, just don't cause the end of the world because of that one thing." He sighs in relief, sliding his hand across his forehead to the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry the show wasn't what you expected." Purple holds Green's hand gently between theirs, Green could only laugh nervously.
"It's ok, at least I tried..." he looks to the side, still visibly upset, "but who knows? Maybe next time it won't be a disaster?" he laughs and Purple smiles.
"That's great, but let me tell you, it was really fun to watch you fight that silverfish! Especially when you did that little dance!" They laugh and Green blushes embarrassed, they didn't expect them to focus on that dance.
"Anyway, I had fun, even if it wasn't perfect." Their smile calmed his anxiety, and looking at the others he could see that indeed his reaction, though justified, was unnecessary.
After saying goodbye and going their separate ways, Green was taken back to their house and threw himself on their couch, Blue sat next to him while Second took a blanket to cover him.
Slowly as the others gathered around him, he fell asleep with his head lying in Blue's lap, smiling knowing that his friends would always be there for him, even when he made mistakes.
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shamythelazypotato · 16 days
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This drawing is about the episode "The Box", that video MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY hurt me 😔☝️/hj
And after reading a lot of analysis and rambling to my little brother about it, I've realized this stick needs a hug :<
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This is about my Going Back AU, I like to doddle occasionally and I decided this one was good enough to share it.
Btw all the quotes or phrases are mine nsbdjs. Sorry if it sounds bad lol.
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echostarz123 · 3 months
Okay so I just got a crazy idea for a fan fiction and here's some art I made to go along with it!
Ft. Purple and Tdl! (...this won't end well-)
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nightdrawz · 5 months
Not sure if you read fanfiction, but there is also a fanfic on ao3 called Endearing that is Blue/Yellow. Its very cute, and if you end up liking it, then the author has 2 more Blue/Yellow ones posted on their account. I'd love to see your interpretation of any of the scenes in the fics. ⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/works/49479862 <- link to the fic
“Would it be wrong to say endearing?”
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This is the only old art request i kept because i couldn’t get myself delete it (T_T)
I love it too much
Actually read the fanfic before they requested
And the other 2 fanfics ofc
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sammy8d257 · 11 months
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Alan I love you and your teams work
But for the sake of my fanfic, I need you to stop adding more content to AvM s3 /j
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aannonn · 6 months
random thing that I thought of, but...
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Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
They are Orange. A normal stick with a bigger but empty head than the others.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick with no kind of special powers or anything. He's just a normal stick with a big empty head and is one who would fall sleep pretty easily.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick who has great fighting skills - thanks to his friends teaching him. A normal stick who loves his friends deeply and would do absolutely anything to protect them.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a hollowhead. One of Alan's creations. Orange can sometimes feel out of place in his group of friends because of his empty head, but that's okay. He's still a normal stick.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick, who cares and worries deeply for their friends. He doesn't want to lose them again. He would never want to lose them again. He will do anything out of his way to make sure that does never ever happens again.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick. A little claustrophobic, have a big giant fear of losing his friends again and has a bit of anger issues, but that's okay. He's just a normal stick.
Most of the time, normally, usually, everyday;
Orange is just a normal stick.
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Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
They are The Second Coming. A creation that possesses abnormal superpowers.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming opens their eyes while Orange closes his. Only in special occasions. Not everytime. The Second Coming only wakes up when it's a emergency. The Second Coming only wakes up when he needs to be at his strongest.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming is The Chosen One's Return. The Second Coming is at their strongest when The Chosen One is at their weakest.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming, just like Orange, cares and worries deeply for their friends. Orange would fight for them, and The Second Coming would kill for them.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming and Orange become one. Most of the time, Orange must be unconscious for The Second Coming to be awake, but that doesn't mean that he should be unconscious. The Second Coming can emerge even if Orange is awake. If they both have the same goal, they will both achieve it.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
Orange doesn't remember about The Second Coming. Orange doesn't even know about The Second Coming. Orange knows his real name, the name of his code, the name given to him, but doesn't know why and what should that mean.
