#ahkmenrah fic
allmyocsarebritish · 2 months
A passion for exploration
(Known in my notes as ahkaeology)
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Pairing: Ahkmenrah X reader
Warnings(?): Grave robbing
A/N: okay okay I know it's really odd that a wednesday blog is now posting for natm but I went down a rabbit hole and I'm afraid I lost the entrance. History nerd has shown through well and truly :')
Also my first multi part fic :D
Title is courtesy of my mate Abi using AI
Ch 1
Grave robbing
Was desecrating the tombs of these once honoured, omnipotent kings of Egypt really something you were willing to do? Had the circumstances preceding the grave robbery been less bleak, the answer would have undoubtedly been an definitive no. These rulers commanded the uptmost respect in life, and here you were, excavating the only memory that remained. There wasn't a day that went by during your expedition in which guilt did not infiltrate your mind, suffocating your conscience and depriving you of any sleep, even before you came close to finding an ancient tomb. But it wasn't like you had any other choice.
Pushing down your gnawing feelings of dread, you trekked on through the Egyptian desert. Rough sand brushed against your lower legs beneath your simple, calf-length skirt, chafing at the skin. You were the only one of the troupe resigned to walking, as the youngest and the lowest class. Astride camels, the two men had a better view of the surrounding plains, though the blank, barren flats stretched on long beyond the horizon.
"The valley of the kings shan't be too far from this place" called Lord Carnarvon, map still in hand.
You held back a scoff, rolling your eyes as you knew he wasn't looking at you. If only he would admit none of you knew where you were going. The only clue you were given was that the gold rich landmark was announced by a grand pyramid at the end of a hollowed valley consisting of a multitude of others. What a shame that this was the Egyptian desert.
Filled with pyramids.
Days and days stretched on of travel, and eventually, you stopped counting the sunrises, resigning to the fact that this would only stop when the valley was found, however long that took.
As with most great things, the discovery of the valley occurred at a time when you least expected. You had taken advantage of a small oasis, resting for a few hours and permitting the camels an indulgent drink. Howard Carter dozed beside you, hat pulled low over his face, in order to shield his resting eyes from the blazing fire of the sun. Carnarvon had taken his liberty and ran off, or so you had hoped. No, in fact he was continuing the investigation alone and on foot, clutching a worn, shoddy map, which was twinged a grimey brown with years of filth accumulated around the edges of the paper. He never strayed far, though attempted to work out his bearings, using the wind or some pretentious bullshit you never bothered listening to. No, you were perfectly content drawing in the sand with a stick you had found and claimed an hour or so prior.
You were more than unimpressed when the sketches you had so tediously etched into the sand were scattered by Carnarvon sprinting back to the small camp. Jolted awake, Carter sat up sharply, alarm etched across his features.
"Blimey, good sir! You gave me quite the fright!" He exclaimed as you nodded in agreement.
"Are you alright?" You asked, though your eyes may have given away your disinterest (had either man been paying an ounce of attention).
"Shh!" Carnarvon interrupted your pleasant concern, to which you rolled your eyes and began attempting to recover your drawings. "Carter, good sir! I dare say I've found it. I've discovered the pyramid!"
A bold statement, and not the first time either. No, twice prior you had been dragged into the colossal ancient skyscrapers, only to find they were far from your true destination. Empty of any treasure or historical worth beyond the buildings themselves, you continued on, fruitless. Grand structures were quite an obvious goldmine, and previous grave robbers had left the tombs void of, well, anything.
Though of course, it was more than worth it to explore this fresh discovery, not taking any chances.
Time was of the essence, or so you were told. Camels saddled up in record time, you were hoisted up from your seat on the floor by Carter, borderline dragged up.
"Come, young Y/N, you heard his lordship. We may have found the Valley. Hurry on, now" his words were gentle, still treating you as he had done in your childhood, despite the fact you were now 19. It was something that you both appreciated and hated simultaneously. Howard was kind to you, much more so than Lord Carnarvon, who cared as little for you as you did for him. The mutual disinterested made for some long, awkward silences, and many threats to leave you in an unknown grave.
Still dragging you by the arm, Carter began to untie his camel, before finally letting go of you. The rush was honestly needless, you had been expeditioning for months at the least, what harm would a few mere minutes cause? But the men were adamant, and there was no arguing, especially not from a useless child as yourself.
"Can I at least keep my stick?"
Recieving no reply from Carnarvon and an incredulous stare from Carter, you concluded the answer was yes.
The journey from the oasis to the pyramid was shorter than anticipated, though still rather long. Another day passed, spent entirely wandering through the desert. Exhaustion washed over your entire body, and it was a war every minute to keep your eyes open. But, alas, you must continue, and eventually your trek drew to a close as with further examination, it became clear this pyramid was not what you were searching for.
Disappointment and rage filled Carnarvon upon the realisation that this was, in fact, not the Valley of the Gates of the Kings, but rather a singular, sandy pyramid. "Why, there must be some mistake!" He complained impetuantly, always one to shift blame elsewhere. You exchanged a look with Carter, who for once was willing to admit the incompetence of the troupe's leader. After all, what were the chances that a random pyramid would mark the infamous, esteemed valley?
From a distance it appeared mighty, though in fact that was more than likely a mirage caused by the monochromatic nature if the desert. Upon further examination, however, the pyramid was far from the grandeur anticipated by Carnarvon and Carter. Huge gashes and rifts in the brickwork jumped out from metres away. Crumbling brickwork was cratered, resembling a sponge with many holes, as dusty gravel avalanched down the sides of the architecture at every other interval. Overall it was worn and aged, therefore more likely to be looted and barren.
"I do say it's worth taking a look around, my lord." You spoke, addressing him clearly. Carnarvon waved his hand dismissively, wishing you out of his presence.
"Yes, yes. Go ahead child." Did you expect that? No. Did you need to be told twice? Also no. A small grin gracing your features, you took off into the pyramid.
Racing across the gravely surface of the desert, the sand provided a slight level of resistance. Nevertheless, you persevered onwards, stride refusing to falter. Basking in the glorious heat of the warm Egyptian sun's rays casting down on your face, you closed your eyes as you ran, chin tilted upwards. Naturally, this obscured your vision, rendering you blind, and therefore leading you to miss the gaping hole in the ground.
