ajleeblog · 18 days
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bestindianfoodblog · 2 months
Akhuni Chatney from Nagaland, India | Best Indian Food Blog | Fermented Beans recipe
Akhuni Chatney from Nagaland, India | Best Indian Food Blog | Fermented Beans recipe Ingredients: Tomato, Green Chilli, Salt, Garlic, Akhuni (Fermented Soyabean Paste). Recipe at a Glance: Step 1: Roast Tomato and Green Chilli on direct fire. Step 2: Smash and paste Garlic with salt. Step 3: Add roasted Chilli, smash and paste. Step 4: Add roasted Tomato, smash and paste. Step 5: Add…
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foodloosein · 4 years
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Day before yesterday I was watching the movie @axone._ ( pronounced Akhuni) . It is one of those rare movies which show the lives of folks from North East India primarily Nagas, shot mostly in Humayunpur a place introduced to me by @plavaneeta_borah and have explored it a bit since then . Infact I owe it a lot to Plav for introducing me quite a bit to the nuances of the Cuisine. For that I am really thankful. The movie revolves around how the girls want to cook some Akhuni with smoked pork for the bride & how they face resistance from the neighbors because of its strong smell. Akhuni is made from soybeans which is very suited to grow in Naga Hills . The beans are boiled & left to fermented in the sun. This is wrapped in Banana leaves and ready to use when it smells right as shown in the movie. The movie is a very poignant reminder of the discrimination folks from North East India face & also raises some pertinent questions. While everyone has the right to eat and cook the food they wish to have , in closely packed houses, is it okay to cook pungent seemingly strong smelling foods? I could really empathize with this as one of my flatmates blew his fuse because I cooked some karuvadu ( dried anchovies) . I have been on the other side too when I couldn't really stand durian in the mini bar! On my plate though is a messy but beautiful plate of Naga Food by @avi_seyie_sk .It has some pork with Axone, freshwater snails cooked with michinga patta leaves ( Naga Sichuan pepper leaves) & some chicken with bamboo shoot & Naga Morich ( Naga Chilly). All very distinctive, super tasty which is had with a mix of black and white sticky rice rendering them purple & a simple comforting dal. From my experience in Dimapur & Kohima, most of the Naga meals come with some greens or boiled vegetables which is the case here too.I don't think these state fairs like Paryatan Parv is going to happen this year. So reminiscing those wonderful times & some food for thought. #nagafood #suminaga #axone #akhuni #northeast #northeastindia #deliciousandnutritious #snails #divinefood #tribalfood #fermentation #netflix #movie #throwbacktuesday (at Paryatan Parv, India Gate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBe-il1F5pq/?igshid=nwqh14nb8kub
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jayjayasuriya · 4 years
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🎥 Director NICHOLAS KHARKONGOR during @indiememe screening of #axonethefilm in the ATX @AustinFilm #AKHUNI #IMFF (at AFS Cinema) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9D16EhlZgv/?igshid=ts7l79ew9ziz
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khlur · 4 years
food anthro is def something i want to explore more 
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newzzhub · 4 years
Humble heroes of the North-East
Humble heroes of the North-East
In the North-East of our country, simple, local ingredients that are healthy and nutrition-rich are often fermented to last longer. Sure, that means they may acquire a strong smell, but that also means a bigger explosion of flavours – just like the blue cheese you spend a bomb on when you feel the need for something fancy, but fresher and much healthier.
Till very recently, most of the…
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assameseinmumbai · 7 years
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Soul Food. #NagaThali, #NagaCuisine, #pork, #fish, #akhuni, #lunch, #soulfood, #NorthEastIndia, #Delhi (at Nagaland's Kitchen)
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brendchina · 3 years
в Akhuny, Penzenskaya Oblast', Russia https://www.instagram.com/p/CPar_sbC10W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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suppmeme · 6 years
Life of Naga boi
1. Birth
2. eat pork
3. eat akhuni
4. eat chillies
5. eat dogs
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5 Reasons Why You Should Visit the Seven Sister States of India
In case you're considering visiting the Seven Sister States of India, don't spare a moment 
The Seven Sister States of India, otherwise known as, North East India Tour is renowned for its beautiful common scenes, humble individuals, and some fascinating nearby food. The Seven Sister States are home to a few clans who weave native texture that is not normal for anything you have at any point seen! 
