xaviergalatis · 8 months
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mft-toyama · 4 years
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via @sylvan5
型ヒントでPython開発を加速 ~Microsoft、VS Code向けの拡張機能「Pylance」を発表 - 窓の杜 https://t.co/LiF0N4zrvw
— aidiary (@sylvan5) July 2, 2020
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grimrose7 · 5 years
aidiary(@sylvan5)さんがツイートしました: PyTorchによる発展ディープラーニング読んでるけどこの本いい!比較的、複雑なモデル(SSD、PSPNet、OpenPose、Self-Attention GAN、Efficient GAN、Transformer、BERT、3DCNN)がコード付きで解説されている。最近、音声ばかりやってて画像方面に疎かったので実装レベルで理解できて良い。 https://twitter.com/sylvan5/status/1199232614336352256?s=20
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Diary Entry #23: It's a Sick Day!
Today we swam so many laps I felt like my arms and legs were going to fall right off. I noticed more people stopping before I did though. Hm, I guess I've always been able to swim a little longer than others, even if I'm not as fast. I'm marking times down for myself so I can improve! I don't want to be left behind again. What else...ah! Earlier this week Senpai...ah, it's alright if I call him Rin when it's not out loud right? Rin was looking pretty tired and he went right to sleep when he got back to the room. I think he said goodnight but I can't be sure since it sounded pretty similar to his 'good morning'. It's hard when the grunts sound so similar (I'm still working on distinguishing them, I think I've almost got it). 
Anyway, he didn't wake up right away when it was time for classes and it worried me a little. He was sweating pretty bad so I felt his forehead really quick (thankfully he didn't wake up, he's always a bit grumpy in the morning). I didn't want him to get sick so I bought some orange juice and tea and left them in our room in case he wanted any. The next day it looked like the orange juice was a little lower but that was probably just my mind playing tricks on me. Rin didn't look much better the next couple of days either. I knew he was probably ignoring it to focus on swimming, he does that a lot. I admire his effort but sometimes he can be a bit stubborn. I figured I should take matters into my own hands. 
I went to the store after practice yesterday and talked to the clerk behind the medicine counter. I must've looked more worried than I was because she seemed to be taking pity on me as I described Rin's symptoms to her. Fever, won't keep his medicine down (thinking back, maybe I should've worded that differently), sore throat from his coughing (I was sure it must be hurting him), probably headaches (I'd seen him cringe a time or two). They were expensive but I figured better safe than sorry, plus then Rin could use them in the future if he wanted. I'd make sure he didn't know it was me, I've seen how he hates feeling like he owes someone something. She told me if he had trouble with them, taking a warm bath beforehand would help. I thought, ah, to relax the throat muscles.
I hurriedly took the bottle back to our room to place them on his bunk before practice started. He was already gone when I got there so I placed them next to his pillow. I thought for a second how they might be hard for Rin to swallow, as they were about an inch long and thick for a pill and flat on one end. I considered recommending a bath to him, but then he'd just be suspicious... 
I didn't quite understand at first why, when we returned, Rin saw the pills and upon reading the label began yelling about 'why the fuck is there Relpax here' and 'if this was someone's idea of a joke I'm gonna-' I kept quiet from my bunk. I didn't think it would be a good idea to tell him I was the one who bought them just then, he looked kind of scary.
I guess, it turns out those pills don't go in your throat.
I have yet to see him throw them out though, I think. Maybe he knows how expensive they are.
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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Neo rolls out of the cubicle, his eyes popping as he
fres right behind a cop who has just turned around. Staying crouched, he sneaks away down the row, shooting across the opening to the first office on the left.
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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And we’ll all float on, okay
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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Gx 2023
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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xaviergalatis · 8 months
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