nerds-yearbook · 3 months
Marvel released it's own version of Heavy Metal with Epic illustrated, the first issue had a cover date of March, 1980. The magazine format and lack of comic's code allowed for Marvel to release "mature content". The anthology series also allowed the artists and writers to have ownership and royalties to their work instead of the standard work for hire that dominated standard comics. The first run ran for 34 issues. The first issue lead to the creation of Dreadstar and also included stories set in the Elfquest universe and Silver Surfer from the mainstream Marvel Universe. ("The Answer", "Homespun", "Aware", "For the Next 60 Seconds", "Aknaton: Chapter One", "Lullabye of Bedlam", "Elfspire", "History of Human Absurdity Part 1", "The Victor", "Shakti", "Convert", "Heads", "Za! Chapter Two", "Juliet Chapter Three", "Detour", "Topaz", Epic Illustrated 1, Marvel/Epic Comic Event)
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Cairo, El Fayoum and Alexandria Easter Tours
Cairo, El Fayoum and Alexandria Easter Tours
Through the Cairo El Fayoum and Alexandria Easter Tours, you can learn fascinating facts about Egyptian history. You can also view a variety of priceless treasures that date to various eras, including the Tutankhamun Treasures and the Aknaton Collection. Enjoy Cairo, El Fayoum, and Alexandria Easter Tours on an incredible tour to see the Cairo Citadel built during the Auuibyad Period by Salah El Dein. You will also have the chance to see the magnificent Alabater mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha. by way of Cairo Pasha
Have the greatest holiday to experience a nice Easter in Egypt and visit a variety of locations; you can not only take advantage of the lovely weather during Easter but also explore various sights and learn about the country's history; feast your eyes on Cairo's pyramids and the Egyptian Museum.
Get the best Easter vacation deals to Cairo, look into Cairo tours and excursions, discover more about the history of the Ancient Egyptians, and more with Easter travel to Alexandria and Cairo. With World Tour Advice, learn about Easter packages in Cairo and El Fayoum.
Day 1: Egypt Easter Vacation - Arrival to Cairo airport
World Tour Advice tour delegate will meet you upon your arrival to Cairo airport, transfer you to your hotel in Cairo,  relax a while and then freshen up ready for an amazing Nile dinner cruise at one of best Nile cruises in Cairo, or opt tour to amuse your eyes and ears by sound and light show in front of Giza pyramids, back to hotel by our modern private van
Overnight in Cairo
Day 2: Egypt Easter Vacation  - Pyramids - Saqqara Tour
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide to start a tour discovering Ancient Egyptian pyramids in Giza and Saqqara, lunch meal will be served at a good local restaurant , shopping tour , back to hotel, at night optional tour to Sound and light show. Overnight in Cairo
Day 3: Egypt Easter Vacation  - Egyptian Museums tour and Old Cairo
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide, go to visit the Egyptian museum in Cairo, The Coptic museum in Old Cairo, the hanging church, the Synagogue of Ben Ezra, Lunch meal will be served during the tour, back to hotel. Overnight in Cairo
Day 4: Egypt Easter Vacation  - El Fayoum tours from Cairo
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide, Travel to Fayoum oasis accompanied by your tour guide, visit Maydoum pyramid, Lahoon pyramid, then proceed to Fayoum oasis where you will enjoy the natural life , You will see Qaroon lake, visit Qaroon temple, go to Tunis village for lunch meal, relaxation. Overnight in Fayoum
Day 5: Tunis village and Whales valley
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide, walking tour to discover Tunis  village , visit Evelin pottery school, back to the hotel to take the car to go to Whales valley and Wadi El Rayan, after the tour , lunch meal then back to Cairo. Overnight in Cairo
Day 6: Islamic Day tour in Cairo
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, Enjoy few hours free at morning for relaxation or swimming pool, then at 12:30 PM meet your private tour guide, go to visit Islamic Cairo, Ibn Tolun mosque, Gayer Anderson house, Sultan Hassan and El Rifahi mosques, the Old market, back to hotel, overnight in Cairo.