We should discover more about the Seven Sisters. Who are the Seven Sisters? 
The Seven Sisters is an aggregate name for the conditions of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, and Sikkim. Also, in the event that you checked eight states, you're correct! Sikkim was remembered for the Northeast area of India after the mainstream name was begun. India's North East Package is renowned for its amazing scenes, variety, uncommon and interesting natural life which enraptured voyagers all around the globe. Each state has its own way of life, customs, food propensities, and that's just the beginning. 
I see myself as sufficiently lucky to have the option to consider this wonderful locale my place of birth. Today, I will talk about all the reasons why one should visit Trip to North East India in any event once in their lives! 
Nature in the Seven Sisters 
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North-East India, the place where there is undulating slopes and fields with rich green vegetation and an assortment of intriguing verdure! These incorporate a few types of uncommon orchids as well. In all honesty, each state is pretty much as excellent as the other, each with its own way of life and convictions. Vacationers have not yet found Northeast India, which clarifies the serenity and quiet that isn't generally connected with India. 
Think chattering creeks, slopes covered with lavish woodlands, twisting streets with no traffic and just the trees for organization. Carry a book or a journal to doodle in, as your spirit absorbs the glow of nature. Crash into the field to be charmed by an unfamiliar cascade, or stroll across extremely old extensions made of living tree roots (Take a gander at this connection here, on the off chance that you don't trust me!). Sit by the banks of the strong waterway Brahmaputra (India's just "male" stream) and watch the orange sun set somewhere out there. 
In the event that you love to travel, head to the Dzükou valley, on the boundaries of Nagaland and Manipur. It is hard to portray the perspectives here in words. Investigate the image underneath, on the off chance that you don't trust me. Meghalaya, whose name generally means "The home of the mists" is renowned for its cascades, lakes and slopes. Mawsynram is the wettest spot on the planet and is a bunch of interesting little villas where it rains each day! Stop in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya and complete some nearby shopping, in the event that you so want! 
Go wonder about the Elephant Falls and the Nohkalikai Falls in Meghalaya. Is it accurate to say that you are now arranging an occasion in your psyche, asking why you didn't think about the Meghalaya Tourism Packages sooner? A drive from Bomdila to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh is a gala for the eyes, with sublime perspectives on the Gorichen Peak. Local people consider this mountain consecrated. It is additionally probably the hardest trip in the seven sister expresses that make up Northeast India. 
On the off chance that in Sikkim, you should visit the Nathula Pass which is effectively available from the capital city of Gangtok. Mount Kanchenjunga, the third most noteworthy mountain in the world, is noticeable from Gangtok. Manipur is home to the world's just drifting National park, the Keibul Lamjao National Park. Watch this video here on the off chance that you don't accept that such a spot really exists! 
Food and Drink in the Seven Sister States 
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In the event that you thought Indian food was just spread chicken and chicken tikka masala, reconsider! 
India's North East Tour Packages have unmistakably extraordinary food propensities from the remainder of the country. Rice is a tremendous piece of the nearby eating routine, with many having rice for breakfast, lunch and supper! The vast majority from this district like to utilize negligible flavors with the goal that the newness of privately developed natural fixings can radiate through. They additionally really like to utilize new spices like coriander and mint to enhance their cooking, rather than depending on ground flavors. 
On the off chance that you love pork, Nagaland is your own image of Heaven, old buddy! Naga food incorporates an assortment of pork dishes like dried pork, smoked pork with greens, pork with dry bamboo shoots, among others. 'Akhuni' is a brand name of Naga food, and keeping in mind that this matured soybean glue isn't some tea, it absolutely is a nearby top pick! 