Sometimes, rarely, unusually, in a tough day;
The Second Coming is a Code. The Second Coming is a Creation. The Second Coming Is a Return.
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I love putting both The Second Coming and Orange as two different minds, even though they are the same person stick.
Kinda like this AU! Which was the main inspiration for this short lil' fic. xD
Orange having a personification(stickfication) version of their power is just.. So interesting?? So cool???? Amazing concept??? Would love to see more of it, to be honest.
Also! Part of this oneshot is based on this analysis of Second and Chosen's characters! lol It's a pretty great analysis/theory/speculation, to be honest. I love it so much aaaa
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
(also posted in my AO3 because i love stressing myself out /hj /lh)
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classicketchup · 1 month
🟢: Have you seen Red? It's been days since I saw him outside his room... What is he doing in there? Doesn't he get bored?
🟡: Oh yeah, I was wondering as well... I thought you'd know, Green.
🔵: Oh it's Baaad...! I tried to knock on his door, but I heard him giggling over something. It's as if he's talking to someone non existent!
🟢: Are you sure it isn't just him talking to his pet?
🔵: Nope. Wait... Thinking about it, I think I heard someone else's voice laughing with him.
Tsc: What's happening?
🟢: This is bad! We need to rush in his room and see what's going on! He may be getting crazy!
🔵: it's no use, his door is lock...
🟡: Wait huh? Didn't the lock of his door from the outside?
🔵: Oh.
【They rushed to unlock 🔴's door】
🟡: Red?!
🔴: Oh! Finally it's opened... I mean, not that it's a problem.
🟣: Hi guys...
🟢: Purple's with you?!
🔵: Ohhh... Is he the one I heard laughing with you, Red?
🔴: Yeah, we've been hanging out a couple of days. What brought you guys here?
🟢: We thought you're going crazy!
🟣: To be fair, he was sad when he told me how he failed to protect the turtle egg he was watching some week ago, so he decided to stay in his room as a punishment.
🟢: Okay, but how did you get in?
🔴: I let him in through my balcony.
🟡🟢🔵&TSC: Oh right... You have a balcony...
🟣: His room is the closest to the storage file, and I saw him crying like crazy—
🔴: Hey! SHH
🟣: *giggle* anyway, I couldn't bear to leave him alone like that, so I brought him some turtle egg and we both watched it until it hatch.
🔴: and they're cute too...! ✨*picks up the baby turtle gently to show* See?! ✨
🟣: See how happy he is?
🟢: ...right...so that's why you're in your room like forever...
🟣: Anyway! Since you're fine now, I need to go back to home world, see ya guys later!
🔴: You're always welcome to stay here whenever, Purple!✨
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sticktopia · 20 days
A Mistake (An AvM Oneshot)
This Oneshot is inspired by the Royal event on @tulipsempai’s blog.
“Yes chief?”
“These are for you.” The old stick handed the fighter a manila envelope. RB took it into her hand and tore it open.
“Who’s it from?” She asked as she pulled out some papers.
“Some fan of yours. They seemed desperate for you to have it.” The chief shrugged as he walked away. RB knew she was quite popular, so gaining fan mail was expected. Though she found fan mail to be boring and meaningless. She never really cared about the letters or pictures that these strangers would send. But this one was different.
Royal skimmed the letter half heartedly. She wasn’t exactly processing the contents of the letter until a specific word caught her eye. More specifically, a name; Orchid. Royal stared at the name for a while. She wondered how her ex was doing now. She hadn't seen or heard from her in years. Royal sat up straighter, truly reading the message that had been sent to her. As her eyes read farther and farther, her mind began to race. The rage in her heart built up, causing the gladiator to throw the papers to the floor.
“No!! No this-This isn't!” Royal picked the papers up off the floor once more, looking for a name, an address, anything that would tell her who this sender was. But there was nothing. Royal clenched the letter in her fists, crushing and ripping it apart. Tossing the papers aside once more, Royal stormed out of her room and down to her mentor’s office. As she stomped down the hall, all the other fighters immediately got out of her way. None dared to intervene, afraid of being beaten to a pulp. As Royal reached the office door, she didn't even bother knocking. She simply slammed the door open.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” She demanded, causing the older stick to turn in shock.