A short squeala of surprise passed your lips as you suddenly found yourself unexpectedly falling through the earth. The drop was rather long, and you landed in a heap on the floor of the dugout with a large thud. You weren't aware of how long you were unconscious, but judging by the severe lack of any source of light, sunset had passed. Pain shot through your body, coarsing through your veins and ricocheting off each of your bones in turn. Head pounding, you groaned slightly, trying to work out what in the hell just happened to you.
Darkness continued to fill the room, prompting you to fish within one of your pockets, pulling out a match and striking it aflame. The hidden chamber was large, that much you could tell even despite the dim lighting. Blinking twice as you began to, very slightly, register your surroundings, you noticed the sheer obscurity of this interior. You'd heard of the saying 'paintings that seemed to follow you around the room', but this gave a new meaning to those words.
No, wait.
Those paintings were moving, and not metaphorically. Eyes widening, you began to notice everything in the tomb writhing like a cluster of cobras. Onyx black cats prowled upon shelves, worn linen bandages slowly unfurling from being bound around each of their limbs. Animated drawings of men, deities and horses alike moved naturally, as though it were a perfectly normal occurrence. Shabti servants, the colour of oxidised copper and ranging from 5-30cm tall formed an army scattered throughout the tomb. Then, slowly, as though delaying the inevitable, your eyes trained upon it.
The sarcophagus.
Shuffling away rapidly, your back hit the decrepit wall of the hidden grave. The embodiment of terror plastered over your face, you watched in horror as the coffin began to violently shake. Your blood ran cold as bangs from the inside began to echo across the acoustic chamber. The rusted hinges were worn and flimsy, and the bolts began to unscrew from their holdings. Padlocks had become frail with ages and popped open, one almost smacking you square in the forehead, to which you responded with a short yelp. For a moment, all movement ceased, as though whatever was inside had begun to listen to the intruder in their grave. You took liberty of the fleeting moment, and began to craft a way out. The quiet was short lived, however, as, with one final, mighty heave, the final lock was broken.
The sarcophagus had been opened.
Your breath caught in your throat, the air thick and suffocating as you watched a wrapped hand emerge from the tomb. The coffin lid was ajar, though it didn't take much pushing to be removed almost entirely. Almost at once, the creatures residing in the grave marched forward, crowding their newly awoken master. Hidden in the shadows, you froze, hoping to remain unseen and ignored, and thus leaving unscathed. Soon enough Carter and Carnarvon were bound to find you?
A huge open grave couldn't be subtle, you only missed it as you eyes were closed. A stupid decision really, and you mentally cursed yourself.
You remained rooted to the spot on the freezing floor, as the reanimated corpse continued to rise from its grave. Surely this was an affect of your concussion; for all you knew this was just an unconscious dream. Besides, with all the travel in the desert, dehydration had undoubtedly left you delirious. It was at that split second of slight relaxation (if you could call it that) in which you spied the piles of treasure sloping at every corner of the tomb. What could you say - you were a grave robber. Carnarvon would be so proud - if you returned alive that was.
It began to claw at the ancient, frayed linen covering its face, causing your heart to race: it thumped so hard you swore you'd be given away. Praying you didn't go into cardiac arrest, you continued staring bug-eyed as the bandages unfurled in front of you, like the dramatic unveiling of an innovative new invention. Closing your eyes for the second time that day, you winced, raising your arms to shield your face from the horrors you were undoubtedly about to witness. Bile rose in your throat as your mouth drew dry. Images of rancid, rotting flesh peeling off bones flashed through your mind, prompting your whole body to tremble.
'I'm just delirious. Any moment now I'll open my eyes to be met with a chamber of riches.' You thought to yourself. Awoken mummies were the stuff of fairytales, and despite what Carnarvon and Carter believed, you were most certainly not a child.
Your internal monologue was cut short however, interrupted by the gentlest of touches placed on your arm. It prompted you to flinch away instantaneously, a soft whimper escaping. Eyes shooting open, you came face to face with the pharoah himself. And he was not what you had anticipated.
He wasn't the scary mummy you were expecting, he was a teenage kid.
Kind, cerulean eyes rimmed with a smoky black eyeliner stared into your own, azure oceans plagued with concern. Concern for you. Such a colour must have been pricelessly rare, sapphires amongst stones.
His golden, tanned hand had felt cold and lifeless against your arm, yet the heat it had radiated was electrifying, continuing to shoot jolts throughout your entire body. His skin was soft and smooth, betraying the fact that this royal had almost certainly never worked a day in his life.
Slightly unruly brown curls and a toned slender figure - he was actually rather cute.
"Are you alright? You seem a little... Lost?" He queried, to which you seemed unable to form a response.
"I- what.. who? What's going on?" You managed, stumbling over your words as your voice cracked slightly.
He gave a small smile, clearly sympathetic of your utter confusion, before gesturing at a golden tablet, as though that were supposed to help you in any way. Noting your expression of utter bewilderment, the undead Pharaoh elaborated.
"That's my tablet, blessed by Khonsu himself. It holds the power to awake the dead at night," he gestures to himself and the cats, who stared at you, blinking and unsure whether it would be safe for them to approach. Then, he pointed to the paintings in the walls and dragged his finger towards the mass of shabti dolls, both of which watched you with the same confusion. "Along with anything else resembling a life form that finds it's way into the presence of the tablet."
"Right." You answered, holding your head and still in shock.
"You needn't be afraid, you know. I'm not going to hurt you."
"Thank you, that is a relief." You swallowed thickly.
He hummed in response, smiling with an amused frown at the fact you feared him.
"So, who exactly are you?" You asked after a short yet not uncomfortable silence.
His lavish outfit betrayed the royal status he claimed in life, only accentuated by the Red Crown, or Deshret supporting a golden snake - the symbol of monarchy- resting atop his sarcophagus. Around his neck fastened a Usekh collar, adorned with teal and umber jewels and beads, and topped with golden accents. Sleeves of cloth draped over his arms, the fibres of the fabric woven with pure gold. The metallic shine of the element was evident in the chromatic sheen of the cape resting over the Pharoah's shoulders. At his waist there hung a Shendyt kilt, fastened with a cloth belt, also elaborately decorated. Beautiful gold jewellery decorated his figure, your eyes drawn in particular to the stunning gold bracelet cuffs he supported on either wrist, encrusted with gemstones, potentially aquamarine or topaz. Once again your attention was drawn to his face.