'Momos' or dumplings with fillings of vegetables, pork and chicken are a staple food in the North-East. With regards to liquor, many lean toward a privately fermented rice lager called 'Apong'. This lager is home-made and is liberated from synthetic substances. While the food of Assam is likewise inalienably flavor free, the cooking of Assam is somewhat unique in relation to the remainder of the area. Assamese individuals love "Khar'', a dish made of the cinders of sun dried banana strips. Fish curries made with tomatoes, occasional vegetables and privately got fish are important for each Assamese eating routine. "Xaak" or greens are well known and assortments accessible change as indicated by the season. It is uncommon to discover vegans in this locale, which is unexpected in light of the fact that North-Easterns love their vegetables. The Seven Sisters is home to numerous types of palatable plants that are nearby rarities. 
Take, for instance, the phantom pepper stew, when considered to be the most smoking bean stew on the planet. You would seldom discover neighborhood vegetables like the Elephant Apple and the Fiddlehead greenery somewhere else. Assam Holiday Package is additionally a worldwide innovator in the creation of tea leaves. Assam tea makes for a fantastic breakfast tea due to its solid energy. 
Culture of the Seven Sister States 
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Upper east India is home to in excess of a hundred clans, every one of whom talks their own lingo and has their own conventions. Envision the extravagance that every clan adds to the in general social woven artwork of the area! 
Upper east India is customarily an agribusiness based district, and numerous celebrations commended are connected to the hours of reaping crops. For instance, the Assamese celebration of Bihu happens consistently. Notwithstanding, it is the point at which the rice crops are fit to be collected in the fields that the most commended rendition called "Bohag Bihu" is held. Bohag Bihu connotes a period of plenitude and euphoria. This celebration likewise sees troops of artists playing out the neighborhood Bihu dance, praising the collective. 
The Khasis, an ethnic clan in Meghalaya, hold a yearly five-day long strict celebration called KaPemblangNongrem, prevalently known as the Nongkrem dance. Local people play out this dance to assuage their goddess, to guarantee an abundant collection. Head to the authority government site to know more. 
At any point seen a bamboo dance, where men move numerous bamboo fights evenly and vertically, and ladies dance between them? Manipur's Cheraw Dance is a captivating encounter and should be knowledgeable about individuals to be completely keen to the huge expertise required. For the time being, placate yourself with this, however I'd skirt the initial 30 seconds to get to the genuine article! 
Weaves and Textiles in the Seven Sister States 
While in the Seven Sister states, remember to get cloaks, scarves and other apparel produced using conventional handwoven texture. These textures are a fundamental piece of Northeastern culture, with each state creating one of a kind weaves, frequently woven by hand at home. Assam is popular for its silk, which comes in three assortments: Muga, Eri, and Pat. Muga Silk is frequently called "fluid gold" since it is nearly as costly and is cherished as gold adornments for an Assamese lady. 
Muga Silk is to Assam, what Champagne is to the Champagne locale in France, with Muga Silk being an ensured topographical sign (GI) to Assam. Peruse more about Assam silk here. Materials woven in Nagaland are regularly a delightful mix of red, high contrast tones. One can without much of a stretch utilize these woven textures for coats, wraps and even comforters. These textures are promptly accessible to purchase on the off chance that you need to take a cut of the Northeast back with you! 
The weaving of materials in the Northeast is for the most part confined to the ladies of the house. Men aren't normally permitted to utilize the house loom, since numerous clans have a fantasy that a man would lose his virility if he somehow managed to begin weaving. 
Traveler Must-Dos in the Seven Sister States 
As though all the reasons above weren't sufficient, here are a couple of more should do encounters in the Seven Sister conditions of the North East India Tour Packages ! Assam is well known for its Kamakhya Temple, which has colossal strict importance. The yearly Ambubachi Mela, generally held in June, is an exceptionally foreseen occasion. Lakhs of travelers make the excursion from everywhere to adore at the sanctuary. Numerous sages just arise openly for this celebration, while deciding to stay in detachment for the remainder of the year. 