“What’s your malfunction now? I thought I taught you better than this!” The chief yelled back. Royal stepped closer to the man, her fists clenched and shaking. Angry tears in her eyes as she barely managed the words out of her mouth.
“Why is someone telling me Orchid has been dead for years now!?” Royal choked out. The chief’s eyes widened as Royal asked her question.
“Who told you that?!” Royal’s fists tightened more. Her anger rising as well.
“You knew. Didn't you?” Royal’s sneer was harsh yet broken as she stared her master in the eye. The chief sighed and turned his back to her.
“You were never supposed to-” The chief cried out as Royal grabbed him and pinned him to the wall.
“WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?!? WHY COULDN'T I KNOW?!?! WHY DID YOU HIDE THIS FROM ME!?!?!?!” She screamed, tears spilling from her eyes. The chief immediately shoved Royal off of him before pinning her to the floor on her face.
“Because of this! You knowing that useless brat was dead would affect your performance! She was a stupid handicap to you to begin with!” Royal tried to fight back, but her master was too powerful, and her will was too weak.
“She’s not a brat!!! She’s beautiful and kind and she’s helped me so much!!!” Her master scoffed and kicked Royal away.
“She made you soft and weak! Now all my hard work has gone to waste!” The Chief grumbled. Royal shakily stood on her feet.
“Well what about my son huh?! What happened to him?!”
“Who cares?! You shouldn't care about them anymore!!! You weren't made to have a family, to be a parent, to even be married!”
“They make you weak! Just look at you now! You can barely stand straight! I suggest you leave before you make an even bigger fool of yourself!!!”
“FUCK YOU!!!” Royal ran back to her room, slamming the door shut and trashing the place. She screamed and cried as she punched holes into the walls, tore up her books, and broke her desk. Once Royal had gotten all her rage out, she collapsed. As her body hit the floor, cries of agony ripped through her code. How long had Orchid been dead? How long had Purple been alone for? Hell, where even WAS purple? So many questions, but so little answers. Royal slowly sat up, looking at the havoc that was once her room. She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest. As she stared at the ground in front of her, she noticed the envelope that held the letter revealing everything to her. She grabbed it, looking it over. Then something caught her eye, in small print on the corner was an address, one that Royal did not recognize. A spark of hope ignited as Royal looked at the address. Hopping to her feet, she grabbed her hoodie and threw it on before dashing out the door.
Royal briskly walked down the street, looking down at the envelope in her hand. Her heart raced as she turned the corner. Maybe this was the person who was taking care of her son now! Maybe they would tell her everything she’s missed. Maybe they could show her Orchid’s final resting place. Royal took a breath as he rounded the corner and stood before a warm looking house. Taking a breath, Royal stepped up to the door and knocked. Her heart raced as she heard the footsteps. Her foot tapped as her anxiety spiked. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a black and white stick.
“How can I help you?” They said, standing with one hand on their hip and the other on the door knob. Royal stared slightly. She had so many things to ask, but the words would not dislodge from her throat. The sound of thunder suddenly snapped Royal out of her thoughts. The dual colored stick looked past Royal and looked up at the sky.
“It’s going to rain soon. Why don't you come in?” They offered, stepping aside and opening the door wider. Royal silently entered the home. As she looked around, she noticed how cozy and welcoming it felt. It reminded her of the days when she and Orchid lived in that house just outside the city. She missed those days.
“My name’s Libra. What’s your’s.” Libra asked as they followed Royal to the living room.
“Uh, Royal Blue. But, just call me Royal.” Royal took a seat on the couch, removing her hoodie and blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face.
“Oh, So you're his other mom.” Royal’s eyes widened as she looked up at Libra.
“You know Purple. Is he here?! Did you adopt him after Orchid…” Royal was unable to finish her sentence. Libra sighed as they sat in the arm chair.
“I know the kid. But I didn't adopt him, I'm sorry.” Royal slightly deflated a bit after hearing that, but her questions still needed to be answered.
“So how do you know him? How did you know Orchid p-pa….” The words got stuck in Royal’s throat, her body physically refused to believe that Orchid was dead. Libra sighed as they crossed one leg over the other.