"I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king. And you are...?"
Stunned into silence for a moment by the regality of the ancient king before you, you blinked and paused briefly before answering.
"Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"So, Y/N, what are you doing in my grave?" Ahkmenrah asked you, barely trying to surpress an amused smile. Your cheeks flushed as you tried to form a lie. This ruler seemed nice, and regardless, you couldn't exactly tell him you were intent on raiding his tomb for riches.
"It was an accident. Really, it was. I was running, and, well, I wasn't exactly looking where I was going."
"Clearly." He smirked. "Why were you in the desert though? Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but you don't appear to be Egyptian."
"What? Oh, no I'm not. I'm English. I came out in an expedition with two other men; Lord Carnarvon and Carter. They're archaeologists." You winced at the manufactured truth. It wasn't entirely a lie, that was what the men claimed to be. Though all your troupe really planned to accomplish was glorified tomb-raiding, a fact that made you sick.
"And they left you here?" Ahkmenrah questioned incredulously, unable to fathom why on earth they would abandon you like this.
"Well, no. Not exactly. They allowed me to go check out the pyramid about 10 yards south, but, as o said, I fell down a hole." You blushed again, this time due to your own stupidity and clumsiness. This was not how to earn the respect of an esteemed king.
Ahkmenrah frowned. "So how long have you been down here?"
"Uh. I don't actually know, I was unconscious for a short time. Or possibly a long time, that I'm not sure of either."
Concern once again crossed the young Pharoah's face. "You poor thing! Are you alright? You're not concussed, are you?"
"Probably." You shrugged, further alarming him.
The next few hours were spent talking to Ahk, discussing everything from the legal affairs of ancient Egypt to the cats that accompanied him in his tomb. Over the course of the night, the two of you had grown closer, both in terms of friendship and literal distance. Most of the other inhabitants of the grave had deemed you safe, returning to their regular routine, and the most curious of the mummified cats, an (aptly) Egyptian mau apparently named Tivali, had become rather taken to you. Eventually, the exhaustion of the day had caught up with you, and you slumped against Ahk's shoulder. Revelling in his presence, contentment washed over you as, for the first time on your quest, you relaxed, finally at ease. Perhaps it was delirium, but in your sleepy state you swore you felt his fingertips grace against your cheek, the ghost of his lips pressing gently against your temple.
"Sleep well, my dear."
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natmsearch · 18 days
Tablet Theory: The exhibits don't actually get their historical figure's personality and memories, they get what the person who created them believes those memories and personality to be (or the more needlessly complicated but poetic version: they take on what museum visitors believe about them). This would only affect exhibits who were created by someone else, so it wouldn't apply to Ahk and his family (or Rexy/the other animals, but we wouldn't be able to tell either way).
This is how Teddy, who irl apparently said some fucked up things about Native Americans, was able to fall in love with Sacagawea. It could mean that mummy!Kahmunrah is more chill than wax statue!Kahmunrah. It could also solve the potential paradox of museum exhibits knowing things about themselves/their time periods that historians don't know (just ignore the end of NATM 1. It's my bedtime) and then sharing that with random people during the night program.
The way I'm explaining it being canonically stated (in the books I think) that the exhibits take on the memories and personalities of their irl counterparts is that that's from the perspective of Larry/Nick, who don't know that it's not quite right.
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kittylover776 · 2 months
Random Thought:
I once read a fic where Nick is accidentally shrunken by the tablet to make him Jed and Octavius’ size, so what if Ahk allows Teddy, Wea, Atilla, and the rest of the gang to be miniatures for the night so their small companions can show them around their exhibits? I’m sure the two would be more than happy to give them a tour. It would also allow the bigger gang to experience what it’s like being small, and what the pros and cons of it are.
It’d be kinda adorable, tbh.
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pineapple-coffee · 11 months
Do you think Ahkmenrah was ever slightly jealous (or even saddened) that Nick got the chance to grow up? Do you think it pained Ahk to see Nick live this life that he never got to live? Nick grows older, starts his life, while Ahk is forever young, never aging a day. Ahk is always happy for Nick, of course, but he can’t deny that a part of him will forever long for the life he was robbed of.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 7 months
Will the Blood Be There in the Morning? - Whumptober2023
But for days like today, he didn’t need a date to remember. He didn’t need to read a board or for someone to inform him, he knew that today was the day he died.
He could tell in the rising sickness, rippling through his stomach and leaving that thick, sharply sweet feeling of nausea in his throat. It was the screaming sensation in his bones telling him something was wrong, different in his reanimated corpse tonight. The scar across his back didn’t hurt exactly, not tingly or weeping, yet at least, but he could certainly say that he was more aware of it right now than he usually was.
Ahkmenrah experiences his death again.
For day 13 of @whumptober . Also on AO3, inspired by a post here on tumblr that I can't find but spoke about the exhibits experiencing their deaths. If anyone can find it for me then I'd greatly appreciate it.
Words: 4066
Ahkmenrah stood overlooking his sarcophygus with a sick feeling in his stomach. Rising bile despite the fact that his gall bladder had been removed with his liver, held by Ismeti and part of the many artifacts of his that were stored, but he couldn’t have. He often wondered if they too were restored to how they’d been when he was alive each night, or stayed dead considering they’d been removed from his body. Or they could just magically return to his body, they hadn’t been removed when he’d been alive so if he was truly how he was then, in body at least, not spirit, then surely they’d be there. He’d never ventured to the records department to find out. 
Sometimes the passage of time, and the different calenders used in the modern day, made it hard to remember exact dates from his previous life. His birthday, when his parents had died, when he was crowned Pharaoh, when he died. If it wasn’t for the historians finding old records and translating them into the modern day, he wouldn’t be able to trust himself to remember much at all. 
He was the only actual human exhibit in the entire museum, he wondered if that meant his memories were more or less vibrant than the likes of say, Teddy, who could recount tales all night long, but openly admitted to the fact that they didn’t feel like his. Ahkmenrah couldn’t really get his head around that idea. His memories were his after all, so the idea of remembering something, but knowing it was all fake, made him feel even more sick to his stomach.