Try not to miss Nagaland's Naga Heritage Village! Likewise called the Kisama Heritage Village, it offers a fascinating look into the conventions and rich culture of the Naga clan. For a dreamlike encounter, head to the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh, set up in the year 1681. Arranged at a tallness of around 10,000 feet, this is the second-biggest cloister in the
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Find out the answer for What is akhuni smell? at #AskSawal Ask Sawal is a question answer discussion forum. You can find answers for more than 2 billion questions targetting more than 50000 topics.
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eternalsamadhiblog · 4 years
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Pride of North East India. As most of you know that the eating habits of North eastern natives are slightly different than the rest of India. Most of our foods are flavorless but that doesn't mean that it's not spicy. It resembles to the food habits of other Asian countries due to our close proximity to countries like Myanmar, Bhutan and Thailand. Here are two prime ingredients used by many tribes in NE - Ghost chillies, akhuni (fermented soybeans) with a packet of hot chillies. If you go by the ingredients, you know what I am gonna cook tonight. Don't call on those numbers as they belong to a real estate developer and he won't tell you the source of these stuff. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCI5j1_lFtoCle0cy9aFm7ByRe63x49r3Ew2500/?igshid=2smj0fcq8b6r
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anasimbd · 4 years
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Akhuni at Netflix... #anasimbd #axone https://www.instagram.com/p/CBkiQe8JDN_DblgXLtdNrshfC-TO6RRKy9T1NA0/?igshid=1ys6v60ciq7u
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
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Axone movie review: Migrant lives matter in moving new film starring Sayani Gupta, out on Netflix - bollywood
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Axone Director – Nicholas Kharkongor Cast – Sayani Gupta, Lin Liashram, Vinay Pathak, Dolly Ahluwalia, Tenzin Dalha
Axone, pronounced ‘Akhuni’, is a particularly pungent ingredient used in Naga cuisine. In the opening scene of Axone, the film, our protagonists procure some of it to use in a special pork dish that they’re going to prepare for their best friend, who’s getting married.
The film spans a single stressful day in the lives of a group of 20-somethings, who’re made to leap over one obstacle after another in their mission to cook the dish. Through the day, they’re forced to deal with bigoted neighbours, an uncooperative gas cylinder and interpersonal drama.
Watch the Axone trailer here 
When their loud Punjabi landlord aunty forbids Chanbi (a Manipuri girl played by Lin Laishram) and her Nepali best friend Upasna (played by Sayani Gupta) from cooking at home, the girls are forced to commandeer cramped kitchens and deserted community halls, consistently at the mercy of others. Old wounds are reopened and new ones are inflicted as Chanbi and Upasna, joined by a well-meaning neighbourhood kid Shiv, go on a race against time to get the job done, pin-balling from one house to the other, and bumping into colourful characters played by actors such as Vinay Pathak and Dolly Ahluwalia.
Axone is a small film with big ideas, deftly directed and delicately performed. By identifying themselves as ‘North Eastern’ — a collective term that is used to confine millions of people — the characters form a sort of an alliance that feels more of a survival mechanism than a deliberate choice. It is a title that has been given to them; one that they have come to accept. And that’s tragic.
Having graduated from a relatively multi-cultural school, I was in for a bit of a shock when I enrolled at Delhi University. Thirteen years of not knowing one ‘caste’ from the other, and being unaware of the deep-rooted differences among our people had left me unprepared for the wild ride that would be life in DU.
At any given moment, you could spot clusters of kids, invariably from the same cultural background, huddled together. The Tamilians would chill with other Tamilians; the Bengalis would hold intense discussions with each other under the same tree; and the North Easterns would always eat with other North Easterns. This was an alien world for a kid whose first ever group of friends included a Malayali, a half-Bengali, and, like director Nicholas Kharkongor, a Khasi.
