#ahhhh i lov these socks
divinebunni · 1 year
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christmas ready ~
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nimikyu · 7 years
henlo naughty best friend it's lots of questions time ! snowball, spots, shadow, tabitha, bandit, marshmallow, socks, pepper, gozer, princess, mack, willie, spooky, xerxes, saint purrtrick, ms fortune, guy furry, and sassy fran ! lov u
ask me neko atsume themed questions!
hi paige ur the real mvp ily thank u
snowball: what is an activity that makes you happy? okay this is gonna be real sappy but lately hanging out with my friends and just talking to them has made me really happy and in a good state of mind lately?? good shit
spots: what never fails to make you laugh? this and this ffdsf
shadow: share an interesting fact about you! I’ve been playing pokemon games for like. the past 9 or so years now and I am deeply invested in the franchise lmao
tabitha: talk about one of your favorite pastimes! I love drawing a lot!! even when it is frustrating, sometimes stuff comes out real good and it’s really satisfying!! also I love learning new stuff to make myself better at it snd I really hope I can make it into a career!!
bandit: what is the strangest thing you’ve ever done? slurpy egg, probably
marshmallow: what’s your favorite thing to drink in the winter? it’s so basic but that like. instant hot chocolate?? it’s a winter staple in my house lmao
socks: where would you like to visit and what would you do there? I actually kinda wanna go to san diego again?? I want to have another family vacation there, we used to do it yearly until my uncle died and I just… really miss the beach and the sand crabs and the atmosphere lmao
pepper: do you like meeting new people? yeah!! sometimes it’s nerve-wracking and I leave a bad first impression but part of what makes college fun for me is that I get to know a lotta people!!
gozer: talk about something you’re good at! I’m really good at loving on and crying over my friends ocs ffdsf I love them all
princess: what do you find most beautiful in life? uh oh sappy again,, anyway I think good wholesome friendships make my life brighter every day and frankly?? it’s a beautiful feeling to have people actually there for u and who treat u like a person and it’s not something I’m ever gonna deprive myself of again haha
mack: name one goal you’d like to accoplish this week! I wanna get my ass in gear and study for my summer class!! I think I’ve gotten the Good Student ball rolling again, my goal is to keep it rolling lmao
willie: what’s your favorite form of expression? I really love art as a form of expression for myself! I like most creative outlets they’re all really cool to me ffdsf
spooky: talk about a time you wish you spoke up. the only thing that comes to mind is an Ongoing Situation which I will not go into but I will say that I just need to grow a backbone and speak up even if it’ll hake her hate me lol
xerxes: what is your most prized posession? alright it’s an even way split between the fluffy pink charm paige made me, the porcelain cup maddie got me for my bday, and my space 3ds xl lmao
saint purrtrick: talk about someone/something that inspires you! I have a lot of things that inspire me be it artists or music and I have no idea where to start with this one but!! I love all my friends creations and there’s something that varies in each that inspire me ahhhh!!
ms fortune: are you easily charmed by others? romantically? nah. platonically? absolutely ffdsf I’m real weak to nice ppl
guy furry: what’s your favorite food? i love sushi a lot!!! milkshakes probablu count as a beverage but I’m putting it down here anyway bc the craving Never Ends
sassy fran: talk about something you find cute! also a basic answer but like… boba tea?? esp the ones that they make it look like a lil plant in dirt on ur drink with mint and crushed oreos??? it’s a fave ahhhh!!
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smileybud · 7 years
I was tagged by my boi @undergroundloser
name: Allison
nickname: Allie, al
gender: female
star sign: gemini
birthday: June 2
relationship status: single ahhhh
pets: 2 cute kitties who I love w/ all my heart
height: 5′4"
favorite color(s): light blue!
average amount of sleep: usually 6ish
lucky number(s): 147
last thing i googled: “neutrogena light mask activator hack”
number of blankets i sleep with: 2
met a celebrity: I wish
favorite fictional character: hmmm prob a Wes Anderson character even tho they cliche maybe Suzy bishop
favorite book: I haven’t read for pleasure in 5ever idek
favorite band/artist(s): musicals & shit idek indie bs song stuck in my head right now: you don’t know me - idk who it’s by but it was on my pandora I’m wreckd
last movie i watched: cafe society I was disappointed
last tv show i watched: I’m watching David Blaine idk the name o te show
last song i listened to: ??
dream trip: europe!
dream job: some type o cinematographer or director or photographer
what i’m wearing right now: sushi socks, jeans, stripes turtle neck, grandpa cardigan
time right now: 10:37
what do you post about: aesthetic stuff & gay stuff & my dumb thoughts tht rnt good enough or r too long or personal 4 twittr but I wanna remember them still & memes
any other blogs: nah I tried once and it lasted 3 hrs
when did your blog peak: I sure hope it hasn’t peaked bc it’s v lame
why did you choose your url: it was free idk I’m smiley and a bud
lemonade or iced tea: lemonade
cats or dogs: Equality™
coke or pepsi: idc
day or night: day…except lights at night I lov
call or text: text
makeup or natural: idc
light or dark hair: dark
shorter or taller: taller
intelligence or attraction: intelligence
city or country: city but I’m conflicted
I tag: @kitschykiddo @cobain-and-coffee
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