But for days like today, he didn’t need a date to remember. He didn’t need to read a board or for someone to inform him, he knew that today was the day he died. 
He could tell in the rising sickness, rippling through his stomach and leaving that thick, sharply sweet feeling of nausea in his throat. It was the screaming sensation in his bones telling him something was wrong, different in his reanimated corpse tonight. The scar across his back didn’t hurt exactly, not tingly or weeping, yet at least, but he could certainly say that he was more aware of it right now than he usually was.
This night was one of the few nights that he’d appreciated being locked away for fifty years in his saarcophygus. Seeing people, when you were literally dying, was a little hard to muster. Especially with how gruesome his death would get, he should know, he experienced it every year. Also, people didn’t get concerned over his screams like they would do now, his screams were normal after all. And they left him alone, something he wanted tonight but didn’t exactly get. If he ever isolated himself too much, someone would always try to find him, not a desired outcome when you’re trying not to vomit on your own blood. Not good.
“Ahk, you alright?” That was Larry, he had absolutely no idea about what was happening right now. He didn’t want him to find out. It was far too much for even the other exhibits, much less a mortal man who hadn’t yet experienced death. 
He swallowed the rising bile, the main event wouldn’t start for a few hours, he could handle things for a few hours. “I will be,” He said, turning to him with a half-smile.
“Great, come on, there’s a red moon tonight.”
A blood moon, how ironic.
The exhibits were loitering outside the front door of the museum when he and Ahkmenrah joined them. Teddy seemed the most interest, gazing through a pair of binoculars Larry had brought in after reading the news when he woke up. Some of the others were braving the cold, others were watching from windows inside, such as Sacagawea. He’d expected her to be out here but she’d claimed that she felt under the weather, something he didn’t think museum exhibits could do but every day was a school day, he guessed. 
He turned to Ahk, and saw the goosebumps on his arms. He supposed ornate robes made for the egyptian desert weren’t the most suitable for New York in December. He stepped over to him, still unsure about where they were when it came to what they were, and rubbed his arms. That small smile he gave him shot butterflies through him.
“The egyptian had a lunar calendar, right?” Larry asked. 
“In the beginning, yes, but by the time I was Pharoah, we had a solar one.”
His gaze was solely on the sky. Did he miss it, during all those years locked away in his sarcophygus? Did he blame himself or did he hate the old guards who did it to him? He wanted to ask him about it but was far too worried it was a sensitive subject to try. 
“How did that work?” He opted for instead.
“We had four seasons each 120 days, with three months of thirty days in them, and five holy days at the end.” 
He said it like it was simple, like he was asking him what grass was. Larry couldn’t help but feel jealous that he, all the exhibits in fact, understood an entirely different time than he did, remembered as their own. Was it like remembering their childhood? Distant and fuzzy? Or was it vibrant, held in place by the knowledge that you could never return there and it be the same again.
“Makes sense, more than ours does in comparison,” he said.
“You can image my confusion when I first learnt the new one,”
New one. It wasn’t new to Larry. Nor to many of the other exhibits in the museum. They weren’t four-thousand years old, though. 
“It’s strange how the moon doesn’t change, isn’t it?” Larry said. 
The red light radiated from the celestial figure but couldn’t break through the shield of artificial lighting made by the City that Never Sleeps. He wondered how it looked over the sand dunes and monuments of Ancient Egypt, or the forests when Sacagawea was forced to lead Lewis and Clarke, or after a battle when the red covering your weapon shimmered under the dark reflection. It was daunting and comforting to know that these things were ancient. He had something in common with all his friends, but it also reminded him that they were never meant to be here.
Ahkmenrah didn’t respond. When he turned to him, he saw his eyes closed and jaw tense. His usually tanned skin seemed dull, as if the sun had gone in on a sunny day. His hands clenched his robes with a grip so tight it almost drained the blood from his hands. It made Larry wonder how close to life Ahkmenrah was, if the blood was reall draining from his face or if he was just feeling the effects. Whatever it was, he couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault. 
“Sorry, what is something I said?”
He moved closer and wrapped his arms around him as he began to fail. His feel stumbled, moving through the snow covered stairs and slipping on the layer of ice underneath. His body was strangely light as he lent into his arms. 
“You alright?” He said. “Is something going around? Sac was acting the same way earlier?”
Teddy turned around at the mention of her name. A wave of seriousness came across his face. It spread to the others as they looked between him and where Ahkmenrah was faint in his arms.
“It’s not something spreading, Lawrence.” He spoke with experience, as if this was something prepared or expected, like he was supposed to know. 
He walked closer and removed his fake leather gloves. Placing the back of his hand on Ahkmenrah’s forehead, he began to explain without looking at Larry. 
“Every year we’ve come to life we have to experience our deaths again, like a price to pay for our strange sort of eternal life that’s brought about from the tablet.”
Larry went from keeping his eyes locked on Ahkmenrah to darting to Teddy. Ahk gulped and stood up, not looking any better but taking deep, shaky breaths as he tried to ground himself. 
“That’s why Sacagawea is indisposed at the moment, I did offer to accompany her but she prefers to be alone on this day,” Teddy looked at the ground.
Ahkmenrah gulped again, hands clenched at his sides. “It’s a hard day, Larry, to be reminded of everything you had and will never have again, despite being reminded of it every day.”
Larry had no idea what to expect. He’d researched most of them when he’d first started, their deaths being at the end of whatever article or book he read. He’d never given it a second thought, their deaths. To him, they were maniquins, mostly, exhibits in a museum given a weird chance at immortality. After realising how Teddy felt about being a fake Theodore Roosevelt, he learnt not to prod any of them too much as the details about their life, and how it affected their not-death. 
“So this is how you’ll be all night? Weak and waiting for-” He didn’t say death, because it wasn’t, not really, not if it was an annual thing. 
“A death that will never be real?” He finished. 
Larry nodded. 
“Yes, except this isn’t it, at least for me.”
The others turned to him. His usual ingrained confidence had disappeared. All his energy seemed to be going into keeping himself standing and coherent.
“My death had two parts, each by my brother Kahmunrah,” He said.
Those who’d been sent to the Smithsonian reacted accordingly. It was strange to think how they could be related, Larry had done subsequent research and seen the theories that he could’ve been a bastard son, born of Ahkmenrah’s father and a concubine. He hadn’t asked what Ahkenrah thought or knew of that theory, he didn’t think that conversation would go very well.