“I work at the cemetery where your wife is buried. Purp comes to visit every other Sunday.” Royal nodded as Libra told her this information.
“So, why did you tell me? Heck, how did you know that I was his other parent?”
“Purple told me. They’re a good kid and nice company. As to why I told you, Purple said that he sent you many letters when Orchid was sick and dying, but you never wrote back to him. I never believed that someone could be that heartless, so I figured that whoever was in charge of your mail didn't want you receiving mail from your kid. That’s why I sent in a message instead of Purple.” Royal’s brain tried to keep up with everything Libra told her. But it made the hurricane of emotions in her heart swirl faster.
“H-he really was hiding everything from me…” Royal breathed, shock and anger showing on her face. Libra sat up straighter, leaning forward.
“Hey.” Royal blinked back into reality, facing Libra once more.
“Do you want to go see Orchid?” Royal sat still. Go see Orchid? After running away so many years ago? Sure she wouldn't really be talking to Orchid face to face. But the thought still gave Royal anxiety.
“You don't have to if you don't want to. It was-”
“I want to go see Orchid.” Royal’s voice suddenly spoke. Libra stared at the gladiator for a second. They studied her, examining the look on her face. With a nod, Libra stood from his seat.
“Come then.” Libra walked to the door and put their coat on. Royal quickly stood and followed the stick out the door.
As Royal and Libra reached the cemetery, Royal’s heart began to race. Her mind still debating whether or not Libra was lying to her about everything. But they also knew too much for this to all be a fluke. She suddenly bumped into Libra, stumbling back slightly. Before she could apologize, Libra spoke.
“Here she is.” Royal’s body froze up. Was this really where Orchid’s final resting place was? Was this truly where Royal finally had to face her fears?
“I’ll give you a moment.” Libra said as they walked away. Royal followed their figure for a minute before looking down at the headstone in front of her. The first thing she noticed was the potted pixel flower. It swayed in the wind, absorbing the small droplets of rain that landed on it’s leaves and petals. Royal’s eyes slowly trailed up, reading over the name engraved in the stone. As she did, her heart stopped.
Here lies Orchid Grace Kelsey
Loving mother and friend.
19xx - 20xx
Royal felt like she was suffocating as she read the name. She collapsed to her knees, never taking her eyes off the grave. Royal’s brain raced a million miles a second, while her heart seemed to stop beating. Royal’s lungs screamed for air as her vision blurred. It was no joke. Orchid was dead. She had been for the past three years. Royal desperately tried to get air in her lungs, but no matter what she did, she could not move, she could not breathe, she could not look away from the stone. Royal suddenly felt arms around her. Looking to her right, she saw Libra had hugged her. Tears began to spill from Royal’s eyes, she wrapped her arms around Libra as well, finding comfort in their arms, much like she did in Orchid’s so many years ago. A feeling she never realized how much she missed.
“Sh-she’s gone… She’s really gone…” Royal barely managed out.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Libra whispered, holding Royal tightly. Royal shook and sobbed in their arms. This pain in her chest was so new to her. She had no idea what to do with it. She desperately wanted it to go away. She wanted the whole world to go away. Shoving Libra off, Royal stood and ran off. She couldn't stand it anymore. She needed to leave, she had to go. This whole day was a mistake.
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goofyasshoe00000 · 3 months
Agent experiment!!
So @clipoom and I created this AU!!♥️
And yes, I ship king orange and agent
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Context: King orange watches as (their) child unleashes his wrath and forms into his final infection stage whilst being tied down by Agent
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New Removed cover art! Because I hated the old one!!
Still not sure how I feel about this one (hands are still hard for me), but it's definitely an improvement.
While we're here, I'll put the links to places you can read the fic if you wanna (re)read it:
Archive of Our Own
oh and heres the old one
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commonstick14 · 1 day
Sick Voice 🟢🏥(Spotlight Trap)
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Green meets his fan!!
Of course I can't let you guys suffer just like that I added a new character!
Previously | Next
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oomie33 · 3 months
Why does this happen to me?
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