#aila ruike
dungeonsandblorbos · 1 year
Fire. Air. Water. Earth. For nearly 50 years, Avatar Kyoshi has fought to bring peace and order to the four nations. Despite her best efforts, much of the world is still in turmoil. After the fall of Chin the Conqueror, the Earth Kingdom fell into disarray as his former generals turned on one another and skirmished for territory. Fire Lord Zoryu continues to work a quiet but persistent political maneuver to snuff out the power of the Fire Nation’s great clans and consolidate influence under his own personal banner. The seas, for a time made clearer by the destruction of the pirate fleets of the Fifth Nation, now find themselves facing an ever growing number of a new generation of marauders who see opportunity in chaos and are determined to find their fortunes amidst the confusion…
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Meet the Blorbos: Aila Ruike
and last but not least, we have Aila Ruike! sure her campaign hasn't actually started yet but we've been preparing for it on the side for at least a couple of months now so ~details~
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made for an Avatar Legends campaign with the same group as the PJO Cypher and Acquisitions Inc. DnD 5e campaigns, Aila will be my first foray into PCs who aren't any level of good-aligned. that is, most of my PCs are solidly Neutral Good, maybe veering slightly into Chaotic Good in Indie's and Nina's cases, but Aila is decidedly . . . Not That. our Avatar campaign is planned to be a bit darker and less silly than previous campaigns with this group, given that we decided literally as soon as we even started talking about doing an Avatar campaign that we were gonna play gay pirates during the era of Kyoshi. and pirates are a very morally ambiguous bunch! i don't think anyone's playing an Evil character, but i think we are all firmly in the True Neutral to Chaotic Neutral camp, and there is a very real possibility of us going just a little bit Neutral Evil depending on how the story rolls out
which lends this whole campaign an air of danger that feels oddly appropriate!
Aila is part of the Ruike clan, a coastal family whose wealth comes primarily from smuggling and privateering. she was allowed to start working one of her family's pirate ships at 14, and now, at 23, she's a competent sailor and has earned her position as a boatswain (junior officer) on a small ship (which we haven't quite named yet). she's also an accomplished firebender and swordswoman, in case the fire and cutlass in her minifig didn't give that away already
as not only the second child but also the second daughter, she normally wouldn't be poised to inherit much. however, her family believes the circumstances of her birth were a Sign that she's destined to succeed her father, Ailon, as head of the Ruike clan. and so she as not only inherited the "Ai" syllable, but also the pressure of responsibility for her family’s honor, reputation, and finances, that comes with it. this has made her a very serious and disciplined person, somewhat distant from would-be peers
although she'll readily trust anyone in her clan or on her ship to do their part, she's slow to trust people on a personal level. to those few who've managed to earn it, she's a strong and loyal ally. she has something of an imposing aura (read: Big Top Energy), unafraid to take charge and pursue what she wants. though this aura is mostly genuine, Aila does put conscious effort into cultivating a reputation and presence that evokes fear and awe. she commands loyalty. and yes, she will step on you; you're welcome
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