“I should’ve suspected that he was trying to kill me for a while. I wasn’t king for awfully long, not the decades like my father, and he was always at my side, advising and pretending. I should’ve known that he was actually trying to get close enough to kill me.”
He closed his eyes and bit his lips. For a moment, he shook in the wind, weak as a feather. Larry placed a hand on his back again. 
“He tried to poison my breakfast, but must have not put enough in, because while I fell ill, yes, I didn’t drop down dead immediately. So I lay down, and a little while later, he came up to ‘check on me’. He didn’t make his presence known so could catch me off guard and-”
He didn’t finish the sentence butturned and lifted the extravagant cape out of the way. None of them had looked at his back before, why would they, but they could tell now that there was a reason that Ahkmenrah wore his over-the-top clothes that was more than just ‘it was what he was buried in’. A raised, angry scar took up most of his otherwise smooth back. It wasn’t just a stab wound, which would be bad enough, Kahmunrah had lost control and not just stabbed his brother, but carved an Ankh symbol into his body. A wave of nausea came over Larry, he pushed it down.
“He plunged his blade into my back, all the air left my body, I couldn’t fight him off, he was always taller than me. I knew I was going to die then, I knew why I’d felt ill that morning. And it only got worse, he spoke of him being the rightful heir, of me being the favourite and him helping me along even more and making sure I stayed dead by carving the Ankh symbol into my back. The key of life, rather ironic I know, but used by us Egyptian on-”
“Tombs.” Larry finished. 
Ahkmenrah dropped the cape and nodded. He didn’t turn around however. His body stumbling again, faltering, probably regaining composure, he was always polite and formal. Larry approached him, hands going on his shoulders then down his his sides. As he pondered if it was appropriate to touch him back, Ahk let out a raw gasp. It crackled and croaked, pain in just a sound as he fell forward, only not faceplanting because Larry forgot all etiquette and grabbed him around the waist to stop him. 
Larry settled his arms under his arms, feeling all his body pressing into him as he lost more and more of that spark in his eyes, his tan skin not glowing but dull. 
“Come on, Ahk, let’s get you somewhere comfortable,” He had no idea where but he would find somewhere. 
“But that can’t be comfortable-”
“Sarcophygus, please.” 
They met eyes, Larry nodded and shifted Ahk so he wasn’t fully weighing down one shoulder. As he adjusted his arm, his hand brushed his back again. Red coated his fingertips as he saw a glimpse of his hand. Blood. 
Ahkmenrah had noticed this too and his sickly face froze, startled. “It’s already started.”
Enough explaining. Teddy opened the door as Larry and Ahkmenrah hobbled toward the elevator. His breathing was getting heavier as he tried not to pant. Every few steps his feet would falter, slipping on the varnished floor. Larry kept gripping his side tighter and tighter, his shoulder aching as he took more of his weight on. 
The elevator jolted as it travelled upwards. Luckily his exhibit was near by, and private. Even though the museum had known for a few years now that Ahkmenrah wasn’t the crazed Pharaoh that they were led to believe, he guessed some habits died hard, bad choice of words considering the situation, and most people still didn’t linger too much in the corridor. Either that or the intimidating Anubis statues guarding the entrance that still gave everyone at least a harsh look when they walked past. 
By the time the elevator arrived at their floor, Ahkmenrah was stumbling with every step. Larry could see red splotches on his cape as they raced toward privacy. He didn’t mention this, Ahkmenrah probably didn’t need him to do this. With every step, that scar on his back was opening up, his face becoming sullen, eyes unfocused as he tried to concentrate on moving and not collapsing in the empty hallway. Did he feel the blade too or just the agony of his flesh being ripped apart?
The Anubis guards rose their weapons to separate Larry from Ahkmenrah, immortally protective of their Pharaoh. Ahkmenrah managed to wave a hand and they turned their weapons from them to the entrance, not exactly pointing them at anyone who could walk past but making it evident that here was not somewhere you were going to linger tonight. 
“Here, Larry, please.” 
How could he remain so polite even when he was literally dying?
They both collapsed gently onto the harsh stone floor. Ahk slipped from Larry’s shoulder to rest on his torso, giving up on controlling his breathing as he panted. Larry took his hand in his as clenched his eyes closed. There would be blood on his uniform, something he’d have to explain to Dr McPhee in the morning if he saw. Although, would it even be there in the morning, considering Ahkmenrah would go back to being a 4000 year old mummified corpse by then?
Larry didn’t say anything. There was too much going on already, too much in the air for him to add to. He could feel Ahkmenrah’s pain in the air as he opened his eyes again, his breathing not pants but slow and shallow. His body sunk more and more onto him, Larry became more and more aware of how solid the floor was, felt its cold leaching through his clothes and into his skin. The only thing he felt sure of was how tight Ahk held onto his hand, as if it was his only lifeline in a tumultuous ocean.
“Just focus on that, okay?” He said in a whisper.
All Ahkmenrah could do was nod. He’d deteriorated so fast, what was he expecting from that severe of a wound? Yet he didn’t have any experience when it came to wounds, or blood, or dying. Larry was seriously underqualified for this. Just another skill he’d have to learn for this job, it was strange how he both didn’t mind that, if it meant comforting someone he cared about, and wanted to run in the opposite direction. 
“Do you want me to say anything?”
Ahkmenrah nodded, again. He closed his eyes again, the skin around them crinkling as he tensed. Larry saw crimson sinking into his uniform, mixing with the grey to create a sticky burgundy. It stuck to his fingers, his palms flashing bright against his pale skin.
“Nick’s enjoying high school-” 
That was all he could think about, Nick had wanted to come tonight, but he had a lot of homework to do over the Christmas break that was more important than hanging out here on a Monday night. Larry was glad he and Erica had both put their foot down, this was too much for anyone, let alone a kid. 
He turned back to Ahk to finish his sentence when he jolted up. His next breath came out wet as blood spurted from his mouth, dribbling up and bubbling as he tried to get in any air through the pain. They met eyes, there was a pleading look in them as Larry went to wipe it away or say something, he carried on with his sentence. 