The same North Eastern kids who’d huddle up in college, utterly uninterested in mingling with others, would move into areas of the Capital reserved especially for their people. Take, for instance, the Humayunpur village, located bang in the middle of one of South Delhi’s most affluent neighbourhoods. It’s often been described as the Capital’s very own ‘North East outpost’, brimming with ‘Chinese’ and ‘Tibetan’ restaurants, and teeming with youngsters — some of them fresh-faced, others more weary — who’ve arrived in the big city dreaming of a better life. It’s where Axone is set.
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Sayani Gupta and Tenzin Dalha in a still from Axone.
But over time, Delhi can beat the dreams out of anybody. Especially if you’re an outsider. There are many colonies like Humayunpur scattered all across the city — Laxmi Nagar is known as ‘mini Bihar’, Chittaranjan Park is where thousands of Bengalis live, and Punjabi Bagh, as the name suggests, is home to the Punjabis. Don’t get me started on the religious segregation.
The truth of the matter is this — regardless of how vehemently we pretend to believe in our country’s cultural diversity, we’re a nation in which it is possible for people to take pride in the streets that they were born in, and hold grudges towards those who weren’t.
And Axone, the film, treats us more gently than we deserve. Despite being on the receiving end of casual racism on virtually an hourly basis — the film begins with a rather harrowing public confrontation — barely any of its characters seem to hold a grudge against their tormentors; they’ve almost become immune to it. At one point, one character, having survived the unthinkable, cries into his girlfriend’s arms and says, “I hate this city.” And you understand why.
Also read: Paatal Lok review: Anushka Sharma’s show is Amazon’s black-hearted yet brave answer to Sacred Games
The film doesn’t feel the need to overdramatise its social commentary, simply witnessing the tremendous difficulty that these characters are forced to endure, just to be able to celebrate a happy occasion, is enough to get the point across. They’re constantly made to feel like they don’t belong, to the extent that it is almost ingrained in them that they’re second-class citizens — imagine being forced to ask for permission for something as basic as being able to cook in your own home.
Kharkhongor’s command over perspective is particularly impressive, given the ensemble nature of the film. There’s an effortless fluidity with which he moves from one character to another, sometimes in the span of a couple of seconds, having conveyed just the right amount of information about them. Axone is almost like a Richard Linklater movie in this regard — minimalist, grounded, and lived-in. And barring a couple of tonally off scenes, the performances of its young cast are splendid. These people feel like real people; they don’t have unbelievable ambitions, nor do they find themselves embroiled in an overly dramatic plot.
All Upasna wants to do is settle down, and all Chanbi wants is a little bit of respect — respect, that she ultimately discovers, will be difficult to find in Delhi. But kindness, as hard as it may be to come across, is certainly not impossible to discover.
Follow @htshowbiz for more The author tweets @RohanNaahar
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newsupdatedaily · 4 years
Axone movie review: Migrant lives matter in moving new film starring Sayani Gupta, out on Netflix - bollywood
Axone movie review: Migrant lives matter in moving new film starring Sayani Gupta, out on Netflix – bollywood
Axone Director – Nicholas Kharkongor Cast – Sayani Gupta, Lin Liashram, Vinay Pathak, Dolly Ahluwalia, Tenzin Dalha
Axone, pronounced ‘Akhuni’, is a particularly pungent ingredient used in Naga cuisine. In the opening scene of Axone, the film, our protagonists procure some of it to use in a special pork dish that they’re going to prepare for their best friend, who’s…
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awesometeennews · 4 years
Axone movie review: Migrant lives matter in moving new film starring Sayani Gupta, out on Netflix
Axone movie review: Migrant lives matter in moving new film starring Sayani Gupta, out on Netflix
Axone Director – Nicholas Kharkongor Cast – Sayani Gupta, Lin Liashram, Vinay Pathak, Dolly Ahluwalia, Tenzin Dalha
Axone, pronounced ‘Akhuni’, is a particularly pungent ingredient used in Naga cuisine. In the opening scene of Axone, the film, our protagonists procure some of it to use in a special pork dish that they’re going to prepare for their best friend, who’s getting married.
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