Day 7: Free day in Cairo 
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, Free day for relaxation or for optional tours such as tour to Memphis and Dahsur, or day tour to Citadel and Pharaonic village or day tour by flight to visit Luxor from Cairo
Overnight in Cairo
Dy 8: Alexandria Tour from Cairo 
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide, drive 3 hours to arrive Alexandria, which was the Egyptian capital during the Greek Roman period, visit Qaitbye fortress, El Muntazah palace, Pompey pillar and if not Fridays You can go also to visit Alexandria library, lunch meal , transfer to hotel in Alexandria
Overnight in Alexandria
Day 9: Alexandria - Cairo
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet your private tour guide, Tours to the Roman theatre, Kom El Shoqafa tombs, lunch meal drive to El Alamein to visit the museum of the 2nd world war, the cemeteries of the 2nd World war, back to Cairo
Overnight in Cairo
Day 10: Final departure
Enjoy your breakfast in hotel, meet our Easter tour representative, transfer to airport for final departure
Tour Includes
Meet and assist in Cairo Airport
All transfers with air conditioned car 
Accommodation 7 nights in Cairo hotel with breakfast 
Accommodation 1 night in motel in Tunis village ( Zad El Mosafer ) or similar
Accommodation 1 night in Alexandria ( 4 or 5 stars hotel )
All tours as Easter holidays and tours itinerary
All tours will include, transfers by modern private AC vans, Professional tour guides, 
Entrance fees t the mentioned sites in our tour itinerary and lunch meal
Mineral water on board during the tours
International flight 
Egypt Visa 
Tipping kitty
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projetosjpaz-blog · 5 years
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São José dos Pinhais, maior região metropolitana de Curitiba, com área territorial de 946,520 km² e com 262.210 habitantes (2010), é o segundo pior município da região metropolitana em quesito criminalidade, com 69 mortes violentas em 2018, ficando apenas atrás de Curitiba, com 293 mortes, sendo também o quarto pior índice do Estado, atrás de Foz de Iguaçu e Paranaguá.   Dentre os crimes, o homicídio ainda é o principal deles, tendo uma média de 41,8 para cada 100 mil habitantes. A grande causa desses homicídios, segundo o sociólogo e pesquisador do Centro de Estudos em Segurança Pública e Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal do Paraná Aknaton Souza, é o acesso restrito ao urbanismo. A falta de estrutura abre espaço para ações criminosas como o tráfico de drogas e a disputa de territórios e cobranças de dívida de usuários. Para os assaltos, segundo pesquisas realizadas no centro da cidade, o principal horário dos crimes direcionados ao comércio é na primeira parte da manhã devido ao baixo fluxo de pessoas na rua, e na madrugada os principais crimes são o latrocínio, assassinatos e chacinas.  Escolhemos a cidade de São José dos Pinhais devido seus índices de criminalidade e por um conjunto de fatores que foi levado em conta para a escolha do projeto SJPAZ, como a situação fiscal de Paraná, o comprometimento com o projeto, e bons números de Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), por exemplo, São José mantém um IDH (0,758, de acordo com dados de 2010) acima da média do estado e de boa parte das cidades da RMC. Para que possamos atingir o objetivo, iremos iniciar com algumas restruturações na cidade pra melhorar o urbanismo, como aumento da iluminação da cidade, aumento no efetivo da polícia, criando vizinhos solidários, focando na erradicação da violência, deixando a cidade mais segura para todos. Durante o projeto faremos pesquisas de satisfação para ter uma métrica dos efeitos positivos e se de fato as mudanças estão acontecendo.A meta principal é que as pessoas voltem a sentir-se seguras para andar na rua, para sair a noite, abrir e fechar os comércios e outras coisas da vida cotidiana que estamos perdendo devido ao índice altíssimo de violência. Após um ano da aplicação do projeto será feito uma reaplicação das pesquisas para que possamos identificar se será necessário sequenciar com as ações, continuar mas com uma redução ou cessar.
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fuckshiru · 5 years
345rv5 ten year anniversary. Couldn’t upload this to DA for some reason
You know when you're getting older when people start having 10 year aniversaries. But alas. I still await my aniversary (which wont be for over 3 years).
You're delusional if you think I wont be posting about this.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been watching people rant online for a long ass time. I've watched Youtube videos, blogs, and deviantart journals of course. And stamps. It used to be game reviewers (Clement and SomecallmeJohnny), then it was political videos (The Amazing Atheist formerly then Sargon and Hunter Avallone currently). But I've never actually made friends with any of them. Unlike 345rv5.