“He’s-he’s um still got some of his friends from middle school so there wasn’t too much of a jump,” He didn’t want to ignore the fact that he was holding someone currently bleeding to death, but Ahkmenrah trying not to choke on his own blood was an image permemantly seared into his brain. “He’s joined a computer club, I think it’s for games or coding them or something, I’ve never been good with computers, really.”
Ahk’s hand weakened in his. His eyes glazed over occasionally as he tried to focus on him and his words, he didn’t care if he wasn’t taking any of this in. 
“Not that I don’t like video games, I went to the arcade when I was a kid.” He said. “But the ones Nicky plays are just far too confusing for a guy who’s used to Space Invaders and Pacman.”
He realised, through the confusion and fear, that Ahkmenrah didn’t know what he was on about “I’ll have to show you sometime, there’s a place in Brooklyn that has a bunch of old arcade games, I took Nick there one day on my day off and it was satisfying when I was better than him, don’t tell him that.”
Ahk’s head slipped from his torso and rested on the stone below them. The blood was trickling from his chin, down his neck and marking his expensive outfit with fresh red. He could see the wound through his clothes now, wet to the touch and even heavier than before. 
Larry tried to turn him around, his body getting harder and harder to lift as he got weaker and weaker. The whites were rimmed red as tears fell down his face and mixed with the blood stuck to his face, watering it down and causing more to fall down his neck. If this is what he like now, how had he managed this every year he’d been locked away? Had he screamed more than usual? Would it have even been worth it?
He wiped one away as he let out a mix between a sob and a cry. More blood spurted out. His hands were cold now, as Larry gripped them both in his and secured him on his shoulder, running his thumb through his short hair. His eyes kept drifting shut, not clenched from pain as they had earlier. This was it, wasn’t it? 
He knew better than to admit that his shoulder was starting to ache from where Ahk was slumped on him. It was all of his weight now. His body relaxing as he gave into whatever happened when an already dead Pharaoh died again. 
There was blood everywhere, in places he didn’t think it could reach. Covering both hands, most of his uniform and his pants. It pooled in the grout between the stone slabs on the floor, dyed Ahk’s robes scarlet and wiped his skin like paint. 
His breathing got croakier, ripping and scratching as the blood stopped bubbling from his lips and dried on them as they cracked. He looked down at how much of his blood was oozing out of him, not flowing like before, and whined, how did he deserve such a gruesome death? 
Larry tilted his head with one hand and made sure that he couldn’t miss his gaze. If he was dying, reliving his last moments, he’d rather he not look at the evidence of his own pain. 
“La-larry-” Ahk croaked out, a whisper and a plead all at once.
“I know, just focus on me,” He wished this was over, and felt guilt ripple through when he did. “Not much longer okay, then you’ll wake up tomorrow night and this will all be a dream, okay?”
He nodded. His brown eyes flicked as he took in all his facial features. A distant haze creeping in from both sides as any parts of his body that still had some strength in them gave in. 
“And this won’t happen for another year. The eclipse will be there tomorrow and you can tell me all about whatever you can remember about Ancient Egyptian astrology like it’s common knowledge, because you’re smart and sarcastic and passionate and don’t, didn’t, deserve this pain.”
He couldn’t even nod anymore as he stopped looking in his eyes and sank onto his shoulder. Like he was turning into a liquid, he melted down his body. A few more shallow breaths came out of his mouth before the final death rattle, something he’d never actually heard before because he was lucky enough that his parents were still both alive. His eyes were bland and still. Hands flopped lifelessly across his lap as he moved him back into his sarcophygus, something a lot harder than usual as all his body seemed three times more heavy. 
This wasn’t how he should’ve been remembered. He realised that he hadn’t even had the graces of a comforting face in his last moments, probably just his brother towering over him as he waited for the crown to become his. The blood covering him, scarring and painting him not as elegant as he prided himself in being. Skin not soft and dazzling like it seemed to be all the time. He closed his eyes for him.
He couldn’t look for too long, however, it still was the dead body of the person he loved. Museum exhibit or not, that was hard for anyone to bear. Moving everything back into place, he nodded at the Anubis guards and waited for them to move back to their places before leaving to give the others the news. 
There was a trail of blood as he trudged back to the others. He didn’t think he could take that elevator again for a few days, not with everything fresh and new in his mind. Although he wished not to feel this, he also didn’t want to get used to seeing Ahkmenrah like that, considering that was going to happen every year the tablet was here. 
Other exhibits moved past and around him. Sun sparkled through the window as dawn broke. How long had he been in there? It hadn’t felt like long but had evidently been all night. 
He looked over the balcony and saw most of the others waiting by the desk. All he could so was nod as he moved on autopilot to do his end of shift tasks. Did they feel guilt knowing what Ahk had to go through every year he was locked up there, alone? 
The answer didn’t truly matter, though, the question dwarfed by another as he heard it ringing and echoing like bells in the distant. Would the blood disappear when the sun fully came up?
This is my kind of whump. Blood, death, all that good stuff. Like I said, this idea wasn't mine, I just expanded on my interpretation of it. Thanks for reading! @whumptober-archive
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ya-so-im-here · 1 year
Did I Make You Blush?
Writer: Me, I have it published under my Wattpad account TheNinjaOfCake22
Fandom: Night at the Museum
Ship: Larry Daley x Ahkmenrah
Word Count: 3026
Link: https://www.wattpad.com/1317572968-larry-x-ahkmenrah-one-shot-s-tabletguardians-did-i
It had been a couple months now since both Larry and Ahkmenrah confessed their feelings to one another and since they started dating officially. The coupling hadn't came with any surprise from their friends within the museum as many had nearly or were quite certain that the two had deeper feelings for one another. So when it was revealed it was a mixture of "congratulations" and "about time."
  With the new formal pair dating, not too much had change ultimately.   Larry was still subtle with his affections as he was before when he was hinting at his feelings towards the pharaoh, and Ahkmenrah was about as obvious as ever, though it could be argued that he always was so obvious, trying to express his feelings towards the night guard even back before when Larry often overlooked his affections not noticing them.  
  Though now Larry was much more aware of the Pharaoh's flirts and affections, but ultimately those affections weren't reciprocated at least not in the manner of which Ahk would have preferred and he was having just about enough of it.
  Larry was in the main lobby of the museum as was common as the majority of the exhibits preferred the grand openness of it compared to their displays. Ahkmenrah had come down from his room to find his boyfriend talking with Jed, Octavius, and Dexter around Rexy's stand. The night was young and there was already trouble for Larry to help mend.
  "We've talked about this guys. What else are you to expect, it's not like he's a horse" stated Larry looking down at the three of them.
   "We don't need any more horses Gigantor, we need a battle ready mount" shouted out Jed
   "Why? what battle are you going into?" asked the night guard perplexed by the situation.
   "In case we need one of course. The last time we had a battle here we didn't have a battle ready mount and it would have come in handy." answered Jed strongly
   "Don't you have the car?"
  "Car just ain't the same" responded Jed taking his hat off in what appeared to be disappointment
  "He's right Larry, a car doesn't strike as much fear in the hearts of our enemies as a wild capuchin monkey does" added Octavius gently patting Jed's shoulder in a form of comfort. Larry simply looked down at the two then looked over at Dexter who had his signature monkey half smile that he often had.
  "Don't act like you're free from this conversation either" added Larry pointing at the monkey, who responded by sitting down and lowering his head a little. "You guy's couldn't work this out on your own?" the night guard asked placing a hand on his hip and the other rubbing the bridge of his nose.
  "We did try, but he wasn't cooperating" explained Jed pointing at the capuchin to which Dexter responded with a high pitched chirp of what appeared to be deviance.
  "Well you can't just saddle up your friends and ride them into battle, specifically if there is no battle to ride into and also if they said no in the first place."
  "Larry I don't think you understand. It was for training for when the situation arrives." explained Octavius
  "Precisely Gigantor, we know there ain't no battle to ride into, death ready and at our sides. But we have to train and prepare ourselves so that we can go out in a blaze of glory when our time arrives" elaborated Jed with keenness and flare in his eyes. Larry simply signed unknowing how to handle the situation.
  "Besides if he didn't want us to all he had to do was ask." stated Octavius "He didn't have to run rambid and destroy our cities" added Octavius, it was now Jed's turn to pat his shoulder comfortably.
  "Yeah, that's not cool Dex. You know we have to fix that before morning." exclaimed Larry, pointing a finger at the capuchin who responded once again with his own monkey noises "No. Destroying things isn't the solution, just as saddling up Dexter isn't a solution either" he added pointing the direction back to the to minis.
  It was around this point in the conversation that Ahkmenrah had made it down the stairs and towards Larry's side. The pharaoh took the opportunity to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's waist utterly distracting the night guard as well as their friends.
  "What sort of mischief is happening here" cooed Ahk quietly in Larry's ear instantly getting a flush of rose colored blush to lightly cover his cheeks, from the sudden presence from his boyfriend.
  "Ooooh, Gigantor's gettin all blushie" teased Jed as he broke into a roarious laughter and using Octavius' shoulder for balance. Even Dexter began to laugh at Larry expense.
  "Not much" stated Larry wriggling himself free from Ahk's arms "Just trying to settle the ordeal of Jed and Oct thinking they need a battle ready mount and the fact that Dexter rampaged throughout their displays."   Larry's blush had died down from the sudden excitement from his boyfriend's close presence to a form of bothered embarrassment.
  "Oh" mumbled Ahkmenrah as he took a step back from Larry and his joyous smile dwindled. "Well simple." stated the Pharaoh as he went forth and addressed the three before him "Dexter, you must help them fix their cities, since you destroyed them. As for Jedidiah and Octavius, if you want a battle ready mount, discuss it beforehand with Dexter before attempting it. Perhaps you can work out an agreement like civilized adults." he declared formally.
  "You got it, captain" saluted Jed with a flare of dramatics that was equal to Octavius' "Of course you're majesty." Which was rivaled by Dexter's own primate response.
  Ahkmenrah then took that as his time to leave, just as Larry was about to turn around and face him, his boyfriend was already beginning his ascend up the stairs. To where Larry presumed was back into Ahk's room. Larry sighed feeling defeated as he realized he had made a mistake and definitely needed to fix it.
  "Ah yes, unappreciated affections. Definitely an issue that could lead to further issues" proclaimed Teddy as he and Texas rode up to Larry's side.
   "Thanks. I really needed to hear that" remarked the night guard.
  "Indeed you did Laurence.  You've never been the openly affectionate type, especially with actions and touch. However, our dear pharaoh is just that. Affectionate with actions and touch." elaborated the past president.
    "I know. It's not that I don't want to be, but I'm working. It feels wrong to be openly flirting when I'm in the middle of doing my job and trying to fix things." explained Larry
  "Perhaps it be best that you talk to your partner about this. It's something you both need to agree on and see eye-to-eye on to avoid the awkward situations like the one that just unfolded before us."
   "It was awkward" He asked meekly
  "Yes it was" stated Teddy.
  "Mhm" remarked Attila making his presence and his awareness of the situation known as he was talking with Sacajawea just a few feet over from the two.
   "Well great" mumbled Larry in further more embarrassment.
  "I suggest my dear boy, go and talk to him" smiled Teddy warmly and gently grabbing Larry's shoulder in support. Larry nodded in agreement, as he made his way towards his boyfriend with a ping of guilt in his stomach.
    Larry arrived to the opening of Ahkmenrah's room with both of the jackals standing guard as was their constant duty to their pharaoh. Sitting on his sarcophagus was Ahkmenrah himself, he looked down and sad as he sat their to himself. Larry's guilt ten folded just upon seeing his boyfriend in such a state and the knowing he caused it only worsened it.
  "Ahk?" he called out gently as it echoed through the room, reaching his boyfriend's ears. Ahk turned around and faced Larry, his saddened face was worse now that Larry could see it fully. "I'm so sorry" exclaimed the nigh guard as he quickly made it to the other man's side, and grabbing his hand firmly in his own.  "I shouldn't have been so cold with you" he apologized wholeheartedly.
  "I just don't understand why it is you refuse my affections. You know I like flirting with you, it's one of the ways I show I love you, and yet you refuse them and knock them down any chance you get" explained Ahk, he was sad but his voice was also of annoyance and mild anger.
   "I know. And I knew this when we started dating, I thought I would get over it, but I can't help it-"
   "Why can't you help it? what about me is making my endearments rejectable?" asked Ahkmenrah.