I've made friends with 345rv5 just a few years back. While he isn't millionaire famous, he has a rather large following on deviantart. And that's because there's a little bit of everything on his page. He started off reviewing anime but then he would he started getting into debates. I think what made him a force to be reckoned with was the fact that he made very long journals and comments. But they wern't long because he wanted to win the debate (just a side note, if you're on a debate online, dont EVER simply write a wall of text or copy n paste from wikipedia. That doesn't work.), he would also deconstruct each of the points of the other side and obliterate them. Lets get into the journal that started it all.
Dragon Fail Live Action Piece of Shit
Dragon fail live action peice of shit
Now, 345rv5 has been around before he made the journal, but in my opinon this was the review that started everything. This was his Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. I've read all of his journals. Anime and video games was his thing earlier on. He didn't start making political videos until around 2012/2013. This day marks the ten year anniversary of him making that journal.
It really set off his channel (or should I say page). I guarentee that if he had a youtube channel, he would be filthy rich, even with youtube's ad-pocalypse and whatnot.
He started off ranting about shows and movies, essentially pointing out all of the flaws. Some notable things he's ranted about were Cartoon Network and Super Mario Live Action movie.
Anime Recaps and Reviews
Weekly Shonen Recap :RECAP !
Anime and Manga was his passion. He almost exclusively watched anime, some of his favourites were Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. Others shows, such as Bleach not so much. There's not much to say on this part, but if you enjoy anime, you'll enjoy his reviews.
As time passed on, he began showing everyone his insane debating skills. This caused many people to hold grudges toward him. He began his series BDTDT/BSTDT (Bigots Do/say the dumbest things) and a subseries FTSTDT (Fantards say the dumbest things) and RFSTDT (Radical Feminists Say The Dumbest Things. He also started shorter series entitled "Concentrated Stupidity", which ended shortly.
Watching him take part in these debates that lasted over months was actually pretty entertaining. He's debated people such as Arrnacar Fighter, DragonoftheEastBlue (which apparently made a youtube video), BrianaBater, Insanity123 (didn't get a journal), Sychtemantis, and Party999999. The debate between him and Party999999 lasted for over a year. It ended in 2016, when Party99999 made a final response, and called it quits.
The topics of these debates covered politics. When it wasn't that, he would literally go in depth on how strong a character is, using math equations and Science to justify his claims.
And no, I'm not insulting any of thse people. Hell for a debate to last that long meant that they put up a good fight and must've good points.
Unfortunately, with so many debates online someone was eventually going to make a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica about him.
Before I start, I will say that I'm suprised that I don't have a page on Encylopedia Dramatica. I should've gotten one a few years back when I got into a big fight in the complaints forum, but now that I'm fading away into nothing, I'm probably never gonna get one. That's good I guess. But an Encyclopedia Dramatica page really only shows the worst in people.
Even when he got banned from DA, he still occasionally called people out here on this site from tumblr (such as OddGarfield and Aknaton-II)
The Story, Political Views, and Removal from DA
Earlier on, 345rv5 was a liberal. He was the same kind of liberal as The Amazing Athiest, as in, he wasn't a SJW, they didn't believe in white privilege or any of that garbage. Instead, they only believed in green privilege. (I dont know if TJ still believes that given I haven't watched his videos in months)
He still is a egaliratian, and one of his sickest ownages was his DESTROYING someone who insulted and slut shamed SHE-HULK by calling her a whore.
BSTDT:She Hulk is a Whore!
He was a true EGALITARIAN. Trust me, you will not find a bigger equalist than 345rv5 on the internet. He has stood up for atheists, women, men, people of colour, whites, Religious people, you name it. Every one of those instances I wholeheartedly agreed with.
BSTDT: Brother Dean the Anti Gay, Sexist Pastor
BSTDT: Atheist Pluser Says fuck you to Christans
After time passed, he slowly distanced himself from the left. He is a firm supporter of AllLivesMatter. This however, would cause him to get banned permanently from the site.