  "No, no. They're not rejectable, it's simply I feel..." Larry paused, exhaled lightly then explained "I just feel embarrassed and awkward" Ahk looked at him, and Larry swore he looked even more hurt then before.
   "Oh. I wasn't trying to embarrass you, they were supposed to be sweet" stifled Ahk's response.
  "Wait no, I mean it's because I'm working. Technically it's my job to help everyone, and settle conflicts that arise. But then you act all flirtatious and I get all flustered and my face flushes. I never expected to fall in love with you so much, but I did and every time your sweet or flirty with me. I turn into a mess and I don't want to be a mess of emotions when I'm trying to solve problems within the museum." clarified Larry as he held tight to his boyfriend's hand to ensure him he meant every word and that he did deeply love the affections and flirtings.
  Ahkmenrah looked up at his boyfriend with a sparkle in his eye "So, the only reason you've rejected my affections is because I make you flustered?" questioned the pharaoh as he tightened his own grip on Larry's hand and smirked at him mischievously.
  "Y-yes" he stuttered in response, as his cheeks began to become lightly flushed once again as Ahk's other hand trailed along Larry's arm, gently and coyly.  Larry's shoulders tightened as he felt his face begin to heat up from the rather swift change in Ahk's mood and actions.
  Ahk softly lifted up Larry's hand towards his face placing a caressing kiss on the other man's knuckle, shivers trailed along Larry's spine from the contact of his boyfriend's lips on his hand. Ahkmenrah smiled archly at he watched his actions slowly unravel his boyfriend's adamant exterior from just his gently touch.
  Larry attempted to uphold his composure, but he was becoming flushed and flustered from each and every touch that the Pharaoh was giving him, he wasn't even sure how he was supposed to react. He felt stiff but also like mush, as though a gentle tab and he would fall over from the attention.
    "Ahk- Ahkmenrah..." he mumbled as his partner gently folded back one of his sleeves and left soft gentle kisses along his arm. Larry blush had spread out towards his ears as they too became engulfed in a crimson shade. Ahkmenrah gave Larry's hand one last gentle kiss before looking up at his boyfriend with the same flirtatious smile.
  "What's this?" whispered Ahkmenrah amorously as he leaned in close to Larry's ear "Did I make you blush?" Larry never felt his face grow to be this hot before now, he knew he was certainly as red as a tomato. Though unlike before he didn't wriggle away he felt utterly frozen and enthralled in his boyfriend's flirtatious manner.
  Ahkmenrah moved closer to his boyfriend, letting go of his hand and now moving it behind his head, allowing him to kiss gently by Larry's ear as he whispered sweet nothings into his ear, as the flush on Larry's face grew ten times what it was back within the lobby.
  Larry felt he may utterly fall apart from the touch and whispers from his partner as he leaned into each touch that was gifted to him, his arms covered in chills and his face flushed and flustered. He enjoyed each touch, but felt utterly flustered nonetheless he couldn't elaborate on why but Ahk's affections possessed a powerful reaction on him he fell into each and every time.
  Ahkmenrah coyly pulled away from his boyfriend, locking eyes with him. "Perhaps you'll be less flustered if you don't reject my affections"? he teased, Larry went to reply but was interrupted by a swift and sweet kiss, now he had to swear his face couldn't get any redder then this. "I won't flirt too much when you're in problem solving mode, however when you aren't I intend to keep up my antics whether you become flustered or not" allured the Pharaoh charmingly.
  Larry smiled back, still feeling flustered but also utterly in love with the man beside him, "I would have it no other way" he stated as he leaned in a reciprocated the kiss.  
  "Well well well, so this is why you went on and skedaddled away from us, so you can get all close and personal with your man" teased Jed, he and Octavius were saddled upon Dexter's back in a makeshift saddle resembling both the Cowboys and Romans.
  "So I see you figured it all out" exclaimed Ahk excitedly as he rested his chin on Larry's shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist.
  "We did indeed." stated Octavius, "We discussed out a plan, every week Dexter will allow us to train him to be our battle ready mount, and in exchange once every week we will aid him in is endeavors to cause mayhem for you" explained the Roman proudly.
  "Great, now I'll have you the pharaoh over here to do that" teased Larry as he gently turned his head and kissed Ahkmenrah's forehead.  
  "At that you will" whispered Ahkmenrah back, as he leaned in further into Larry's shoulder.
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ancientpersacom · 1 month
You found family mfs are gonna LOVE this chapter.
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flintlock333 · 2 years
Ahk: sitting in a corner and drawing pictures of Larry
Larry: walks in “Hey Ahk whatcha doing?”
Ahk: Throws sketch book “UUHH WEED”
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
Finally got Who Waits Forever Anyway? updated! I have to give a lot of thanks to @hawthorne-spengler-stantz, your comments gave me the motivation to get back into writing this one, and I actually managed to put a pretty good chapter together!
Next chapter will be the moment we've all been waiting for, and the end of NATM 3... but there's more of this story still to come ;)
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bmoshh · 1 year
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cherriesbabyartblog · 2 months
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queenie-official · 1 year
I don’t know about you guys but:
Fics that include other characters from that show/movie and it feels like your actually living in the show/movie>>>>>
(especially when all the characters are on point and they get all their little quirks and dialogue patterns right)
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woo-lesbeano · 1 year
Uh uh? I may have just spent the last three days power writing a 12,000 word Night at the Museum / Polar Express crossover fanfiction? 
It may be the stupidest thing I have ever written, but if you want to read something Christmas / Holiday themed tonight, maybe consider checking it out: 
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Thinking It's about time I get back into some writing.... It's been FAR too long..
Does anyone have any requests? Y'all know what I write usually, but if you pull my leg enough, I'll try writing for anything!
I'll try and update some of my WIPs too, but wanna dip my toes in first sorry!
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sweetcookie500 · 1 year
POV - You don’t know what a ‘Choke Strap’ is in Cowboy Slang:
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In other words new chapter is out!!! FINALLY!!!
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rudolphsb9 · 1 year
I'm having midnight thoughts about Kahmunrah something fierce like he loves and despises his brother at the same time and in equal measure.
And also he wanted so badly for so long to be chosen for SOMETHING for once and it never occurs to him for Ahkmenrah to be the one to make that choice.
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