RIP 345rv5
I was beyond angry when that happened. But its been over 3 years and it is what is I guess. After being banned from DA, he made a tumblr account. This is where he REALLY shifted away from the left. 1 year later in 2016, He came out as a supporter of Trump weeks away from the election day. At that point I was still sceptical of Trump but I do admit that people have retarded reasons for hating him. I believe he still identifies as a liberal, but honestly, it hard to be considered a liberal or a leftist at this point because the left keeps fucking up for themselves. Paul Joseph Watson said Conservatism is the new counter culture, and I totally agree. Its popular to be left leaning these days.
The arguement The Amazing Athiest had with Hunter Avallone really shows that sides have switched. It used to be a younger liberal vs a older conservative. Now its a younger conservative vs an older liberal.
But furthermore, 345rv5 continued making posts on tumblr. These were very similar to the posts he made here. This went on until Tumblr shot itself and got rid of pornographic content.
After that, he migrated to another website.
What made him great?
I think it was his ability to debate made him great. He would fucking decimate people. But he would only do that if you had horrible opinions. His followers were literally like familiy, everyone digged in to help him stand up to abusive admins. When he got banned, everyone was upset. We all love his journals, which everyone can see, thanks to this link here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150406180849/http://345rv5.deviantart.com/
Yet he was such a nice guy. And that is why he will always be remembered.
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Nerffetite a rainha Faraó. A amada de Aknaton. A mulher mais cristã que conheci nós últimos 3500 anos. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNWcr4VDcZligOu2iNHH-oh8XahVpCi5IQJeB40/?igshid=38snr9647aso
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Easter Tours 2017
you have the opportunity to Explore Tutankhamun Treasures , Aknaton Collection appreciate Egypt Easter Holidays through stunning visit to Explore Cairo Citadel built up by Salah El Dein through Auuibyad Period , Increase astounding knowledge about Egypt history through your Egypt Easter Package , additionally you have the opportunity to Explore numerous valuable masterpieces dates to various times , likewise you have the opportunity to Explore the great Alabater mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha . through Easter Egypt Tours 2017.
Get Ready yourself up to spend enjoyable Easter Holidays In Egypt , you have the opportunity to have astonishing Easter Nile Cruise Sailing by means of the colossal Nile stream amongst Luxor and Aswan , you have the opportunity to Explore Luxor Sightseeing Like Luxor Temple where you will Explore astounding Colonnade contains 14 Column in 2 lines and The birth room of King Amenhotep III , Through your Easter Vacation Package in Egypt Scout to Karnak Temple which committed to the fundamental god Amoun Ra and Contains an enormous Hypostyle lobby incorporates 134 Column . in west bank you need to Explore El Deir El bahari Temple of Queen Hatshepsut which incorporates astonishing records and designs for her voyage to Punt , During your Easter Special Offers Sail to Edfu Temple of god Hours the second gigantic sanctuary after Karnak Temple .
Discover incredible and fascinating Easter Egypt Vacations , after Luxor and Edfu visits , Continue cruising to Kom Ombo where you will Explore Kom Ombo Temple the twofold shared sanctuary which devoted to Sobek and Hours the senior , then set yourself up to touch excellence of Aswan ( place that is known for the gold ) , visit The colossal high Dam which Protects Egypt from Flood and dry spell , During your Easter Holiday in Egypt visit the astounding Philae Temple which committed to goddess Isis the provider of Life .
There Are Many Tours in Egypt Easter Such as :-
Sharm El Sheikh Tours in Easter
Cairo, El Fayoum and Alexandria Easter Tours
Cairo and Aswan Easter Tours
For more info. About Easter Tours 2017
or See More About Easter Special Offers
or Send your Request to [email protected]
World Tour Advice Team' s
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cyberaeon-blog · 9 years
Uma Odisseia de Metamorfose - Jim Starlin e o misticismo na FC
Uma Odisseia de Metamorfose – Jim Starlin e o misticismo na FC
http://www.cyberaeon.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/dread.mp3 Jim Starlin O sonho de alcançar as estrelas e encontrar raças alienígenas é cultivado pelo homem desde o momento no qual sua mente começou a teorizar acerca do que haveria no manto recobrindo seu mundo quando o sol mergulhava no horizonte. Textos (religiosos ou não), onde tais encontros ocorriam, foram produzidos por dezenas de…
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